Rover Strike: The Spider Cartel Episode 4: Wild Wild East By Gerhard Naudé All Road Rovers names © Warner Brothers and rightful owners All Rover Strike names © Gerhard Naudé Any question, comments, complaints, feedback or suggestions can be sent to Briefing Room Road Rover Mission Control United States Of America 11 June 7:00 PM: It is early morning in the briefing room. At the table, all of the papers and files have been neatly ordered and stacked. Merit, in a deactivated state, is sitting in one of the chairs by the table. There is a yawn coming from one of the doors. Striker walks in, his paw over his muzzle and stretching his other arm. He is wearing a robe with the belt tied around his waist. Once he stops yawning, he looks at Merit and walks over to him. He pushes the activation button and Merit springs to life. Merit:"Systems activated." Striker:"Goeie morning, Merit." Striker goes over to the kitchen area of the room and takes out a coffee cup. As he goes towards the coffee machine, Merit stands up and walks to the kitchen area as well. Merit:"Initiating reply:'Good morning'." Striker smiles and shakes his head. Striker:"Merit, you don't need to say 'initiating reply'. You can just say 'good morning'." Merit:"Code change accepted." Striker puts his cup under the coffee tap and pushes a button. Warm coffee is pumped into his cup. Meanwhile, Merit goes to a wall plug and opens his toolkit. A rod with a plug appears and plugs into the wall. Merit:"Initiating power recharging process." Striker takes his cup, now full of steaming hot coffee and puts it on the counter. He turns for the fridge. Striker:"What did you find amongst those files, Merit?" Merit:"My scans of the papers reveal no information regarding the loca- tion of the individual Antonio Vega nor of the Mayhem Mercenaries that is already known to us." Striker opens the fridge and takes out some milk before closing the fridge. Striker:"Nothing, Merit?" Merit:"Zero." Striker sighs and pours some milk into his coffee. He then puts the milk back into fridge, then takes some sugar and puts in about two teaspoons into his coffee. Striker:"That is unfortunate. Alex and I were rather interested in knowning what Vega is going to do after the Octo Cartel's fall." Merit:"I do have some information that I found rather unusual." Striker takes his coffee and takes a sip of it. He then turns to Merit. Striker:"Oh? Wat is it?" Merit:"The Octo Cartel never had posession of the plutonium core, despite the fact that they were the ones who had purchased the device and requested its subsiquent detonation in Paris." Striker immediately stops drinking coffee and looks surprised at Merit. Striker:"Merit, wat are you telling me here?" Merit:"I am telling that the Octo Cartel never had posession of the plutonium core, despite the fact that they were the ones who had purchased..." Striker shakes his head and holds his paw out as a stop gesture. Striker:"Wag, Merit." He puts the coffee down on the kitchen counter, pulls closer a chair and sits down on it. He looks at Merit. Striker:"Give me a full report of you found regarding what you have told me just now. From the beginning." Merit:"Accepted. Two months ago the Octo Cartel was contacted by the global illicit drug trade cartel, the Spider Cartel, regarding the purchase of highly advanced laboratory-grade medical equip- ment from the Octo Cartel by the Spider Cartel. Shanghai Hwong, instead of accepting money, wanted the destabilisation of the China Sea region to improve their foothold in several countries, including Korea, Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines and mainland China. This was agreed upon that a nuclear device would be traded for the medical equipment. The Spider Cartel had the device stolen by the Mayhem Mercenaries, with Antonio Vega as observer for the Spider Cartel. Once the device was secured, Hwong was impressed by the performance of the mercenaries and requested the detonation of the device in Paris to initiate the war between North and South Korea. Once the explosion and war took place, the trade was completed and the medical equipment was transferred to the Spider Cartel's control. Further information regarding this relationship between the cartel are not available from the current files." Striker is silent for a moment, taking everything in while taking another sip of his coffee. Striker:"So, what you are telling me is that it is actually the Spider Cartel that was behind the crisis." Merit:"That would be incorrect. The Octo Cartel is fully responsible. The Spider Cartel just completed the requirements of the trade." Striker:"I suppose, but this does mean they are responsible for the theft of the device and detonating it on behalf of the Octo Cartel." Merit:"Partly, but most of the charges are traced back to Hwong's requests and orders." Striker nods again, then is silent for a moment. Striker:"But, that leaves one large question: Why did the Spider Cartel trade a nuclear device worth a fortune; financially, militarily and politically; for some medical equipment?" Merit:"I found that confusing to my systems as well." Striker:"Did the files say where the medical equipment was sent to?" Merit:"Negative." Striker:"Is there a location we can follow?" Merit:"Affirmative. All communication to and from the Spider Cartel was made from a governmental computer." Striker:"Governmental?" Merit:"Correct." Striker:"Which government?" Merit:"The broad-based government in Kabul, Afghanistan." Striker raises an eyebrow. Striker:"Afghanistan?" Merit:"Correct." Striker rubs his chin, then downs his coffee before speaking. Striker:"Perhaps we should investigate this link between the Octo and the Spider Cartels and find out why the trade of a nuclear device for medical equipment took place." He stands up and puts his mug into the sink. He then looks at Merit. Striker:"Do you have important operations to carry out within the next few days, Merit?" Merit:"None whose priority is higher than that of a mission, if that is what you are suggesting." Striker:"Goed. Just be available to leave when I say so. I'm going to have a word with the Master about this." Merit:"Affirmative." Striker walks away from the kitchen to one of the doorways and goes out of the room. Merit scans the dirty mug, then stands up and proceeds to wash it. Command Complex 7:47 AM: The command complex is a circular room with dozens of computers, screens, terminals and controls. In the centre of the room is a pillar-like structure with a single doorway. Bright light is coming from the doorway, bathing the Master who is standing there. Striker is standing before him and has just told what Merit told him. The Master thinks about it before speaking. Master:"So you think we should follow up on this lead, Striker?" Striker:"Ja, Master. The nuclear core/medical equipment deal is bother- ing me and I would like to find out what the Spider Cartel wants it for." Master:"So do I. While the case is officially closed, this deal is quite curious. But what does the government of Afghanistan have to do with it?" Striker:"I don't know, but I think that I might be able to find out if you would let us go to Kabul and investigate." The Master thinks for a while more, then nods. Master:"I agree. You and your team will be going to Afghanistan today?" Striker:"Not my entire team, though. Most of them are tired from the recent events and I want them to rest." Master:"Oh? Who won't be going?" Striker:"Tanarus and Elexis want to spend the day together, so to speak. As does Alex and Vicki. Corsair is going out to Seattle to visit his friends for a LAN and to go to his parents' graves. Phoenix is going out with Colleen and Abrigale to the beach to join the other females having a small party there for a couple of days." Master:"I see. What about Shephard and Merit?" Striker:"Merit is going, and Shephard would never pass a change to go on mission. Unless he is busy eating, that is, but he will be going along." Master:"Won't you be lacking some needed skills during your mission?" Striker:"Not really. We are going to make an open investigation and if we need some help I can request it from the Afghan government." Master:"I see, but just in case I want you to take a new cadet along on this mission if you want." Striker:"Ja, I suppose we can. We are not going to do anything serious. Wat is his name?" Master:"His name is Tybalt Merc. You will find him in his room in the eastern residence wing." Striker:"Reg, I will go and inform him that he will be going with us." Master:"Very well. Now, go to Afghanistan and see what you can dig up over there. Maybe there might be something more with this recent incident than meets the eye." Striker:"Ja, Master. We will leave in the hour." Master:"Good luck." Striker salutes and turns to leave. The Master then calls his attention. Master:"Oh, by the way..." Striker stops and turns to the Master. Master:"Hubert says that he and the work crews have begun building that new Rover vehicle you requested." Striker:"Ah. That is goeie nuus. When should it be ready?" Master:"If all goes well, no more than one month." Striker:"Goed. I look forward to seeing it." Master:"I'm sure you will find it a great addition to your unit." Striker nods and smiles, then leaves the room. Afghan Government Complex Kabul Afghanistan 12 June 9:04 AM: This is a large, walled complex consisting of several buildings. Most of the buildings are riddled with bullet holes and the lawn still has traces of bomb craters in them. All around the complex are Afghan soldiers armed with AK-47s on guard duty or patrols. At the parking lot in front of the main building most of the vehicles are pickups and minibusses. One of the vehicles is the Rhino, parked near the entrace of the main building. President's Office Main Governmetal Building 9:06 AM: The office is a simple one with a desk, some chairs, a few paintings and some curtains. Seated in chairs by the desk is Striker, Shephard and Tybalt, which Merit stands behind them. Tybalt is a rough collie cano- sapien who stands at 7 feet 1, has black fur and eyes and white shoulder- length hair. He is wearing the standard Road Rover armor. Striker looks at Tybalt. Striker:"You all reg?" Tybalt nods and speaks with an American accent. Tybalt:"Okay, sir. It's just that I'm keen on getting into a fight sooner or later." Shephard:"Heh. I think I might like this one, sir." Striker:"Wel, just be patient. We first need to talk here with the Afghan president." Just then the only door leading into the room opens and in steps the current Afghan president: Hamid Karzai. They all stand up for him as he closes the door. He smiles at them. Karzai:"No, please. Sit down." Striker:"Ja, Meneer Karzai." They sit down as Karzai goes behind his desk and sits down. He looks up at the Rovers. Karzai:"It is a pleasure to meet some of the famous Road Rovers. What honour do we have of you visit to Afghanistan?" Striker:"I take it you know about the recent events in Paris and Korea?" Karzai:"Yes, I do. We Afghans have been through worse, but it still a very terrible shame. Destroying so many lives for petty crime. Why do you ask?" Striker:"We are following up some of the connections the Octo Cartel had with other organizations. In particular the Spider Cartel." Karzai stops smiling and frowns. Karzai:"The Spider Cartel? You certain?" Striker:"Ja, Meneer Karzai. Is there something wrong?" Karzai:"I suppose you traced one of their transmissions to one of our computer systems, correct?" Striker and the others are surprised by this. Striker:"Ja, but how did you know?" Karzai:"Simple. You are looking at the head of a government whose entire treasury funds is from the Spider Cartel." The Rovers are now truly surprised. Striker is about to speak, but Karzai holds up a hand to stop him. Karzai:"Perhaps it would be best for me to explain this, from the very beginning." Striker:"That would be best, Meneer Karzai." Karzai takes a deep breath, then begins to speak. Karzai:"After the fall of the Taliban regime, our government was having difficulties in running Afghanistan. We did not have the money to rebuilding despite promises of aid, and the warlords were becoming very restless. Our country was at the point of going to back to post-Soviet anarchy. Then a representive of the Spider Cartel came to us and offered to aid us by giving needed funds and making sure that the warlords don't start fighting again. In exchange, they wanted control of all of the poppy fields in Afghanistan and to build factories to process the poppies into opium. We were desperate at that time, so we agreed. We now get nearly 90 percent of our revenue from the Spider Cartel, and they are bribing the local warlords and tribal chiefs, thus keeping things rather stable in Afghanistan." Tybalt:"But that's illegal. The opium wrecks lives werever it is sent out." Karzai:"I know, but sadly farmers and their familes depend on the fields for their livelihoods and we need the money from the cartel or else Afghanistan will collapse into bloodshed that will cost even more lives." Tybalt:"Bummer, that sucks." Striker:"I can see your dilemma, but isn't your government recieving enough aid from the United Nations?" Karzai:"I'm afraid not. All those promises of aid were forgotten once the Taliban left and without cartel funding we would be broke and unable to repair and rebuild the infrastructure of Afghanistan." Striker:"Meaning that your country is pretty much in the hands of the cartel." Karzai:"Basically, yes, but they don't run it. They pay us to keep their opium production and processing operational and away from any anti-drug agencies like the American DEA. They also pay the warlords and tribal chiefs from fighting amongst themselves or against us." Tybalt:"But isn't war and lack of government good for cartel business in this part of the world?" Karzai:"Not if it lead to another Taliban government. The Taliban wanted nothing to do with the cartel and its operations in Afghanistan and during those years there were frequent clashes and skirmishes between the Taliban army and the Spider Cartel security forces, with the Taliban being on the losing side most of the time." Striker:"Probably because the Spider Cartel had better weaponry?" Karzai:"Partly, yes, but mainly due to the fact that most of the Taliban fighters had their faith placed more in money that the teachings of the Koran. Nowadays, a large portion of the cartel's forces in Afghanistan are former Taliban members bought with drug money." Tybalt:"Simple rule the world over: money talks." Karzai:"And that was indeed true with the Taliban." Striker thinks for a moment, then speaks. Striker:"I can see the agreements you have with the cartel, but at this stage I cannot really offer any solutions to have them removed without having Afghanistan collapse again, Meneer Karzai." Karzai:"That is all right. As soon as Afghanistan is economically and politically secure, we will have this scourge removed, but until then we must do what the cartel wants." Striker:"I suppose we should leave this situation in the hands of time for now. At any rate, my unit's objective is information gathering and not to combat the cartel. Could you tell us what the cartel did on this computer, Meneer Karzai?" Karzai:"Transmissions back and forth to their associates in the Octo Cartel, mainly about the business deal they had going on before the Korean war." Striker:"Can you give us details?" Karzai shakes his head. Karzai:"No, I'm afraid I cannot. The cartel operative who worked at the computer erased any traces of data of the transmissions just before the Paris explosion. I can give you location of where you might be able to find him." He opens a drawer in the desk and digs around. After a while he produces a map of Afghanistan and a pen. He opens the map and makes a circle on the map. Karzai:"There. That is the location of the cartel's main administration complex, not far from Mazar-e-Sharif." Striker takes the map. Striker:"Dankie, Meneer Karzai. We appreciate it." Karzai:"It is my pleasure. However, I must warn you that the cartel has eyes and ears everywhere and will not take your intrusion in the business lightly." As Karzai talks, Merit looks towards the door leading out of the office. He spots through the door, which is slightly open, a figure quickly disappearing. Merit:"Highly unusual behaviour." He turns back to the group, who have stood up and shaking hands of fare- well. Administrator's Office Cartel Drug Administration Building 10 Kilometres East of Mazar-e-Sharif 9:56 AM: This a lavishly decorated office with expensive carpeting, desks and chairs, curtains and paintings. Potted plants stand in the corner while the window looks out over a large complex of factories and greenhouses. The walls have wooden boards and the door has fancy carvings into it. On the desk is a computer along the usual papers, pen holders, name tag, telephone, etc. The administrator is sitting behind his desk enjoying a smoke while two figures are in front of his desk. One is seated in his chair, while next to him stands a very tall figure who is completely covered by a robe. The figure sitting in the chair to the Afghan administrator, is Carlos Peru. Carlos:"I trust everything is going according to plan, senyor Nabdullah?" Nabdullah:"I can assure you that all traces of the dealings have been erased and that all the officials are being closely watched. If they speak to any anti-drug agents, my informants will tell me and I will remove those agents." Carlos:"Excellent, senyor. You certainly have proven yourself useful since the days of being the Taliban governor in Mazar." Nabdullah:"It was either that or being executed by the heathen Northern Alliance." Carlos:"That is none of concern. What is our concern is that operations run smoothly, and that is why you are here." Nabdullah:"And that is what I will take care with the maximum efficiency and the minimum interfere..." The phone on the desk begins to ring. Nabdullah:"Excuse me for a moment." Carlos nods and Nabdullah picks up the reciever, then answers. Nabdullah:"Yes?... More informants on their way?.... No one saw you?.... Excellent, Wahiri. I... What?... They're what?... Are you drunk?... Yes... Yes, I see... Don't worry. We will take care them, regardless of whom they are... Good." Nabdullah puts the reciever back in its place, then dials a number and picks it up again. Nabdullah:"Akkubar?... Yes, its Nabdullah. Take your men and kill four agents leaving Kabul on the road to Mazar-e-Sharif... Yes, they are driving a black American jeep... They must killed... Yes, and ignore what they look like... I'm serious, yes... Very well. Good luck." He puts the reciever back in its place and turns back to Carlos. Carlos:"'What they look like'. What did you mean by that, senyor?" Nabdullah:"My informant tells me the agents are two dogs, one American soldier and a robot." Carlos' eyes widen and he sits up straight. Carlos:"Did he say which organization they belong to?" Nabdullah:"He didn't discover the name, but he does tell that their insignia is that of a dog's head in a star." Carlos bangs his fist in anger on the table, startling Nabdullah. Carlos:"Caramba! The Road Rovers!" Nabdullah:"Road Rovers?" Carlos:"Si! The Road Rovers! They are the most dangerous form of law enforcement there is! They destoyed our operations in Colombia two years ago!" Nabdullah:"Have no fear. I've ordered my men to go in and destroy these infidels and to shoot them like the dogs they are." Carlos looks sceptically at Nabdullah. Carlos:"I doubt those men will even be able to put a scratch on those Road Rovers, Nabdullah." Carlos looks at the figure next to him. Carlos:"You ready for more enjoyment, Turwar?" There is a low snarl coming from beneath the cloak. This startles Nabdullah again. Nabdullah:"Forgive me for asking... but who is this Turwar?" Carlos:"Show him, Turwar." Turwar snarls again and turns to Nabdullah. He removes the robe over his head. Nabdullah's face pales and he shrinks back into his chair. Nabdullah:"Allah protect me!" Carlos grins. Main Road 1 Kilometer From Mazar-e-Sharif 10:31 AM: This is a tarred road with several potholes leading from Mazar-e- Sharif not far off. It runs amongst brush and rocky countrysides. Along the road are several old tank wrecks, dating to the days of the Soviet invasion. The Rhino is driving on the road away from the town. Striker is driving with Tybalt in the seat next to him, while Merit and Shephard are in the back. Striker:"Where are you from, recruit?" Tybalt:"Central US, sir. I live on a farm in that part of the country." Striker:"And what do you do there?" Tybalt:"Heard sheep, chase away intruders and play around with my family. Sometimes they take me into town to do some stunts at the country fair they hold." Stirker:"Do you enjoy being a Road Rover?" Tybalt:"Sure do, sir. I love it, especially now that I have a girlfriend too." Striker":"That is goed to hear, recruit. What is her name?" Tybalt:"Thunder, sir." Striker:"Ah, ja. Phoenix told me about her. She is nice, né?" Tybalt:"Very nice, sir. I love all those plushies she has." Shephard then taps on Striker's shoulder. Shephard:"Hate to interrupt, sir, but we got contacts behind us." Striker:"Who?" Shephard:"Three tactical pickups, followed a dirtbike. Shall we get our guns ready?" Striker thinks for a moment, then pushes a button that brings up the window shutters. Striker:"Keep them at hand, but do not take them out. The vehicles might not be hostile and we don't to trigger an international incident in ths country." They all nod and hold their weapons on their laps. Behind the Rhino, three pickups with machine guns mounted on the back are closing it. The pickups are manned and driven by Afghans wearing black clothing and white turbans. Some of them are armed with Kalashnikovs. In the distance, a lone dirtbike is also closing in, its driver dressed in black and wearing a black helmet. Tybalt looks into the rearview mirror and sees the Afghans' clothing. Tybalt:"You know, those guys' getup look like that the Taliban used to wear." Shephard turns and looks out behind at the pickups, which are rapidly moving closer to the Rhino. Shephard:"The recruit's right, sir. Those Afghans are dressed up like the Taliban." Striker:"I was afraid of that. Karzai did warn us that many ex-Taliban fighters now work for the Spider Cartel. Get ready." They all nod grimly. The three pickups reach the Rhino. One drives faster and right in front of the Rhino, the second one getting onto the side of the Rhino and the third right behind it. As this happens, the men manning the first and second pickup's machine guns turn and take aim on the Rhino and open fire. The bullets bounce off the armored sides of the Rhino. Striker immediately turns and the Rhino goes off the road. He then puts his foot down on the accelerator and the Rhino quickly speeds past the two pickups back onto the road. The four pickups also speed up as they set chase to the Rhino. Tybalt looks at Striker. Tybalt:"Do we take out our guns now, sir?" Striker:"Not yet, recruit. We will first see how many we can off our sterte before we commit our guns." He pushes a button on the dashboard. The disc-shooter on the rear of the Rhino appears and fires several mines at the pickups. Two of the pickups swerve out of the mines' way, but the mines strike the third pickup behind the first two. The explosions send the pickup barrelling through the air, sending its passangers flying off into the dirt. It crashes along the side of the road. Tybalt whistles at the sight. Tybalt:"Wow. I need one of these babies." Striker:"Not as effective as I was hoping for." He looks down at the dashboard for another button to push, then suddenly he looks up and his eyes widen. Striker:"Ai yai yai. More serious trouble." Everyone else looks ahead too. Blocking the road ahead of them is a barrier of barrels and burning tires. Behind the barrier are two T-50 tanks, two more pickups and a truck full of Afghan soldiers. The tanks have their barrels aimed at the Rhino. Striker quickly swerves the Rhino off the road into the brush-covered fields. Just then one of the tanks fire. The shell misses the Rhino and explodes behind it. One of the pursuing pickups drives into the crater left by the shell and tips over onto its side. The two pickups and the truck take off into the fields after the Rhino, joining the one surviving pickup. A few moments later, the dirtbike follows suit. The other tank turns its turret to the Rhino and fires. The shell explodes right behind the Rhino. Inside the Rhino, everyone is holding as they thrown about by the bumpy ride. Tybalt:"Man, this is wild stuff! I'm glad I'm a Road Rover!" Shephard:"I'm beginning to like this recruit. He should do well." The Rhino smashes through a fence which has a sign written in Afghan by it. Striker looks into the rearview at Merit. Striker:"Merit, wat did that sign read?" Merit:"It said 'Danger! Minefield!" Tybalt's eyes widen as Striker pushes a button. Behind them, the three pickups and the truck also go through the fence. A few seconds later, the dirtbike also goes through into the field. Tybalt:"Minefield? Did he say minefield?" Striker:"Ja, and we are going to drive through it." Tybalt looks in shock at Striker. Tybalt:"What?!" He looks back at Shephard, who is quite calm though trying to hang on to his seat. Tybalt:"He's joking, right? Right?!" Shephard:"During a situation like this I've never seen him make jokes." Tybalt's facial fur turns white and he cowers into his seat, covering his eyes and praying. Behind there is a loud explosion as one pickup strikes a mine and is thrown onto its side in front of another pickup. The second pickup smashes right into the overturned pickup and both vehicles explode. The third one also strikes a mine and is blown straight up into the air. The truck immediately stops, its driver realising what is going on. The dirtbike, however, speeds past the truck and continues into the field Meanwhile the Rhino breaks through another fence and Striker pushes the same button again, then another to open the shutters. Striker:"Daarsy. We are out of the minefield and we have shaken off our pursuiers." Tybalt opens his eyes and breathes a sigh of relief. His fur colour immediately returns to normal. He then looks at Striker. Tybalt:"Sir! That was nuts! We could have been blown to pieces!" Striker:"Nee, we would have not, recruit." Tybalt:"How?! How could we have gotten through like that?!" Striker:"The Rhino is equiped with a electronic aura device that will render landmines inactivate within a radius of the Rhino. I turned it on." Tybalt groans and collapses into his seat again. Shephard watches him, then looks at Striker. Shephard:"You know, sir, that would be a great way to break in newbie Rovers." Striker:"I thought the same thing myself, Shephard. Come on, let's get back to the road and keep an eye open for any more hostiles." Shephard:"Yes, sir." Merit:"Task accepted." The Rhino speeds on through the fields back towards the road. Behind them, the dirtbike appears from the field and is closing in. As the Rhino gets back onto the road again, Shephard looks behind them and spots the dirtbike. Shephard:"Hey, sir. That bike is still behind us." Striker, surprised, looks up into his rearview and sees the dirtbike closing in on them really quickly. Striker:"How did he get through the minefield?" Tybalt:"Perhaps he was lucky?" The dirtbike draws up alongside the Rhino on Striker's side and the rider looks at him. He then takes out something. That something is quickly revealed to be a retractable knife. Merit makes a scan. Merit:"That motorcycle driver is Ozzy Del Figulo." Striker and Shephard look surprised at each other. Striker, Shephard:"Ozzy?" Tybalt is confused. Tybalt:"Who's Ozzy?" Ozari reads their lips and realizes what they are calling him. He lifts his visor and shouts at them. Ozari:"The name is...!" Suddenly Ozari's dirtbike smashes into the wreckage of an old BRMP tank and is thrown into the air. He screams, arms flailing as he flies some distance into the back of a donkey-drawn wagon full of rotten fruit. As the Rhino passes the wagon, Ozari is climbing out while being beaten with a thin stick by the wagon driver, who is busy shouting at him in Afghan. Tybalt looks at Striker. Tybalt:"What did Ozzy want, sir?" Striker shrugs. Striker:"Nothing important, recruit." Tybalt:"Oh. Okay." The Rhino speeds on, leaving Ozari struggling with the angry Afghan. Administrator's Office Cartel Drug Administration Building 10:46 AM: Carlos, Nabdullah and Turwar are still here. Carlos is still talking with Nabdullah (who keeps passing nervous glances at Turwar). The phone rigns again and Nabdullah answers. Nabdullah:"Yes?.... Ah, Akkubar. Have you..." Nabdullah suddenly stands up, his face in anger. Nabdullah:"WHAT?! They escaped??? How?... The minefield?... What do you take me for? A fool? No one could have gotten through the minefield like that!... You imcompetent idiot! What am I paying you for?!" He slams the reciever down on the phone. Carlos:"I take it your men failed to stop the Road Rovers, senyor?" Nabdullah looks back at Carlos, his nervousness returning. Nabdullah:"I... I will send all my fighters after those Road Rovers..." Carlos holds up his hand to silence Nabdullah. Carlos:"Not this time, senyor. Allow those Road Rovers to come here and Turwar will take care them." Turwar makes a low growl which makes Nabdullah jump in fright. Front Courtyard Cartel Drug Administration Building 10:59 AM: The front courtyard of the large, white-walled building has only a few hardy bushes and a crude parking lot in it. The flag of Afghanistan and the Spider Cartel is flying above the building. The building is surrounded by a high wall and at the entrance is a guard hut and a barrier. Afghan soldiers can be seen everywhere, though they are dressed in predominantly brown and white. Several pickups and sedans are parked in the courtyard while a commercial helicopter sits on a helipad on the roof. The road leading to Mazar-e-Sharif runs past the building. In the distance, the Rhino has stopped and everyone has climbed out. Striker, Shephard and Tybalt are looking at the building with binoculars while Merit is scan- ning it. Tybalt:"Some serious-looking opposition over there." Shephard:"You think they might be hostile, sir?" Striker:"I cannot honestly say, but after what happened back there I would not be surprised if they open fire on us." Shephard lowers his binoculars and looks at Striker. Shephard:"What is our plan of action, sir?" Striker lowers his binoculars, still looking at the building. Tybalt does the same and looks at Striker. Tybalt:"Yeah. When do we fight, sir?" Striker looks at the two. Striker:"I don't know. I first need a report from Merit." Merit:"A vehicle is leaving the location and is coming in our general direction." The others quickly look into their binoculars. They spot a single pickup driving from the compound towards them. Tybalt:"Did they spot us?" Striker:"Looks like it, recruit." Shephard:"They don't look like they're eager for a fight as I see it." Merit:"Your observation is correct. I cannot detect any signs of beha- viour that would be hostile or aggresive." Striker:"What about weapons, Merit?" Merit:"They are equipped with Kalashnikov rifles and pistols, but all of the weapons have their safety systems activated." Tybalt:"Maybe they want to talk?" Shephard:"I hope not. I'd rather get into a shooting match." They all lower their binoculars and put them away. Striker:"Let us first see what they want. I would like to avoid any form of conflict if we can." Tybalt:"And if we can't, sir?" Striker:"Then fire at will." Tybalt grins, as does Shephard. Tybalt:"I like that idea." They watch as the pickup drives up and stops a short distance. The men all climb off, but keep their rifles lowered. One of the men walks to- wards the Rovers. It is Nabdullah. He smiles nerviously at them. Nabdullah:"Greetings and welcome to Afghanistan. You must be the famous Road Rovers." Striker:"Ja, we are. And you are...?" Nabdullah:"I am Administrator Nabdullah. I run the offices of the Spider Cartel AAA, that is Afghanistan Agricultural Administration. I am pleased to have met you, for we have troubles that require assistance from fighters such as you." Striker raises an eyebrow. Striker:"Troubles?" Nabdullah:"Yes. A large portion of our security force were former members of the Taliban. A few days ago those fighters rebelled and began to terrorize the local farmers and conduct acts of banditry. Now I fear they might attack this compound. Would you please add us in repelling these infidels?" Striker thinks for a moment, then pulls his team off to one side. Striker:"Wat do you all think?" Merit:"I find his request acceptable. We must keep the infrastructure intact and repair any damages rendered upon it." Striker rolls his eyes. Shephard:"Personally, I find his story is a bit too strange, sir. We got attacked by ex-Taliban soldiers who failed to stop us and now their 'former' employers tell us this?" Tybalt:"Yeah, and we heard what Hamid said about the cartel's business here, sir." Striker:"I'm also sceptical about his request. Unfortunately, I cannot tell if he is telling the truth or not. I have been trained to examine a person's eyes to see if he is telling the truth." Tybalt:"And, sir?" Striker:"His eyes show that he appears to be telling the truth. Maar that could also mean that he is an expert liar." Shephard:"So what do we do, sir?" Striker looks at Nabdullah, then back at his team. Striker:"We will go along with him, but on the terms that we keep our weapons in case we need to fight. And keep your eyes open. If you spot the faintest hint of treachery, then prepare for a battle. Merit will keep a continious scan for any hostiles while we are in the compound." Tybalt and Shephard nod. Merit:"Task recieved." Striker walks back to Nabdullah. Striker:"We accept your request. On the grounds that we can keep our guns with us at all times." Nabdullah frowns a bit, then quickly resumes his smile. Nabdullah:"Yes, yes of course. You can take all the weapons you need with you. Now, follow me and my men back to the compound and I will further explain our situation." Striker nods and turns to signal his team, then they climb into the Rhino. Nabdullah does the same with his men. Once everyone is in their vehicles, the pickups turns and drives to the compound, followed then by the Rhino. Lobby Cartel Drug Administration Building 11:09 AM: The lobby is a pretty plain white-walled room with benches and potted plants about. Stairs lead up to second floors that overlook the lobby while doors lead to the various sections of the building. Soldiers are visible on the second floor, but none in the lobby itself. Unit STRIKE is being lead into the lobby by the nervous Nabdullah. Striker, Shpehard and Tybalt all have their weapons at hand/paw. As they reach the centre of the lobby, Nabdullah stops and turns to them. Nabdullah:"Please seat yourselves while I go and get your... um... your guide, yes." Striker eyes him suspiciously. Striker:"Reg. Go get him." Nabdullah quickly turns to one of the staircases and walks fast up them towards the second floor. Striker turns to his group. Striker:"Be versigtig. I have a feeling this is a trap." Shephard, Tybalt:"Yes, sir." Merit:"Affirmative." Just as the speak, all the doors leading out of the lobby close and is followed by the sounds of them being locked. Metal sliding doors are quickly pulled over the staircase entrances and locked as well. The Rovers quickly ready their weapons, but the Afghan soldiers quickly aim theirs at them. From the staircase, Nabdullah smiles to himself. Nabdullah:"This was easier than I thought." Striker turns to look at Nabdullah. Striker:"You have proven that you are as treacherous as you Afghans are renowned to be." Nabdullah:"I was just following my orders, infidel dog." Striker:"And who's orders are those?" Voice:"Mine, senyor." Appearing on the lobby next to Nabdullah is Carlos. As he and Striker spot each other, their faces become surprised. Striker:"Commander Carlos!" Carlos:"Caramba! It's that cocker spaniel who helped that traitor Illanov destroy our snow fortress in Colombia." Striker:"Goed to see you as well, Carlos. Are you still getting frostbite, I hope?" Carlos:"It is indeed a small world, senyor Striker. Your name is Striker, si?" Striker:"Ja, it is. Maar yours is still mud." Carlos:"Annoying as always. Speaking of, how is senyor Illanov? Is he chasing his tail a lot? Or is he still being toilet trained?" Striker:"He has become much happier than he ever was, Carlos. It is a pity he is not here to meet you. I'm certain he would have loved repaying some outstanding debts from those two years ago." Carlos:"A pity indeed. I would have loved having him meet senyor Turwar in the flesh." Striker:"Who is Turwar?" Carlos nods at Nabdullah, who then takes out a radio and speaks into it. One of the dual lobby doors are opened and in walks Turwar, still wearing his robe. The Rovers turn their attention, and their weapons to him. Merit:"Sir, I am having some highly unusual readings from this Turwar individual." Tybalt boldy steps towards Turwar and looks at his robe. Tybalt:"So you are Turwar, eh? Well, let me see who you are before I make a punching bag of you." Striker:"Tybalt, wag a..." It is too late. Tybalt grabs the robe and pulls it off. Everyone but Carlos gasp and their eyes widen as they see Turwar in his true form. He is a very large monster who stands at 8 feet, has greenish leather- like skin, large brown horns, triangular bloodred eyes and an extended muzzle with razor-sharp teeth and nostrils. His body has the appearance of an extremely skinny person with large knobs forming at his joints, a three toed foot (with sharp nails) and another nail forming from his heel. Turwar snarls loudly at the Rovers. Shephard:"What... the h***... is that?" Merit:"That is a very unusual creature." Striker:"Ai yai yai! It's hideous!" Tybalt:"Yuck! It's butt-ugly!" Carlos laughs. Carlos:"Impressive hombre, isn't he? I admit he isn't pretty, but is quite good when killing annoying doggy senyors." Tybalt quickly gathers his strength and goes into a fighting stance. Tybalt:"Let me at him, then! Come on! You and me!" He punches Turwar in the chest, but all he gets is a loud thud. Turwar doesn't even flinch. Tybalt then kicks Turwar's one leg, but it has no effect either. Turwar roars, then kicks with surprising speed Tybalt in the chest. Tybalt is sent sprawling onto the floor and slides to the others. Striker helps him up, an angry look on his face. Striker:"What were you think, recruit? You do not just rush in like you just did, understood?" Tybalt:"Yeah... I mean, yes sir!" Shephard aims his M-249 at Turwar. Shephard:"Then let 'em eat lead!" He opens fire on Turwar, but all the bullets he fires just bounces off Turwar' skin and falls on the floor. He quickly stops firing. Shephard:"Crap! This thing has kevlar skin or what?" He quickly takes out his Desert Eagle and fires a single round at the head of Turwar. The bullet just bounces off again and lands with the bullets on the floor. Turwar then makes a low gutteral chuckle. Tybalt:"Man, we're in serious trouble now!" Carlos chuckles and looks at Turwar. Carlos:"Finish off our hombres, Turwar." Turwar:"Rhesh!" Turwar's claws suddenly begin to sprout massive scythe-like blades from each of them until they are as long as half of Turwar's height. Tybalt:"Those are some nasty meat cleavers!" Turwar roars and prepares to jump at them. Striker:"Scatter!" They all quickly run in various directions as Turwar jumps at them with his scythe blades. He just barely misses Striker and lands and spins at his nearest prey. He swipes at Striker, his blade just missing the spaniel's back. Striker quickly whirls around and fires a sonic blast at Turwar. Turwar is knocked back a little bit, but it does not stop him. He roars and lunges at Striker. Striker quickly jumps out of the way and Turwar flies over him. There is a loud thud as Turwar's head connects with the wall. Turwar removes his head from the wall, leaving a large crack in. He shakes his head and goes again for Striker. Seeing what had happened, Tybalt, who is hiding with Merit, gets an idea. Tybalt:"You know, I might just be able to make it up to Striker and get us outta here." Merit:"Please explain." Tybalt:"Nope. Just watch me." Tybalt jumps out of cover and grabs a clot of earth from one of the plant pots. He then takes careful aim at Turwar, who is busy slicing away at a bench to get at Striker. He throws and hits Turwar on the back of the head. This gets his attention and Turwar turns to look at Tybalt. Tybalt gets in front of a door and waves at Turwar. Tybalt:"Hey you! Yeah, big ugly! Get a load of this!" Tybalt turns around, then proceeds to moon at Turwar. This clearly annoys Turwar and he roars. He lunges full force at Tybalt, who keeps mooning him. Just at the last moment Tybalt jumps out of the way. The flying Turwar smashes through the door, and hits the wall behind it. He quickly recovers and comes out of the now-open doorway, still angry. Tybalt is standing on the opposite site of the room. Tybalt:"Want more?" He moons Turwar again. Turwar roars and lunges again at the Rover and again Tybalt jumps out of the way the last moment. This causes Turwar to smash into the wall behind Tybalt. As Turwar tries to get his horns loose from the wall, Striker sees that the doorway is now open for them and signals the others. Striker:"Gou! Out the door!" Merit runs out first, followed by Shephard and Striker. Tybalt is the last to go just as Turwar gets loose from the wall and spots Tybalt going through the door. He roars and runs quickly after them. Carlos and Nabdullah watch them go. Nabdullah:"They have escaped!" Carlos:"Only for a moment. Turwar will catch up to them soon. Tell me, where does that door lead to?" Nabdullah:"The cellars. Why?" Carlos:"Are there any security cameras down there, senyor?" Nabdullah:"Er... yes, of course." Carlos:"Good. Lead us to the security room and let us watch Turwar take care of these hombres." Nabdullah:"O-of course." Nabdullah begins to lead Carlos and some of his men towards the security room. Cellar Corridor Cartel Drug Administration Building 11:19 AM: This is a sandstone-walled corridor with only some light bulbs in the ceiling. Striker, Tybalt, Merit and Shephard come running around a corner. Behind them, the roar of Turwar echoes through the corridor. As the Rovers run further down, Turwar appears around the corner. He is clearly running faster than the Rovers themselves. Shephard:"He's gaining on us, sir. And fast!" They come to an intersection. Striker points at it. Striker:"In here, gou!" They dodge into the other corridor just as Turwar is about to catch Shephard. Turwar runs past, but quickly readjusts his course and goes into the corridor. Nearby, a security camera picks up what is happening. Security Room Cartel Drug Administration Building At that moment: This is a typical security room with computer monitors in the walls and terminals around. Several soldiers are busy monitoring the screens. Carlos and Nabdullah are here and are busy looking at the monitor showing the intersection in the cellar. Carlos:"Where does that lead, senyor?" Nabdullah appears to be slightly nervous. Nabdullah:"That corridor is... a dead end, yes." Carlos grins. Carlos:"Then it is all over. Is there a camera there?" Nabdullah:"Er... no, sorry." Carlos:"Pity. Perhaps all that we will see then will be the mutilated bodies when we go investigate." Nabdullah gulps and begins to sweat. Storage Room Cartel Drug Administration Building 11:22 AM: This is a small, square room with only a single exit leading out. Two massive wine kegs are facing towards the exit while the walls beside them have wine racks filled with full wine bottles. Several empty bottles are on the floor as well. The Rovers rush in and find that they are trapped. Striker:"Ai yai yai! A cul-de-sac!" Tybalt:"What's that?" Merit:"Cul-de-sac is a French word that translated into English means a dead end corridor or street." Tybalt:"Bummer! That blows!" Striker:"Turn around!" They turn to go back the way they came, but they suddenly find the snarling Turwar standing in the corridor. They step back, their weapons aimed at him as Turwar steps into the room, bandishing his blades. Shephard:"Crud! Wish I had a flame-thrower to see if this thing is fireproof!" Merit:"I would note that Phoenix should have been a better option than a flame-thrower." Striker sighs for a moment, thinking of his love. Shephard:"Yeah, that would be great right now. But she's at a girl beach party back in the States." Tybalt:"And here we are facing a nasty thing with sharp blades who is about to slice us up here in a cellar in Afghanistan! Bummer!" Turwar roars and prepares to attack, but then begins to snuff the air. He lowers his guard and looks at one of the wine racks. He retracts one of his blades and grabs a bottle. He pulls the cork with his teeth, then proceeds to drink out all the wine. Once he is done, he drops the bottle and grabs a second. After belching loudly, he opens the bottle and drinks more wine. Soon, he retracts his other blade and begins to empty two two bottles at the time. The Rovers watch surprised at Turwar. Shephard:"Looks like it likes the drink." Tybalt:"And a lot of it, I would say." Striker whispers to the others. Striker(whispering):"Let us sneak past him while he is busy." They all nod and begin to silently sneak past Turwar, who has begun to hiccup after belching again. As they get past Turwar into the corridor, they take off running. Turwar turns to look and roars at them, but his roar is interrupted halfway with a hiccup. He also takes off, but he is swaggering and hiccuping as he runs. Security Room Cartel Drug Administration Building At that moment: Carlos and Nabdullah are still watching the screen showing the inter- section. On the screen the Rovers can be seen coming from the side corridor to the storage room and run down the corridor. After a few moments Turwar appears, very drunking and swaggering. He runs into the wall opposite the side corridor, then resumes his chase. Carlos:"What the? Caramba! Turwar's drunk again! But how did...?" Nabdullah swears, becoming angry. Nabdullah:"That monster must have gotten in my wine storage room!" Carlos looks surprised at Nabdullah, who has suddenly realised that he said something that he did want to reveal. Carlos:"YOUR wine storage?" Nabdullah quickly becomes very nervous and gulps. Nabdullah:"Er... well, we do have to... um... please ourselves... for morale, of course..." Carlos quickly becomes very suspicious of Nabdullah. Carlos:"And here you told me that the corridor lead to a dead end. I have a feeling you are not telling me everything, senyor." Nabdullah, desperate to salvage something, quickly takes on a defiant stance. Nabdullah:"You told me that this Turwar would take of the Road Rovers, but now he is like a common drunkard!" Carlos gives Nabdullah Carlos:"Turwar is a very good assassin, but he is also an alcoholic. I sent him in because YOU did not inform me about this storage room, senyor. Maybe when he sobers up, he and you should have a little meeting." Nabdullah looses his defiant stance and becomes frightened. Carlos points at the screen. Carlos:"Where does this corridor lead to, senyor?" Nabdullah:"Err... it leads to another storage room... I think... no, I mean I know." Carlos keeps looking suspiciously, then digs in his clothing. He takes out two Ingram uzis and motions to the Afghan guards. Nabdullah:"What... what are you doing?" Carlos looks at Nabdullah as he loads and locks his ingrams. Carlos:"Since I cannot rely on you and Turwar is too drunk, I will try and clear this mess that is your fault." Carlos leads the soldiers out of the security room. Nabdullah watches with a pale, frightened and sweating face as they leave. Wine Distillery Cartel Drug Administration Building 11:28 AM: This is a large, expansive room with sandstone walls. The room has rows of wine kegs and wine distillery equipment. Small windows high up in the walls bring in the sunlight from outside. The Rovers run into the distillery and look around. Merit:"My readings indicate that this room houses an alcoholic beverage distillery production and storage containers." Tybalt:"Uhhh... yeah." Striker:"Merit, is there any other exits besides the one we just came in through?" Merit:"There no other normal corridors leading from this room. There are ten windows that are located at ground level outside." Striker:"Nee, they are too high up and we would be in serious danger from the guards outside. Anything else, Merit?" Merit:"There is a ventilation shaft that is connected to a maintenance shaft. It is located just north east of our location." Snarls and hiccups become more audible from the corridor as Turwar is closing in on them. Striker:"That is it, then. Come on!" They run off into the one of the rows between the wine kegs towards the ventilation shaft. When they reach the end of the row, they spot the vent grate high up in the wall. Striker:"Ai yai yai." Shephard:"That's quite a jump, sir." Tybalt:"Leave it to me, sir." Tybalt steps back a short distance as the others step aside. Tybalt then sprints up to the wall. He jumps and pushes his legs against the wall. He launches himself upwards, then quickly turns around and does the same with a wine keg. Again he is launched higher, right up to the level of the grate. He grabs hold of it. The force of his falling body pulling at the grate pulls it off. Tybalt lands on his feet as the grate lands with a loud "CLANG". Tybalt:"Ta-da." Shephard:"Nice moves, recruit." A loud drunken roar comes from the other side of the room, followed by human voices. Striker:"Do not waste time, recruit. Jump back up there and help pull us up!" Tybalt:"Sure, sir." Tybalt repeats his jumping procedure, this time grabbing the edge of the ventilation shaft. He pulls himself up into the vent, then turns around and holds his arms out. Shephard squarts and cups his hands. Striker looks at Merit. Striker:"Step with your one foot into his hands and he will boost you up to Tybalt, Merit." Merit:"Affirmative." Merit steps into Shephard's hands and Shephard boots him up. Merit grabs hold of Tybalt's paws and Tybalt pulls him up into the vent. Then, Striker follows suit and is pulled up into the vent. Striker then grabs hold of Tybalt's feet and pushes him slightly out of the vent to reach Shephard. Shephard jumps and grabs hold of Tybalt, but as they pull him in, Carlos and the Afghan soldiers appear. They all quickly take aim and open fire at the Rovers. Striker and Tybalt quickly pull Shephard in as bullets hit the wall around them. One bullet grazes Shephard's boot and Striker's ear. Shpehard is unhurt, but Striker yelps in pain. He and the others crawl into the vent nonetheless. As they disapppeared into the vent, Carlos quickly turns around and walks out of the room. Nearby, the drunk Turwar stumbles about to the vent, then falls flat onto the floor. He starts snoring loudly. Administrator's Office Cartel Drug Administration Building 11:37 AM: Nabdullah's office is locked and currently unoccupied. The vent at the floor next to a potted plant is opened and out crawl the Rovers from it. Striker is hold his one ear, blood coming from between his fingers. He looks at Tybalt, holding out a hankerchief. Striker:"Can you bandage my ear, Tybalt?" Tybalt takes the hankerchief. Tybalt:"No problem, sir. I know some basic medical stuff." Striker:"Goed." He sits down on a chair while Tybalt begins to bandage his ear. Shephard, his M-249 at the ready, looks at the name tag. Shephard:"Hey, sir. This is that b***ard Nabdullah's office." Striker:"You certain, Shephard?" Shephard:"Says so on the name tag here." Striker thinks, looking at the computer. He then looks at Merit. Striker:"Merit, open the computer case and take out the harddrive. You and Corsair will then later hack into it and see what he has on file." Merit:"Disassemble the computer? That is against my programming." Striker:"That's an order, Merit. Besides, you can reassemble the case so that Nabdullah will not immediately know we stole the harddrive." Merit:"That I find acceptable. Executing command." Merit goes to the computer, opens his toolkit and begins to unscrew the computer case. Meanwhile, Tybalt finishes up on Striker's ear while Shephard keeps watch at the door. Striker:"Dankie, Tybalt." Tybalt is confused. Tybalt:"Excuse me, sir?" Striker:"Sorry. That means 'thank you'." Tybalt understands and smiles. Tybalt:"You're welcome, sir." Striker walks to the window and looks out, Tybalt following and doing the same. They spot the Rhino parked right underneath the window. Tybalt:"There's our ride, but how are we going to get to it, sir? This place is probably swarming with Afghans by now and that nasty Turwar critter will soon be back after us once it gets sober." Striker:"Ja, I do not expect our investigation take such a turn for the worse as it did." He thinks for a moment, then looks at Tybalt. Striker:"Can you jump down onto the back of the Rhino and then kick in the rear window to get in?" Tybalt looks down at the Rhino again, then confidently back at Striker. Tybalt:"Piece of cake, sir. But what do I when I get in?" Striker:"I will explain to you how to operate the Rhino's flight mode and defence systems. You will take off and fly along- side the office window so that the rest of us can climb on." Tybalt:"Show me the way, sir." Striker quickly begins to explain how to operate the Rhino's systems and what he should do. Meanwhile, Merit has opened the computer case and is busy removing the harddrive. Striker finishes with Tybalt and then open the window, careful not to attract any unwanted attention. Once done, he steps back for Tybalt. Tybalt climbs onto the edge of the window, making sure no-one spots him, then looks down at the Rhino. He takes aim, then jumps. He lands onto the back sail of the Rhino, but none of the soldiers spot him. He then quickly gives a powerful kick to the rear window of the Rhino, knocking it out of its frame. The noise it causes attacts the attention of several soldiers, who spot Tybalt and take aim on him. Tybalt quickly jumps into the Rhino as the soldiers open fire. The bullets bounce off the armor plating, but they smash into the bulletproof glass and leave pockholes in them. Inside Tybalt crawls to the front seat, then turns on the Rhino and activates the window shutters. He then puts the Rhino into flight mode while more soldiers open fire on the vehicle. Tybalt awkwardly guides the Rhino up and against the office window. Striker turns to Shephard and Merit, who has just finished up closing the PC case and carrying the harddrive. Striker:"Get in! Gou!" Shephard:"Yes, sir!" Merit:"Confirmed." Striker opens the front door and gets in next to Tybalt while Shephard opens the rear sidedoor and gets in, followed by Merit. Once they close the doors, Tybalt and Striker exchange places. At the office, the door is suddenly broken open and Carlos and several more soldiers rush in. They all open fire on the Rhino, which quickly flies over the courtyard and up into the sky. They stop firing as the Rhino flies well out of range. Carlos swears. Carlos:"Caramba! They've escaped! Heads will roll!" He thinks for a moment. Carlos:"Especially that of a former Taliban governor." He walks out of the office, leaving the other soldiers to watch the Rhino disappear into the horizon. Briefing Room Road Rover Mission Control United States Of America 5:54 PM: The briefing is still as it was, except now Striker, the Master, Illanov, Merit, Hubert and Shephard are here. Hubert is busy working on a laptop that is connected to the harddrive on the table via a cable from Merit. Striker, Illanov and the Master are seated around the table with Hubert while Shephard is at the fridge busy getting some snacks. Striker's ear has now been treated and has a proper bandage around it. Striker:"I am glad that you told us to take along Tybalt, Master. If he wasn't with us, we certainly would have been either cap- tured." Master:"I'm also glad about that. He's proven himself and he should fare well in future missions." Illanov:"But why didn't you ask the rest of us to come along, comrade?" Striker:"Because I wanted you all to rest and I did not expect the investigation would turn out as it did. It was a pity that especially you did not come along, Alex." Illanov:"How so?" Striker:"We encountered an old assosiate of yours at the cartel's compound. A certain commander whom you met and captured in that snow fortress in Colombia." Illanov growls. Illanov:"Carlos Peru, neyt?" Striker:"Ja, Alex." Illanov:"It was a pity then, comrade. I hope you did hurt him for me." Striker:"I'm jammer, Alex, but I could not get near him. His body guard and assassin, Turwar, was on us before we could act." Master:"I've heard about this Turwar person from previous reports of the cartel's activities. How does he look?" Striker:"He is a mutation, Master. He is hideously malformed, has power blades coming from his claws and his skin is so tough Shephard's bullets couldn't penetrate him. He is also very fast on his feet." Master:"My goodness. How did you escape from him?" Striker:"Turwar is an alcoholic and got himself drunk on several wine bottles. He is not so dangerous when he is not sober." Illanov smirks. Illanov:"Then I think I should take along a few bottles of Vodka next time, eh comrade?" Striker chuckles. Striker:"That would certainly help, ja. And after that you might just find Carlos." Illanov:"I will savour that moment, comrade." Master:"Back to the investigation. What did you find?" Striker:"Niks so far, Master, but I am hoping that the files on the harddrive will have something for us." Hubert:"And it just did." They turn to Hubert, who is now looking up from the laptop. Master:"What did you find?" Hubert:"A folder I found had all the records of the trade of the core for the medical equipment, codenamed Red Talon. According to one file, the medical equipment were airlifted to a cartel research facility in Africa. Another file shows that it is needed by the head of some kind of special project called Project Trojan." Master:"Where is this facility?" Hubert:"The facility is located in the northern jungles of the Demo- cratic Republic of the Congo. Striker:"Maak sin. The cartel bribed Afghan warlords and former Taliban fighters for its security force in Afghanistan, so more than likely some of the rebel groups that fought or are still fighting in the DRC would be on the cartel's payroll." Master:"Who is the project leader?" Hubert:"His name I don't recognize, but I think Striker should know him." Striker:"Oh? Who is it?" Hubert:"He is a South African." Striker's ears perk up and sits forward a bit more. Striker:"His name?" Hubert:"Wouter Basson, I think." Striker's eyes widen in surprise, then he begins to growl. Striker:"Wouter Basson. Doctor Death." Illanov:"Chilling nickname, comrade. Who is he?" Striker:"Doctor Wouter Basson was head of the apartheid government's biological weapons program, where he designed some very deadly or dangerous agents, such as bacteria that would only kill black people or reduce their birth rates. They were never able to convict him of any of those charges and he said he was only a medical doctor." Illanov:"Judging for whom he is working for, I would doubt his state- ment." Hubert:"It could be that he is the one behind the cartel's creation of the Hivagen drug to cure aids." Master:"Maybe, but this project he is working on sounds rather more like a suspicious business." Striker:"Should my team investigate the facility later on?" Master:"Yes, but not right now. Wait until all your team members have return. Meanwhile, Hubert will keep checking the files for more information about Project Trojan. Until then, take some time off to rest." Striker nods. Striker:"Reg, Master." He stands up, as does Illanov. Illanov pats Striker on the back. Illanov:"Come along, comrade. Since I mentioned Vodka, how about we sample some. It will help restore your energy." Striker smiles and nods at Illanov. Striker:"Dankie, Alex, but don't give me too much to drink. I would hate to have Phoenix find me and you singing in a drunken stupor." Illanov laughs. Illanov:"Sure, comrade." The two of them walk out of the briefing room. The Master remains with Huber and Merit as they keep hacking into the harddrive. Shephard keeps making snacks he takes from the fridge. Administrator's Office Cartel Drug Administration Building Afghanistan At that moment: Carlos is sitting in the chair behind Nabdullah's desk. He is on the phone and speaking to the person on the other end. Carlos:"Si, they got away clean... They took the harddrive from that fool Nabdullah's computer... I interrogated him about what was on it before I subjected him to disciplinary termination... No, Turwar had passed out so I had to do it myself... A wine distillery and storage that Nabdullah ran for himself... No, he certainly did not tell us about that... The harddrive content? Yes, he told me and I can say that Project Trojan is in danger... Si, those Rovers now know what is going on... Si... Si... Si, I'll send Turwar over there as soon as he has woken up... Si, senyor... Adios." He puts the reciever back onto the phone. Unit STRIKE has managed to get into Afghanistan and get out with valuable information about the cartel's operations. But what is this mysterious Project Trojan? What is Wouter Basson doing in the Congo? What is the Spider Cartel's sinister plans? THE END