Rover Strike: Vortex Episode 17: The Veil Of Lies By Gerhard Naudé All Rover Strike names © Gerhard Naudé All Road Rovers names © Warner Brothers and rightful owners Alpha Team © Kristen Coughlan Any question, comments, complaints, feedback or suggestions can be sent to Council Room Sapien Liberation Army Headquarters Undisclosed Location in Botswana 30 January 12:01 PM: The SLA council room is a circular, windowless space located within a concrete structure. Several doors lead into the room, while the walls are covered with all kinds of computers, tables, electronic equipment and screens haphazardly connected with hundreds of cables. In the centre of the room is a half-crescent row of tables facing towards a large screen. A pair of SLA flags (depicting a black lion-sapien on a green background) hang on either side of the screen. Various sapiens in military dress are operating the various systems. The leadership of the SLA are seated in full uniform at the tables, looking towards the screen where Seneschal can be seen. Seneschal is currently speaking. Seneschal:"That is why we need your fighters. We cannot protect this network without compromising our offensive." The leader of the SLA, a large muscular lion with several scars on his face and many decorations on his uniform, leans backward to consider the request. The name tag above the medals reads "GEN. SARAFA". Sarafa:"And this operation we are to protect, what is the purpose of it?" Seneschal:"It's purpose is to deprive the humans of valuable minerals that we can then sell. The money will be used to fund the global liberation and all of our allies, including you." The council murmur among themselves, apparently liking the idea. A female leopard seated next to Sarafa leans forward to speak. Leopard:"What about trying to negotiate with the Road Rovers? We should convince them to join the struggle, thus stopping their attacks on your network." Several sapiens nod in agreement with her, but Seneschal shakes his head. Seneschal:"No, the Road Rovers are beyond negotiations and Supreme General Franco is against the idea. Don't waste your time. The Road Rovers are too much under the humans' control to be persuaded to change sides." Leopard:"But maybe we can..." Seneschal(interrupting):"No! No negotiations with the Road Rovers whatso- ever! Is the SLA becoming too soft to be part of the liberation?" Sarafa quickly jumps in. Sarafa:"No no no! Of course not! She was just suggesting we keep all our options open." Seneschal:"General Sarafa, the Elite Guard has been exploring the option of turning the Road Rovers over to our side and all efforts have come to naught. Do you really think we'd advocate to keep fighting them if he hadn't looked at other avenues." Several of the council members nod in agreement before Sarafa nods as well. Sarafa:"Understood. We trust the Elite Guard and you have helped our movement immensely. I will send all our available forces to help protect this resource network." Seneschal looks in approval at the council. Seneschal:"The Supreme General appreciates your effort and commitment, General Sarafa. In fact, he is even considering giving each of you administrative powers over South Africa once we have conquered it." This brings smiles all around the table. However, one rhino sapien leans forward to speak. Rhino:"But I still think we should keep the option of talking the Road Rovers into joining our side. I believe it is still possible to make some of them turn on their human slave masters." Some council members also murmur their agreement, but Seneschal's face immediately goes from approval to anger. Seneschal:"NO! Absolutely not! What is the matter with you?! Are so you all so eager to talk to the Road Rovers that you're willing to throw the cause away?" The Rhino immediately goes silent and leans back into his chair while getting disapproving stares from Sarafa and a few other sapiens. The wolf-sapien moves closer to the screen. Seneschal:"There will be NO, repeat, NO NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE ENEMY. If you persist with this idiotic, and fruitless, endeavor we will take away all your funding and equipment and give to another liberation movement that actually gives a s*** about our cause." Sarafa quickly steps in again. Sarafa:"Yes, yes! Of course, certainly! No talks with the Road Rovers. We understand that completely, General Seneschal." The other council members nod eagerly. Seneschal calms down, looking satisfied at the SLA leadership. Seneschal:"Excellent. Now get your forces moving. Time of the essence if we are to achieve victory." The screen goes dead. There is a moment of silence before Sarafa speaks up. Sarafa:"You heard General Seneschal. Our allies need our help, and I believe we owe them our assistance." Leopard:"I still think we can persuade the Road Rovers to join us." Some of the other sapiens nod their heads, but Sarafa shakes his. Sarafa:"No, better not. Let's not upset our allies over the matter. But if one or more of the Road Rovers do want to defect to us, let me know immediately. We might not get them all, but there must be a few who are sympathetic to our cause." Everyone nods their heads in agreement. Hubert's Laboratory Road Rover Headquarters United States of America 31 January 10:14 AM: The laboratory is cluttered with all kinds of equipment, experiments, tables with beakers and microscopes, computers, file cabinets and proto- type devices. Striker is seated on a chair, while propped up on a special bench is his new cybernetic leg. It has the basic shape and skeletal structure in place, but it is still being worked on. Exposed wires and electronic circuits run the length of the advanced prosthetic appendage. On a table next to the leg is a number of tools, ranging from advanced programming sticks to basic hammers and wire cutters. Collin and Hubert are seated on either side of the leg, working on its components. Striker is busy reading the reports from South Africa. Hubert:"Wiggle your toes for me, Striker." Striker does so. The toes on the bionic leg all wiggle except for the smallest one. Hubert rubs his chin. Hubert:"So it was the blue one." He resumes working on the leg. Striker then puts the reports down on his lap and looks at the two scientists. Striker:"How long before my new leg is gereed?" Hubert:"Patience, my boy. Just a few more weeks and you will be up and about." Striker:"Professor, I don't think I have a week. My wife and friends are fighting an uphill battle down in South Africa against Franco and his Elite Guard while the rest of the world squabbles over nothing." Collin looks up at Striker with curiosity. Collin:"You call the whole pro-sapien/anti-mutant issue nothing?" Striker:"Ja, I do. It is all the result of Franco's propaganda machine spewing out lies unchallenged and for so insidiously long. And to both sides, at that. Both camps have taken up Franco as their patron saint, with neither group being able to see that he is playing to the other side as well." Collin:"Then expose him. Show the world that he is really playing a double act. We have that proof your team recovered from Kenya." Hubert:"Collin, could you pass me some cutters?" Collin nods and picks up some cutters from the table and gives it to the Bloodhound. Striker sighs and shakes his head. Striker:"That won't be enough. The fanatics on both sides will claim that the evidence was made up by the other side to muddy the name of their spiritual leader, Franco or Mister F." Hubert:"I have seen some of those broadcasts, my boy. Maybe you should try and show to the world how Franco transforms to Mister F and back. After all, he does switch from speaking to the pro-sapien camp to addressing the anti-mutant group in a very short period. If you can broadcast that period in between, then the world will see Franco for the liar he is." Striker stares at Hubert for a while, then looks off to one side while rubbing his chin in thought. The two scientists continue to work on the spaniel's bionic leg. Radar & Communications Van Elite Guard First Tactical Brigade Somewhere Near Ellisras South Africa 16:09 PM: The Radar & Communications Van is a sleek, high-tech black truck located among the other armed forces of the Elite Guard invasion forces. The interior of the truck consists of single row between two banks of computers, radars and communications equipment. A few wolf-sapien tech- nicians are wearing earphones while seated by the equipment they are operating. A few of the seats are empty at the moment, the earphones lying on the desks. One of the earphones is still connected to a com channel that is open. The voices of Seneschal and Diehard can be heard through the earphones' speakers. Diehard:"Have you talked to zose SLA fools?" Seneschal:"Yes, I talked to them yesterday. Haven't you heard that they have agreed to our demands?" Diehard:"I have been busy fighting here against zome real opposition, unlike you und your easy time in the west." Seneschal:"You know, sometimes I get the feeling you don't like me." Diehard:"I don't, und do not prevent zat you don't know it either. You had maneuvered yourself to become appointed as Stalker's re- placement the moment zat traitor turned on the Elite Guard vith all kinds of smooth talking, yah. I hated you ze moment I saw you." Seneschal:"I've never liked you, either. You acted like a senile old wolf because I am simply better than you." Diehard snorts in contempt. Diehard:"Vat vere you going to say about the SLA before you started to whine?" Seneschal growls, but then continues to answer Diehard's question. Seneschal:"They have gladly agreed to help protect the Treasure Ship network under the impression that it is to help fund the global liberation. Their forces should be moving out to their destinations right now." Diehard:"No objections or suspicions from zeir leadership?" Seneschal:"None whatsoever. A few of them still wanted negotiations to get the Road Rovers to join us, but I made it clear we will have none of that." Diehard:"What?! Are ze still going on about zat?" Seneschal:"Relax. I read the riot act to them. No negotiations. Full stop." Diehard:"Ach! I knew zis is a big mistake! Ve should get rid of the SLA right away, yah?" Seneschal:"Stop rushing up your blood pressure. The SLA is freeing up our troops from guard duty, and the Road Rovers would never join our side or convince the SLA otherwise. Besides, we are planning to destroy the SLA in the end anyway, so why rush it?" Diehard:"Zere is ze flaw in your plan, Seneschal. The Road Rovers could turn the SLA by showing evidence of our Mister F scam. Zey raided our base in Kenya, or did you forget zat?" Seneschal:"You got no proof they ever got evidence from the studio. More likely it was destroyed in the eruption." Diehard:"Und you have got no proof that zey never did." Seneschal:"Then why haven't they showed the world any of it, yet? I tell you now, the only talks the SLA and the Road Rovers will engage in is the exchange of bullets. Besides, the Supreme General approves of MY idea. What do you say about that?" Diehard grumbles and concedes the argument. Diehard:"Fine! I vill go with zis plan. But! I vill send my spies to go und keep an eye on the SLA. If zere is even a hint zey are going to talk with ze Road Rovers or if ze Rovers do present evidence of ze scam, I vill wipe out ze leadership immediately!" Seneschal:"Suit yourself, but I still say you're getting worked up over nothing. I remember how Tesla had warned you not to raise your blood pressure like this unless you wanted to suffer a heart attack." Diehard snorts in contempt at the mention of Tesla's name. Diehard:"Zat old fool? He vas full of hot air. Besides, zat vas over two decades ago und I am still alive und very healthy. Now get off zis channel! I got IMPORTANT work to do, yah!" Seneschal:"Whatever." The line goes dead and the earphones fall silent. Briefing Room Jumbo Rover Windhoek Namibia 2 February 7:00 AM: The briefing is mostly empty except for Hunter and the Rover unit he is addressing: Alpha Team. Alpha Team consists of Arkadiy(a male East Euro- pean Shepherd), Bard(a female Border Collie/Labrador Retriever), Reese(a male Irish Terrier), Natsu(a female Shiba-Inu) and Bandit(a male Bernese Mountain Dog). They are seated up front and taking notes as Hunter gives them a briefing. Hunter:"Okay, I got a special mission for you guys. As you know, since yesterday we've been coming up against large contingents of Sapien Liberation Army forces while we are attacking Franco's mineral smuggling line. We're thinking that the Elite Guard, instead of bringing their own forces, are calling on the SLA to do their dirty work for them. If we don't do something about it we will lose the only weak spot of the invasion force." Reese(Irish accent):"Och, this SLA has been nothing but trouble for us ever since we got pulled into this whole business." Bard(British accent):"Yeah, they're like an ugly stain that won't wash off." Hunter:"That's why I'm calling on Alpha Team. Late last night our tech wizards, with a little help from our friend Miss D, intercepted a transmission between the SLA leadership and one of Franco's generals, a guy called Seneschal." Arkadiy, the unit leader, speaks up. Arkadiy:"Was the transmission important?" Hunter:"Not the transmission itself, nope. It was just a message saying the SLA are taking up their new posts. But it was the way the message was relayed that it is important. It was bounced off a cellphone tower near Zeerust, a town in South Africa that is near the Botswana border." Natsu(Japanese accent):"A cell site? That's not a good method to send such important information." Hunter:"We thought so too, but Colleen suggested that the SLA might have rigged the cell tower with their own special transmitter so it wouldn't be picked up by anyone other than their own side and allies." Arkadiy:"So what is our mission?" Hunter:"I want you guys to go to that cell tower and investigate. Check for any additions or modifications made to the tower and plant a bug so we can listen in on the enemy's conversations. I also want you guys to use the tower to trace the calls. We tried doing it remotely but something is keeping from tracing any transmissions from that tower." Bandit(Swiss accent):"It doesn't sounds too tough. Actually, it sounds kind of boring." Hunter:"Yeah, we don't think there are any guards posted at the tower. But keep your eyes and ears peeled. Franco and his forces have sprung a lot of surprises on us so far, so watch yourselves out there. Any questions?" Natsu raises her paw. Natsu:"Once we trace a location, what should we do?" Hunter:"Let us know immediately so we can decide a plan of action. Otherwise just sit tight. Any more questions?" No one in the team responds. Hunter smiles and nods. Hunter:"Cool. All the info you need are in your folders. Happy hunting!" Arkadiy and his team stand up to salute Hunter, then they start filing out of the briefing room. Klu Klux Klan Gathering Somewhere in Georgia United States of America At That Moment: A gathering of the Klu Klux Klan(KKK) is taking place somewhere in a clearing within a large forest. A large number of people dressed in white robes and wearing the distinct cone-shaped masks of the Klan are here in a festive atmosphere. However, the conversations and several banners and signs showing anti-mutant messages reveal the true nature of the gathering. At one end of the clearing is a raised wooden platform with a white projector screen behind it. The projector itself is located in a tent with a satellite dish standing outside. On the platform is several top Klan leaders, one of whom is standing by a microphone. He taps it a few times to get the crowd's attention. Klan Leader:"Hear me, brothers and sisters." The crowd quickly goes quiet as everybody turns to the leader. Klan Leader:"Hear me. It is time for us to once again hear the inspira- tional words of our great visionary, our patron saint, the great Mister T!" A cheer erupts from the crowd as the leader steps back to allow the projector to place the live transmission on the screen. On the screen appears the silhouette figure of Mister T and Melanie Malloy, both of whom are seated and looking towards the camera. Melanie gives a forced smile as she addresses the crowd. Melanie:"Good evening and welcome, supporters of humanity, for another live interview with Mister T." The Klan crowd clap hands enthusiastically for a brief moment. Melanie turns to Mister. Melanie:"Mister T, you have been a great inspiration to all humans to preserve the natural order. Could you tell us why you took up the cause." Mister T:"I am but a humble servant of the Lord, doing his bidding and fighting to preserve the way things should be. When I saw these things... these mutants, I was gripped by anger and revulsion. Surely the Lord never intended for such beasts to walk on his earth, did he?" The crowd all rumble their agreement and anger. Mister T:"But thanks to the sins of a few immoral people, these mutants now walk among us, taking jobs and houses from simple, humble people while boasting so-called super powers. They, no IT, claim that they wish to live in 'peace and harmony' with us." The crowd react with laughter and sarcasm. Mister T:"Oh, of course some of us tried to accommodate them and what do we get? Nothing but contempt for our kind, a desire to over- throw us! To make the dog walk the man instead of the man walk- ing the dog! You just have to look at South Africa, where the mutants are busy swarming over that country, massacring not just men, but women, the elderly and the children! Even unborn babies are ripped from the womb!" The crowd reacts with shouts of outrage, disgust and anger. Melanie:"That is terrible indeed. What are you doing about it?" Mister T:"Glad you asked. For I, Mister T, have helped coordinate a net- work of nations and groups who recognize the threat looming over humanity. Money and arms are being funneled around the world to help fight this scourge. Our allies in China have already sent help to the besieged but deviant South African government. Sadly, I cannot say the same about the United States of America." Melanie:"Why is that?" Mister T:"The US government, unlike its people, is more concerned with making peace with these mutants. The current administration is filled with liberals who want ordinary, right-thinking and God fearing people to take these filthy abominations as 'friends'!" Jeers come from the crowd. Melanie:"How do you intend to solve that problem?" Mister T:"By calling on America's true patriots, the red-blooded people of this great nation, to get rid of their toadying government like the founding fathers go rid of the British. It is the duty of Americans to defend their country from being threatened by terrorists, fascists and mutants. So I implore to patriots in the US, arise and put in place a true people's government! Get of the liberal elites and their mutant masters! Cleanse the country and the world, of this abomination against God!" The Klan members all cheer loudly, clapping enthusiastically. Some of wave flags and guns around. Melanie turns back to the crowd. Melanie:"And that concludes our interview with the magnificent visionary Mister T. Heed his word and we will beat this scourge!" The crowd goes wild with rapture, none of them picking up the tone of disgust in Melanie's voice. When the screen goes dead the Klan begins to celebrate. Office of the Secretary-General United Headquarters New York City International Territory 3:31 AM: Mark Norwood is in his office, where his desk is covered with all kinds of papers and empty mugs of coffee. His tie is loose and his face is unshaven. At the moment he is on the phone talking with US President Barack Obama. Norwood(into phone):"Yes, Mister President. I saw the broadcast once, but it is no different from all the others Franco has made." Obama(over phone):"True, and I don't expect any better. Problem is that there have already been a number of ugly incidents in the southern states, and rumors are circulating that a possible coup de tat is being planned against the US government." Norwood(into phone):"That sounds serious, even if it is just rumors." Obama(over phone):"No doubt. But even if these wild-eyed fanatics Franco is stirring up do somehow launch a coup, they will not succeed. Americans will never accept a tyrannical government over a people's government, and they will fight to keep our freedom." Norwood(into phone):"Maybe that's what Franco wants." Obama(over phone):"Excuse me?" Norwood(into phone):"If a domestic conflict should erupt within the United States, then it will probably seriously impact on your country's ability to intervene overseas." Obama(over phone):"You're right. We'll be so busy punching ourselves that we'll be ignoring the gorilla in the other corner." Norwood(into phone):"Meaning Franco will have freer reign to do as he likes." Obama(over phone):"D*****t, Norwood. We need to stop Franco's lies. I was told you have evidence of his scheme." Norwood(into phone):"Yes, we do. But unfortunately it is not enough, or as you might say it isn't a smoking gun. It would excellent backup evidence, but without conclusive proof that Franco is playing everyone for his own it won't convince either the pro- sapien nor the anti-mutant groups." Obama(over phone):"Then what are you or the Road Rovers doing about it?" Norwood(into phone):"They're working hard to try and find out how to expose Franco's scheme. As soon as they find the smoking gun, I will let you know." Obama(over phone):"Please do so... I need to go and meet the Joint Chiefs now. Talk to you later." Norwood(into phone):"Bye." Norwood puts the phone down, then rubs his eyes and sighs in exasperation at the situation. Cellphone Tower 31 Kilometers West of Zeerust Northwest Province South Africa 9:38 AM: A cellphone tower stands on top of a hill that rises above the grasslands of the countryside. The tower is seven stories tall and painted in red and white stripes. At its base is a small shack containing the equipment to run the tower. A chain-link fence surrounds the tower while a dirt road leads away from it. Coming in to land nearby is the Jet Rover. The craft lowers its wheels and lands on the road, taxing up to the tower. Once it stops and the engine is cut, the side hatch opens and the gangway is lower. Team Alpha comes out of the Jet Rover, climbing down the steps onto the ground. Arkadiy looks up at the tower. Arkadiy:"According to Hunter, this is the tower we're looking for." Natsu:"Pretty non-descript, wouldn't you say?" Arkadiy:"That is probably why the SLA and the Elite Guard are using them." The team walk up the only gate in the fence. A strong lock is in place, while barbed wire runs the length of the entire fence. Arkadiy:"Natsu, think you can get that lock open?" Natsu steps up and looks the lock over for a minute or two, rubbing her chin in thought. Natsu:"It's a pretty good lock, but a standard make. I think I can get it open." She digs around in her pockets and pulls out a small wire. She bends it a few times to make a lock pick, then sticks the end into the lock. After a couple of seconds of fiddling, the lock clicks open and drops to the ground. The Shiba-Inu smiles triumphantly as she swings the gate open. Natsu:"Tada!" Arkadiy:"Good work. Come on." They walk through the gate and into the compound, approaching the tower and its shack. Arkadiy looks the tower over, noting the hatch that leads to its interior and the shack standing next to it. He then turns to Reese. Arkadiy:"Reese, you're the best when it comes to signals. Where do you think the SLA is controlling their broadcasts?" Reese looks the tower over, using his power of cyberpathy to pick up the signals coming from it. He then points to the shack. Reese:"In there. I can feel something that isn't originally part of this structure." Arkadiy:"Then let's get you inside." Arkadiy and Reese walk up to the shack. Ark then kicks the door open to allow Reese to step inside. Within the shack is a number of sophisticated eletronics used to run the tower. Reese examines them, keeping his ears attuned to the various signals coming through here. Reese:"Lots of chatter. Just the usual phone calls and... wait, I think I hear Franco's voice." Now tuned to the signal, Reese moves closer to the source. He then finds it: a plastic box hidden in the corner with wires coming out it that are attached to a signal box. Reese:"Aha! Found it!" Arkadiy comes inside and looks at the plastic box Reese is pointing to. Arkadiy:"Is that it?" Reese:"Yes. I can pick up the signal carrying Franco's voice." Arkadiy:"What is he saying?" Reese:"It's a little unclear, but it sounds like one of his usual rants to some human supremacist group." Arkadiy smiles and pats Reese's should. Arkadiy:"Then we've found it! Can you track to where it is going?" Reese:"Not the ultimate destination, but I can now pick up the location of the next tower it is being routed to. We can follow it by air now without having to stop." Arkadiy:"Good job, Reese." The German Shepherd goes outside and motions to Natsu. Arkadiy:"Bring that bug we've brought. We got the SLA's transmitter." Natsu:"Coming right up." Natsu goes into the shack while taking out a small case. She kneels near the plastic box, examining the wires coming from it. She opens the case and takes out the bug: a small, clip-on device shaped like a bone. The Shiba-Inu clips the bug onto the wire. Natsu:"There we go. It will transmit the signal to us as well now." Arkadiy:"Good work. Now let's go and follow to where the signal is going to." They all leave the shack, then head out of the gate. Natsu closes the gate and locks it again. Team Alpha then boards the Jet Rover. The hatch is closed, the gangway raised and the engines fired up. A few minutes later the Rover craft lifts off into the sky, leaving behind the tower as it heads for the next one. Briefing Room Jumbo Rover Windhoek Namibia 10:12 AM: Hunter is once again inside the briefing room, this time having given several Rover units their missions. He is sorting papers on a table while the teams are filing out when Colleen walks up to him. Colleen:"Huntie, I think we've made a breakthrough." Hunter looks up. Hunter:"What have you got, Colleen?" Colleen:"Our computer wizards were busy working with bug that Team Alpha had planted when they intercepted a broadcast from Franco as Mister T. It was a live, and we were able to track it back to his war machine in the Elite Guard invasion force." Hunter:"Now that's good news!" Colleen:"Yeah, but unfortunately there is a little snag. We couldn't gain control of the broadcast, thus cutting off Franco." Hunter:"Bummer." Colleen:"But there is good news again. We think the broadcast is routed through the cellphone towers to another transmitter owned by the SLA. If Team Alpha can locate it and let us gain control of it, then we can manipulate the broadcasts from there. We just need Ark's team on site to get in there." Hunter:"Good job. I'll let them know about your discovery. Tell our tech wizards to keep it up and find more cracks in Franco's facade." Colleen:"Will do, Huntie." Colleen turns around and leaves the briefing room, while Hunter resumes shuffling the folders around on the table. Cellphone Tower 5 Kilometers Southeast of Serowe Central District Botswana 11:23 AM: This is a structure similar to the one seen near Zeerust, though it is owned and operated by a another company and has a different design. It is standing not far from the road leading to the Serowe in the distance. The Jet Rover appears from the clouds above and circles around the tower. Up in the cockpit Arkadiy is at the controls while Reese sits next to him and the others are seated behind them. Arkadiy looks at Reese. Arkadiy:"We're now circling the tower, Reese. You're up." Reese:"All right." Reese looks out the side of the cockpit towards the tower below, tuning his ears and senses to the signals coming from it. The terrier picks up the transmissions. Reese:"Nothing much... just some calls by locals... wait, I think I got something..." He concentrates hard to sort out the particular message from all the other communication traffic. Reese:"I hear mentions of moving troops and arms... seems a General Sarafa is speaking here... I just heard them say something about the Elite Guard... Aha! Sarafa just said SLA!" Arkadiy's ears perk up. Arkadiy:"Are you sure?" Reese:"Absolutely, lad... Ah, they just used the name again... I think... I think can track it..." Suddenly Reese claps his paws together, startling some of the team members. Natsu:"Geez, Reese! What you are so excited about?" Reese:"I've followed the signal and found its source! It's a powerful transmitter located 400 kilometers to the west!" Bandit:"Can you actually pick it up that far away?" Reese:"Why did you think I said it was powerful?" Bandit:"Touché." Arkadiy:"That has got to be the location of an SLA base, or even their headquarters. Which way is it, Reese?" Reese listens again to get his bearings, then points westward. Reese:"That why." Arkadiy:"Good. Let's go." Arkadiy takes the Jet Rover out of its circular flight around the tower and flies west, out towards the Kalahari Desert. Diehard's Brigade Tank Elite Guard First Tactical Brigade Somewhere Near Ellisras South Africa 11:37 AM: Sitting in the middle of the massed forces of the Elite Guard is the command vehicle of General Diehard, a Brigade Tank. The Brigade Tank is a very large, quad-treaded vehicle (with treads at each corner) which dwarfs some of the other tanks nearby. It is covered in reactive armor plating and has a single main turret on the top, which at the corners are automated minigun turrets. The tank is so big that it sports doors instead of hatches. Inside the tank has a large, spacious, circular interior with dozens of computer screens and terminals along with the usual armament controls. Technicians are working the computers while the tank crew operate the guns and driving. Diehard is currently leaning over a communications terminal, wearing earphones and a micro- phone. Diehard(into mike):"Zis is General Diehard." Silhouette(over earphones):"This is Silhouette. You requested that I contact you in case of any potential trouble with the SLA leadership." Diehard(into mike):"Und...?" Silhouette(over earphones):"I think that trouble is on its way. We have picked up a Road Rover craft flying towards the SLA headquarters." Diehard holds the earphones closer to his ears. Diehard(into mike):"Are you sure of zis?" Silhouette(over earphones):"An aircraft shaped like a dog is hard to miss, General." Diehard(into mike):"Listen carefully. Track ze Road Rovers und see vat zey do und, more importantly, vat ze SLA doing. If zey start fighting, zen just stand back und let them kill each other, yah. If ze start talking, zen you have full permission to kill zem, yah?" Silhouette(over earphones):"Including the SLA, General?" Diehard(into mike):"Especially ze SLA. I vant zem all dead, und I definitely vant zeir leaders dead. Every single one! Understood?" Silhouette(over earphones):"Clearly, General. I will carry out your orders to the letter. Silhouette, out." The earphones go dead. Diehard puts them down, then turns to the other consoles to continue running his part of the war. Central District Botswana 12:38 PM: The Jet Rover is flying over the Kalahari Desert somewhere in the Central District province of Botswana. Unlike most deserts, the Kalahari is covered with vast tracks of light brown grasslands with the occasional large tree or bush and giant termite mounds. Inside the cockpit Arkadiy is following Reese's directions as the Irish Terrier tracks the signals from the SLA. Reese:"It's getting stronger and stronger, lad. It can't be much further now." Arkadiy:"Maybe it's beyond this rise." The Jet Rover comes to a rock-covered hill that rises above the generally flat desert. Arkadiy slows down and brings the Jet Rover over the hill. Team Alpha immediately see their destination. Bard:"That has got to be the SLA base!" Sitting some distance beyond hill, sure enough, is the main headquarters of the Sapien Liberation Army. It is a vast camp consisting entirely of tents. Everything is covered with camouflage netting, ensuring that all of the SLA's barracks, vehicles, war machines, fuel tanks, ammo depots and communication huts are hidden from the air. The most prominent feature is a giant tower with a dish standing next to a big tent, both painted in light-brown colors. Down below all manner of sapiens are at work, dressed in military outfits and many of them armed. Bandit:"So this is where these guys have been hiding out. They got one heck of an operation here." Reese:"I'm picking up a lot of strong signals from that tower. That has got to be the SLA's satellite transmitter which is allowing Franco to send his broadcasts around the world." Natsu:"So what's the plan? Do we walk in and blow stuff up? Sneak in and blow stuff up? Or just blow stuff up?" Arkadiy is about to respond when suddenly the radio on the dashboard crackles. Voice(over radio):"Unidentified craft! Our radars have sighted you! Identify yourself and leave our airspace or we will use force!" Arkadiy picks up the radio and answers. Arkadiy(into radio):"This is the Road Rovers." Natsu:"There goes the sneaking part." Voice(over radio):"Wait, are you fellows the Road Rovers?" Arkadiy(into radio):"That's right. Is this the Sapien Liberation Army?" Voice(over radio):"Depends on what your business is here." Arkadiy(into radio):"We wish to engage in negotiations between the Road Rovers and the Sapien Liberation Army on a possible alliance." This gets Arkadiy shocked stares from the rest of his team. After a few seconds of silence the voice on the other end answers. Voice(over radio):"Hold position. We're relaying the message to the leadership council." Arkadiy(into radio):"Will do." The radio goes dead, upon which Bard immediately speaks up. Bard:"Ark, have you gone mad?!" Arkadiy:"No, I haven't though I did take a big risk there. Hunter told me that the SLA has been trying to make us turn over to their side, so I'm trying to bluff our way into their base." Natsu:"That's more than a big risk. That's crazy! They're the bad guys!" Bandit:"And working with the Elite Guard as well!" Arkadiy is about to respond when the radio crackles again. Voice(over radio):"Road Rovers, you are cleared to land on the designated airstrip. Our leadership wants to meet with you." Arkadiy(into radio):"Roger that. Landing now." The radio goes dead again. Arkadiy looks at his skeptical team. Arkadiy:"Okay, it looks like they've not called my bluff. This should allow us to get close to the transmitter." Reese:"It's still very risky, lad." Arkadiy:"I know, but it beats the alternative of having to fight our way through them all. Now, keep cool everyone." Arkadiy guides the Jet Rover towards the SLA base. Not far off a crude airstrip is revealed as workers clear bogus bushes and grass patches from the surface. Guided by an SLA worker waving colored flags, Arkadiy guides the Jet Rover down to land on the strip. The craft kicks up a cloud of dust until it wheels into an available parking space and comes to a stop. As he powers down the engines, Arkady looks at his team. Arkadiy:"Follow my lead and don't do anything unless I say so. We don't want to start a fight right in the middle of their camp." The team nod their heads. Outside General Sarafa and several members of the leadership council are gathered near the Jet Rover. As Team Alpha disembarks from the aircraft Sarafa walks up to them. Sarafa:"Ah, to finally meet the Road Rovers. Brothers and sisters, I welcome you to the Sapien Liberation Army. I am General Sarafa, the leader of the SLA." Sarafa holds out a paw, which Arkadiy takes and shakes. Arkadiy:"Thank you, General Sarafa. I am Arkadiy, and these are my comrades Bard, Reese, Natsu and Bandit." The team members greet Sarafa as their names are mentioned. Sarafa smiles each time. Sarafa:"A pleasure to meet you all. Now, you said you wished to join the liberation?" Arkadiy:"Dah, general. But let's discuss this in private." Sarafa:"Of course, of course. Please follow me." Sarafa leads the group towards the main headquarters while the Road Rovers draw admiring attention from the other sapiens. They also draw hostile attention. On the hill the Jet Rover had flown over a pair of Elite Guard stealth soldiers were hiding in the bushes, looking at the scene down in the camp. Soldier 1:"You see that? They're treating them like the lost son. Just as we were warned they would do." Soldier 2:"I never liked working with these idiots. Do you think we'll finally get the chance to kill them and rid the Elite Guard of their stench?" Soldier 1:"I'll call the captain and let her know." The second soldier nods while the first one takes out a radio and makes the call to Silhouette. Kalahari Desert 25 Kilometers East of SLA Headquarters 13:09 PM: There is is very little, if anything, to make this part of the Kalahari any more distinct from the rest of the region. A lone rhinoceros is trotting through the tall grass. Suddenly the rhino bums into an invisible objects that produces a loud metallic bang and causes the beast to stumble back in a daze. Once it recovers and shakes its head clear the rhino stares towards the empty space it collided with. What the rhino can't see is that an Elite Guard combat unit is being hidden by a Cloak Tank. A number of Battery Buggies, Rhino Tanks, Armored Soldier Carriers and a few Templars and Vulture Fighters are hidden with only a vague, shimmering outline visible. All of the soldiers and crews are hiding in their vehicles to remain invisible from prying eyes. Sitting inside the cockpit of her parked Vulture is Silhouette. She is listening to her scout at the SLA base. Silhouette(into radio):"So there is no fighting going on?" Soldier 1(over radio):"Negative, captain. The SLA leaders welcomed them with open arms." Silhouette(into radio):"Then that's it. You two hold position until we arrive and prepare for combat." Soldier 1(over radio):"Yes, Ma'am!" Silhouette then switches her radio over to the frequency of her unit. Silhouette(into radio):"This is Captain Silhouette. All units prepare to move and ready for combat. Our target is the Sapien Libe- ration Army headquarters to the east. Everyone will remain cloaked and no fire a shot until I give the order. Understood?" Acknowledgements from the officers below her command can be heard over her earphones. She nods in satisfaction. Silhouette(into radio):"All units, advance!" The wolf-sapien female puts on her pilot helmet and starts up her craft. All around engines roar to life, causing clouds of smoke to billow out of the cloak shield as if appearing out of nowhere. A few minutes later the combat unit moves out, kicking up a big dust cloud and leaving the rhino to snort and stare in confusion at the scene before it. Council Room Sapien Liberation Army Headquarters 13:12 PM Team Alpha is brought into the council room of the SLA and are invited to sit down around the table alongside the leadership. The big screen is currently switched off. Arkadiy and Sarafa sit next to each other. Sarafa:"First, let me express my joy that you have decided to hold these talks with us. We have been trying to convince you Road Rovers to join our cause, but all our efforts have been thwarted by your human slave masters." Arkadiy:"Dah, I can understand why you would want an alliance between the Road Rovers and the SLA. It would strengthen both of us in our fight against the enemy. In fact, we were contemplating an alliance ourselves." Sarafa(surprised):"Is is that true? All our reports say that there was no effort from your side to even talk with us." Arkadiy:"Dah, it's true because of one serious problem. The Elite Guard." The SLA leadership is surprised. The rhino sapien holds up his hand. Rhino:"Now hold on. How come our alliance with the Elite Guard is a factor? They are our allies. Our comrades in the liberation." Arkadiy:"The Elite Guard cannot be trusted, comrade. General Franco is not fighting for your liberation, he is fighting for himself. Some of our members have fought against him in the distant past and all evidence points to the fact that this invasion of his is simply for his own goals." The female leopard next to Sarafa looks skeptically at Arkadiy. Leopard:"I find that hard to swallow. The Elite Guard has given us the means to fight against our human oppressors. Franco inspiring our allies in other countries to rise up against the hairless slave masters." Natsu:"As the Mister F, who is also the one inspiring the humans to rise against our kind as well?" The Rhino snorts derisively. Rhino:"That one? He is simply a copycat who wants to discredit our good friend. General Franco doesn't need an alias. The whole world can see who he is when he is making his broadcasts." Natsu:"And have you ever seen the broadcasts of 'Mister F'." Rhino:"When you have seen one, you have seen them all." Natsu:"Well, here is some news. Franco IS that same Mister F." Several gasps and shouts of outrage emit from the leadership. The leopard jumps to her feet. Leopard:"I refuse to believe such slander!" Arkadiy immediately looks at Natsu, scowling. Arkadiy:"Natsu, stop talking." Natsu, now embarrassed, closes her muzzle. Arkadiy turns back to Sarafa. Arkadiy:"I do apologize, but Natsu sometimes tends to express herself a bit too much." Sarafa:"I accept your apology, but I must warn you not to make such wild accusations again without proof." Arkadiy:"What if I said we can provide such proof?" Sarafa:"If you can provide convincing proof, then perhaps we might re- consider our relationship with the Elite Guard." Leopard:"Not that we think such proof exists. Franco is above suspicion." Bandit(to himself):"Wow, these guys take tail-kissing to a whole new level." Arkadiy:"We can provide it, comrade general. In fact, the proof is right under your noses." Sarafa:"Oh?" Arkadiy:"Dah. You have a satellite transmitter here, correct?" Sarafa:"Yes, we do. In fact, it is probably one of the most powerful on the continent." Arkadiy:"And Franco relays his broadcasts via this transmitter." Sarafa:"He asked us and we were more than happy to help spread his word of liberation." Arkadiy:"Did you ever check to see what broadcasts he was sending via your transmitter?" Rhino:"No, and why should we? You don't go invading someone's privacy for curiosity’s sake. Especially not an ally like Franco." Arkadiy:"Then perhaps you mind need to take a second look, comrades. If you can give us access to your transmitter we can prove to you all that Franco has been deceiving you." The SLA leadership all look skeptically at Team Alpha. Sarafa:"Are you certain about this?" Arkadiy:"Dah, general. We can prove it. After all, there can be no alliance between the Road Rovers and the Sapien Liberation Army as long as the Elite Guard is on your side." Sarafa stares at Arkadiy for a minute before leaning back. Sarafa:"We will discuss your request, Arkadiy. Please wait outside until we have reached a decision." Arkadiy:"Very well, comrade." Sarafa signals to the guards, who come up to Team Alpha just as they rise up from their seats. As the leadership council begins talking among themselves and Team Alpha is escorted out, Bard leans close to Arkadiy and whispers. Bard(whispering):"You're taking a heck of a lot of chances, Ark." Arkadiy(whispering):"I know, but it's working. Now we just need access to the transmitter." Bard(whispering):"I hope they do allow that. I'm afraid they might want to ask their buddy Franco first." Arkadiy(whispering):"It's a risk I'm willing to take. Just trust me." Bard nods, but still looks somewhat unconvinced. Neo-Nazi Rally Somewhere in Black Forest Germany 13:24 PM: Deep within a clearing in a forest nestled in the southern mountain ranges a large number of people have gathered for a neo-Nazi rally. Everywhere there are banners and posters proclaiming anti-mutant messages in German amongst flags bearing the swarztika. At the one end of the clearing is a large television screen with a stage in front. At the moment everyone is chatting to each other. On the stage one of the rally organizers is talking to the technician operating the screen. Organizer:"How long before Mister F makes his broadcast?" Technician:"I've received notice he will make his broadcast at half-past the hour." Organizer:"Guht! Make sure the equipment is in working order while I get our comrades together to hear our benefactor." Technician:"Jawol!" The technician sprints off the stage while the organizer goes and speaks to his fellow organizers. Resistance Gathering Somewhere in the Amazon Northwest Brazil At That Moment: The Amazon jungle is a green carpet that stretches for kilometers in all directions, broken up by the occasional river. A cloud layer hangs over the jungle, depositing a light drizzle. Hidden amongst the jungles is the remains of an old Inca settlement. Most of the elaborate and well- built ancient buildings are still standing, but have long been taken over by the jungle. The ruins are not abandoned, however. A large number of sapiens have set up camp here, using the ruins not only as a shelter. A number of the structures are being used to store weapons, ammo and all kinds of combat gear. Many of the sapiens on guard duty are armed with automatic rifles and vests. At the moment most of them have gathered in the Inca temple, a spacious dome structure now being used as a meeting hall. Aside from modern additions such as communication systems, computers and terminals, a large TV screen has been erected over the altar. Most of the sapiens are seated in front of the TV, mostly chatting to each other. Two sapiens, a python and a monkey, are busy talking to one another in Spanish. Python:"How long will it take? I am eager to hear more from our great benefactor, General Franco." Monkey:"It won't be long now. They told me he will come on in the next 15 minutes. And never misses a deadline." Python:"I've heard the human scum also have a Mister F who some say is just like Franco in his speeches." The monkey scoffs at the idea. Monkey:"A mere copycat. The humans are becoming desperate. They know our time is coming, and coming soon." Python:"Yessss. Very soon." They continue talking, their conversation lost in the din of the noise inside the temple. Council Room Sapien Liberation Army Headquarters 13:28 PM The SLA leadership have finished their discussion on Arkadiy's requests, though many of them are frowning. Team Alpha is ushered in by the SLA guards are brought to Sarafa. Arkadiy stands in front of Sarafa. Sarafa:"We have discussed the matter and reached a conclusion." Arkadiy:"And that is...?" Sarafa:"We will give you access to our transmitter so you can try and prove your case. However, this will be done under our conditions." Arkadiy:"What is that, comrade general?" Sarafa:"If you don't turn up any evidence within 30 minutes that back your claims, we will consider the matter closed and you will not bring it up again. If you do, we will be forced to take you all prisoner until we can decide what to do with you." Arkadiy nods his head. Arkadiy:"I believe that is enough. We accept, General Sarafa." Sarafa:"Good. Can one of your team members work on the transmitter?" Arkadiy nods, pointing to Reese and Natsu. Arkadiy:"Reese and Natsu. Reese is good at picking up signals and Natsu is an expert on electronics." Sarafa:"Very well. Give them your instructions and I will have them taken to the transmitter." Arkadiy nods, then walks up to Reese and Natsu. Arkadiy:"I want you two to link up the transmitter with the Jumbo Rover so that Hunter and the others can have access too." Reese:"Aye, lad." Natsu:"Will do." Arkadiy nods in satisfaction. Sarafa signals to a pair of guards. They come up and then escort Natsu and Reese out of the council room while the rest of Team Alpha take up seats. Natsu and Reese are taken outside to the giant transmitter that stood just outside the leadership tent. Like the cellphone towers the transmitter also has a hut housing its electronic equipment, though it is larger. A guard is on duty outside the hut and is watching the group approaches him. Escort Guard:"The council has granted these two access to the transmitter. Let them in." Hut Guard:"Okay, let me just get the keys out." The hut guard digs around in a pocket for a few seconds before pulling out a keyring with many keys on it. He searches for the right key, then uses it to unlock the door of the hut. The door swings open. Hut Guard:"There you go." Reese:"Thank you." Reese and Natsu enter the hut while the guards wait outside, looking in to make sure the two Road Rovers don't misbehave. Natsu and Reese look around the hut. It is filled with all kinds of computerized equipment to operate the transmitter and to recieve/send out transmissions and signals. Natsu:"Reese, which one of these systems is hooked up to the Elite Guard's own channels?" Reese concentrates, closing his eyes and flicking his ears as he tries to sort out the various transmissions. After a few minutes he opens his eyes and points to one signal box. Reese:"That one, lass. I can pick up Elite Guard com chatter from it." Natsu:"Let's have a look." They go up to the signal box. Natsu takes out her tools and opens the signal box. Inside is a computer terminal that is currently running. Natsu:"I think you got something." She begins typing away on the keypad and looking at the readings that appear on the screen above it. After a while the Shiba-Inu snaps her fingers in triumph. Natsu:"Yes! I got it!" Reese:"Got what?" Natsu:"A possible channel for HQ to link up for a direct connection into the Elite Guard network." Reese:"Let's get hold of Hunter." Natsu:"Go for it. I'll give them the info needed to make the link." Reese digs out a bone-shaped handheld phone, dials a number and makes the call. The guards watch with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. Hut Guard:"Hey, who are you calling?" Reese:"Our superiors, lad. Our Road Rover friends want access to one of your feeds." Hut Guard:"What for? Spying?" Reese:"If it was for spying, then why would I be telling you about it?" The hut guard feels a bit sheepish while his compatriot chuckles. Reese then hears his call answered and holds the phone to his head. Computer Room Jumbo Rover Windhoek Namibia 13:35 PM: The computer room is a portion of the Jumbo Rover's lower deck that has partitioned to make a single room. As expected it is filled with banks of computers, terminals and screens with seats for the operators and plenty of air conditioning. At the moment most of the Road Rovers' computer experts are working here. Hunter is standing by Corsair and holding a phone to his ear. He is speaking to Reese. Hunter(into phone):"Yeah, we're working on it right now." Corsair:"Ask him to have Natsu check what its local area network name is." Hunter repeats the question to Reese, then waits while they get the info on the other side. A few moments later Hunter gets the reply. Hunter:"He says it's called the Liberation Network." Corsair:"How original. Let's see..." Corsair types and clicks away at the computer keyboard and mouse. After a few moments some feedback appears on the screen. Corsair:"I think I got something here. Tell them to switch the second and fourth wires and then enter our IP and network name." Hunter relays the information back to Reese and Natsu. Again they wait for a few minutes before Hunter gets a reply. Hunter:"Done." Corsair:"Okay, time to see if we've hit the jackpot." Corsair works on the computer again and then waits for feedback. It appears on the screen in the form of a video feed. On the video one can see Franco as the darkness-shrouded Mister F as he prepares for his next broadcast. Hunter grins and Corsair claps his hands in triumph. Corsair:"Bingo, baby!" Hunter:"Looks like we've caught Franco on candid camera." Corsair:"More than that. This is a live feed from Franco's own camera crew outside their broadcasting time. So he may think the cameras aren't rolling, but they are for us." Hunter:"Can they trace it?" Corsair:"Not unless they make a deliberate check. Right now the signal is being sent to us like one of his live transmissions, so they won't catch on too quickly." Hunter:"I'm going to get hold of the Master. I want him to see this." Corsair:"Gotcha, boss." Hunter goes over to another computer while Corsair watches Franco on the video feed. Briefing Room Road Rover Mission Control United States of America A Few Minutes Later: Striker comes into the briefing room, walking on crutches with his new leg wrapped in bandages and plaster. He joins the Master and Professor Hubert, who are seated around the table. On the screens are the images of Hunter and Norwood with the live feed showing Franco on the centre screen. Striker sits down and leans his crutches against the table. Striker:"Wat do we have?" Master:"The Rovers have managed to infiltrate the SLA headquarters and got us connected to Franco's broadcast studio." Striker:"Wag, so this live?" Master:"Yes, it is." Striker looks at the central screen, where a female wolf-sapien is busy making the final adjustments to Franco's disguise. Striker:"And that's Franco?" Norwood:"Every despicable inch of him. He's disguised as Mister F and getting ready to make another propaganda performance." Striker frowns, watching as the make-up artist steps back and Franco clears his throat. From somewhere off screen the producer speaks. Producer(off screen):"And we're live in three... two... one!" Franco:"Fellow humans! True blood brothers and sisters! I come to you once again to bring you news of..." As Franco AKA Mister F starts to make his speech Striker quickly looks at Hunter. Striker:"Can you guys put that on the air?" Hunter:"It's already on the air, Striker." Striker:"Nee. I mean, can you have this broadcast put on every single television network in the world? We have to let the world see this." Everyone looks at Striker. Hubert:"Wait. You want Franco's broadcast to appear on every television set in the world?" Striker:"Ja. We have to show the world that Franco is deceiving the whole planet and causing this whole anti-mutant/pro-sapien mess." Norwood understands what Striker means, his eyes brightening. Norwood:"Yes, yes! That's right! If Franco takes off his Mister F disguise while still on the air it will blow open the whole scheme! This is the smoking gun we've been looking for!" The others also catch on to the idea. The Master quickly looks at Hunter. Master:"Get this broadcast onto every and all channels, Hunter! Quickly!" Hunter:"You got it, Master!" Hunter quickly vanishes from the screen. Everyone else can now only watch as Franco makes his speech. Times Square New York City United States of America At That Moment: It is early morning over Times Square in New York City, but already it is bustling with pedestrian and vehicle traffic. Large advertisement bill- boards are on virtually every building and tickers are giving the latest market updates. The giant screen in Times Square is currently showing an ad for a big soft drink company. Suddenly the advertisement vanishes into static, only to be replaced by Franco's broadcast a few seconds later. Down below a taxi driver standing next to his yellow cab sees this new broadcast. Taxi Driver:"Whoa! Who's that weirdo?" Soon pedestrians and drivers alike stop and look up at the screen as Franco's words echo throughout Times Square. Sports Bar Rio de Janeiro Brazil At That Moment: The sports bar is packed with fans watching their team playing a football match against another country. When the screen switches to Franco's visage there are cries and shouts calling for the game to be brought back. The bar tender tries to change channels, but every channel is showing Franco and broadcasting his words. BBC Headquarters London United Kingdom At That Moment: In the newsroom everyone is surprised as every single one of their television screens switch to show Franco. News anchors are trying to explain to the audiences the situation, unaware that, they too, have been replaced by Franco. Off camera the news editors are furious and shouting at the technicians. Editor:"What the bloody h*** is going on?!" Technician:"I don't know! Every channel is showing the same thing!" Editor:"Fix it, d****it! Fix it now!" The technicians scramble to try and get the BBC's channels back while Franco's speech continues. Television Shop Shanghai China At That Moment: It is late at night in the Chinese city and the commercial district is almost deserted. A police officer on patrol is standing at the display window of a television shop, but he isn't looking for thieves. Every single television on display is showing Franco. Neo-Nazi Rally Somewhere in Black Forest Germany At That Moment: The crowds are cheering as they watch "Mister F" on the big screen. They are clapping hands, cheering and whistling. Franco(on screen):"Never let it be said that mankind gave away its rightful place at the top of creation! All creatures are subjective to the rule of humanity! That is the order of the universe!" The crowds give a roaring cheer that can be heard deep into the forest. Resistance Gathering Somewhere in the Amazon Northwest Brazil At That Moment: Inside the temple the gathering crowd of sapiens are watching with wide eyes as "Mister F" appears on the screen before. Monkey:"Who is that guy?" Python:"It's that Franco copycat Mister F!" Loud boos and jeers erupt from the crowds along with rude gestures and angry fist waving. But Franco's speech continues uninterrupted. War Room Union Buildings Pretoria Republic of South Africa At That Moment: Inside the makeshift war room within South Africa's seat of power everyone is gathered around the television sets. Again, Franco is on the screens making his anti-mutant speech. President Vorster comes into the room and looks around. Vorster:"Reg, what is going on here?" Intelligence Minister Hangana turns to the president. Hangana:"You had better see this, Mister President." Vorster walks over to the group and looks at the television. He frowns when he sees the figure known as "Mister F". Vorster:"Who is that?" Hangana:"It's that anti-mutant campaigner Mister F." Vorster:"That silly-looking fool? I thought he was just some kind of joke put on the Internet for amusement." Hangana:"He looks very real, Mister President." Vorster:"He also appears to be rambling." Vorster frowns some more, concentrating on the voice coming from the figure. Vorster:"Though that voice sounds familiar..." Nonetheless, Vorster continues to watch Mister F's speech along with the rest of his government. Council Room Sapien Liberation Army Headquarters At That Moment: The SLA leadership is watching Mister F as he nears the end of his speech on the big screen in the room. None of the council members make any effort to hide their disgust at the anti-mutant diatribe. Sarafa turns to Arkadiy with an angry look. Sarafa:"How long must we sit here and listen to this nonsense?" Arkadiy:"Just be patient, comrade general. The truth will be revealed soon." Sarafa:"And if it is not?" Arkadiy:"Then I will apologize for any inconvenience." Sarafa:"D*** right it is inconvenient!" They continue to watch Mister F as he winds down his speech. Computer Room Jumbo Rover Windhoek Namibia 13:51 PM: Every Rover in the room is now just watching as Mister F makes the last few statements of his speech. A few others have now come in to join in the viewing. Colleen leans closer to Hunter to whisper. Colleen(whispering):"Blimey, I'm really hoping he screws up." Hunter(whispering):"I think he will. I'm feeling lucky today." Colleen(whispering):"Let's hope it isn't bad luck." They keep watching. Mister F:"So arise, humanity! Rise up and ensure our rightful place in this world! Let us show these foul abominations that they cannot and never will dethrone us from our position given to us by God and destiny! Arise, humanity! Arise!!!" With that Mister F raises a triumphant fist into the air, which he holds for a few seconds. At that point the producer can be heard speaking off screen. Producer:"Three... two... one... and we are off the air." Corsair:"That's what he thinks." The lights come on, showing Mister F with a rubber mask over his head. He grabs the mask and peels it off, exposing his ears and then his face and muzzle. Mister F is now revealed to be General Franco. Franco:"Finally... this stupid mask was getting too hot." Producer:"Still a brilliant performance, Supreme General. I'm sure the humans have been energized by your speech." Franco:"Considering how gullible they have been I would not be surprised. And now it's time to do the same with the sapiens." Every Rover in the room is grinning widely with triumph. Corsair:"Ha! We got him!" Hunter:"Yet another expected twist! Awesome!" The Rovers start cheering and clapping paws/hands together in high-fives while Franco is still oblivious to what is happening. Neo-Nazi Rally Somewhere in Black Forest Germany At That Moment: The crowds give a collective gasp of shock and horror as Mister F reveals himself to be General Franco. Neo-Nazi 1:"He's a mutant!" Neo-Nazi 2:"Nein, it can't be! It has to be a trick!" Very quickly two camps form, one claiming it to be a trick and the other claiming they have been deceived. Despite the rally organizers' attempts to keep people calm, tempers quickly flare up and several fist fights break out. Within a short while the entire rally has descended into what can only be described as a riot. Resistance Gathering Somewhere in the Amazon Northwest Brazil At That Moment: Like their human counterparts, the sapiens gathered are just as horrified at the revelation of Mister F as being their patron General Franco. Monkey:"This... this cannot be!" Python:"We hasssss been deceived! It was all liessss!" Several of the sapiens break down in tears while others flee into the jungles, but most of them are too shocked to do anything but stare at the screen where Franco's make-up team is getting him ready. Klu Klux Klan Gathering Somewhere in Georgia United States of America At That Moment: This is similiar to the earlier Klan gathering held here, only now the Klan members have also witnesses the stark revelation of the lie that is Mister F/General Franco. There are angry shouts and cries of feeling betrayed and lied to. One of the Klan leaders grabs a microphone and tries to calm the crowds. Klan Leader:"Brothers, sisters! Please calm down!" This turns out to be a mistake, as the crowd quickly turns their anger towards the leadership up on the stage. Klan Member 1:"You! You did this! You deceived us!" Klan Leader:"What! That's not true! We didn't..." Klan Members 2:"Liars! The whole lot of you!" One Klan members then waves around a bale of rope in his hands. Klan Members 3:"Let's hang 'em!" Instantly the crowd surge towards the stage. The frightened Klan leaders try to escape. A few of them managed to get away while being pursued by the Klan members, but the rest are grabbed by the furious lynch mob on the stage. War Room Union Buildings Pretoria Republic of South Africa At That Moment: Everyone but Vorster is surprised at the exposé of General Franco, but the South African president just snorts and shakes his head in contempt. Vorster:"General Franco. I knew that voice was familiar." Safety and Security Minister Grace Haddan turns to Vorster, as does the rest of his government. Haddan:"What should we do, Mister President?" Vorster shrugs. Vorster:"We continue what we are doing now: defending South Africa from the clutches of Franco and his mutant army. Let the rest of the world deal with the shock of being led around the nose." Vorster turns around and exists the room, leaving his ministers and staff to stare after him. They then slowly return to work, switching off the televisions. Briefing Room Road Rover Mission Control United States of America At That Moment: Everyone in the room and on the screens are jubilant as Franco prepares for his next speech, still not knowing what had happened. Norwood(on screen):"That's it! The whole thing has been exposed as one big lie. And with the evidence collected in Kenya I can finally get all the world's nations back together again." Master:"When are you going to present it, Norwood?" Norwood(on screen):"I'm going to give everyone an hour or so to absorb this revelation, then give a live speech presenting the evidence of Franco's deception." Just then on the main screen another voice suddenly shouts off screen. Voice(off screen):"We're still on the air!" This immediately makes Franco look up from his speech papers. Franco(on screen):"What's this?" Producer(off screen):"What are you babbling about?" Voice(off screen):"We're on every channel right now! Sky, BBC, CCTV, CNN! Everybody in the world is watching us!" Producer(off screen):"That's absurd. We're not broadcasting right now." While the arguments continue on the screen, Striker looks at Hunter on the other. Striker:"Hunter, ask Corsair if he can connect my Watchcom to where Franco is. I want to have a word with him." Hunter(on screen):"Will do, Striker." As Hunter turns away the Master looks at Striker. Master:"What are you planning to do, Striker?" Striker:"I think I am going to pull Franco's whiskers, just for old time's sake." Master:"That might a little unwise." Striker:"So is this whole master plan of his." Master:"Touché." Just then Hunter appears back on the screen, giving a thumbs up. Hunter:"You're on, Striker." Striker brings up his Watchcom and switches on the communicator. He starts to speak while looking up at the screen showing Franco. Striker:"Hello there, General." On the screen Franco stands up, looking around in bewilderment. Franco(on screen):"What? Who is this?" Striker:"Don't you recognize me? I'm the one who put that bullet that in your head." Franco frowns and bares his teeth. Franco(on screen):"Striker. I am looking forward to the day that I will return the favor." Striker:"I very much doubt that, Franco. Especially now that you have been exposed as a fraud to the whole world." Franco(on screen):"Ridiculous. They couldn't possibly..." Producer(off screen):"He's right! Our broadcast has been comprised! The world saw you take off your Mister F disguise, sir!" Franco(on screen):"You had better not be joking!" Producer(off screen):"Look at this television, sir!" Franco looks at a television off screen. The look on his face goes from smug assurance to shocked realization. His eyes go wide and his mouth drops open. Franco(on screen):"No..." Striker:"Ja, Franco. Glimlag for the camera, because everyone is watching you." Franco flies into a rage, throwing his mask to the ground and roaring with fury. Franco(on screen):"D*** YOU, STRIKER!!! D*** YOU TO H***!!!" Suddenly Franco clutches his head and doubles over as if in a great amount of pain. Franco(on screen):"Aaarrgg... the pain... stupid bullet..." Striker:"I am so happy to hear you are enjoying yourself, Franco." Franco stands up again, holding his head with one paw and pulling out a firearm with the other. Screaming in anger, he fires at the camera. An instant later the screen goes to static. Striker is smiling as he turns his Watchcom off. Striker:"Franco just made a fool of himself in front of the whole world." Norwood(on screen):"In that regard he hasn't changed much. But I'm glad he's been exposed as a fraud. Now we can get the world back to- gether and stop his Elite Guard." Master:"Let's first wait and see what the rest of the world does after this broadcast." They all nod in agreement, looking at the blank screen where Franco had been displayed. Sapien Liberation Army Headquarters Central District Botswana At That Moment: Inside the council tent the leadership of the SLA are staring at the blank screen where Franco had been seconds earlier. They are all in a state of shock and disbelief, their faces pale. Some of them are trying to say something, but very few of them utter more than a few words. Sarafa is the only one who manages to say something. Sarafa:"I... I don't believe it... Franco... he's used us... he's used us..." Arkadiy puts a paw on Sarafa's shoulder. Arkadiy:"I'm sorry about this revelation, comrade, but we had to let you see for yourself that Franco had been using you." Sarafa:"But... but is this is so unreal..." Bard:"Oh, but it is as real as you can get, general." While the SLA leadership is still recovering from the shock, outside at the main gate into the camp a pair of hyena sapiens are busy chatting to one another. Hyena 1:"I wonder if the Road Rovers will be joining the liberation?" Hyena 2:"I sure hope so. With them and the Elite Guard on our side, we will finally be rid of Vorster and our human oppressors." Hyena 1:"Amen to that. Got a smoke?" Hyena 2:"Sure." The second hyena takes out a pack of cigarettes. He takes one and offers another to his friend, who takes it. Hyena 1:"Got a light?" Suddenly both hyenas are incinerated by a powerful and sweeping laser beam. The remain guards are startled to suddenly see Silhouette’s Elite Guard forces uncloak just meters away from the camp perimeter. Before they can realize what is going on, the Elite Guard forces open fire upon the camp. Guard towers and nearby tents are immediately destroyed and most of the defenders are taken down. The Battery Buggies lay down a barrage of rockets upon the camp while the Rhino Tanks bulldoze through the crude wall and barbed wire that surrounds the camp. The Templars climb over the obstacles and the ASC vehicles follow through the breach, the soldiers inside firing out at anyone they can see. Vultures fly overhead, bombing any anti-aircraft guns before they can return fire and then proceeding to spray bullets into the tents. Inside the council the leadership snap out of their shock-induced trace and jump to their feet along with Team Alpha. Leopard:"What the h*** is going on?!" Rhino:"Sounds like we're being attacked!" At that moment Natsu and Reese rush into the tent and run up to Arkadiy. Natsu:"Ark! It's the Elite Guard! They're attacking the camp!" Reese:"We have to get out of here, lads! These b******s are shooting up everything in sight!" Arkadiy quickly turns to Sarafa. Arkadiy:"Come on, general! We need to get you out of here!" Suddenly something rips the ceiling of the tent open. Daylight reveals a Templar, using its claw to tear the fabric apart. Before anyone can react the Templar reaches down and grab the rhino leader. It then flings the rhino into the sky like a rag doll, the unfortunate sapien screaming as he is hurled out of sight. The leopard female quickly pulls out a pistol and aims at the Templar. Leopard:"You treacherous fiends!" She begins firing at the Templar, but the giant mech is unfazed by the bullets harmlessly ricocheting off its metal surface. The pilot then takes aim at the female with the Templar's laser cannon and fires. The blast hits the leopard, vaporizing her before anyone can save her. Bandit acts quickly and teleports himself right on top of the Templar. He then goes and lies down on top of the cockpit, obscuring the pilot's view. Templar Pilot:"Hey! Get off!" Bandit:"You didn't ask nicely!" The pilot begins to shake the Templar, trying to make Bandit fall off. The Bernese Mountain Dog hangs on, though, and looks at Team Alpha. Bandit:"Go! I'll keep him occupied!" Arkadiy grabs Sarafa's paw. Arkadiy:"Come on, comrade! We have to get out of here!" Sarafa nods, still dazed and trying to take in what is happening all around him. Arkadiy leads him and Team Alpha out of the tent while the Templar tries to shake Bandit off. Bandit keeps hanging on, sliding over the cockpit window. Seeing he is unable to shake Bandit off, the pilot then tries to grab at him with the Templar's claw. Bandit sees the claw coming for him and jumps off, landing on a table that collapses under his weight. Bandit struggles to his feet as the Templar's claw makes a grab for the Rover. Bandit manages to quickly teleport a short distance away, just avoiding the claw. The Templar only manages to grab the broken remains of the table, but then tries to throw it at Bandit. Bandit makes a run for the exit and just manages to avoid the debris thrown at him. The Templar begins to pursue him, but then the pilot sees the remaining members of the SLA leadership trying to get out through the other exit. It turns towards them, taking aim with its laser cannon. Outside Team Alpha emerge to a scene of chaos. The Elite Guard forces are rampaging all over the camp while the SLA vainly tries to fight back against their former allies. Natsu:"We have to get out of here, Ark! Before the Elite Guard gets to the Jet Rover!" Arkadiy:"You're right! Come on!" Team Alpha makes their way through the mess, dodging past burning vehicles and collapsed tents. A loud crash makes them look behind them. A Rhino Tank has smashed through what remains of the council tent and is now barreling down towards them. A soldier is on the tank's machine guns and taking aim at the group. Arkadiy:"Take cover!" The team ducks behind a burnt-out jeep as the tank's gunner opens fire. The bullets bounce off the wreckage that is shielding Team Alpha, but the gunner is keeping them pinned down while the tank is barreling towards the wreckage. Bard peeks around the edge and sees the tank coming. Bard:"That tank's coming right at us!" Natsu:"I'll deal with it!" With those words Natsu quickly phases down into the ground. Meanwhile the tank is closing in fast on the team's hiding while the gunner keeps firing the machine gun. Natsu comes out of the ground next to the tank and hops on. The gunner sees her and quickly swings the machine guns over to aim at her. Natsu swings her leg at the gunner's head in a karate kick. Natsu:"Hi-ya!" Natsu's foot connects with the gunner's face, knocking him back and causing him to collapse back down the hatch. Natsu climbs over the tank until she comes to the driver's view port. The Shiba-Inu pulls out a tazer, then phases her arm through the tank. Inside the driver is startled to see an arm "grow" out of the metal skin. Driver:"What the h***...?!" Natsu presses the tazer to the driver's chest and presses the button on it. The wolf-sapien yelps as the tazer zaps him with an electrical current. He then slumps in his seat in pain, causing the tank to lose steering and veer off course. Natsu jumps off just before the Rhino ploughs into a tent and runs up to Team Alpha. Natsu:"I took care of the tank." Arkadiy:"Good work, Natsu. Come on, comrades!" The group gets up and resumes running for the Jet Rover. The Jet Rover is still intact and sitting by the edge of the runway. The group quickly closes the distance between them and their means of escape. Arkadiy:"Keep running! We're almost there!" Suddenly a pair of rockets fly over Team Alpha's heads and slam into the Jet Rover. The aircraft explodes in a huge fireball before collapsing into a twisted, burning heap of metal. Silhouette's Vulture passes over them, having bombed the Jet Rover. Everyone looks in shock at the Jet Rover's burning remains. Bard:"Professor Hubert is not going to like this. Now what do we do?" Sarafa:"Follow me, friends! I can see one of our cargo planes is still intact!" The lion points to a makeshift camo-net tent where a C-130 cargo plane is sitting. Reese looks a little uneasily at the big aircraft. Reese:"Och, that thing? It doesn't look like a good escape vehicle." Bard:"Would you rather want to walk back home, assuming the Elite Guard don't get us first?" Arkadiy:"Come on! To the plane!" Team Alpha follows Sarafa across the runway to the plane. They quickly rush up the ladder and into the plane. Arkadiy looks at Bandit. Arkadiy:"Bandit, you had simulator training on how to fly this plane?" Bandit:"It's been a while, but I think I can handle it." Arkadiy:"Good. Get this bird in the air, comrade." Bandit:"On it!" Bandit quickly runs up to the cockpit and gets into the pilot's seat. Reese comes and sits down next to him to help out as a co-pilot. The two of them work as fast as they can to get the cargo plane started. The engines sputter a few times before the propellers spin up to full speed. The aircraft begins to slowly roll out from under cover and out onto the runway. Bandit guides it to the end of the runway and makes a u-turn to make the plane face the other way. Bandit:"Here we go!" He pushes forward on the throttle and the cargo plane rolls down the runway, going faster and faster. Both the Elite Guard and the SLA are too busy fighting each other to notice the C-130 as it lifts off the ground and takes to the skies. But Silhouette spots the cargo plane as she finishes another a pass over the camp. Silhouette:"Sacre bleu! You are not getting away that easily!" She turns her Vulture around and flies after the C-130, leaving the Elite Guard forces under her command to mop up the pitiful remnants of the Sapien Liberation Army. C-130 Cargo Plane En Route To Namibia 14:43 PM: Bandit and Reese bring the C-130 up to a good flying altitude and plot a course. Behind it a plume of smoke is the only sign of the SLA camp it is leaving behind. Inside General Sarafa is making his way to the back of the plane, followed by Arkadiy and the rest of his team. Arkadiy:"Where are you going, comrade?" Sarafa:"To the cargo bay. I want to see if any of my people managed to escape this massacre." Bard:"I very much doubt that. The Elite Guard are known to be very thorough when it comes to killing." Sarafa:"I still want to have a look." Arkadiy:"Very well, comrade. But I think it will be necessary to alert the rest of your forces of the Elite Guard's betrayal when we return to our base." Sarafa snarls and clenches his fists. Sarafa:"Definitely necessary." They make their way to the back of the plane, where the cargo bay doors are located. Sarafa flips a switch that makes the doors slide open, revealing the Kalahari landscape below them. At that moment Silhouette's Vulture flies up into their view, startling the Rovers. Arkadiy:"Take cover!" Everyone jumps for some kind of cover as the Vulture's machine guns open fire on the aircraft. Sparks fly as the bullets ricochet inside the bay and shoot rows of holes into the plane's skin. Bandit and Reese hear the noise and try to look out the windows. Bandit:"What's going on back there?" At that moment the Vulture turns to the left and begins to fire at the engine. Though the shots miss, they manage to blow holes along the edge of the wing. Reese sees the shots. Reese:"We're being attacked!" Bandit:"Evasive maneuvers!" Reese:"In this thing? That's like a cow trying to dodge a fox!" Nonetheless, Reese helps Bandit in making the plane take zigzags and sharp turns to try and throw off the Vulture's aim. Inside the cargo bay everyone holds on as the plane banks left and right. The Vulture comes in and out of their view, but Silhouette is clearly not being shaken off. Sarafa is busy digging in his pockets and working on some- thing that the others don't notice. The Vulture fires again, this time trying to shoot the tail. Pieces of metal fly as the bullets tear into the tail of the C-130. Bard tries firing her pistol at the Vulture's cockpit, but her shots bounce off the angled sides of the enemy air- craft. Bard:"Ark! We got to get that pilot off our tails!" Arkadiy:"I know, but I'm still thinking how we're going to do it!" Bard:"You better think fast! That pilot is turning us into Swiss cheese!" Sarafa then comes up to Arkadiy and puts his paw on the German Shepherd's shoulder. Sarafa:"I want to thank you Road Rovers for exposing Franco's lies and also apologize for all the trouble we have caused." Arkadiy:"Save it until we are safely back at HQ, comrade!" Sarafa:"I'm afraid that is not possible. I had to say it now." Arkadiy(confused):"Why?" Sarafa:"Because of this..." The lions suddenly stands up and runs onto the the cargo bay doors. Before anyone can stop him, Sarafa jumps and flies through the air towards the Vulture. Silhouette doesn't see the lion until he lands hard on her cock- pit. The wolf-sapiens stares at Sarafa, who is growling at her through the windshield. Sarafa:"You and your treacherous Elite Guard can all go to h***!" Silhouette:"You first, mon ami!" Silhouette pushes on the flight stick and the Vulture starts doing a continuous barrel roll. The Rovers watch with breath caught at the scene unfolding in the skies. Despite his best efforts, Sarafa even- tually loses his grip. The lion is flung into the skies before falling to his doom. The Rovers watch in horror, but Silhouette is watching the lion-sapien fall with smugness. Silhouette:"Farewell, General Sarafa. May your landing be hard." She chuckles, then something on her windshield catches her. She looks at it and is shocked to see a hand grenade, the pin removed, stuck to her craft with some putty by Sarafa. Silhouette:"Sacre bleu!" The wolf-sapien tries to reach for the ejection seat button, but the grenade then donates. The blast seriously damages the cock as well as the one engine. Now billowing smoke, the Vulture spins out of control and nose-dives towards the ground. Team Alpha watches the Vulture as it falls until it finally hits earth, exploding in a huge mushroom- shaped cloud of smoke and debris. Natsu:"Oh my, the poor general. He sacrificed himself to get that pilot off our tails." Bard:"I guess he really wanted to make up for all the SLA had done to help Franco." Natsu:"So what do we do now?" Arkadiy:"Let's head home. There is now nothing left for us to do. We've done what we've came here for. Close up that door." Bard:"I'll do it." Bard goes and flips the level that operates the cargo bay doors, making them close up. They then head back up to the cockpit as the C-130 makes its way back to Namibia. Zhongnanhai Beijing Republic of China 3 February 7:02 AM: Zhongnanhai is the headquarters of the Chinese government, a large red- tiled building with traditional Chinese architecture. Two banners are on either side of the building and a pole with the flag of China stands out front. Right now several APCs are parked outside with Red Army sol- diers surrounding them. Some of the soldiers are busy leading a number of government officials, who are members of the anti-mutant faction, out of the government building for transport to prison. Brandenburg Gate Berlin Germany 4 February 11:24 AM: A big march is being held in the streets of central Berlin, near the iconic Brandenburg Gate. Hundreds of thousands of people, both human and sapien, are taking part in a big protest against pro-sapien and anti-mutant ideals. Many of them are holding banners and posters. Police are everywhere to keep watch, but the march is generally peaceful. Congress Washington DC United States of America 5 February 14:56 PM: On the steps leading up to the Congress Building, a large throng of people have gathered. Activists, protestors and journalists are jostling with one another while police hold them back. A few disgraced senators and lobbyists are being escorted by FBI officers down to awaiting police cars. One of the protestors manages to throw a rotten egg at one senator, splattering on the man's face. The protestor is quickly detained while the humiliated senator tries to wipe the mess off his face. Briefing Room Road Rover Mission Control United States of America 7 February 8:04 AM: Once again everyone is gathered here, either in person or on the screens. The Master, Striker, Hubert and several others are seated around the table while on the screens are Norwood, Cadwell and Hunter. Norwood:"All the major world governments are purging themselves of those who haven't resigned following the revelations. There have also been a number of apologies and offers of reconciliation between the world's nations, but I urged them to first worry about dealing with Franco." Cadwell:"We've spoken with our counterparts in the Chinese army and they're willing to work with US forces to stop the Elite Guard. Unfor- tunately, the South Africans are not willing to cooperate with either us of the Chinese." Hunter:"Why is that?" Master:"Since you Rovers will be working with the US and Chinese to fight Franco, Vorster jumped to the conclusion that our intervention is actually a mutant plot." Cadwell:"Oh, come on! He can't possibly still believe in the whole anti- mutant business! It's been thoroughly discredited!" Master:"Not really, Major. All the others were motivated by prejudice and racism. Vorster, however, is anti-mutant because of the fact that the Elite Guard murdered nearly all the members of his family in 1979. He is motivated by revenge, and that isn't easy to dismiss like the rest." Cadwell:"D***! So now what?" Norwood:"I still think the US and Chinese should move in. Vorster might not like it, but some of his subordinates and army commanders might be more willing to cooperate. At any rate, the South Africans' biggest problem is still the Elite Guard." Cadwell:"And ours too. The Elite Guard is making good progress and there are concerns in the White House that Franco will get to Pretoria before we do." Norwood:"I'm also worried about that. The Sapien Liberation Army may be out of the way and the Elite Guard had to waste resources and manpower to not only secure their mineral convoys and get rid of any SLA forces close to them, but they are still marching pretty much unopposed." Master:"Then we will have to slow them down. I will have my Rovers use any means necessary to do that. They'll blow up bridges, bomb passes, set up booby traps along roads and attack any stray Elite Guard units. It won't stop them, but it will but slow them down." Norwood:"It's better than nothing. We may have exposed Franco's lies, but there is still a big mountain climb before we can say we have won." Everyone nods in agreement. President's Office Union Buildings Pretoria South Africa 8 February 13:22 PM: Vorster is at his desk, which is covered with stacks of papers, reports and empty coffee mugs. The curtains are partially drawn as Vorster goes through another report. Just then there is a knock on his door. Vorster answers without looking up with a report. Vorster:"Come in." The door opens and an aged man in military uniform walks into the office. As he closes the door behind him Vorster looks up. He is confused as the military officer, who has the ranking of general, comes up to his desk. Vorster:"Who are you?" The general salutes Vorster, who simply nods his head. General:"I am General Frans Bezuidenhout, Mister President. I am here as was instructed to me by the previous government." Vorster:"You mean my predecessor's administration." General:"No, the previous government. The one before 1994." Vorster stares the general in surprise, which turns to incredulity. Vorster:"Wat is this? A joke?" The generals answers by taking out a sealed letter and offering it to the president. Vorster takes the letter, breaks the seal and opens it. He begins to read what is on it. After only a few seconds his eyes go wide with astonishment. He looks up quickly. Vorster:"Is... is this real?" General:"Very real, Mister President." Vorster continues reading, now with much more vigor. Franco's veil of lies has been exposed, the Sapien Liberation Army has been defeated and the global animosity between humans and sapiens has been resolved. But the Elite Guard is moving at a good pace towards Pretoria and time is running out. Will the Road Rovers be able to slow down Franco's forces to allow US and Chinese forces to move in? Will Franco actually manage to reach his goal first? And what is this letter given to Vorster? THE END