Rover Strike: Family Matters By Gerhard Naudé & Kristen Coughlan All Rover Strike names © Gerhard Naudé All Road Rovers names © Warner Brothers and rightful owners Any question, comments, complaints, feedback or suggestions can be sent to The Wilderness State of Colorado United States of America 17 April 1975 13:01 PM: In the remote regions of Colorado, a vast forest covers the landscape as far as the eye can see. In the woods, Elexis, who is still a young coyote puppy, is in her family den, waiting for her mother to return. She perks up and peeks out the entrance of the hole under the big rock when she hears some odd noises. A loud popping noise startles her and causes her to retreat into the den. Several more sounds, including some very loud yelps, follow. Then all is silent. Suddenly there is the sound of someone speaking. Voice 1:"Nice shot!" Voice 2:"Teach them not to mess with us. Come on, let's get back to camp. I'm starving." Elexis, curious at the sounds and the voices, trots to the den entrance and looks outside. The woods are silent and there is no movement. Lying not far from the den entrance is a pair of coyotes, unmoving. Elexis recognises the coyotes as her father and mother and trots on over. She paws and nuzzles at her mother, but there is no response. Confused and thinking her mother is asleep, the puppy keeps pawing at her to get her to wake up. Some distance away, a young Stalker, dressed in camo fatigues that bear the KH Military insignia, is doing some recon work. He climbs up a rock and looks around. Stalker:"Where is that lot? I'm sure I heard shots around here." His ears perk up when he hears voices. Figuring out the direction from where they are coming from, Stalker climbs off the rock and tracks the voices down. He comes across a small squad of wolf-sapiens, who are also dressed in fatigues bearing both the KH and Elite Guard insignias. The wolves are chatting amongst themselves, looking pleased. Wolf 1:"You saw the look on their faces when he took aim at them?" Wolf 2:"Yeah, and how the male did a cartwheel when you scored a hit?" They all laugh. Stalker growls, working through the woods until he steps out right in front of them. The wolves all stop, looking surprised. Wolf 1:"General Stalker, sir. What..." Stalker:"What's going on here?" Wolf 2:"We were talking about the pair of wolves we shot after they had refused to volunteer for the Elite Guard. We were ordered by Franco to wipe out those wolves that don't join us. Right, guys?" The other wolves all nod their heads. Stalker just frowns at them. Stalker:"And you just obey without question?" Wolf 3:"Hey, we were given orders by the Supeme General and we obeyed them. No mistake there, General." Stalker's paw slowly reaches down for his sidearm while he keeps talking with them. Stalker:"And you have no regrets about following his orders?" The wolves all shake their heads and smile. Wolf 2:"Nope, no regrets." Stalker:"I see." He pulls out his firearm and quickly fires at the wolves. The soldiers are struck and killed before they can event react. They drop to the ground, all dead. Stalker:"The KH Military doesn't need you, no matter what Franco says." Stalker holsters his firearm and follows their tracks back into the woods. Elexis, meanwhile, is very confused why her mother and father were not getting up. She paws and whimpers at them, trying to get some reaction out of them. Stalker comes to the den a short time later and sees the two dead coyotes. He doesn't notice Elexis at first as he approaches. Stalker:"Oh no. What a waste..." He hears a whimpering sound. The big wolf circles around the two coyotes then sees a pup nuzzing against the lifeless female. Stalker slowly moves to the pup and kneels and down next to her. He gently pets the pup, looking mournfully at the pup's dead parents. Stalker:"I'm very sorry." Elexis is still very confused and lays by her mother. Still petting the puppy, Stalker takes out his radio and calls his units Stalker:"This is Stalker, come in." All he hears is static. He tries again. Stalker:"This is General Stalker to any friendlies, come in." There is still response. He sighs and puts the radio away. Stalker:"The trees must be interfering with the signal. Guess I will have to walk back." Elexis whines and howls wanting her parents to wake up. Stalker sighs, picking up the pup in his arms and rocking her gently. Stalker:"There there, little one. I will take care of you." Elexis whimpers and settles in Stalker's arms. Stalker:"Come on, little one. I will take you to my home and send troops out to... er... take care of your parents." Elexis whines, feeling frightened and sad as she is being taken away from her home. Some time later, he arrives at the KH Military camp. Set in a clearing, the camp consists mostly of camoflague tents and a few trailers. Camo netting has been spanned over the camp site to hide it from the air while KH soldiers patrol the area. Other wolves do chores like laundry, maintaining a few of the vehicles here or doing exercises. Stalker walks to his private trailer, saluting the soldiers who salute him back. He opens the door and goes inside, putting Elexis down on the floor. Elexis looks around curiously while Stalker walks to the kitchen area of his trailer. He opens it and takes out a carton of milk. He then takes a bowl and pours some milk into it. Stalker then returns back to Elexis, kneels down before her and offers the bowl of milk to her. Stalker:"Thirsty, little one?" Elexis sniffs the bowl and begins to lap up some of the milk. Stalker watches the pup eagerly drink all the milk. Elexis licks her lips clean and then begins to explore Stalker's quarters, sniffing everything. As he watches her, Stalker remembers something. Stalker:"Hmmm. Do you have a name?" Elexis stops and barks a little nervously at Stalker. Elexis:"E-e-e-Elexis." Stalker:"Elexis. A lovely name." Elexis finds Stalker's room and goes inside. Stalker follows her as she sniffs around. When she comes to his bed, she sniffs at and then crawls under the bed, thinking it is a den. The coyote pup curls up on a t- shirt that had been left lying under the bed. Stalker kneels down and looks under the bed. He sees Elexis curling up underneath. Stalker:"You like it down there? Reminds you of your den, doesn't it?" Elexis yawns and promptly goes to sleep. Stalker watches her sleep for a bit. Stalker:"Rest well, little one." Elexis rolls on her back snoring, kicking her feet as she begins to have dreams. Stalker decides to go to the kitchen to get some food for the little puppy. He quietly closes the door behind him. Once in the kitchen, he takes out and opens a can of meat rations to feed to Elexis. He grinds up the meat to make it easier to chew and puts it in a bowl. Stalker takes the bowl and goes back to his quarters. Elexis awakens when she smells the meat. Stalker puts the bowl down by the bed. Elexis pokes her head out from under the bed and sniffs at the bowl. Stalker:"It's some of our meat rations. I hope you like it, Elexis." Elexis crawls out from under the bed and goes to the bowl. The pup nib- bles at the meat. Stalker:"You like it, Elexis?" Elexis frowns at the weird-tasting meat. But hunger overcomes the puppy and she begins to eat at the food. Stalker gently pets the coyote pup while she eats. The Wilderness Alps Mountains Italy/Austrian Border 6 June 1975 11:01 AM: The mountain range forms the natural border of the two countries, with alpine forests covering the lower slopes of the mountains before giving way to more hardy shrubs and finally snow. In the forest a young female wolf named Tosca is carrying her newborn pup in her mouth as she travels in her pack's territory. Suddenly her back foot gets caught on something that slams shut around. She yelps loudly in pain, not yet realising that she had gotten caught caught in an iron jaw trap. Her pup, Ciro, drops from her mouth and the little pup crawls under her, whimpering. Tosca bites and pulls at the trap with her paws, but the device is too strong and too complex for her to get free. A human with a gun and wearing green camo gear comes out of cover. The human, who is clearly a game poacher, comes up and smiles in satisfaction when he sees the wolfess and her pup. Poacher:"Ah, finally. I was wondering when one of you would show up. Your pelts are in great demand, you know. And I'm sick of waiting in this forest in this summer heat." Tosca growls at the human, protecting Ciro. The poacher simply loads his rifle with a single bullet, then moves closer and kneels. He takes careful aim at Tosca. Tosca keeps barking and growling the human while Ciro whimpers under his mother. Before the poacher can fire, a loud shot rings out hitting the human. The poacher lets out a shriek of pain as he is hit in the arm. He drops the rifle and clutches his wound. When Tosca looks to where the shot came from, she sees some weird looking wolves behind the human. They looked like wolves but they had human figures. The human gasps when he hears and then sees the wolves and tries to reach for his rifle, eyes wide with terror. In his frantic scramble, he gets too close to Tosca and she bites him. The human shouts in pain, and then tries to get up and run away. Tosca growls and barks at the human when he gets out her reach. The other wolves come closer, now revealing to be Stalker and a group of KH soldiers. He takes aim at the human with his sidearm. The human gets to his feet and tries to run away. Stalker fires his gun and hits the human in the head. The poacher falls limp to the ground. Stalker:"Foul things, these poachers." He turns to the soldiers under his command and points at Tosca. Stalker:"Free her." Soldiers:"Yes, sir!" The soldiers go over to Tosca. Tosca is hesitant, but when the soldiers begin to open the trap jaw to release her, she immediately frees her leg and relaxes. As she sits down and licks her injured leg, Stalker spots little Ciro with her. Stalker comes up to Tosca and picks up her pup in his arms. Stalker:"You won't be able to go far with that leg of yours. Come, we'll take you to my camp for medical treatment." He signals to the soldiers to carry her. They go over and begin building a makeshift stretcher. A few minutes later, they place Tosca on it. Stalker then leads them all through the woods until they reach a clearing. Here, a Huey helicopter is waiting. Ciro whimpers scared in Stalker's arms. The soldiers load Tosca onto the helicopter, then Stalker comes on board and places the pup next to Tosca. Ciro crawls close and begins to nurse on his mother. Stalker turns to a pair of medics Stalker:"Her leg is injured. Check on her, and bring her some water." The one medic starts to treat Tosca's wounded leg while the other brings her a bowl of water. Tosca drinks from the bowl. A third medic examines the pup to check on his health. The last few soldiers climb into the helicopter, which then takes off and flies low over the trees. A short time later, the helicopter comes in for a landing at a remote KH outpost located in a small valley in the mountains. Once the Huey touches down, Tosca and Ciro are unloaded and taken to a big, domed structure that functions as the outpost's medical station. Tosca whimpers on the stret- cher while Stalker carries Ciro into the lab. The laboratory is pretty straightforward, with the usual scientific equipment and gear. Tosca is placed on an examining table while Stalker goes and places Ciro inside incubator nearby. Tosca whimpers for her pup. Doctors begin to treat Tosca's wounds properly. A few minutes later, Hildagarde comes into the laboratory. Stalker:"Hello, Hilda." Hilda:"Hello, General. I see you brought another one." Stalker:"Its those poachers again. Luckily, I managed to save this one and her pup before the human did her in." Hildagarde puts on her medical scrubs and surgical gloves. Hilda:"Let's see how she looks." Hildagarde looks over the young wolf, checking on Tosca's state of health. Stalker watches her do her work for some time before speaking. Stalker:"How healthy is she?" Hildagarde finishes checking on Tosca and turns to Stalker Hilda:"Other than the injury from the trap, she is in good health." Stalker gestures to the incubator, where Ciro is currently sleeping. Stalker:"And her pup?" Hildagarde goes over the incubator, opens it and carefully checks on Ciro without waking him up. Once done with the checkup, she closes the incubator again and turns to Stalker. Hilda:"Judging from my quick examination, the pup was born a few days ago. He's in fine form, as a healthy pup should be." Stalker:"Can we place them into the Wolfmatron and successfully transform them? Hilda:"I believe we can, General. However, we might need to wait until the female's leg has healed up first. She doesn't need complications during the change." Stalker nods his head. Stalker:"I agree. Let her heal first, then we will see about transforming her. I assume the pup also isn't ready to be changed?" Hildagarde shakes her head. Hilda:"He is a too young. When he gets to be a few weeks old he will be ready." Stalker:"Good. Be sure to keep me informed on their conditions." Hildagarde nods and turns back to Tosca while Stalker leaves the room. KH Military Headquarters Gory Byrranga Mountains Deep in Siberia Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 3 July 1975 8:02 AM: Inside one of the small, simple yet reasonably comfortable residential apartment rooms, Tosca is sleeping on a large pillow on the floor. Her leg is now fully healed. Ciro is up and about, playing with a ball with his paw or running around after the ball. The door opens and Stalker comes in. Stalker:"Good morning. Are you both rested?" He sees that Tosca was sleeping. Ciro barks and runs over Stalker. The pup then tries to stand on his hind legs, but he tumbles over backwards. Stalker smiles and reaches down to pet the pup. Stalker:"Active little fellow, aren't you?" Ciro murs as he is being petted. The pup then runs back to Tosca and pounces her. Tosca wakes up and begins to groom the pupppy. Stalker:"Ah, Tosca. You're awake." Tosca perks up and looks at Stalker. Ciro barks and jumps at Stalker again in a cute manner. Stalker bends down, picks Ciro up and starts rubbing his head fur while looking at Tosca. Stalker:"I need you to come with me, Tosca. We need you to undergo a change before we can further discuss your future." Tosca barks in a confused manner. Stalker:"Follow me and I'll show you." Ciro lies calmly in Stalker's arms as he heads back out the door. Tosca gets up and follows Stalker out the room. Stalker leads the two of them through the base to where the base laboratories are. It is a series of domed structures with several white-walled buildings around them. Stalker, Ciro and Tosca go through one of the secure entrances. Inside, he guides them into one of the domes, where a large machine is kept: the Wolfmatron. Tesla and Hilda are in the lab along with several other scientists. Ciro sees Hildagarde and barks excitedly, getting her attention. Hilda:"Hey, you!" Stalkers put Ciro down so he can run over to Hildagarde. Ciro yaps and jumps up and down her leg. Hildagarde picks up Ciro and gives him one of the treats she keeps in a narby bowl. Ciro wags his tail while happily nibbling on the treat. Stalker walks up to Tesla with Tosca behind him. Stalker:"Is the Wolfmatron ready?" Tesla nods his head. Tesla:"Yes, General. We're ready for the transformation sequence." Stalker:"Good. Prepare for activation." While Tesla and scientists get the Wolfmatron ready for action, Stalker turns to Tosca and points to the platform under the machine. Stalker:"Could you please stand there? It will not hurt, I promise." Tosca is confused, but nonetheless walks over to the platform and gets onto it. Hildagarde comes and puts down Ciro with his mother. She then steps back and joins Tesla and Stalker. Stalker:"Start the machine." Tesla turns the machine on. Tosca whimpers, looking around and feeling the machine vibrate under her. Ciro yipes and hides under his mother. Stalker and the scientists put on goggles as a glow comes from the machine overhead. A few seconds later beams of energy fire down and start zapping the two wolves. She yelps as she sees her body and that of Ciro begin to change. The energy beams from the Wolfmatron quickly transforms them into wolf-sapiens, standing on their hind legs and their front legs turning into arms and hands. Their body structures transform into that of a woman and a toddler respectively. Tosca turns into a beautiful young wolf-sapien. Once the transformation is complete, the Wolfmatron is shut down. Tosca looks herself over and is shocked at her new form. Ciro, on the other hand, is amazed and barks excitedly, crawling out from under his mother. Hilda and Tesla come up with towels to cover the pair. Tesla:"How do you two feel?" Tosca is in a state of shock and can't speak as she stares at her paws turned hands. Hildagarde looks Ciro over. The pup tries to stand up but he lands on his butt. Hildagarde chuckles and lifts Ciro up, wrapping the towel around him. Tesla does the same with Tosca, though he is more careful about that. Tesla:"How do you feel, Tosca? Can you speak?" Tosca snaps out of it and looks up at Tesla. Tosca:"Why did you do this to me?" Stalker walks up to her. Stalker:"We are seeking to recruit you. That's what I was doing before we saved you from that poacher. I was seeking recruits for our organisation." Tosca(confused):"But why me? I was only my pack's caretaker." Ciro reaches out to Tosca with both arms. Ciro:"Mama..." Hildagarde smiles and holds Ciro out for Tosca. Hilda:"I think he wants you." Tosca takes her son and holds him in her new arms. The little pup wiggles excitedly, trying out his new limbs. Tosca whistles a little tune and the pup instantly calms down and sits still. Tesla, Hilda, and Stalker blink in surprise. Stalker:"How did you calm him down so quickly?" Tosca looks back up at them, an equally surprised look on her face. Tosca:"I... don't know." Hildagarde looks at Tesla. Hilda:"Maybe that was her power?" Tosca:"You think so, Hilda?" Hildagarde nods and approaches Tosca. She begins to explain to the new wolf-sapien mother. Hilda:"Some of us wolf-sapiens gain special abilities when they are transformed. I think your power is when you whistle it calms people down." Tosca blinks in surprise and looks at her son. Ciro falls asleep in Tosca's arms. Stalker tugs at the fur on his chin while glancing at Hildagarde. Stalker:"So this power could be used to calm people down when they are angry, upset and so forth? Hilda:"I believe so, General." One of the wolf scientists approaches with some rudimentary clothes for Tosca and Ciro. Scientist:"Put these on." He offers the clothes to them, kindly keeping his eyes averted. Stalker and Tesla keeps their eyes averted as well. While Tosca dresses herself, Hilda dresses little Ciro. Ciro whimpers, pulling at the clothes. Hilda- garde looks confused at Tosca. Hilda:"Is there something wrong with Ciro?" Tosca:"I think he doesn't like the clothes. I know I feel... a bit un- comfortable in them." Hilda:"I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm afraid he will have to get used to it. We can't have nudists around here." The little pup crawls away and begins to explore the lab under the eyes of Tosca and some of the scientists. Ciro finds a small wrench on the floor and plays with it. Hildagarde looks at Tosca. Hilda:"Curious little fellow, isn't he?" Tosca nods. Ciro crawls back and holds up the wrench to Tesla. Tesla reaches down and takes the wrench from the pup. Tesla:"And what does he want me to do with the wrench?" Tosca picks up Ciro, who is wagging his tail eagerly. Tosca:"I don't know, but I think he wants to play." Tesla looks at the pup. Tesla:"You want to play, little one?" Ciro barks excitedly. Stalker then comes up to Tosca. Stalker:"I hate to interrupt, but we first should go outside and talk a bit, Tosca. Shall we?" Tosca:"Very well, General Stalker... right?" Stalker:"That's right. Follow me." Tosca follows Stalker while still holding Ciro. She pets the little pup to calm him down as she walks with Stalker. Once they emerge from the labs out into the open, Stalker stops and turns to her. Stalker:"We need to decide on what position you will take up in our organization. What skills do you have?" Tosca:"I was my pack's caretaker. All I know is how to take care of pups." Stalker rubs his chin, thinking. Stalker:"Hmmmm. So would you be willing to work in a nursery or perhaps medical ward?" Tosca:"A nursery would be fine for me, General." Stalker(smiling):"Please, call me Stalker." Stalker leads Tosca to another set of buildings, this time a set of fortified apartment blocks that seems to be catered to higher-ranking officers in the KH Military. They go inside and walk to where Stalker's own quarters. As they approach his place, a little face peeks out from the open door. Elexis:"Papa?" Stalker(smiling):"Hello there, my little one." Elexis runs over and Stalker kneels down to accept a hug from his adoptive daughter. He then stands up, lifting Elexis in his arms. Stalker:"This is my daughter, Elexis." Tosca:"She's adorable." Stalker:"Yes, she is the apple of my eye. The problem is that I rarely have time to take care of her. I was wondering if you would be up for that position." Tosca:"Maybe. Depends on how Ciro gets along with Elexis." Tosca and Stalker put the pups down. Ciro crawls up to Elexis, who tilts her head curiously and then paws at Ciro. Ciro paws back playfully. He tries to stand again but falls back on his butt. Elexis giggles, grabbing Ciro's paws and trying to pull him up again. Tosca smiles watching the two pups play. Tosca:"They seem to be getting along nicely for the first time." Stalker:"Do you think you can take care of my Elexis?" Tosca nods. Tosca:"Yes, I will." Stalker:"Good. I appreciate your help, Tosca." He looks down at his daughter. Stalker:"Elexis, come here. I want you to meet someone." Elexis walks over to Stalker. Ciro follows her, still wanting to play. Stalker:"Elexis, this is Miss Tosca. She will be taking care of you." Elexis looks up at Tosca, her tail wagging curiously. Elexis:"Hello. I'm Elexis." Tosca kneels down and looks at the little pup with a friendly smile. Tosca:"Hello there, Elexis." Elexis waves at Tosca, smiling. Elexis:"Wanna play with me and my new friend?" Tosca(nodding):"Sure, I'd love to." Elexis squeals with delight and grabs Tosca's paw and Ciro's paw as well. Stalker:"Thank you, Tosca. I appreciate your efforts." Tosca nods as she is dragged into Stalker's apartment to go play with Elexis. KH Military Headquarters Gory Byrranga Mountains 6 October 1975 16:02 PM: Inside Stalker's quarters, Tosca is taking care of Elexis while Stalker is away on business. Tosca is putting little Elexis to bed while Ciro is napping on the couch. Tosca:"Time for bed, Elexis." Elexis:"Awww, but I want to play some more." Tosca chuckles and smiles at the coyote pup. Tosca:"We can play more in the morning. You need to go to bed. It is your bedtime." Elexis folds her ears back in disappointment. Elexis:"Awww, okay Miss Tosca." Tosca leads her into her bedroom and helps her into her pajamas. She lifts the pup into bed and then tucks her in. Tosca reads her a bedtime story while Elexis holds her favorite plushie and suckles her thumb as she listens to Tosca's story. When Elexis is fast asleep, she turns off the light and leaves the bedroom, closing the door. At the same time, Stalker has returned to the quarters. Tosca picks up her sleeping pup and prepares to leave for her quarters. Tosca:"Elexis is sleeping." Stalker:"Good, good." Tosca:"I'll see you tomorrow." Stalker:"Sleep well." Tosca carries Ciro out the door and heads for her quarters within the officer's apartments. As she is unlocking the door to her quarters, Champion comes by, giving her a strange look as he watches her open her door. She enters the quarters and puts Ciro in his playpen. She turns around and she sees Champion is standing behind her in the open doorway. He grins. Champion:"Hey there, sexy." Tosca growls and backs away. Tosca(growling):"You. Stalker warned me about you. I'm not interested and get out!" Champion steps forward and grabs her arms. Champion:"Oh, but I bet you are. Females like you are always interested." Tosca begins to use her power on Champion. She whistles and Champion starts to get drowsy. Champion lets go of her one arm to rub his eyes. He sways around, struggling to keep his balance. Champion:"Hey, now! Don't... don't you dare..." Tosca continues to whistle. Champion, in a desperate attempt to stop her, tries to throw a punch at her face. Instead, his punch is nothing more than a jab into the air before he collapses to the floor like a sack of potatoes. Tosca breathes deeply, working to calm herself down. She then tries to pull the large werewolf out of the room before he wakes up. At that moment, Stalker comes into her room and opens his mouth to say something, but he stops when he sees Champion on the floor. Alarmed, he looks to Tosca. Stalker:"What happened?" Tosca:"He got into my room before I could lock it. I used my power on him before he could do anything." Stalker:"We'd better drag him out. Here, let me help you." He reaches down and grabs one of Champion's arms. Both of them drag Champion out of the quarters. They pull him into the corridor, where they let go of the big wolf. Stalker:"I'll get some guards to go and drag him back to his room. You sure you are all right?" Tosca nods. Tosca:"I'm fine." Stalker:"Good, good." He turns to a passing patrol of soldiers and orders them to take Champion back to his quarters. They take hold of the werewolf's limbs and begin to carry him off. Stalker turns to Tosca. Stalker:"If you ever have trouble with him again, let me or my brother Trigger know. We can deal with him." Tosca:"Thank you, Stalker. I will keep that in mind." Stalker:"All right, Tosca. You have a good day." Stalker begins walking back to his quarters while Tosca heads back to her own. Standing at the front door is a wolf-sapien officer with a young male pup, the same age as Elexis. He is whimpering, scared of his new form and surroundings. The officer approaches Tosca. Officer:"Madam Tosca, the caretaker?" Tosca:"Yes? How I can help you?" Officer:"One of our teams brought back this pup and gave him to me. Since I have no idea about rearing pups, I asked around and they said you could take care of him. Could you?" Tosca:"I would be glad to." Tosca takes the pup from the officer. Officer:"Thank you." Tosca holds the little pup’s paw and kneels to his level. She smiles and calmly asks him a question. Tosca:"What's your name, little one?" The pup still whimpers, but less so now. Pup:"T-t-t-Tanarus." Tosca:"Pleased to meet, you Tanarus. I'm Tosca." She pets the little pups head. The pup relaxes even more and snuggles up in Tosca's arms, feeling much calmer now. The officer salutes Tosca and then leaves. Tosca leads Tanarus to her quarters and puts him down in the play pen. She then goes to set up a bed for him in the spare room. Ciro sits up in his playpen and looks curiously at the new arrival. He paws towards him. Tanarus yips and tries to paw back at the other pup. Ciro babbles in baby talk and barks at the older pup. A few minutes later, Tosca comes out of the spare room and picks up Ciro and Tanarus. She takes them into the spare room. She puts Ciro in his crib and then Tanarus on the bed and tucks him in. Tosca:"Want to hear a bedtime story?" Both pups nod their heads eagerly. Tosca pulls up a chair, picks up a story book and sits down. She reads both of them the story and stays with them until both of them are sleeping. Tanarus listens to the story about halfway before finally falling sound asleep. Tosca smiles and sets the book down. She gets up, switches off the light and leaves the room. KH Military Headquarters Gory Byrranga Mountains 7 October 1975 7:32 PM: The next morning, Tosca is taking Tanarus and Ciro with her to Stalker's quarters. She comes to his door and knocks. Stalker(behind door):"Come in." Tosca opens the door and heads inside. There she finds Stalker preparing for a mission, putting on his uniform and armor. He smiles at Tosca as she enters. Stalker:"Good morning, Tosca. How are you and the pups this morning?" Tosca smiles back. Tosca:"We are doing good. Tanarus is starting to adjust to living here and his new form." Tanarus whimpers and hides behind Tosca, shy of Stalker. Stalker looks at the pup, smiling. Stalker:"Hello there, little one. So you are Tanarus?" Tanarus:"Y..y..yes." Stalker:"I am Stalker. Don't worry, I might look mean but I am actually very nice." To prove his point, he holds out a small piece of chocolate. Tanarus cautiously approaches Stalker, takes the chocolate and nibbles on it. Elexis peeks out from her bedroom door. Stalker watches Tanarus eat the chocolate, then notices Elexis and smiles. Stalker:"Hey there, I see you!" Elexis giggles. Tosca gestures to Elexis to come over. Tosca:"I got you a new friend, Elexis." Stalker:"Yes, come over and meet your new friend." Tosca leads Tanarus over to Elexis. Elexis looks curiously at Tanarus, cautiously pawing at him. Tanarus paws back at Elexis. Elexis:"Wanna play?" Tanarus:"O..o.okay." Elexis goes back into her room and picks up a small ball. She returns and tosses it for Tanarus. He catches it and tosses the ball back. Stalker watches them as he prepares to leave for his mission. Tosca puts little Ciro on a blanket with a chew toy. Stalker turns to Tosca as he puts on his pistol holster. Stalker:"What do you think of the new arrival, Tosca?" Tosca:"He is a bit shy but he is starting to warm up to others." Stalker:"Good. Take good care of him and make sure he plays with the others." Elexis and Tanarus begin to chase each other, playing a game tag. Tanarus runs on all fours, trying to grab her tail in his mouth. Ciro sees Tanarus coming and pounces and grabs his tail. Tanarus yips and stumbles as Ciro grabs him. Tosca's pup giggles and barks while Elexis laughs at Tanarus. Tanarus turns around and immediately pounces Ciro, but Ciro dodges Tanarus. Stalker and Tosca watches the three pups play. Stalker:"They're getting along well. Tanarus, in particular, looks very agile and capable." Tosca:"Yes, he's quite an active one." Ciro crawls away from the two older pups and goes to play with one of Elexis's puzzles. The puzzle looks a little too advanced for someone his age. But he begins to put pieces together. Stalker moves closer to watch Ciro work on his puzzle. Ciro finishes the puzzle and goes to play with other toys. Stalker watches Ciro finish the puzzle, and then turns to Tosca. Stalker:"Ciro certainly knows how to work with puzzles." Tosca:"Ciro has always been bright." He crawls back over to the older pups, where Elexis is playing doctor. Elexis is using a toy stetascope to listen to Tanarus' chest. Stalker looks at the time. Stalker:"Oh! I need to go again. You take care of them, Tosca." Tosca smiles. Tosca:"I will. You be safe now." He picks up his holstered weapons and waves at the pups. He then leaves, closing the door behind him. Elexis waves eagerly at her adopted father, while Tanarus just watches him go with curiosity. Tanarus looks at the coyote girl. Tanarus:"Where is your daddy going?" Elexis:"Daddy is going to work. He is a big boss." Tanarus:"What does he do?" Elexis spreads her arms for emphasis and looks with big eyes at Tanarus. Elexis:"He runs an army!" Tanarus:"Army?" Elexis:"Yeah, the... um... HK Army... or something..." Tanarus:"Oh. You gonna check my chest?" Elexis:"Yeah! Doctor needs to check if you're breathing. The three puppies continue to play under the watchful eye of Tosca, who sits down with them. Forests Near KH Military Headquarters Gory Byrranga Mountains 10 October 1975 8:11 AM: The surrounding forests near the KH base is mostly firs and pine trees' that stretch for kilometres. The first winter snowfall has already fallen, so there is a light carpet of snow. Tosca is hunting in the forest, having the left the pups at the nursery. Tosca:"I hope I can find some fresh meat. I'm tired of eating all those military rations." Tosca sniffs the air and picks up the scent of a herd of deer. She begins to stalk them, unaware that she herself was being tracked. Not far away is Stalker, who is following her and keeping his distance while watching her. Tosca goes on all fours sniffing the ground, moving slowly in the long grass. She soon spots the herd and watches. There was a large buck, a few does, and some fawns. She moves towards a fawn that has strayed away from the herd. The fawn is completely oblivious to its surroundings, enjoying a nice patch of tasty grass. Tosca silently moves closer to the fawn. When she is close enough, she pounces and tackles the fawn, biting at its neck. Spooked by the attack, the rest of the herd begins to run away. The fawn struggles, kicking wildly and jerking as it tries to escape. But Tosca has a good hold on the fawn. In addition, she uses her whistling power to put the fawn to sleep before using her hunting knife to finish it off. From afar, Stalker watches with admiration and approval at Tosca's kill. Tosca begins to skin the fawn and butcher the meat, putting the meat in a canvas bag she brought with her. After a while, Stalker suddenly appears behind Tosca. Stalker:"Impressive kill." Startled, Tosca whips around with the knife in one paw. Tosca(startled):"Stalker? How long have you been standing there?" Stalker:"Long enough to see you make a good kill. I wasn't called Stalker for nothing." Tosca relaxes a bit and turns back to the corpse. Tosca:"I'm just giving the pups a treat, something different from the usual military rations." Stalker:"You prefer your food natural?" Tosca nods. Stalker:"I should have known, but that's all right. If that's what you want, we're not stopping you." Tosca picks up her bag of meat and begins to head back to the base with Stalker, the two of them engaging in small talk. KH Military Headquarters Gory Byrranga Mountains 9:59 AM: Stalker and Tosca are approaching the officers apartments, still talking with one another. Trigger is coming out of the apartments and spots the two of them. He has a surprised look, seeing his brother with a female. He grins as they approach him. Trigger:"Did you two go out with each other?" Tosca:"No, I was just out hunting food in the forest." Stalker:"And I was simply observing her hunting techniques. She is as much a wolf as one can find, brother." Trigger, however, seems a little unconvinced. Trigger:"Are you sure you two didn't get to... know each other better?" Tosca starts to blush a little under her fur. Tosca:"No..." Stalker blushes a lot, looking very annoyed at Trigger. Stalker:"Brother, you talk too much." Stalker marches off with Tosca to the apartments, while Trigger chuckles and leaves for the main headquarters. After picking up Elexis, Tanarus and Ciro from the nursery, Tosca takes them back to her quarters. While they play around, she goes to the kitchen and prepares some of the meat for them. She cooks up the meat and cuts it up into small chunks to make easier for the pups. She puts them into plates in equal measure and then carries the plates of meat on a tray. She enters the room where the pups are. Tosca(smiles):"I got a special treat for you." She gives each pup a plate. The pups all cheer with delight before chowing down on the delicious pieces of meat. Tosca watches them with a good deal of satisfaction. Forests Near KH Military Headquarters Gory Byrranga Mountains 14 October 1975 8:46 AM: Tosca is in the forest on a hunting trip again, this time with Stalker accompanying her. Stalker has gotten out of his uniform and is now dressed a more casual, camo-pattern hunting outfit. Tosca is sniffing the ground, looking at tracks left by a herd of Russian boars. She looks at Stalker. Tosca:"Feel like pork today?" Stalker:"Hunting for boar, are we? Very well, why not?" Tosca and Stalker follow the tracks through the woods until they reach the edge of a clearing. As Stalker follows her he admires her tracking skills as they locate a herd in the clearing. Tosca scans the herd and then moves towards the one she believes is the weakest one. She stalks slowly with Stalker behind her, staying close. Both wolves keep their eyes on an old boar up ahead. The boar is almost blind and somewhat overweight. Tosca moves closer to the animal until she is close enough, and and then pounces. She bites at its neck. The boar squeals in pain, causing the rest of to scatter in fright. Stalker runs in and pounces the wildly struggling boar, knocking it to the ground. Stalker takes a hunting knife and stabs it. The boar struggles for a few brief moments before finally expiring. The wolves let the dead boar go from their grip. Stalker:"There, good kill." Tosca:"Yes. Let's get a fire going to cook this pig." Stalker and Tosca begin to build a fire in the clearing to cook the boar. From within the forest, a medium sized male wolf pup sees the strange wolf figures busy with the fire. He also spots the big dead bear. Hungry, the pup moves towards the large boar and tries to pull a chunk of meat off it. A female grey wolf pup watches from the under a brush near where the male pup had come from. Stalker doesn't notice the pup stealing from the boar at first, but when he turns to see if the boar was dead he spots the pup. The pup pulls a large chuck of meat free from the boar and begins to carry it towards the underbrush. Stalker gets up and quickly runs after the pup. He catches up with it, reaches down and scoops it up by the nape of his neck. The black pup growls showing his teeth as he tries to bite at Stalker. Stalker holds the pup out at arms' length, looking at him with a smile. Stalker:"And who are you to come in and sneak away some meat? Where are your parents?" The wolf pup continues to growl at Stalker. Tosca gets up and comes over to look at the pup. She looks him over. Tosca:"That pup is very thin. He needs..." Tosca suddenly spots the grey pup in the underbrush. She goes over to the bush and picks up the timid female. She is in the same condition as the male. Tosca walks back to Stalker with the pup in her arms. Tosca:"It looks like they haven’t eaten in days." Gunshots are heard from somewhere within the forest, startling Tosca and Stalker. The male pup becomes more agitated while the female one whimpers loudly. Tosca(frowning):"Soviet wolf hunters. They must have gone and attacked their pack." Stalker frowns as well, giving the male up to Tosca and then reaching down to take out his sidearm. Stalker:"I'll have to put a stop to that and keep them from harming the pups. Keep watch over the little ones." Tosca nods, taking the pups to a safe spot. She has to use her power on the black pup to keep him from biting her. As Stalker rushes to the source of the gunshots, another wolf pup with brown fur comes running out of the forest. Gun fire hits the ground behind him. Stalker growls, running forward to grab the pup and shield him with his body. At that point a pair of Russians dressed in camo outfits and carrying rifles rush into the open. They immediately stop and stare at Stalker, who is holding the whimpering brown pup. Stalker growls and steps forward, clenching his fists. Stalker:"Don't you are dare step closer to these pups." But the hunters apparently don't listen, for they begin to reload their rifles while stepping back. Stalker steps forward towards the hunters, sparks flying from his gloves as he charges up his electrical attack. The hunters finish reloading and begin to take aim at Stalker. Stalker growls and then raises his arms and aims his fingers at the hunters. Bolts of electricity fly in arcs from his fingertips towards the hunters, zapping them and sending them flying backwards. The hunters collapse to the ground in a dead heap, unmoving. Stalker goes over to check the hunters one by one. Once he is certain they are no longer a threat he returns to the group. Stalker:"How are the pups, Tosca?" Tosca:"They're fine. What about the hunters?" Stalker:"They're dead. The voltage was too strong to survive. Here, we need to get these pups fed." Tosca:"I agree." Tosca and Stalker place the pups near the dead boar to let them eat. The brown pup tries to get some meat but the black pup growls keeping him away. Tosca tears off a piece of meat and gives to it the brown pup, who eagerly grabs the meat with its mouth and begins chewing. While Tosca looks after the pups, Stalker ventures into the forest, going down the hill where the brown pup came from. After a good distance he comes to a site within the forest where a dirt road cuts through. There, he sees the bodies of many wolves, some on an old flatbed truck. Stalker frowns at the sight. Stalker:"And they call us monsters." Stalker takes out a radio to call troops to give all the dead wolves a proper burial. Once he is done, he searches the truck and takes a few identification items from it. Stalker then walks away. Back at the camp, Tosca holds the growling black pup by the nape at arm's length to let the brown pup eat. She looks over at Stalker as he comes out of the forest and approaches them. Tosca:"You found the rest?" Stalker nods sadly. Stalker:"Yes. Sadly, the rest of their pack has been massacred. I've contacted my troops to come and give the wolves a proper burial." Tosca's ears fold back sadly. Tosca:"Oh no... those poor wolves..." Stalker:"Yes. How are the pups?" Tosca:"They're eating and look all right, though I had to restrain this black pup." Stalker:"We'd better take them all back to the base and have them looked at by the medical teams." Tosca:"I agree, let's go." Tosca uses her whistling power to put the belligerent black pup to sleep. The pup dozes off, making him easier for Tosca to carry as she picks up the other two pups. Stalker extinguishes their fire and picks up the dead bear. As they walk back to base, Stalker looks over at Tosca and the pups. Stalker:"Do the pups know what happened?" Tosca:"The female pup told me that she and the black pup's pack were wiped out by the same hunters and been on their own for days." Stalker:"So they're not from same pack I found?" Tosca:"No, they're not." Stalker frowns. Stalker:"The poor things. At the least hunters paid for their crimes, though I'd better organise a group to go and search the areas around us to see if there are many more hunters or perhaps even a syndicate around." Tosca:"I completely endorse that idea." The two of them continue walking through the forest to the base. KH Military Headquarters Gory Byrranga Mountains 10:51 AM: Stalker and Tosca are approaching the front gate of the base and are sa- luted by the troops in a truck that is leaving. Standing at the gate is Trigger, who is chatting to the gate guards. He turns to his brother when he approaches. Trigger:"Welcome back, brother. How was the hunt?" Tosca:"Good until some Russian wolf hunters show up. They killed these pups' packs." Trigger is shocked. Trigger:"What! What did you do with them?" Stalker:"I had them killed after they failed to heed my warnings. We'd better organise a search group, because I'm not entire convinced that the two hunters were the only ones around." Trigger:"Good idea. I'll go gather some troops together and request the use of a few helicopters. And if Diehard complains again I'll just tell him that we're making sure no spies come near our base." Stalker:"Nice, brother. I'll join you as soon as I get Tosca to her room and deliver this boar." Tosca shakes her head. Tosca:"No, I'm taking the pups to the Wolfmatron first. I know a few Russian Wolf-Sapiens that would adopt them." Stalker:"Who do you have in mind, Tosca?" Tosca:"Captain Alexei and Private Olga have both been looking for a pup each to adopt. And I believe General Czar expressed interest in being a father as well." Trigger is surprised at the mention of Czar's name. Trigger:"Czar? General No Nonsense Czar? He's about the last wolf I'd imagine being a father." Tosca:"He confided in me that he's up for it." Stalker:"Alexei and Olga would be good choices. Though I'd only recommend Czar if one of the pups proves... troublesome." The black pup now awakens and begins to growl at the brown pup, trying to bite him. Tosca sighs and looks at Trigger. Tosca:"Trigger, do you have a muzzle? He is a dominant pup." Trigger:"I think so. I try to keep one for emergencies." He digs around in his uniform pockets before taking out a muzzle and offering it to Tosca. She puts down the other two pups and struggles to put the muzzle on the growling and snapping pup. She finally gets the muzzle on him. The pup squirms and tries to get the muzzle off, but he simply fails. Tosca:"He is a fighter." Stalker:"Sounds like this one will need General Czar's guidance to become a good soldier. If anyone can instill discipline in this pup, its him." The black pup growls and paws at the muzzle as Tosca picks him and the two other pups up. Tesla's Laboratory KH Military Headquarters 11:12 AM: Tesla's laboratory is rather cluttered, with all kinds of machines, tables, scientific equipment, experiments, prototypes and computers. A few scientists are at work here. Tesla himself is at a sketch board, working with the blueprints of a new prototype weapon on it. When Tosca comes in with the pups and approaches, Tesla looks up. Tesla:"Good morning, Tosca." Tosca:"I got three pups for the Wolfmatron." Tesla:"Oh? Where did you get them?" Tesla looks at the pups as Tosca holds them out to let the wolf scientist see them. Tosca:"They're all orphans. We found them after their packs were killed by hunters." Tesla:"Very well. Get them ready while I warm up the Wolfmatron." Tesla goes and gathers the other scientists. They then go to where the Wolfmatron is located. Tosca goes and places the three pups on the plat- form under the machine while Tesla and the scientists begin to switch it on. They warm up the Wolfmatron, make the correct setting and then turn it on. The beams hit the three pups, who undertake the rapid transfor- mation from normal wolves to wolf-sapiens. The three of them gasp and whimper as their bodies changes. Once the transformation is completed, Tesla switches the wolfmatron off, Tosca to approach the pups. Tosca:"How do you all feel?" The pups are still startled by the change. A scientist approaches with bundles of simple clothes for them to wear. Tosca takes the clothes and starts to dress the pups. The black pup struggles as she dresses him. He growls, trying to get the muzzle off with his paws. Black Pup:"Get this thing off me." The grey pup looks smugly at the black one. Grey Pup:"You brought that on yourself, Kosh." The pup named Kosh growls at the female pup. Kosh:"Other packs are the enemy! You know that, Skitter." The grey pup called Skitter just sticks her tongue out at Kosh. The brown pup just looks at his new form, looking somewhat confused and frightened. At that moment Stalker comes walking in, now dressed in his uniform. Stalker:"Greetings, Tesla. Have the pups been transformed?" Tesla nods and gestures to the pups. Tesla:"Greetings, General. Yes, the pups are fully transformed and look healthy." Stalker:"Excellent." He goes over to join Tosca, looking at the three pups. Stalker:"And how are you three doing?" Before any of them can answer, the brown pup suddenly begins to float in the air. The pup flails about and whimpers. Brown Pup:"Help me!" Stalker calmly walks over, grabs the brown pup's leg and pulls him down to the ground. Stalker:"You were all transformed by the Wolfmatron, and it also gave you all powers. Such as flying, obviously." Tosca goes over to the brown pup. Tosca:"What's your name, little one?" Brown pup:"Whit." Stalker:"And the names of your fellow pups?" Skitter:"I'm Skitter and the meanie is Kosh." Kosh continues to growl through the muzzle. Stalker looks at him. Stalker:"You seem to have a temper, Kosh." Kosh growls back at him Kosh:"Other packs are the enemy, so you are the enemy." Skitter rolls her eyes. Skitter:"His daddy was the leader of our pack." Whit keeps his distance from Kosh in case he attacks him again and hides behind Tosca's leg. Stalker tugs the fur under his chin while looking between Kosh and Skitter. Stalker:"Pack leader, you say? Well, understand this Kosh. You don't deserve respect here simply because of heredity. You EARN it. And you will earn it under one of the toughest generals in our military." Kosh growls and folds his arms in a sulk. Tosca goes and makes a call. A short time later Alexei, a male Russian wolf, and Olga, a female, come into the labs. Alexei's uniform indicates he is a captain in the air squadrons, while Olga's uniform indicates her role is a caretaker. The two of them salute General Stalker, who salutes them back. Alexei, Olga:"Sir!" Stalker:"At ease." The two wolves relax. Tosca comes over with Whit and Skitter and presents the pups to them. Tosca:"Captain Alexei, this is Whit. Whit, Captain Alexei is going to take care of you." Alexei kneels down in front of Whit and smiles. Alexei: Hello, Whit. So you are the newest recruit to our fold?" Whit(shyly):"Dah." Tosca:"Alexei has the ability to fly just like you, Whit." Alexei:"Ah, Russian and can fly. You and I, my dear boy, will get along well." The Russian male puts his paw on Whit's shoulder. Tosca brings Skitter over to Olga. Tosca:"Private Olga, this is Skitter." Tosca looks down at Skitter. Tosca:"This is Olga, Skitter. She will take care of you well." Olga kneels down to Skitter's level. Olga:"Hello there. You're Skitter, are you?" Skitter:"Dah..." As the other pups are introduced Kosh continues to growl, pulling at the muzzle. Once Whit and Skitter are given over to Alexei and Olga, Tosca turns to Kosh. Tosca:"I got someone in mind for you, young man." Kosh just growls back at her. Tosca goes to where the phone is, picks up the receiver and makes a call. Voice(over phone):"Dah, General Czar here." Tosca(into phone):"Hi Czar, this is Tosca." Czar(over phone):"Ah, Madam Tosca. How can I help you?" Tosca(into phone):"I got a Russian Wolf pup for you to adopt." Czar(over phone):"Oh? Why me, if I mau ask?" Tosca(into phone):"I remember you telling me that how some Soviet vets neutered you and you were unable to give you ex-mate pups." There is a moment of silence. Czar(over phone):"Something like that." Tosca(into phone):"Well, we have a male Russian Wolf pup who was recently orphaned by some hunters." Czar(over phone):"And you would like me to adopt him?" Tosca(into phon):"Yes, he is a wolf pup that needs your type of guidance. He has a bit of a temper and is a biter." Czar(over phone):" A real renegade, it seems?" Tosca(into phone):"Yes, he thinks we are the enemy because we are not his pack. He was taught like that by his pack leader father." Czar(over phone):"That so? Well, I can cure him of that if you allow me." Tosca(into phone):"That would be great if you could. His name is Kosh. He is currently with me in Tesla's lab." Czar(over phone):"I will come and pick him up. See you soon." Tosca(into phone):"Thank you, General." Tosca puts the phone down and turns back to Kosh, who still keeps trying to get the muzzle off. Tosca(sternly):"If you are going to keep biting others, then the muzzle stays on." Kosh growls angrily. Tosca, Alexei and Olga discuss a few final matters and issues before the two wolves leave with their newly adopted charges. A few minutes later, the main lab door swings open and General Czar comes stepping in. He takes off his military cap and salutes at Tosca and Stalker. Czar:"Salutations, General. Good day, Miss Tosca." Stalker:"Greetings, General Czar." Tosca:"Greetings, General." Czar:"And where is my charge?" Tosca brings Czar over to Kosh. The pup keeps growling at Tosca, pawing at the muzzle. Czar:"Ah, so here is the little troublemaker." Czar steps up to Kosh and looks the pup over. Kosh looks up at the large Russian Wolf and growls through the muzzle. Czar:"Is he so bad that he needs a muzzle?" Stalker:"He was biting at everyone but another pup from his pack. Do you think you can instill some discipline in him, Czar?" Czar:"He may look like a hellion, but I'm confident I can make a proper wolf out of him, General." Kosh begins to growl at Czar. Czar grabs Kosh's one ear and twists it a little, a stern look on his face. Czar:"I will teach you some respect and make you a descent soldier." Kosh yips loudly as Czar twists his ear. He looks at Tosca and Stalker. Czar:"I shall not let you down with this one." Stalker:"I'm fully confident in your abilities, Czar." Tosca:"Thank you for your effort, General." Czar salutes and then leads Kosh out of the lab, still holding the pup by the ear. As he leaves, Tosca turns to Stalker. Tosca:"Speaking of pups, I got to pick up Elexis, Ciro and Tanarus from the nursery." Stalker:"Very well. I got a meeting with the squadron generals. I will see you later." The two of them say their farewells to Hildagarde and Tesla before they leave the laboratory. Kindergarten Next to Apartments KH Military Headquarters 15 October 1975 7:33 AM: Tosca, with Ciro in her arms is taking Tanarus to the KH Military version of a kindergarten. It is a t-shaped, two story building fenced off from the other buildings with some small playgrounds around it. Tanarus is sucking his thumb while following Tosca. Tosca and the pups enter the kindergarten and go to a room that was located beside the nursery for pups Tanarus's age. Among the pups and adult teachers and parents is General Czar and Kosh, who is still wearing his muzzle. Tosca approaches the two. Tosca:"Morning, Czar. How was your first night with Kosh?" Kosh tries to growl, but with the muzzle restricting him from doing so he simply sighs. Czar:"He is still being troublesome, but I have seen worse. I can make him a good soldier." Tosca:"If anyone can, you will." Both of them bring the pups to the main kindergarten hall for their first day of schooling. Tanarus looks around the kindergarten curiously. Tosca notices this and kneels down next to him. Tosca:"You have fun, Tanarus and learn lots and meet new friends." Tanarus nods his head and takes his thumb out of his mouth Tanarus:"Okay, miss Tosca." Tosca:"Have fun, Tanarus." Tosca leaves the kindergarten with Ciro while Tanarus and the other pups gather around to be introduced to their teachers. Tesla's Laboratory 7:41 AM: Tosca comes into the laboratory just as Hildagarde finishes pouring a cup of coffee for her and Tesla. She looks up from the coffee machine as Tosca enters. Hilda:"Ah, Tosca. Morning. You want some coffee too?" Tosca(smiling):"Morning, and sure. Two sugars for me." Tosca sets Ciro on the floor and gives him a puzzle to play with. Hilda takes out another mug and pours coffee for Tosca. Tesla watches Ciro as he comes over to pick up his cup of coffee. Tesla:"Nice lad there." Tosca:"Yes, he's such a dear." While the three adults chat with each other and Ciro plays with the puzzle, a small female Russian Wolf pup who found her way in from the outside peeks from behind one of the machines. Ciro spots the pup and crawls towards her. Ciro:"Puppy!" The puppy looks quizzically at Ciro as he comes closer, hiding behind the machine. Ciro crawls closer to the Russian Wolf pup, yipping at her. The pup whimpers and crawls against the machine, shaking with fear. Ciro reaches out and tried to pet her. The pup is still whimpering, but she tries to paw back at Ciro. Ciro yips at the pup, his wagging tail indi- cating that he wants to play. The pup moves cautiously closer, having stopped whimpering. As she comes into view, Tesla now sees the stray pup in the lab. He looks at Hildagarde. Tesla:"Hildagarde, is that one yours?" He points to the pup. Hildagarde frowns, puts her mug down and stands up. Hilda:"No. Where did she come from?" The pup, seeing that she was spotted, runs away. Hildagarde quickly tries to run after the pup. The puppy runs amongst the machines, dodging Hilda as the scientist tries to grab her. Hilda:"Come on, little one. I won't hurt you." The pup hides under one of the machines. Hildagarde lies down and tries to reach out to the little wolf from under the machine, but she nips at her. Hildgarde gasps and quickly pulls her arm back. She sits up and looks at Tosca. Hilda:"I think you should give it a try. She doesn't like me." Tosca comes over, quickly reaches under the machine and pulls the pup out by the nape her neck. The wolf puppy kicks the air before calming down. Tosca:"No need to bite. We just want to be friends." She smiles at the pup, scritching Yasha's tummy. Ciro runs around his mother's legs and yips, wanting to play with the puppy. Tosca holds the little puppy close to Ciro. Tosca:"See? Ciro here just wants to play." But Tosca frowns when she sees that the pup is very thin. The young wolf whimpers in hunger. Tosca:"I think we have another orphan. She's hungry." Hildagarde:"I got some sausages here. Will that do?" Tosca:"I think so." Tosca puts the pup down while Hildagarde gets a sausage from her lunch box and brings it to her. Tosca offers the sausage to the pup. The pup sniffs and begins to nibble it on. Liking the taste, the pup grabs the whole sausage in her muzzle and chews greedily on it. Tosca smiles at the little one. Tosca:"You like it, don't you?" The puppy nods happily, tail wagging. Tosca looks up at Hildagarde and Tesla. Tosca:"Something really has to be done about those Soviet wolf hunters. Some of the patrols have been finding a lot of wounded wolves or orphan pups. Tesla:"Perhaps you should recommend to Stalker to have squads sent out to get rid of these hunters for good." Tosca(nodding):"I will." Ciro looks quizzingly at the pup, wondering if she wants to play. When she is done eating, she yips back at Ciro with her wagging tail indicating that she wants to play. Tesla picks her up before she can. Tesla:"Before you play, let me just get you ready." The puppy looks confused at Tesla while he carries her to the Wolfmatron. Tesla places the pup on the platform and steps back. Putting on the protective goggles given by Hildagarde, Tesla goes to the control terminal and activates the Wolfmatron. The machine starts to hum, startling the pup. Then she yips when the energy beams strike her and begin transforming her into a wolf-sapien. After a few seconds of change she looks like a pup of Ciro's age. When the Wolfmatron switches off, Ciro walks up and curiously pokes at the puppy. She pokes back, giggling. As Hildagarde approaches the two pups, Tosca goes to a phone and calls Stalker. Stalker(over phone):"Hello." Tosca(into phone):"Hi, Stalker. Tosca here. Listen, does Elexis have any old clothes she doesn't need anymore. Stalker(over phone):"There is a small trunk with her old clothing. Why do you ask, if I may enquire?" Tosca(into phone):"We found another wolf pup orphan. This one somehow got into Tesla lab. Probably hiding from hunters." Stalker(over phone):"Another one? Seems you're a magnet for little ones, Tosca." Tosca(into phone):"I am not the only ones finding them. Those hunters are wiping out more wolves. I read reports of more orphans and wounded found. " There is a moment of silence. Stalker(over phone):"Seems we will have to launch both punitive and rescue operations soon. Is this widespread?" Tosca(into phone):"Very. The hunters have a government-backed wolf extermination program as part of their land reclaim program." Stalker(over phone):"Then it is time to organize. I will have our forces go out and deal with the hunters while you take care of any refugees our teams rescue." Tosca(into phone):"I will look into finding foster parents for any little ones that come in." Stalker(over phone):"Good. Let me talk with our commanders and then we'll work out the details. And maybe I'll even get this through to the Elite Guard as well. Its time Moscow be reminded what happened the last time they crossed us." Stalker hangs up on the phone. Tosca puts the receiver back on the phone and heads over to Hildagarde to help with the new arrival. Tosca's Quarters Officer Apartments KH Military Headquarters 9 November 1975 2:09 PM: Tosca is in her quarters taking of Elexis, Tanarus and Ciro in their play room. She is sitting down in a chair while the pups play around with some building blocks. She has just finished reading aloud an invitation she had received. Elexis:"I wish I can go to the party tonight but daddy said it was for grown ups." Tosca:"I'm not going either, I wasn't invited, but we can have our own party." The pups' ears perk up upon hearing it. Tanarus:"Oooo, a party, Miss Tosca? What kind of party?" She smiles at them. Tosca:"How about a cupcake party? We can make cupcakes that we can eat for ourselves." The pups all stand up and cheer. Tanarus:"Yay! Cupcakes!" Tosca and the pups head to the kitchen to begin making the cupcakes. An hour later, as she and the cubs are frosting the cupcakes there is a knock at the door. Tosca goes to answers it. A KH soldier is standing there holding a box and an envelope. Tosca:"Yes?" Soldier:"Package and a letter from General Stalker, Ma'am." Tosca:"Oh? Well, thank you." Tosca takes the package and envelope from the soldier, who then salutes her and leaves. Tosca opens the letter first and read it. The letter reads: "I was hoping that you could be available to be my plus one at the dinner. I have provided you with a dress. Please let me know if you can make it. Stalker." Tosca reads the letter a second time, then goes to pick up the phone. She makes a call to Stalker, who answers within seconds. Stalker(over phone):"Hello, General Stalker here." Tosca:(into phone):"It's Tosca. I got your letter. I'll be glad to be your plus one. " Stalker(over phone):"Wonderful! Did you receive the package with it?" She opens the package and lifts the lid. Inside an elegant evening dress and matching shoes. Tosca(into phone):"It's beautiful." Stalker(over phone):"I'm glad you approve. I'll be waiting for you." Tosca(into phone):"Don't be late, Stalker." Stalker(over phone):"Don't worry, Tosca. See you later." Tosca puts the phone down and then heads back to the kitchen to help finish up the cupcakes for the pups. Dining Hall Main Military Complex KH Military Headquarters 6:53 PM: The dining hall is a large room with three long tables set in a large horseshoe shape. Aside from the usual plates and eating utensils there are also flowers, decorations and other trinkets. One of the tables sports a large throne instead of a chair. At the end of the hall is the serving table with all the food, meals, snacks and drinks that will be served. Among the invited guests who have shown up is Tosca, who is wearing the dress and some make up. She looks beautiful. Stalker is standing by the entrance of the dining hall, dressed in his finest white suit with black tie. Tosca comes up to Stalker, who looks her up and down admiringly. Stalker:"You look ravishing." Tosca:"Thank you." He holds out his arm for her. Stalker:"Shall we?" Tosca takes his arm and smiles. Tosca:"Yes, let's." Stalker:"I've chosen a spot well away from Franco. I don't think you want to sit near him." Stalker leads Tosca to a table. As they sit down, Trigger joins them with a guest of his own. Tesla and Hilda sit close by as well. A short time later, a hush falls over the hall as Franco enters with his soldiers, bodyguards and followers. Franco is rambling quietly to himself while Champion guides him to his throne. Diehard comes in with him and takes a seat next to the throne. Also coming in is another top Franco supporter: Major Servas, a brown wolf-sapien with an ugly scar on one cheek. He takes a seat next Tosca, eyeing her over. When everyone is seated, Franco stands to make a speech. Trigger leans over to whisper to the others. Trigger(whispering):"I hate this part." Franco's "speech" is a more of a crazy rant that goes on for a bit before he finally sits down again, giggling in an insane manner. Diehard then stands up and gives a more appropriate (and understandable) speech. Tosca is still surprised by Franco's ramble. Tosca(stunned):"Whoa..." While the two speeches are delivered, Major Servas studies Tosca's body. His tail wags behind him. Tosca doesn't notice, instead turning towards Stalker. Tosca:"Is... is that our leader?" Stalker:"Franco is a complete lunatic, and he's only been getting worse over the years." Tosca:"If he is so crazy, how did he get into power?" Stalker:"He wasn't always like this, I'm afraid. When we elected him, he was pretty sane and very intelligent. But as time wore on, well, this shell is the result." Tosca:"That's horrible." Stalker:"Don't feel sympathy towards him. He's a monster, and everyone who is not a member of the Elite Guard knows it." Tosca nods. The conversations continue as the food is served. Stalker is busy talking with some senior officers while Tosca fills their plates and glasses with food and drink. At the same time, however, Servas is keeping a pair of eyes on her. He then takes his chance and moves closer. Servas:"And who are you, lovely?" Tosca looks up at the brown wolf. Tosca:"My name is Tosca." Servas:"How nice to meet you. I am Major Servas." Tosca then notices the Elite Guard insignia on his uniform pocket. Tosca:"What do you do in the Elite Guard?" Servas:"I work in Franco's tank divisions. And you? I've never seen you before." Tosca:"I'm a caretaker. I take care of pups and help make arrangements to get them foster families." Servas nods, not really listening as he places one paw on Tosca's leg. Servas:"Hmmm. Interesting." Tosca inhales sharply and pulls Servas' paw off her leg. Tosca:"What are you doing?" Servas grins at her. Servas:"What? Don't you like me being friendly?" Tosca starts to growl at him. Tosca:"Not interested." But Servas doesn't listen, instead his paw slides up Tosca's leg. Tosca tries to pull the paw off. Tosca(growling):"Stop that!" This gets Stalker's attention. He quickly breaks away from the conver- sation he is having to face Tosca and Servas. Stalker:"What's going on here?" Tosca, still growling, points at Servas. Tosca(growling):"He was trying to feel me up." Servas:"Oh, come on. You enjoyed it, didn't you?" Tosca(growling):"No!" Stalker now growls as well. He gets up, marches over to Servas and holds a fist to the wolf's snout. Stalker:"Touch her again and I will hurt you and then demote you." Servas immediately loses his smug facade and cowers when he sees the fist. Servas:"Yes, sir... um... I think I forgot... something..." He quickly gets up and leaves the table, heading for the buffet. Stalker returns to his seat and looks at Tosca, who is still glaring at Servas. Stalker:"Are you all right?" Tosca(nods)"Yeah. Thanks for helping me." Stalker:"Glad to help, Tosca. Servas is just one of the many unsavoury characters who orbit Franco like flies." A short time later, waiters begin to serve the main courses and place the food on the tables. Stalker offers a napkin to Tosca. Tosca:"Thank you." Stalker smiles as he begins to eat, casting an occasional glance at Tosca and also at Servas to make sure he doesn't do anything. After a short while, Tosca turns to Stalker. Tosca:"I found a pair of wolves who want to adopt Tanarus." Stalker:"Oh? Who are they?" Tosca:"Their names are Flame and Visionary." Stalker:"Hmmmm. Those names don't sound familiar to me. Do you know them well?" Tosca:"They are a young couple. Flame is part of Trigger's troops, while Visionary works in the archives." Stalker:"Do they have pups yet?" Tosca shakes her head, looking a bit sad. Tosca:"They were rescued from a zoo when they were young. The zoo fixed them." Stalker flinches a bit from the word "fixed". Stalker:"I... see. Well, they sound like good candidates for the adoption. Have they been interviewed yet?" Tosca:"I have and they have met with little Tanarus. It looks like he will get along with them just fine." Stalker:"Good. In that case, I give my approval for the adoption to go ahead." Tosca:"I'll let them know first thing tomorrow." The two of them continue eating as the dinner goes on, with the others enjoying the meals or chatting with one another. Nursery 9:56 PM: The nursery is now mostly empty except for a few pups in one of the play rooms, under the watchful eye of a pair of nannies. Ciro, Tanarus and Elexis are among the small group of pups, still playing even though they are a bit sleepy. Stalker, holding Tosca's one paw, comes into the nursery and looks around for his daughter. Tosca quickly finds her little son Ciro and scoops him up. The sleepy pup hugs her. Stalker finds Elexis and picks her up as well. Tosca finds Tanarus playing with some blocks and takes his paw. Tosca:"Come, Tanarus. Time to head home." Tanarus:"Aww, but I want to keep playing." Tosca:"You need your sleep. You have a big day tomorrow." Tanarus:"What happens tomorrow, Miss Tosca?" Tosca:"Mr Flame and Mrs Visionary become your new Dad and Mom." Tanarus begins to wag his tail eagerly. Tanarus:"I get new parents?" Tosca:"The first thing tomorrow." Tanarus:"Yay! I can't wait!" Stalker and Tosca thank the nannies and head out of the nursery. Coming to the apartment block, Stalker turns to Tosca, Elexis now asleep in his arms. Stalker:"Thank you very much for coming with me. I really enjoyed your company." Tosca:"As did I. You're a wonderful partner. Hopefully we can arrange a little dinner of our own?" Stalker:"In future, of course. I'll see you tomorrow. Sleep well." Tosca:"You too, and good night." Tosca waves bye to Stalker. She then takes the pups to her quarters and lets them in. Once inside, Tosca puts Ciro in his crib and Tanarus in his bed. Tanarus snuggles up in his bed and begins to suckle his thumb. Satisfied that the pups are now tucked in, Tosca goes into her own room and begins to get ready for bed. But as she is changing clothes, the female wolf is unaware that an intruder is observing her. Servas is watching her from inside the closet, peeking through a small slit in the door. Tosca takes off her dress and goes to her dresser to get her night- gown. Servas grins, his eyes greedily scanning her body. When Tosca finds her nightgown and begins to slip it on, Servas suddenly steps out of the closet. Servas:"Hello there, lovely." Tosca gasps aloud and covers herself. Tosca:"What are you doing in here?!" Servas grins back at her. Servas:"Oh, I thought you might be... lonely. So I'm here to offer some companionship." She growls back at him. Tosca:"I am not lonely. NOW GET OUT!" Servas takes a step forward. Servas:"No." Servas tries to make a grab for Tosca, but she dodges him. Servas growls and tries to grab her again. Servas:"Come here!" Tosca:"No!" Tanarus hears the commotion, gets out of bed and enters the room. Tanarus:"Miss Tosca? What is wrong?" Servas manages to grab Tosca at that moment. Tosca struggles to try and break of the male wolf's grasp. Tosca:"Tan, run and get Mister Stalker!" Tanarus' eyes go wide and he runs out of the bedroom. Servas growls and tosses Tosca onto the bed. Before she can get up he pounces and pins her down. Meanwhile, Tanarus runs out of the quarters and scurries along to where Stalker's quarters. He bangs on the door, whimpering. The door opens and Stalker pokes his head out. He is surprised when he sees Tanarus. Stalker:"What are you doing here, son?" Tanarus:"There is a mean wolf hurting Miss Tosca." Stalker's eyes go wide and he opens the door to step outside. Stalker:"What! In her quarters?" Tanarus:"Yes." Stalker:"Stay in here, little one." Tanarus goes into Stalker's quarters as the general starts running down the corridor to Tosca's quarters. In her quarters, Servas keeps Tosca pinned to the bed while lifting her nightgown. Servas:"Let's see what's here, shall we?" Tosca growls and tries to use her power, but Servas gags her with a sock before she can manage it. Stalker then suddenly bursts through the door, a furious look on his face. Stalker:"What's going on here?!" Servas' eyes go wide and he looks up. Stalker growls and rushes up to grab Servas by the ears. Servas yelps as he is pulled off Tosca. Stalker:"Get off her!" Tosca removes the gag from her mouth as Stalker throws Servas to the floor. Servas growls and gets up again. Servas:"She is mine!" Stalker growls and punches Servas full in the face, sending him back onto the floor. Stalker:"She is not yours! She doesn't belong to anyone but herself!" Stalker then goes over to Tosca. Stalker(concerned):"Are you all right?" Tosca:"For now." Stalker:"Did he hurt you or...." He leaves the last part of that sentence hanging. Tosca shakes her head, but whimpers. Tosca:"He was about to..." Stalker growls, looking at Servas as the wolf struggles to get back up again. Stalker:"I'll call the guards and have this fiend taken to trial for his actions." Tosca hears Ciro whimpering from his bedroom and goes to check on him. Tanarus comes back to the quarters, looking at Servas with a frightened look on his face. Stalker goes over and picks up Tanarus. Stalker:"Thank you, Tanarus. You've saved Miss Tosca." Tanarus:"I did?" Stalker:"Yes, you did. You were very brave." Tanarus claps his paws. Tanarus:"Yay!" Stalker puts Tanarus down and then goes to Tosca's telephone to call the guards. Stalker(into phone):"This is Stalker. I have an officer in breach of the military laws... Its Servas, here at Tosca's quarters... Yes, right away." He puts the phone down. A short time later some soldiers show up, arrest Servas and escort the dejected wolf out of Tosca's quarters. Stalker watches them go, then he closes and locks the door. He goes into the pups' bedroom to check on Tosca and the young ones. Tosca is holding little Ciro while sitting on Tanarus' bed. Stalker:"How is Ciro?" Tosca:"He's fine." Stalker:"Good. Would you like to sleep in my quarters after this for tonight, or will you be fine here?" Tosca:"I'll be fine here." Stalker:"All right, but maybe I..." He suddenly notices that Tosca is in her nightgown and blushes. He starts to head for the good. Stalker:"I'll be going. Goodnight." Tosca stifles a laugh as Stalker, still blushing, makes his way out of her quarters in a hurry. Tosca's Quarters Officer Apartments KH Military Headquarters 10 November 1975 7:11 AM: In the pups' bedroom Tosca is helping Tanarus pack his things to prepare him to move in with his new parents. A big suitcase is on the floor where Tosca is putting Tanarus' things. Ciro watches with curiousity from his crib. Tanarus' tail wags eagerly as he helps Tosca. Tanarus: "Ooo, I'm so excited! But I'm also so nervous, Miss Tosca." Tosca pets Tanarus. Tosca:"No need to feel nervous, Tanarus. You will love your new parents." Tanarus' tail wags even more. There is a knock at the front door. Tosca walks over to the door, unlocks and then opens it. Standing outside are Flame and Visionary. Tosca:"Ah, hello!" Flame:"Greeting, Tosca. We're here to pick up little Tanarus." Tosca:"He's right here. I'm just finishing packing his things." Tanarus peeks around the corner of a doorframe at the front door. Flame and Visionary spot him and wave. Tanarus shyly waves back. Tosca turns to him. Tosca:"Tanarus, it's time to go." Tanarus slowly walks up to the front door, looking very nervous at his new parents. Flame and Visionary smile and wave at him. Visionary:"There is no need to be nervous little one." Tanarus steadies himself and walks up to the door to look at his new parents. Flame and Visionary are Timber Wolf-sapiens. Flame is a large and strong wolf-sapen and wearing a KH Uniform. Visionary has a medium build wearing a dress. Flame looks down and smiles at Tanarus. Flame:"So this is little Tanarus?" Tosca:"Yes, he is." Flame kneels down and looks at the nervous pup. Flame:"I'm Flame, your new father, little one." Visionary kneels down next to Flame. Visionary:"And I'm Visionary, your new mother." Tanarus:"Hello Miss Visionary, Mister Flame. Ummm...?" He is still a bit shy. Visionary reaches out to hold Tanarus's paws and pets his head. Tanarus smiles and relaxes, his tail wagging even more. Flame reaches over and gently scritches the pup's chin. Flame:"See? You don't need to be scared of us." Tosca smiles as Visionary picks up Tanarus and the two adult wolves stand up again. Tosca:"You two would be good parents for him." Flame:"I hope we will. Say Tanarus, want to ride on my shoulders?" Tanarus wags his tail and nods. Tanarus:"Yes!" Tosca brings out Tanarus's suitcase while Flame takes Tanarus and puts him on his shoulders. Flame:"Hold tight!" Tanarus holds on to Flame's ears while Visionary takes Tanarus's suitcase from Tosca. Flame:"Thank you so much, Miss Tosca. I'm sure Tanarus will be very happy with us." Tosca:"I'm just glad Tanarus now has a loving family to look after him. And if you need any help, I'm right here." Flame and Visionary leave with Tanarus after bidding goodbye to Tosca. As they walk down the corridor, Stalker walks by. The two wolves salute at Stalker, who then salutes them back and smiles at Tanarus. The pup waves at Stalker. Once they pass, Stalker comes up to Tosca's door and knocks. Tosca answers the door. Tosca:"Oh, Stalker. Good to see you." Stalker:"Hello, Tosca. May I come in?" Tosca:"Sure." Stalker comes inside and then turns to Tosca. Stalker:"Close the door. We need to have an urgent talk." Tosca closes the door, locks it and faces Stalker. Tosca:"What is it?" Stalker:"I know you didn't want to share my quarters and I respected that, but now I'm afraid I will have to order you to do so." Tosca:"What? Why?" Stalker:"Franco let Servas off the hook and he's been cleared to resume his normal... duties without any charges against him." Tosca(shocked):"What?!" Stalker:"I was shocked too. Seems Servas is a Franco loyalist who kissed a good deal of tail and as a result he got off scot-free." Tosca growls. Stalker:"And now Servas will probably be free to come back here and try what he attempted on you again. That's why I'm asking you to stay with me." Tosca doesn't think for long before making her decision. Tosca:"Okay, I will stay with you." Stalker:"Good. Get your things together, I'll carry them for you and have some of my soldiers come around here later to bring the rest of your belongings." Tosca goes to her room and begins to pack both hers and Ciro's things while Stalker stands by the door to keep a watchful eye out for more trouble. Ciro peeks out of the playpen at his mother, watching her gather all the essential items. Stalker comes into her room a few minutes later. Stalker:"All done?" Tosca(nodding):"Yes, I got everything I need for myself and Ciro." Stalker:"Good." The large wolf then goes over to Ciro's pen and picks up the puppy. Stalker:"Come on, little one. You're going to stay with me for a while." Ciro wags his tail as Stalker takes him up in his arms. Stalker:"Any toys you want to take along?" The toddler looks around the room before he finally points at a toy helocoper. Stalker goes over, picks up the toy helicopter and gives it to Ciro. The toddler holds the helicopter tightly in his paws. Stalker looks at Tosca as she closes and locks the suitcases. Stalker:"Anything else you need, Tosca?" Tosca:"That's all." Stalker:"Good. Let's go, and lock the door." Ciro giggles and prods Stalker's chest with the toy helicopter. Ciro:"Dada." Stalker blinks and looks at Ciro with surprise. Tosca smiles. Tosca:"Sorry. For some reason, he thinks you're his dad." Stalker:"Why does he think so?" Tosca:"I don't know. Maybe its because he looks up to you." Stalker:"Well, maybe I can be a father to him." He smiles, tickling Ciro under the chin. Ciro giggles. Stalker:"What happened to his father?" Tosca stops smiling and folds her ears back. Tosca:"He was killed by members of the pack." Stalker:"Oh, that's terrible." He then remembers something. Stalker:"Come on, let's go. I don't know how long it will be before Servas comes back here." Tosca takes Ciro from Stalker, while Stalker picks up the suitcases. They go out the door, which Tosca then closes and locks behind her. They then walk their way along the corridor to Stalker's quarters. Whle they are walking, Stalker looks at Tosca. Stalker:"Why was your mate killed, Tosca? I never did ask you that." Tosca:"There was a power struggle in the pack. My mate Tripper was the beta of the pack. His brother, Fico, was the alpha while his other brother, Rizzo, wanted the power. Rizzo gathered other wolves who had disagreements with Fico and staged a coup. Fico died in battle. Rizzo took over the pack and sicked his followers on Tripper." Stalker:"That's terrible. What happened to you?" Tosca:"I was pregnant with Ciro. When Rizzo's followers starting killing Fico's pups, I knew if when I bore Tripper's pups they would be killed. My sister, Dixon, distracted the pack's guards and I escaped the pack's range." Stalker:"What happened then?" Tosca:"I kept running. I only stopped to bear Ciro. Days later you saved me from the hunters." Stalker:"Do you know what happened to your original pack after this?" Tosca shakes her head. Tosca:"I don't know. My sister is still there. I miss her. I hope nothing happened to her." Stalker:"Perhaps once we've settled you in and I get some free we could go and check up on her?" Tosca nods. Tosca:"If that is possible I'd greatly appreciate it." Stalker smiles. Stalker:"Then its settled. Ah, here we are." The two of them come to a front door located in one of the more posh sections of the apartment complex. Tosca looks curiously at the door as Stalker takes out a key and approaches it. Tosca:"I thought we were going to your place, Stalker. Stalker smiles at her as he puts the key in the lock. Stalker:"These are my quarters now. I was recently promoted so I now I have larger quarters to reflect my new rank." Tosca smiles. Tosca:"Oh! Well, in that case, congratuations." Stalker:"Thank you." He unlocks the door and opens it for Tosca. Stalker:"Ladies first." Tosca carries Ciro inside. Stalker then carries their luggage inside and closes the door behind them. The quarters is indeed larger, almost the size of a small house. While most of Stalker's possessions are in their place, there are a few unopened boxes piled against the walls. Elexis is sitting on a big carpet in the living room, playing with some building blocks. Tosca puts Ciro down, who crawls over to Elexis. Elexis looks up curiously at Ciro and paws at him. Ciro paws back. Elexis:"Want to play?" Ciro:"Yes." Elexis' tail wags eagerly. Elexis:"Let's play doctor!" Ciro:"Okay..." Ciro follows Elexis into her room. Stalker and Tosca go into one of the room and he hits the light switch, revealing a simple bedroom with a lone single matress bed, a small wooden bedside table with a lamp, a few closets and a dressing table with mirror. Stalker:"It's not much, I'll admit. I haven't had time to spruce it up a bit." Tosca:"No, its all right Stalker. It just a few personal touches here and there." Stalker:"If you say so, Tosca. This room is all yours." Tosca:"Thank you." Stalker puts the suitcases down by the bed and is about to leave, but Tosca grabs his arm to get his attention. Stalker:"Something wrong?" Tosca:"No. I'm just wondering whether we could perhaps visit my old pack's territory one day?" Stalker:"I could certainly make arrangements for that if you want. But why do you want to go visit your old pack?" Tosca:"I just need to know what has happened to it since I left." Stalker:"Very well. We can do that." Tosca:"When we can go to my pack's terrority, can we bring troops and a medic along too? Some of the pack might want to leave, but Rizzo and his followers are holding them as virtual prisioners." Stalker:"All right. First, though, let's get you settled in." Tosca nods. Just then Ciro comes crawling into the bedroom wrapped in bandages. Elexis comes in running after him, holding a roll of bandages in her paws and giggling. Elexis:"Wait! You need more!" Ciro tries to crawl away. Elexis pounces him and tries to wrap some more bandages around the pup. Stalker chuckles. Stalker:"Looks like my Elexis is getting along well with Ciro. Maybe too well." Tosca stifles a laugh before going over to rescue Ciro from Elexis and her bandages. Alps Mountains Austrian/Italian Border 18 November 1975 14:38 PM: The mountainous terrain and pine forests of this region serve as a natural border between Austria and Italy. In a clearing by a mountain river a transport helicopter with KH markings has just landed. While soldiers are busy securing a perimeter and setting up camp, Stalker and Tosca are leading a group consisting of Trigger, Taurean and Black into the woods. Stalker, Trigger and Black are dressed in forest camo uniforms while Tosca is wearing a parka with heavy boots. Taurean is wearing a medic's combat uniform and carrying a backpack. He takes in a deep breath. Taurean:"It is great to get out of that medical wing. Our new Chief of Medical that Franco appointed, Cutler, is a nutcase." Stalker:I've heard... rumours about him. Is he that bad?" Taurean:"Yes. Dr Cutler has ordered all the birth-control drugs to be switched with fertility drugs. There is one soldier now who is pregnant with six pups because of this." Trigger:"Six pups? What on earth is Franco thinking? Making that fool Chief of Medical? Then again... since when did Franco have a mind to begin with?" Taurean:"The father of the pups almost punched me out over what Cutler ordered. When I told Cutler what happened he just laughed and said it will mean more soldiers for the Supreme General." Trigger sighs and pinches the bridge of his muzzle. Trigger:"Someday, Franco will get what's coming to him." Taurean:"I sure hope so. That Cutler will drive me mad, I swear." The group makes its way through the woods and up the mountains, following Tosca as she retraces her steps. She stops to sniff the air for a bit and then points into one direction. Tosca:"The territory is just over here." Stalker:"We're close. Lead on, Tosca." Led by Tosca, the group continues on for a few steps before suddenly there a piercing howl. They immediately stop and looking around for the source of the howl. Coming over a ridge ahead of them is a pair of females. One is silver and white named Contessa and the other is brown and white named Clover. Both had pups in their mouths. They are Contessa's pups, Bella and Bones. Clover is wounded and sightly limping as both the females are running. Behind them were four large male wolves chasing them. Stalker quickly turns to the group. Stalker:"Quick, Trigger! Get your weapons out! Tauren! Get to those wolves and help them!" Stalker, Trigger and Black pull out their automatic rifles and rush forward to help. Tosca barks to Clover and Contessa to come over to them. Both the females are shocked that Tosca now had the body of a human. Tosca:"Clover, Contessa! We are here to save you! Come on!" The two females come over to Tosca, but Clover limps in pain. Stalker, Trigger, and Black go to confront the four large wolves. The step between the two groups of wolves and point their rifles at the hostile ones. Stalker:"HALT!" The four wolves stop and stare at the three humanoid wolves for a brief second. They then recover, stand their ground and growl. Stalker barks at them. Stalker(barking):"What is going on here? Why are you chasing these wolves?" Wolf 1(growls):"The female, Contessa. and her pups are to be executed by order of the great leader Rizzo." Stalker(growling):"On what grounds?" Wolf 2(growls):"The mate of Contessa and father of the pups tried to overthrow the great leader. He has been executed. Rizzo wants the rest of traitor's family wiped out as an example." Wolf 1(growls):"Now stand aside, outsiders!" Stalker(growling):"No! YOU stand aside!" Wolf 1(growls):"Fools!" The wolves snarl and rush forward to attack the three wolf-sapiens. But the wolf-sapiens hold their ground and open fire on the attacking wolves. The four attacking wolves are cut down by the bullet storm and fall to the ground, dead. The trio lower their weapons. Black:"Fools." Stalker turns back to Tauren and Tosca, who are looking after the two females and their pups. Stalker:"How are they?" Taurean looks up from Clover, who's injuries he is treating. Taurean:"The first female and her pups are fine, but the brown female will need to be taken back to the base for additional medical treatment. I can patch her up so she can hold out until then." Stalker:"Right. Get her back to the LZ and take the helicopter back." Tosca barks at Contessa and Clover. Tosca(barking):"Where is Dixon and the others?" Clover(whimpering):"Dixon is being held prisoner. Most of the rebels were wiped out by Rizzo's followers. The ones that are left have their pups being held hostage by him." Stalker comes over and kneels next to the females. Stalker(barking):"Where is the pack at the moment?" Contessa(barking):"Up north, but the pups are kept in dens not far from here. Rizzo has placed guards at every entrance. Dixon and other rebels are under guard there too." Clover(barking):"The pups are taken from their parents as soon as they are weaned to be educated to follow Rizzo's orders." Stalker frowns and tunrs to his group. Stalker:"Tosca, Tauren. Stay here and take care of them. Black, Trigger, come with me." Stalker, Trigger and Black continue on to the dens while Tosca and Tauren take care of the refugee wolves. They follow a wolf path to a canyon in the surrounding hills. At the end of the canyon is a row of caves with two wolves standing guard at each entrance. Occasionally a pup will try to poke its head out, but a guard would growl to tell it to stay inside, making the pup hide back inside the cave. Some of the caves don't have pups, but rather rebellious wolves who are awaiting execution. Stalker and his group stay out of sight as they creep their way closer to the dens as they can. Finally, Stalker looks at Trigger and Black. Stalker:"Ready? Let's go!" Stalker, Trigger and Black jump out of cover with their rifles ready and barking commands loudly. Stalker:"Paws in the air!" Black:"Lie down immediately!" The guard wolves are startled by the appearance of the trio and the weapons pointed at them. Thus their attention is drawn away from the dens they are supposed to be guarding. With their captors' backs turned to them, the rebel wolves take their chance and attack. Leading the attack is a young wolf named Copland, who is tackling a wolf guard who is much bigger than him. With the fight now breaking out, Stalker and his team rush forward to help. Trigger fires several shots into the air, causing most of the guard wolves to freeze. Trigger:"Lie down, now!" Cowed by the larger wolf, the guard wolves lie flat on the ground in fear. Copland manages to bring down his guardian to the ground, but before the guardian can get up Stalker comes and puts a boot on him, pinning him to the ground. Stalker:"Don't move!" Copland rushes to one of the other dens, where a female wolf is leading some of the pups out. She is whimpering and limping in pain. Copland(barking):"Rizzo will be back soon. We need to get out of here." Dixon(barking):"I know, but its hard with this leg of mine." Copland(barking):"Maybe these strangers can help..." Meanwhile, Stalker turns to Black. Stalker:"Captain, get this group back to Tosca and Tauran so they can have a look. Some of them seem injured." Black:"Yes, sir!" While Black rounds up the pack of wolves, Stalker gathers all the guard wolves into an empty den while Trigger scouts the others for strays. In one of the dens hears whimpering. Trigger:"Hello?" Trigger goes inside to look. Lying on a small bed made of grass is a wounded and weakened male up. Trigger rushes over and checks him. Trigger:"You okay, little one?" The pup lifts its head weakly and whimpers. Trigger picks up the pup and carries him out of the den. Stalker sees Trigger coming out with the pup in his arms. Stalker:"Got something, brother?" Trigger:"This pup is badly injured. His wounds are already infected." Stalker:"Better get him to Tauren, quickly. We'll go after the pack leaders later. Let's go!" Stalker, Trigger and Black begin to lead the freed rebels and pups back to where the KH camp is. Once they are out of the sight, the guard wolves make a break for it back to their pack. After a short walk Stalker's group brings the freed wolves to where Tosca and Taurean are. Dixon blinks when she sees her sister Tosca, limps over and licks her. Tosca smiles and hugs Dixon. Tosca:"I missed you too, sister." Taurean finishes bandaging up Clover's wounds. Stalker comes over to him. Stalker:"How is everyone here, Tauren?" Taurean:"Clover will be just fine. I still need to look at these new arrivals, though." Trigger brings the wounded pup he had been carrying over to Taurean. Trigger:"He needs to be looked at." Taurean:"Put him down and let me see." Taurean begins to examine the pup, bringing his medical bag closer to work on the injuries. He gives the pup some injections to fight the infections and begin to bandage the wounds. He then attaches a small cone around the pup's neck to keep him from biting at the bandages. Trigger looks at the rebel wolves. Trigger:"Where are his parents?" Copland steps forward. Copland(barks):"Humans took his mother. We don't know who the father is, probably one of the guards that captured her from the humans. The guards tortured the pup. Little Poe here has no one." Trigger looks back at the wounded pup, now identified as Poe, and thinks to himself. Stalker taps his shoulder, making him jump. Stalker:"Something wrong?" Trigger:"No, just thinking about that wounded pup." Stalker:"Tauren will take good care of him. Right now we need to take all these wolves away from here. Most of them are too injured or weak from starvation to move." Trigger:"Very well. Let's go, then." Lead by Stalker and Tosca, the expaned group head back to the parked transport aircraft, which sat on a large, empty field by a river cutting through the mountains. Tauren carried Clover while Trigger cradled Poe in his arms. Once at the plane, the wolves are brought on through the rear cargo bay doors. Trigger and Tauren guide them to a part of the plane that has been converted to a medical bay. Trigger places Poe on a while Tauren gets an oxygen mask to put over his muzzle to help the pup breathe. Taurean:"That will help him until we get back to the base. Hopefuly we can get him hooked up to a machine to help him recover." Trigger:"What do you mean by hopefully?" Taurean:"The Chief of Medical would sooner put him down. His wounds are in bad condition, he can barely breathe, and he is part dog. He would think of the pup as worthless and have him destroyed." Trigger frowns. Trigger:"Then why not do it yourself? No need to give attention to the CoM." Taurean:"I will do the best I can. I'm just worried as soon as he sees him, he would demand that he would be put down. You know that he is a Franco loyalist and thus a nutcase." Poe weakly whimpers. Trigger shakes his head. Trigger:"Stalker and I overrule that nutcase. If he gives you trouble, let us know and we will deal with him right away." Taurean(nodding):"Okay, I will." Poe whimpers again and tries to paw at the mask. However the cone around his neck prevents it. Stalker comes up to Tauren. Stalker:"Which of them need an urgent medivac? The plane do handle basic field injuries but nothing very serious, so we can use a heli- copter to take them to a base." Taurean gives the pup another round of injections before answering. Taurean:"The pup. He can barely breathe and his wounds are infected." Stalker:"Trigger, call for an evac now." Trigger:"Right away, brother." Trigger takes out a radio and calls for a medivac. Poe whimpers and tries to move closer to Trigger. A few minutes later a helicopter soon and lands in a nearby clearing. A number of medics disembark and rush over to the plane. They salute as Tauren approaches and points to Clover, Dixon and Poe. Tauren:"Two of them need medical treatment. The pup is in serious condition and needs urgent surgery. Get them out of here now." Medics:"Yes, sir!" Poe, Clover, and Dixon are taken off the jet and carried to the helicop- ter by the medics. Once they reach the aircraft, the medics stabilise them for the trip before loading them onboard. Stalker looks at Tauren. Stalker:"Need to go with them?" Taurean:"If I have permission to. I'm very concerned about the pup." Stalker:"Then go: we have enough medics here to take care of anything barring a catastrophe. The rest of us will deal with this situation." Taurean:"Thank you. Good luck, general!" Taurean and Stalker salute before the wolf doctor goes to get on board the helicopter. Shortly thereafter, the helicopter takes and flies away to the nearest KH base. Not long afterwards, Stalker reassembles his team, this time with some additional soldiers, Tosca remaining behind and Copland taking her place to help as guide. Stalker:"Let's go after the others. Stay close and keep your eyes open." The others nod. Led by Copland, the team departs the airplane and head back into the mountains. Copland sniffs the air and ground to get his bearings. Copland(barks):"This way." Stalker:"Lead om, Copland." Stalker, Trigger, Black and the other wolf-sapien soldiers follow the wolf. Copland dashes into the woods, sniffing the air and ground to stay on the course. Stalker's team remains close behind, scanning the hills for any signs of trouble. After a walk along an unmarked path cutting through a valley, Copland stops and looks around. He then looks back. Copland:"They are close by." Stalker nods and signals to his team to be quiet and have their weapons ready. He goes to Copland and kneels down to whisper. Stalker(whispering):"Bring us closer." Copland nods, but then suddenly he stops and begins growling, baring his fangs and his fur standing on end. Copland(snarling):"They're here!" The next instant there is a loud howl that echoes through the mountains. Seemingly out of nowhere a large number of wolves appear from out of the woods and bushes. They immediately surround the group, fangs bared and snarling. A large, brown and black wolf steps forward, the other wolves apparently viewing him as the leader. Stalker and his team quickly go into defensive mode, aiming their rifles back at the wolves and growling. The lead wolf looks at the wolf-sapiens with contempt. Leader(growling):"What the h*** are these abombinations?" Stalker looks at the lead wolf. Stalker(growling):"Are you the pack leader?" Rizzo(growling):"Yes, I am the one called Rizzo. And you are now in my territory. You...freaks." Stalker(growling):"We've rescued those whom you have unjustly held hostage. From what we've heard, you are a poor pack leader." Rizzo(growls):"The prisoners were traitors to the pack." Stalker(growling):"On what grounds? And what did they do to deserve that title?" Rizzo(growling):"They tried to overthrow me!" Copland(growls):"Fico was a better leader than you, Rizzo." Stalker:"I have heard enough from several of your former pack members to know that you are a terrible leader who is leading this pack to destruction, Rizzo. As such, I am here to remove you from power. Step down peacefully and spare this pack, and yourself, further suffering." Rizzo snarls even more, his fur standing on end. Rizzo(growling):"Never!" Stalker aims his rifle at Rizzo. Stalker:"Stand down, now!" Copland growls threateningly at Rizzo. Copland(growling):"Listen to him, Rizzo! Do as he says!" Rizzo doesn't listen and instead lunges at Copland. Copland is caught by surprise and tries to counter by making an attack for Rizzo's neck. Rizzo ducks and jumps out of the way before biting Copland's tail. When his tail is bitten, Copland bites one of Rizzo's legs. Rizzo yelps in pain and is temporarily distracted. Copland uses this chance to make another attempt on Rizzo's neck. But Rizzo quickly rolls away, then tackles Copland. Copland throws Rizzo off him and into a tree. The im- pact knocks the air out of Rizzo. He gasps and collapses to the ground in a heap. Copland dashes over and growls as he stands over Rizzo, one of his paws on his neck. Copland(growling):"Now leave." Rizzo:"You... gasp... you can't just chase me off! This pack is mine! I AM THE PACK!" Copland(growling):"You are not the pack. You are the leader no more." Rizzo:"You can't... force me." Stalker comes over and points the muzzle of his gun at Rizzo's head. Copland:"Yes I can." Rizzo growls but finally nods. Copland lets go of the wolf, who then gets up and runs away into the woods. He barks back at them. Rizzo:"You'll pay! All of you!" A few of Rizzo's followers run off as well, but a bunch of them remain behind with Copland. Copland howls loudly, and they all howl in unison with him. Once done, Copland trots up to Stalker. Copland(barking):"Thank you for your assistance. The pack is back under proper rule again." Stalker:"Good. Gather up all the loyalists. Let's see who is left." Copland nods and howls loudy. There are several howls in return. Stalker looks around, his ears perked up as he hears the howls. After a few minutes several wolves emerge from the hills and woods and come towards the group. Stalker:"Is this all of them, Copland?" Copland nods. Stalker:"Good. Give them the good news." Copland turns to the pack. Copland:"Rizzio, the brutal leader of our pack, has been removed from power with the aid of our allies." The wolves all bark happily, their tails wagging eagerly. Stalker then addresses the loyalists. Stalker:"You now have a choice: you can continue on your way as a pack, or you can join my organisation, the KH Military. You will be- come like me and my comrades." Stalker gestures to Trigger, Black and the other KH soldiers. Stalker:"It is your own choice. We will not force it upon you." Some of the wolves, including Copland, step forward to signal their intention to join the KH Military. Others stayed back, preferring their lives as normal wolves. Stalker:"Is this your final, certain decision?" The wolves who decide to stay turn around and run off to rejoin the rest of the pack. Copland and the ones who want to join the KH Military sit down on their haunches before Stalker. Stalker nods. Stalker:"All right. Follow us back to the landing zone. Black, call for an additional extraction helicopter for this group." Black:"Yes, sir." Black goes on the radio to make the call while the group of wolf-sapiens and new recruits head back to where the plane was. Not far away, Rizzo is moving away from the area with his few remaining followers behind him. Rizzo(under his breath):"They'll pay. They'll ALL pay." Rizzo's ears perk up and he looks to the sky when he hears the sound of a helicopter flying in. He spots the vehicle flying low over the woods as it comes in for a landing. Rizzo gets an idea and turns to his followers. Rizzo:"You, you and you. Follow me. The rest of you hide." The wolves obey, most running off into the woods while three of them go with Rizzo. They follow the helicopter as it flies to the landing zone in a clearing. Stalker, Trigger, and Black lead the wolves to the clearing where the helicopter is waiting. Rizzo watches from afar, growling in frustration and anger. Rizzo:"These... freakish interlopers... they will suffer for what they did to me." He watches the group board the chopper, with Stalker, Trigger and Black helping the normal wolves onto the vehicle. A few minutes later the heli- copter takes off and flies away. Medical Ward KH Military Headquarters 22:36 PM: It is late at night and the moonlight is shining through the skylight of base's medical ward. But the lights are on and Taurean and his nurses are here patching the injured wolves brought back from the Alps. Tosca is here with her sister Dixon, who is now a humanoid sapien. A nurse is wrapping Dixon's injured arm, while Taurean is examining Clover, who has also been transformed. She looks at Taurean with loving eyes, but he is too focused on chewing her health. Lying an a bed nearby is Poe the pup, who is still in normal form and hooked up to an IV and oxygen machine. Stalker enters the ward and walks up to Tosca. Stalker:"Hello, Tosca. We got your family back." Tosca turns to Stalker and smiles warmly, her tail wagging. Tosca:"Thank you so much, Stalker. It really means a lot to me." Stalker smiles back, his own tail wagging as well. Poe whines at Trigger, who is standing alongside his bed. The little pup paws at the cone around his neck. Trigger reaches out and gently pets the pup. Trigger:"Don't worry, little one. This cone will come off soon." Taurean looks up at Trigger and Poe. Taurean:"He is doing a little better since he got here." Trigger:"Any lasting injuries, doctor Taurean?" Taurean:"He is going to have some scarring. His breathing is getting better, but he will have to be on oxygen for a little while. When he is ready I'll take him to Tesla to be transformed." Poe nuzzles against Trigger's paw. Trigger scritches Poe's chin, making the pup murr softly. Trigger:"How long will that be, Taurean?" Taurean makes a quick estimate in his head. Taurean:"About two weeks." Poe tries to crawl into Trigger's lap, but he can barely move. Tosca laughs when she notices this. Tosca:"He likes you, Trigger." Just then Cutler comes by on his rounds and looks around, a frown on his face. Cutler:"And what do we have here? Was there a battle that I was not in- formed about?" Stalker looks up at Cutler. Stalker:"These are Tosca's family members. We were rescuing them from her former pack." Taurean:"Yes, they were being mistreated by their own number." Cutler waves a dismissive paw. Cutler:"Oh, that is such a shame. Too bad. Tell me: any casualties?" Triger shakes his head. Trigger:"No casualies during the battle." Cutler nods indifferently. He then notices Poe and points to him. Cutler:"And that?" Taurean:"Trigger found that pup. His name is Poe, and the pack tortured him and nearly has him killed. Poe can barely breathe on his own. His wounds are infected but I put him on antibiotics and pain- killers." Cutler comes over and takes a look at Poe, while Trigger and Taurean watch him with suspicion. Finally Cutler waves a dismissive paw. Cutler:"Not worth the resources to keep that mongrel alive. Taurean, have him euthanised." Taurean's eyes widen. Taurean:"I was ordered by Trigger not to." Cutler:"He's not the chief medical officer around here. I am, and I say who lives or who doesn't. Now, are you going to do it or not, Doctor Taurean?" Taurean:"I utterly refuse." Cutler rolls his eyes. Cutler:"Fine! I'll do it." Cutler fetches the euthanising drug, which is contained in a small bottle, and a needle. He then moves towards Poe's IV drip. Trigger growls, gets up and stands between Cutler and Poe's IV. Trigger:"You will not touch that pup, Cutler! That's an order!" Cutler:"That pup is a waste of resourses that can go to someone else more important." Trigger:"This pup is NOT a waste of resources! And if you touch him, I will take that drug and euthanize YOU. I'm sure nobody here would mourn your passing." Stalker stands up and walks over to join Trigger's side. He, too, looks at Cutler with hostility. Stalker:"You had better back off, Doctor Cutler. My brother tends to become very... unstable if angered. As you should well know if you read his medical file." Cutler looks back and forth between Trigger and Stalker. Finally he growls and walks away, grumbling to himself. Poe barks at Trigger and wags his tail. Trigger turns to Poe and smiles. Trigger:"Don't worry, Poe. You're safe with me." The pup wags it as Trigger strokes his head. Stalker pats his brother's shoulder before leaving. Lake Near KH Military Headquarters 5 December 11:03 AM: The lake near the base is large, cutting a near circle in the forest. Two rivers feed it, while a small one flows away from it. Since it is winter, both the rivers and the lake are frozen solid to create a large, flat ice surface. Walking on the shore is Tosca, Dixon, Stalker and Trigger with the pups Elexis, Ciro, and Poe. Poe is now off the oxygen support and his wounds have fully healed. He is still in his normal wolf from. He barks and runs around playing with Elexis and Ciro, who are dressed up in small winter parkas. Trigger looks at Poe. Trigger:"You like running around free again, Poe?" Poe runs around Trigger and barks excitedly. As the group comes to the frozen lake they find other KH Military families nearby. There are no members of the Elite Guard to be seen. Tanarus comes to play with Elexis, while Yasha escapes from Hilda to go play with Ciro. Elexis drags Tanarus over to help build a sand castle. Stalker watches them play. Stalker:"Pity I never got the chances during my puppyhood as they have." Tosca:"Feeling a little jealous, Stalker?" Stalker(chucking):"Maybe a little envious, but not jealous." Poe digs a deep hole and jumps in. He occasionally peeps out of the hole before diving right back. Ciro and Yasha dig ther holes nearby with their new friend. Trigger comes over and kneels down by Poe's hole. Trigger:"Find something down there, little one?" Suddenly there is a yip and Poe comes jumping out of the hole. A crab has grabbed hold of Poe's puzzle with one pincher. The crab holds tightly while trying to pinch the pup's snout with the other. Poe tries to paw the crustacean off, but the crab holds firm. Finally the pup just starts running to Trigger, yelping all the way. Trigger kneels down as the pup comes to him. Trigger:"A got a little too curious, Poe. You should be more careful." Poe whimpers, but Trigger begins to remove the crab. He pries the crab's pincher free of Poe's muzzle, the pup jumping away. But the crab immediately fights back and pinches one of Trigger's fingers. Trigger yelps and jumps around, trying to shake off the combatitive crab. Trigger:"Ouch! Ow! You little ****! Let go!" He shakes his paw about until finally the crab lets go, drops to the sand and scurries towards the water. Poe barks at it, but keeps his distance as the creature runs into the lake. While this is going on Elexis wanders off and gets very close to the water to pick up a brightly coloured shell. A large wave comes in and pulls her into the water and into the current. She tries to doggy paddle, but goes under. Tanarus is the one who sees Elexis land in the water and rushes up to the adults. Tanarus:"Elexis is in the water." The adult wolves immediately look out at the lake just in time to see the young pup briefly break the surface before sinking again. Without thinking Dixon runs into the water and dives underwater to find Elexis. Suddenly she realises she can breathe underwater. She swims down deep into the lake. She spots Elexis sinking down to the bottom, swims up to grab her and brings her up and back to shore. Stalker rushes up to Dixon as she emerges from the waves, his face pale and his eyes wide Stalker:"Is she all right?" Dixon:"I don't know..." Elexis coughs up some water. Stalker looks frantically around. Stalker:"Tosca! Come help here!" Tosca runs over to them. Elexis is whimpering in pain. Elexis(whimpering):"Daddy..." Stalker takes Elexis in his arms and quickly turns to Tosca. Stalker:"Check up on her. She got swept away in the waves." Tosca:"Give her to me." Stalker gives Elexis to Tosca, who takes the pup into her arms and checks her over. While this commotion is going on, Poe goes back into his hole to dig some more. A minute later there is several yips. He comes out with several crabs now grabbing on to him. His yelps of pain gets Trigger's attention. Trigger:"Oh no. Poe, get over here." Poe runs to Trigger, yelping all the way. Trigger kneels and quickly moves to remove the crabs. In the process he gets pinched several times on the paw and face, flinching in pain each time. Tosca finishes her check-up of Elexis and begins to dry the pup off with a piece of cloth. Stalker:"Well?" Tosca:"She will be fine, Stalker. She swallowed a bit of water, but nothing serious. But we need a closer eye on her in the future." Stalker breathes a sigh of relief. Stalker:"Its hard being a father." Tosca:"Yes, but it can be very rewarding." While all this is going on, a group of Elite Guard soldiers, who are acting as escorts for General Diehard, come walking up along the lake shore towards the group. When Stalker spots them approaching, he groans. Stalker:"Oh no. Now what does he want?" Stalker stands up and gives Elexis to Tosca. He then walks towards Diehard to find out what is going on. Poe barks and looks up at Trigger. Trigger frowns as he sees Diehard. He bends over and picks up Poe in his arms. Diehard approaches Stalker. Diehard:"Ze Supreme General vants you und Black with your troops to join Malcolm in South Africa. Further instructions vill be given to you when you arrive." Stalker:"Just like that? Why can't you do it yourself, Diehard?" Diehard:"You're ze second-in-command, Stalker. And ze Supreme General has ordered it himself. So follow your orders, yah?" Stalker glares briefly at Diehard, then he lets out a sigh and nods. Stalker:"Very well. How soon must I leave?" Diehard:"Right away. You und your brother." Diehard then notices Poe in Trigger's arms. Diehard:"Are you still caring for zat half-breed, Trigger?" Poe barks at Diehard. Diehard:"Ze Supreme General does not like spawns like zose. Zey are ugly und not worth anything to us. Zat mongrel is worthless. Maybe you had better kill it, yah?" Poe barks and growls and he jumps from Trigger's arms. Poe begins to whine and run off into the nearby forest. Trigger immediately runs after Poe. Trigger:"Poe! Wait! Come back!" Stalker growls at Diehard. Stalker:"Why you! Are you happy now?" Diehard:"If it means being rid of zat mongrel, then yah. I am happy." Poe hides in a hollow log and whimpers. Trigger runs around the forest, calling out for Poe. Trigger:"Poe! Poe! Where are you, Poe?" Trigger then sees Poe's tracks in the dirt. He follows the tracks to see where they go, eventually coming to the hollow log. Trigger kneels down and looks inside the log. Poe is still inside, whimpering. Trigger:"Poe? Are you all right?" Poe whines to Trigger about Diehard's comments, which reminded him about how he was treated by his old pack. Trigger growls, reaching out into the log to pet Poe. Trigger:"It's all right, Poe. He's not your family, but I am." Poe crawls out of the log and into Trigger's arms. He nuzzles against him, still whimpering a little. Carefully cradling the pup, Trigger stands up and cuddles him. Trigger:"There, there, little one. That big bad wolf won't touch you as long as I'm around." Trigger carries Poe back towards the group by the lake. Tesla's Laboratory KH Military Headquarters 15:02 PM: Tesla is working on preparing the Wolfmatron when Trigger comes walking in with Poe sprinting in after. Trigger:"Afternoon, Tesla. I've brought little Poe here for transformation." Poe barks and runs up to Tesla, wagging his tail excitedly. Tesla:"Good afternoon, Trigger. And hello to you, little one. Are you ready?" Poe barks again. Trigger:"Yes, he's ready." Tesla:"You know how this works, Trigger. Go and put him on the platform." Trigger nods and guides Poe onto the platform under the Wolfmatron.. He pets the pup reassuringly Trigger:"Don't worry, Poe. This won't hurt, but it will feel a little funny." Poe nods, a little nervous. Trigger stands back as Tesla starts up the machine. The Wolfmatron hums for a few seconds before firing the beams at Poe. Moments later Poe begins to transform into a Wolf-sapien. His front legs and paws turn into arms and hands. Poe begins to stand up. When the process is done he looks like a five year old. Trigger walks up to Poe and kneels down to eye-level. Trigger:"How are you feeling, Poe?" Poe(stuttering):"S-s-strange." Trigger:"It is at first. TRy walking around a bit." Poe begins to walk but stumbles a little. Trigger grabs Poe and helps keep him upright until he finds his balance. Telsa brings some clothes for the pup. It looks like a child-sized KH Military uniform. Trigger:"You just need to take it slow and easy at first, Poe. Here, put this uniform on and then we'll go for a walk." Poe:"O-okay, uncle Trigger." Trigger helps Poe get dressed. Once Poe is dressed Trigger looks him over. Trigger:"How does the uniform feel?" Poe:"W-weird." Trigger chuckles and pats Poe's head. Trigger:"Don't worry, you'll grow into it. Come on." He holds out a paw to Poe, which Poe immediately grabs tightly. Trigger begins to slowly walk forward. Poe still stumbles a little but he starts to get used to walking on two legs. Trigger:"How are you feeling, Poe?" Poe:"B-b-better." Trigger:"Good. I think we'll go on a hunting trip to get you used to this new form. How does that sound to you?" Poe:"I-I-I like it, Uncle Trigger." Trigger:"Thank you again, Tesla." Tesla:"Anytime, General." Trigger takes Poe out of the lab while Tesla turns to other projects. The two of them make their way to the base's vehicle bay and climb into Trig- ger's personal jeep. Trigger opens the passenger door for Poe. Trigger:"Hop in." The little pup climbs into the jeep. Trigger helps him buckle up and then checks the buckle again. Satisfied, he pats Poe on the head. He starts up the engine, then begins to drive the jeep to their destination. Forest 12 Kilometres North of KH Headquarters Gory Byrranga Mountains 16:01 PM: Trigger drives the jeep along the main route used by KH vehicles, then drives off it to go into the forest. After a short drive he finds a good clearing and stops. He unbuckles Poe and opens the passenger for him. Poe climbs out and goes to look around while Trigger sets up camp. The pup sees a rabbit and goes on all fours to chase it. The rabbit sees Poe and begins to dash away for safety, but Poe keeps chasing the rabbit. The rabbit finally makes it into a hole. The pup comes to the hole and barks at it. Trigger hear the barking and comes over to Poe. Trigger:"What have you got, Poe?" Poe:"R-r-rabbit." Trigger:"Excellent. Keep practicing and you will be able to catch them with no trouble at all." Poe smiles, but Trigger's ears suddenly perk up when he hears the sound of a truck somewhere. Poe looks towards a hill, his ears perking up as well. He and Trigger climb the hill to see what it is. They see a pick-up truck making its way through the woods. Poe:"W-w-what is that?" Trigger:"It looks like..." Trigger's ears perk up at the same time he sees what is on the back of the truck. Several crates are tied down, filled with a mix of hounds, huskies and one alusky. Trigger growls as the truck and a man dressed in fatigues and carrying a rifle climbs out. Trigger:"A hunter!" The hunter goes to the back of the truck and forcefully and angrily pulls the female Alusky out of one of her crates. He grabs a rope and tries the Alusky to a nearby tree. Poe blinks when he recognises the female. Poe(stunned):"M-m-m-Mama." Trigger looks at Poe with surprise. Trigger:"Is that your mother?" Poe nods and tries to move to get closer. Trigger grabs him by the nape of his neck and keeps him back. Trigger:"Stay here, I'll deal with this." Poe nods while Trigger begins to climb down the hill, taking out his pistol. Meanwhile the Alusky barks at the hunter as the man is busy loading his rifle with several fresh rounds. She tugs at the rope, trying to escape. Trigger creeps towards the human as quickly as he can and without drawing attention. The hunter raises his rifle and takes aim at the Alusky. Trigger comes up behind the human and presses the pistol to the back of the man's head. Trigger:"Pull your trigger and I'll pull mine." The human turns around and is stunned to see a wolf in a human-like form. The dogs in the back of the truck begin to bark and growl angrily at Trigger. The Alusky sits and watches quietly with her head titled at the new arrival with curiousity. Trigger:"What you doing with these dogs, human?" Human:"They are my hunting dogs. They are trained to track and kill wolves ... like you." Trigger points to the Alusky. Trigger:"And her?" Hunter:"I'm putting her down because she refuses to hunt wolves and she is therefore useless to me." Trigger:"That's a very bad idea, human. We might just kill back." To emphasize his point, he cocks the hammer on his pistol. The hunter becomes very worried. Trigger:"Give me the dogs, including the Alusky. All of them. And your truck." Hunter:"What! You can't..." Trigger snarls loudly at him. Trigger:"Do it, or I'll kill you! First, untie her!" The hunter quickly goes to the Alusky and unties her from the rope holding her to the tree. The Alusky growls at the human as she trots over to Trigger. He points to the hill. Trigger:"Run for hill. Your son is there." The Alusky barks and runs up the hill towards where Poe is. Trigger grabs the rifle from the hunter and forces him to one of the trees. He picks up the rope that held the Alusky and uses it to tie the human to the tree. The dogs in the truck are barking and growling at Trigger, but he ignores them until the hunter is securely tied. Hunter:"W-what are you going to do with me?" Trigger:"I'll decide on that later. For now." Trigger steps back, takes out his radio and makes a call. Trigger:"Trigger to Tesla do you read?" Tesla's voice comes on the radio. Tesla:"This is Tesla. What is it, Trigger? I'm in the middle of a critical test here." Trigger:"I apologise for that, Tesla. I got some test subjects for you." Trigger looks at the barking and growling dogs, grinning. Tesla:"Test subjects? Where did you get subjects?" Trigger:"I stumbled upon a hunter driving through the woods. He's got dogs that are trained to kill wolves. Trigger quickly counts the dogs. Trigger:"Looks like about 15." Tesla:"How did you manage to get them?" Trigger:"I snuck up and captured the hunter before he could put down Poe's mother." Tesla:"Wait, Poe's mother?" Trigger:"Yes, I'll explain it all later. Right now I need someone to come and pick up these dogs." Tesla:"Very well, I will a truck sent over. What is your location?" Trigger gives his location. Tesla:"All right. Stay there until the truck arrives, Trigger." Trigger:"Thank you, I'll be waiting." Trigger puts away his radio and looks up were Poe is. He sees the Alusky whining and licking Poe. He walks up to the hill and approaches the two. Trigger:"How is your mother, Poe?" Poe is very happy and his tail wags excitedly. Poe:"J-j-just as I r-r-remember." Trigger smiles, then looks at Poe's mother. Trigger(barking):"How are you feeling, ma'am?" Alusky(barking)"Wonderful! Thank you for saving me." She licks Trigger on the muzzle. Trigger smiles and pets the Alusky. Trigger(barking):"You're welcome, ma'am. I'm glad that you and your son are now reunited. What is your name?" Alusky(barking):"I'm called Flower." Trigger(barking):"Flower. That's a lovely name." While they talk, a KH truck comes driving along the road taken by the hunter and stops by the hunter's vehicle. Hildagarde climbs out along with several laboratory technicians. They go the cages to inspect the new test subjects. Trigger stands up and goes over to Hildagarde. Trigger:"Greetings, Hildagarde. Glad you could come out here in person." Hilda:"Hello Trigger. Tesla said you have some test subjects for the new project." Trigger::On the back of that truck. They're the human's hunting dogs." Hildagarde:"All right, I'll have a look. Where is that human anyway?" Trigger points to the hunter tied to the tree. Hildagarde looks at him with contempt. Trigger:"I'll deal with that human later. What do you think of the dogs?" She turns her attention to the dogs. The dogs bark and growl angrily at the wolf-sapiens studying them. Trigger steps up alongside Hildagarde. Hilda:"They are good specimens, but a little aggressive. Tesla has a way in dealing with that, however." Trigger:"I would hope so. I think this human has been abusing them. He was about to put her down." He gestures towards Flower, who is coming down the hill along with Poe. Hilda:"That's Poe's mother, right?" Trigger:"Right." Flower comes trotting up to the group. Hildagarde barks at her. Hilda(barking):"Can you tell me what the human did to these dogs?" Flower(barking):"The human trained them to attack wolves since they were puppies. I refused to hunt fellow canines." Flower gives Poe a lick. Trigger(barking):"Tell me, Flower, does he have other dogs besides these?" Flower(barking):"He has a kennel full of them." Trigger(barking):"Where? At his house?" Flower(barking):"Yes." Trigger frowns, then takes out his pistol and goes over to the human. He removes the gag while pressing the gun to the man's forehead. Trigger:"Where do you live? Where is your residence?" The human stays silent. Trigger pulls back the hammer on his pistol and growls at the human Trigger:"Address. Now." The human gets scared and tells Trigger the location of his residence. Trigger takes the gun away and steps back, turning to Hildagarde. Trigger:"Here's the address. Go there and pick up the rest." Trigger tells her where the hunter's place is. She nods. Hilda:"All right. It isn't too far. We should be able to get them before the end of the day." Trigger:"Good. Go get them. I'll take Poe and his mother back to base." Hildagarde nods and gets out a radio to call for a helicopter and some troopers. Meanwhile Poe comes up to the hunter and points at him. Poe:"B-bad human. B-bad, b-bad, B-bad human." Trigger:"I'll have some come along and untie him eventually, but first I'm going to leave him here for a while until he learns better sense." Poe nods and then walks over to the hunter's truck, where the techs are unloading the last cage from it. The dogs inside keep barking, but Poe is by this point not scared of them. Poe:"B-bad dogs. B-bad, b-bad, b-bad dogs." Poe leans against the truck. Suddenly he accidently pushes the truck so that it goes careening through the woods. Poe is dumbfounded. Poe(blinks):"Ooops." The human gasps as his truck smashes against a tree, completely wrecking the vehicle. Hunter:"No! My truck!" Flower barks approvenly at her son. Trigger rushes up to Poe while looking at the wrecked truck. Trigger:"What did you do, Poe?" Poe:"L-leaned against t-t-truck." Trigger:"Just like that? You did nothing else?" Poe:"N-n-nothing." Trigger rubs his chin in thought. Trigger:"Hmmm, sounds like you have super strength, little one." Flower barks happily. Trigger looks at Poe and Flower. Trigger:"Come on. Let's head back to the campsite and go and get some refreshments. You must be hungry and thirsty, Flower." Flower barks in agreement. Trigger takes Flower and Poe back to where they had made camp while leaving Hildagarde and the technicians to load the dogs onto their truck. Flower walks and stays close to her son, wagging her tail. When they come to the camp, Trigger gets Flower a bowl of water and puts it on the ground. Flower goes to the bowl and laps up the water. Trigger looks at Poe. Trigger:"Would you like to eat, Poe? Or are you not hungry?" Poe:"I'm hungry." Trigger:"Would you like? I got some lamb chops and ribs with me." Poe wags his tail. Poe:"Ribs, p-p-please." Trigger opens up the container with the meat, then takes out a few ribs and place them on a plate for the pup. Trigger:"Here you go. Enjoy." Poe eagerly chews the meat off and then chews on the bone. Flower sneaks a lamb chop away from Trigger and then nibbles on it. Trigger smiles, taking out some lamb chops and offering the plate with them on to her. Trigger:"Here you go, Flower." Flower barks and wags her tail as she chows down on the meat. Trigger watches her eat while chewing on his own piece. When Poe is done with his ribs he turns to Trigger. Poe:"Can you make mommy like us?" Trigger:"You want her to change into a wolf-sapien as well, Poe?" Poe:"Yes, Mr Trigger." Trigger:"Very well. First, though. Let's be sure your mother is willing to go along with this." Trigger turns to Flower, who is gnawing on the lamb chop bones. Trigger(barking):"Flower, can I ask you something?" Flower(barking):"Yes?" Trigger:"Poe here wants me to turn you into the same shape as me and him. What do you think about that?" Flower studies Poe for a minute before nodding in agreement. Flower:"I will accept, but does it hurt?" Trigger:"Mildly. The bigger problem you'll experience is disorientation after the transformation sequence." Poe:"Please mama..." Trigger:"It's your choice, Flower." Flower thinks it over and nods. Flower(barking):"I'll do it, but first I need a rest." Flower yawns and trots into the tent. Trigger stands up and yanws as well. Trigger:"I think we could all do with a nap. Once we've rested enough we'll go and change you mother, Poe." Trigger crawls into the tent and Poe follows. Flower curls up next to Trigger and Poe lays beside his mother. The three of them soon fall fast asleep. The next morning, Trigger and Poe break down the camp and then guide Flower to the jeep. Trigger opens the rear door and Flower jumps in. Poe sits beside her and Trigger helps buckle his seatbeat. Trigger:"All securely strapped, Poe?" Poe:"Yes, Mr Trigger, sir." Trigger:"And Flower?" Flower barks and wags her tail. Trigger:"Good. Let's go." Trigger climbs in behind the wheel. He starts the jeep's engine, then puts it into gear and begins to drive. KH Military Headquarters Gory Byrranga Mountains 6 December 7:16 AM: The sentries at one of the gates leading into the base lift the barrier to allow Trigger's jeep through, saluting as they do. Trigger salutes back and drives into the base's vehicle bay. He parks in his reserved spot and lets Poe and Flower out. Trigger begins to guide Flower to the laboratories. Laboratories KH Military Headquarters 7:30 AM: Trigger, Flower and Poe enter the main labs, where a functioning Wolfmatron is standing. Several scientists are at work on other various experiments here. Trigger walks up to Tesla, with Poe and Flower following him. Tesla looks up from a clipboard he's carrying Tesla:"Good morning, General. How can I help you today?" Trigger:"Morning Tesla. I want to to have Flower here transformed." Trigger gestures to Flower, who is sitting on her haunches next to Trigger and Poe. Tesla takes a closer look at Flower, noting that she is an Alusky and not a wolf. He then looks back at Trigger. Tesla:"You do realise she is not a wolf?" Trigger:"I know she is not a wolf. She is Poe's mother." Tesla is surprised. Tesla:"What? Poe's mother? How did that happen?" Trigger tells him about the hunter and how they had stumbled upon Poe's mother. Finally, Tesla leans over to Trigger. Tesla(whispering):"Does she know you adopted Poe?" Trigger(whispering)"Not yet. I'll tell her once she is transformed." Tesla(whispering):"All right, but I recommend not dawdling too long with it." Poe is giggling as Flower licks and grooming him. Tesla:"So should we go ahead with the process, General?" Trigger:"Yes." Tesla shrugs. Tesla:"If you say so, General. Talk to her while we prepare the machine." Trigger:"Of course." Tesla turns to the other scientists. Tesla::"Listen up! Get the Wolfmatron ready for another change." As the scientists get to work, Trigger goes to Flower and kneels by her. He begins to explain how the process will work. Flower listens carefully and barks positively in response to Trigger's questions. Trigger:"Right, follow me." Trigger guides Flower to the platform under the Wolfmatron. Flower gets onto the platform and sits, looking curiously at the machine. Tesla offers some goggles to Poe and Trigger. Trigger puts his goggles on and then helps put the goggles on Poe. Tesla and the other scientists then back away and go to the computers amd machines that operate the Wolfmatron. They start pressing buttons and flipping switches. The device starting to hum, causing Flower to look up curiously. Seconds later beams of energy fire down onto her, causing her to yelp in surprise. A glow surrounds her as she undergoes the transformation from an ordinary canine into a rather beautiful cano-sapien female. Once the process is complete, Trigger's jaw drops as he lifts the goggles up from his eyes. Tesla and a scientist carrying a blanket come over to Flower. Tesla:"How do you feel, Ma'am?" Flower:"Strange..." The scientist puts the blanket around Flower to cover her. Tesla:"Any feeling of dizziness or nausea?" Flower:"No..." Tesla:"Good. And uh, you had best keep on this blanket. The general seems a bit... distracted." Flower blushes and covers herself up with the blanket as much as she can. Tesla chuckles as he looks at Trigger, who's jaw is still open seeing how good looking Flower is. Poe looks confused at Trigger. Poe:"What is wrong with Mr. Trigger?" Tesla grins, taking Poe to one side. Tesla:"The general is impressed by your mother's transformation, is all I can say for now." Trigger hears them talking and snaps out of it. He quickly regains his composure, though he still blushes a little under his fur. Another scientist comes over with some spare clothes for the new wolf-sapien. A few minutes later the lab doors slide open and in walks Champion. Franco's bodyguard is grinning widely. Champion:"Good morning! And what's up in the world of science today?" Tesla pushes Flower back to try to hide her. Some of the scientists quickly do the same, trying to shield her. Tesla frowns at Champion. Tesla:"What are you doing here, Champion?" Champion:"The boss is having one of his brooding moments again, so I figured than rather listening to him mumbling all day I'd come here and see what's going on." Champion then spots Flower. He grins, rubbing his paws together as he walks towards her. Champion:"And who is this lovely female?" Poe growls at Champion. Poe:"Stay away from my mama!" Champion looks at Poe briefly with annoyance, then back at Flower with relish. Champion:"So a hot momma too? Nice!" He approaches Flower, shoving Tesla and the scientists to one side. Poe:"Mama is with Mr Trigger." Champion:"Him? Bah, he's crazy and he's not very big. If you know what I mean. I, on the other paw..." He puts his paws on his hips and makes a forward hip thrust towards Flower. Flower growls and kicks Champion hard between the legs. Flower(growls):"Don't talk and act like that in front of my pup." Champion yelps in pain, grabbing his crotch and falling to his knees in severe pain. Champion:"Stupid b***h! My nu... Flower kicks Champion in the face. Flower::"Don't swear in from my son, either!" Champion yelps in pain again, grabbing his face and collapsing to the floor. He whimpers like a pup. Trigger grins. Trigger:"Finally met your match, Champion?" Champion groans in pain, trying to keep his snout from bleeding. Champion:"S***.... once I get up... that b**** will get f**** up." Flower growls. She sees a bar of disinfectant soap nearby and shoves it in Champion's mouth. Flower:"Stop swearing and clean that mouth." Trigger, Tesla and the other scientists can barely hold back their laughter as Champion tries to spit the soap out while still in pain. Hildagrade comes in with clothes for Flower and laughs now seeing Champion in pain on the floor. Hildagarde:"What a pleasant morning surprise. I brought those clothes you call me for." Tesla:"Thank you, Hilda. Please give it to our new arrival here." Hildagarde goes to Flower and gives her the clothes. She then gestures to a nearby door. Hildagarde:"A changing room is over there." Flower:"Thank you." Flower goes into the changing room to change into the new clothes. Champion begins to get up and spits out the soap. Trigger folds his arms and looks sternly at him. Trigger:"You had better get out of here, Champion. Or else Flower might hurt you again." Champion growls weakly at Trigger, then scrampers away with his tail between his legs. Poe giggles, wagging his tail as he watches the big werewolf run off. Trigger then waits for Flower to emerge from the change room. After a few minutes emerges from the changing room. Trigger walks up to Flower, who is now wearing some basic fatigues and boots. Trigger:"How do you feel now?" Flower smiles at him. Flower:"I feel good." Trigger:"A bit of warning: Watch out for Champion. He's... well, you just saw what he is." Flower frowns and rolls her eyes. Flower:"I could tell." Poe:"Mr Trigger, can mama live with us?" Trigger thinks it over, then nods. Trigger:"I think we can arrange a place for her in my quarters until we can find more permanent accommodation. Come on, let's go and see what we can do." Flower:"Lead the way, Trigger." Trigger, Poe and Flower leave the labs. Tesla and Hildagarde then get to work on another one of their experimental devices. Mess Hall KH Military Headquarters Gory Byrranga Mountains 19 December 1979 7:37 PM: This mess hall has been transformed into a wedding reception, with the tables and chairs arranged and decorated stylishly. The two wolves, both high-ranking officers, are seated at the main table with the leaders of the KH Military. Junior recruits acting as waiters are walking back and forth from the kitchen, carrying plates of food, mostly meat. Stalker is seated with Tosca, both of them dressed in their finest clothing. Stalker is pouring some fine wine into Tosca's glass. Stalker:"That enough for you?" Tosca smiles and nods. Tosca:"Yes, thank you." Stalker:"All right. If you need more, let me know." Stalker pours some wine for himself while Tosca sips hers a little. Trigger and Flower, who are seated at the same table, are pouring some of the same wine. Trigger looks at Flower. Trigger:"Wine all right for you, Flower?" Flower:"It's great." Trigger:"I'm glad you like it. This is one of the finest wines available. That is, ones that weren't taken by Franco's goons first." Tosca leans over to Flower. Tosca:"It must be good for you to get out of the quarters, Flower." Flower:"Yes. The KH soldiers don't threaten me like the Elite Guard soldiers do." Stalker:"We do try and maintain some semblence of discipline even if Franco is very laking in that department." Trigger:"'Lacking'? That's putting it mildly, brother." Flower:"That Cutler wolf keeps threatening to put my son to sleep because he is a mixed breed." Trigger(growling):"He should just try that. And he will try it only once and never again." While all the guests are engaged in small talk, in the kitchen Cutler is approaching the table where all the drinks are kept. He looks around and waits until he is alone, then takes out a small test tube. He removes the stopper and begins pouring a blue powder into the glasses. Once the tube is empty, Cutler puts the stopper back. Cutler:"There. Ready." One of the waiters comes in and sees Cutler. Waiter:"Hey. What are you doing here?" Cutler quickly turns to the waiter. Cutler:"I'm just testing the drinks. The Supreme General wants me to make sure there isn't any poisoning going on." The waiter rolls his eyes. Waiter:"Yes, we wouldn't want anything to happen to him." Cutler quickly leaves the kitchen. The waiter takes the drinks and takes them to the table where Stalker, Trigger, Flower, and Tosca are seated. Stalker takes his glass and Tosca's, putting them on the table. Trigger does the same for his and Flower's. The waiters come and go, distributing the wine glasses to all the guests and officers. Once the glasses are all handed out, the best wolf of the the wedding gives a speech and makes a toast to the couple. Stalker and Trigger lift their glasses to join in the toast, as do Tosca and Flower. After the toast the couples clink their glasses against each other and drink. Stalker and Trigger both empty their glasses and set them down. Stalker:"Ahhhh. A fine vintage." Flower and Tosca empty their glasses as well. Tosca:"I agree." From afar Cutler watches the couples drink the wines, rubbing his paws together in satisfaction.* Cutler:"Excellent." He leaves the wedding reception while everyone else drinks, eats and chats. Officer Quarters KH Military Headquarters 10:33 PM: The wedding reception is over and everyone is now heading back to his or her quarters. Stalker and Tosca come to their quarters and enter. Stalker closed the door behind them. Stalker:"We'll pick up Elexis and Ciro at the nursery tomorrow morning, right?" Tosca looks rather odd and simply nods as she goes into her bedroom. Stalker:"You all right?" Tosca:"Yes... just tired, that's all." Stalker:"A good night sleep is what you need. Tuck in and have a good nap." Tosca nods and goes to her bed. Stalker goes into his room and begins to take off the suit jacket and tie he was wearing. Stalker calls out to her. Stalker:"Did you enjoy the wedding, Tosca?" Tosca answers from her room. Tosca:"I did but I am starting to feel weird. I think I drank a little too much." Stalker:"You sure? You didn't drink that much." There is no reply. Stalker removes his shirt and prepares to put on a sleeping jacket. Tosca begins to change in her room. She is taking off her dress. Some banging and howling is heard from Trigger and Flower's quarters through the walls next door. Tosca giggles. Tosca(to herself):"Sounds like Trigger and Flower are having some fun again." Tosca changes into her nightie, then pauses. Slowly a grin forms on her face and her tail starts wagging. Stalker perks his ears, hearing the sound of howling and banging coming from his brother's quarters. He frowns a bit as he puts on his pajama shorts. Stalker:"A bit loud, though." Tosca can suddenly be heard in his doorway. Tosca:"Yes, it is." Stalker whips around and sees Tosca standing in his room dressed only in her short nightgown. Stalker's eyes go wide and his jaw drops open at the sight of her. Tosca smiles smugly. Tosca:"You like?" Stalker:"Tosca, what...?" Before he can go further he sniffs the air and realises that she is deep into heat. Stalker starts getting the same feelings as Tosca and holds his head. Stalker:"What... is going on?" Tosca approaches Stalker, takes his head and kisses him passionately. He is quite shocked at first, but he is quickly overcome by all the strange sensations. Stalker kisses Tosca passionately back, their arms wrapped tightly around each other. Unable to fight the effects of Cutler's formula the couple's tails curl around each other and nuzzle each other. The two of them fall onto Stalker's bed and begin to frantically undress. Soon there are loud howls and banging noises in Stalker's quarters, joining the noises coming from Trigger's room. 20 December 7:31 AM: Tosca groans, waking up with slight headache. Tosca:"What happened last night?" She then sees she is not in her bed. She then hears snoring and looks next to her. Stalker is lying next to her, snoring a good deal while on his stomac. Tosca then realises that she is naked under the sheets and gasps. Stalker isn't lying under the sheets and so one can see he isn't dressed either. He stirs a bit, moving closer to Tosca. She shakes him. Tosca:"Stalker! Wake up!" Stalker groans, turning his head to her and opening his eyes a bit. Stalker(sleepy):"Hmpf? What..... Tosca, that you?" Tosca gasps and covers herself up with the bedsheet. Stalker becomes fully awake when he sees Tosca next to him. Alarmed, he sits up and stares at her with wide eyes. Stalker:"Tosca! What are you doing in my bed?!" He then groans and grabs his head. Stalker:"Ugh, this headache..." Tosca:"What are I'm doing?! What are YOU doing?!" Stalker looks around, realising now that he is in his quarters, specifically his bed. He then realises he is naked and that Tosca is in the same pre- dicament and in the same bed with him. His eyes widen with shock. Stalker:"Oh no. I think we drank too much last night." The two of them look away, very embarressed and coughing. Stalker:"I... I apologise." Tosca:"Me too. I think we should just leave it at that. I just hope our ... meeting lead to nothing." Stalker:"I agree, but I think you might need to do some tests anyway, just to be certain. I don't trust what happened here." Still embarressed, Stalker gets up and quickly puts on some of his clothes that are lying around. He picks up Tosca's clothes and offers it to her. Tosca:"Just put it on the bed for me, please." Stalker nods and politely turns his back while Tosca quickly gets up and gets dressed. While she is dressing Stalker talks to her, keeping his back turned. Stalker:"Want some headache pills, Tosca?" Tosca:"I'm fine. Thanks." Stalker nods and goes to a cabinet, where he takes out a bottle filled with headache pills and swallows a pair. Stalker:"If you say so. I'm glad Ciro and Elexis weren't here. Things were rather wild and loud last night." Tosca:"We'd better go pick them up, and get a pregnancy test kit too. Let's not get any surprises a few weeks from now." Stalker:"Yes, let's do that." The two of them quickly get fully dressed and cleaned up before leaving their quarters. Nursery KH Military Headquarters 7:59 AM: The pups in the nursery are all awake and already at play. There is lots of yips and barks as the pups play with toys or with each other. Stalker and Tosca come into the nursery and look around. Elexis spots them and quickly sprints over, tail wagging. Elexis:"Daddy!" Stalker scoops up Elexis in his arms and hugs her. Stalker:"Hey, how is my little one? Sleep well?" Elexis:"Yes, and I had lots of fun too!" Stalker:"I'm glad to hear it." Tosca goes in search of Ciro. She finds him playing with some rattles inside a puppy cage. Ciro wags his tail when he sees his mother coming towards him. Ciro:"Mamma!" He eagerly holds out his paws. Tosca smiles and picks him up from the cage. Ciro hugs his mother. Tosca:"And how's my little pup doing?" Ciro wags his tail. Ciro:"Happy!" Tosca:"That's wonderful." Stalker walks over to Tosca, carrying Elexis in his arms. Elexis:"Can I play doctor with Ciro?" Ciro(whimpers):"No doctor... No doctor.. " Stalker:"Why not, Ciro? You two can have a lot of fun together." Tosca:"I'm guessing he still doesn't like being wrapped up in bandages like a mummy. Come on, let's go home." The group leaves the nursery. Officer Quarters KH Military Headquarters 8:12 AM: Stalker and Tosca enter their quarters and put the pups down on the living room carpet. Elexis wastes no time in running to her bedrooma and returning with a roll of bandages. Ciro, upon seeing the bandages, yips and begins to crawl away as fast as he can. Elexis begins to run after him. Elexis:"You hurt! I heal you!" Elexis catches up to Ciro and pounces him, pinning the puppy down. Ciro whines and struggles to break free while Elexis begins to cover him up in bandages. While Tosca goes to her bedroom, Stalker remains in the living and watches the two pups as they play around. Ciro becomes so wrapped up in bandages that he looks like an Egyptian mummy. Elexis claps her paws. Elexis:"All healed!" Ciro whines and quickly makes his escape, waddling away on all fours to his bedroom. Elexis grabs one of the loose bandages, causing it to unfurl from the wolf puppy. This allows to Ciro to make a quick getaway and go into his room, heading straight for his building blocks. Elexis joins Ciro and the two of them begin building a castle with the blocks. Tosca goes up to Stalker and whispers. Tosca(whispering):"Keep an eye on them while I do a test." Stalker(whispering):"Certainly." Stalker watches the pups while Tosca goes to the bathroom and closes the door behind her. Elexis and Ciro are competing to build a castle before the other one. After a few minutes Tosca emerges from the bathroom. Stal- ker spots her and immediately goes over to her. Stalker:"Well, what does the test show?" Tosca pauses before answering. Tosca:"I'm pregnant." Stalker blinks, staring blankly at her. Stalker:"What." Tosca:"I said I'm pregnant. The test kit's result proves it." Stalker stares at her, his eyes going wide and his muzzle hanging open. He then collapses into a nearby chair in a near faint. Ciro is watching all this from the doorway. Ciro:"What is pregnant?" Elexis:"It is when stork brings puppies to a pack." Ciro wags his tail. Ciro:"I not know storks bring puppies. Can I see stork, pweese?" Tosca:"Maybe later, my son." Stalker finally manages to compose himself and sits up, still in shock. Stalker:"Pregnant? Again???" Tosca shrugs. Tosca:"I guess we got really drunk last night." Stalker groans and shakes his head. Stalker:"I'm never touching those drinks again." He sighs and looks at Tosca. Stalker:"How do you feel about it?" Tosca:"I don't know yet. I'm still trying to absorb this surprising turn of events." Stalker nods and sighs again, pacing back and forth. Stalker:"Well, we have the puppy whether we like it or not." Tosca:"Yes. Ciro and Elexis will soon have a new playmate. It's not that you're not used to having puppies around, Stalker." Stalker sighs yet again. Stalker:"I know. So many sleepless nights..." Tosca barely stifles a laugh while Stalker continues pacing around and the pups go back to playing with the blocks. Trigger's Quarters KH Military Headquarters 15 June 1980 11:01 AM: Flower is now spending most of her time in Trigger's quarters. Right now she is in the kitchen eating a big plate of food. Trigger comes in and looks on in dismay. Trigger:"Flower, you ate most of the rations again!" Flower:"I can't help it, I'm always hungry." Trigger sighs and looks at her belly, which is now quite big compared to a few months ago. Thinking she has gained weight, he walks over and leans on the table next to her. Trigger:"This isn't healthy for you, you know that?" Flower finishes her plate and gets up, holding her back. Flower:"I just have all these cravings." Trigger:"What sort of cravings?" Flower:"Mostly for lamb and rice." She yips a little as she tries to stand upright. Trigger:"It should hurt, you're carrying that weight around. I'd hate to say this directly, but you need to go on a diet." Suddenly Flower holds her stomach and yips and pants. Trigger becomes concerned. Trigger:"What's wrong?" Flower:(in pain)"I don't know, it suddenly feels my insides are getting ripped apart..." Trigger tries to comprehend what is going on with Flower. Trigger:"Ripped apa... oh no! Is there something moving inside you?" Flower drops to her knees and howls in pain. Flower(in pain)"I don't know..." Trigger quickly bends over and picks her up, then runs out of their room towards the nearest medical bay. Trigger:"Hang in there, Flower!" He runs past Stalker as the latter comes out of his apartment. Surprised, he runs after Trigger and catches up with him. Stalker:"What's wrong, brother?" Trigger:"Flower is in pain!" Stalker:"What happened? Did something hurt her?" Trigger:"I don't know! She just started suffering from pains all of the sudden!" Stalker runs ahead of them, clearing the way of personnel and staff as they rush to the nearest medical bay. Medical Bay 03 KH Military Headquarters: This medical bay contains various medical equipment and beds. Right now it is mostly empty with only a few patients. Clover is on duty, checking a monitor and writing down information on a clipboard. Her ears perk up when she hears Trigger and Stalker burst into the bay. She turns to them with surprise. Clover:"Can I help you, sirs?" Flower just whimpers and pants in pain. Trigger is frantic. Trigger:"Flower is in pain! Help her!" Clover quickly looks at Flower and then at her belly as Trigger lays her on an empty bed. Clover:"Is she pregnant?" Trigger:"No, she is just overweight. At least that's what we've believe..." Clover rushes to grab a stetascope and comes back to put it on Flower's belly. She listens, a frown on her face turning into a surprised look. Once she is done, she grabs a blanket and covers Flower's lower body so she can examine her between the legs. This startles Flower. Flower:"What are you doing?" Clover takes a few seconds before looking up and replying. Clover:"Flower, you arer pregnant AND in labour right now." Trigger looks like he is about to faint, while Clover is staring at Clover with shock. Flower:"Pregnant? I would have known if I was pregnant!" Clover:"You had Poe in normal form, that you do know. But cano-sapien pregnacies are different in several ways, so you could have missed the signs." Flower screams in pain, her claws digging into the sides of the matress. Clover:"I got to deliever the pups." Trigger wobbles on his feet. Trigger(woozy):"Pups . . .?" Trigger faints, but Stalker catches him before he can fall over. He looks at Clover. Stalker:"Do what you must, doctor. I'll take care of my brother." Clover:"Of course, General." He drags Trigger to a chair and puts him down in it. He then goes looking for smelling salts while Clover is taking care of Flower, who is yelping and howling in pain. Not long afterwards Trigger finally comes to in the chair. He groans and holds his head, sitting upright. Trigger:"Ughhh, I had such a bad dream... I was dreaming Flower was pregnant and having pups..." Stalker, who is sitting on a nearby bed, chuckles and shakes his head. Stalker:"It's no dream, brother." Stalker gestures to Flower. She is resting in the hospital bed under the covers, looking worn out and exhausted. In a carriage next to her are three whimpering pups. Trigger blinks as he stares at the carriage, then almost faints again. Clover comes up to Trigger and smiles. Clover:"Congratuations! You're a father, General Trigger." Trigger:"I'm trying not to think about much, doctor. Could I have a glass of water?" Clover:"Of course, sir." Stalker just smiles and softly chuckles to himself at his poor brother's state of mind. Clover pours him a glass of water at a tap and brings it over. Trigger holds out his paw for the glass and Clover gives it to him. Trigger:"Thank you." He downs the glass quickly, then slowly gets up and walks to the carriage where the pups are whining and cooing. Two of the pups have black and white fur patterns, while the third pup is grey and white and a little fluffy looking. Trigger stares at the pups for a few minutes before he finally manages to say something. Trigger:"What are their genders?" Clover stands next to Trigger, with Stalker behind them. Clover:"The black and white ones are males. The grey and white one is a female." Trigger:"Are... they all healthy?" Clover:"They are very healthy, General." Trigger:"And Flower?" Clover:"She is fine but very tired. She needs a good rest." Trigger:"Good, good." He reaches into the carraige to pet the new pups. One of the males tries to nip his finger but due to the lack of teeth it more like a suckle. Trigger stares at the pup, letting it suckle on his finger. Stalker comes up and smiles as he looks down at the pups. When the Trigger tries to take the finger away, the pup holds on and growls. Stalker chuckles. Stalker:"Looks like we have feisty one here." Trigger nods as he tries to pull the pup off his finger. But the pup growls louder as Trigger gets his finger free. Trigger:"Very feisty..." Stalker reaches down and gently scritches the pup's tummy. The pup tried to nip Stalker as well, but he keeps his paw just out of the pup's range. As Stalker plays with him, he looks at the other pups. The second male was sleeping while the female whimpered a little, squirming about. Stalker:"Have you decided on some names for them, brother?" Trigger:"Names?! I just became a father, brother. And without warning! How could I think of names?" Stalker:"The pups are here, brother, and you're their father and make no mistake. So you'd better start thinking up some good names for them." The awake male pup holds Stalker's finger in his mouth. Trigger:"I'm just drawing blanks here, brother." Stalker:"Come on, you can do it. Take this little female, for example. What should her name be?" Trigger:"Um..." At this point Flower opens her eyes, having heard the two talking. Flower:"The female's name is Jasmine." Stalker and Trigger look surprised at Flower. Trigger:"Flower, how are you?" Flower:"Very worn out, but happy with our litter." Jasmine coos as Stalker pets her with his free hand. He picks her up Jasmine and holds her in his arms, waggling a finger in front of her muzzle. Jasmine gives a tiny lick on the finger. Stalker:"Good girl." Flower:"I was thinking Chopper for one of the males. The one that's been nipping you." Trigger:"Perfect name for him, I think." Flower:"What do you want to name the other male?" The other male continues to sleep. Trigger looks at him for a moment before picking him up. Trigger:" about Throttle? That's all I can think of at the moment?" Flower:"Sounds like a fair name. Throttle it is." Trigger begins to cradle Throttle, but the pup wakes up in Trigger's arms and begins to cry. Trigger:"Uh oh..." Flower:"Seems he didn't like being woken up." Trigger nervously rocks Throttle in his arms, trying to calm him down. Trigger:"Is... this what I must do?" Throttle stops crying and goes back to sleep. Trigger keeps rocking the pup in his arms, unsure of what he is doing. He looks pleadingly at Flower. Flower smiles and gestures to him to bring Throttle to her. Trigger gives Throttle to her. She then opens her shirt and begins to breastfeed the pup. Trigger looks away with embarressment. Trigger:"I... I'm glad I don't have to do that." Stalker stifles a laugh. Chopper continues to growl in the carriage. Flower glances at him. Flower:"I think I will bottle feed him. He looks like he could bite." Trigger:"Can I help?" Flower:"Sure. Clover, can you bring us a bottle for Chopper?" Clover:"Sure, just a minute." Clover goes off to make a bottle. A few minutes later she returns with a bottle of milk for Chopper. She hands the bottle to Trigger while avoiding Chopper's snapping muzzle. Trigger steadies Chopper in his arms and offers the bottle's teat to the pup. He grabs the bottle's teat in his mouth and pulls on it, growling as he suckles off the bottle. Meanwhile, Jasmine falls asleep in Stalker's arms. Stalker goes and gently places Jasmine in her crib before standing next to his brother to watch him feed. Stalker:"You're doing well, brother. Fatherhood seems to come naturally to you." Trigger:"Easy for you to say that." Throttle finishes suckling off his mother. Flower pats her son's back to get him to burp. The pup gives off a loud, high-pitched burp. Clover smiles. Clover:"That is one h*** of a burp for a little one." Chopper pulls the teat off the bottle spilling milk on Trigger. Trigger:"Gah! My uniform!" Chopper holds the bottle teat in his mouth growling and shaking it. Trigger looks at the pup while Clover comes up with a cloth to wipe off the spilled milk. Trigger:"A feisty little one, aren't you?" Chopper just growls as Trigger puts him back into the crib. Jasmine is sleeping tightly, suckling her thumb in her part of the crib. Stalker chuckles as he looks at Trigger and Flower. Stalker:"You two are going to need a bigger quarters for this feisty trio." Throttle coos in Flower's arms. Trigger:"No kidding. I can also see they are going to keep me very busy." Stalker:"I offer you and Flower some maternaty leave if you desire, or need it." Flower:"With three puppies, I'm going to need all the help I can get." Trigger:"Same here, brother." Stalker:"You will also have the assistance of some of the mater- nity nurses if fatherhood get a little too much for you." Trigger:"Thank you, brother. I appreciate it." Stalker scritches Chopper, who tries to nip his uncle but it ends up as a suckle. Trigger comes over to pet Throttle. Suddenly the pup lifts up into the air, startling Trigger and Flower. Throttle floats up higher and levitates in the air. Stalker now also sees the flying pup. Stalker:"What the?" Throttle giggles as he tumbles about in the air and levitates at the same altitude. Everyone is staring at him. Flower:"Now we know what his power is." Trigger:"Levitation? Is that what it is?" Flower:"Yes, it seems to be." Trigger:"I'd better bring him down. He's too young to use that power now." He tentatively reaches out with one paw at the pup and grabs hold of his body. Throttle whimpers as Trigger pulls him down to Flower, who takes him in his arms. Trigger wags a finger at Throttle. Trigger:"We're going to have to keep an eye on you." Throttle blinks and whimpers. Trigger then smiles and uses that finger to gently tickle Throttle under the chin. Throttle giggles and paws back at Trigger's finger. Suddenly Trigger wrinkles his nose. Trigger:"What is that scent?" Trigger sniffs the air, then his eyes widen in horror. Trigger:"Oh no..." Flower picks up the smell and sniffs Throttle. She quickly pulls her head away, waving one paw in front of her face. Flower:"Oh dear, its Throttle." Stalker laughs and pats Trigger's shoulder." Stalker:"Time to learn one of the finer lessons of fatherhood, brother." Trigger looks helplessly at Flower. Trigger:"What do I do?" Flower smiles and holds up Throttle to Trigger. Flower:"Ask one of the nurses to help, dear." Trigger takes Throttle with outstretched arms. The pup is now whimpering. Clover comes up and helps Trigger to clean the pup and change his diaper. Stalker just keeps grinning all the way. Emergency Room Medical Bay 01A KH Military Headquarters 8 July 1980 08:02 PM: Tosca, lying on a stretcher and in labour, is being pushed through the medical facility by wolf-sapien paramedics. Stalker right behind them with a look of concern on his face. Tosca is screaming in pain while a paramedics tries to comfort her. Paramedic:"Take deep breaths and try to relax." Tosca:"Relax? RELAX?! AAAAAAAH!" They rush her into the emergency birthing room, where doctors and nurses stand ready to receive her. Stalker waits by the door, watching as they help Tosca. She is panting heavily while a towel is placed over her lower body and a doctor gets to work on her. Doctor:"That's it, come on Ma'am! Push!" Tosca:"I'm pushing! Gaaaah!" Doctor:"Push harder!" Tosca:"Harder?! You're craaAAAARGH!" Very concerned for Tosca's wellbeing, Stalker comes over and looks under the towel just in time to see a pup's head appear. The sight causes him to faint and collapse to the floor. Two nurses quickly rush over, help him up and into a chair. They offer a glass of water, which he immediately swallows without pause. The doctor gets the rest of the puppy out and into a towel being held by a nearby nurse. The puppy resembles a younger version of Stalker. Doctor:"There we go." The nurse wraps up the puppy and begins cleaning it. Seconds later the pup begins to whine and cry. Tosca, worn out by the birthing process, falls asleep. While the other nurses tend to Tosca, the doctor takes the puppy and brings him to Stalker. He has a big smile on his muzzle. Doctor:"It's a male, General. Congratulations." Stalker takes the puppy from the doctor and looks at him. The male pup is now sleeping in Stalker's arms. Stalker gently cradles the puppy, who gives tiny whimpers in his sleep. Stalker smiles, gently tickling the puppy's tummy with one finger. Stalker:"You're a strong one." He keeps cradling the pup while waiting for Tosca to recover from the birth. Conference Room EDF Headquarters United States of America 16 September 1981 8:01 AM: This is a square room with a long wooden table and chairs and a projection screen against the wall. A projector sits on the table alongside folders, jars of water and glasses and pens. Seated around the table are Mark Norwood and some of the Earth Defence Force's top agents, including Earl Hawkins. Two agents are busy showing slides of arial photos. The photos show what appears to be a clearing in an Italian forest. Several tents can be seen in the photos. Agent 1:"We have reason to believe that the KH Military is planning a wedding for a high-ranking member of the Elite Guard." Agent 2:"We suspect it is their second-in-command, General Stalker, who is getting married." Norwood:"Are you sure?" Agent 1:"Scouts in the forest have spotted him hunting with a female we have identified as Tosca." The agents change the slide on the screen to a photo of Stalker and Tosca hunting together. Earl looks closely at Tosca. Hawkins:"She looks strong." The agents show more slides, displaying Tosca in the act of hunting rabbits and deer. Agent 1:"She is. We documented her at a distance. She would sometimes hunt alone or with her son named Ciro. We believe the pup was from a previous mating and Stalker adopted him." Hawkins:"Does she have any known powers?" Agent 2:"From what we observed she seems to make a whistling noise that can calm down or put a living creature to sleep." Hawkins:"A kind of psychic lullaby, eh?" Agent 2:"Yes, sir. Something to that effect." Hawkins:"That could be dangerous. Our teams better be sure to wear hearing protection when around that one." Norwood:"Agreed. What else is there?" The agents show another slide of her hunting a deer with only her fangs and a hunting knife as a weapon. Hawkins nods with clear approval. Hawkins:"Nice! She looks like she can be a good soldier." Agent 1:"We have reason to believe she already had a pup with Stalker." Norwood:"Stalker has offspring?" Agent 2:"Yes, sir." The second agent changes the slide. It shows Stalker and Tosca on a picnic while little Blake sleeps in a sling on Tosca. Norwood:"A family moment. Never pictured Stalker as a family man. Or wolf, rather." Agent 1:"We believe he was born two months ago." Norwood:"What is his name?" Agent 1:"Blake, sir." Norwood:"Has his powers manifested yet?" Agent 2:"Not yet, sir. We suspect he is too young for his powers to manifest yet." Norwood:"All right. When is the wedding?" Agent 1:"Stalker's wedding is happening within the next few days. Our recommendation is that there should be a plan of action to take advantage of this opportunity. We may never have such a chance again, sir." Norwood: Hmmmm. Perhaps you're right. I'm not sure about capturing them, but at least a scouting party would be good." Hawkins:"Agreed, but I suggest not allowing Striker in on this mission." Norwood turns to look at Hawkins. Norwood:"And why not? Striker is an experienced agent." Hawkins:"He will turn it into a bloodbath like what they did to his family and screw up the whole mission." Norwood:"Don't be ridiculous, Hawkins. Striker has undergone enough psychiatric sessions to avoid going off the rails like that." Hawkins:"A wedding would be the perfect revenge for him. An eye for an eye. Are you willing to risk that?" Norwood:"You bet I'm willing to risk it, Hawkins. Stop second- guessing me on this matter. Striker will not disobey our orders regardless of his personal feelings." Hawkins simply shrugs but is clearly not satisfied with Norwood. The agents continues with their slideshow. Agent 1:"Our most recent intel indicates that this may also be a double wedding. If our data is correct, then General Trigger will be getting married as well." Norwood is surprised. Norwood:"Him too? Who is he marrying?" The second agent brings up the slide that shows Trigger and Flower together. Norwood:"That's her?" Agent 2:"Yes, sir. Her name is Flower." Hawkins:"She doesn't look like wolf? You sure that's her?" Agent 1:"That is her. She is apparently a Malamate/Husky mix cano -sapien." Norwood:"I didn't know non-wolves were allowed in the KH Military. Seems we might need to rethink that. Any idea who will be attending the wedding?" Agent 2:"Their families definitely will. Trigger and the female have three pups of their own. Tosca has members of her family pack. Some high ranking commanders and officers from their squadrons." Norwood:"What about Franco and his Elite Guard? Any of them coming to the wedding?" Agent 1"We don't think he is invited. Or cares. Nor is anyone else from the Elite Guard attending." Norwood:"Shame. If Franco was to turn up I'd have had Striker ordered to shoot him on sight. Guess we can't always get what we want. Continue with the briefing." Agent 1:"Yes sir." The agents continue their presentation. Hawkins, however, is no longer paying attention and is hastily writing something down on a notepad. Forest Clearing Northern Italy 19 September 9:02 AM: A large white tent, big enough to cover almost the entire clearing, has been pitched up for the wedding. Various vehicles and helicopters are parked around the tent, hidden under camo- netting. Stationed in the forest itself are squads of KH soldiers and AA nests and guns. Inside the groom's tent, Stalker and Trigger are adjusting their dress uniforms. Trigger looks over at Stalker. Trigger:"You ready brother?" Stalker:"I'm rather nervous, all told." Trigger smiles and nods. Trigger:"So am I, brother." Ciro and Poe come in behind Trigger, wearing dress uniforms tailored in their sizes. They are each carrying a pillows with the wedding bands tied to them. Stalker makes one final adjust- ment in the mirror. Stalker:"I think I'm ready. What do you think, brother? How is my uniform?" Trigger looks Stalker over. Trigger:"It looks fine. How is mine?" It is Stalker's turn to check. Stalker:"Fits like a glove." Poe scratches his shoulder with one free paw. Poe:"Shirt itchy." Trigger looks sharply at the pup. Trigger:"Don't scratch it, Poe. It will only make it worse." Black and Wolfeye come into the tent, both of them dressed in their finest military uniforms. The two of them are grinning. Black:"It's time, Generals." Stalker:"Very well... let's go." The entire group leaves the small tent and enters the big one. Inside rows of seats have been set up along a isle leading to a decorated podium. The tent is full of visitors. The music starts up and the wedding parties start going down the aisle. Unknown to them hostile eyes were watching: from a hidden nest in the forest is Earl Hawkins and his EDF agents, all dressed in heavy camo uniforms and wearing special goggles that allows them to see through the tent. Hawkins:"Got visual?" Agents(in unison):"Yes, sir." Hawkins:"Good. Try and get ID tags on who's who in there." Back in the tent Trigger and Stalker have made their way to the podium and are looking down the aisle. A minute later Elexis comes out of the adjacent brides tent, dressed in a nice little flower girl dress. Next comes Dixon and Hildagarde, both of them dressed in their best. Finally Tosca and Flower emerge from the tent, looking radiant and stunning in their white wedding dresses. Stalker and Trigger try hard not to stare as their mates-to-be approach the podium to the sound of wedding music. Standing between the two grooms is Stigma, the head KH chaplain dressed in a black and white uniform. Meanwhile Hawkins and his team are watching. Agent 1:"Confirming Stalker and Trigger." Agent 2:"Got ID on the females. They're Tosca and Flower." Agent 3:"I see Tesla. Stigma is the minister. Also see Hilda- garde." Hawkins:"Wow, a real A-list guest list we got here folks." Inside the tent Tosca and Flower have joined Stalker and Trigger respectively. Stigma begins the ceremony, looking around at all the guests. Stig:"Wolves and Wolvesses, we are gathered here today for the joining in marriage of Stalker and his brother Trigger with Tosca and Flower." While he continues the proceedings Hawkins and his agents are using special cameras to take photos through the tent. After a few minutes Stigma looks at the ring bearer, Ciro. Ciro is holding a pillow with the rings resting on them. Stigma:"You may now present the rings." Ciro goes up to Stalker first. Stalker takes Tosca's ring and puts it on her ring finger. Stigma:"Now do you, Tosca, take Stalker to be be your mate?" Tosca nods nervously. Tosca:"I do." Tosca then takes Stalker's ring off Ciro's pillow and puts it on his finger. Stigma:"Do you, General Stalker, take Tosca to be your mate?" He nods simply. Stalker:"I do." Ciro then goes over to Flower and Trigger, where the process is repeated again. Stigma:"Now do you, Flower, take Trigger to be be your mate?" Flower:"I do." Stigma:"Do you, General Trigger, take Flower to be your mate?" Trigger:"I do." While this is going, in the forest there is trouble brewing. Hawkins and his agents have stopped watching the tent and have now swapped their reconnaice gear for combat gear. They are getting their EDF weapons ready while Hawkins finished explaining the plan of action. Hawkins:"Everyone know what to do?" Agents:"Yes, sir." Hawkins:"Excellent. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Let's not let this one get away. Move out." Hawkins and his agents spread out to their assigned positions while trying to avoid detection by the guards around the tent. Inside the tent Stig is about the give the final pronounciation. He then notices one of the guards leaning into the tent and make a paw gesture. Stig takes note and turns his attention back to the couples. Stig:"I now pronounce you all life and soul mates. Now get your weapons. We have intruders crashing the party." Outside, Hawkins and the other agents come out of cover and charge alongside two Rhinos that come driving up with their sonic cannons ready. But to their surprise, the KH Military react immediately and without being surprised themselves. The guards outside take up prepared positions and defenses. Inside the tent, most of the guests immediately arm themselves with weapons hidden under the seats. Stalker rushes over to their mates and pups. Stalker:"Get yourselves and the pups to safety! We'll keep them distracted!" Tosca:"Be careful out there!" Tosca takes Elexis and Ciro's paws and runs for cover, while Copland takes Blake and makes copies of himself to go into battle. Flower also takes Poe and the triplets and follows Tosca. Poe looks back at Trigger as he holds Throttle. Poe:"Kick their tails, Father!" Trigger:"I will, son!" Outside, Hawkins is caught off-guard by the tougher than expected defense around the wedding area. Hawkins:"What the h... DIG IN! DEFENSIVE POSITIONS!" The EDF agents take cover behind trees, rocks or the Rhinos. The Rhinos stop and fire back at the KH Military. The agents take pot shots at the KH soldiers. Stalker and Trigger rush out to join their wolves and lead the defense. Stalker:"Hold the line!" Trigger:"Keep them away from the tent!" Trigger gets on his radio to call for aid. Trigger(into radio):"This is General Trigger! We are under attack and require the backup right away!" An operator responds. Operator(over radio):"Yes, sir! Back up is on their way." Trigger turns to Stalker. Trigger:"Help is on the way!" Stalker:"Good! Try and pin down those agents! I'll try and distract the enemy vehicles!" They start firing back, though the powerful shots from the Rhinos' sonic cannons do manage to punch holes into the defensive lines. The agents try to flank the KH, but are unable to find a hole in rear or sides of the KH positions. Black and Wolfeye manage to down a couple of agents. Stalker goes around the main battle, sneaking towards the Rhinos. Once close enough, he waits for the Rhinos to stop shooting before jumping up. He runs right past their field of vision. The drivers spot him. Driver:"High value target sighted! Pursuing!" The two Rhinos immediately go after Stalker, racing over the rough terrain. But Stalker runs fast and uses the terrain to keep the vehicles at a distance. Meanwhile, Hawkins and his agents are left without cover and are forced to fall back a bit to find cover. The KH defense line uses this opportunity to push forward and put the pressure on the EDF. The Rhinos fire at Stalker, but Stalker uses the trees for cover. The sonic blasts blow apart chunks of tree bark but fail to get close to the wolf. As this happens, a number of helicopters begin to approach, carrying the KH backup. Hawkins hears, then spots, the choppers. Hawkins:"S***!" He gets out his radio. Hawkins:"All units, pull back immediately!" The EDF begin to retreat. They throw smoke grenades to cover their retreat, fleeing back into the forest. The KH forces fire at them until they are out of sight. Stalker then returns to the area and rejoins his brother. Stalker:"The EDF vehicles drove away, brother. Where are the rest?" Trigger:"They fled when our helicopters arrived. We've beaten them off." Stalker:"Excellent. Let's go and make sure the others are all right." As Black takes squads of KH forces into the forest to pursue and ensure the EDF have left the area, Stalker and Trigger head to the bunker where their families are heading. As they approach the en- trance, Tosca pops her head out. Tosca:"Stalker! Is everything all right? We can't hear gunfire anymore." Stalker nods, going up to hug Tosca. She hugs him back. Stalker:"Yes, we drove them off. It was the Earth Defence Force." Tosca:"The EDF? Did you drive them off?" Stalker:"Yes. We're even pursuing them into the forest to make sure they are gone. What about you? Are you all right?" Tosca:"Yes, I'm fine. So are the pups." Trigger goes into the bunker. Immediately he sees Flower and runs up to her. Flower spots her mate and turns to him with a hug. Trigger:"Are you okay, Flower?" Flower:"I'm fine, you?" Trigger:"Nothing a good bath cannot fix. How are the pups?" Flower:"They are scared but fine." Trigger looks down when he hears whimpering. Jasmine, Chopper and Throttle are whimpering by Flower's legs. Poe is staying near his half-siblings. Trigger goes to them. Trigger:"And how are you all, little ones?" Jasmine whimpers with her paws over her eyes. Chopper just growls and whimpers. Throttle tries to fly to hide but Poe holds him down. Trigger goes and gives each pup a friendly pet and hug. Meanwhile, Stalker goes to check on Ciro, Elexis, and Blake. Stalker:"How is everyone?" Elexis:"I'm scared, dad." Blake is crying and fussing. Stalker goes to Blake and gives him a reassuring hug. Blake calms down a little bit. Stalker then gives Elexis and Ciro hugs. Stalker:"I'm just glad you're all okay. Come on, let's go outside." Stalker and Trigger lead their families out of the bunker. Medical Ward KH Military Headquarters 20 December 1975 9:05 AM: This room is filled with cabinets and shelves full of vials. In dispensers mounted on the walls are disposable gloves and syringes. Some of the tables have their own metal sinks and water taps. Tosca enters the room through one doorway, carrying Blake in her arms. She looks at him. Tosca:"Today you're going to get some shots, Blake. You need to be a healthy pup." Blake whines, clearly not looking forward to it. As Tosca comes in, her ears perk up when she hears an argument. At the opposite end of the room, a male wolf is growling at Clover. On his uniform is a tag with his name: LT. LUDVIK. Lying on a white blanket on the nearby table is a tiny wolf-sapien puppy. Ludvik keeps pointing at the pup while speaking with Clover. Ludvik:"I want Feeble put down. I will not accept a runt in my family!" But Clover remains defiant, her arms folded across her chest and shaking her head. Clover:"I will not put down a pup just because he was born smaller than average, Lieutenant." Ludvik:"I want him put down! How can I make a proper male out of him if he's so tiny, huh? Tell me how!" Clover:"He is just a newborn puppy who is in a very healthy state. I checked him myself. Give him time and he will get bigger." Tosca approaches them, frowning. Tosca:"What is going on here?" Clover looks at Tosca, but Ludvik just gives her a side glance. Clover:"Hello Tosca. Sorry about this, but Lieutenant Ludvik here wants me to put down a young pup of his just because he is too small for his liking." Ludvik:"And she's refusing to do so. Can you believe that?" Tosca shakes her head. Tosca:"That's not right at all. Clover, you will not touch that pup. He is perfectly fine." Ludvik spins around to face Tosca, eyes wide with shock. Ludvik:"What?! You're siding with her?!" Tosca:"Yes I am. If you don't want that pup, Lieutenant, then I will find someone who will take him in and provide him with the love and support you clearly seem... hesitant to provide." Ludvik becomes infuriated and snarls. Ludvik(growling):"I won't allow it! I won't let that little runt spoil the pure blood of my pack!" Tosca:"And if you don't allow it, I will report you to my mate. I'm sure you would love to explain your case to General Stalker, right?" Ludvik tries to open his mouth to say something, but then pauses. He is unsure of how to respond to that threat. Finally, he throws up his paws. Ludvik:"Fine! But he's now YOUR problem. That's right! You can have that little runt. I'm washing my paws of him. He's not mine anymore! Enjoy the little waste!" Ludvik leaves in a hurry, his boots loudly stomping on the floor. Feeble watches him leave, trying to reach out to his father. When Ludvik goes through the door and out of sight, he begins to cry. Tosca puts Blake down on the ground and picks up Feeble in her arms. She cuddles and coos at him to provide comfort. Tosca:"There, there, Little one." Clover:"Well, that really did it. I don't think Ludvik is going to come back for Feeble." Tosca:"Then I will have to do something about it." Clover:"Are you going to take him in, Tosca?" Tosca nods. Tosca:"Yes. At least, until I find a suitable family for him. In the meantime I will look after the pup." Clover:"That's wonderful. Your heart is quite big, Tosca." Tosca:"Call it motherly instincts." Blake growls and begins to bite at Tosca's tail. Tosca inhales sharply as Blake manages to nip her tail tip. Tosca:"Erf. Clover, can you give Blake his shots?" Clover laughs and bends down to pick up Blake in her arms. Clover(smiling):"Gladly, Tosca. Come on, Blake." Blake whines as Clover takes him to table with a big cabinet where all the medicines and vaccines are kept. Tosca keeps comforting Feeble, who is slowly relaxing and snuggling into her arms. Stalker's Quarters Officer Dormitories 13:14 PM: Tosca is back with Blake and Feeble. Blake now boasts a small bandage on his upper leg arm. Blake is busy playing with his toys on the living room carpet, while Tosca is in the kitchen feeding Feeble some puppy food. The front door opens and Stalker comes in. Blake's ears perk up and his tail wags. Blake:"Dada!" He crawls over to Stalker. Stalker puts down his carry case and picks up the pup in his arms. Stalker:"Hello there, little one. I see you got your shots today." Blake nods and whimpers, rubbing his arm. Stalker:"Did it hurt?" Blake nods and whimpers again. Stalker chuckles and gives Blake a comforting hug. Stalker:"Don't worry. The hurt will go away very soon." Stalker then hears a second whimper in the room. Ears erect, he looks and he sees Tosca coming into the living room with Feeble in her arms. Tosca:"Welcome home, Dear." Stalker stares with very wide eyes at the pup. Stalker:"That... that one is not ours, is it?" Tosca chuckles and shakes her head. Tosca:"No, he's not." Stalker breathes a big sigh of relief as Tosca explains Feeble's presence. Tosca:"When I took Blake to the clinic, a trooper was demanding that Clover to put him down. I stepped in and saved his life." Stalker:"Why did the trooper want the pup put down?" Tosca:"He was born small." There is a brief pause as Stalker waits for Tosca to continue. He then breaks the silence. Stalker:"... and that's it?" Tosca:"Yes. That's the only reason." Stalker(frowning):"That's no good reason to put down a pup. Is there really nothing else wrong with the pup?" Tosca:"Clover said that he is very healthy. And I agree." Stalker:"And so do I: there is nothing wrong with... what is his name?" Tosca:"The trooper called him Feeble." Stalker:"Feeble? That's not a good name for a pup." He reaches out to pet the the puppy. Feeble just whimpers in Tosca's arms and shys away from Stalker's paw. Stalker looks at Tosca. Stalker:"He acts as if he's been abused, Tosca." Tosca:"The trooper orginally didn't want me to take him and continued to badger Clover to put him down because he wasn't pure. I doubted he treated the pup well." Stalker:"Did you happen to get his name? The trooper, I mean?" Tosca:"Ludvik." Stalker rubs his chin fur, thinking. Stalker:"Ludvik... the name sounds familiar to me." Feeble begins to fall asleep, sucking his thumb. Stalker:"Where will he sleep, Tosca? Should I go and find a crib for him?" Tosca:"He can share the crib with Blake." Stalker:"Will Blake be all right with that arrangement?" Tosca smiles and nods. Tosca:"I am sure he will." Stalker looks at Blake and sees that the pup was looking at the sleeping Feeble. He brings Blake closer to him. Stalker:"Meet your new cribmate, Blake." Blake begins pawing at the pup. Blake:"Pway." Feeble is awake. He is at first very shy and tries to paw Blake's paw away. But Blake is undeterred and keeps pawing. Blake:"Pway Pway!" Feeble paws back more and more. Stalker chuckles as the two pups paw each other back and forth. Stalker:"They will get along fine." Tosca:"Told you." Just then the front door opens. Elexis and Ciro come in, back from nursery school. Stalker and Tosca turn to them. Stalker: Welcome home, little ones. Elexis and Ciro rush up to their parents. Ciro sees the new pup. Ciro: Did mother have another puppy? Stalker blinks, then laughs and shakes his head. Stalker:"No, Ciro. Mother adopted another puppy. His name is Feeble and he needs a good home." Ciro shakes his head furiously. Ciro:"No more puppies!" Stalker:"Why not, Ciro?" Ciro:"I want to be the only puppy again!" Stalker laughs and pets Ciro. Stalker:"Come on, Ciro. You'll have a new play buddy." Ciro:"Puppies take my stuff. Blake took my crib and toys." Tosca:"But you outgrew the crib and some of those toys, honey." Stalker:"And besides, poor Feeble hasn't got a family to care for him. He needs friends, and you will be a friend to him, Ciro." Ciro folds his ears back, crosses his arms and pouts. Stalker then looks at Elexis. Stalker:"What do you say about having another playmate, my girl?" Elexis looks eagerly at Feeble, then at her father with a wagging tail. Elexis:"Can I play doctor with him?" Stalker:"If you want to, sure." Elexis jumps and claps her paws with joy. Tosca:"But not right now. He is still recovering from this morning's events. I suspect he was underfed by his parents." Stalker:"Considering what you told me, Tosca, I'm surprised they had fed him at all. I'll have to have a word with that Ludvik. He can't do this to Feeble... and speaking of, he deserves a better name than that, Tosca." Tosca:"Absolutely. Any suggestions?" Stalker hesitates. Stalker:"I... don't have any right now." Tosca:"That's all right. We can figure something out later." Stalker nods. Tosca goes to the kitchen with Feeble, with Elexis following closely behind. Ciro heads for his bedroom while Stalker goes to his study with Blake in his arms. 15:03 AM: There is a knock at the door. Stalker is the one who goes to the door and answer it. It is Flower with her triplets gathered in her arms. Stalker smiles. Stalker:"Hello, Flower. How are you and the pups?" Flower:"They are great. Trigger is exhausted from chasing Throttle around when he flies around the quarters." Stalker chuckles. Stalker:"My poor brother, but he needs the exercise. By the way, I got a new member in my pack." Stalker steps aside to let Flower and the pups come in. Flower:"Oh really? So soon?" Stalker:"Actually an orphan. A young pup named Feeble." Flower turns quickly to Stalker. Flower(stunned):"What kind of name is Feeble? I sure hope you didn't name him, Stalker." Stalker shakes his head quickly while closing the door. Stalker:"No, no! I didn't name him that." Flower:"Then who did?" Just then Tosca comes in, carrying Feeble in one arm and Blake in the other. Tosca:"His biological family named him that because he is a runt. I saved him when his father wanted him put down." Flower(shocked):"Put down?! Why?" Stalker:"His father thinks he is weak and undeserving of living in the KH Military. Tosca disagreed and took Feeble in. And I'm fully behind her decision." Flower:"So am I. That pup deserves a chance." Flower puts the triplets on the floor on a blanket. Tosca then puts Blake down as well. Chopper and Throttle immediately begin to chase after Blake, while Jasmine begins playing with a nearby stuffed animal. Throttle flies into the air while still chasing Blake. Blake tries to crawl away from Chopper and Throttle. Tosca holds on to Feeble, who is still too young to play with the older pups. Flower comes up and pets him. Flower:"Poor little one. Being cast aside by your family like that. I hope Stalker is doing something about that." Tosca:"He will, but he might have some problems. Feeble's father is called Ludvik." Flower frowns. Flower:"Is he Elite Guard?" Tosca:"KH Epsilon Squadron, though he is loyal to Franco." Flower:"Then he's a fanatic. No use talking to those runts." Tosca:"Stalker is still going to try. He doesn't want Ludvik to get off so easily." Flower:"I doubt he will be successful, but I wish him the best of luck." Tosca nods. As they talk, Feeble is watching Throttle as he grabs Blake by the tail and lifts his hind legs up. Blake whines, but Throttle just giggles. Feeble reaches out to Throttle with his little paw. Suddenly Throttle falls on the floor with a thud. He lies on the floor, crying. Stalker rushes over and scoops up Throttle in his arms. He looks the pup over. Stalker:"You all right, little one? You hurt somewhere?" Flower rushes over to look at him quickly. Flower:"Thank Fenris he doesn't look hurt. Why did he drop just like that?" Stalker:"Fatigue? Flower:"Can't be. These pups are so full of energy." Flower takes Throttle from Stalker and comforts him in her arms. Flower:"There there, my puppy. Its okay, mother's here." Throttle just cries, trying to fly again but he can't. Feeble is pointing his paw at Throttle, giggling. Tosca looks down and notices this as she looks back at Throttle. Tosca:"I think Feeble is responsible for Throttle's tumble." Stalker:"What do you mean?" Tosca:"Look where he is pointing his little paw." Stalker comes over and has a look. He sees Feeble pawing the air at Throttle and giggling. Stalker:"You playing with Throttle, Feeble?" Suddenly Throttle takes off from Flower's arms, startling her. The pup flying through the air again but at rapid speeds. Throttle is still crying, not liking how fast he is going and trying to turn at the right moments. Feeble giggles some more. Tosca:"It looks like he has the ability to strenghen and weaken powers." Feeble stops Throttle's power again as the pup is up against the ceiling. Throttle falls, but Flower catches him. Flower:"Got you!" Throttle is crying and shaking. Flower is holding him close. Stalker turns to Tosca. Stalker:"Tosca, you better teach Feeble to control his powers before he hurts someone by accident." Tosca:"Agreed. That power of his is impressive." Stalker:"Indeed it is. Proof that Ludvik's accusations of him are completely unfounded. He will make a good soldier once he grows up. First though, he needs to get his ability under control." Feeble yawns and begins to suckle his thumb. Stalker pets his head. Stalker:"You show promise, little one. That should teach your father not to have treated you like that." Feeble murrs, enjoying the petting and wagging his little tail. Stalker's Quarters Officer Dormitories 19 March 1976 13:14 PM: Montecore, the pup formerly called Feeble, is crawling around the quarters. Blake is playing with a colouring book on the main carpet. Stalker is walking about, reading a file, unaware that Montecore is following him. Montecore:"Dada! Dada!" Stalker looks down and smiles. Stalker:"Hey Montecore. What is it?" Montecore crawls up and hugs himself around Stalker's left leg. Stalker laughs and shakes his leg just a little. Montecore just giggles and keeps holds on to his leg. Stalker:"Tenacious, aren't you?" Blake sees the actions and crawls over. He joins in with his adoptive brother and grabs hold of Stalker's right leg. Stalker:"Oh dear. You too, Blake?" Blake barks and wags his tail happily. Stalker begins to waddle about with the two pups on his legs. Both pups giggle, enjoying the riding on their father's legs. Stalker laughs despite himself, talking a bit of a walk through his quarters to entertain the two wolf pups. Stalker:"You two enjoying yourselves?" Blake and Montecore barks happily, tails wagging. Suddenly there is a knock on the front door. Stalker:"Uh oh... um..." The pups keep clinging. Stalker shuffles over to the door and opens. An Elite Guard soldier is at the door. Stalker frowns. Stalker:"Yes, soldier?" Soldier:"Supeme General Franco demands your presence in his throne room. Immediately." Stalker sighs. Stalker:"Oh dear. I'll be there right away." The soldier just nods and walks off. Stalker watches him go, then closes the door. He then looks down at the two pups on his legs. Stalker:"Sorry, little ones. I need to go to work, so you two better let go." Both pups whimper, looking up at Stalker with ears folded back. It takes a minute or two of coaxing from Stalker before the two pups finally climb off his legs. He then goes to get dressed properly and call for a caretaker while Blake and Montecore go to play with the toys.