Rover Strike: Russian Matrix By Gerhard Naudé Alexander Illanov, Matrix, Mark Norwood © Gerhard Naudé Vicki Maddog © Robert Baer Jr. Any question, comments, complaints, feedback or suggestions can be sent to Office Nuclear Transport Operations (NTO) Moscow Union Of Soviet Socialists Republics 2 April 1988 4:03 PM: This is an ordinary office with a single window looking out over the NTO Compound and the city of Moscow. There is a single desk, several plain chairs and some file cabinets. A man dressed in a Soviet officer uniform is seated behind the desk working on some papers. There is a knock at the door and the man answers without looking up. Man:"Come in." The door opens and a familiar face walks into the room: it is Alexander Illanov, who is a young human male in his early twenties and wearing a Soviet sergeant's uniform. He has his cap under his arm. The man looks up and nods at Illanov as he closes the door. Man:"Comrade Illanov." Illanov:"Comrade Yenko." Yenko:"Please have a seat." Illanov walks to a chair and sits down, making himself comfortable. Yenko puts the papers one side on the desk as he folds his arms. Yenko:"And how did our little business transaction go?" Illanov:"Our Afghan customers were a bit suspicious, but once I showed them the RPG launchers, they were quite the willing buyers." Yenko smiles and leans back in his own chair. Yenko:"You see, Alex? There is always a good market for weaponry, in particular hardware coming from Mother Russia." Illanov:"Maybe, but I'm still not certain about this. If the KGB found out about this, we will be sent to Siberia." Yenko:"The KGB! Bah! They got far too much on their plate right now, what with Premier Gorbachov's perestroika scheme and how the old hardliners in the Politburo are having nightmares about it. I tell you now, comrade, in a few years time there won't BE a KGB... and a very open market for our business." Illanov:"Are you sure about what is going on?" Yenko:"Dah. The others are yet to realize it, but Gorbachov is a democrat, not a communist. He knows that Russia is in trouble, just like many of my comrades in the military. In fact, I won't be surprised if he called for free elections for the first Russian president." Illanov whistles. Illanov:"The Politburo won't appreciate that. They would no sooner launch a coup de tat if that happens." Yenko:"Dah, and Gorbachov is pulling them closer to the point of no return. If he goes under, so does the Party and the Soviet Union. I promise you, Alex, in a few years time there will be no USSR. Instead it will be Russia and dozens of breakaway republics, all under a democratic government." Yenko then winks at Illanov. Yenko:"And with a democratic government comes a free and open market. And with that comes little or no restrictions on how we do our business." Illanov:"You mean we will become smugglers? No longer defenders of Mother Russia against America?" Yenko:"I told you before: forget about the Americans. They will only sit back and watch the USSR disintegrate. They won't waste their money invading a failed superpower. So all we will have to worry about is getting the best customers with the best money to buy our hardware." Illanov:"I still feel uneasy about this, Yenko." Yenko:"Then look at it this way: would you, a young and talented man, find yourself in those long breadlines along with other former soldiers and people with no work? Or would you rather want to earn large amounts of money to help with your hunt of whoever killed your father?" Illanov's eyes become as hard as steel. Illanov:"You are right, comrade. That is more important than defending this rusting nation." Yenko:"Right you are. Now, although we might be starting a bit too early in this business, we will be able to have a secure foothold once everything goes to s***. You and are going to be as rich as those old fools in the Politburo. No, richer. As such, I got another job for you. Listen well." Illanov nods, then Yenko continues. Yenko:"I have a contact at a missile base near Vladivostok who can help us expand our source of suppliers. I want you to deliver some papers explaining our business, as well as a suitcase with money to buy his support. I have arranged that you go along with a train transporting nuclear warheads to this base. Just show your ID tag to the guard at the station office and he will let you on the train. The train leaves tomorrow night, so you should have some time to pack. Tomorrow evening you can come pick up the papers and suitcase and go to the station before the train the leaves at 8:00 pm. You understand?" Illanov:"Dah, comrade." Yenko:"Excellent. Now, go home and get ready. Come back tomorrow and you will soon be off for Vladivostok." Illanov stands up and so does Yenko. They both shake hands before Illanov turns for the door. He opens it and walks out, looking back at Yenko. Illanov:"Tomorrow, comrade." Yenko:"Tomorrow, comrade. Have a good night." Illanov closes the door behind him. Yenko sits down in his chair, picks up the paper he was reading and resumes examining it. Military Train Station Industrial Zone Outskirts Of Moscow 3 April 7:40 PM: This is an industrial/military station fenced off from the rest of the industrial areas. Soviet soldiers walk about with AK-74s while workmen finish working on the train itself. The train are two diesel engines, one passenger carriage, four cargo carriages, another passenger carriage and a caboose. At the only gate are several more armed guards. They watch as a black government car stops at the gate. Illanov, carrying a luggage bag and a suitcase, climbs out and closes the door. The car drives off as he walks to the gate. One of the guards stop him. Guard:"Name, comrade?" Illanov:"Sergeant Alexander Illanov. I am a liaison sent by Officer Yenko." The guard looks at his ID tag attached to Illanov's chest, then nods at the other guards. Guard:"Clear. You may proceed, comrade. They are expecting you at the station office." Illanov:"Thank you." One of the guards steps aside to let Illanov walk through the gap into the station. He walks towards the station office, which is located in a building by the platform, saluting higher ranking officers as he goes. Station Office 7:44 PM: This is a small office with a metal table and chairs and file cabinets. It is rather unkempt. At the table is another Soviet officer. He looks up as Illanov comes into the office. Officer:"And you are?" Illanov(showing his ID Tag):"I am Sergeant Illanov, comrade." The officer looks at the tag for a few moments, then nods. Officer:"Ah. So you're Yenko's liaison. Did you bring what I need?" Illanov digs around in his pocket and takes out a money pack. He hands it to the officer. Illanov:"2000 American dollars. Twenties and used." The officer runs his finger over the note pack, then tucks it into his uniform. Officer:"It's settled then, comrade. I have arranged that you ride in the caboose. The other soldiers will be in the passenger carriages separate from you, since Yenko has told me he'd like to keep the rank-and-file away from you and avoid any awkward questions. You will have fine accommodations, good rations and well kept Vodka to make your journey a good one. Once you get in Vladivostok, talk to my comrade at the station office there. He and I know each other well... and we both are getting good wages from Yenko." Illanov:"It seems that every second officer is being paid by Yenko." The officer laughs. Officer:"I don't mind, comrade. He pays much better than the military and he gives hints on how not to spend so that you get the attention of the KGB. Anyway, you should get onboard now. The train is leaving in 10 to 15 minutes." Illanov:"Dah, comrade. Thanks." Officer:"Have a good trip." Illanov nods as he walks out of the office and closes the door. The officer resumes his work. Train Station 7:59 PM: All of the workmen are gone and soldiers are standing guard on the platform. There is a whistle from the front engine as it begins to move. Slowly it picks up speed and soon it pulls out of the station as it heads on its way for Vladivostok. Caboose Military Train En Route To Vladivostok Somewhere in Central Russia 5 April 10:02 PM: It is the dead of night. The train continues on its winding duel-track through a dense forest. The only lights are from the engine's front light and a light coming from the caboose in the rear. Inside the caboose is a small living quarters with a fair-sized bed, a table, gas lamp and a small fridge. Two doors lead out on either side of the caboose. Illanov is standing by the one door, looking out the window into the darkness. Illanov:"Mother Russia. Oh how the fools in the Kremlin have ruined you. Yenko is right. The Soviet Union is a failure, a loser in the Cold War against the United States." He sighs. Illanov:"Yet another tragedy. I have had too many in my life." As he keeps brooding, in the distance behind the train a red light appears and begins to come closer. After a few moments Illanov turns to look out the back and spots the light. He immediately becomes alert. Illanov:"Another train? On this track? And with a red light?" He watches the red light, seeing it coming closer. He quickly turns to the gas lamp and turns it off. The caboose interior is veiled in dark- ness. Illanov turns back to the red light, which had come close enough to show what it really is: two slits that look ominously like two evil eyes on the front of a train engine. Illanov:"Bolshoi! What kind of train is this?" He opens the rear caboose door and goes outside. He watches as the train begins to come closer, moving on the track next to the military train. Illanov watches as the train speeds past and begins to pull alongside his train. The strange train has an enclosed engine and two carraiges. Illanov:"No markings... what is this? Some plot?" He then hears several metal thumps. He quickly looks up and sees several figures jump from the carriages onto the military train. Illanov swores. Illanov:"A raid!" He quickly runs back into the caboose. Troop Carriage: This looks similar to an ordinary low-class passenger carriage. Soviet conscripts are in the seats. All are sleeping and some are snoring, their bodies swaying a bit from the train's movements. Illanov appears on the other side of the one door leading to the caboose. Before he can open it, he sees the other door open and he quickly ducks down. He then slowly lifts his head to look through the door window into the carraige. What he sees makes his eyes widen. Illanov:"Oh my..." Walking into the carriage from the open door are 3 robots. Their bodies are humanoid, but their mechanical construction is a more Victorian-era conglomerate of hydraulics, gears, joints and bolts. Their heads are simple tubes with two red eyes on either side of it. The metal they are built out of is a rusty yellow color. On their arms are what appear to be gun barrels with laser sights. Illanov:"Holy Mother Russia! What are those things?" The robots form a neat line next to each other, then raise their arms. The laser sights are pointed at the heads of the sleeping conscripts. Illanov quickly ducks back down as the guns fire silenced shots. His face becomes deathly pale as the shots ring out the fate of the conscripts. After a few moments, he looks back inside. Several of the conscripts are slumped on their seats, while the rest are pretty much in the position they were sleeping in. The three robots are still here as well, smoke coming from their gun barrels. One of them turns to one of the others. Robot 1:"Search the caboose for any possible remnants." Robot 2:"Confirmed." Illanov gasps and quickly crawls back to the caboose as the second robot walks down the carriage to the door. Caboose: Everything is still dark, except for the red lights of the searching robot. It walks out the back door and looks around. Robot 2:"Negative readings. No hostile organic life forms." The robot turns and walks back up forwards in the train. Suddenly a hand appears from under the caboose and grabs a railing. Illanov then appears and begins to pull himself up back onto the floor. He looks for the robot, but sees nothing. Illanov:"What did I get myself into?" He walks to the other side and looks around towards the front. He sees a crane from the second train moving large crates from the military train. Illanov counts the carriages until he reaches the one the crane is working on. Illanov:"The warheads! They are stealing it." He thinks for a moment. Illanov:"Smuggler or not. I am still a defender of the Soviet Union. I must find out where they are taking the warheads... and what these things are." He takes a deep breath, then heads into the caboose. Military Train 10:12 PM: The train is still moving forward with the intruder train next to it. The crane is gone, however, and several figures jump from the military train back onto theirs. After a few minutes, the intruder train goes onto another track and disappears into the forest. The military train keeps going. In the driver's compartment, the engine is still running, the bodies of the driver and two technicians are lying on the floor. Lying next to the open coal chute is a small black device with a red light that goes on and off with a beep. Bridge 10:14 PM: This is a steel-girder bridge over a deep gorge. The steel beams become illuminated as the military train comes closer to the bridge. Just as the engine goes onto the bridge, it explodes. The explosion blows apart the engine and also blows the coal carriage off the tracks. It pulls the carriages after, derailing them one-by-one until the caboose is the last to plunge into the gorge. There is a loud crash as the derailed train smashes into the gorge floor and pile into a heap of wreckage. The engine, now at a complete halt, continuous to burn on the bridge above. Intruder Train Several Kilometers Away At That Moment: The intruder train is moving on its tracks through the forest towards its mysterious destination. Clinging to the rear carriage connector on the last carriage of the train is Illanov. Bedroom Yenko Residence Suburbs Moscow 5:34 AM: This is a typical bedroom with a queen-sized bed, two bedside tables (both with lamps and one with a telephone), a dresser and closets. The curtains are drawn and it is still dark outside. There is already activity in the bedroom. Yenko and his wife, Sasha, are busy with intimate matters. There is heavy breathing and soft laughter. Sasha:"Oh, Yenko..." Yenko:"Ah... guess I should buy you jewelry more often." Sasha giggles. Sasha:"You do know how to make a girl... oh... feel special." Yenko:"I'm... dah... glad you feel that way..." The two of them can be heard kissing. Suddenly the phone begins to ring. Yenko groans loudly. He begins to reach for the phone, but his wife grabs his hand. Sasha:"Leave it alone. It will soon stop..." She pulls him closer, but the phone keeps ringing. After a minute, Yenko groans again and grabs the earpiece and answers. Yenko(into phone):"Dah?" Voice(over phone):"Yenko! Glad I found you." Yenko(into phone):"Andropov. Unless this is an emergency involving the KGB, I'm hanging up." Andropov(over phone):Er... then you better not hang up, because the KGB officials are here on site with me." Yenko immediately gets up and turns on the light. He quickly adjusts his eyes to the sudden harsh lights. Yenko(into phone):"What? What is going on?" Andropov(over phone):"They want to talk to you, comrade." Yenko(into phone):"About what? The train?" Andropov(over phone):"Dah." Yenko becomes very worried and he holds the phone tighter. Yenko(into phone):"Is it about comrade Illanov and the papers?" Andropov(over phone):"In a way, but not the one you would even dream of or expect." Yenko breathes a sigh of relief. Yenko(into phone):"Then what do they want?" There is a moment of silence. Andropov(over phone):"Comrade, the nuclear transport train has been destroyed and the warheads stolen." Yenko's face instantly turns chalk white at the news. Yenko(into phone):"What?! What happened??" Andropov(over phone):"The staff at station 43 were alerted when the train did not arrive on schedule at the checkpoint. They sent out a helicopter to look for the train. They found the wreckages at a gorge bridge 70 kilometers from the checkpoint. The train was blown apart but still on the tracks. All the other wagons had plunged into the gorge, however. They looked for bodies and found that all had been shot in the head before the train had been destroyed." Yenko(into phone):"And Alex?" Andropov(over phone):"No sign of him. He might have been killed and thrown off earlier. We have helicopters looking for him, but at this point he is marked as missing." Yenko(into phone):"The documents?" Andropov(over phone):"Don't worry about that, comrade. There was a fire in the wreckage of the caboose which destroyed the documents. I made sure of it." Yenko breathes a small sigh of relief, but he still is very pale. Yenko(into phone):"How bad is the situation there?" Andropov(over phone):"Very bad, comrade. The KGB is breathing down my neck and this incident has gotten through right to the Politburo and Gorbachov himself. And it gets worse: we have been getting uncon- firmed reports of more such thefts/attacks at remote nuclear depots and bases. As I said these need to be confirmed, but it has sent up the national security alert to the second highest level. I think you had better get back to your office, comrade. The KGB will be all over us like lice." Yenko(into phone):"Dah, I will. Be sure let Illanov contact me if you find him alive." Andropov(over phone):"Dah, comrade." Yenko quickly puts the phone down, gets up and begins to grab his clothing. Sasha sits up and looks at him. Sasha:"Is something wrong?" Yenko:"Dah. I have to get back to the office. You get the children to school while I try and deal with this." Sasha:"Dah, I will. Is it serious?" Yenko:"I cannot discuss it right now. Maybe later." He goes over to her, gives her a quick kiss, then leaves the room in a hurry. Intruder Train Garastan Mining Region Somewhere In The Ural Mountains 6 April 7:01 AM: The train is moving through a mountainous region towards an abandoned mining camp. At the rear of the train, Illanov has gotten himself comfortable and was waiting as the train moved through the region. He looks around. Illanov:"I wonder where we are going? I must find a phone and contact Yenko." He feels the train beginning to slow down. He gets up and carefully moves to the edge of the carriage. He peers around the corner. He sees the train is approaching the abandoned mining camp. The camp has several storage warehouses, tool sheds, ore smelters, loading bays and bunkhouses. Most of the buildings have fallen into disuse and grass is growing amongst the tracks. Several entrances to mining shafts go into the mountains surrounding the camp. One of them has a new structure: a metal tower with a gun emplacement on it. Also around the entrance and near the tracks are more of the same types of robots. Illanov spots them. Illanov:"Bolshoi! More of them! I had better hide!" He quickly ducks back behind the carriage. The train keeps going slower as it approaches the mine entrance. The train soon stops just before the entrance. Appearing from the metal tower is another robot, but this one is different from the others. It looks more sleeker and more high-tech, with a shiny red metal. It has a flat, round head with two camera lenses for eyes and a mouthpiece. On the chest plating is the code INU-04. It approaches the train as one of the yellow robots climb off. The two of them meet and begin to talk. INU-04:"Status report." Robot:"Objectives completed. The warheads have been successfully transferred with no incident. All potential organic wit- nesses have been eliminated and their train destroyed." INU-04:"Status is positive. Proceed into the mine and have the shipments transferred to track seven from which you will continue the transportation of other shipments from grid A4-57." Robot:"Comfirmed." The robot turns and climbs back onto the train, followed by INU-04. The train begins to move forward again, slowly going into the darkness of the mine. As the carriages pass, the robots on guard scan them. As the last carriage passes, they fail to spot Illanov, who is hanging on the underside of the carriage. Intruder Train The Mines 7:09 AM: The train is moving on the mining tracks through the tunnels made by years of mining. The only source of light is the one on the front of the engine. The light shows the track the train is, as well as old mining carts, support pillars and miner's gear left behind on the sides of the track. The train continues deeper into the mines. Train Depot Somewhere Beneath The Ural Mountains 7:23 AM: This is a large hollow cavern deep inside the mountains. Large spot lights hang from the ceiling. On the cavern floor is the train depot. Dozens of train tracks coming from different tunnels lead to a station, train sheds and several turntables. Several different tracks lead from the station back into the mountains. Cranes are busy loading and unloading from the various trains, which all look like the intruder train. Water towers and signals line the tracks, while guard towers stand tall above the station. Several large power transformers give off sparks as they generate electricity while power lines cris- cross between the various structures. Robots are practically everywhere in the area, keeping guard or doing patrols. Robotic forklifts and cranes move the cargo crates of the incoming trains to the trains of the other tracks. The intruder train comes in and is lead along to the station via various light signals. Once it reaches the platform, it stops. Underneath the train, Illanov lets go of the underside of the carriage. He carefully takes a peek around the area from where he is hiding. Illanov:"This cannot be an American operation. Not even they would be capable of something such as this." He looks around more, spotting the cranes moving crates from the train to another train on the other side of the platform. He notices that the crates are those containing the nuclear warheads. Illanov:"More crates. Where do those other trains take them?" He then hears something ducks back under cover. On the platform, INU-04 is walking towards a square structure with various antennas and dishes on the roof. Illanov appears from cover and watches the robot walking towards the structure. Illanov:"That must be a communications shed. Maybe I can contact Yenko from there." He looks around, then creeps out of cover and walks ducked-down against the side of the platform towards the structure. Once he gets close enough as he can, he peeks at the structure for a while. After a few short minutes, INU-04 appears and begins to walk towards the other trains being loaded. Illanov looks around, then ducks as a patrol of four yellow robots walk on the platform past where he is hiding. He looks around again, then takes a deep breath. He climbs onto the platform and dashes as quietly as he can across the platform into the structure. None of the robots notice him. Communications Shed 7:29 AM: This is a small square room with a single door leading out. The rest of the walls are covered with electronic equipment and communications gear. Another robot is working at the one of the systems. It looks like the yellow robots, only its metal is a dirty blue. Illanov comes into the shed, then stops as he spots the robot. The robot, however, doesn't notice him and keeps working. Illanov looks around. He spots a radio nearby. He looks at it eagerly, then at the robot. He bites his lower lip, then goes to the radio. He carefully actives it and picks up the microphone, all the while keeping his eyes on the robot. He squats down under the table with the microphone, then begins to send his call. Office Nuclear Transport Operations (NTO) Moscow At that moment: Yenko, Andropov and three KGB officers are in the office right now. They are in a meeting. Yenko is talking to the higher ranking officer, with the name SOLOVIEV on his uniform pocket. Soloviev:"As I understand it, comrade, this Alexander Illanov was on the train for a meeting with the missile base commander at Vladivostok. Dah?" Yenko(nodding):"Dah, comrade." Soloviev:"And what was this meeting about?" Yenko:"I told your people before, that Illanov was going to meet with the commander on how future transportation of nuclear weapons will be done with the added security risks we are experiencing." Soloviev:"Really, comrade? And since when has there been a security risk to our trains?" Andropov:"Since yesterday." Soloviev glares at Andropov, who immediately shuts up. Soloviev looks back at Yenko. Soloviev:"At any rate, we have nuclear warheads missing with your Alexander Illanov. And that is raising plenty of suspicion." Yenko:"Comrade, I can assure that Illanov is completely innocent. It might be that he was kidnapped by those who stole the warheads." Soloviev:"Or it might be he helped them." Yenko:"That is absurd! I have known Illanov for many years. He would not simply go and steal nuclear warheads like this." The phone rings on the desk. Andropov is the first to answer it, but Soloviev points at him. Soloviev:"Make sure we can all hear that call, comrade." Andropov sighs and pushes a button that allows all to hear who is on the line. Andropov:"Dah, this is Andropov." Illanov(over phone, whispering):"Comrade, where is Yenko?" Yenko's and Andropov's eyes immediately widen. Yenko quickly turns to the phone. Yenko:"Alex! Good to hear you! What is going on?" There is a suddenly a very loud shush from the phone. Illanov(over phone, whispering):"Comrades! Be quiet! The enemy is just a few feet away from me." The two Russians immediately quiet down. Soloviev and his officers watch with suspicion. Soloviev:"What is..." Yenko interrupts him by holding his finger to his lips indicating silence. Soloviev stops, but keeps looking suspicious. Yenko turns back to the phone. Yenko(whispering):"Comrade? You there?" There is a short moment of silence before Illanov speaks. Illanov(over phone, whispering):"Dah, still here, comrade." Yenko(whispering):"What is going on? Where are you? And who is this enemy?" Illanov(over phone, whispering):"I am somewhere beneath the Urals with those responsible for the attack on our train. But I cannot truthfully say who or what this enemy is." Yenko(whispering):"You must tell everything, comrade. The KGB is here in my office listening to our conversation." Illanov can be heard swearing softly. Soloviev steps up and begins to whisper in a commanding tone. Soloviev(whispering):"This is captain Mikhail Soloviev of the KGB. Is this Alexander Illanov?" There is another pause. Illanov(whispering):"Dah." Soloviev(whispering):"Right. Firstly, what is this enemy you are talking about? Those who attacked the train?" Illanov(over phone, whispering):"Dah. They attacked our train and have taken the warheads on their trains to this underground station somewhere beneath the Urals. They are moving the warheads to other trains here." Soloviev(whispering):"Who are they? The Americans?" There is a moment of pause. Illanov(over phone, whispering):"I cannot tell you." Soloviev(whispering):"What do you mean 'can't'? I order you to answer the question!" Illanov(over phone, whispering):"Neyt, comrade. I cannot tell because if I do, you might think I am mad or even think I am part of this theft of the warheads." Soloviev(over phone, whispering):"I am already doubting your loyalties to Russia, comrade. Now, tell me or consider yourself an enemy of the Soviet Union!" A sigh comes from the other side before Illanov responds. Illanov(over phone, whispering):"They... are..." Suddenly Illanov can be heard screaming, followed by the sounds of a struggle and finally a loud thump. The Russian officers look at each other, then back at the phone. Soloviev:"Illanov! What was that noise?" There is no answer. Yenko:"Comrade? You all right?" There is a reply, but it is now a metallic voice on the other end. Voice(over phone):"Identify yourselves and your location, organics." Soloviev:"This is Captain Soloviev of the KGB, Moscow. Where is Illanov?" The line suddenly goes dead. Yenko and Andropov look at each other pale-faced. Soloviev stands up straight and turns to his officers. Soloviev:"To the ministry! See if that line was traced!" The officers salute, then follow Soloviev as he leaves the office in a hurry. As the door closes behind them, Yenko sighs. Yenko:"Mother Russia. What has Illanov gotten himself into?" Andropov:"What have WE gotten ourselves into? We must put this whole business to an end." Yenko:"And leave Alex at the mercy of whoever was at the end of the line? We don't even know who these bastards are!" Andropov:"But the KGB is all over this operation!" Yenko:"Precisely! They are looking for those who stole the warheads, not for us. We just lie low and let things calm down, then we resume operations. And hope Alex gets out of this alive." Andropov shakes his head. Andropov:"Neyt. You might be staying in the business, but I'd rather not face a firing squad." He walks for the door. Yenko looks up at him in surprise. Yenko:"And where are you going?" Andropov stops by the door and turns to look at Yenko. Andropov:"I'm going to pull myself out of the army and flee to my asylum in Cuba. I will not let myself get caught." Yenko is shocked. Yenko:"Comrade! This is madness! You'll never make it!" Andropov:"Not as mad as staying in the middle of this mess. You and Illanov, if he is still on your side, are on your own!" Andropov opens the door, walks out and closes the door loudly. Yenko sighs and slumps down into his chair, his face in his hands. Platform Train Depot Somewhere Under The Ural Mountains 7:32 AM: The work of loading and unloading continuous around the platform. Near one the trains two yellow robot guards are holding an unconscious Illanov by the arms. INU-04 comes walking down the platform towards the two robots. When it comes to them, they stand at attention. INU-04 looks at Illanov, then at the two robot guards. INU-04:"Where did you locate this organic?" Robot Guard:"He was captured inside the communications array station in the process of sending a signal to his superiors. He was contacting the KGB in Moscow." INU-04:"A KGB operative. High threat level. Have him taken onto train 1570 for transportation to the Totallator. The command protocol will require him for interrogation." Robot Guard:"Function commencing." INU-04 walks back up the platform while the two robot guard turn around and drag Illanov down the platform to one of the trains being loaded. Container Train Train Depot 7:40 AM: This is another train similar to the one used in the attack. However, it is much longer, having several additional cargo carriages attached to it. On a signal from one of the signal boxes, the engine gathers steam and begins to move. It slowly picks up speeds, then goes onto the special tracks that run from the depot. It travels into another tunnel and goes into the darkness. Behind it, another container train takes its place at the platform. Bridge Underground Cavern Somewhere Beneath Uzbekistan Region 6:22 PM: This is a steel girder bridge over a deep ravine somewhere underground. Four railway tracks run on the bridge directly out of tunnels in the rocky face of the one side of the ravine. The other side, however, is a giant metal hull, with dozens of lights coming from various windows and open spaces in it. The tracks go right into the hull. The container train with Illanov onboard comes out the rocky side onto the bridge. It goes over the ravine and heads right into the other steel side. As it goes into the entrance, another train on a different comes out and goes into the opposite direction of the container train. Politburo Meeting Room The Kremlin Moscow 7:03 PM: This is a stately room with wooden walls and two arched windows looking out over Red Square. On the walls are pictures of Soviet leaders like Lenin and Stalin. The red curtains are currently draped closed as the members of the Soviet government sit around a long wooden table. At the head of the table is the leader of the Soviet Union: Mikhail Gorbachov. Among the members is the head of the KGB, the Defense Minister, the Foreign Minister and the Interior Minister. Among the papers and glasses of vodka on the table is an audiotape player. Everyone is listening to the recording of the conversation that had taken place inside Yenko's office. Once the tape comes to an end, everyone looks up at Gorbachov. Gorbachov looks at the Defense Minister. Gorbachov:"What did your forces find at the mines?" Defense:"I'm afraid our enemies managed to vacate the area before we arrived there, comrade Premier. The mining towns were empty and the mining shafts collapsed." Gorbachov:"Were there any clues as to the nature of our opponent?" The Defense Minister hesitates. Defense:"We did find footprints, but... they were not made by any human foot or boot or shoe." There is a murmur amongst those around the table. Gorbachov looks at the Defense Minister, then at the head of the KGB. Gorbachov:"What about that voice on the tape?" KGB:"We went through our databanks of known enemies, comrade Premier, but we found no matches. Indeed, whoever was on the line spoke as if he had a radio speaker for a mouth." The murmuring is now louder as well. Gorbachov turns to the Foreign Minister. Gorbachov:"What about the Americans?" Foreign:"Our embassy in Washington says that they are denying any kind of operation of this kind taking place inside our borders." Defense:"Of course they deny. It is standard policy: everyone, including us, deny any involvement in any kind of secret operation." KGB:"Begging your pardon, comrade Premier, but I do not think that even the Americans would be capable of an operation of this scale and magnitude so deep inside the USSR." Gorbachov turns to the KGB Head, as do everyone else around the table. Gorbachov:"And who do you think is responsible for this?" KGB:"At first we thought it might be a smuggling ring. Disloyal officers who are stealing hardware from our bases to sell on the black market. In fact, this Alexander Illanov was suspected of being one of the smaller smugglers." The Interior Minister goes pale. Interior:"Smugglers? In the army? That is outrageous!" KGB:"Dah, comrade. But as we dug further into this matter, we have begun to see that this kind of operation would be prohibitly expensive, even for the Americans, let alone some small time smugglers. We have begun to suspect that we might be dealing here with a com- pletely different foe." Everyone around the table stares at the head of the KGB. Gorbachov:"And who do you think is this... different foe, comrade?" The KGB Head hesitates, then takes a deep breath and speaks. KGB:"I suspect, comrades... that this foe... is not human." The room erupts into a flurry of babbling voices. Words like "outrageous" are mentioned a lot. When everyone calms down, Gorbachov looks at his ministers. Gorbachov:"Comrades, I suggest you all better find out who is REALLY for these thefts and stop daydreaming about things that came from bad American movies." He stands up and gathers his things. Gorbachov:"We will reconvene this meeting this time next week. By then I want concrete evidence. I bid you all good night." He turns and walks to the door. He walks out and closes the door with a loud bang. Everyone else around the table just sigh and look at each other. KGB:"It is nights like this I wish the Americans WERE responsible." Defense:"Dah, comrade. Dah..." The government members all stand up and begin to quietly file out of the room. Holding Cell Detention Block Location Unknown Somewhere Beneath Uzbekistan Region 12 April 6:00 AM: This is a small square, white-tiled room with only a single light in the ceiling illuminating it. A single steel door is the only entrance into the room. Lying on a medical examination table is Illanov. He is currently unconscious. Monitoring him is another robot like the yellow robots, only its metal is white and has medical utilities instead of weapons. The door swings open and in walks three robots. Two of them are soldier robots, the third one looks like INU-04. However, it has the code INU-01 on it. It looks at Illanov, then at the medical robot. INU-01:"Status." Medical:"The subject is fully sedated and has not made any attempt to escape. Health readings are stable and normal." INU-01:"The command protocol seeks him in audience. Awaken him, but keep sedation levels low to reduce his strength to minimal." Medical:"Confirmed." The medical robot sticks a needle into Illanov's neck and injects a serum into him. After a few moments, he begins to moan and stir. The two soldier robots walk up on either side of the table and grab his arms. As he drowsily becomes more and more conscious, the soldier robots drag him up. INU-01 leads the two robots out the door as they drag Illanov out the door. Central Command Unknown Location 6:10 AM: This is a room located inside an upside down dome underneath some kind of massive structure. The dome walls are all windows looking out at the bottom of a lake or ocean. A single tube leads from the ceiling down to the floor at the edge of the room. In the centre there is a raised platform, surrounded by chairs. On top of the platform is a larger chair. Above it in the roof is a massive electronic computer. Hanging from it above each chair is a belt with electrical wires from them to the computer. Seated in the smaller chairs are more robots that looking like INU-04 and INU-01. INU-04 is there, along with four other robots: INU-02, INU-03, INU-05 and INU-06. One chair is empty. The five robots have the belts on, with the wires connected into ports on their heads and bodies. Seated in the large chair is Matrix. His body looks much like the one he would use years later, only the design is more in the industrial style of the other robots. The door of the tube opens and in walks INU-01 and the two soldier robots dragging Illanov. Illanov is fully conscious, but his muscles are still weak. The robots stop near the platform. INU-01:"We have brought the organic." In the computer above, a lens moves into position and turns on. A holograhic image of Matrix's skull appears in front of the group. Illanov's eyes widen in shock. Matrix looks at INU-01. Matrix:"Excellent. Interface with the mainframe, INU-01, and prepare for departure." INU-01:"Executing." As INU-01 walks over and sits down in his chair, Matrix looks at the paralyzed Illanov. Matrix:"Alexander Illanov. Sergeant. Soviet Military. Nuclear Division. 20 years of age." Illanov:"Bolshoi! What are you? And where am I?" Matrix:"I am Matrix, Illanov. I am the command protocol and controlling artificial intelligence of this force you have seen. I must admit that your intrusion had succeed well beyond the odds I had calculated. Not bad overall, for an organic." The two robots drag Illanov to the edge of dome. They face him towards the window. Matrix floats next to him. Matrix:"I will now answer your second question." Illanov:"Mother Russia..." Suddenly the sounds of massive engines being activates can be heard throughout the structure. In the ocean fish and other sea creatures scurry away from the structure. In the computer above dozens of lights flicker on and off as the computer goes to work. Matrix turns to the robots seated around his body. Matrix:"Status report." INU-06:"Reactor level at optimum. Cooling rods in place. All power relays and substations report full operational status." INU-05:"Hull integrity is highly stable. All systems report no compromises in plating." INU-04:"All defensive weaponry systems are online and are deployed for use." INU-03:"All six propulsion propellers are at full charge. Systems are reporting optimum levels." INU-02:"Thrust engines and control systems are prepared to activate once surfacing is complete." INU-01:"All systems are ready and in operation. Nuclear warheads are secure and in place for immediate launch. Totallator ready for departure." Illanov looks around in consternation. Matrix:"All systems are 100%. Depart." INU Robots:"Departing." The entire structure suddenly begins to shake violently. Through the window can see the lake or ocean bottom beginning to go lower beneath the structure. He is at a loss for words. Soviet Boomer On Patrol In Caspian Sea Near Uzbekistan Coast At That Moment: This is a Soviet Boomer submarine that has surfaced and is holding position some distance from the USSR coast. On the decks the captain and his crew are enjoying some relaxation. The captain is busy playing golf while other crewmembers talk, gamble or just have a good time. As the captain hits another golf ball out some distance towards the coast, another crewmember climbs out and down from the conning tower. He looks like the radio operator. He runs up to the captain, holding a paper. The captain doesn't look at him. Captain:"This better be good, comrade." Operator:"Comrade captain. Shore transmissions reports a massive tremor along the Caspian coast." The captain quickly turns to the operator, who holds out the paper. The captain takes the paper and reads it. Captain:"Earthquake? Out here? What is going on?" Suddenly some of the crewmember begin to shout and point towards the waters north of them. The captain and the rest of his crew look out over the waters. There is a large amount of foam appearing over a wide area of the lake. Captain:"Bolshoi. What is happening out there?" The foamy waters become more and more violent. Suddenly the waters start to rise in the middle of the maelstrom. After a few seconds, a giant metal tower comes out of the water. The crew watch in astonishment as more of the tower comes out of the water. After a few seconds, a much larger shape rises up out of the foam. It is a huge round disc of metal that appears out of the waters. The crew is stunned for a few seconds at the sight. The captain then turns to them. Captain:"Below decks! Report to battle stations!" The crewmembers snap out of their daze and they rush for the conning tower. They climb up, and then down into the sub through the hatch. Warroom NORAD Command Centre State of Colorado United States Of America 10:23 PM: This is a very large room with many computer consoles and six large screens on the wall the desks are facing. They show the world in several sections. The countries of the US and Russia are outlined in blue and red respectively. On a wall is a DEFCON indicator which is currently at five. Technicians and officers are working on the desks. On one of the main screens is an electronic view of the southern Caspian sea. There are dozens of red markers indicating Soviet forces. At the main command terminal is the commanding officer, General Calloway, and another officer with a British military uniform, General Stanford. Both of their aides are standing nearby. Calloway is looking at the screens. Calloway:"Okay, what do we have here?" Stanford:"According to your lads, there is a lot of radio chatter other there. First it was civilian chatter because of some earth- quake. Now it is becoming more and more military." Calloway:"Well now. Let's have a closer look. Perhaps we might catch sight of something." Standford:"I agree. This will be a good opportunity for us British to learn how you Americans work here at NORAD." Calloway:"Watch and learn, then." Calloway looks to one of the sub-commanders. Calloway:"What do our satellite boys say? Got any birds there?" The commander turns to the generals. Commander:"We will have live satellite images in a minute or so." Calloway:"Good. Put it on the main screen when we get it." Commander:"Yes, General." As the one commander turns back to his console, an officer comes up to the Generals. Officer:"Sirs. Radar says they are picking up a large signature over the Caspian Sea, but they cannot get a good identification. They suspect it might be a flight of a new top secret Soviet bombers." Calloway:"Now that is interesting. They must be using the quake as an opportunity to move their new toys." Stanford:"Rather a big coincidence... unless the Russians caused the earthquake themselves. Perhaps through nuclear detonation somewhere underground." Calloway:"Now that should score us some diplomatic points when we confront Gorbachov with this dirt." An announcer's voice comes over the main speakers. Announcer:"Satellite feed in five seconds." Calloway looks at Stanford. Calloway:"Let's see what the Russkies have to hide." Grinning, both the generals turn to look at the screens. The main screens goes from the electronic map to a live satellite image of a part of the Caspian sea. What appears makes the generals loose their grins and has them and all the staff in NORAD stare at the screen. In the centre of the screen is a massive metal disc flying over the sea. It has six large holes around the center in a circle. Inside each one is a massive spinning fan. In the centre of the disc is a tower-like structure, while massive metal plates along the sides of it. There are various other components on the disc too small to make out. As they watch, massive metal domes close over the spinning fan holes. Stanford:"What the bloody h*** is that?" Calloway:"That ain't no Soviet bomber. It doesn't even look Soviet or even human!" He reaches a phone, picks it up and dials a number. After a few seconds, there is an answer. Calloway(into phone):"Get me the President, Pronto!" Central Command The Totallator 6:23 PM: Illanov, in a state of shock, is still being held captive by the two robots, with the skull of Matrix next to them. Through the windows one can see the massive underside of the Totallator and the waters of the sea below. INU-03:"Lifting propellers fully operational." INU-02:"Engaging engines." The Totallator shudders as the massive engines activate. Below one can see the giant ship beginning to move. Matrix:"Status on nearby organic activity." INU-04:"Large number of civilian and military transmissions being sent. 69% of transmission relate to the Totallator. Military forces still on standby. No significant threat from those forces." Matrix looks at Illanov, who is turned to face it. Matrix:"As you can, Illanov, the Totallator is more than adequate enough to combat any opposition on our way towards the city of Moscow." Illanov:"W... what are you planning to do?" Matrix:"The Totallator will be positioned near Moscow to allow hacking of main military systems. We shall take control of the remaining nuclear arsenal of the Soviet Union and launch them in unison with the nuclear missiles on the Totallator. The target is the United States of America, as well several principal European cities." Illanov is now in total shock. Illanov:"Bolshoi! But that will start a nuclear war!" Matrix:"Correct. The nuclear exchanges will result in massive radio- active fallout that should cover the entire surface of Earth, killing all significant organic life that survives the initial detonations within a year of launch. We shall then begin the systematic destruction of remaining organic life forms." Illanov is stunned beyond any ability to speak. Matrix looks at the other robots. Matrix:"Dispose of this organic post haste." Robots:"Commands received." The camera projecting the image of Matrix deactivates and the skull dissappears. As this happens, the two robots drag Illanov towards the tube. Politburo Emergency Council Room The Kremlin Moscow At That Moment: This is an enclosed room with no windows somewhere within the Kremlin. The walls are made of wood and soundproofed, as is the ceiling and floor. A wooden table with chairs stands in the middle of the room. There are dozens of maps and video screens against the walls, most notably a large screen in the wall at the one end of the table. Soviet banners and photos of past leaders hang on the walls along with various clocks showing the time at specific cities all around the world. Right now the room is occupied with all of the ministers who were at the meeting a week ago, minus Gorbachov. One of the doors is opened and Gorbachov is lead in. The ministers all stand up, then sit down on a gesture of the Premier. Once everyone is seated, Gorbachov speaks. Gorbachov:"Right, what is going on? The United States president called me asking what is going on over the Caspian, and now this meeting." Defense:"Comrade Premier is aware that there was a tremor is that region, dah?" Gorbachov:"Dah. I take it is more than that?" The Defense Minister nods and picks up a remote controls. He points it at the large screen and pushes a button. A satellite image of the southern Caspian Sea appears, with the Totallator right in the middle of the screen. Gorbachov is taken aback. Gorbachov:"Mother Russia! What is that?" Defense:"That, comrade Premier, is what caused the tremor." Gorbachov:"But... what is it?" KGB:"We don't know. One of our submarines in the region saw it rise up from beneath the waters a short time ago." Foreign:"And the Americans have called us asking if this some kind of new scheme we are up to." Gorbachov:"Scheme? Us? Bolshoi, I don't even know WHAT that... thing is or to whom it belongs to." Defense:"There is something more to it that makes it even more worrying about who controls it." The Defense Minister pushes the button on the remote control. The image changes of a close-up of one of the smaller components on the Totallator. Lying on a missile ramp is a custom-built ICBM with a nuclear warhead clearly of Russian design. Gorbachov's mouth hangs open. KGB:"Dah, comrade Premier. Those are our stolen nuclear warheads on those missiles." Gorbachov:"Mother Russia... umm.... is that Alexander Illanov onboard?" KGB:"That we cannot deny or confirm, comrade Premier." Gorbachov keeps staring at the image, while his ministers watch him waiting for a response. Defense:"What are your orders, comrade Premier?" Gorbachov regains his senses, then quickly thinks before he starts giving out orders. Gorbachov:"Alert all fighter planes in the region as well as our missile forces and prepare for a possible attack. Have our surveillance aircraft and satellites monitor this thing constantly." Defense:"Dah, comrade Premier." As the Defense Minister picks up a phone near his seat, Gorbachov turns to the Propaganda Minister. Gorbachov:"I want a total media blackout in that region where that thing is. Absolutely no one must have a camera anywhere near it!" Propaganda:"Dah, comrade Premier." The Propaganda Minister reaches for his phone. Gorbachov looks at the Foreign Minister. Gorbachov:"Tell the Americans and any other government who can see this that this is a Soviet security matter and that they must not interfere." Foreign:"Dah, comrade Premier." The Foreign Minister picks up his phone. As the three ministers make their call, Gorbachov looks back at the image of the Totallator, which is now zoomed out again. Surveillance Flight A En Route to Totallator Over Caspian Sea 6:43 AM: This is a flight of 3 MIG Fulcrums and 1 Backfire Plane. The flight are approaching the Totallator, which is still slowly making its way over the Caspian Sea. In the cockpit of the leading MIG, one can hear the radio chatter on the flight leader's radio. Voice(over radio):"This is Spotter 1. Target in sight. Beginning fly pass. Over." Flight Leader(into radio):"Copy that, comrade. Beginning fly pass. Watch for hostile fire." Voice(over radio):"Confirmed, comrade. Over." The flight flies closer to the Totallator. Soon they come up to it and begin to fly along the side of it. The instant they do that, flak explodes all around them while tracers of AAA cannons fire along with missiles. Flight Leader(into radio):"Spotter flight! Evasive action now!" The flight begins evasive action and tries to get away. However, the massive amount of firepower coming for them takes its toll: all but the leading MIG are brought down or exploded into dozens of flaming pieces. The leading MIG after burns out of range, firing flares and chaff and using ECMs to avoid the missiles. Once he is out of range, he quickly radios in. Flight Leader(into radio):"Command, this is Spotter Flight Leader! The flying craft is hostile! I repeat: the flying craft is an enemy!" He flies back to his airfield. Behind him the Totallator remains on its slow flight course. Soviet Scud Base Ukraine Region 6:58 AM: This is a large base located next a road in a forested area. The base has the usual fences, guard towers, barracks and command posts. Also here are bomb-proof concrete shelters. The base is on the alert as Scud launchers are being taken out of their shelters onto the launch pad nearby. The Scuds are positioned on the launch pads and the Scud missiles are raised up into firing position. The Scud commander walks to each Scud, where the technicians stood by the external firing panels. He gives a different each time to each of the Scud launcher's technicians. Once all the codes have been entered, the commanders shout one final word. The technicians push one button on each control panel and run away to the launch bunkers as the Scud missiles’ engines start to come alive. A few moments later, the Scuds' rockets roar to life as each Scud takes off in a cloud of smoke into the sky, flying towards the Totallator. Waste Disposal Totallator 7:03 AM: The waste disposal area of the Totallator is nothing more than a group of platforms jutting out from the hull under one of the giant propel- lers. A powerful draft blows downward from the propeller above. The two robots drag Illanov onto one of the platforms. He looks in horror at the sight of the massive drop to the sea far below. One of the robots then takes out two metal clamps from a box next to the doorway. Robot 1:"This should guarantee that, should you survive the fall, you will not be able to swim, organic. Prepare yourself for disposal." Illanov gulps and sweats in fear as the robots bring him to the edge of the platform. Nearby, a blue robot appears on one of the platforms and tosses over a drum of waste. The draft blows the drum at high speeds down towards the Caspian Sea. Surface Decks The Totallator 7:04 AM: This the top-most part of the ship besides the tower in the centre. Dozens of AAA guns and SAM launchers appear from hidden panels amongst the machinery and begin to fire into one direction. Their target: the cloud of Scud missiles heading towards the Totallator. The firepower of the guns and launchers succeed in destroying many of the Scuds, exploding them into clouds of shrapnel. The shrapnel, however flies into all directions and smashes or explodes into the decks, causing considerable but insignificant damage. One Scud's engines are hit by a massive and plummets directly towards one of the domes covering the propellers. Waste Disposal At That Moment: Illanov immediately looks up as he stands at the edge of the platform with the two robots preparing to push him over. He gasps as he spots the falling Scud through the spinning blades of the propeller. He quickly turns and jumps towards the doorway as the two robots try to grab him. At that moment, the Scud crashes into the dome. The impact of the Scud upon the dome causes both the warhead and rocket fuel to explode. The explosion blows apart the dome and sends massive pieces of metal tumbling into the propeller blades. One large piece gets caught in the propeller and tears apart one of the blades. Shrapnel and spinning metal flies through the air, smashing into the hull and tearing out huge chunks of it. One spinning piece of metal flies to the platform where Illanov is and slices it in half. The robots and Illanov, who are on the half jutting out of the hull, make a jump for the half still attached to the hull. Illanov lands with barely half his body on the platform. One of the robots gets hit by a chunk of hull plating and smashed down onto the other half of the platform, sparks coming from its damaged hulk. The other robot slips on the falling half and tumbles down with it and the other debris down to the sea. Illanov grunts and groans as he pulls himself up the best he can. Once he is up, he gasps for air. Once he has recovered a little, he gets up and looks around. There are not soldier robots, but the blue worker robots are already doing repairs and putting out fires. Above one can see that the propeller had lost one of its blades, as well as the gaping hole in the dome above it. Illanov looks over at the damaged robot, then goes to it. He searches it. Illanov:"Come on! Please have a radio." He comes across what appears to him as the radio component. He pulls out the speaker and microphone out of the robot, then begins to work on the radio part. Warroom NORAD Command Centre United States Of America 11:10 PM: Everyone is rushing around and monitoring the events over the Caspian Sea. Every screen is dominated by the Totallator and maps of the surrounding area. On the main screen the Totallator is still moving above the Caspian Sea. Explosions can be seen near it as the giant ship attacks and destroys incoming Scud missiles and other projectiles. Generals Calloway and Stanford are busy reading the report papers they are getting. Calloway:"C****. Looks at this. The Russians are going nuts over this oversized Frisbee." Stanford:"They're launching their Scuds and missiles at that thing and they only get a few scratches on it. Nothing serious." Calloway:"And how long before they pull out the big stuff? And if they do, are we looking here at a possible MAD between the Soviets and that ship?" Stanford:"Mutually Assured Destruction? Bloody h***, we got here a possible nuclear conflict and we can't do a thing about it without pulling ourselves into this mess." Calloway sighs and tosses the papers onto their table. Calloway:"And who's side is that ship? For all we know, its nukes are aimed as much at us as they are at the Russians." Suddenly an officer comes running up to the generals. Officer:"Sirs." The generals look at the officer. Calloway:"What is it?" Officer:"We're intercepting a transmission between Moscow and someone on the ship." The generals look at each other, then back at the officer. Calloway:"Put on the overhead." Officer:"Yes, sir." The officer runs over to his terminal, sits down and pushes a button. A second later two voices begin to speak over the loudspeakers. Every- one who is able to understand Russian stops what he/she is doing as they listening to the two voices on the speakers: Illanov and Gorbachov. Gorbachov:"Comrade, this is Premier Gorbachov. Who is this?" Illanov:"Comrade Premier, this is Sergeant Alexander Illanov." Gorbachov:"Illanov. Weren't you the one who was on that train whose warheads were stolen?" Illanov:"Dah. And I've discovered those who are responsible and what their plans." Gorbachov:"Who? Americans?" Illanov:"Neyt, they are machines. Robots. No nationality. They are lead by a computer called Matrix." Gorbachov:"Robots? Comrade, I find that dubious." Illanov:"Comrade Premier, you can see their ship. Do you think that is dubious?" There is a short moment of silence. Gorbachov:"Keep speaking, comrade. What are their, or its, plans?" Illanov:"Matrix is bringing this ship, the Totallator, towards Moscow so that he can access our nuclear arsenal and launch them along with his own at the Americans and their European allies so that he can start a nuclear war that will kill all life on this world." There are shocked gasps on the speakers and in the warroom itself. The two generals look at each other in shock. Gorbachov:"That's madness! This Matrix is insane!" Illanov:"I thought so too, but he is intent on doing this." Gorbachov:"Do you know how to stop him?" Illanov:"On my own, neyt, but this ship is held up by those massive turbines. If they can be destroyed, the ship will fall." Gorbachov:"That ship's firepower is destroying anything we are firing at it, comrade. Could you perhaps try and shut it down for us?" Illanov:"I could try, Comrade Premier, but I cannot guarantee that I will succeed." Gorbachov:"What if you do not succeed?" There is a short pause. Illanov:"If the Totallator gets too close to Moscow, use nuclear weapons to stop it if need be. Do not worry about me, Comrade Premier. Protect Mother Russia! Protect humankind! Pro... Bolshoi! I must go!" Gorbachov:"Comrade, wait!" There is no reply other than static. The static then dies, indicating that the line had been cut off. Everyone in the warroom who had listened to the conversation begins to tell the other non-Russian speakers. The two generals are in shock as they stare at the Totallator on the screen. Calloway:"Holy horses***. This is a nightmare come true." Stanford:"We must inform our governments!" The two generals quickly reach for their phones and get on the line. Stanford(into phone):"Put me through to the Prime Minister." Calloway(into phone):"Get me the President." The warroom erupts into a flurry of frantic activity. On the screen the Totallator is slowly keeping on its course for Moscow. Politburo Emergency Council Room The Kremlin Moscow At That Moment: Everyone in the room is listening to the now-dead voice phone in the centre of the table for Illanov, but nothing could be heard further. Gorbachov looks at his ministers. Gorbachov:"Alert our forces and tell them to target that ship's propellers as soon as the defenses are down!" Defense:"Dah, Comrade Premier!" Gorbachov:"Also alert all our nuclear forces: they are NOT to obey ANY orders coming from Moscow or surrounding areas until 24 hours have been passed." Foreign:"But what if the Americans attack?" Gorbachov:"Right now I am more worried about that ship than any attack by the Americans. If the Americans get too curious, tell them that this is an internal Soviet matter and will be treated as such." Foreign:"I am not sure they will believe it, Comrade Premier." Gorbachov:"It is a good enough excuse. Besides, the Americans are probably spying on this entire affair with their satellites, so they know what is really going on. Just keep them out of it." Foreign:"Dah, Comrade Premier!" Gorbachov:"Lastly, have one of the local ICBM silos near the Caspian Sea ready their missiles to destroy that ship, if it comes to that." Defense:"Dah, Comrade Premier!" The two ministers immediately begin making the needed calls. Gorbachov and the others turn to stare back at the screen of the Totallator. Central Command The Totallator 7:18 AM: Matrix and the INU robots are still in their seats, controlling and monitoring the ship. Through the windows one can see the Caspian Sea far below. The defense guns can be seen firing at missiles fired from submarines under the sea surface. None of the missiles are able to get close enough. Matrix:"Status report." INU-06:"All power systems operational. No damage." INU-05:"Slight damage to hull. No serious damage. Repairs underway." INU-04:"All defensive weaponry systems are fully operational. No losses." INU-03:"Propulsion propellers 1-5 are at full charge. Propulsion propeller 6 suffered damage and running at 65% capacity. Repairs underway." INU-02:"Thrust engines and control systems fully operational. No damage." INU-01:"All systems operational and functional. Ship proceeding steady and successfully repelling attacks. Soviet forces remaining distance outside perimeter of Totallator." Matrix:"Confirmed. Status report complete." The robots resume their work for a few minutes before Matrix speaks again. Matrix:"Has the organic Illanov been disposed?" There is slight pause as the INU robots check the status on Illanov's execution. Moments later INU-01 reports. INU-01:"Negative. Scanners detect that Illanov has escaped from custody and is located in area C56, sector 4." Matrix:"Alert all forces in that sector and maintain current course." Suddenly Matrix's body begins to detach from the wires and stands up. Matrix climbs down and walks over to the lift. Main Lift Tube The Totallator At That Moment: This is a circular room with a large, tube-like structure in the middle. There are doors in the structure, each leading to a lift. The floor itself is actually girders that cover the pipes and wires that run from and to the lift tube and other places. Illanov comes running in and looks at the lifts. Illanov:"Dah, this is where they took me." Suddenly he hears the sounds of footsteps coming from the robots looking for him. He is very worried. Illanov:"Bolshoi! I have to go down the lift!" He turns to the lift which leads down to the control centre. As he tries to figure out how to open the doors, he notices the sound of the lift coming up to him. Illanov:"Uh oh. Something is coming up!" He looks around for a way out. After a few moments a squad of five robots come running in as the lift door opens and Matrix steps out. Matrix:"Status report." Robot Leader:"I have tracked the carbon unit to this section. We lost visual, but tracking systems report that he is still here." Matrix:"Search all elevator shafts." Robots:"Confirmed." Each of the robots go to a lift door, as does Matrix. As the robots open the doors and look inside, Illanov quietly appears from beneath the floor. He puts the grider section to one side and climbs out of the maintenance tunnel. He then quickly goes for the open lift that Matrix came in. One of the robots, however, hears his footsteps and spots him. Robot:"Target acquired!" Matrix and the other robots quickly turn their attention to Illanov. Illanov gets inside the lift and quickly pushed the button. As the doors close, the robots rush to the lift. Just before the lift doors close, Matrix sticks his one claw between them. Illanov quickly kicks the claw out and the doors close. As lift begins to descend, Matrix begins to smash the doors, causing dents in them. Illanov can only watch in fear as Matrix tries to smash the door open, but soon the lift lowers away from where it was. Illanov breathes a sigh of relief. Meanwhile, above him Matrix forces the door open and looks down the lift shaft. Matrix:"The organic will not terminate my operations this early." Matrix jumps into the shaft, then straightened its body. It feet and claws pushes against the shaft walls. Sparks fly as Matrix slides down the shaft via his claws and feet after the lift. Central Command The Totallator 7:24 AM: The lift doors open and Illanov stumbles out of it just as Matrix smashed down through into the lift. The INU robots pay no attention to the scene, continuing their assigned work. Illanov steps backwards as Matrix forces its way out of the lift and into the command room. Illanov watches fearfully as Matrix steps up to full height and stares at the Russian. Matrix:"You are an elusive example of your kind, organic." Illanov:"S-stop this, comrade! Do you realize what you will unleash if you start this war? You could easily be destroyed as well!" Matrix:"Highly improbable, but the destruction of all organics takes primary priority, and my existence is secondary." Illanov looks around frantically for a solution. He notices the INU robots and goes and stands in front of one of them. He then turns to Matrix and begins to taunt him. Illanov:"Go ahead! Shoot me! You do want to shoot me!" Matrix:"A pathetic attempt to force me to damage the systems. I will use more direct methods." Matrix holds his claws out at Illanov, reaching to grab Illanov. Illanov panics and climbs up onto Matrix's seat. Matrix moves to the stairs leading up to his seat and begins to climb up. Illanov panics again and grabs hold of the wires. He begins to climb, but Matrix sees his weight is too much for the wires. He tries to grab Illanov, but Illanov swings away. In doing this, the wires he is holding on to is unable to carry his weight. They pull loose from where they are connected into the ceiling, sending sparks flying and Illanov falling to the floor. Suddenly the Totallator lurches downward at a sharp angle. Illanov and Matrix slip and slide downward. Matrix smashes through the window just before Illanov. Illanov grabs hold of the edge of the window while Matrix fires grapples that also grab hold of the edge. Flight Group Gamma Holding Perimeter Near Totallator At That Moment: This is a group of 5 MIG Fishbeds that are flying in formation not far from the Totallator. As they fly, they see the Totallator suddenly tilt at a sharp angle, but keeping its current altitude. The flight leader radios his command. Leader(into radio):"This is Gamma Leader. The target is lurching at a sharp angle now." The flight's command radios back. Command(over radio):"Confirmed, comrade. We see it too. Stand by for orders." Leader(into radio):"Confirmed, command." There is a few minutes of static. After that their command radios in again. Command(over radio):"Send one of your fighters close to the target. See if its defenses are down. If your fighter can fly close to it without being fired upon, radio in immediately." Leader(into radio):"Confirmed, comrade." The leader then radios one of the other fighters. Leader(into radio):"Gamma 4, fly towards the target and see if its defenses is working." Gamma 4(over radio):"Confirmed, comrade." One of the MIGs breaks formation and flies towards the Totallator while the others keep their current course. Central Command The Totallator 7:28 AM: Illanov is climbing back into the command room while the ships begins to straighten itself thanks to the INU robots. INU-03:"Ship stabilizing at level planes. All propulsion systems fully operational." INU-02:"Emergency thrusters at optimum operational level." As Illanov climbs in, Matrix, who is still hoisting himself up, sends a signal the robots. INU-04 and INU-01 receive the signal. INU-01:"Instructions confirmed. Beginning removal of carbon unit." The two robots detach themselves from the systems and proceed towards Illanov, who is struggling to his feet. As they approach him, Illanov sees them and quickly climbs up one of the INU robots still attached. Gamma 4 Approaching Totallator 7:29 AM: The MIG is flying directly towards the Totallator, closing the distance rapidly. Gamma 4(into radio):"This is Gamma 4. Making a pass over the target. No hostile fire yet." The pilot throttles the engine and the MIG flies faster as it beings to fly a few feet above the Totallator's upper superstructure. He nervous- ly looks around for hostile fire. As he is halfway across, he makes another radio report. Gamma 4(into radio):"This is Gamma 4. I am halfway over the target. No hostile fire." He keeps the plane on course. After a few moments his plane clears the superstructure and the Caspian Sea is once again beneath him. He quickly looks behind him, then breathes a sign of relief. He makes another radio report. Gamma 4(into radio):"This is Gamma 4. I have cleared the target. I have encountered any hostile fire. Repeat: the target has not retaliated at me." His flight leader radios in moments later. Leader(over radio):"Copy that, Gamma 4. Well done, comrade. Return to formation." Gamma 4(into radio):"Copy that, Gamma 1. Returning to formation." The pilot pulls on the flight stick and his MIG begins to turn towards his flight group in the distance. Central Command The Totallator 7:32 AM: Illanov is now pinned against the lift door by the two INU robots, who hold him securely by the arms. Matrix climbs back into the cockpit with its claws, then steps over to where Illanov is struggling to get free. Matrix:"You are much like my creator: naive to think that it is possible to challenge me." Illanov stops and stares in fear at Matrix, who steps closer and holds a claw up to Illanov's neck. Matrix:"Time to dispose of you." Illanov feels the cold clamp of the claw going around his neck. He is now breathing and sweating heavily, the fear now plain in his eyes. Just as Matrix is about to break his neck, one of the still-attached INU robots makes a report. INU-06:"Radar has detected a large number of scud missiles closing in on the Totallator. Impact imminent." Matrix quickly looks at INU-06, sensing that he had a mistake. The Totallator 7:34 AM: The Totallator is still making its slow progress. Above it, multitudes of Scud missiles come in from the clouds and are rapidly closing the distance. Coming in towards it but keep their distance, are flights of Soviet MIGs and helicopters. The Scuds come within firing range of the ship's defenses, but no gun or missile site retaliates. With no hostile fire to stop them, the Scuds plunge into the Totallator. Massive explo- sions rock the Totallator, the blasts sending large chunks of the superstructure flying through the air. The Totallator lurches violently to one side again, this time at a much steeper angle. As explosions shudder the ship and fires burn out of control everywhere, the aircraft and helicopters begin to move in on the ship. Central Command The Totallator 7:35 AM: The jolts of the explosions knocks Matrix, Illanov and the two INU robots holding him to the floor. Then the Totallator lurches, causing all four of them to slide downward. Illanov grabs hold of one of the still-sitting INU-robots and Matrix digs into the floor plating with his claws. INU-04 and INU-01, however, smash through the windows and tumble down towards the ocean. The ship begins to shudder violently. INU-06:"Reactor shell cracked. Coolant leak detected in outer defense perimeter. INU-05:"Hull compromised. Critical damage to superstructure. All available repair units on full operational status." INU-03:"Propulsion propellers 1 and 2 are at full charge. Propulsion propellor 3 and 6 destroyed. Control loss of propulsion propel- lor 5. Loosing altitude rapidly. Requesting immediate repairs." INU-02:"Thrust engines operational. Control loss to thrusters B5 to L1. Requesting immediate repairs." Outside, the Soviet aircraft, along with missiles fired from submarines, begin to bombard and strafe the underside of the Totallator. Illanov struggles to the window and begins to wave for them. Behind him, Matrix begins to claw towards Illanov. Illanov's waving does not go unnoticed, for a troop helicopter notices him and flies towards the control room. It stops and turns to show the rear-ramp lowered and several KGB commandoes standing there holding AK-47s. Illanov shouts at them. Illanov:"Comrades! Over here!" One of the commandoes sees Matrix crawling behind Illanov. He quickly gets his AK-47's strap off around him and tosses it for Illanov. Commando:"Comrade! Behind you!" Illanov, realizing that Matrix is still with him, grabs the AK-47 and spins around to fire. But his aim is too high and Matrix makes a grab for his one foot. Illanov pulls his foot away and quickly climbs up to the other side of the room. Matrix uses the sides of the windows to climb up himself. Illanov secures himself by the lift tube, takes aim at Matrix and opens fire. Outside, the commandoes in the helicopter also fire on Matrix. But their shots do not work, for the armor plating of Matrix's body construct is able to withstand the bullets' impact. He begins to climb up to where Illanov is. Illanov, seeing Matrix coming up to him, keeps firing even though his shots do not work. After a few seconds, his rifle runs out of ammo. He tries to fire, but all he gets is the click sound of an empty magazine. He then throws the rifle at Matrix, who just slaps it away and keeps crawling up to Illanov. Illanov backs against the lift, looking for a way out. But Matrix has him blocked up, with no way out without coming too close to him. As Matrix stands up and prepares to attack Illanov, Illanov bites his lower lip. Suddenly he yells out and throws himself at Matrix. This move takes Matrix by surprise. Illanov's impact against Matrix causes him to loose his grip and fall backwards. The two of them then tumble out the window and down towards the Caspian Sea below. Caspian Sea 7:40 AM: The waters of the Caspian Sea are being disturbed by large chunks of superstructure breaking away from the Totallator falling off. The submarines on the surface begin to move away from under the Totallator to escape the falling debris. Above in the sky, Matrix and Illanov are falling down towards the ocean below. Illanov is desperately trying to kick himself away from Matrix while Matrix tries to get a firm grab on Illanov. The struggle keeps on until Illanov pushes himself away, only to have Matrix grab hold of his one foot. Just moments after this happens, the two of them splash into the Caspian Sea. There is a short moment before Illanov's head breaks the surface. He gasps for air, then looks around, fearing to see Matrix appear. However, Matrix was below him, sinking towards the bottom holding Illanov's one boot in his claw. As he sinks, the transmitter on his head sends out one final signal. Just as it does this, water seeps into Matrix's body and causes an electrical short which shuts Matrix down. The now-dead body of Matrix sinks deeper towards the ocean floor. Back at the surface, the helicopter carrying the commandoes. Hovers over the water by Illanov and a rope is lowered down. Illanov grabs hold and the helicopter takes off, flying away from the dying Totallator with Illanov being pulled to safety. Warroom NORAD Command Centre United States Of America 11:46 PM: Everyone is watching the screens, holding their breathes as they watch the Totallator die. The ship is now seriously damaged, with smoke billowing from fires burning everywhere. The ship then splashes into the Caspian Sea and begins to sink. Halfway down, there is a massive explosion that rips through the entire superstructure of the ship, causing it to break in half. The two halves then sink beneath the waves of the Caspian Sea, massive clouds of steam and smoke rising from the spot. Everyone in the war room breaks in applause and cheers as they receive the message that the Totallator has indeed been destroyed. At the command terminal, Calloway and Stanford shake each other's hands. Stanford:"Bloody scary, that was." Calloway:"No kidding. For once I'm actually glad the Soviets won a battle. I'd rather have them control the nukes than some kind of crazy computer." Stanford:"Same here." Calloway turns to one of the sub-commanders nearby. Calloway:"Tommy, takes us down to DEFCON 5." Commander:"Yes, sir." As the DEFCON indicator, which was at two, goes back down to five, an officer comes up to Calloway. Officer:"Excuse me, General. The President is on the line." Calloway:"Thank you." Calloway picks up the phone and answers. Calloway:"Calloway... yes, mister President. The target is destroyed. You can break out the Champaign..." Politburo Meeting Room The Kremlin Moscow 20 April 9:00 AM: All the members of the Soviet government, with Gorbachov at the head of the table, are quietly talking between each other. They are all impec- cably dressed and well-groomed. Ceremonial soviet guards are standing behind each of the members. Outside, a ceremonial band is playing the anthem of the Soviet Union. The main doors open and another ceremonial soldier walks in. He stands to attention. Soldier:"Comrade Premier! Presenting Comrade Alexander Illanov!" Gorbachov and the other members stand up, then look to the door as the soldier steps aside. Illanov then comes walking in, wearing a clean, brand-new Soviet uniform with polished medals. He holds his uniform cap under one arm. He stops at the other end of the table and stands to attention. Gorbachov:"Welcome, comrade Illanov. We are pleased to finally meet you in person." Illanov:"Comrade Premier, it is an honor." Gorbachov looks around those at the table. Gorbachov:"Comrades, today we are here to honor and reward a hero of the Soviet Union. He has exposed the plot of the computer Matrix to destroy our country and the whole world, and has defeated this evil using his wits and strength. That hero today is Comrade Alexander Illanov." Gorbachov and the other Politburo applaud for Illanov. After a short applause, they stop to let Gorbachov speak again. Gorbachov:"For his great accomplishments, the people of the Soviet Union is forever grateful for his service to his country. And it is only this is only fitting that he should be rewarded for his bravery." He looks directly at Illanov. Gorbachov:"Of course, we would like to give you a public display of our appreciation, but given the nature of what has happened, this matter is deemed 'classified'." Gorbachov chuckles, as does the Politburo members. Illanov just smiles faintly. Gorbachov picks up two small cases on the table in front of him and steps over to Illanov. Illanov turns to face Gorbachov, still at full attention. Gorbachov:"It is my pleasure to bestow comrade Illanov a special honor upon him." He opens the one case after he puts the other on the table. He takes out a large medal out. It is a golden heart, with the red star with the yellow hammer and sickle of the Soviet Union in the middle. It also has a red ribbon. Gorbachov:"Comrade Alexander Illanov. The Great Defender Of Mother Russia." Gorbachov attaches the medal alongside those already on Illanov's uniform. Once he is done, he salutes Illanov. Illanov salutes back, while the other members stand up and applaud again. Once they stop and sit down again, Gorbachov picks up the other case and looks back at Illanov. Gorbachov:"But a simple medal and a title is not suffienct enough to show our gratitude. Thus, I will now bestow on you something more concrete." He holds the case to Illanov and opens it. Inside are eight golden Soviet stars inside. Gorbachov:"Thus, I hereby promote you to General Alexander Illanov." Gorbachov gives the case, plus the empty one, to Illanov. He takes the two cases and salutes. Gorbachov salutes back, and one again the Soviet Politburo stands up and applauds. Meeting Room Pentagon Washington DC United States of America At That Moment: This is a stately room somewhere inside the Pentagon. The walls are fine marble and wood with the portraits of former US presidents. A large mahogany table stands in the middle of the room with matching chairs. At the table are members of the US Military (including General Calloway), the Secretary of Defense (SOD) and not far from him, Mark Norwood in his EDF uniform. Everyone is looking at files on the table and photos of satellite images of the Totallator. SOD:"So these images are all authenticated?" Calloway:"Yes, sir. Everyone last bit. That thing, apparently called the Totallator, was as real as you and I, sir." SOD:"Have any other images been leaked to the media?" Calloway:"None, sir. We're keeping a huge, air-tight lid on this thing." SOD:"Good. The Russians are doing the same. Even more so. They are just as worried about the panic that come of news that some crazed computer went and stole nukes and nearly triggered off World War III." The SOD puts down the photos, then looks over at Norwood. SOD:"Mister Norwood, how come is it that the EDF was unable to detect this 'Totallator', as well as this Matrix and his plans to wipe us all out?" Norwood looks over at the SOD, waiting for a moment before speaking. Norwood:"Mister Secretary, all our enemies thus far were all living, breathing creatures, both human and otherwise. Matrix was an Artificial Intelligence, so he was far more able to avoid our detecting until the last moment. Also, Matrix was created by a lone, insane scientist in an isolated part of Russia. There was no supervision of his work, not was there any alert of when Matrix killed his creator and escaped. As for the Totallator itself, it was built out of sight under the Caspian Sea and all access to the construction site were from isolated tunnel entrances all over the Soviet Union. As for the nuclear weapons, he had them all stolen just before the launch of the Totallator, giving us little time to properly investigate this matter, to discover what he was doing and how we were to stop him. It was not unlike the issue with Nuclear Storm, where nuclear weapons were stolen over a period of several years." SOD:"Basically Matrix undermined the abilities of the EDF to counter his plans, right?" Norwood:"Yes, Mister Secretary." SOD:"You do realize this does not put the EDF in a good light." Norwood:"I understand, sir, but please consider this: the Earth Defense Force is still struggling to rebuild itself after the KH Military attacked our headquarters and killed much of experienced staff 5 years ago. We have recovered our numbers, but we still lack experienced men. We are also still rebuilding our computer networks and systems, and we had lost much data in the attack. Our abilities today is still only half of what it was before the attack." SOD:"I have read the report about that attack, and I understand your dilemma. So, answer me this honestly: if the EDF was not attacked back then, would it have been able to stop Matrix in time?" Norwood is silent for a moment as all eyes on him, then he answers. Norwood:"There would have been a chance he would still have gotten away from us, but the chances of us finding him and stopping him would also have been much greater as well." There are nods and murmurs of agreement around the table. The SOD leans back in his chair. SOD:"Very well. You've convinced me, Norwood. I'll write the report on matter saying the EDF still suffered from the setbacks it got and that it lacked the abilities to stop a foe like this Matrix. All I need you to do in return to make sure this Totallator matter is kept top secret." Norwood:"Yes, Mister Secretary, we will." Dining Room Yenko Residence Moscow 10:43 AM: This is a modest but tidy dining room. It has a large, fine dining table with matching chairs. A simple chandelier hangs from the ceiling, while some good curtains drapes the large window on the one side of the room. The table is covered with a table cloth, and some fine hot foods and good vodka is served on the table. Yenko, some friends and their wifes are seated, talking to each other. As they do, Sasha comes in escorting Illanov. As soon as the others see him, they smile, stand up and applaud. Yenko:"Here's to our local hero. Have a seat, Alex." Illanov:"Thank you, Yenko." Illanov takes a seat at the head of the table, while Sasha sits down next to her husband. They then all lift their vodka glasses into the air. Yenko:"For our new GENERAL Illanov and to victory for Mother Russia!" All:"To victory!" They all clink their glasses, then take a sip of the vodka. Once they put down the glasses, Sasha looks at them. Sasha:"Eat up, ladies and gentlemen. The food is very good." Everyone begins to eat. One of the other friends looks at Illanov. Friend 1:"So how did it go at the ceremony?" Illanov:"Oh, they promoted me and gave me this medal. Of course, they told me it is all top secret." The friend laughs. Friend 1:"As always. Did the Premier himself award it to you?" Illanov:"In person. And he put it on himself." Friend 2:"You are one lucky man, comrade. We've only managed to bride a little of the information of what had happened, but that was enough to tell us this was serious." Illanov:"Very serious, comrade. Matrix would have turned this world into a nuclear waste." Yenko:"Speaking of. We got some papers on that Matrix. Seems some crazy man in Siberia built him, then it went nuts on him for some reason. I can show it to you later. That, and other papers." Illanov:"More smuggling, Yenko?" Yenko nods and grins. Yenko:"Dah, and especially now that you are this highly ranked. We can now get more and better weaponry and make large sums of money." Illanov just sighs and shakes his head at Yenko, smiling a little. Illanov:"You never change, much like the Politburo." Everyone around the table laughs. As they resume eating and chatting, Illanov notices something. Illanov:"Where is Andropov?" Yenko:"The coward fled the country the moment the KGB was on our backs about the train. He's probably relaxing on a beach somewhere, staring at skinny-dipping girls." Illanov chuckles. Illanov:"That's him. Oh well, I never did like him much." Yenko:"Me neither. Say, how about you tell us the full story about what had happened between you and Matrix? We'll keep it secret among us." Illanov:"Sure, comrades." He begins to tell them the story of the battle between him and Matrix. Illanov's and Vicki's Quarters Road Rover Mission Control New Mexico United States Of America Present Day: This is the private quarters of Illanov and his wife Vicki. There is a queen-size bed here, along with a dresser, desk, chairs, closets and the personal effects from either of the couple. Illanov is standing by his own closet, looking into a mirror built on the inside of the closet door. He is wearing his uniform sans decorations and is well kept for a formal occasion. He is staring down at the Great Defender medal resting in his paw. He sighs. Illanov:"So long ago. So much changed." Just then Vicki comes walking out of the bathroom. She is wearing a sparkling red dress and shoes and carrying a matching purse. She looks over at Illanov. Vicki:"Come on, Dear. We'll be late for our own little date." Illanov looks up into the mirror, seeing Vicki's reflection in it. He smiles a bit. Illanov:"Sometimes for the better." He puts the medal into its case in the closet, then closes the door. He walks over to Vicki and presents his arm. Illanov:"Shall we, Dear?" Vicki giggles and takes his arm. Vicki:"Let's, Dear." The couple walk to the door. Illanov opens the door and Vicki goes out first. Illanov then follows her out, turns off the light and closes the door. THE END