Rover Strike: Vanguard Episode 5: Italian Strike By Gerhard Naudé All Rover Strike names © Gerhard Naudé All Road Rovers names © Warner Brothers and rightful owners Thorn, Raine, Casa Lupo Residents © Kristen Coughlan Any question, comments, complaints, feedback or suggestions can be sent to THE ECONOMIST SPIKE IN OIL PRICE FOLLOWING BAYTOWN ATTACK The assault on the Baytown Oil Refinery in the United States has sent oil prices soaring to record levels following the incident. Oil traded at almost $200 per barrel as more details emerged of the extent of the damage to one of America's biggest oil refineries... TIME MAGAZINE CONDEMNATION OF ROAD ROVERS FOLLOWING BAYTOWN The Road Rovers have come under fire following the Baytown Incident in which their efforts to defend the Baytown Refinery caused more damage to the facility than the actual attack. Many high profile officials in government and the oil industry have condemned the Rovers for their lack of restraint... THE WASHINGTON TIMES CONGRESS CALLS FOR ACTION AFTER BAYTOWN INCIDENT Members of Congress today called on the White House to respond following the recent incident at the Baytown Refinery, where much of the facility was destroyed in a fire caused by the Road Rovers. Republican Chief Whip Tom Vermont said that the irresponsible actions of the Road Rovers have... BBC HEADLINE NEWS UNITED NATIONS TO HOLD MEETING ON BAYTOWN INCIDENT Following a request by Special Envoy Ian Macmillan the United Nations Security Council will hold an emergency meeting later this week to discuss the UN's ongoing support of the Road Rovers following the attack on the Baytown Refinery in the United States... The Master's Quarters Road Rover Headquarters United States of America 29 June 9:22 AM: Seated around a table in the Master's own living room is Striker, Phoenix, Tanarus, Elexis and the Master himself. The Master is looking at Tanarus and Elexis, leaning forward. Master:"Right. Tell me about this from the beginning. Don't rush." Tanarus and Elexis look at each other and nod before looking back at the Master. Tanarus:"Very well, Master. Elexis and I really need the help, so we might as well be forward about this." Master:"For the best, I agree. Go on." Tanarus:"Okay, Master. Striker has probably brought you up to speed about General Stalker's estranged family and relatives with whom we keep contact with. Particularly Tosca, right?" Master:"The female wolf-sapien who was apparently Stalker's mate and who got put into a coma by the Vanguard. I'm up to date on her." Tanarus:"There's a problem: a few days ago she was abducted from the Seattle hospital where she was kept." The Master sits up straight. Master:"By whom?" Elexis:"According to Roz and Riptide, who were taking care of Tosca, it was definitely the Vanguard." Phoenix gasps. Phoenix:"That's terrible!" Striker:"How sure is this Roz and Riptide?" Elexis:"Riptide was one of the first cano-sapiens created by the Vanguard. They tried to train him as a soldier, but he wasn't very much into it and eventually he faked his own death to escape. So he would definitely recognize some of the faces." Master:"So they, and you, are sure the Vanguard have taken Tosca." Tanarus:"Yes, Master." Master:"Where are Roz and Riptide now?" Tanarus:"They're still in Seattle, hiding. They're worried that the Vanguard might come after them." Master:"In that case, I think we should bring them back here for safety and hear their side of the story. I'll let you borrow the Sonic Rover to go and pick them up." Tanarus:"Thank you, Master." Striker:"Will you need assistance, Tanarus? Phoenix and I could come along and help." Tanarus:"We would appreciate that. We're not sure if Roz and Riptide have shaken off the Vanguard or they are still being followed." Striker:"In daai geval, we really should come along. You and Elexis go and get the Sonic Rover ready. Phoenix, go get our weapons." Master:"Yes, you'd all better get moving." The Rovers all get up and start leaving, but the Master gets up and stops Striker. Master:"Just a moment, Striker. I need to speak to you." Striker:"Wat is it, Professor?" Master:"I got a message from Norwood. He's been unable to answer my calls, did find a brief window to send an email from the United Nations." Striker:"Bad news?" Master:"Very much. The United Nations is turning against over the Baytown affair, and Norwood is having a hard time trying to turn things around. He fears, and I share that fear, that the next General Assembly vote will completely cut our funding." Striker is shocked. Striker:"Wat! They cannot do that! That would be a disaster!" Master:"I know, but Norwood fears that can happen. He's tried to convince the UN member states to keep supporting our cause, but Special Envoy Ian McMillan is wasting no time in blocking every effort to defend ourselves." Striker:"Who is McMillan? His name keeps coming up whenever we discuss the Vanguard and the UN is the same sentence." Master:"I have no idea, but he is the most vocal critic of the Road Rovers and very politically savvy. If anyone can turn the UN against us it would be him. Worse, if the United Nations votes for a new Secretary-General when Norwood's term expires, his name is likely to be on top of the list." Striker groans and covers his face with his paws. Striker:"I have a headache now. I'll try and speak to Mark personally about this matter." Master:"Yes, but later. For now, go and help Tanarus and Elexis." Striker:"Reg, Professor." Striker leaves the room. The Master sits back down in his chair and sighs out deeply. Laboratory Vanguard Complex Unknown Location At That Moment: Hawkins is again out of his chamber, doing some more exercises under the supervision of several scientists. He is wearing a heat set to conduct phone calls while working out. Hawkins(into phone):"So the Security Council is going to vote our way?... Great! Make sure they cut off everything. I want the Road Rovers dead in the water... Good, and Norwood? What is he doing?... Aha! Work that point over. It should come in handy later this year... Good, keep it up. Cheers." Hawkins ends the call and stops exercising to dial another a number. He resumes his workout as he makes a second call. Hawkins(into phone):"Vanderberg? Hawkins here. How are things in Rome?... Good, and our friend?... Still reluctant, is he? Just hammer home that little issue a few times and he will get the idea... He's got no choice, really. He screws his and others will suffer for it... Right, and what about River?... She's in place? Excellent. Have her stay there while you oversee the Casa Lupo operation. And tell River not to screw this one up. It will be the most important coup for the Vanguard to date... You'd better... Right, keep me informed. Cheers." He ends the call and stops working out to let some of the scientists do a check-up on his pulse and breathing rate. Town Hall Casa Lupo Northern Italy 30 June 10:03 AM: The town hall of Casa Lupo is a simple, open structure with a stage at the one end and a tiled-floor in the rest. On the stage a long table has been set while rows of chairs are on the main floor. A number of the village residents are milling around, taking their seats or chatting with one another. On the stage are some of the leadership of both Casa Lupo and the KH Military. At the moment Stalker, Trigger and Thorn are talking to one another. Thorn:"I'm glad you agreed to this meeting, Stalker. The residents of Casa Lupo have been complaining a lot lately about the outpost and your forces stationed there." Stalker:"I've been getting reports about the behavior of some of the troopers here and I think that discipline is called for here. That's why my brother and I came here personally to sort these matters out. We cannot afford to lose this outpost." Thorn:"You will have your work cut out for you, Stalker. The residents were up in arms even before the recent incidents." One of the residents, a black and brown wolf, overhears the conversation and turns to shout. Kato:"Up in arms? They killed my flock of sheep and pigs! And my prized ram worst of all!" Everyone looks at the upset wolf. Thorn:"Yes, we heard you Kato. We will try and resolve your grievances." Kato:"They'd better!" Stalker looks back at Thorn. Stalker:"I'm sure we can smooth out matters." Trigger:"Malcolm might protest, though." Stalker:"He always protests. I sometimes wonder whether he really wants to fund the KH Military or not." Voice:"Ahem, excuse me sir." The trio turn their attention to the source of the voice. Standing at attention and saluting is a male Eurasian Wolf dressed in Jump Trooper armor and the name "MAJOR TUNSTALL" on his chest. Stalker:"Yes, Major?" Tunstall:"Begging your pardon, but I have some very important information to discuss with you personally." Stalker nods and turns to Trigger and Thorn. Stalker:"I will only be a minute." Stalker and Tunstall walk off to one side. Stalker:"What is it, Major?" Tunstall:"General, our scouts in Rome were busy looking for any possible Vanguard sightings when one of our surveillance drones caught this individual on camera. I think you may recognize her." Tunstall offers a folder to Stalker. Stalker takes it, confused. Stalker:"Who is it, Major?" Tunstall:"See for yourself, sir. You wouldn't believe me otherwise." Stalker opens the folder and looks at the photos contained within. As he scans the photos his eyes widen and his jaw drops. He takes a minute to look the pictures over before looking up at Tunstall. Stalker:"Is... is this really her?" Tunstall:"We've confirmed it with Eta Squadron. It is her, General." Stalker:"You the location of this building in the photo?" Tunstall:"We've scouted it out already. It seems to be some kind of healthcare apartment." Stalker:"And she's there right now?" Tunstall:"Yes, sir. And there isn't anybody else there aside from the nursing staff. A lone security guard, but no serious opposition we've seen." Stalker nods and looks back down at the photos. He runs his fingers over them while behind him Trigger is glancing every now and then at him. The wolf then looks back up at Tunstall. Stalker:"Tunstall, can you take me to her?" Tunstall:"I can do that, sir. But going there with a big entourage might catch the attention of the Vanguard or the Italian authorities." Stalker:"What if just you and I go, incognito and in civvies?" Tunstall:"That can work, sir." Stalker:"Very well. Go find us some clothes and then meet me at the front gate." Tunstall:"Yes, Supreme General." As Tunstall leaves Stalker goes up to Trigger. Stalker:"Brother, I need to leave for Rome urgently. Will you take over for me here?" Trigger(surprised):"I can, but why are you going to Rome?" Stalker:"I... I cannot say at the moment. Hopefully I can tell you when I return. I won't be long." Before Trigger can ask anything else, Stalker quickly turns around and leaves the hall. Thorn looks confused at Trigger. Thorn:"Where's Stalker going?" Trigger:"I have no idea. He said he had some urgent business to attend to in Rome, but I can't imagine what he would be looking for there. Especially the Vanguard and the Italian government on our tails." Thorn:"So suddenly? But we still got the meeting to do." Trigger:"I'll handle it. I just hope he isn't long." Thorn nods, but he looks unconvinced. Thorn:"I'm not sure about it, Trigger. I see his bodyguards are still here in the hall." Trigger blinks and looks. Standing by the entrance is a squad of Lambda Troopers. Trigger:"What the...? Is he going alone?" Thorn:"He left with just that Major Tunstall." Trigger:"I'd better talk to the bodyguards." As Trigger walks towards the Lambda Troopers, Thorn goes to one side and whispers something to his daughter Raine. She nods and quickly leaves the hall. At the same Trigger approaches the lead bodyguard. Trigger:"Lieutenant Grisham, did the Supreme General tell you not to escort him to Rome?" Grisham salutes and then nods. Grisham:"Yes, General. The Supreme General is going with Major Tunstall to Rome and we were ordered to stay put." Trigger:"Did he really say that?" Grisham:"Yes, sir. And it concerns me, if I may be honest sir." Trigger:"Do you feel you need to follow him?" Grisham:"Yes, sir." Trigger:"Then you have my permission to do so. Follow the Supreme General but at a discreet distance and make sure nothing happens to him." Grisham:"Yes, sir!" Grisham barks some orders at the other troopers and they all leave the hall. Trigger goes back to the stay to rejoin Thorn. Boom's Blacksmith Casa Lupo 10:13 AM: This is a square stone building located in the centre of the village, with a large forge and chimney attached to the side. The inside of the blacksmith looks much like a shop with tables groaning under a variety of work tools, farming implements, machine parts and even a partly rebuilt GONV nullifier drone. A pair of wolves are by the forge, one of them sporting a fur pattern strikingly similar to that of General Stalker. The other wolf is wearing a blacksmith's apron and a pair of thick gloves over his regular clothes. He is a mix of wolf and coyote, with grey fur and reddish highlights. This is Boom. He approaches the other wolf, holding a quiver of crossbow bolts. The first wolf doesn't notice him, looking towards the nearby KH outpost. Boom:"Here you go, Blake. A fresh quiver for you." The wolf called Blake snaps out of it and turns to the blacksmith, taking the quiver. Blake:"Thank you. I really wish I couldn't impose on you like this, but I couldn't go back to Canada to get my own quivers after the KH and the Vanguard were both there." Boom:"Nah, that's all right with me. Casa Lupo wolves needs to stick together." Blake:"Especially now what is going on here recently." Boom:"Speaking of which, it was very risky of you to come here, Blake. Stalker is here today and might recognize you if he saw you. In fact, he's in the town hall right now with most of the other residents." Blake:"I'm aware of that, but I had no real choice but to come here. Aside from the quiver I have other business to attend to here as well." Boom:"Just keep your head down and don't draw attention. The KH lower ranks have been causing us a lot of trouble lately." Blake nods. He spots the drone through the window and gestures to it. Blake:"Where did you get that?" Boom:"Oh, the robot? I bought it from a scrap dealer who said I can have it for a song. I plan to fix it up and reprogram it to be my personal assistant." Blake:"It looks like one of those robots belong to the GONV." Boom:"Yeah, Europe was littered with their hulks after the Techno War. Most of them were broken up or melted down once the war ended, but there are still some bits and pieces about like that fellow." Just then Raine comes running up towards Blake. Raine:"Blake! There you are." Blake:"Hi, Raine. You looking for me?" Raine:"Thorn sent me to tell you that your father is leaving for Rome on his own." Blake is surprised. Blake:"Alone? No bodyguards or support?" Raine:"Just him and a major named Tunstall. Stalker looked rather upset about some news Tunstall brought him and he told Trigger to take over the town meeting for him while he goes to Rome." Blake:"What was the news about?" Raine:"I have no idea, but it was enough for my father to alert you about it." Blake:"When are they leaving?" Raine:"Right away. I think you'd better follow them." Blake:"You're right. I better follow my father and see what is up." Raine:"Take care, Blake. And be careful." Blake:"I will, thanks." Blake leaves Boom's shop and heads for the village carpool. Rome Italy 14:17 PM: This part of Rome is mostly filled with old apartment buildings and parks with the odd office or shop in between. A few people walk here and there, with a lone homeless man sitting near to some steps. A single unmarked jeep is driving along the mostly empty streets towards a cluster of apartment buildings. Inside is Tunstall in the driver's seat and Stalker on the passenger side. Both of them are wearing nondescript civilian clothing. Stalker looks at the looming buildings ahead. Stalker:"Is she in there?" Tunstall:"Yes, sir. I'll pull up to the front and we can go in." Stalker simply nods. As they pull up, stop the vehicle and get out, the nearby homeless man looks at them and puts his fingers to his one ear. Homeless:"They're here." Stalker and Tunstall go into the apartment building and begin to climb a flight of stairs. Stalker looks around. Stalker:"I don't see anyone around." Tunstall:"This place has a reputation, sir. The residents don't like to ask too many questions." Stalker:"I see." Tunstall leads them to one floor and then down a corridor. They come to one door. Tunstall:"She's in here, sir." Stalker:"Do we knock?" Tunstall:"Let me check, sir." Tunstall tests the door handle. The door is unlocked and it swings open with a creaking noise. Tunstall:"Intel said they keep the door unlocked for emergencies." Stalker:"Who are 'they'?" Tunstall:"The people taking care of her. Come, sir." Tunstall heads inside, followed by Stalker. The apartment inside is a bit sparse, with few furniture. Tunstall goes to the bedroom and comes back out again. Tunstall:"Here she is, sir." Stalker quickly goes into the bedroom and Tunstall steps aside to let him through. Lying on a bed and hooked up to a machine that keeps her alive, is Tosca. She is still in a coma. Stalker gasps and moves over to the side of her bed. He kneels down, takes her paw and looks at her closed eyes. Stalker:"Tosca?" He squeezes her paw, but there is no movement from her aside from her steady breathing. Stalker:"It's me. Stalker." Voice:"She's not going to wake up, you know." Startled by this new voice, Stalker quickly looks to the doorway and finds River standing there, flanked by Vanguard N-Ops and several Task Operators. The Task Operators are wearing Proto-N Battle Armor, which are bulkier, more armoured versions of the regular Proto-L with black and navy blue colouring. The Vanguard insignia is on their shoulders. They are carrying large rifles with rotating barrels and energy packs attached to them. These are Crystal Guns. River and the soldiers all point their weapons at Tunstall and Stalker. River:"You walked right into this one, General. No way you're getting away this time." Stalker is shocked. Stalker:"Jinx? What are you doing here?" River laughs. River:"Wrong guess. Get him." Stalker quickly jumps to his feet and prepares to fire bolts of elec- tricity at River, but the N-Ops act first. They fire their neutralizers at Stalker, immediately weakening him and preventing him from attacking. Stalker:"Arg! What... is this?! Tunstall... ugh..." He collapses to his knees, exhausted and drained. Two Task Operators rush forward and force him flat on the floor. They then bind his wrists together with plastic cuffs. Another Task Operator approaches Tunstall, who doesn't resist as he is cuffed as well. River walks over to Stalker, kneels down and grabs his muzzle. River:"The name's River, and I'm Jinx's twin." Stalker looks at her with wide, but tired, eyes. Stalker:"H... how?" River:"Really father. You of all wolves should know." She stands up and turns to the soldiers. River:"Take them out to the courtyard and call for extraction." Soldiers:"Yes, Ma'am!" The Task Operator begin dragging Stalker out of the room, followed by Tunstall being escorted out. Stalker manages to catch a last glance of Tosca before he is taken out. River goes over to Tosca and looks at her. She then glances at the machine. River:"You won't need this anymore. We're done with you." She switches the machine off and it goes dead. River:"Don't worry, Tosca. You'll be dead in a short while." She chuckles and begins to follow the wolves out of the apartment. Just as they step outside the apartment another figure appears at the top of the stairs. It is Blake, armed with a loaded modern crossbow. River and the soldiers stop dead in their tracks. River:"You!" Stalker:"B... Blake?" Blake:"Hang on, father!" Blake raises his crossbow and fires at River. Immediately two Task Ops step in front of her and stop the bolt with their thick armor. They return fire, firing bolts of red energy back at Blake. Blake ducks back into the stairwell to shield himself from the shots smashing into the walls. River quickly looks around. River:"How the h*** did he follow us here? And why didn't the watch alert us?" She then spots something through a window at the opposite end of the corridor. River:"A fire escape! Quick, follow me!" The group quickly pulls back, covered by the two Task Ops still firing back at Blake. Blake fires a few bolts back, but can't take the oppor- tunity to aim properly due to the suppressing fire. River shoots out the window leading the fire escape and her team begin to head outside while the Task Ops provide cover. Blake uses a break in the firing to quickly rush towards the open apartment door. He ducks in just as the Task Operators fire again, blasting apart the wooden door frame. As Blake readies his crossbow he spots Tosca through the bedroom door. He gasps and quickly rushes over to look inside her room. He sees that the machine keeping her alive is switched off and rushes over to turn it back on. He sighs with relief when the machine gets back online and gets back to keeping Tosca alive. Blake:"I'll be back for you, mother." He rush back to the apartment entrance and peeks outside. Just in time he sees the last two Task Ops go up the fire escape. Blake runs down the corridor and looks outside. River's group is halfway up the steps while a Condor helicopter, flanked by four Mosquitoes, is approaching the apartment. Blake quickly gets onto the fire escape and climbs up the steps. He climbs as fast as he can and reaches the rooftop, only to be forced into cover from the Task Ops firing back at him. River and the others pile Stalker and Tunstall into the Condor. River:"That's it! Let's go!" The Task Ops rush to the Condor and get in. Blake takes this chance to get onto the rooftop and rush for the Condor. But the helicopter is already taking off. Stalker sees Blake and shouts to him. Stalker:"Blake!... Your mother! ... save her!" River closes the Condor's door and the helicopter takes off. Blake tries to grab the landing gear, but misses. The wolf can only watch as the flight of choppers fly away over Rome. He growls and stomps his foot in anger. Blake:"Grrr! I can't believe I let them do that!" He suddenly remembers something. Blake:"Mother!" Blake turns around, goes back down the fire escape and into the apartment where Tosca is. He looks her over, making sure she is still alive and unharmed. His ears then perk up when he hears police sirens. Blake:"I better get mother out of here." He goes to close the apartment door and barricades it. Laboratory Vanguard Complex Unknown Location At That Moment: Hawkins is back in his chamber, but he is alone while the scientists around him are off on tea break. There is a beep on his communicator and he answers it. Hawkins(into com):"Hawkins... River, how did it go?... You got him?" Hawkins grins widely. Hawkins(into com):"That's great news!... Tunstall too, eh? Bring them both here... Yes, right away... Good, and congratulations to your team. This will mean bonuses for you all... Well done." He switches the communicator and rubs his paws together in glee. He then quickly dials another number. Hawkins(into com):"Macmillan? Hawkins here... I got good news. The Vanguard has captured KH Military leader General Stalker... Yes, really... Why, thank you. This will be a great coup for us... Yes, do tell the United Nations. I'm sure they will appreciate this bit of news. Even Norwood won't be able to counter it... Yes, do it. And thank you once again." Hawkins shuts off the communicator again and dials another number. This once takes a few moments to be answered. Hawkins(into com):"Vanderberg... Reggie, stop goofing around and listen! We got Stalker... Yes, and River's bringing him to me... Yeah, so are those new units I sent you ready?... Good, you can send them to Casa Lupo right away. I want to know how well they perform against those wolves now that Stalker isn't there... Good, and don't waste time either. Stop gaming and get to work... Good." Hawkins switches off the communicator and takes off the headset. He then chuckles in delight at the good news as the scientists return from their tea break. Town Hall Casa Lupo 18:02 PM: The hall is now mostly empty after most of the residents have gone home. Trigger, Thorn and Raine are on the stage while some of the Lambda Troopers wait off to one side. Trigger:"I hope they have addressed their grievances, Thorn." Thorn:"It did calm them, but it will depend on your forces to keep to the rules we agreed today." Trigger:"Stalker should be able to set up the rules and make sure that they will not be broken. I'll give him a report on the meeting once he gets back." Thorn:"He is taking his time, though. I wonder where he is." Trigger:"I'm sure he is all right." Just then Blake comes in and goes up to the stage. Blake:"I got very bad news. Stalker has been led into a trap and captured by the Vanguard." This immediately gets everyone's attention. They all rush up towards Blake. Trigger:"What! What are you talking about?" Blake:"I followed Stalker and Tunstall into Rome to an old apartment block. They went inside and the Vanguard ambushed them. I tried to rescue them, but the Vanguard managed to escape with them." Trigger:"You're joking! You're making all of this up, right?" Blake:"No, I did not. You can check me up on that." Trigger:"I definitely will!" Trigger quickly rushes out, followed by the Lambda Troopers. Raine and Thorn stay behind with Blake. Blake:"I didn't want to you this in front of Trigger, but the Vanguard used Tosca as bait." Thorn and Raine are stunned. Thorn:"What! They had her?" Blake explains to them how the Vanguard had used Tosca to lure Stalker into a trap to capture him and how they had nearly left her for dead. Raine:"Where is she now?" Blake:"In my jeep. I'm hoping to keep her out of sight until I can call Elexis and have her pick up Tosca." Thorn:"Trigger won't like it if he sees Elexis around here." Blake:"I'll let her pick up Tosca outside of Casa Lupo so the KH doesn't see them both." Thorn:"All right. We'll try and keep her out of sight. Raine, go help Blake get Tosca into bed. Try and find a residence that the KH patrols won't pester, just in case." Raine:"Yes, father. Come on, Blake. Show me where she is." Blake:"Follow me." The two of the run outside, leaving Thorn to ponder the sudden turn of events. Outside the hall Trigger has gotten onto his communicator. Trigger(into com):"This is General Trigger to Lieutenant Grisham. Do you read me?" Grisham(over com):"Yes, sir. I hear you." Trigger(into com):"What is the latest information on Stalker?" There is a pause before Grisham answers. Grisham(over com):"Sir, I have really bad news to report." Trigger feels a pit form in his stomach. Trigger(into com):"What is it?" Grisham(over com):"The Supreme General has been abducted by the Vanguard." Trigger(into com):"What! How? How did that happen?" Grisham(over com):"We had followed the General to an apartment in Rome that he and Captain Tunstall entered. Just as we thought he had taken too long we spotted a Vanguard Condor taking off from the rooftop. We checked the General's tracking device and found that he was on that helicopter." Trigger(into com):"Where did the helicopter go?" Grisham(over com):"No idea, sir. We're trying to get information from the air traffic authorities in Rome at the moment." Trigger groans and covers his face with his paw for a moment before resuming. Trigger(into com):"Very well. See what you can find out from the authorities and then come back here immediately." Grisham(over com):"Yes, sir!" Trigger turns off his communicator before covering his face again, this time with both paws. Command Room Eta Squadron Headquarters Unknown Location At That Moment: The circular command center of the Eta Squadron is a hive of activity with technicians working at every terminal. General Sky is at his own terminal, having listened to the conversation between Trigger and Grisham. He leans back and rubs his chin fur. Sky:"Now this is an interesting development. I must take advantage of this event." Sky leans back in his chair, deep in thought. The Master's Quarters Road Rover Headquarters United States of America 1201 PM: The Master is seated at his desk with a cup of coffee and lots of papers strewn around. Seated opposite him is the Steppe Wolf couple Riptide the and Roz the female. Roz:"... and then Tanarus and Elexis came and picked us up and got us out of Seattle." Riptide:"We really want to thank for giving us shelter here, Mister." Master:"Please, just call me the Master. Or Professor if you like." Riptide:"Of course, Master." Master:"Now, I would like you two to tell me everything about Tosca and this Halluci-Venom that left her in a coma. The information might help us in future against the Vanguard." Roz:"Well, its like this. Tosca was defending her litter from a former Elite Guard tank commander named Servas when she got a direct hit in the head from a dart containing the venom. Despite the healing powers of Sebine's friend Erisa, Tosca fell into a coma." Master:"And Servas?" Roz:"Barbatus, one of Tosca's sons, killed him when his powers manifes- ted. Best not to go into the details of that..." Suddenly Tanarus and Elexis come rushing into the Master's quarters. Tanarus:"Master! Master, we need to talk." The Master quickly turns to the couple. Master:"What is it?" Elexis:"We got a call from Blake just a few minutes ago. He had some incredible news for us." Master:"What is it, then? Spit it out." Tanarus:"General Stalker has been captured by the Vanguard." Both the Master and the Steppe Wolf couple sit up straight with surprise. Master:"Captured? How?" Elexis:"The Vanguard managed to lure Stalker into a trap using Tosca." Roz:"Tosca? They used Tosca as bait?" Elexis:"Yes, they did. The Vanguard had her in an apartment room where they lured Stalker in and then captured him. They then took off before Blake could rescue Stalker, but they left Tosca for dead. He managed to save her." Riptide:"Where is Blake now with Tosca?" Tanarus:"At Casa Lupo for the moment. Blake has asked me and Elexis to come and pick up Tosca and bring her here for safety." Elexis:"But we need your permission, Master." The Master nods. Master:"All right. Bring Tosca here right away, but take Unit STRIKE and the Stealth Rover with you. I don't want you to take chances or attract attention in any way. We got enough trouble already." Tanarus:"Thank you, Master. We'll do so." Master:"Then get going, you two." Tanarus and Elexis thank the Master again before leaving. The Master then turns to Roz and Riptide. Master:"Since you two took care of Tosca I want you to immediate take her into your care the moment they bring her here. I'll also have Professor Hubert and Collin help you." Riptide:"Thank you, Master." Roz:"A trap. So that's why they abducted her. I couldn't figure out exactly why they would want her considering the coma." Riptide:"I thought they wanted to follow up on the tests they did on her. Guess they had other plans." Master:"So it seems, but tell me about the tests anyway." Roz and Riptide nod and begin to tell the Master the story. Holding Cell Vanguard Headquarters Unknown Location: This is a small room with thick metal walls, a single fluorescent light in the ceiling and a reinforced steel door. Tied down to a chair that is bolted to the floor is Stalker, now wearing orange prison fatigues. Heavy straps keep his limbs secure to the chair and a muzzle has been placed on him. Around his neck is an electronic collar designed to keep his powers in check. He looks up when he hears the door being unlocked and opened. In walks Hawkins, now wearing his old EDF uniform that has been modified to accommodate his mutation. Hawkins smiles. Hawkins:"Ah, the notorious General Stalker. So glad to finally meet you face to face." Stalker frowns and growls through the muzzle. Hawkins:"Apologies for the muzzle, but you look like the sort who can bite." Stalker keeps growls, though less this time. Hawkins stands in front of Stalker, arms folded accross his chest. Hawkins:"Were you glad to have seen Tosca? I hope you got a good glimpse of her, because she's probably dead by now. Not that I care. She's a vegetable and useless to me." Stalker struggles against the binds, but they keep him firmly in place. Hawkins continues. Hawkins:"And now you're in my grasp, Stalker. Once the world hears about this the Vanguard will take its rightful place on the world stage. And your KH Military will be easy pickings, since your brother Trigger will be put in charge and according to our intel he isn't as good at running the whole operation as you are." Stalker stops struggling, exhausted by effort and panting through the muzzle. Hawkins:"And once that is done, you'll be taking the place of honor in the Vanguard that Tosca once had." This makes Stalker look back up at Hawkins. Hawkins:"We ran some experiments on her using Halluci-Venom, but as you saw it ended less than satisfactory. Since you're a stronger specimen, we should see some good results. Results that will help improve the Vanguard's own sapien army's abilities." Stalker glares at Hawkins, who is turning around and begins to leave. Hawkins:"Suchong will be here soon to do some checks to see what we can do with you, then it will time for your big debut before the world's media. That should be quite a show." Hawkins laughs and leaves the room. Stalker can only squirm and utter muffled growls as the door closes and locks. Stalker stops moving, then lowers his head as he begins to mourn Tosca's passing, tears rolling down his cheeks. Railway Line Northern Italy 31 June 4:43 AM: This is a single railway track snaking its way through the hilly terrain of northern Italy. All of the signal lights are red, indicating that no trains are to be moving on this track. But one train is on the move on the tracks: a single, sleek black engine is pulling four unmarked wagons that look like large shipping containers. A lone light shines from the cockpit of the engine, where an engineer is driving the train. He is on a cellphone. Driver(into phone):"Mister Vanderberg? This is Engine Five. I'm arriving at the GPS coordinates you've given me... Very well, sir. I will stop here and open the wagons. You can then take over... About ten minutes, sir... Yes, sir. Engine Five out." The driver pushes a button on the control panel in front of him. The engine shuts down and activates its brakes. Slowly it comes to a stop near an open field. Once the train has come to a rest, the driver pushes another button. The wagon doors all slide open and ramps are lowered from the openings. A few minutes later bright lights start to shine from inside the wagons. It is followed by the sound of whirring blades and heavy thuds. Then, coming out of the wagons, appear a large number of Vanguard robots. These consist of several HECUs, platoons of LICUs and and a large group of Seeker Drones. An LICU (LIght Combat Unit) is a bipedal robot half the size of their bigger counterparts and less bulky. One hand is a claw and the other is a belt-fed machine gun. Each LICU has a single eye slot in their heads. Seeker Drones are flying drones held in the air by four small rotors. Underneath each Seeker is an autogun with a pair of small rocket pods on either side. All the robots have the Vanguard insignia on them. The robots gather in the field and then proceed to march out into the wilderness while the train wagons close up and the engine starts up again. Casa Lupo Northern Italy 7:11 AM: The village and the outpost are both in the process of waking to the new day. The residents of the village are going about their morning routines, while at the outpost the troopers have gathered in neat parades for in- spection by their superior officers. Inside the outpost's communication hut, a square concrete building with many dishes and antennae on top, General Trigger is holding a video conference. On the screens are the faces of Wolfeye, Black, Thrax, Sky and Malcolm. All of them except for Sky have concerned looks on their faces. Wolfeye:"So we have no idea where the Vanguard took Stalker?" Trigger:"None. I've asked Sky and the Eta Squadron to track him down, but so far they haven't found anything yet." Sky:"It was on rather short notice, sir. I'm still getting the resources and wolf power together to conduct the investigation." Black:"Not really in a hurry are you, Sky?" Thrax:"This is serious! If news got out the KH Military would look weak before the whole world, especially to our enemies!" Trigger:"Right, so do you all have suggestions on what action we should take?" Sky:"General Trigger, until Stalker is rescued, if at all, you will have to take over the reigns of the KH Military." Trigger looks sharply at Sky. Trigger:"Tell me that is a joke, General Sky." Sky:"I'm not joking at all, General Trigger. You are the second-in-command the KH Military and thus should take Stalker's place now that he is a prisoner of the Vanguard." Malcolm:"He's right, Trigger. Word of Stalker's capture will soon spread throughout the KH Military and the world, and you're going to have to show everyone that you have the organization under control." Black:"Is that wise? Trigger can run his Delta Squadron all right, but the whole of the KH Military?" Sky:"I'm certain Supreme General Trigger will be more than up to the task." Black frowns at Sky, but Sky ignores him and turns to Trigger. Sky:"Of course, me and the other generals will be more than happy to provide you with any assistance in running the KH Military." Trigger leans back and sighs. Trigger:"Very well. I am assuming full command of the KH Military until my brother is rescued. Any objections?" Trigger looks around at the screens, but they all just shake their heads. Trigger:"Good. Since I'm not really fond of being in command, I will appoint one of you as my second-in-command for the time being." Malcolm:"And who will have that honor?" Trigger:"I believe General Sky will be a good choice." Sky:"Thank you, Supreme General Trigger." However, General Black is clearly upset by this choice. Black:"What! Why Sky? He is the most junior of us and he doesn't have the amounts of experience the rest of us have!" Trigger:"I know, but General Sky has proven that he is very intelligent and good at organization. Those skills are not my strongest features, and so Sky will simply handle the day-to-day opera- tions of the KH Military and let me deal with more pressing concerns." Black:"I still protest! Sky is not fit to be second-in-command!" Trigger:"Why not, General?" Black:"Because I'm not sure if he has the best interests of the KH Military at heart." Sky:"Why, such accusations General Trigger. Are you jealous?" Black:"Jealous?! Why you...!" Trigger:"That's enough! The decision is made. I am taking over leadership of the KH Military and General Sky will be my second-in-command. Any objections?" Nobody raises any objections, but Black keeps growling softly while glaring harshly at Sky. Meanwhile by the river running through Casa Lupo Blake has just emerged from a small house with drawn curtains. Boom and Raine are standing on the porch in front of the house. Blake:"There, Tosca is settled in. Spurlock is going to keep an eye on her." Boom:"Did you get her equipment set up?" Blake:"Yes, they're all up and running." Boom:"I hope that generator is enough?" Blake:"Yes, it is. Thanks, Boom, but I don't think we'll be needing it for very long. Elexis should be arriving soon." Raine:"I've had some wolves scout out a landing zone for them out in the hills. Hopefully the KH Military won't spot your friends when they land there." Blake:"Good. We don't need any attention." Raine:"Did Spurlock notice anything with Tosca? His powers let him scan someone and see what's wrong?" Blake shakes his head sadly. Blake:"Besides that she is in a coma? No, he couldn't see anything new." Raine folds her ears back sadly. Raine:"How sad. I was hoping he might spot a clue to how to get her out of that coma." Boom:"Don't give up yet. Spurlock is quite good and just needs time to do his work." Blake:"True, but for now all we can do is wait." Raine and Boom nod in agreement as they walk away from the house. As they walk Raine looks at Blake. Raine:"This may not help much, but father sent Montecore, Spitfire and Pinpoint out to Rome to see if they can't locate a Vanguard outpost in the city and maybe find some clues to Stalker's location." Blake:"Have you tried asking Jude to help?" Raine:"I thought of him immediately. He's helping them via cell phone as he scans the city with his power." Blake:"Every little bit helps, Raine. I don't know how successful they will be, since I know the Vanguard have probably taken Stalker out of Italy by now. But maybe Montecore will get lucky. Might I suggest having Jude and Nesta help them out in case they find something?" Suddenly Blake stops both Raine and Boom as he looks with wide eyes out at the horizon. Boom:"Something wrong?" Blake:"That glint... just above the treeline." Raine and Boom look towards the forest beyond the village. Just above the trees sunlight is being reflected off an object hovering above the trees. A lone Seeker is observing both the village and the outpost from a safe height and distance. Cafeteria Business District Rome At That Moment: This is an upscale cafeteria located at the corner of one of Rome's busy intersections. It consists of three stories, with the third story having a balcony with a good view. A number of people are here, mostly to chat and have a quick bite or drink. But off to one side is a lone figure on a lap- top with a small dish attached. It is Reggie Vanderberg. The table where he is sitting has several empty cans of soda and some magazines on it. On his lap is a touch-sensitive tablet while on the laptop screen are two windows: one shows an overhead satellite view of Casa Lupo and the KH Outpost and the other a live feed from the hovering Seeker's camera. Reggie:"Okay, looks like nobody there has seen us coming. Time to come a knocking." A waiter approaches Reggie. Waiter:"Would you like anything else, sir?" Reggie shakes his head. Reggie:"Nah, I'm good. Thanks." Waiter:"Very well, sir." The waiter leaves. Reggie taps on the tablet with his fingers. On the screen a large number of blue dots appear all around Casa Lupo and the outpost. Casa Lupo: Blake, Raine and Boom are still trying to make out what is making the sun reflect in the woods. Boom:"It looks metal to me. Maybe its one of the KH Military's toys?" Raine:"I've never seen that around here before, even after the outpost was put up." Suddenly Blake notices something in the forest below the object. At first it looks like a group of shadows moving amongst the trees, but a few seconds later the LICUs and HECUs emerge from the forest, marching towards the village and the outpost. Blake's eyes widen. Blake:"We got trouble! Look!" Raine and Boom spot the robots coming towards their village. Raine:"Uh oh! Please tell me that's KH Military." Blake:"No, those are Vanguard robots! Raise the alarm!" The three of them split up and run off to alert the others. Inside the outpost's communication hut now Supreme General Trigger has just finished his conference when a battle trooper frantically rushes up to him. Trooper:"Sir! We've got hostiles!" Trigger looks at the trooper, ears perking and eyes alert. Trigger:"ID?" Trooper:"Large group of incoming robotic drones positively ID'd as Vanguard, sir!" Trigger:"Get everyone on the alert and get our defenses up! Quickly!" Trooper:"Yes, sir!" Trigger and his Lambda Trooper bodyguards rush outside. Alarms sound all around Casa Lupo. The KH troopers rush to their posts and get their weapons while the village males (and some females) rush to their own defenses and getting the defenseless to basements. The robots close in and start the battle with a volley of rockets fired from the HECUs. The rockets strike the outpost's Rotor-Turrets, taking down the automated ground defenses in the first attack. Other rockets rain down randomly on the village, blasting holes into roofs and exploding several vehicles in huge fireballs. The villagers and troopers take cover and begin firing back. The HECUs take the lead and absorb the incoming bullets while the lighter LICUs hide behind their bigger brothers for protection and return fire. The Seekers begin flying over Casa Lupo in strafing runs. Thorn rallies the villagers. Thorn:"To arms everyone! We're under attack! Keep them away from the pups and storehouses!" He cocks his shotgun and rushes forward to a small section of a stone wall for cover. He ducks down before coming up and firing some buckshot at the incoming robots. At the outpost Trigger rallies the troopers to their stations, getting his chainguns equipped and his armored suit charged up. Trigger:"Push them back! Do not let them reach the outpost!" Trigger takes the lead and opens fire with both chainguns at the approaching machines. Soon a full scale battle ensues between the two forces. The Vanguard robots push on, not bothered by all the gunfire being directed at them. While the battle starts raging, not too far off the Stealth Rover is flying towards Casa Lupo's direction. Inside the cockpit is Unit STRIKE, with Elexis at the flight controls. Traveling with them is Chester and Firefly. Firefly is in Phoenix's arms while Chester is being held by Striker. The two pups are playfully pawing at each other. Illanov looks at the two pups curiously. Illanov:"Comrades, I don't wish to be rude by asking this, but why did we bring the children along?" Phoenix:"Chester needs to get back to his parents and Blake told us we can bring him to Casa Lupo. But it seems Chester and Firefly have become very good buddies, so we had to bring her along too lest Chester teleport back to Mission Control." Striker:"I really wish he wouldn't do that. It's very tiring chasing him around and then having him teleport just as I'm about to grab him." Illanov chuckles. Illanov:"Fatherhood wearing you out, comrade Striker?" Striker frowns at Illanov before looking at Tanarus, who is seated next to Elexis. Striker:"How far are we from Casa Lupo, Tan?" Tanarus checks the terminal in front of him. Tanarus:"Just a minute or so and Casa Lupo will come into view." All attention turns to look out the cockpit window. Soon Casa Lupo appears on the horizon, but there are several thick plumes of smoke rising above the area. This does not go unnoticed by the Strikers. Merit:"I do detect an unusual amount of carbon emissions ahead." Shephard:"Just say smoke, tin-can. No need to get all science on us." Corsair:"Is it a forest fire?" Striker:"Not widespread enough. Tanarus, what do you say?" Tanarus:"Some of them could be smoke from chimneys. They're don't really have much electricity availabe." Merit:"I detected an object coming rapidly towards our aircraft." Elexis:"What ob..." Suddenly they see a stray rocket flying towards them. Elexis gasps and banks left, narrowly missing the rocket. Elexis:"Oookay. That almost made me break my water." Merit:"Water is fragile?" Illanov:"I think our comrades have got trouble in the village!" Striker:"Elexis, fly us over the village!" Elexis:"Right." Elexis takes the Stealth Rover up higher while guiding it towards the village. As they fly over the area they can see the battle raging down below between the Casa Lupo residents/KH Military and the Vanguard drones. Corsair:"Looks like a scene from a Terminator movie down there." Shephard:"Looks a like fight to me, one I say we take part in, sirs!" Striker:"Elexis, brings us down to the village, then take the Stealth to a safe distance! The rest of you, arm yourselves!" Elexis puts the Stealth Rover into hover mode and brings it down to the centre of the village while the others ready for battle. Striker and Phoenix put Chester and Firefly into a seat and strap them in before gathering their weapons and leaving the cockpit with the others. The Stealth Rover comes to the relative safety of the village centre and hovers a short bit above the ground. The Strikers jump out via one of the cargo bay doors. The Stealth Rover then quickly takes off and flies away, narrowly dodging yet another rogue rocket. Striker, sonic rifle in his paws, turns to Tanarus. Striker:"Can you see the leader of the village?" Tanarus:"No, but I see his daughter." Tanarus points. Raine is running up towards them, clutching a hunting rifle. She approaches Tanarus. Raine:"Tanarus! You came at a bad time." Tanarus:"I think we came at a good time. Looks you need help. When did the attack begin?" Raine:"Not a few minutes ago they showed up and started shooting at us." Striker:"We can help you fight them off. Where is your father?" Raine:"South side of the village." Striker:"Reg. Take me and Tanarus there. The rest of you, split up into teams and take each side of the village." The Strikers nod. Raine leads Striker and Tanarus to Thorn while Phoenix and Illanov go to one side, Corsair and Merit to one and Shephard takes his own side. Shephard:"Finally, time to see what these fancy drones can really do in battle." Striker and Tanarus are brought to Thorn, who is just ducking down to reload. They join up and take cover with him. Raine:"Father, help has arrived." Thorn:"Tanarus! You're a welcome sight. And I see you brought a friend along." Tanarus:"Thorn, this is Striker. He's the leader of Unit STRIKE, one of top Road Rover teams." Striker:"Meneer Thorn. My team have spread out to help defend the village. What is the situation?" Thorn:"We're trying to push them back, but our bullets aren't doing much to them." Striker takes the opportunity to peek over at the advancing robots. Sure enough, the shots fired by the villagers bounce off the big HECUs that are acting as shields. He frowns and ducks back down. Striker:"We first need to deal with the heavies if we are to hit the smaller ones. I think my sonic rifle can topple them at full power, but I will need covering fire for the blast." Thorn:"Good idea. We'll give you cover." Tanarus:"Striker, what should we do about the KH Military?" Striker:"Best ignore them for now and focus on defending the village first, Tanarus. We'll handle them afterwards." Tanarus nods. Striker puts his sonic rifle on the highest power setting and waits until it is fully charged. Meanwhile Thorn, Tanarus and the other villagers wait until Striker is ready while taking occasional pot shots at the drones. The robots retaliate with a barrage of gunfire and laser shots, forcing them all down into cover. Striker's rifle becomes fully charged. Striker:"I'm gereed! Give me covering fire!" Thorn:"Right! On the count of 3!... 1!... 2!... 3!" They all rise up and open fire on the robots. This causes the advancing drones to lock onto Thorn's group first. Striker then quickly jumps up, takes aim at the HECU with his sonic rifle and fires. A powerful sonic blast is unleashed at the HECU. The blast hits the robot up front, causing it to topple backwards in a cloud of metal shards. The smaller LICUs behind it are crushed under its weight, sparks flying from severed wires and flattened processors. Thorn:"Good shot!" Tanarus:"Well done!" Striker:"Dankie. Let's focus on..." However, the HECU manages to push itself up, slightly damaged but still battle-capable. It counterattacks with a barrage of small rockets. The group immediately take cover before the rockets strike. Small explosions go off, sending clumps of dirt falling on the group. Tanarus:"That big one is going to take more than that to take down!" Striker:"We need to fall back further! This cover won't hold back all these rockets!" Thorn:"Very well. Come on!" The group jump up and run further back into the village, firing back at the damaged but still fighting HECU and its advancing brethren. Cafeteria Rome: Vanderberg is monitoring the battle at Casa Lupo via his laptop while taking another sip of soda. He watches the screen, noting all the data being live streamed and seeing the Vangaurd drones closing the circle on the village and outpost. He nods approvingly. Vanderberg:"Yup, this is definitely going to mean a big payday." Suddenly the streaming comes to a sudden stop. A message box appears with the words "CONNECTION INTERRUPTED". This makes Vanderberg nearly choke on his drink. He sits up. Vanderberg:"Interrupted?! Now, of all times?!" He quickly taps and clicks on the laptop and begins to restore the connection. High Earth Orbit Outer Space: Floating above the European continent is a single satellite with a powerful transmitter on the front pointing down and a dish at the top pointing into space. Sunlight reflects from the solar panels arranged on four "wings". The satellite adjusts its position to better aim its transmitter towards Italy. As it does, the lettering on its hull appears from the shadow: GONV. Boom's Blacksmith Casa Lupo: Boom and Blake rush into Boom's blacksmith. The windows rattle from the dull thuds of explosions. Blake is clutching his crossbow. Blake:"You got any good bolts, Boom?" Boom rushes over to a desk and digs out some keys. Boom:"I got some armor-piercing bolts." Blake:"Any explosive bolts?" Boom goes to some cabinets with big locks on them and begins to use the keys to open them. Boom:"Sorry, lacked the gunpowder to make them." While waiting for Boom, Blake is looking out the windows for any sign of the Vanguard trying to sneak up on them. His eye then catches sight of the drone on the table. The nullifier's single eye is switched on, making whirring noises as it looks around and opening and closing its apeture. Blake frowns. Blake:"Boom, did you manage to get that GONV robot running?" Boom:"No, I haven't been able to get it started. Why are you asking that?" Boom approaches Blake with several quivers of bolts. Blake points to the drone. Boom is surprised. Boom:"What the...? How did it start up?" Blake:"No idea, I didn't touch it. I hope this isn't another attempt by the Vanguard." Boom:"I'll deal with it." Boom goes to a table, grabs a tarp off an engine and throws it over the drone,covering it up and its wandering eye. Boom:"There. Let it try and spy on us now. Come on, you got your bolts. Let's get back to the fight!" Blake nods and follows Boom out of his shop, but not before looking back at the covered GONV robot one more time. Outpost: Trigger at the frontlines of the battle, leading squads of battle troopers against the advancing robots. The HECUs fire barrages of rockets at the outpost, blasting apart the rotor turrets before they can return fire. The return fire from the troopers are marginally more effective against the HECUs than that of the villagers, but still not capable of slowing them down or damaging them significantly. Trigger barks out orders. Trigger:"Slow them down! And get some TOW launchers from the armory! We to take down the big ones!" Some troopers rush to the armory to get the launchers. The rest remain to try and stop the advancing machines. Medical Troopers run around healing those troopers who get injured, which is happening at a very quick pace. Trigger himself is standing out in front, legs braced as he fires his chainguns at an incoming HECU. The bullets scratch off paint and even tear off some of the armor plating, but the HECU keeps coming. What Trigger doesn't notice is another HECU nearby taking aim at him with its cannon. The HECU charges up and fires. Trigger sees the blast from the corner of his eye, but is too late to react. The blast hits his armor and sends him flying backwards into one of the walls of the outpost. A pair of medical troopers rush over to drag him to safety while Lambda Troopers try and provide covering fire. Trigger:"Ughh... ow..." Medical:"Easy, sir! We got you!" Trigger:"I... I'm fine, I can fight..." Medical:"Let's first heal you up, sir!" The medical troopers get their kits out and begin to run them over Trigger's body to patch up any injuries from the blast impact. Meanwhile the HECUs and escorting LICUs and Seekers keep on advancing. Suddenly, without any warning, they stop firing and moving. The entire Vanguard force comes to a halt and cease fire despite the continued attacks from their opponents. A Lambda Trooper reports this to Trigger. Lamdba:"Sir! The robots have halted their attacks!" Trigger:"What?" Trigger lifts his head and sees the idling Vanguard drones. Trigger:"How? A glitch? Nevermind! Use this chance to build up better de- fences and get the heavy weapons in place!" The KH forces waste no time in making use of this opportunity: reloading, repositioning, healing and equipping better weapons. The robots remain in idle stance. Cafeteria Rome: Vanderberg is still trying to get the drones back online, frantically working the keyboard on his laptop. Vanderberg:"Fine time for this to crop up! I got to get those bots back online fast!" Suddenly a window pops up on his laptop's screen. Vanderberg:"What the hey?" A video feed appears in the window and shows a blue-metallic skull: the virtual representation of the GONV itself, Matrix. Matrix:"Your robotic servants are now under my control." Vanderberg:"Hey! You're that GONV computer! Get off our systems!" Matrix:"Negative! You organics think you can use my technology for your own ends? I do not accept that and I am now taking over control." Vanderberg:"Is that so? We'll see who's boss around here!" He closes the window before Matrix can say anything else and gets to work on getting the Vanguard's systems freed from Matrix's control. Casa Lupo Northern Italy: The battle has subsided somewhat as the Vanguard drones go into standby mode and stop firing. On the east side of the village Corsair is peering past Merit's battle shell to look at the inert robots. Corsair:"Hey, what's up with them? Did they run out of juice?" Merit:"Juice? Did you perhaps mean hydraulic fluid?" Corsair rolls his eyes. Corsair:"I meant did they run out of POWER?" Merit:"Negative. My scans indicate that their power levels are at optimal levels for operations." Corsair:"Huh. Then why did they stop? Did someone hit the sleep button somewhere?" Corsair shrugs. Corsair:"Good news for us anyway. Move closer. Let's see if we can hack one of the big ones to fight for us before they wake up again." Merit:"Confirmed. Advancing forward." Merit rolls forward while Corsair and a few Casa Lupo residents follow him, their eyes and weapons aimed at the idling machines before them. But the Vanguard drones remain in their current positions, neither reacting or even acknowledging the group. Once they are close enough Corsair approaches one of the HECUs and looks around. Corsair:"Okay, big fella. Where's an access port for me?" Corsair finds some panels on its back and fiddles around it with them. He tries to pry one open, but is unable to. He turns to Merit. Corsair:"Merit, can you open this up for me?" Merit:"Affirmative." Merit comes up, opens its toolkit and begins to cut open the panel. A minute later the panel comes loose. Corsair removes it and looks. There are a number of access ports. Corsair:"Bingo!" He gets out his laptop, plugs it into the HECU and gets to work. He logs on and tries to break into the HECU's operating system. Corsair:"Hmmm... okay, some serious firewalls here... give me a few minutes..." While Corsair is working, on the north side Shephard is walking out of cover towards the stopped robots. He looks rather annoyed. Shephard:"Great. The battle's barely started and they already decide to throw in the towel." He walks up to a group of LICUs and removes a pair of grenades from his pouches. Shephard:"Well, if you're just going to stand there you might as well do me a little favour. Hold these for me." He places the grenades in the claws of two drones, then janks the pins from them and runs back to cover. Second later the grenades explode, destroying the two robots and badly damaging the other LICUs in the group. Cafeteria Rome: Vanderberg and Matrix are still locked in virtual over control of the Vanguard robots at Casa Lupo. Vanderberg's efforts do not go unnoticed and he is drawing stares from some of the nearby patrons. He is too busy to notice them, however. Vanderberg:"Come on! Come on! Load that program up!" A window pops with a message. Vanderberg reads it and claps his hands together. Vanderberg:"That's it! Time to get off the line, Matrix!" He taps one key. Another message pops up: CONNECTION RESTORED. Vanderberg cheers, startling some of the patrons. Vanderberg:"Now that's what I'm talking about!" He gets to to work on getting the Vanguard drones back up and running. Casa Lupo Northern Italy: Corsair is still hacking into the HECU, monitoring the progress on his laptop screen while everyone else keeps an eye on the other machines. Corsair:"Okay, almost got it... there! This one is ours now. Let me give it some new orders." Merit:"We may have imminent complications. The Vanguard automatons are reactivating." Corsair:"What?" Corsair looks around. The other HECUs, LICUs and Seekers are turning around and going back into combat mode. The Casa Lupo villagers back away to the village, weapons raised. Corsair:"Oh crud!" He turns back to his laptop and works quickly. Some of the LICUs spot Corsair and march over with their claws ready. Merit:"Defending." Merit opens fire on the LICUs, blasting one down. The robots focus on Merit and return fire while dropping to the ground for cover. Merit keeps firing, using his battle shell to protect Corsair from harm. While Merit is distracted, an LICU comes from the side and grabs the utility drone with its claw. It yanks and tips Merit over. Merit:"Oh dear. Out of position." The LICU jumps onto Merit and takes aim at Merit's head. Suddenly a big arm swings around and smashes the robot away. The HECU that Corsair has been working on then opens fire on the other LICUs. The LICUs are blown apart. While the HECU goes on to attack its former comrades, Corsair goes over to Merit and lifts him up back onto his treads. Corsair:"You okay, buddy?" Merit:"All systems functional with minor damage to my shell." Corsair:"Great! Let's get back to the village and let our new friend rip up the Vanguard." The two of them run back to the village while their HECU rampages through the Vanguard lines, its former allies unable to target it. On the opposite side of the village Phoenix has just created a wall of fire as the robots came back to life. Phoenix:"That should hinder them a bit! Shoot them as they walk through!" The villagers wait until the robots, which are struggling to acquire their targets through the heat of the flames, march through the firewall. They open fire on each of the smaller robots they can sight past the bigger HECUs. Phoenix lobs fireballs at the HECUs, setting them on fire and causing their targeting systems to lose their sights on the villagers. Further back, Illanov appears from thin air with his plasma rifle ready and aimed at the back of one of the the HECUs. He fires a powerful blast at the robot and hits its square in the back. Sparks fly from the hole in its back before the HECU topples over like a tree. Illanov quickly turns invisible again as the LICUs nearby turn to his direction. Illanov:"Out of sight, out of mind, eh comrades?" The LICUs look around but are unable to find Illanov. While the ground forces are beginning to struggle against the Casa Lupo residents, in the skies the Seekers are having better luck. The flying robots are attacking the roofs of the houses, starting several fires, and straving some of the battle lines. Sebine is leading the fire fighting teams, guiding them to where the fires are the worst. Sebine:"Get some water on this before the whole roof goes up! And get those hoses unknotted!" Sebine sees a pair of water buckets not being carried and rushes over to pick them up. But as she runs towards a fire next to one house one of the Seeker drones locks onto her and fires a burst of gunfire at her. They miss, but the bullets send up chunks of dirt flying up in front of her. Startled, Sebine falls over and drops the buckets. Sebine:"Ugh! Ow, dirt in my eyes!" The Seeker readjusts its aim and prepares to fire at Sebine. Suddenly a sharp quill pierces one of its flaps, throwing its aim off. Standing nearby is Quil, Sebine's husband. He is sprouting sharp quils from his back and his paws. Quil:"Keep your eyes off my mate, you flying rustbucket!" The Seeker turns to the new threat and opens fire. Quil waits and then rolls out of the way. The bullets rip up the ground next to him in a line. Quil tosses some quils at the Seeker, but it spots the incoming arrows and strafes out of the way in time. The Seeker readjusts its aim while Quil rushes forward. The drone fires again, but Quil sprints to one side to dodge the volley. He then stops and holds his quills in his paws ready while keeping an eye on the robot. The Seeker turns to him and takes aim. Quil:"Catch!" Quil tosses the quills at the stationary robot. Before it can react, the sharp quills rip through its CPU. It spins wildly in the air and tumbles down into the ground. Quil runs over to Sebine as she is getting to her feet. Quil:"Are you all right?" Sebine:"I was doing okay, but thanks." Quil:"You can't be out here. You're pregnant. Let the rest of the village do the fighting." Sebine:"And let you hog all the action? Try and stop me." Sebine marches over to the well to get water. Quil shakes his head. Quil:"Hey, I wanted to marry a strong-headed wolf. So I only got myself to blame." Quil runs on to go and help out other villagers fight off the Seekers that are still strafing the houses. At the outpost the battle has grinded into a stalemate, but the battle has shifted more to the KH Military's advantage thanks to the drone shutdown. Assault Troopers march forward to engage in combat with the equally-sized HECUs, a few even going to hand-to-hand with the robots. Troopers with TOWs try to down the big HECUs, but their rockets either miss, get shot down by Seekers or are intercepted by LICUs jumping in the way. Trigger is behind one of the attacking Assault Troopers along with some Lambda Troopers as they approach a large squad of Vanguard drones. He fires past the armoured suits to keep the LICUs hiding behind their HECU big brothers. Trigger:"Press on! Keep them surpressed!" Trigger's group keeps pushing forward until they are right on top of the Vanguard robots. One HECU rushes up towards the Assault Trooper and tackles it. The Assault Trooper topples over, forcing Trigger and his squad to jump out of the way before it lands on the ground. With their cover blown, the LICUs take their opportunity to attack the group. Trigger sees the drones rushing to them and jumps up with both chainguns ready. Trigger:"This is for my brother!" He lets out a loud growl and opens fire with both chainguns, spraying bullets in front of him and tearing up a number of the robots. Some of the LICUs fire back, but their shots don't penetrate Trigger's personal combat armor. Thanks to their leader pinning the robots down, the other KH troopers can fire back without too much supression fire. However, another nearby HECU turns its attention on Trigger and charges towards him. A Lambda Trooper sees the big robot going for the general. Trooper:"General! Incoming on your nine o'clock!" Trigger quickly turns his guns on the HECU and fires wildly. But the bigger and better armoured HECU shrugs off the shots and fires a pair of rockets at Trigger. Trigger, who is still firing madly, doesn't jump out of the way and gets hit directly by the rockets. The blasts knock him onto his back, his chest armor badly damaged and the chainguns knocked out of his paws. The HECU quickly moves in for the kill. The Lambdra Troopers fire their Graviton guns at the HECU and succeed in destroying its arm cannon, but the HECU keeps going for Trigger. Trigger is struggling to get to his feet. Trigger:"Ugh... oh no... lost it again..." When Trigger gets his bearings he finds himself looking up at the HECU now looming over him. He gasps and tries to reach for his chainguns, but the big robot is already drawing a bead on the wolf with its rocket packs. Just as it is about to fire, however, the HECU steps back and starts to march away. Confused, Trigger gets up and sees the remaining Vanguard robots are pulling away from the outpost without a show. The Lambda Troopers rush over to help the Supreme General. Trooper:"Sir! Are you all right?" Trigger:"Yes, but... what is going on?" Trooper:"No idea sir, but it looks like the robots are pulling back again like they did earlier." Trigger:"Then let's use this chance. Open fire and don't stop until they have all stopped moving!" Troopers:"Yes, sir!" The Lambda Troopers and the rest of the KH outpost defenders fire on the robots, who make no effort to defend themselves and get torn to pieces by the incoming piece. Cafeteria Rome: Vanderberg is staring in horror at his laptop. On the screen he can see the robots all go dumb. Vanderberg:"Oh come on! What's wrong now?" A second later a window appears on the screen. It is Matrix again. Matrix:"Do not assume for a nanosecond that you can defeat me." Vanderberg:"Hey! Get the f*** off our systems!" Vanderberg gets to work frantically on his laptop to try and wrest control from the GONV again. Unbeknownst to him, a sedan has pulled up in front of the cafeteria. Three Casa Lupo wolf-sapien residents climb out of the vehicle: Montecore, Pinpoint and Spitfire. Montecore is holding a cell in his paw, talking to Jude. Montecore(into phone):"You sure he's here?" Jude(over phone):"Yes. Check the second floor." Montecore(into phone):"All right, we'll check it out." He puts the phone in his pocket and leads the trio into the cafeteria. They make their way up to the second floor, where a waiter approaches them. Waiter:"Good morning, sirs. May we be of assistance?" Montecore:"Is there somebody here who's been working with a laptop for a while now?" The waiter frowns and nods. Waiter:"Si. He's been bothering our clientele a lot." Pinpoint:"Where is he?" The waiter points to where Vanderberg is sitting. Vanderberg is still distracted by Matrix and hasn't noticed the trio yet. Spitfire:"Yup, that's him all right." Montecore:"Come on. Let's go and get him." The trio approach Vanderberg, who is still distracted by his laptop. Only when he glances to his left he suddenly notices the three wolves. He looks up at them in alarm. Vanderberg:"Oh c***!" Vanderberg pushes a button on the laptop before rushing to the railing and jumping over it. The laptop sparks and catches fire just as Spitfire reaches it. Spitfire:"Geez, this laptop is toast!" Montecore rushes to the railing in time to see Vanderberg get up from a crushed table and start running. Montecore jumps over the railing but manages to land on his feet. He begins to pursue Vanderberg. Montecore:"Hold it right there!" Pinpoint jumps over the rails and climb down to join in the pursuit while Spitfire uses her flying ability to take to the skies. Vanderberg sprints as fast as he can, dodging passersby as he tries to outrun Montecore. Montecore, however, is much faster thanks to his powerful wolf legs. But he struggles to get past the people on the sidewalk and gets slowed down. Vanderberg manages to cross a busy street, dodging cars and disappearing into an alley. Montecore is stopped short by a delivery van and loses sight of Vanderberg. Montecore:"Arg! Spitfire! See if you can find him!" Spitfire:"On it!" Spitfire flies up and searches around for Vanderberg. She spots him running down an alley towards another street on the opposite side of the block. She waits until he is almost out of the alley and then creates a pair of fireballs in her paws. She dives down and tosses the balls at the alley exit. Vanderberg gasps and stops in his tracks, allowing Spitfire to swoop down behind him. Vanderberg turns around to find himself staring directly at the female wolf-sapien. Spitfire:"Day's getting a little hot for you?" Vanderberg:"Get out of my way!" He tries to tackle her, but she simply sidesteps and lets him tumble past and land flat on his face. Spitfire then immediately goes and sits on him, pinning him to the ground. He struggles to get up. Vanderberg:"Get off me!" Spitfire:"Say please." Vanderberg:"Please." Spitfire:"Hmmmm... no." Vanderberg:"What! I said please!" Spitfire:"I told you to say please. I didn't say I was going to let you go if you did." Vanderberg groans and covers his face with both hands. Montecore and Pinpoint comes running up to them. Montecore:"Nice work, Spitfire. I can always rely on you to pick up the slack." Spitfire:"Don't think that I owe you any more favours, Monty." Montecore whinces at the name while Pinpoint stifles a laugh. Montecore:"Let's just get going. Pinpoint, you go back to the restuarant and get all of his stuff while Spitfire and I tie him up and take him to our car." Pinpoint:"You got it, Monty. I mean! Montecore." Pinpoint turns around and runs back to the restuarant while Montecore takes out some cuffs and begins securing Vanderberg, who is struggling futely beneath Spitfire. Casa Lupo At That Moment: By now the battle is pretty winding down. Most of the surviving Vanguard robots have now departed under the GONV's control. The remaining drones are either destroyed or being mopped up by the defenders. The injured are either being treated on the spot or rushed to the infirmaries. In the village Unit STRIKE is regrouping. Everyone is looking harried and beaten up, but no serious injuries. Striker:"Is everyone reg?" Phoenix:"We're all fine, Strikie. We managed to get through the battle without too serious an injury." Shephard:"Shame the battle was over so quickly. The robots just seemed to give up." Corsair:"Yeah, I wonder if the Vanguard bots have got a bug or two their QA department missed." Striker:"We will discuss that later. For now we're fortunate to be on the victorious side. Tan, call Elexis and have her bring in the Stealth Rover for landing." Tanarus:"Sure." While Tanarus calls the Stealth Rover, Thorn walks up to the group. His arms and one of his legs now has bandages. Thorn:"Thank you very much for your help, Rovers. You saved our village without anyone getting killed." Striker:"A plesier to help, Thorn. It was good timing of us to arrive just as the Vanguard attacked. Though it was also fortunate that the Vanguard's robots apparently did not behave as they were supposed to." Thorn:"I may have an answer for that: some of our residents went out to Rome to find any Vanguard operatives and they discovered one of their computer experts working from a restuarant. Seems he was the one operating the attacking robots." Striker:"Did they stop him?" Thorn:"Yes, and they've caught him too. They're bringing him to Casa Lupo." Striker is now really interested. Striker:"They have? That's goeie news! We might be able to get some good information from him." Thorn:"You may have some competition, I'm afraid." Thorn gestures behind him. Coming towards the group is General Trigger and his Lambda Trooper bodyguards. Striker and his team become very apprehensive at the sight of the approaching KH staff. Striker in particular is growling fiercely. Striker:"Seems we're about to get into another fight." Shephard:"Great! They should put up a better fight than those buckets of bolts." But Thorn quickly steps between the two groups, looking at Striker. Thorn:"Please, no fighting! Let me talk to them first." Striker:"If you say so, but don't think we will not defend ourselves if necessary." Thorn quickly runs over to Trigger while the Strikers watch cautiously and keep their weapons ready. Thorn talks to Trigger, who glances at Unit STRIKE every now and then. After a few minutes Trigger finally nods and gives some orders to his Lambda Troopers. They step back a bit and lower their weapons while Thorn and Trigger approach Unit STRIKE. Trigger:"Thorn has convinced me that since you helped defend Casa Lupo and help drive off the Vanguard I should at least accept a kind of truce for the moment." Striker:"We'll accept it too, for the time being." Trigger:"Good. Firstly, what are you doing here?" Striker:"We came here to bring a pup named Chester to his relatives. He teleported to us when his parents were abducted by the Vanguard." Trigger:"You too?" Phoenix:"What do you mean 'you too', General?" Trigger:"Stalker had a pup named Sneaker teleport into his room a while back. We also brought him back here to Casa Lupo while we try and locate his parents, whom we believe were abducted by the Vanguard as well." Phoenix:"Maybe they were both from the same family." Striker:"Now I need to ask you, General Trigger. What is the KH Military doing here?" Trigger:"That is none of your concern, but if you insist all I can say is that this part of our strategy to counter the Vanguard." Corsair:"It can't be a good one if the Vanguard managed to capture Stalker." Trigger snarls, barely holding himself back. Trigger:"You watch your mouth or I'll rip it off!" Corsair jumps with fright while Illanov chuckles to himself. Merit:"I am detecting high aggression levels from the KH Military commander." Shephard rolls his eyes. Shephard:"Really? I didn't notice that, Merit." Striker:"Are you trying to locate your brother, Trigger?" Trigger:"Of course! I'm not letting the Vanguard keep him locked up! Word of the capture has damaged morale throughout the KH Military." Tanarus:"That would be a good if it wasn't for the fact that the Vanguard will no doubt get a big publicity boost from the capture." Trigger:"No doubt, you traitor. Be glad we got a truce here otherwise I would have you lined up against the nearest wall, Tanarus. We haven't forgotten your betrayal." Tanarus:"I certainly haven't." Trigger:"I think we talked enough. If you will excuse me, I need to speak to Thorn." Thorn:"Very well, general. Striker, you can talk to my daughter Raine." Striker:"We will, Thorn." Thorn:"Again, thank you for your help." Striker:"A plesier." Thorn and Trigger walk away with Trigger casting one quick glance back at Unit STRIKE. Striker turns to his team. Striker:"Let's go and meet Elexis and get Chester to Jude. I'm not sure if the KH Military will let us stay here for long." Tanarus:"Good idea. Trigger didn't like seeing me here." Striker:"For a goeie reason, Tan. Let's deliver Chester and then leave as quickly as possible." Corsair:"Aren't we going to wait for Thorn's people to bring that Vanguard agent they caught in Rome?" Striker:"Nee. It is unfortunate, true, but I'm very concerned about the KH Military being in such close proximity. I do not want them to spy on us or seize an opportunity to attack us." Tanarus:"I can ask Blake and Thorn to let us take the Vanguard agent to RRHQ once they are done questioning him before the KH Military can get him." Striker:"Goeie idea, Tan." Just beyond the village the Stealth Rover comes in for a landing. Unit STRIKE goes over to the aircraft and reach it just as Elexis disembarks with Chester and Firefly in her arms. The two pups are playing patty cake. Elexis:"You guys all right?" Tanarus:"We're fine, dear. A bit banged up here and there, but otherwise we got through the battle without too serious injury." Elexis:"I'll be the judge of that. What about the residents?" Striker:"Despite some serious injuries and damage to their homes, the villagers managed to pull through the fight." Elexis:"And the KH Military?" Tanarus:"Not sure. They seemed to have handled it well on their own, but Trigger did come and have a talk with us." Elexis:"Talk? He would shoot you on sight if he saw you." Tanarus:"Thorn intervened. Trigger did tell us that Sneaker teleported to them and they brought him here to Jude." Elexis:"Is that what happened to Sneaker? I'm glad he didn't get into trouble. Anything else?" Tanarus:"Nothing else except that Trigger is quite upset about Stalker's capture." Elexis folds her ears back. Elexis:"So am I, to be honest. He is still my foster father, even if he and I don't see eye-to-eye. We really must find him if only to keep him out of the Vanguard's clutches." Striker:"I hate to admit this, but you're right. We must find out where Stalker is. The Vanguard is only going to get stronger while they have him. Firstly, though. Chester." Elexis:"Right. Come on, I'll take you to Jude's house. I hope he's there." Elexis hands Firefly over to Phoenix, who takes her pup in her arms but stays close to Elexis so that Firefly and Chester can keep playing with each other. The group then follows Elexis through the village, passing by craters and some badly damaged houses. The few fires that remain are quickly being put out by residents carrying hoses or extinguishers. She leads them to one of the bigger houses near the middle of the village. Jude is standing outside, examining a big hole in one of his walls that was caused by one of the Vanguard rockets. Jude:"Ugh, what a mess. And right in the bedroom too. This is going to take days to fix." Elexis approaches Jude, followed by Unit STRIKE. Elexis:"Jude, hi! You okay?" Jude quickly turns around and smiles. Jude:"Elexis! I saw your friends during the battle. I'm very happy they came to help..." Chester holds out his paws to Jude, tail wagging happily. Chester:"Dada!" Jude is stunned to see his son. Jude:"Chester!" He quickly goes over and takes Chester from Elexis. He hugs his son, who hugs him back. Jude:"Chester! You little rascal! You had me so worried!" Chester:"Dada! Elexis(smiling):"He'd been staying with us all this time. I guess he remembered when we visited you and teleported directly to us when the Vanguard came." Jude smiles and looks at the Strikers. Jude:"Thank you so much. I'm so relieved." Phoenix:"It was a pleasure. He was a little of a pawful, especially when he and my Firefly started becoming friends." Jude chuckles. Jude:"Yeah, he can be exasperating sometimes. But I still love him for it. And since he's found a new friend to play with, I'll be sure to let him visit now and then." Phoenix:"That's good. He and Firefly have a lot of fun together." The two pups are pawing at each other again. Elexis:"Speaking of, I heard you have Sneaker with you." Jude:"Yes, General Stalker brought him to me. He's currently with the other pups in the village bunker. I think I should go check on them now that the battle is over." Elexis:"Speaking of, I'm glad to see you're still one piece." Jude:"Yeah, but sadly my home wasn't so lucky. One robot got lucky and made me a new window here." Merit examines the damage. Merit:"Oh dear, such a mess. Initiating clean-up mode." Merit immediately goes over to the home and begins to sweep up the debris around it, much to Jude's surprise. Jude:"Er, what is he doing?" Elexis:"Oh. Merit can sometimes be very eager to fix and clean up things. It's in his blood, or programming rather." Jude:"Thanks, but that's not necessary. I can get this all cleared up and fixed on my own." Corsair:"Forget it, Jude. Once Merit gets the idea into his CPU, he won't stop until he's cleaned up the whole town." Jude chuckles. Jude:"I understand." They all watch as Merit uses his various tools to both sweep up the debris and begin fixing the hole in Jude's house. Laboratory Vanguard Complex Unknown Location 17:32 PM: Hawkins is back inside his chamber and wearing his headset while on the phone. He is talking animatedly while the scientists continue working around his chamber. Hawkins(into com):"... And where the h*** is Vanderberg?... No idea? Get an idea and find him immediately! And get our IT teams to work on security patch for our drones. I don't want the GONV to go and subvert our forces again!... Good!" He hangs up angrily and then rubs his face. Hawkins:"I don't believe this! Its bad enough to loose a battle against the KH, but now that stupid AI has gotten into the mix as well. Thank God the media wasn't anywhere around to show the world that." He suddenly remembers something and dials a number. He puts on the headset again and waits for an answer. Hawkins:"Macmillan, this is Hawkins... Yes, I want an update. When will the UN hold the vote?... Two days? Excellent! And you're sure the vote will pass?... Great. I really need some good news today... A security breach, but my specialists are on the case. Still bad, though... All right, good. I'll watch it via stream. Thanks for good news, Macmillan... Goodbye." He hangs up, takes off the headset and lies back to begin sleeping. United Nations Headquarters New York City International Territory 3 July 09:58 AM: There is a lot of activity around the United Nations. A strong security presence is visible in front of the building, where troopers and police officers are keeping crowds away. They are also keeping an eye on two groups of protestors: a small, pro-Rover crowd and a much bigger mob of anti-Rover protestors. Both sides are chanting slogans and waving flags and placcards about. There is a large number of reporters outside the UN as well. Among them is Melanie Malloy and cameraman Samuel Knowles. Melanie holds her mike while speaking at the camera. Melanie:"In a few minutes the United Nations Security Council will hold a vote which will determine whether the Road Rovers will continue to receive funding from member nations. While Secretary-General Mark Norwood and several smaller nations fully support ongoing funding, the majority of the Security Council as well as the permanent member nations are expected to vote against it. UN Special Envoy Ian Macmillan says he expects the resolution ending the funding to pass with a sound majority." She continues reporting. Security Council Chamber United Nations Headquarters 10:26 AM: The interior of the chamber is packed with delegates, special envoys and their staff members. All the member nations are at their seats with their nation's name before them on a tag. Norwood is at his seat as the UN Secretary-General, while Ian Macmillan is seated further back. The media is even further back, their cameras focusing on the meeting taking place before them. Right now Norwood is finishing his argument to the council for continued funding for the Road Rovers. Norwood:"I hereby close my arguments by reminding the Security Council that had it not been for the Road Rovers the world would be under the sway of forces like the KH Military, the GONV and the Elite Guard or engulfed in wars, economic disaster or other crisis caused by criminals such as General Parvo and the Spider Cartel. The Rovers have done much for the citizens of the world and I urge all of you to continue funding them lest we make ourselves vulnerable to those forces of evil, who will no doubt jump at the opportunity to take advantage of a weakened Road Rovers. I thank you." Norwood is done, but he gets only an unenthusiastic applause from the council members. Ian Macmillan leans closer to the microphone before him and begins his arguments. Macmillan:"I'm not going to say much since I've already explained my points to our esteemed council members. I will make this final request, however." He looks over at the members, all of whom are looking more intently at him than they did at Norwood. Macmillan:"The United Nations needs to reign in the Road Rovers. While I do understand concerns about international security, there are other organizations who will glad take up the mantle without them running amuck like the Rovers. They can be responsible and transparent while being more up to the task of handling powerful organizations like the KH Military and the GONV. Thus the choice is simple: a group of uncontrollable and destructive beasts, or a highly disciplined, highly trained and highly efficient force. I thank you." MacMillan sits down to a thunderous applause from the Security Council members. Briefing Room Road Rover Mission Control State of New Mexico United States of America At That Moment: The briefing room is packed with many Rovers, among them the original Road Rovers and Unit STRIKE, either seated or standing around. The Master is on his usual spot on the balcony. Everyone is watching the live broadcast from the UN Security Council. Colleen:"Blimey! Just who is this MacMillan bloke?" Hunter:"British." Colleen:"Funny, Huntie." Shephard:"He sounds more like a shill for the Vanguard to me. Just how did this guy become a member of the UN?" Striker:"Mark told me MacMillan was a British diplomat who managed to end several civil wars and conflicts where years of diplomacy and/or military intervention had failed. Norwood appointed him as Special Envoy after he secured a lasting peace in Somalia along with a somewhat stable government." Master:"True, but there have been rumors that peace came about in Somalia because many of the warlords, terrorist leaders and criminal gangs ended up dead and the survivors were too afraid to act against MacMillan." Corsair:"Anyone want to place a bet on that MacMillan being such a big shot diplomat is not because of his smooth tongue but because he's got the Vanguard as a big stick he can beat groups with into accepting his peace terms?" Illanov:"That is one bet I'm not placing any wagers on, American." Corsair:"You Russians were never big on the lottery." Phoenix:"I hope Mark can convince the UN not to cut our funding." Striker:"I'm not so hopeful, Firefly. From what I'm seeing here, MacMillan has the entire United Nations in his hands." Master:"Nothing we can do now but watch and hope for the best." Several Rovers nod, but they are all looking nervously at the television screen. Laboratory Vanguard Complex Unknown Location At That Moment: Hawkins is still inside his chamber, but none of the scientists are on duty at the moment. Hawkins is watching the live proceedings of the United Nations on a television screen inside chamber. Hawkins:"Time to see if all that effort paid off." He continues watching. Security Council Chamber United Nations Headquarters: The last few speeches have been given and all eyes are now on Norwood. He takes a deep breath before speaking. Norwood:"Very well, let us proceed with the vote. United Nations Security Council Resolution R237 is now tabled. Resolution binds all the member nations of the United Nations to immediately suspend any and all forms of support for the organization Road Rovers, either financially, militarily or politically, for an indefinite period of time." He looks around at all the members. Norwood:"Let us vote. All members who abstain from the vote raise their hands." Several representatives raise their hands and hold it up until their votes are counted. Once it is done they lower their hands. Norwood:"Thank you. All members in favor of the resolution please raise your hands." A large number of representatives raise their hands. It takes a while for the votes to be counted before they can lower hands. Norwood swallows before speaking again. Norwood:"All members opposed to the resolution please raise your hands." This time only a few lone representatives raise their hands and the votes are quickly counted. Norwood:"Any vetoes against the resolution by the permanent member nations?" The Chinese, Russian, British and French representatives shake their heads. All eyes then turn to the American representative. After a minute of silence, the American shakes her head. Norwood is pale in the face, but sighs and begins to speak. Norwood:"Resolution R237 is now accepted and in force." The council immediately erupts in applause. MacMillan, and then many of the representatives, stand up and applaud with enthusiasm. Norwood just hangs his head. Laboratory Vanguard Complex: Hawkins is smiling widely and clapping his claws together after seeing the result of the vote on his screen. Hawkins:"Ha ha! That's right, Norwood. Now you're paying the price for abandoning the Earth Defense Force, and your Road Rover buddies are now destitute. I finally got you back for what you did to us!" He quickly puts on his headset. Hawkins:"Got to make some calls. The iron is hot as h*** and we need to strike it now!" He begins to dial a number while still watching the television. Briefing Room Road Rover Mission Control: Inside the briefing room there is a stunned silence. Everyone is shocked by the outcome of the UN vote. Finally Shephard break the silence. Shephard:"This is b*******!" Blitz:"Ach du lieber! Without that money, how will I get my new flea collar?!" Exile:"Forget flea collar, Weird Boy! How will we get food now?" Hunter:"Yet another unexpected twist! Bummer!" Corsair:"Man, without the UN monies we're screwed!" Striker:"Worse than that, imagine what will happen when this news reaches all the villains we have been fighting. They will all jump on this and exploit their advantage to the fullest." Master:"And I fear the Vanguard will let them do their worst until the world is begging for them to save them." Phoenix:"Master, what are we going to do now?" All eyes turn to the Master. There is a minute of silence before he finally lets out a big sign and shakes his head. Master:"I simply have no idea at this point, Rovers. The future looks very grin for us all." Everyone is dejected, upset or angry while on the screen the United Nations Security Council is full of happy representatives gathering around MacMillan while Norwood is left alone to gather his notes. The Road Rovers have been dealt a severe blow with the United Nations vote to end all funding for them and leaving both them and the world at the mercy of their enemies. At the same time the Vanguard have the leader of the KH Military, General Stalker, in their custody? What will be the consequences of the UN vote? How will the Road Rovers bounce back from this setback? And what will the Vanguard do next? THE END