Rover Strike: Vortex Episode 5: Trouble Looming By Gerhard Naudé All Rover Strike names © Gerhard Naudé All Road Rovers names © Warner Brothers and rightful owners Hotrod, Alana © David Fountain Chris © Chris Markham Maya © Kristen Coughlan Vicki Maddog © Robert Baer Jr. Bugliose © Steven Today Any question, comments, complaints, feedback or suggestions can be sent to The Master's Quarters Road Rover Mission Control Underground State of New Mexico 3 November 6:04 AM: It is still very quiet in the Master's quarters. The Master is asleep in his bed, while most of his computers and terminals have been put on sleep mode for the night as well. The bright light in which he usually stands has been dimmed. Merit comes walking in, moving along silently as he uses a broom to sweep the floor as quietly as possible. Merit does his work without waking the Master, brushing together dirt and dust in a heap by the door. As he is busy sweeping by one of the terminals he notices a flashing light. Merit:"What is this, then?" Merit scans the terminal, in particular the flashing light. Merit:"This is high-level priority." Merit goes over to the Master's bed and raises the volume on his voice. Merit:"Attention, Master. Attention, Master." He repeats the message over and over. Finally the Master groans and turns to face Merit, blinking his eyes. Merit stops speaking. Master:"Err... what? Merit? What time is it?" Merit:"The time is 6:07:24 precisely." Master:"But this is a day off. Why are you waking me up so early?" Merit:"Your terminal indicates that there is a signal on the Road Rovers general emergency frequency." At this the Master is more alert. He quickly looks at the terminal and sees the blinking light. He throws back the sheets and gets up. He quickly goes over to the terminal with Merit. He activates it and begins to make checks. After a minute or so he checks the readings that appear on the terminal screen. Master:"Odd. There is no message, but a constant beeping noise." Merit:"It could be coming from a beacon. Their transmissions tend to be simple so as to send out signals for an extended period of time at maximum energy efficiency." Master:"Let me see where it's coming from." The Master types on the terminal's keyboard and starts tracing the signal. After a few minutes new readings appear on the screen. Both the Master and Merit look at it. Master:"It's coming from the Central Pacific Ocean, some distance south of Hawaii. Odd, I don't recall having any Rovers in that area." Merit:"According to my databanks, the closest of our organization in the general area of the signal beacon would be Striker and Phoenix." Master:"But they are on their honeymoon. How could they...?" The Master stops talking and gets a really concerned look on his face. He turns back to the console and begins to type furiously on the keyboard. Master:"I have a really bad feeling." Merit:"Oh? What kind of symptoms? I could then diagnose what kind of illness you have." Master:"No, Merit. I'm not sick, but I am worried about Striker and Phoenix. We must know if they are still all right. I'll try and contact them." The Master goes to another console that has a communication system and types on the keyboard. The terminal begins to call to Striker and Phoenix's yacht. The Master and Merit listen to the call being made. Minutes pass with no answer. After a few more moments the Master ends the call. Master:"I know those two would probably be busy with one another, but even they should have answered by now." Merit:"Should I recommend we use satellite imagery to identify the source of the beacon's signal?" Master:"That is probably best. Let's get the Rover satellite." The two of them head over to another computer terminal. Again the Master types away on the keyboard. On the screen appears a live satellite image of the Central Pacific. Master:"What are those coordinates again, Merit?" Merit provides the coordinates and the Master types it in. When he pressed the "Enter" key, the satellite zooms in greatly. It shows the tropical archipelago where the battle had taken place. It is still dark in that region, but the signs of fires are still there. The Master looks at the image, then at Merit. Master:"What do you make of this picture, Merit? What information can you make out from it?" Merit looks at the image, scanning it over. Merit:"It is a large tropical island located in an archipelago that is not located near any major commercial or military shipping routes. There is a series of structures that date back about 1,200 years ago. They were abandoned until recently. I can notice signs of occupation here of several hundred individuals as well damage done by large artillary shells." Master:"So there was someone on the island and there was a battle?" Merit:"By all indications, correct." Master:"Can you show trace the exact position of the beacon?" Merit:"Affirmative." The Master steps aside to allow Merit to type on the keyboard. The satellite zooms in on the beach, then zooms in again on the beacon. They can see the device lit up by a nearby fire. Merit:"That is the source of the signal." The Master looks more closely at the image. Master:"Move to that fire. It looks like there is somebody lying next to it." Merit:"Executing command." Merit types in again and the satellite image moves to show the fire. It is indeed a small camp fire. And lying near it, wrapped in the tent sails, is Phoenix. Merit zooms in on her, letting them see her face clearly. She is asleep. Merit:"I have positively identified the individual as Phoenix." The Master immediately stands up and goes over to the first terminal. He presses a button on the terminal. An alarm begins to blare out within Mission Control. He goes to the second terminal and presses the button on the intercom. Master:"All Rover units. Report to the briefing room immediately. This is an emergency mission. I repeat, emergency mission." He releases the button and turns to Merit. Master:"Go to the briefing room and join the others, Merit. I'll be along shortly." Merit:"Executing." Merit walks out of the Master's quarters, taking the broom he had with him. The Master goes to his closet and starts to dress. City Ruins Tropical Archipelago 6:06 AM: The ruined city is quiet. Here and there several fires are still burning, but even they have grown smaller. The jungles around the city are coming alive as the day creatures wake up. The sun has not yet peered over the horizon, though its rays are already making it easier to see. On the beach Phoenix is still sleeping in the sails alongside her dying fire. Nearby the device is still sending out its signal. Above the skies are overcast with grey clouds. A single droplet of rain falls on her snout. This wakes Phoenix. She blinks her eyes, then yawns and sits up. She sighs as she rubs her eyes. Phoenix:"And I was having such a nice dream... with Strikie in my arms..." She looks over at the device. Phoenix:"Well, at least it is still working. I only hope that the others are picking it up." The distant sound of thunder gets Phoenix's attention. She looks to the south. The clouds there are dark, lit up by the occasional flash of lighting. Phoenix:"That looks like a tropical storm. Is it coming my way?" She looks at some of the palm trees to check the direction of the wind. When the next strong breeze blows by, it is blowing north. Phoenix sighs. Phoenix:"As if things couldn't get worse. I'd better find shelter and get the transmitter under cover before it starts to rain." Phoenix gets up, tossing the sails aside. She dashes over to the ruined buildings and begins searching for a reasonably intact structure. She soon finds one in the form of a stone fishing hut. She checks to make sure it is okay. Once satisfied, Phoenix goes back to the beach. She takes hold of the device and begins to pull it to the hut. The Pomeranian grunts and groans as she drags the heavy machine over the sand, then stone pavement. Finally she manages to push it into the hut just as it begins to rain. Phoenix runs out again to pick up the sails. As she picks them up, the rain becomes a strong downpour. Phoenix runs back into the hut, a little wet. Phoenix:"Phew. Just in time." Phoenix shivers from the cold. She sits down and wraps the sails tightly around herself for warmth. She then looks out the open door at the heavy rain outside. She sighs deeply. Phoenix:"Striker..." She keeps staring out the door. Outside the fierce storm in the distance is getting closer to the island chain. The clouds obscure the rising sun on the horizon. Sea King Rover En Route to Tropical Archipelago Somewhere over the Pacific Ocean 8:22 AM: Flying high above the waves of the ocean is the Sea King Rover. It is a modified sea king helicopter that looks much like the one used by the US Coast Guard. The differences are the red and orange markings and a few external modifications. Inside the cockpit Hotrod is at the pilot controls, with Corsair next to him as his co-pilot. Behind them in the body of the sea king is Chris, Alana and Merit. They are all wearing bright red lifejackets. Corsair is busy on his laptop while Hotrod pilots the chopper. Hotrod:"How far are we, Corsair?" Corsair checks his laptop. Corsair:"Less than 100 clicks away. And we're right on course." He looks up and glances out the cockpit window. Ahead of them they can see a large tropical storm. Flashes of lighting light up the dark clouds. Corsair looks uneasy at Hotrod. Corsair:"Are you sure we can fly inside that storm with this?" Hotrod:"Yup. The Sea King is made to fly inside hurricanes, so this tropical storm should only be a little breeze. Besides, our sea king is better than the ones used by the Coast Guard." Corsair:"But it's still going to make this rescue h***. We don't know whether Striker and Phoenix are okay or not, nor if we're going to be facing any bad guys. I'd hate to go in there and be greeted by missiles and AAA fire." Hotrod:"Yeah, but I wouldn't worry about that. I don't think the bad guys would allow that beacon to work for so long, nor would be outside in that storm. It's pretty safe to say the storm will be the only opposition we face." Corsair:"Yeah. At least I'm not the one going outside." Hotrod chuckles and nods. He looks back at the others, specifically Alana, who is showing Chris how to operate the winch. Hotrod:"Doing all right back there, Alana?" Alana looks at Hotrod and nods. Alana:"Yeah, Roddie. I'm just teaching our little rookie here how to handle the winch." Chris:"Hey, I'm not that inexperienced." Alana giggles and pats Chris on the shoulder. Alana:"Just teasing you. Think you can handle it okay?" Chris nods his head. Chris:"I think so, Ma'am." Alana:"Good, and just call me Alana." Chris:"Yes, Ma... er... Alana." Alana smiles at Chris. Back in the cockpit Corsair watches as the storm comes closer. Corsair:"I sure hope you're right about this chopper, Hotrod. I don't want to end up in the drink, especially during such a fury." Hotrod:"Me neither, but relax. She can handle it." Corsair nods, though he still looks a little doubtful at the tropical storm up ahead. Hut City Ruins Tropical Archipelago 8:45 AM: The storm is now over the island and is lashing it furiously. Powerful sprays of rain hurl down to the ground while the strong winds bend the trees as if trying to snap them in half. Any loose objects are made to tumble along the ground until something solid stops them. In the fishing hut Phoenix is huddled in a corner, the sails folded tightly around her. The device nearby is still sending out its signal. Parts of the roof that had collapsed was letting in some of the rain, making much of the floor wet. Phoenix shivers from the cold while listening to the howling winds outside. Phoenix:"Such miserable weather, and so cold. I can't use my powers or else I'll risk setting the sails on fire." She sighs, huddling a little close to herself for more warmth. After a few minutes her ears perk up. A continuous thumping noise is just barely audible above the roaring winds. Phoenix:"What's that noise?" She looks up through the hole in the ceiling, but all she sees are the clouds and the falling rain. Voice:"Hi, Phoenix. Need a lift?" Startled, Phoenix looks to the doorway. Standing there is Alana, wearing a bright orange lifejacket and a helmet with the Road Rover insignia on it. The Labrador female is smiling and holding a second lifejacket. Phoenix gets immediately and runs over to her. Phoenix:"Alana! Oh, thank God you're here!" Alana:"You okay, Phoenix? Where's Striker?" Phoenix:"They took him." Alana:"Who took him?" Phoenix:"The Elite Guard, Striker's old enemies. They took him away from me." Phoenix's eyes become misty, but she wipes them dry. Alana holds out the lifejacket to the Pomeranian. Alana:"Let's get you out of here first. Put this on. Roddie and the others are holding position above us." Phoenix is surprised as she takes the lifejacket and starts to put it on. Phoenix:"You mean you're flying? In this weather?" Alana:"Roddie's got a nice strong here. The Coast Guard uses one of them in worse weather all the time. Come on." Phoenix secures the lifejacket, and then follows Alana out of the hut. Outside they struggle against the wind and rain, while hovering right above them is the Sea King Rover. Chris is at the winch and a rescue belt lowered onto the ground via cable. The wind is blowing at the cable, but the weights on the belt keep it to the ground. The two females go up to the cable and grab hold. They secure the belt around each other. Alana gives the thumbs-up signal to Chris, then she and Phoenix hug for support. Chris starts up the winch. Alana and Phoenix are lifted off the ground, though the winds keep trying to blow them off. Strong winds buff at the Sea King and sometimes a strong gust makes it tilt slightly to one side. But Hotrod manages to keep it steady. Alana and Phoenix are finally brought up and helped onto the chopper by Chris and Corsair. Once they are inside, the door is slammed shut. Corsair helps Phoenix onto her feet. Corsair:"Sorry about coming up and ruining your honeymoon." Phoenix:"No, it's all right. Our honeymoon was long since ruined." Corsair:"Where's the boss?" Phoenix:"Gone. The Elite Guard took him away from the islands when the KH Military attacked." Corsair whistles as he hands Phoenix a nice warm blanket. Corsair:"Sounds like you guys had it rough." Phoenix nods as she sits down in an available seat, a distant look on her face. Phoenix:"Too rough. Strikie was taken away from me... and I nearly... nearly got raped." Everyone look at Phoenix with a stunned look. Hotrod looks back at her with a shocked look. Hotrod:"Raped?" Phoenix:"Nearly." Hotrod swears and pounds his fist on the dashboard. Hotrod:"I'll have the punk who did that dragged behind my car!" The helicopter starts to tilt heavily to one side. Everyone grabs hold of something solid. Corsair:"Hey! Keep your hands on the controls, Hotrod!" Hotrod quickly grabs the controls and stabilizes the helicopter. Hotrod:"Sorry about that, everyone. I'm just angry that somebody would dare go and do that to you, Phoenix." Alana:"So am I. I would kick that guy's a**." Chris:"So would I. I hate rapists." Corsair:"I'm no fan, either. And once we get back home, everyone will be behind you, Phoenix. Present company included." Phoenix nods, smiling slightly. Phoenix:"Thank you." Hotrod:"You're welcome. Let's get back home. We won't be able to find anything in this weather." Hotrod begins to pilot the Sea King back onto the route they had followed. Corsair goes forward to the cockpit, while Chris and Alana sit alongside Phoenix. Alana takes Phoenix's paw in support. Alana:"We will find him, Phoenix. We will find your Strikie." Phoenix nods slowly and squeezes Alana. She looks out the window and watches as the island below disappears in the haze of rain. The Sea King Rover now heads back home. Infirmary SAS Amatola Somewhere In the Central Pacific At That Moment: This is a state of the art infirmary, with all the cabinets filled with medicines and supplies required for such a place. There are dozens of tables and counters as well as several computers and electronic machines. Striker is here lying on a table while a nurse is busy checking on him. As she works, the ship's captain comes in along with two security officers. The nurse stops and salutes, and the captain salutes back. Nurse:"Captain." Captain:"At ease. How is he doing?" Nurse:"Condition is normal and stable. We should be able to wake him at any moment." Captain:"Wake him up now." Nurse:"Aye, captain." The captain watches as the nurse shakes Striker's shoulder. Striker groans and slowly begins to open his eyes. He blinks and tries to adjust his eyes to the overhead light. Once his eyes focus, he sees the captain standing next to him. Striker:"You the captain?" Captain:"Yes, I am the captain of this vessel." Striker:"How did I get here?" Captain:"We picked you up after we had sunk the boat you were on. And now you're here." Striker is relieved. Striker:"Dankie, captain. I am in debt to your crew." The captain smirks. Captain:"Not for long." Striker is surprised and tries to move. That's when he realizes that he is strapped down onto the table. He tries to get loose, but the straps are too tight. He looks back at the captain. Striker:"What is going on?" The captain pulls out a folded piece of paper and unfolds it. He reads it. Captain:"Striker, it is my pleasure to inform you that I hereby place you under arrest by order of the president of the Republic of South Africa for the murder of the Vorster family." Striker is stunned at what he hears. His mouth hangs open and his eyes are very wide. Striker:"Ai yai yai." Captain:"We are taking you back to South Africa to stand trial for your crimes, mutant." Striker:"Captain, I am not responsible for that bloody massacre! The people whose vessel you sank are the ones responsible! I swear!" The captain grabs a nearby cloth and shoves it into Striker's open muzzle. Captain:"Save it for the courts, mutant. Nurse, sedate him." Nurse:"Aye, captain." Striker sees the nurse picking up a syringe and filling it with some kind of sedative. He tries to spit out the cloth to speak. But he is not able to succeed before the nurse makes the injection. In a few moments his eyes close and his body goes limp. The captain looks pleased, then turns to the officers. Captain:"Once he recovers, take him to the brig." The officers salute. Officers:"Aye, captain!" The captain salutes back, and then heads out of the infirmary. The two security officers take up positions on either side of the doorway. The nurse continues with her work, taking the cloth out of Striker's mouth. She roughly closes the unconscious cocker spaniel's muzzle. Study The Norwood Residence New York City 15:34 PM: The study of Mark Norwood is a small but well-decorated space with a single draped window and a wooden door leading out. A big oak desk sits by the window, while one of the walls is covered with a big bookshelf. Nearby is a television set on a stand, surrounded by potted plants. Here and there are small items that show this is Norwood's place. Norwood himself is seated at his desk, leaning back in the chair while drinking tea and watching CNN on the television. The female news anchor is giving the daily headline news. Anchor:"... So far the Palestinian Authority has denied that it had hired the assistance of the Mayhem Mercenaries using donor money from the European Union. Israel has threatened to step up retaliatory attacks and even to reoccupy the Gaza Strip should it find proof of mercenary involvement in the recent attack on Tel Aviv." Norwood shakes his head. Norwood:"Those two will never be able to make peace and these third party military forces certainly don't help." He sips his tea, focusing his attention on the news ticker at the bottom of the TV screen. Suddenly a news item that makes Norwood choke on his drink. As he coughs, he reads the ticker: "South African government announces arrest of Road Rover Striker for murder of Vorster family." Norwood stares in disbelief at the news ticker. Norwood:"This has to be some kind of joke. A joke!" He quickly sets the tea cup down on the table and picks up his phone's reciever. He dials a number and waits for an answer. It does not take too long for an answer. Norwood(into phone):"Hello? Is this President Adriaan Vorster?... Ah, could you tell him United Nations secretary-general Markus Norwood wants to speak with him urgently?... Thank you. Yes, I will hold..." He waits while his call is placed through, nervously wrapping the reciever wire around his finger. Moments later he gets through. Norwood(into phone):"President Vorster?... Yes, this is Markus Norwood ... I just saw on CNN that your government had caught Striker. Is this true?.... How did they?... What hostile force?... I see. And where is he now?... When is his trial?... All right, I got it... Why am I calling? I'm worried that you might use this trial to further the rift between the various U.N. member nations... No, I also wish to see justice done, but I worry this might get politicized... No, that is all right... Right, thank you for your time, Mister President.... Good day." Norwood puts the phone down, his face in shock. He leans forward and covers his eyes with one hand. Norwood:"Oh dear God. Please look after Striker. Amen." He removes his hand and opens his eyes. He picks up the cup of tea and takes a good swig. Norwood picks up the phone receiver again and dials another number. He waits until there is an answer. Norwood(into phone):"Professor Shepard! Did you watch the news?... Eh? What crisis?... Where did they find her?... Who was it that attacked them?... Wait, I heard that wrong. The Elite Guard...?" Norwood lowers the phone, wiping his face and cursing. He lifts the reciever again. Norwood(into phone):"What?... No, I'm all right. Just in shock from all this bad news... Oh, I know where Striker is... Yes, the South Africans have caught him and are going to put him on trial for the Vorster massacre... I'm sure of it. I spoke to the South African president and he confirmed it to me him- self... Yes, I'll try and get more details for you about the trial and get back to you as soon as I can... All right, and be sure to tell Phoenix that I'm thinking of her and Striker. ... Thank you. Goodbye." Norwood puts the phone down, then leans back in his chair, shaking his head in utter disbelief. Norwood:"The Elite Guard is back. And Striker is going to stand trial for murder in the worst country for sapiens right now. The whole nightmare is starting up again." He looks at the phone, then picks up the receiver yet again and makes a new call. Hangar Road Rover Mission Control State of New Mexico 11:04 AM: This is a large chamber where the various vehicles of the Road Rovers and their allies are parked and maintained. A tunnel runs from the chamber to the underground runaway, while in the ceiling is hatch for helicopters. Many of the vehicles are parked here, some under repair. Right now the helicopter hatch is open and the Sea King Rover is coming in to land. Waiting at the door that leads to the hangar from the rest of RRMC are Aydrian, Elissia, the rest of Unit STRIKE, the Road Rovers and the Master. They watch the helicopter come down to land on one of the empty helicopters. Once the Sea King's chopper blades have slowed down enough, Aydrian and Elissia lead the run to the helicopter. Alana and Corsair are helping Phoenix, wrapped tightly in a blanket, off the chopper while Chris and Hotrod get off too. When Phoenix sees her parents coming to her, she runs to them. Elissia is the first to hug her daughter. Elissia:"Oh, Phoenix! Are you all right, my dear?" Phoenix:"I'm all right... right..." At that moment Phoenix finally loses it. She begins to cry, clutching tightly to Elissia and folding her ears back. Elissia holds her daughter close, while Aydrian also hugs her supportively. Aydrian:"There, there, my daughter. Go ahead. Cry if it will make you feel better. We're here for you." Phoenix keeps weeping. The Master looks at Hotrod. Master:"Had any trouble?" Hotrod:"Aside from the storm, nothing Master. It was pretty simple." Corsair:"Simple? You call a tropical storm simple?" Hotrod shrugs. Hotrod:"Yeah." Corsair just shakes his head. Shephard:"See any hostiles there?" Alana:"Nope. It was only Phoenix, but I did see wreckages here and there. They looked as if they were made recently." Colleen and Elexis come up to Phoenix once her storm of weeping has passed. Colleen gently touched Phoenix's shoulder to get her attention. Phoenix opens one teary eye to look at Colleen. Colleen:"Hey, luv. You all right? No injuries?" Phoenix sobs a few times before speaking. Phoenix:"I... I'm not... sure... *sniff... haven't checked..." Colleen:"How about me and Elexis take you for a check-up? You can bring your family along." Phoenix nods, sniffing and wiping her bloodshot and teary eyes. Phoenix:"Okay..." Colleen begins to lead Phoenix, who keeps hugging her mother. Elissia and Aydrian keep close to her, providing comfort. The others follow them. Illanov:"Comrade Phoenix, we have some good news." Merit:"Followed by news that falls in the category 'bad'." Shephard:"Oh, real smooth, tin-can." Corsair:"Couldn't have said it better." Merit:"I agree. Metal storage containers often have sides that do not promote good traction." Corsair and Shephard stare at Merit, not sure how to reply. Phoenix ignores them and looks at Illanov. Phoenix:"What is the good news, Alex?" Illanov:"Comrade Norwood found out where Striker is and so far it seems he is all right." Phoenix's ears perk up and she looks hopefully at Illanov. Phoenix:"Is my Strikie okay?" Illanov manages a comforting smile and nods. Illanov:"Dah. Norwood assures us the people who have him are giving him the needed medical attention." Phoenix looks relieved, finally able to smile a bit. Phoenix:"That's wonderful! Where is he?" Illanov looses his smile. Illanov:"That is the bad news." Phoenix looks concerned all over again. Elexis:"I think we should first wait and get her to the infirmary before we tell her." Phoenix:"Is it that bad?" Master:"Not yet, Phoenix. It might become bad later, but for now Striker is reasonably safe. First we should check up on your health. Also, do you know where the yacht is that you two were traveling in? Or was it destroyed?" Phoenix:"No, it was intact last time." Master:"Good." The Master looks at Hunter. Master:"Hunter, you take Exile and Blitz and go find their yacht. Have the Coast Guard tow it to the nearest harbor. And fetch their luggage. Take Chris with you as well." Hunter, Blitz and Exile wag their tails in happiness upon hearing the word "fetch". All four of them salute. Hunter:"You bet, Master! We're on our way!" Blitz:"Ooooo! I just love playing fetch!" Exile:"Dah, me threeski!" Chris(to himself):"Dogs. Go figure." Master:"And no rummaging amongst their things, Blitz." Blitz gives an embarrassed look. Exile chuckles to himself and points at the Doberman. Hunter then leads the three of them to the Sky Rover. The others follow Colleen as she leads Phoenix out of the hangar to the infirmary. Infirmary Road Rover Mission Control 11:20 PM: This is a small check-up room that forms part of the larger infirmary of RRMC. There are dozens of medical equipment and supplies for minor medical checks and treatments. Phoenix is seated on a stretcher, now wearing a green hospital frock. Colleen is using a small penlight to look into Phoenix's ears, nostrils and mouth, while Elexis uses a stet-scope on her bare back. Shag is giving Phoenix some milk to drink and wiping her clean with a rag where he can. Everyone else is gathered all around the room and listening to Phoenix. Phoenix:"... and that's when I heard the chopper blades above the noise and saw Alana come into the hut." Corsair:"Not exactly the best way to spend a honeymoon." Phoenix:"No, it wasn't. Especially not what that big werewolf was going to do me." Master:"What was it, Phoenix? You didn't tell it to us earlier." Phoenix hangs her head. Phoenix:"No, I didn't." Aydrian takes Phoenix's paw, squeezing it. Aydrian:"My daughter, what did he try to do to you?" There is an expectant hush in the room. Phoenix lowers her head even more. Phoenix:"He tried to rape me." The gasps in the room are very loud. Everyone but Hotrod, Alana, Corsair and Merit has a shocked look on his or her face. Aydrian immediately embraces Phoenix, who starts to sob again. Elissia comes up and hugs her daughter as well. Elissia:"My poor girl... did he manage to...?" Phoenix:"No, mom... he didn't, but he tried..." Tanarus:"Was he a large black and green-furred werewolf with a bare chest and bandanna?" Phoenix sniffs and nods her head. Tanarus growls in anger. Tanarus:"Champion, the son of a b****. I'd have thought someone would have killed that beast long ago." Colleen:"You know that bloomin' creep?" Tanarus:"Yes. He was general Franco's bodyguard. A criminal with no brains except between his legs and an absolutely disgusting attitude towards females." Master:"Striker and Norwood told me about him. One of the worst kinds of sapiens that I've heard about in a long time." Hotrod hits one fist into his hand. Hotrod:"Man, nobody even tries to do that to my friends. I'll rip out his fur one chunk at a time." Alana:"I'm with you on that one, Roddie." Shephard:"I'd sooner fill him up with a full belt of my M-249's ammo. There are few things I hate more than rapists." Colleen:"Not if I got to him first, guv." Master:"I think we would all want to bring this Champion to justice. For now though, we should be glad he did manage to carry out his ways on Phoenix. And once we have rescued Striker, we can focus on chasing down this Elite Guard." Merit:"I do believe a briefing on the Elite Guard and all of its important officers and commanders would be in order." Master:"That is a good idea, Merit. But for now our concern is getting Striker back. He is being taken to South Africa, where he will stand trial for the murder of the Vorster family." Illanov:"Bolshoi. South Africa is the worst place in the world for non-humans right now. President Adriaan Vorster has been on the warpath against our organizations. His policies have brought down NATO and are causing rifts in the United Nations." Alana:"Oh, heck. Striker is innocent. We all know that." Corsair:"But Vorster doesn't know that, Alana. He'll do anything to see Striker dangling from a rope." Merit:"That is not possible. The South African constitution does not allow capital punishment under any circumstances." Corsair:"I think Vorster might argue that the constitution was made for humans. That way he can easily get away with it." Master:"Plus we don't really know what evidence the South Africans have against Striker either." Alana:"Then let's go and bust him out of jail." The Master firmly shakes his head. Master:"That would be the worst thing to do. If we broke him out of prison, it would only prove to the anti-mutant block that he really is guilty. It would be a disaster for the image of the Road Rovers and seriously hurt our credibility." Phoenix's lower lip begins to quiver. Phoenix:"Are we just going to leave Strikie to the South Africans?" The Master comes up and takes Phoenix's paws. He squeezes them in reassurance. Master:"No. We will send our best lawyers down there to defend Striker in court and prove his innocence." Merit:"That is a misconception: the defense advocates are not there to prove that their client is innocent, but that the case of the prosecution is too poor to secure a conviction." Master:"Eh, yes. Thank you, Merit. Anyway, we will get him out of court through the legal system. Not only will it forever prove Striker's innocence, but it will be a blow for the anti- mutant camp as well." Elexis:"Especially if you consider that Vorster's entire anti-mutant ideology is based on his belief that Striker is the one who killed the Vorster family." Master:"Exactly. If we play our cards right here, we will emerge as the big winners here and Phoenix will be reunited with Striker." Phoenix looks hopefully at the Master, tail wagging. Phoenix:"When do we leave for South Africa?" The Master looks at Phoenix for a moment, then sighs. Master:"Sorry, Phoenix. You won't be able to go." Phoenix is stunned and her tail stops wagging. Phoenix:"What! Why not? It's my husband that's on trial here!" Master:"I know, Phoenix. The problem is that South Africa is not the best place for non-humans right now. We can only send a human contigent down there to help and support Striker." Phoenix:"You're not actually playing along with Vorster's anti-mutant policies are you, Master? The Master shakes his head, sighing. Master:"I would not even consider it. Sadly, politics will be all over Striker's case and we cannot afford to give ammunition to our enemies. Especially not to the prosecution. But that does not mean I won't send Rovers down there. Corsair and Shephard can go and support Striker." Phoenix looks accusingly at the Master, but then sighs and hangs her head. Phoenix:"Sorry, Master. You're right, but it's just so unfair." Both Elissia and Aydrian comfort Phoenix. Aydrian:"Just be strong, my dear. Remember, Striker will not be alone down there. He will have some close friends with him who would make sure nothing wrong happens to him." Corsair:"Yeah, Phoenix. Me and Shephard will make sure we help blow the prosecution's case out of the water." Shephard:"Yes, Ma'am. Striker is a good commander and I will support him fully." Hotrod:"You can count on me as well, Phoenix. I'm human, so I will be going to South Africa too." Illanov:"And the Cape Hunting Dogs have a good lawyer amongst their ranks who can help defend Striker." Corsair rolls his eyes at Illanov. Corsair:"News flash, Russkie: they're all cano-sapiens." Illanov growls back at Corsair. Illanov:"Some can shape shift, Yankee." Corsair:"Doh! I forgot about that." Illanov chuckles in triumph, while Corsair just sulks. Colleen looks up at them. Colleen:"Blimey, your best friend is in danger and his wife needs your support, and you two are standing and bickering about. How about putting your friends above your bloomin' petty arguments?" Illanov and Corsair immediately stop and look rather ashamed. Master:"Colleen is right. This is a time for action. Striker's life may be in danger and we to prepare to go and rescue him. I will contact the Cape Hunting Dogs and any other unit who would have human lawyers to make up our legal team. I will also alert the rest of their team. They're helping sapiens escape the Vorster administration and have many agents in the country. They could stand by in case the trial goes pear- shaped." Tanarus:"And what of the rest of us, Master?" Master:"Some of you who are human will be selected to make up the witnesses for defense. Shephard and Corsair can go down to South Africa, maybe a few others from the other units. The rest won't be going, but that does not mean we will just sit around chasing our tails. The rest of you will begin a hunt for the Elite Guard, who their leaders are, where they are, what forces they have and what their plans are. If the things Striker told us about these wolf-sapiens are true, then I can only shudder what chaos they could cause." Merit:"If I may interrupt, will I also be attending the court trial of Striker? I do not fall in the sapien category despised by the Vorster administration." The Master rubs his chin. Master:"Hmmmm. You're right, Merit. I don't think they would mind a robot at the court trial. So yes, you can go along too." Both Shephard and Corsair sigh. Shephard, Corsair(to themselves):"Oh boy." Master:"Something wrong?" Corsair:"Well, boss. Merit tends to say or do things that... well, ain't exactly at the right place or right time." Shephard:"What he means, sir, is that Merit can drive us crazy and screw things up at the worst moments." Merit:"Of course I screw things up, because I'm programmed to repair and replace any loose screws, nuts or bolts. But I must declare that I cannot drive any kind of vehicle." Shephard:"See what I mean, sir?" Master:"Of course. So that means you two can take care that Merit does not make mistakes." Shephard and Corsair look at each other, then sigh again. Shephard, Corsair(to themselves):"Oh double boy." Phoenix tugs at the Master's lab coat, getting his attention. Master:"Yes, Phoenix?" Phoenix:"Isn't there anything I do to help Striker?" The Master thinks for a moment, and then gets an idea. Master:"I think so. You can join me in monitoring the news and communications regarding Striker's trial as well as help with the hunt of the Elite Guard." Phoenix nods her head, her tail wagging eagerly. Phoenix:"I will do my best." The Master smiles and puts a supportive hand on her shoulder. Master:"I know you will. For now, though, I recommend you get some sleep and save your energies. You will need it." Elissia:"The Master is right, Phoenix. You had a rough couple of days. Striker will be counting on you being alert and awake to help him." Phoenix nods, getting up with the help of Colleen and Elissia. Colleen:"Come on, guv. Let's take you to your quarters." Phoenix:"Okay. You lead the way." Colleen and Elissia, followed by Aydrian, leave the infirmary. The Master looks at everyone else once the group has left. Master:"Right. I want the rest of you to carry out the orders I'm about to give. Remember: Striker's freedom and maybe even his life may depend on us. Understood?" Everyone gives their clear and enthusiastic acknowledgement. Pleased and satisfied, the Master begins to tell each of them what to do. Throne Room Elite Guard Headquarters Unknown Location 5 November 2:01 PM: The figure, now identified as General Franco, is seated on top of his throne while Maya is busy serving him his lunch. At the foot of the throne's podium is Generals Diehard and Seneschal, Spectre, Champion, Raul and Mister T. Franco does not look very pleased. Franco:"It's bad enough that you got yourselves attacked by the KH renegades, but you've also failed to kill Striker AND you let the South Africans sink the Stealth Ship. Normally I would have you all punished for such a comedy of errors, but Mister T has convinced me to refrain punishment." Franco looks at Mister T. Franco:"Why did you not warn us that the South Africans would attack? You told us about the possibility of a KH Military assault, but what about these South Africans?" Mister T:"It seems we had underestimated President Vorster's drive to get Striker regardless of what the cost would be. He had ordered his fleet into international waters well away from South Africa and was willing to even enter US territorial waters to get the spaniel." Franco:"Even if that would have caused a row between Washington and Pretoria?" Mister T nods his head. Mister T:"He was willing to pay that price if it meant bring the killer of his family back to South Africa to stand trial." Franco leans back in his throne, taking a biscuit from his lunch tray and chewing on it before speaking. Franco:"What will happen to Striker? Is he going to be put on trial?" Mister T:"Yes, a very public trial. The prosecution has a lot of good evidence to back their case, but the Road Rovers will likely send a contingent to defend him." Raul:"But won't the presence of so many mutants be hurting his case?" Mister T:"Yes, but the Road Rovers will send an all-human team to South Africa. Their leader knows well the disadvantages of bringing sapiens to South Africa." Franco:"What kind of sentence would be handed down to Striker if... .... when he is found guilty?" Mister T:"Under the previous regime he would have gotten the death penalty, but the new South African constitution prohibits capital punishment. He would probably stay in prison for the rest of his life, never to be released on parole. But I wouldn't be surprised if Vorster's government finds, or creates, a loophole that will allow Striker to be hanged without violating the constitution." Franco ponders this, tapping his fingers on the armrest of his throne. Franco:"When will the trial commence?" Mister T:"The court date is still being finalized, but according to our sources it will take place in a month or two at the most." Franco:"Good." Franco then looks at Spectre. Franco:"Get a hold of our allies in South Africa and have an obser- vation team monitor the trial. Let's make sure that Striker is found guilty. No matter what. Understood?" Spectre nods his head. Spectre:"Oui, Supreme General. It will be done." Seneschal:"Do we still continue with the preparations for Operation Red Tsunami, General?" Franco:"Yes, Red Tsunami will still go ahead as planned. As a matter of, you and Diehard can go and check up on it, Seneschal." Diehard and Seneschal stand to attention and salute. Diehard:"Javol, Herr Supreme General!" Seneschal:"Yes, Supreme General!" Franco leans back into his throne, grabbing a chunk of meat from his plate and chewing at it. Franco:"You're all dismissed. Except you, Mister T." Mister T nods his head as Diehard, Seneschal and Raul salute, then turn around and leave the throne room. Champion still remains behind as he looks with greedy eyes at Maya, who is looking nervously back at him. Franco notices these two. Franco:"Why are you two still here? Get out of here!" Maya bows her meekly. Maya:"Yes, general." Champion just shrugs, but acknowledges his leader. Champion:"No problem, General. I'm out of here." Maya heads for the servant's door, looking back nervously as Champion follows his. He licks his lips and rubs his paws together in glee. Once both have left and the door is closed, Mister T looks at Franco. Mister T:"I have to be honest in saying that I can't understand why you put up with that animal, General. His mind is an open sewer." Franco just shrugs, taking a plate and using a fork to eat the food off it. Franco:"I need his muscles for protection. I don't care what goes on in his head. Anyway, keep me up to date on what the Road Rovers are going to do to free Striker." Mister T:"Will do, General." Franco:"And give my appreciation to your commander." Mister T:"I will, General. Good day." Franco grunts, filling his mouth with food. Mister T turns around and walks out of the throne room. Franco turns to the screens to watch television news while eating. Simonstown Naval Base Cape Peninsula Republic of South Africa 7 November 10:13 AM: The three corvettes are coming into the harbor and pulling up to the docks of the naval base. Lines are tossed from the crew on the ships to the dockworkers, who secure the lines. Waiting at the docks is a number of police officers and soldiers, some high-ranking military and police commanders and a few news men and women. Among those here are Melanie Malloy and cameraman Samuel Knowles. Melanie giving her report to the recording camera. Melanie:"The SAS Amatola has just pulled into Simonstown Naval Base in South Africa, carrying the fugitive canine and Road Rover Striker. Striker is charged with the murder of more than sixty people in 1979, many of whom were family of South African president Adriaan Vorster. Waiting here for him are Defence Minister Colin Ntsibi and Safety and Security Minister Grace Haddan." Standing by their government vehicles nearby are Ministers Ntsibi and Haddan. Ntsibi is a black man of Tswana origin with a thick build and close-cropped hair. He wears a big grey suit with a red tie and matching shoes. Haddan is wearing a formal Indian women's gown in a bright orange color. They watch the SAS Amatola pull into dock. Ntsibi:"Finally. I'm glad that this went really smoothly without any incident." Haddan:"Vorster is very happy over Striker's arrest." Ntsibi:"As am I. The sooner we make an example of this mutant the sooner the other mutants in this country get the message. Do you think the case against him is rock-solid?" Haddan:"Absolutely. I've seen the evidence and testimonies that the prosecution will use in the trial. He has no hope of walking out a free mutant." Ntsibi:"Speaking of, what will we do with him once he is found guilty? Are we going to execute him, or will he be sent to prison?" Haddan:"I've spoken with Correctional Services. They're preparing a special little hole for this mongrel." Ntsibi:"Good. Who knows what trouble a mutant can stir up in a human prison." Haddan nods her head in agreement. At that moment the gangway is put up from the Amatola. The captain and crew begin to disembark. Ntsibi and Haddan watch them. Ntsibi:"Let's go and get this over with." Haddan nods again as the two ministers walk towards the ship to meet the captain. The captain and his officers line up neatly and salute the ministers as they approach. Ntsibi returns the salute. Ntsibi:"At ease, captain." The captain and her crew stop saluting. Ntsibi:"And how is the crew?" Captain:"Very relieved at returning from such a long journey, Mister Minister." Ntsibi:"Any losses?" Captain:"None, Mister Minister. We were easily able to defeat the mutants." Ntsibi:"Well done, captain. As soon as the prisoner is brought to shore, you and your crew go and take a good week's shore leave. Courtesy of President Adriaan Vorster." The captain smiles, as does the officers. Captain:"Thank you, Minister." Just then Striker is escorted down the gangway by four sailors with MP5 submachine guns. Striker's paws and feet are cuffed together, while there is a muzzle around his mouth. Ntsibi and Haddan walk on over to the bottom of the gantry along with four police officers. The sailors salute the officers, who salute back. The two groups then exchange Striker. The sailors head back onto the ship, while the officers prepare to take Striker to the awaiting prison van. Ntsibi and Haddan walk right up to the cocker spaniel. Striker can only look back at them. Haddan:"So you are Striker. I'm Grace Haddan, Minister of Safety and Security. Allow me to welcome you back to South Africa. The president is very pleased to have you back in the country." Striker keeps staring at Haddan. She comes up and grabs Striker's muzzle. Haddan:"You should know, mutant, that the long arm of justice does eventually catch those who try to flee from her." Ntsibi:"We have a nice pleasant cell waiting for you at Polsmoor Prison, mutant. I think you will find it far too luxurious for something like you, but we have orders." Ntsibi chuckles, while Striker growls at the two ministers. Haddan ignores his growls and releases his muzzle. She looks at the four officers. Haddan:"To Polsmoor with this mongrel!" Officers:"Yes, Ma'am!" The officer roughly drags Striker off to the prison van, while Ntsibi and Haddan watch with smug grins. Nearby Samuel Knowles' camera follows Striker to the van, while Melanie gives a voice-over report. Melanie:"And there you can see the prisoner being put into a van for transport to Polsmoor Prison in Cape Town. He will remain there until a court date is decided." Striker is loaded into the van under heavy guard, then the doors are closed. With an escort of police cars and motorbikes, the van drives to the harbor exit on its way to Polsmoor. High Security Cell Polsmoor Prison Cape Town 2:18 PM: This is a small, square one-person prison cell. Thick bars act as the only door into the cell, while the walls are painted in a dull cream color. There is a single barred window that looks out over the suburb that surrounds the prison complex. There is a single bed, toilet and wash basin here. Striker is here, now wearing bright orange prison overalls with the words "CORRECTIONAL SERVICES" written in black circles all over. Outside his cell are a number of prison guards, who are dressed in green shirts and dark brown pants. They are all armed with submachine guns. They are all watching Striker, but the spaniel is not paying attention to them. Rather, he is looking out the window at the city of Cape Town. While he is looking, he is holding on to the locket around his neck. Also, the guards outside his cell stand to attention and salute somebody out of view. Moments later black suited men with dark glasses and earphones come and form a perimeter around the prison cell door. Adriaan Vorster then comes and walks up to the cell door, with the prison's chief warden alongside him. Vorster looks at Striker, who was still looking outside. Vorster:"Mutant! Turn around so I can see you." Striker's eyes widen at the familiar voice behind him. Striker(to himself):"Ai yai yai. Here it comes." The spaniel slowly turns around to look at Vorster, who is looking smugly at him. Striker:"Adriaan Vorster." Vorster:"That's MISTER PRESIDENT to you, mutant. Now, come on over here." Striker hesitates, looking unsure at Vorster. Vorster grins. Vorster:"Come on, mutant. You don't want me to send in the guards to drag you to me, do you?" Striker sighs, then slowly walks up to cell door. But just as he comes to the door, Vorster suddenly reaches in and grabs both of Striker's floppy ears and yanks his head to the bars. Striker yelps out in pain as his face and ears are pulled through the bars as far as they can go. He whimpers from the pain, while Vorster brings him- self eye-to-eye with spaniel. Vorster has a cold look on his face. Vorster:"At long last. The butcher of my family is in my grasp. You have so much to pay for, you monster." Striker(in pain):"I did not kill..." Vorster yanks Striker's ears, eliciting another yelp of pain from the canine. Vorster:"Lie all you want, mutant. The hard evidence is there. You were at Pieter Vorster's wedding. You were the one who had slaughtered him, his wife and everybody else there. Innocents who were unharmed, yet you butchered them in cold blood. You will pay dearly for this, you foul mistake of creation." Striker(in pain):"Adriaan, I..." Vorster yanks very hard on the ears, making Striker scream in pain. Vorster:"President Vorster, you worm! And you should consider yourself lucky that I am even allowing a court trial. I could have had my way and just have you hung from the tree right across the street." Striker(in pain):"So why don't you?" Vorster:"Simple. I am going to allow this trial so as to show those pro-mutant fools in the United Nations and elsewhere that my actions against your kind are justified. They will have no leverage once you are found guilty in a free and fair trial under fully democratic conditions." Striker(in pain):"Free and fair my furry tail. This is revenge." Vorster shrugs. Vorster:"True, for me at least. But the rest of the world will see it as justice being done. Once you are tried and convicted, I will have carte blance to act against other mutants." Striker doesn't respond, but instead growls weakly at Vorster. The man then brings his face right up to Striker's. Vorster:"There is one thing I will ask you and you must tell me. If you cooperate, you might get extra scraps for lunch." Striker winches in pain, but still looks defiantly at Vorster. Vorster:"What did you do to Gerard Vorster?" Striker loses his defiant look and instead becomes surprised at the question. Vorster:"Well? What did you do to him? His remains were never found at the power plant that he supposedly went to confront you." Striker stares at Vorster, not sure how to respond. He then finally sighs and nods. Striker:"You are reg, President Vorster. Gerard did manage to survive the destruction of the power plant, in a way." Vorster:"In a way? What do you mean?" Striker:"He is alive today, though not as you remember him." Vorster tugs at Striker's ears again, making the spaniel wince. Vorster:"What are you babbling about, mutant? Talk sense!" Striker looks into Vorster's eyes and whispers to him. Striker:"I am Gerard Vorster, Adriaan." There is a moment of silence as Vorster stares blankly at Striker. Suddenly he yanks hard at Striker's ears, then lands a powerful left punch on the canine's nose. Striker stumbles and falls backwards in his cell. He sits up, groaning in pain and touching his bleeding snout. Vorster stands up, looking very angry. Vorster:"How dare you even make such a preposterous claim in my face?! You likely murdered my brother! I will make sure you rot for it!" Vorster turns to the startled warden. Vorster:"Feed it only at lunch, and make it only half of what you give the other prisoners!" Warden:"Yes, Mister President!" Vorster stomps off in anger, followed closely by his bodyguards and the warden. Striker sighs and wipes his muzzle. He sees the blood on his prison sleeves. He goes to the toilet roll and pulls a few flies loose. The spaniel then goes to lie in his bunk, holding the toilet paper to his bleeding nose. CNN Centre Atlanta State of Georgia United States of America 8 November 1:01 PM: The female news anchor is reading the day's headline news to the camera. Anchor:"The date for the trial of the Road Rover Striker has been set for the 10th of December next month, according to a spokes- person from the South African Justice Department. So far there has been no official word from the Road Rovers, though sources say that a dream team of lawyers has been put together to defend Striker. Striker is accused of massacring the Vorsters, a powerful and influential Afrikaner family who resisted the apartheid government, during a wedding ceremony in 1979. The only surviving member of the family, Adriaan Vorster, is the president of South Africa." She moves on to the next news item. Anchor:"In other news, Malcolm Industries has a won a major contract from the Iranian government to build several hydrogen power plants..." She continues with the news. Hangar Road Rover Mission Control State of New Mexico United States of America 9 November 7:34 AM: The Sonic Rover is parked facing towards the hangar runaway, ready for take off. Members of the Road Rovers, Unit STRIKE and the Master are here to see off Corsair, Hotrod, Shephard, Merit and the lawyer Mr. Bugliose. Hunter and Colleen are also with them, while Blitz and Exile are in the cockpit going over the equipment and Shag is loading their luggage on the Sonic Rover. Phoenix is flanked by her parents and the other non-human Unit STRIKE members as well Vicki and Alana. Phoenix is talking to Bugliose. Phoenix:"Thank you so much for taking up this case, Mister Bugliose." Bugliose:"Don't thank me yet, Phoenix. We still need to get Striker a not guilty sentence before we can pop the Champaign cork. Still, it's my pleasure to help out. The Master pays good money." Master:"That's because you are good, Bugliose. I haven't forgotten how you managed to clear Bear's name at his treason trial." Bugliose:"That was a piece of cake compared to this new case. Last time we didn't have that dangerous element in the mix that makes fair trials less fair: politics. But I'm always up for a challenge." Master:"Still, you will be working with Sunrise of the Cape Hunting Dogs on this one. He's a good lawyers as well and one of the few human lawyers we have available to us." Bugliose:"Not a problem for me. The more help the better for Striker." Colleen:"Will we going straight to the Cape Hunting Dogs' ranch, Master?" The Master shakes his head. Master:"Not yet. You need to make a stop in Washington DC to pick up Major Cadwell. I've managed to get him on leave so that he can join you at Striker's trial. Norwood, I'm afraid, is too tied up in work, but Cadwell's testimony can be just as good as Mark's." Corsair:"It has been a while since we last saw old Will. And it is always while he's in uniform and at duty." Shephard:"He is a major after all, sir." Corsair:"Yeah, but he is also human. At least, I hope he is." Master:"Anyway, Colleen. After you've picked up Cadwell, you will then go to the ranch and get Sunrise. You Rovers will then stay at the ranch with the Cape Hunting Dogs as emergency backup. Our human team will take a flight from Nairobi in Kenya directly to Johannesburg." Hunter:"Cool! I always wanted to visit the Serengeti in Kenya. I need to remember to take some photos back home for mom." Colleen looks at Hunter, folding her arms and putting a stern face. Colleen:"And what me, Huntie?" Hunter:"Oh, you want photos too?" Colleen makes a great sigh and throws her arms into the air. Colleen:"What do I see in you?" Before Hunter can answer, Elexis comes up and whispers something in his ear. Hunter immediately looks embarrassed at Colleen. Hunter:"Oh! Heheh... sure. We can go and tour the Serengeti together, Colleen. No problem." Colleen smirks as Elexis winks at her from behind Hunter. Colleen:"Glad to see you are not super-thick in the head." Everyone has a good chuckle about it, but then Master calls to order. Master:"All right, children. Fun over. Now, our legal team will stay at a CHD strong house in Johannesburg for the duration of the trial. That way they won't to stay at a place where they will be spied upon by the security services in South Africa." Vicki:"They really don't trust us cano-sapiens, do they?" Master:"Not one bit from what I read in reports. Now, Hunter's team will stay at the ranch and will be ready to take Striker home as soon as the trial is over. Phoenix and the rest of Unit STRIKE will remain here with me to watch the trial on TV and to help in the investigation into the Elite Guard." Tanarus:"Speaking of which, Bugliose and the others will have to watch for the Elite Guard interfering in Striker's trial. Franco wants to see Striker convicted as much as Vorster." Colleen:"No wonder there, guv. Franco is the guilty party and would love to see Striker take the fall for his crimes." Elexis:"And as revenge for what Striker did to him and his plans to destroy the world during the early 1980s." Master:"That is why I will want updated reports from the legal team each day. We don't want any more interference from either Vorster, Franco or any of the other villains in this trial." Corsair:"No problem, chief. I'll send regular e-mails and even some instant messages over the net during the trial." Phoenix:"Will you also let me speak to Strikie directly?" Corsair:"Got some earphones and mikes that we get into prison and let you speak to him, Phoenix. Hubert and I made them so that the guards, should they try to tap or trace it, will only find themselves listening in on the Cartoon Network." Phoenix giggles and smiles at Corsair. Phoenix:"Thank you, David." Corsair:"Hey, my name's Corsair. But you're welcome anyway." Hunter:"Anyways, it's time to get going. Our legal team will need time to get our buddy out of jail." Master:"I agree, Hunter. It's time to leave." Everyone begins to exchange their farewells and good lucks. Phoenix hugs Corsair and Shephard, wishing them luck. Phoenix:"And bring my Strikie back safe and sound." Corsair:"Gotcha, Phoenix." Shephard:"Yes, Ma'am." Alana gives Hotrod a big hug and whispers in his ears. Alana(whispering):"Don't let those eyes of yours wander about down there. Remember: you will still be coming back to me and I'll box your tail if I find you've been cheating on me." To emphasize her point, she grabs one of his ears and twists it. Not too much, but enough to let him get her point. He winches. Hotrod(whispering):"No worries, Alana. You can count on me." The farewells continue for a minute or so, then the legal team and Hunter's Road Rovers board the Sonic Rover. Everyone else steps back a good distance as the Sonic Rover's engines come to life and it taxis onto the runaway. The engines then roar to full power and speeds down the runaway to the hangar exit. Everyone waves at the Sonic Rover as it leaves the hangar. Phoenix has a tear in her eye that rolls down her cheek. Phoenix:"Please, Lord. Help them bring back Striker." Aydrian hugs his daughter tightly as Illanov and Tanarus pat her shoulders. Striker's future now hangs in the balance as his trial for the murder of the Vorsters approaches. Will the Rover legal team be able to prove his innocence? Will the South Africans convict him and send him to prison, or even execute him? And what role will Striker's arch-nemesis Franco play in all of this? THE END