ROAD ROVERS PROJECT 14 A theoretical look at "Road Rovers" episode 14 By The 26th Dog e-mail "Home Is The Hunter" The Road Rovers had just made an emergency supply drop on a small Pacific island that had just been ravaged by a typhoon. The plane that had been used was a experimental model on its maiden voyage- so new, in fact, that it hadn't been given a name by Professor Hubert. The weather was calm now, the ocean below looked like glass. Hunter was at the controls, but had the auto-pilot engaged. Colleen sat next to him in the co-pilot's place. COLLEEN (British accent) Blimey! That mission seemed like it took ten years off me life! HUNTER (American accent) Yeah, that's seventy in dog years. COLLEEN (tired) I'm going to get some sleep, Huntie. Wake me if there's trouble. HUNTER (honest) You're not the only one I'd have to get up. Everybody else has been asleep since we took off. Colleen didn't hear him. As soon as her eyes closed, she fell into an exahusted sleep, leaving Hunter alone awake. He didn't mind. The leader had to make some sacrifices for the team. He looked over at Colleen, who had a large smile on her muzzle. He could hear her tail wagging against the chair, and hoped she was having a good dream. Hunter glanced at the instrument panel. Everything was perfect. And then, suddenly, the panel went completely dark. He quickly grabbed the controls as the auto-pilot disengaged, causing the plane to shake violently. Thankfully, everyone was strapped into their seats, but Blitz's loud startled yelp helped wake everyone up. The plane's jet engines began to slow. COLLEEN (startled) What on earth- HUNTER (interrupting) I don't know! See if the radio's working! By this time the other Rovers had joined Hunter and Colleen. EXILE (confused) Talk about your alarming clock! Colleen flipped all of the switches that she could reach. COLLEEN - We're not sending out any blooming signal, Hunter. HUNTER (stern) Try your emergency collar frequency. All of the Rovers had dog licenses which had transmitters built into them for situations like this. Everyone tried to activate their locators at once. BLITZ (scared) Nein! It's not working either. SHAG - Risten! The Rovers' ears pricked up, well, like dogs, as the familiar hum of the engines stopped, leaving just the sound of the wind howling past the plane. Hunter was struggling to keep the plane level at this point. HUNTER (honest) Bummer! He thought for a moment. HUNTER (Calm) Alright, here's what we need to do. First- BLITZ (hopeful) Put me in charge? HUNTER (sarcastic) Not yet, but I'll put it on my to do list. EXILE (sarcastic) Weird Boy. HUNTER (continuing) Exile, switch places with Colleen. I need some help holding us steady. Colleen and Exile immediately switched places. HUNTER (calm) That'll help for a little while, Colleen, you, Blitz, Shag and Muzzle need to gather up any supplies that you can fit into the life rafts. The other Rovers stared at their leader. HUNTER (honest) Guys, Exile and I can't keep the plane up forever. I'm going to try land in the water. EXILE Couldn't we bail out, Comrade? COLLEEN (thoughtful) We could, but we'd land all over the ocean. A group is easier to find in the dark. Let's go, gents. You heard the leader. As Colleen organized the emergency supplies, allowing Shag to gather the food, Blitz to handle water, and herself with her specialty, medical supplies, Hunter and Exile struggled as the plane began to nose down and pick up speed. HUNTER (shouting) Get ready everyone! Hunter turned to Exile. HUNTER (honest) Exile, you can go in the back with the others now if you want. EXILE (smiling) Nyet, Hunter. You are my leader and my friend. I stay with you until sledski stops. HUNTER (smiling) Thanks, man. That means a lot to me. The plane broke through the last layer of clouds. Hunter and Exile pulled back on the controls to keep the nose up. And then... Hunter was under water. He looked around quickly and swam for the surface. As he broke through, he took a deep breath. Hunter saw that the plane had broken apart. The nose and the tail had already sunk. The cabin was afloat, but burning as the jet fuel spilled from the engines. The fire lit the darkening sky. He stared at the wreckage. Hunter was all alone. HUNTER (yelling) Where is everybody? Hunter dog paddled away from the wreck. He began to think that he was the only one who got out. Then, to his relief he heard a howl. Hunter quickly answered. BLITZ (yelling) Hunter! Are you hurt? HUNTER (answering) No! I'm over here! Hunter saw a raft come into view from around the flames. Blitz and Shag were using the small wooden paddles as Colleen was helping Exile and Muzzle into the raft. Hunter could see that they were having problems with the weight in the lone raft. He swam back toward the wreckage and grabbed a seat cushion that had floated free. He waved to the raft and Colleen and Exile reached down to grab him. HUNTER (relieved) Am I glad to see you guys! EXILE (smiling) Me also. I thought your goose was cooking at 350 degrees. HUNTER (puzzled) Okay. Hunter noticed that Colleen had tears in her eyes. HUNTER (concerned) Colleen, are you OK? COLLEEN (honest) I am now, guv. BLITZ (joking) Ja, she was upset that you weren't going to come on this cruise with her and she would have to date me instead. Colleen kicked Blitz gently in the back as he rowed. this movement cause the raft to dip in the water. HUNTER (curious) Shag, do you have another raft on you? Shag rummaged in his fur and pulled out another uniflated raft. He quickly unwrapped it and the raft automatically inflated. HUNTER Blitz, Exile and Colleen, you get the the new raft. Hunter and Shag held the second raft close to the first as the other Rovers switched. The first raft, relieved of the extra weight, rose slightly out of the water. HUNTER (honest) That helps a lot. Thanks, Shag. SHAG (barking) Rou're relcome. HUNTER (continuing) How much stuff did you guys get out of the plane. COLLEEN Enough medical supplies for a good while, Huntie Wuntie. BLITZ Thanks to me, we have plenty of water. SHAG Rood's rokay. Hunter smiled. HUNTER Cool! So now all we have to do sit back and enjoy the view.