The Tale of Two Cano-Sapiens By: Gerhard Naudé and Kristen Coughlan All Rover Strike names, Harva, Arkadiy, Jock, Raven & Related Family © Gerhard Naudé ----------------- At a farm in Russia, near the border with Ukraine, an SUV with the European Corporation logo is parked at the main farmhouse. A EuroCorp officer is talking to the farmer, while his wife is comforting his two crying children. Two more officers are loading a cage with an east-European German Shephard dog into the back of the SUV. The officer gives the farmer a wad of Russian rubles. Officer: Here is our payment. I trust it is sufficient? Farmer: Absolutely, sir. I’m sorry that I have to sell Arkadiy to you, but my family really needs the money. What with all the recent economic troubles we’ve been having. Officer: I understand. Don’t worry. Tell your children we will take good care of him. Farmer: Thank you, sir. The officer and farmer shake hands. The officers then climb into the SUV and drive off, leaving the farmer and his family to watch them leave the farm. In the back the dog looks back sadly at the family, especially the crying kids. Harva is in her cage. She and her siblings were now full grown adults. The caretakers and a scientist come up to her cage. The scientist points at Harva while looking at the caretakers. Scientist: Take this one to the lab. Harva looks up and see the caretakers and the scientist. She yips and moves to the back to the cage. The caretakers open the cage, then reach in to get her. Harva shakes and whines in fear, while Rongue sees what is going on and barks at them. The caretakers ignore Rongue and grab Harva by the back of her neck, and then they begin to pull her out. She whines and struggles as she dragged out of her cage and into the lab. The caretakers hand her over to the lab guards, who handle her even more roughly as they take her in. Harva barks and struggles. The guards lift her onto the table so that she is lying on her back, then they strap her down. Harva barks confused with what is going on. Behind some one way glass is Johnston, and Grasson. A scientist comes up to Harva, holding a syringe. She taps it lightly, then sticks the needle into the dog's thigh and makes the injection. Harva yips loudly. The scientist pulls out the needle and steps aside to allow another scientist to come up and attach electrodes to various parts of Harva's body. She is starting to calm down due to the drug. Once the electrodes are all attached, the scientist steps back to join the others. They all get into position as yet another scientist puts his hand on a lever. Scientist: Everyone ready? Here we go. The scientist pulls the lever down. Jolts of electricity surge through the wires and in seconds into Harva. Harva's body shudders, shivers and shakes from the voltage going into her. As this happens, she begins to transform right in front of the eyes of the scientists. Johnston and Grasson watch the transformation from a side room through a one-way glass mirror. Harva's body and limbs begin to mould, shape and change into that of a cano-sapien. After a few moments, she is lying on the table as a nude female cano-sapien husky with the body of a young adult female. A scientist comes up to cover her body with a towel, while another comes up to do a medical check-up. Scientist: Vital signs are normal. No complications. We have a fully healthy female cano-sapien. Another scientist comes up and removes the electrodes, then undoes the straps. Harva moans on the table, then sits up and rubs her head. It is then that she realizes what has happened to her. She gasps in shock as she looks herself over. Harva: What happened to me? She yips in surprise when she hears herself speak. Harva: I talked like a human. Harva yips again and shakes in fear. As the scientists congratulate themselves on another job well done, guards take Harva away to the bigger kennels and give her clothes to put on. Then they put her in a cell. Harva quickly dresses herself as the guards close the cell and lock it, then leave the kennel. Harva whimpers in the cell and kneels down on the floor of her cell. In the cell next to hers is a male East-European Shepherd cano-sapien. The cano-sapien comes up to her bars. Sapien: They changed you too, huh? Harva looks at the male and nods her head. Harva (whimpers) Yes . . . Sapien: Then you are my comrade. We are both suffering from these changes the humans forced on us. Harva (whimpers): Where are you from? I haven't seen you in the kennels before. Arkadiy: My name is Arkadiy, comrade. I am from Russia. Harva (whimpers): How come I haven't seen you in the kennels? Arkadiy: Probably because I was immediately taken to the labs once they brought me from Russia. Harva begins to calm down a bit as she talks with Arkadiy. Harva: Did EuroCorp steal you like the other dogs? Arkadiy: Not really, comrade. They bought me from a farm in St. Petersburg. Harva is about to talk, but goes silent as two of the guards on patrol walk by their cells. Arkadiy gives a low growl as the guards walk past. Arkadiy: I hate EuroCorp. Harva: I was born here. They killed my mother. Arkadiy looks back at her sympathetically Arkadiy: Terribly sorry to hear that, comrade. Harva starts to cry, thinking about her mother. Arkadiy reaches out and puts a supportive paw on her shoulder. Harva moves closer to Arkadiy’s cell, so he is able to put his arm around her as she gets closer. Over time more of the cells in the cano-sapien kennels are filled with newly transformed cano-sapiens. All of them are either shocked and whimpering, or angry and growling at the guards and caretakers. Arkadiy growls at the scene while holding Harva. Arkadiy: I hate these humans. Harva whimpers, holding Arkadiy’s paws tightly. Harva: I want out of here, Ark. Armand is put on the cell on the opposite side of Arkadiy's cell. When Armand sees Arkadiy holding Harva, he growls at the male. Arkadiy looks back at Armand, not growling, but keeping an eye on him. Arkadiy: And what is wrong with you, comrade? Harva sighs as she sees her growling brother. Harva: That is my brother, Armand. He always has a temper. Arkadiy grins and looks at Armand. Arkadiy: Don't worry, comrade. I am just comforting your sister. Armand growls to himself. Soon Raven and Tyrna come in and placed in the cell next to Harva's. Jock is the last to arrive. Arkadiy watches Jock come in, and then looks at Harva. Arkadiy: Another brother? Harva nods as she watches Jock being brought in. Harva: Yeah. He is usually quiet and keeps to himself. Arkadiy: So different from your other brother. Jock is placed in the same cell as Rongue. Harva looks at Arkadiy with worried eyes. Harva (whimpers): Why do the humans want us this way? Arkadiy shakes his head, growling a little. Arkadiy: I don't know, but they will be sorry if I ever get out and get hold of a weapon. A few days later, the cano-sapiens are awakened by yelling and shouting. Raven (blinks awake) What is going on? Arkadiy and the other males are up instantly and listening Arkadiy: Bolshoi! What is that noise? Nature Warriors break into the kennels. Another Nature Warrior moves in closer with his bat. The caretaker immediately takes out the keycard chain from his pocket and holds it out. The Nature Warrior takes the keys and begins to work on unlocking the cages. Jock looks alarmed at the Nature Warriors as his cage door is unlocked. Jock: who are you? Warrior 1:We're nature's warriors! And we're to help you! After the Nature Warriors had finished unlocking Harva and Arkadiy's cages, there is a large explosion. Everything becomes dark as the lights go out, then part of the ceiling caves in. Harva gets knocked out by fallen debris. Arkadiy finds a fallen guard and takes his weapon. More guards come into the area. Arkadiy helps Harva up onto her feet. Arkadiy: Come on, comrade! This is our chance to escape! Harva moans in pain. Arkadiy: You hurt, comrade? A little blood comes from Harva's head wound. Guards come near them holding tazers. Arkadiy points the weapon he has at the guards as he helps Harva and himself, escape. Arkadiy fires a few shots, and then helps Harva on his back as he starts climbing the debris to the hole in the roof. The guards fire their guns at them. Harva (weak) Ark . . . Arkadiy starts to rapidly climb up the rubble, his athletic speed allowing him and Harva to avoid the fire from the guards Arkadiy carries Harva up to the top of the hole onto the lawns of the EuroCorp headquarter grounds He runs through the grounds until he finds a vehicle that rammed through a part of the electric fence. Arkadiy opens the passenger door and puts Harva in the seat. He buckles her up. Arkadiy: You doing all right, comrade? Harva (moans) My head hurts. Arkadiy: I'll get you to a hospital, comrade. Hang on. Arkadiy closes her door, then runs over to the driver's side and climbs in. He buckles up and starts up the van. As the guards begin to surround the van, Arkadiy accidentally goes in reverse and hits some of the guards. Arkadiy looks back and snickers after hitting the guards Arkadiy: A little payback, comrades! He turns the van and drives it into the streets. Arkadiy keeps driving taking the side roads to avoid any Euro-Corp guards that could be looking for them. Arkadiy finally spots a veterinary and stops in the visitors’ parking lot. He climbs out and goes over to the passenger side to help Harva. Harva was fast asleep in the back. Arkadiy unbuckles her and carries her out in his arms. Closing the door with his feet, he walks into the building to the reception desk. The woman on the desk looks up and gasps. Arkadiy: Comrade, this female requires help. The vet come out of the office. Arkadiy turns to the vet, still carrying Harva Arkadiy: Comrade, she needs help! The vet immediately checks on Harva, and then gets some of his staff to carry her to the medical office. Harva was breathing shallowly. The vet and staff take Harva away, while Arkadiy watches them go, then sits down to wait. Minutes pass by. Soon the vet exits the office. Arkadiy gets up and goes over to the vet, looking a little concerned. Arkadiy: Is she all right, comrade? The vet nods her head. Vet: We stitched up the wound on her head. She is resting right now. Arkadiy: So she will be all right? Vet (nods): She will be after some rest. Arkadiy breathes a sight of relief Arkadiy: Thank you Mother Russia. Arkadiy goes into the office to see Harva. Arkadiy goes up to the bed where Harva is lying. He puts his arms around Harva and holds her. Harva (moans) Ark . . . Arkadiy (whispering): You okay, comrade? Harva (moans) I am a bit better. Where are we? Arkadiy: We are in a vet hospital, comrade. Still in the city. Back outside, some Euro-Corp trucks pass the hospital and they see the SUV the two cano-sapiens escaped in. Back inside Harva sees their vehicles pull into the parking lot. Harva (yips a little) We have to leave, they going to find us. Arkadiy: First we have to get your injuries tended to, comrade. The Euro-Corp trucks pull up to the animal hospital. Arkadiy swears. Arkadiy: Bolshoi! Do they not give up. Arkadiy picks up Harva and heads for the back door. Arkadiy sees a delivery van. The man is carrying a package into the store room. Arkadiy carries Harva to the van and puts her into the driver's side.Some guards spot them and move to surround them.Arkadiy quickly jumps into the driver's side, starts the van and speeds it down towards the guards. The guards dodge out of the way just in time. They fire at the van as it drives off. Arkadiy drives the van onto the road and dodges the traffic. One of the Euro-Corp trucks follow them. Harva (gasps) They are gaining on us! Arkadiy growls, running a red light through busy traffic to try and lose the trucks. He takes a hard turn right on to another street. He keep turning into various streets.The height of the truck, however, eventually causes the van to tip over. It lands loudly on its side. Arkadiy carrying Harva on his back crawls out of the van. He uses his super speed, to escape the area. Harva (stunned, weak) How are you doing that?! Arkadiy stops for a moment, surprised at his own power Arkadiy: I... I do not know, comrade. Harva (points at an old cabin) I think we can hide there. Arkadiy nods and makes a break for the cabin. Both of them enter the cabin. Arkadiy closes the door, then looks through the windows for signs of pursuit Harva (weak) I think we lost them. Arkadiy breathes a sigh of relief, then goes to check on Harva Arkadiy: You okay, comrade. Harva (weak) I am feeling a little better. Arkadiy sits down with Harva and holds her close for comfort. Harva moves closes to Arkadiy and nuzzles him. Arkadiy smiles, wagging his tail and nuzzling her head fur. Harva licks Arkadiy's ears. Arkadiy flicks his ears, and then nibbles Harva's. Harva yips a little and then murrs. Arkadiy nuzzles her neck, holding her even closer to him. Harva murrs deeper, curling her tail around him. Harva (murrs) Ark . . . Arkadiy(murrs, whispering): Dah?.... Harva (murrs) I love you . . . Arkadiy is a bit surprised, then murrs and smiles, hugging Harva even more tightly Arkadiy(smiling): I love you too. Harva closes her eyes and starts to fall asleep. Arkadiy gently strokes Harva's head fur, snuggling up to her while keeping his ears alert for any danger. Harva murrs deeply in her sleep. Hours later Harva awakens when she feels movement. Arkadiy found a pickup truck and he was driving on a country road. Arkadiy glances at her Arkadiy: Feeling better, comrade? Harva (yawns) Much better. Arkadiy (smiles): Good to hear it, comrade. Harva nuzzles against Arkadiy as she looks outside the pickup at the countryside. Harva (nuzzles) Where are we going? Arkadiy: We are going back to my country: Mother Russia. As Arkadiy drives, Harva takes in the sights. She had never seen anything outside the cages. Arkadiy is driving along countryside roads through Europe, avoiding the main roads and too much attention. They can see the ravages of the Techno War between the United Nations and the GONV Forces. After a few days, they enter the Ukraine. Arkadiy enters the town of Chernobyl. Arkadiy passes a farm and sees a group of cano-sapiens and humans on a hill by a barn. Harva also notices them. Harva (look at them) I wonder what going on over there. Arkadiy (looks): They don't look like farmers. Should we stop and look? The group begins to move away. Harva sees flashes coming from the town. Harva (confused): What is going on down there? Arkadiy frowns as he looks at the flash Arkadiy: Maybe we had better go and get a closer look. Arkadiy drives closer to the town and they see GONV robots. Harva (gasps): What are those? Arkadiy frowns as he looks at the machines. Arkadiy: They look like those GONV robots that have been fighting in this war. We'd best try to avoid them. Arkadiy begins to drive away. Arkadiy drives the truck through the town's streets, being careful to avoid any signs of the GONV. Harva looks behind them and gasps. Harva: They are following us! Arkadiy immediately looks into the rearview. Behind them a truckload of drones have gone into pursuit of the vehicle. He swears. Arkadiy: You're right! Harva (scared) What are we going to do? Arkadiy begins to open his door and climb out. Arkadiy: Take the wheel! Harva takes the wheel. Arkadiy gets out of the truck and climbs along the side to get into the back of the truck. The drones fire at the truck. Arkadiy ducks down to avoid the incoming, then ducks back up with his rifle and starts to shoot at the engine The GONV truck explodes. Arkadiy takes the wheel again Arkadiy: We had better leave this village and soon. We won't be able to fight for long. The couple finds an isolated village and settles down. Arkadiy has a job and Harva stays home. Soon both Arkadiy and Harva are married. In a cabin on the edge of the village, the two cano-sapiens were waking up. Harva (smiles) Morning, my love. Arkadiy yawns, then lovingly scritches Harva's ears. Arkadiy (smiles back) Good morning, my dear. Harva murrs and nuzzles against him. Harva (murrs) What are you doing today? Any bountys to go after? Arkadiy gets out of bed and stretches a bit Arkadiy: No bounties today, so I figured I'd head out to chop wood for us and do some training. Harva comes out of bed and gives Arkadiy a lick. Arkadiy murrs, then embraces his wife and licks her back. In a pub in the village, a man is on the phone. Man (talking on a cellphone) There are two cano-sapiens living outside the village. A male East-European Shepherd and a female Husky. The new employeers might find an interest in them. Boss: They definitely would. Can you give me detailed descriptions of them? I'll send the boys out to get them. Man: The male is large and strong with brown and black fur. He is a local bounty hunter. The female is grey and white. Boss: Anything else I need to know? Man: The male is very protective of the female. He has a temper and he is good in combat. The female is just a house wife and spends most of the day in the home. Boss: Where is this home? Man: In the outskirts of the village in a small cabin. Boss: Good. I'll send the boys out there to deal with it. Back the cabin, Harva was kissing Arkadiy good-bye. Some people in the towers in the mountain need some suppies and he was asked to help. Harva (kisses Arkadiy) Bye, Ark. Arkadiy kisses Harva and hugs her. Arkadiy: Goodbye. I won't be long. Arkadiy goes into his truck and leaves. Harva re-enters the cabin. In the briefing room at Road Rover Mission Control, Striker is seated at the conference table with the Master seated with him. Striker is looking over a file that has Arkadiy’s picture on it. Striker: So his name is Arkadiy, Master? Master: That is correct. Striker: Is he a good candidate? Master: I believe so. He shows great potential. Striker: The file here certainly speaks greatly of him. What is his present location? Master: He has a cabin in a remote village in western Russia. The name and precise location of it is on page eight of the file. Striker turns a few pages to check the location. He nods his head, and then looks back up at the Master. Striker: Reg. So my team will go and visit Arkadiy and question him. What should we do if he does not want to become a Road Rover? Master: I would like you to persuade him otherwise, Striker, but if he really does not want to become a Road Rover let him be. We are not going to pressure anyone into our organization. Striker (nods): Understood, Master. Anything else? Master: Nothing that isn’t in the file, Striker. But feel free to call me if something crops up. Striker nods his head and closes the file. He gets up. Striker: My team will leave right away, Master. Master: Good luck. Striker: Dankie, Master. Striker tucks the file under his arms and heads for the exit. The Master gets up and heads back towards his quarters. Harva was in the cabin alone cooking some stew in the kitchen. She was humming to herself putting in the spices. She stirs the stew unaware of things happening outside the cabin. Outside, a group of ex-KGB commandoes are gathering around the cabin. Harva (tastes the stew) MMMM! Ark will love this stew. Suddenly all the windows are smashed apart. Harva screams and ducks to avoid the flying glass. As soon as the glass is broken, gas grenades are thrown into the cabin. Harva coughs trying to escape the gas but soon passes out. She is laying on the floor as the gas clears. After a minute the door is smashed down and gas masked soldiers storm in. They check the other rooms while tying up Harva. Harva is taken to an waiting SUV and put in a cage. One of the men radios their boss. The man on the other end answers Boss: Dah? Man: We have the female husky, there is no sign of the male European Shepherd. Boss: Good. Bring the female to me, but a few should stay behind and get the male as well. Arkadiy is pulling supplies on a sled on the trails to one of the look out towers. He sees a Cocker Spaniel cano-sapien and a German Shepherd cano-sapien walking towards the main lodge. Striker: Verskoon my, we need to talk with you. Arkadiy stops working and turns to them. Arkadiy: Dah? What can I do for you? Striker and Illanov come up to him. Striker: My name is Striker, and this is my friend Alexander Illanov. Arkadiy: I'm Arkadiy. Illanov sees a tattoo in Arkadiy's ear. Illanov: Comrade, what is that in your ear? May we see? Arkadiy turns towards them and they see the Euro-Corp Symbol and an ID number. Striker and Illanov examine the tattoo. Striker: Just as we thought. Another EuroCorp refugee. Arkadiy: And I have no intention of seeing them again. Illanov: Neither would we, comrade. Neither would we. Arkadiy: Could you excuse me just for a moment? I won't be long. Striker: Go right ahead. We are not in a hurry. Arkadiy nods, and then uses his super speed to take the supplies to the lookout tower. Once done, he runs back to the two. Striker and Illanov watch Arkadiy, admiring his speed. When he returns, they speak to him again. Illanov: That your super power, comrade? Arkadiy nods his head. Arkadiy: Dah. Striker: Have you ever heard of the Road Rovers? Arkadiy: Dah. I heard stories. Striker: We represent the Road Rovers and are also members. Our Master want to recruit you. Are you perhaps interested? Arkadiy shakes his head with a polite smile. Arkadiy: Nyet. All I want is a normal life with my wife. Illanov: We understand that, comrade, but being a Rover also grants you legal and other protection against the European Corporation. Arkadiy: Nyet, I prefer being a civilian. Arkadiy's cellphone rings. Arkadiy (answers) Dah. After a few moments, Arkadiy curses in Russian. Illanov: What is wrong, comrade? Arkadiy (growls) My neighbor told me that someone broke into my house and my wife is gone. Arkadiy runs for his truck. Striker immediately runs behind Arkadiy while looking back at Illanov Striker: Get the Rhino and find the others, Alex! Illanov: Dah, Comrade! Arkadiy jumps into his truck and starts it up. Striker taps on the passenger door window Striker: I will go with you. Arkadiy unlocks the door. Striker opens the door, hops in and closes it. He buckles in. Harva awakens in a cell in a dank basement an hour later. Harva (yips) What the heck? From a nearby doorway a voice speaks out. Boss: You're awake, I see. Harva (scared) Who are you? Where am I? The boss walks into view. He is a portly Russian wearing a crumpled uniform and has a balding head. Boss: You're my prisoner. Harva (scared) What do you want with me? Boss: My new employers are looking for cano-sapiens. Harva (gasps) I am not going anywhere. Boss: Not on my watch. I've been paid good money. Harva shakes in fear. The boss sees her wedding ring, reaches into her cage and grabs her paw to look more closely at the ring. Boss: How beautiful. Must be expensive. Harva pulls back and she shakes more in fear. The boss grabs and holds her paw firmly, then tries to pry the ring off. Boss: It would look good for my wife. The ring remains stuck on Harva's finger. The boss tugs harder, grunting as he tries to force it off. Harva screams in pain as he tugs, but the ring stays put. The boss then hears a phone ring, then goes off to answer it. Harva cries in the cell. A minute later a EuroCorp officer in a blue business suit comes in to examine Harva. She moves away from the man. Officer: Do you have combat training? Harva doesn't answer and moves away from the man. The officer reaches into the cell, grabs Harva's ears and pulls her closer. Officer: Do you have combat training? Harva (yips): No..... Officer: Any other kind of training? Harva (yips): No . . . I'm just a housewife. . . The officer keeps staring at her, then lets go of her ears. Officer: How old are you? Harva (whimpers): Four in human years The officer makes some quick calculations in his mind. Officer: 28 in dog years, then? Harva (whimpers): 26. Officer: Close enough. The officer pulls out a small camera and takes a digital photo of Harva. He then goes over to a table and puts a laptop on it. He inputs the data into the laptop to see if the data matches any escaped cano-sapiens. After a few minutes the officer reads the incoming data, and then looks at Harva with a smug grin. Officer: You seem to be escaped EuroCorp property. Harva (whimpers): I am no one's property. Out of fear, she uses her powers. Vines come out of the floor and trips the officer. The officer falls to the ground, grunting. He quickly gets up and backs away while the guards aim their guns at Harva. She stops the vines, but still shakes in fear. The officer makes a phone call on his cell. After a few moments of ringing, the phone is answered. Officer: We found another escaped cano-sapien. Johnston: W-w-w-w-where this t-t-t-time? Officer: Our Russian allies found the female husky living in a cabin in a village. She is the one that was reported to have escaped with the male European Shepherd when the Nature Warriors stormed the lab. Johnston: E-e-e-excellent. Y-y-y-you h-h-have th-th-them b-b-b-both? Officer: The male hasn't returned to the cabin, but the Russians have men ready at the cabin to capture him we he comes back. The two appear to be married. Johnston: G-g-g-good. G-g-g-get the m-m-m-male a-a-as s-s-s-soon as p-p-p-possible, b-b-b-but m-m-m-make s-s-s-sure that f-f-f-female is s-s-s-shipped i-i-immediately b-b-b-before s-s-s-someone r-r-r-rescues h-h-h-her. Officer: Yes, sir. Johnston: G-g-g-good. N-n-n-now, I-I-I h-have a c-c-c-c-client t-t-to m-meet. M-m-m-make s-s-s-sure y-y-y-your o-o-o-operation r-r-r-runs s-s-s-smoothly. Officer: Yes, sir. Johnston hangs up the phone on the other end. The officer puts away his own phone and turns to the guards. Officer (Russian): Get the husky ready for transport. The boss comes back in as the guards start to open the cage and begin to tie up Harva. Boss: So, I should send this mutt to HQ? Officer: Mister Johnston wants her out of here as soon as possible. Boss: You got it, comrade. I'll have her packaged and sent straight to the airfield. Arkadiy is growling as he drives to the cabin. When he arrives he grabs a rifle and heads towards the cabin. Striker jumps out, pulling his colt revolver and following Arkadiy. He slowly enters the cabin with the rifle pointed. The smell of burnt food fills the cabin. Striker follows him, covering his back and looking around Striker: This where you live? Arkadiy: Dah. They enter the kitchen and see the smashed windows. Striker looks at the windows suspiciously, and then sees a canister lying on the floor. He picks it up and examines it. Striker: A gas grenade. Arkadiy growls deeply, and then through the window sees movement in the woods behind the house. He immediately takes aim with his rifle and fires. The shot flies through the open window and in amongst the trees, there is a shout of pain the next moment. Arkadiy takes out a hunting knife, goes out the back door and heads towards the area where he aimed. Striker quickly follows behind Arkadiy, his sonic rifle ready. Striker: You need to slow down, Arkadiy. We might get ambushed. They make their way into the woods, but it does not take them long to find what they are looking for: laying the ground is a man dressed in fatigues, clutching his wounded leg. Arkadiy picks him up and puts the hunting knife to his throat, growling. Arkadiy: Where is my wife? The man spits in Arkadiy’s face. Striker comes up and puts his sonic rifle to the man’s head. Striker: Answer the dog's question. The man starts to sweat as he looks between the knife blade and the sonic rifle. Finally he cracks. Man: The boss took her to his place! Arkadiy puts the knife closer to the man's throat, growling even louder. Arkadiy: Who do you work for and where is my wife being held? Suddenly a group of three men, dressed like the wounded man and armed with automatic weapons, jump out from behind the trees and surround the two cano-sapiens. Striker: Take cover! Arkadiy ducks down as Striker immediately fires a quick succession of three sonic blasts at the three men before they can even react. All three men drop to the ground, shouting out in pain before going unconscious. As Striker moves closer to get their weapons, Arkadiy turns his attention back to his prisoner. Arkadiy (growls) I repeat: Who do you work for and where is my wife being held? The man keeps mum. Striker walks up to him, holding two automatic weapons in his paws. He puts the barrels of both guns to the man’s chest. He then squeals. Man: The boss has her at his dacha near Moscow! The man gives the address and exact location of the dacha. Striker then hits the man with the butts of the guns, knocking him out like his friends. Arkadiy begins to march back to the cabin. Striker runs after him. Striker: Where are you going? Arkadiy: I am going to rescue my wife. Striker: Alone? Arkadiy: Alone. Striker runs in front of Arkadiy and stops him. Striker: You cannot just simply march up and confront these people on your own! You will need help. Arkadiy: And where am I going to find help? The police? Striker: Nee, not the police. Me. Arkadiy raises an eyebrow. Arkadiy: You? Striker: And my team. We have the training to help you rescue your wife. Even if you will not become a Road Rover, at least allow us to help. Arkadiy thinks it over for a moment, then nods. Arkadiy: All right, comrade. I accept your offer. Striker: Goed. Let’s go and find my team. The two of them run for the truck. At the base, Euro-Corp Officers are preparing to transport Harva back to Brussels. Harva stays in the corner of the cell. The boss comes up to her cell Boss: Are you sure won't give me your ring? Harva holds the hand the ring is on and shakes her head 'no'. A transport cage is wheeled into room. The boss pats the new cage, grinning at Harva Boss: You like it? The best transportation luxury, just for you. Harva whimpers, curling up into a ball. Two men open the cell door, one of them holding a collar. The one man grabs Harva, while the other forces the collar around her neck and locks it. The boss grins at Harva. Boss: There. Collared like a proper mutt. Harva continues to whimper as a leash is put on the collar and forced on her feet. Another guard comes and puts manacles around Harva's ankles to restrict her movement a bit. The guards try to force her into the transport cage but Harva tries to resist. One of the guards hits her in the stomach with a police baton. She doubles down and falls to the ground in pain, whimpering. With Harva weakened, the guards easily drag her into the cage. The cage is put into the back of a van to transport her. Once she is inside the van, the guards climb out and lock the door to the transport cage in the van’s back. The boss climbs into the van and rattles the bars of the cage with a baton, grinning. Boss: Comfortable in there? Harva says nothing and turns away from the boss. The boss chuckles, and then turns to the transport's driver up front. Boss: Take her to the airfield and have her cage loaded onto the plane waiting there for you. The driver nods. Driver: Dah, comrade. Satisfied, the boss gives Harva one final smirk before climbing out of the van. The guards close the van’s doors and bang on them to signal to the driver. The driver starts up the van and drives off from the compound. Harva holds the bars of the cage, crying. In the village, Striker, Illanov, and Arkadiy meet up with the rest of Unit STRIKE. They are gathered around the Rhino. Phoenix looks at Arkadiy Phoenix: Is this him, Strikie? Striker: Ja, this Arkadiy. Arkadiy is still growling to himself. Corsair: Mean-tempered guy, it seems. Striker: And he is even worse nou. Someone one broke into his house and took his wife. The others are all surprised and shocked. Phoenix gasps. Phoenix: What! Who? Arkadiy (growls) EuroCorp. Me and my wife escaped them together. Everyone’s faces darken at the mention of EuroCorp. Shephard: Damn! Don't those guys ever get a hint? Arkadiy (growls deeper): All they care about is money. Their cano-sapiens are worth a lot to them. Corsair: Yup, that's EuroCorp all right. Always chasing after money like a bunch of lemmings. Merit: Actually, all known species of lemming have no interest in any kind of monetary unit currently in use. Corsair rolls his eyes. Phoenix: When did you last see your wife, Arkadiy? Arkadiy: When I left for my job. Phoenix: And this was how long ago? Arkadiy: Six hours ago. Illanov: So they could not have gone too far, comrades. Striker: We know who took them and where, so we had better go and get his wife back. Everyone get in! They all nod and climb into the Rhino. Once everyone is inside, Striker starts the engine and drives the Rhino off. Arkadiy follows in his pick up truck. At the air field, Harva is sedated and the cage loaded on to the plane. The flight crews and airfield workers are getting the cage inside the plane’s cargo bay and strapped down. The workers climb out and the cargo bay doors are closed. A quarter of an hour later the plane starts to go down the runway. Once it gathers enough speed and lift it takes off into the air, retracts its landing gear and flies towards Western Europe After several hours the plane lands in Brussels. Harva was starting to awaken when she was put in the cano-sapien kennels in a Euro-Corp compound. Harva cries in the cell. She now sees is in a Euro-Corp jumpsuit and her wedding ring was gone. Harva (cries, to herself) Ark, help me. . . A EuroCorp executive comes to look at Harva. It is Grasson. Grasson: No one to help you here, except us. Harva (upset) My husband will find me . . . Grasson: We hope so, then he can join you. Harva (upset) He will kill you . . . Grasson laughs. Grasson: Mon dieu! How funny! Harva turns away from Grasson. Harva (upset) I am not working for Euro-Corp. Grasson: Yes, you will my little puppy. We have new methods to ensure your loyalty to us. Harva (upset) I will never be loyal to you. Suddenly the collar on her neck shocks her and she yelps loudly in pain. The shocks continue for a few moments, then stops. Grasson holds up a remote. She whimpers in pain while looking at Grasson. Grasson: This device allows me to control that collar around your neck. You either obey, or get shocked. Harva gives a small growl. Harva (growls): You won't get away with this. Grasson shocks Harva again thought only for a second. Harva screams in pain then pants and whimpers when the shocking stops. Johnston enters the kennels. Johnston: W-w-w-what is g-g-g-g-oing here? Grasson: Nothing, Monsieur. I’m just teaching our property here a lesson. Harva (whimpers) I'm no one's property. Grasson turns to Harva, waving the remote at her threateningly Grasson: Silence! Your betters are speaking. Harva growls to herself. Grasson: The official from Russia said that she has no combat training and she has powers controlling plants. Johnston: Then we will need to send her off for some training. As she is, she is untrained and needs to be in proper control of her powers. Grasson: Our allies men reported that her mate is a bounty hunter and does some work in the mountains. He is strong and has super speed. Johnston: And why hasn't he been captured too? Harva (growls) You will never get him! Johnston (turns to Harva) Silence! Grasson uses the remote to send another signal to the collar to shock Harva. She yelps in pain until the shocking stops. Johnston: W-w-w-where is t-t-the m-m-male? Grasson: Those lousy Road Rovers got to him first. Back at the dacha the guards at the gate are busy lighting each other’s cigarettes while chatting. Suddenly the Rhino smashes through the gate, followed by Arkadiy’s truck. They both drive up to the front of the dacha. Arkadiy, Striker, Shephard and Illanov jump out. Phoenix takes the wheel of the Rhino and speeds out to distract the guards. Tanarus takes control of Arkadiy's truck. Striker: Let’s go! Shephard kicks down the door. A surprised butler runs up to them. Butler: You cannot come… Arkadiy punches the butler out cold. Several of the dacha guards come running out from various parts of the house. Shephard and Illanov open fire at them, making them take cover. Striker and Arkadiy lead the rush up the stairs, followed by Shephard and Illanov. When they get to the top, a panicking servant rushes to the stairs. When he sees the Rovers, he tries to run away. Arkadiy quickly grabs him and shakes him roughly. Arkadiy (growling) Where is my wife! Servant: I don’t know! Striker: Then where is your boss? The servant points to the hall on the left. Servant: In his study! That way! Arkadiy punches the servant out cold, and then rushes down the hall. Striker and the others quickly follow him. When they come to the study door, Arkadiy kicks the door open. Inside, the boss has turned his study table over to form a defensive shield. The boss himself is holding an AK-47. Boss: You are not coming away from here alive! Striker quickly grabs Arkadiy out of the way before the boss opens fire. The bullets smash apart a min vase standing a stool behind Arkadiy. Striker looks angrily at Arkadiy. Striker: You need to be more careful! He could have killed you! Arkadiy: Not if I killed him first. Striker: And then how would you know where your wife is? Arkadiy stares at Striker, then sighs. Arkadiy: Forgive me. I am just worried about Harva. Striker: Don’t worry. Striker turns to Illanov, who is watching Shephard hold back the guards trying to attack them. Striker: Alex, go in there and capture the boss. Illanov turns to Striker and nods. Illanov: Dah, comrade. Illanov turns invisible, much to Arkadiy’s surprise. A few moments later there is a struggle in the study, followed by a shout pain. Illanov then calls out. Illanov: Got him, comrades! Everyone goes into the office. Shephard closes the door and keeps watch. Illanov has the boss pinned down on the floor. Striker and Arkadiy come up and pull up the boss. Arkadiy growls at him. Arkadiy: Where is my wife?! The boss folds his arms defiantly. Boss: I will not talk. I was trained by the KGB not to talk. Illanov comes up, also growling at the boss. Illanov: And I was trained by the Soviet military how to make you talk. Illanov grabs a letter opener and shoves the sharp end against the boss’ groin. The boss gasps in shock and begins to talk. Boss: Okay! I talk! We’ve taken the b**** to an airfield outside Moscow! She’s probably in Brussels by now! Striker: There is only place in Brussels she could be taken to. The European Corporation’s headquarters. Arkadiy: I must get my wife back from EuroCorp! Striker: And we will help you. Striker punches the boss out cold, then goes to the window and smashes it open with a chair. Down below Tanarus drives the truck up until the bed is right under the open window. All four of them start to climb out the window as guards outside the study begin to shoot the door. They all jump onto the back of the truck. Once they are all on the truck, Tanarus drives towards the gate. Phoenix drives the Rhino right behind them. Both the truck and the Rhino drive through the smashed gate and down the road, while the guards at the gate shoot towards them. Harva struggles as she is taken into a lab to be examined and processed. She is shackled and muzzled. Harva is strapped to the table. One of the scientists comes up to Harva with a bunch of needles in a small rack. He puts it down on a tray and takes one of the syringes. Scientist: Time to take a few samples. Harva looks at the needles in terror. The scientist inserts the needle point into Harva's hips and draws some blood.Harva whimpers in pain as they take samples and examine her. The scientist withdraws the needle and puts it back on the rack. He takes the other needles and makes several insertions all over Harva's body until he has all the samples needed. One of the scientists begins to take x-rays and another one examines the blood. The scientist who examines the blood studies it using cue tips and several chemicals. After a few minutes of testing, he makes a surprising discovery. Scientist: Hey! This one is pregnant. Harva eyes go wide in surprise. The scientists all gather around the one with the samples to see for themselves. Scientist: She is about two weeks pregnant. One of the scientist contacts Grasson of the discovery. Harva struggles a little in her straps. After a few minutes Grasson comes into the laboratory. Grasson: What is the problem? Scientist 1: The female is pregnant. Grasson: Did you impregnate her without authorization? Scientist 2: No, sir. The fetus is two weeks old. Grasson: So why is that a problem? Scientist 1: We can't inject her with the loyality drugs. Grasson(shrugs) Then abort the fetus. Scientist 2: The offspring could be prized subject based on the data we have of her mate. Grasson's cell phone rings. Grasson pulls out his cellphone and answers Grasson: Oui? Johnston: W-w-w-e-e-e h-h-h-ave to m-m-m-move the f-f-female h-h-husky. R-r-road R-r-rovers are on t-t-t-their w-w-way h-h-here. Grasson swears and nods. Grasson: Oui. I will give the order now. Harva (muffled) My husband will kill you. Grasson punches Harva in the side, then goes back on the phone Grasson: So I give the order for this specific one to be moved? Johnston: Y-y-yes. Grasson: I'll order it right now. Guards come into the lab to take Harva away to be transported. Meanwhile, the Stealth Rover is in mid flight to Brussels. Arkadiy is growling deeply. Corsair: Dude, can't you calm down? Arkadiy (growls) Calm down? They have my wife! Corsair: Well, yeah, but you won't be able to take on EuroCorp if you are this upset? Arkadiy (growls) I will take them on and kill them. I am skilled in combat and when I am not working on the mountains, I do bounty hunting. Corsair: Yeah, but we ain't gonna storm the mountains. This is the EC HQ, and it's a totally different ball game. Arkadiy: I know how EuroCorp works. I been there and escaped there. Arkadiy prepares and loads his gun, but Striker shakes his head. Striker: Defenses are probably more improved than the last time, Ark. You should stick with us; otherwise security will pick you off. The Stealth Rover enters Brussels and prepares to land at a multi-story parking lot. Arkadiy (growls) All I want is my wife safe. Phoenix: And you will get her back. We promise. Striker: I'll land on the helipad. The Stealth Rover lands. Unit STRIKE and Arkadiy leave the Stealth Rover. Once the Stealth Rover lands, everybody climbs out with their weapons ready. Tanarus and Elexis remain behind to keep the Stealth secure. They enter the building and they are met with over a dozen armed soldiers. Corsair: Hi, everybody! We're here again! Shephard: Let's get them, sir! More soldiers appear behind them. Arkadiy growls deeply. Unit STRIKE and Arkadiy ducks. Some guards with riot shields appear to form a barricade. Then the soldiers begin to march forward behind that shield Arkadiy pulls out his glock but a guard knocks it from his hands with a baton. The guards charge down, all waving stun batons.Unit STRIKE and Arkadiy try to avoid the stun batons. A hand-to-hand fight breaks out between Unit STRIKE and the guards. Arkadiy grabs his gun and fires at the guards. Then he runs ahead of Unit STRIKE. Striker tries to fight through the crowds Striker: Arkadiy! Wait! One of the guards fires a taser at Arkadiy. Shocks flow through his body, bringing him to the floor. More guards appear and aim their weapons at Unit STRIKE. Soldier 1: Drop your weapons! The soldiers take the Unit STRIKE and Arkadiy to Rembrandt's office. Inside his office Rembrandt is busy speaking on the phone. The guards force them to sit down in the chairs. Arkadiy growls deeply. Rembrandt hangs up the phone. Rembrandt: Well now. Seems I have unexpected company. Arkadiy (growls, showing his fangs) Where is my wife?! Rembrandt: Temper, temper. I like that. Well, to answer your question she is probably directly below us. Arkadiy (growls): She had better not be harmed. Rembrandt sees the EuroCorp ID tattoo in Arkadiy's ear and thinks it over. Rembrandt: She probably isn't, but of course I cannot be held responsible for the behavior of my staff. Anyway, I see you have that tattoo in your ear. Arkadiy (growls deeper): She and I are not your property. Rembrandt: Always the same objections. As long as that tattoo is in your ear, you are my property. And international law would back me on that point. The guards force Arkadiy to his feet. Rembrandt: Take him to one of the cells below. As they force him up, Arkadiy punches the guard. Another guard rushes on him, but he kicks the guard in the chest. He grabs the guards' guns and throws one of them to Striker. Striker grabs the gun and points at Rembrandt, who quickly puts his hands up. Arkadiy growls at he points his gun at Rembrandt. Arkadiy (growls): I want my wife, now! Rembrandt tries to keep it cool. Rembrandt: Well, I could let you see her. For a price. Arkadiy pulls back the hammer on his gun and holds the gun closer, pointed at Rembrandt’s head. Arkadiy (growls) I want her now or I will kill you. Rembrandt leans back a bit in his chair, clearly worried. At that moment Corsair finds a report on Harva on Rembrandt's desk and picks it up. Corsair: This looks interesting. This gets a brief glance from everybody. Rembrandt uses this chance and pushes a button under his desk with his foot. A trapdoor opens and Rembrandt and his chair immediately fall through it. Arkadiy tries to go after him but Striker stops him. Rembrandt can be heard laughing from below the trap door. Striker: He's is gone too far now, Arkadiy. Arkadiy stares at the trapdoor, then sighs and nods. Corsair reads through the file. Corsair: Hello. According to this, Ark’s wife Harva is being held in the labs under this building. He then reads the medical report. Corsair: Uh oh. According to this she was moved this morning. Arkadiy growls angrily, kicking Rembrandt’s desk hard. Corsair keeps reading the medical report and raises an eyebrow. Corsair (surprised) Whoa! Striker (looks at Corsair): What does it say? Corsair: According to this report Ark's girl is pregnant. Everybody’s eyes are immediately on Corsair. Arkadiy (shocked) WHAT?! Corsair holds out the report to Arkadiy. He grabs the report and reads over it. Corsair steps back and looks at the others. Corsair: I think he is about to get more pissed off. Phoenix goes up to Arkadiy and puts a comforting paw on his shoulder, as does Striker. Arkadiy (upset) We have to find her . . . I don't want my pup born into this hell hole. Shepherd: We should head back to the Stealth Rover and plan our next move. It was late afternoon at a European Corporation building in an undisclosed location. Harva is sitting in her cell rubbing her belly. Harva (sad) We will get out of here. Your father will find us. She looks up to the ceiling, sighing and hoping for the best. Unit STRIKE and Arkadiy are now at Road Rover Mission Control. Arkadiy is a little amazed at Mission Control as Striker takes him to Master, walking through the various rooms and corridors. Soon Striker brings Arkadiy to the Master, who is standing on his podium. Striker: Here he is, Master. Master: Thank you, Striker. And welcome Arkadiy. Arkadiy looks at the Master and nods his head. Arkadiy: Thank you. Striker: His wife was taken by Euro-Corp. We also discovered she is pregnant. Master: Oh dear. Do you know where she was taken? Arkadiy (upset) They took her away from the building before we arrived. Master: Do you perhaps know where they took her? Arkadiy (upset) The files didn't mention where she was taken. Master: Then I will have our units around the world keep an eye out for her or any information about her locations. Arkadiy (upset) I hope we find her soon. Striker puts a supportive paw on Arkadiy's shoulder. Striker: We will, Arkadiy. We will. Arkadiy nods his head, holding Striker’s paw in gratitude. THE END