Rover Strike: Vanguard Episode 9: Calling In A Favour By Gerhard Naudé All Rover Strike names © Gerhard Naudé All Road Rovers names © Warner Brothers and rightful owners Casa Lupo & Residents, Valjean © Kirsten Coughlan Any question, comments, complaints, feedback or suggestions can be sent to Vorster Estate Eastern Cape Province South Africa 7 July 19:31 PM: The sun has set and it is quite dark over the countryside, but the Vorster Estate is lit up. The lights can be seen for kilometers. The Stealth Rover is coming in for a landing on the pad set up on one of the lawns of the estate. Waiting outside is Karen, Collin, Aydrian, Elissa (who is holding Firefly) and Maska. They wait until the Stealth Rover stops and Unit STRIKE climbs out of the aircraft. Striker is looking worn and tired, while Phoenix is smiling widely. Merit notices this. Merit:"I am detecting wildly differing emotional states between Striker and Phoenix." Corsair:"That's because the boss still hasn't quite gotten over the fact that Phoenix is pregnant." Merit:"Ah! His programming needs to be updated, then?" Corsair:"You could say that, yeah." Striker looks back with a growl. Striker:"Will you stop talking behind my back like that?" Corsair immediately shuts up, but Phoenix chuckles and rubs his shoulder. Phoenix:"There there, Strikie. You will get used to it." Striker:"I suppose I should." The estate group walk up to them. Aydrian and Elissia go over to their daughter. Aydrian:"We got the news. We're so happy you're finally going to have your own pup." Phoenix and her father hug, followed by her mother. Elissa:"You have no idea how happy I am for you and Striker, my dear." Phoenix:"Thanks, Mom and Dad. It was a real shock too, but I'm so happy about it." Elissa:"And Firefly here will soon have a new playmate too." Phoenix takes Firefly from her mother. The pup begins to lick her adoptive mom. Phoenix smiles and pets her daughter. Maska goes to shake Striker's hand. Maska:"Wonderful news, Baas Striker! You will be very happy happy!" Striker:"Dankie, Maska. I don't feel very happy right now." Maska:"Oh, the first time is always difficult. But you can believe me: it gets easier the more children you have. I have three children and seven grandchildren." Striker:"Asseblief Maska. I already have enough difficultly handling one and a second on the way." Maska just laughs. Collin is next to shake Striker's paw. Collin:"This is great news! I'm sure it will be a healthy pup." Striker:"And you will make sure of it, Collin?" Collin:"Oh, I will. Colleen would kick me around like Blitz if I didn't." Aydrian is next to shake Striker. Aydrian:"Congratulations, son. Your family will be happier for the new addition." Striker:"I hope so, vader." Aydrian chuckles, noticing Striker's mood. Aydrian:"Still in shock, I see?" Striker:"Is it that obvious?" Aydrian:"Don't worry about it, son. I was a bit taken aback too when Elissa told me she was heavy with Phoenix." Elissa raises an eyebrow at her husband Elissa:"Taken aback? You nearly tried to run away." Aydrian is embarressed, but Striker smiles a bit. Striker:"It does comfort me a little." Karen is next. She gives Phoenix a hug, then goes and gives a hug to her uncle. Karen:"Congratulations, Uncle Striker! I told my parents and they told me to give their congratulations to you. My father was especially pleased." Striker:"Dankie Karen." Karen:"I also told him about Jaco. He was so proud of him, and so am I." Striker:"Ja. Jaco really proved himself in helping capture the Vanguard mole. The Master is planning to promote him to a full member of the Road Rovers." Karen:"Wonderful. I'm so glad he has completely shaken off that anti-mutant attitude of his. Where is he?" Striker:"He remained behind at Mission Control to help fix the damage that Sleek caused." It is at this point Striker notices something. Striker:"Where are Tanarus and Elexis?" Karen:"Oh! They left yesterday morning." Striker:"Did they say where they were going?" Karen:"They said they had some business to do in Alaska. They didn't say what it was about." Striker frowns. Striker:"Alaska? Why are they going there?" Elissa:"How about you all come inside? Maska, Karen and I have prepared some delicious hot meals for us all." Shephard rubs his stomach eagerly. Shephard:"Sounds like a great idea, Ma'am." They all head into the mansion for supper. Cabin Somewhere in the Cascade Range Washington State United States of America 20:32 PM: Blake's cabin is quiet and dark. The only source of light comes from the half-moon shining through the clouds in parts. A lone figure comes walking towards the front door. It is Blake. Blake:"Finally home. I'm dog tired." He takes out a key and unlocks the front door. He goes inside and locks the door behind him. The wolf then goes to the kitchen area and reaches for the switch of the LED lamp here. But when the light comes, he is caught by surprise by the two figures seated by his kitchen table. It is Tanarus and Elexis. Elexis:"You're hard to get hold of, Blake." Blake relaxes and frowns. Blake:"I have my reasons, Elexis. What are you and Tanarus doing here in my house like this?" Tanarus:"That was my idea. Sorry about that, but we were worried that the Vanguard or KH Military might be watching your cabin and we didn't want to raise any alarms." Blake:"There is nobody out there. I made sure of that after... after last time." Elexis:"You still haven't gotten any word about Tank or Allison?" Blake folds his ears back sadly and shakes his head. Blake:"No, I've gotten nothing. How's Chester?" Elexis:"He's doing okay, even though his teleporting does alarm us alot." Blake:"He does tire one with that. He really needs training." Elexis:"At least he and Striker's daughter are getting along. They play a lot together. How's Sneaker?" Blake:"He's doing all right. I'm having him stay with Jude for the time being until this whole affair blows over." Blake points to Elexis' swollen belly. Blake:"Should you really be travelling around like that, Elexis?" Elexis:"The doctors say I'm still several weeks away." Blake:"Are the pups doing all right?" Elexis:"According to the last ultrasound I had, they are healthy growing nicely." Blake nods, then goes and sits by the table. Blake:"Enough small talk. Why are you here?" Tanarus:"Its about your mother, father and you." Blake:"What about them? Is mother still okay?" Elexis:"Tosca is still in good physical health, but her mind is still far from being her old self." Blake nods sadly. Blake:"I doubt you will have any more success than I did in helping her recover." Elexis:"We'll see. In the meantime, Blake, we need your help with regards to Stalker." Blake frowns. Blake:"Yes?" Tanarus:"We need to get him back from the Vanguard. Right now the KH Military is paralyzed because of them holding him as a hostage." Blake:"So? I thought you would be happy about that." Tanarus:"In other circumstances, yes. But not this one. The Vanguard is using him for a propaganda tool rather than any real attempt to stop the KH Military. They want to show the world that it needs them, and not the Road Rovers." Blake:"You're both fighting the same enemy." Tanarus:"Yes, but the Vanguard's methods are highly questionable and legally dubious at best. At worst, they're no better than some of the villains we've faced before. They cannot be allowed to supplant the Road Rovers." Blake:"So you got a fierce rivalry. What does this have to do with me?" Elexis:"From the Vanguard videos we can clearly see that Stalker is being given the same chemicals that left Tosca in that coma. They keep this up, and he will be just as bed-ridden as your mother. He and I may not see eye-to-eye much, but he is still my father and I don't want him to end up like that." Blake:"What can I do about it?" Tanarus:"Elexis thinks that you can help snap Stalker out of it and break free of the chemicals' influence." Elexis:"He still remembers you, Blake. He remembers Tosca. You can break him free of the Vanguard's grip, maybe even finally convince him to turn away from the path the KH Military has been on since its birth in World War II." Blake scoff incredulously at her. Blake:"Who do you think I am, Elexis? Do you think I am Luke Sky- walker, who can turn my father, General Stalker, the Darth Vader of the KH Military, away from the Dark Side?" Elexis(sincere):"Yes." Blake stares at her. Blake:"You really want me to help?" Elexis:"If nothing else, think about your mother and what it would mean if Stalker is reunited with her." Blake:"Even with everything that has happened between us?" Tanarus:"Yes. And don't forget, it was the Vanguard who raided your cabin and took Tank and Allison as prisoners. Chances are that they are being held in the same prison as Stalker." Blake looks away, ears folded back again. Blake:"And you're right about that." Tanarus:"How come?" Blake:"I... I've been speaking to Trigger." The couple are surprised. Elexis:"You've been talking to Trigger in secret?" Blake:"Yes. I've used that number you once gave me years go for emergencies." Elexis:"And it was for emergencies, Blake." Blake:"I know, but I couldn't hold myself back any longer. I had to reach my relatives." Elexis:"And what did Trigger tell you?" Blake:"I admit I couldn't help but learn more about Stalker from my uncle. This is top secret, but the KH Military have a spy inside the Vanguard. Among other things, he confirmed what you suspect, Tanarus: Tank and Allison are being held prisoner with Stalker. Why, they don't know yet." Tanarus learns forward, ears perked up intently. Tanarus:"What else has he told you?" Blake:"While he obviously refused to tell me much else, he did say that Stalker, Tank and Allison are due to be moved to a Vanguard facility somewhere in Nepal within the next few weeks." The coyote couple look at each other. Elexis:"We need to follow this up with the others. Maybe Sleek knows where the facility is." Tanarus:"I will let the Master know about. Apparently Sleek has been very talkative during interrogation." Blake:"Who is Sleek?" Tanarus looks at Blake. Tanarus:"Sleek is a Vanguard spy who was masquerading as a Road Rover and sabotaging our op..." A loud yelp startles the two males. Elexis is panting heavily, her eyes and clutching her stomach. Her seat and the floor below her is wet. Tanarus is alarmed. Tanarus:"What's wrong?" Elexis:"Tan, I.... aaaaargg!" Elexis snarls in pain, clutching her stomach more tightly. Blake jumps to his feet. Blake:"She's going into labour, Tanarus!" Tanarus:"What! She isn't due yet!" Elexis yelps in pain again. Blake rushes over to her and grabs her arm. Blake:"I'll take her to the living room! Tanarus, get the first aid kit and a towel from under the sink! Hold on, sister! Breathe slowly." Elexis:"I'm trying... AAAAH!" Blake helps Elexis to her feet and leads her to the living room while Tanarus frantically looks for the items in a cupboard under the kitchen sink. Blake turns on another light in the living room and helps Elexis to lie down on the carpet in the middle of it. Blake:"Easy! Easy!" Elexis:"It isn't easy! GRRRR!" Blake lays her down, grabbing a pillow off a nearby chair to prop up her head. Tanarus returns with the first aid kit and blanket and gives it to Blake. Tanarus:"I'll get her medical unit!" Blake:"Go, I'll handle this." Tanarus:"You've done this before?" Blake:"Yes. Don't ask how. Now go!" Tanarus rushes out the front door. Blake throws the blanket over Elexis' lower body and then proceeds to remove her pants. Elexis:"Are.... AAARG!... are you... sure you know... gasp... ... what you're doing?!.. Yipe!" Blake:"I've had to midwife a few times! Just breathe deeply..." Elexis:"I'm trying! YIPE!" Blake:"Easy, easy..." At that moment Tanarus comes in carrying Elexis' KH Medical Unit. He kneels next to her and grabs her paw. She clutches his paw back tightly. Tanarus:"How are you?" Elexis:"In pain! AAAARG!" Blake:"Give me the unit!" Tanarus(giving the unit):"Can you use it?" Blake:"Yes, Elexis taught me how." Blake straps it to his arm before ducking back under the towel. He begins using it on Elexis. Blake:"Okay, that will ease the pain but not by much. Now push!" Elexis clenches her teeth while Tanarus holds her paw. She whines in pain, but Blake simply nods his head. Blake:"I see them! I see them! PUSH!" Elexis howls in great pain as she pushes, Tanarus becoming even more concerned. Blake just keeps on encouraging her and using the medical unit to try and ease the pain. Blake:"Almost there! Come on, Elexis! Come on, push!" Elexis is crying in pain, her whines nearly ear-splittingly loud. Blake:"Okay, here we go! Just need to clean this... there!" From under the towel comes the sound of mewling. Blake pulls the towel off. Elexis is panting heavily, exhausted and worn out. Tanarus comforts her while looking at Blake. Tanarus:"Blake?" Blake wraps up the towel and smiles, holding it out. Blake:"Congratulations." Wrapped neatly up in the towel is a pair of coyote pups, one male and one female. Both pups share the same combination of fur markings of their parents. Their eyes are still shut, but they are crying and mewling. Elexis takes both the pups in her arms. Elexis:"Open my top, Tan." Tanarus does so. Blake gets the cushions off the chairs and use them to prop up Elexis. Once in place, Elexis begins to breast- feed the newborns. Both pups immediately start suckling. Tanarus smiles, a tear in his eyes. Tanarus:"They're beautiful." Elexis:"Yes, they are." The couple kiss. Blake smiles at them. Blake:"I'll leave you two alone and make some coffee. You look like you'll need it. Then I'll prepare a bed. You can spend the night here." Elexis:"We don't want to impose..." Blake holds up his paws in a stop-gesture and shakes his head. Blake:"I insist. You are exhausted and not going anywhere in that state. You and the puppies will need the rest. Tomorrow we can talk about that favour you're looking from me. Now, how about some coffee?" Tanarus:"I could sure use a cup." Elexis:"Me too, please." Blake gets up and walks to the kitchen. Tanarus and Elexis turn their attention to their new son and daughter, watching the pups drink their fill. Central Control Eta Squadron Headquarters Unknown Location 23:01 PM: Eta Squadron technicians are hard work at various terminals around the circular room. Sky is standing the middle, looking at one of the overhead monitors. He is tugging his chin fur. Sky:"Interesting idea, Tanarus. It will certainly be beneficial to my organisation if it works. And it should. I'll make certain of it." Just then the main doors slide open. Major Twilight comes in and walks up to Sky. Sky turns towards him. Twilight salutes. Twilight:"Sir. Reporting in." Sky:"Welcome back, Major. I trust you return without incident?" Twilight:"Yes, General. Our mission had proceeded as planned." Sky:"Excellent. Major Dusk still in Brazil?" Twilight:"Yes, sir. She remained behind to monitor the activity of the three groups." Sky:"Ah yes. Tell me about them." Twilight:"General Diehard's position hasn't changed at all. He remains a Franco Loyalist, as have the troops under his command. There are some who are worried about the effect of the civil war on the Elite Guard, but they wouldn't dare voice their opinions to him or to his more fanatical followers." Sky:"A lost cause. Even I wouldn't be able to change his mind. The war?" Twilight:"Still stalemated. Both sides have inflicted a lot of casualties and damage upon one another, which they can ill-afford. They keep this up, the Elite Guard will destroy itself within a year." Sky:"All our analysts have come to the same conclusion. And what about the rebel faction?" Twilight:"Much more promising. Seneschal, unlike Diehard, knows that this civil war is bleeding the Elite Guard and wants to end it soon. His troops agree, and they have been conducting propaganda operations to try and force defections. With little success." Sky:"With Diehard still in power, no surprise." Twilight:"Correct, sir. But two weeks ago a new factor has come into play." Sky:"Ah! Our third group has finally made a move?" Twilight:"Indeed, sir. The Vanguard operatives managed to tap into Seneschal's communications and send him anonymous offers of assistance. Seneschal at first rejected these approaches, thinking they were Diehard's plots. But after one of Seneschal's supply convoys was ambushed the Vanguard's A-Ops forces rushed in and completely wiped out Diehard's ambushers." Sky:"Diehard doesn't know?" Twilight:"No, the Vanguard was thorough. And so were we." Sky smiles. Sky:"Miss D made contact?" Twilight:"Directly, but only with the Vanguard. We're not yet sure how good Seneschal's memory is, considering that many of the Elite Guard still despise me for betraying Franco." Sky:"Better to be safe. Has there been any meetings between the Vanguard and the rebels?" Twilight:"Low key, but there are now open channels between Seneschal's forces and the Vanguard." Sky:"Have they moved beyond that?" Twilight:"The talks are still ongoing. Both Seneschal and the Vanguard upper echelons want to sure they have the right partnership here before making further commitments." Sky:"And Diehard knows nothing." Twilight:"Very much. All he cares about is crushing the rebels and making the Elite Guard as strong as they were before their ill-fated invasion of South Africa." Sky:"Not in their current state, they won't." Twilight:"And the Vanguard know this. They are getting ready to provide enough assistance to help the Elite Guard back to their feet, at least." Sky:"Ah! The plot thinkens. The Vanguard would want something very important out of this. Are they trying to keep this all a secret?" Twilight:"Yes. Dusk says they are making very sure not to leave any paper trails that could lead from the Elite Guard back to them." Sky nods in satisfaction. Sky:"Interesting. Good work, Captain. And give my congratulations to Captain Dusk when you speak with her again. Dismissed." Twilight stands straight and salutes, then turns around and leaves the centre. Sky remains standing there, deep in thought. Laboratory Vanguard Complex Unknown Location 8 July 7:01 AM: Hawkins is back inside his chamber, this time with a number of electronic syringes filled with unknown mixtures stuck into his body at various points. Scientists are monitoring each syringe on their computers. Meanwhile Hawkins is busy handling calls on his headset. Hawkins:"So Sleek is definitely compromised?... Dammit... No, don't bother with her anymore. She's no longer any use to us and to rescue her now is a waste of time... Yes, make sure we can still keep their communications under our control as long as possible... Good. Keep me up- dated." He ends the call and switches to the new call. Hawkins:"Thomason?... Hawkins here. Do you have any updates on that special mission? ... Ah, Miss D has managed to arrange us another meeting. How did it go?... Very good. We are close to a breakthrough, Thomason, so keep the pressure on and make them as good an offer as you can... Absolutely. Keep me posted." He ends the second call and goes to the next one. Hawkins:"Suchong?... Hawkins here. Are you at the Nepal Facility? Everything normal there?... Excellent. Stalker's flight has just departed. His flight should arrive within six hours. Is everything ready for his arrival?... Good. And the defences?... Good, but make sure the garrison captain keeps his forces at full readiness. This is a high-value captive we got here and I don't want the KH Military to stage a surprise rescue... Excellent. Call me when he gets there. Goodbye." He ends the call, takes off the headset and then relaxes to let the scientists do their work. Vanguard Stronghold Himalayan Mountains Nepal 13:02 PM: The Himalayans stretch as far as the eye can see in all directions with snow-covered mountain peaks reaching high up into the sky. Located at the edge of a small valley nestled between the ranges is a sprawling complex of buildings. Most of them are concrete military structures like helicopter hangars, barracks, bunkers, AA placements and radar stations. The other structures, which are all high-tech, white-walled laboratories with solar panels and dishes on their roofs, stand in stark contract to the dark grey military buildings. A series of bridges and walkways connection the entire facility while two roads lead from the stronghold downwards. On heads towards the nearest Nepalese town, the other to an airstrip in the valley itself. Vanguard forces wait at the strip, where an Airdromeda has just landed. Operatives, supported by Dustkickers and HECUs patrolling the area, are surrounding the aircraft. Waiting by a Vanguard Rhino is Suchong. He is watching as Stalker is brought down the ramp of the Aidromeda. Stalker is in chains with a collar around his neck, while H-Ops escort him. He is looking drowsy and is walking a bit unsteadily. Trotting alongside the group is Rebound. She is also wearing a collar. Suchong gets out of the Rhino along with his bodyguards and walks over. The H-Ops captain leading the escort salutes Suchong. Captain:"Sir!" Suchong:"I trust the passenger hasn't been misbehaving?" Captain:"No, sir. We kept him under sedation per your instructions the whole flight and woke him up only as we approached for landing." Suchong:"Excellent. Hold him still for a moment." While the operatives hold Stalker steady, Suchong approaches while taking out a syringe from his pocket. He removes the cover and checks the needle. He checks under Stalker's shoulder fur for a vein and then pushes the syringe in and makes the injection. Stalker barely flinches. Suchong removes the needle and nods to the soldiers. Suchong:"There. Get him into the jeep before he passes out." Captain:"Yes, sir! Come, move it!" The H-Ops push Stalker towards the Rhino. He begins to sway about. They shove him into the back seat, where he promptly passes out. Rebound goes and sits down on her haunches next to Suchong. He notices her. Suchong:"Oh, you're Slade's wolf, right?" Rebound barks at him once and nothing else. Suchong just shrugs. Suchong:"Can't see why they sent you here, but if that is what they want and they keep paying me to do what I like, then I can't really complain. Come on, into the jeep." Rebound barks again and follows Suchong to the Rhino. She hops into the passenger seat next to Suchong's driver, while Suchong gets in the back with Stalker and another bodyguard. Suchong:"Driver, to the labs." Driver:"Yes, sir." The driver starts to drive up to the labs. Rebound scratches at her collar for a bit, triggering the signalling device hidden under it by Spectre. She then watches through the window as the Rhino travels up along ramps and bridges towards the labs. After a few minutes the Rhino pulls up to a big pair of white sliding doors. Here stands several N-Ops and Operatives along with some orderlies with a gurney. Suchong:"Right. Get him out." Everyone disembarks. The orderlies, under the watchful of the operatives, taking Stalker and putting him on the gurney. Rebound jumps out with Suchong and sits down next to him while he looks over the transfer. As Stalker is wheeled into the labs, he sees Rebound. Suchong:"You still here? Run off and do something to keep you busy. I got work to do." Rebound tilts her head, then stands up and walks off to go around the labs while Suchong follows the gurney through the sliding doors. When she looks around and sees she is alone, she sits down and paws the collar on her neck. Rebound(into com):"Spectre, you there?" Spectre(over com):"I hear you, Madamoiselle." Rebound(into com):"We've arrived at the stronghold. Stalker has just been taken into some laboratories under Suchong's watch." Spectre(over com):"And yourself?" Rebound(into com):"Suchong is letting me walk around on my own. He is more interested in his new captive than looking after me." Spectre(over com):"Excellent, Madamoiselle. Scout out ze base and report back to me at the agreed time. And be careful, non?" Rebound(into com):"No problem. I love stretching my legs after so much time in the cages." Spectre(over com):"Merci. Take care!" Rebound(barking):"Over and out." Rebound stops pawing the collar, gets up and runs off to not only look at the rest of the base, but also to stretch her legs after her long captivity. The base personnel pay her little to no heed. Meeting Room KHA Alexander Somewhere Over Papa New Guinea 9 July 09:00 AM: General Trigger is the only one present in the meeting room, but he has a laptop on the table where he is holding a video con- ference. Wolfeye, Sky, Thrax and Black are all on separate video windows on his screen. On a seperate window is a satellite image of the Vanguard base in Nepal. Sky:"Combined with the formidable defences and the mountainous terrain, this Vanguard fortress will be very difficult to attack. Nearly impossible if we are to recover Stalker without the Vanguard executing him in reprisal." Wolfeye:"Then what about a stealth raid? Our Covert Troopers could get in and rescue Stalker before the Vanguard are aware of it." Sky:"Possible if we didn't have informants in our midst." Black:"Why haven't you taken care of them yet, Sky?" Sky:"Because, General Black, it takes time to root out these informants without raising the alarm to the Vanguard. We need to properly neutralize them." Black:"I think we should just shoot them and be done with it." Thrax:"What about other forms of attack? Perhaps a covert raid combined with a massive chemical attack I can arrange for." Sky:"Again, too risky General Thrax. That requires us to get rid of the informants first." Trigger:"So what else can we do?" Black is about to say something, but Sky speaks first. Sky:"We need to wait until I've removed the informants. The Vanguard still need Stalker for the propaganda value, so his life isn't in immediate danger." Black:"Wait? Is that all you recommend, waiting?!" Sky:"Yes, and I believe Supreme General Trigger will agree." Black looks quickly at Trigger. Black:"You don't seriously think we should keep sitting on our tails, Trigger?" Trigger is thinking for a minute before finally nodding. Trigger:"I think we should wait until General Sky has gotten rid of the informants. Then we can rescue my brother. Sky, tell Spectre to find out who the informants are and have his own agent in the Vanguard stronghold keep an eye on my brother's welfare." Sky:"It will be done, General." Black snarls at Sky, who is frowning at him. Black:"You have far too much sway, Sky. You can't just run this whole affair on your own!" Sky:"That is General Trigger's decision, not mine." Wolfeye:"I'm afraid he's right, Black. Trigger is following his recommendations, and we have to follow it too if he does." Thrax:"I have to second that." Black is stunned. He tries to argue, but then decides against it. Trigger then speaks. Trigger:"We wait, but do hurry, General Sky. I want my brother freed as soon as possible." Sky:"As you wish, Supreme General." Trigger:"Thank you. We will meet again in two weeks time. This meeting is now closed." The other generals close their video conference programs. Trigger closes his program last, then shuts down and closes the laptop. He gets up, takes it and leaves the room. Black's Office Epsilon Headquarters Somewhere In The Congo Democratic Republic of Congo At That Moment: The office of the squadron leader is a triagle shape with a door in the one corner facing towards a large window looking out into an overgrown jungle cavern that is lit up by sunlight coming through a hole above. The office itself is threadbare, with a single desk by the window, monitors on the walls and a pair of KH Military banners on opposite sides of the door. General Black is angrily pacing back and forth on the carpet before his desk. Black:"D*** that Sky! I know he is manipulating Trigger and the others, doing as he please! And I know that he doesn't want Stalker back so eagerly, either! And I can't do anything about that!" He stops pacing, pinching the bridge of his muzzle before he resumes pacing again. Black:"I got to find some way of getting around Sky. Some way he wouldn't see coming." He stops again, thinking. Black:"A crazy idea. The others would have my tail if they found out about this. But then again, if it helps get Stalker back..." The wolf thinks some more. Finally he throws his paws into the air. Black:"To h*** with it. I had enough of Sky, and its time to tweak his tail for once." He marches back to his desk and begins to work on his computer. Vorster Estate Eastern Cape Province South Africa 10 July 10:03 AM: In the main living room of the Vorster Estate, Corsair and Illanov are seated on a couch in front of a plasma TV. On a table in front of them is a bowl of chips and two soda bottles. They are playing a fighting game on an XBox, each clutching a controller. Corsair:"Ha! Eat my hadouken, Russian!" Illanov:"Not this time, American!" They keep playing, when suddenly there is a loud shout and the sound of screaming. The two of them look away from the TV to the source. Striker suddenly comes running in, his tail on fire. He is trying to put it out. Striker:"Eina! Eina!" Corsair:"Hang on, boss!" Corsair grabs a bottle of soda, rushes to Striker and pours the contents out onto his tail. He quickly puts out the fire, to Striker's relief. Striker:"Ai... dankie, David." Corsair:"No problem, boss. But what happened?" Illanov:"Dah, what is going on comrade?" Striker:"It's Phoenix. She..." Suddenly Phoenix comes storming in, anger on her face and two balls of fire in her paws. Corsair and Illanov look in alarm at her while Striker steps back. Phoenix:"How dare you!" Striker:"Phoenix, asseblief! Calm down!" Phoenix:"Calm down?! CALM DOWN?!" Phoenix prepares to throw the fireballs, but Illanov quickly steps in front of her. Illanov:"Comrade Phoenix, please! What is wrong?" Phoenix:"What is wrong?! I'll tell you what's wrong! That b*****d called me fat!" Illanov(blinking):"What?" Corsair looks in surprise at Striker. Corsair:"Did you do that, boss?" Striker:"Nee! Nee! I just asked her when her belly will begin showing signs of her pregnancy!" Corsair:"That all?" Striker:"Ja!" Illanov:"Comrade Phoenix, did he really call you fat?" Phoenix:"Yes he did!" Illanov(sceptical):"Really?" The Pomeranian hesitates. Phoenix:"Sort of." Illanov(sceptical):"Sort of?" Phoenix stares at him for a minute. She then folds her ears back and extinguishes the flames in her paws. Phoenix:"No, he didn't. He was just asking when my belly would begin growing with the pup." Corsair:"You threw a fit over that?" Illanov:"Shush, American!" Corsair holds up both his hands and steps back. Illanov looks back at Phoenix. Illanov:"Comrade, that wasn't very nice of you. Now apologise to comrade Striker. I'm sure he didn't mean to insult you, did you comrade Striker?" Striker quickly shakes his head, still a bit wary. Suddenly Phoenix bursts into tears, rushing forward towards him. Stunned by this sudden change in behaviour, Striker doesn't move as she roughly embraces him and cries into his chest. Phoenix:"Oh Strikie! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Striker puts his arms around her, a bit warily. Striker:"It... it is all right, Firefly. I forgive you." Phoenix keeps crying for a moment, then suddenly she pushes him away. Phoenix:"You don't care! You don't care at all!" She suddenly storms out of the living room. Striker is left flabbergasted. Striker:"But... but..." Corsair:"What the h*** is going on with her?" Illanov approaches Striker and puts a comforting paw on his shoulder. Illanov:"Calm down, comrade. This is not your fault. This is comrade Phoenix's first pregnancy, so she is bound to do this. I've been here before with Vicki." Striker:"What do you..." At that moment Aydrian and Ellissia come rushing into the living room. Aydrian:"What's wrong? We heard screaming." Illanov answers them first. Illanov:"It is nothing. Comrade Striker here has just experienced his first mood swing with a pregnant comrade Phoenix." Both parents immediately recognise what he means. Ellissia:"Where is Phoenix?" Illanov:"I think she ran back to their bedroom." Ellissia:"I'll go talk with her." Aydrian:"I'll talk with Striker." Ellissia leaves the living room. Aydrian walks up to Striker. Aydrian:"How are you feeling, son?" Striker:"I... don't know what to feel." Aydrian nods and smiles. Aydrian:"You need not worry, son. Phoenix's body is having a little trouble adapting to the pregnancy, so she will have these... highly emotional moments. Trust me, it will pass." He then notices Striker's burnt tail. Aydrian:"Though you might need to still be careful, I see." Corsair stifles a laugh. Striker glares at him, but Corsair just turns around to hide his amusement. The spaniel then sighs. Striker:"It was just so sudden, Vader. I am not used to this." Aydrian:"Neither was I when Elissia was with Phoenix. I learned the hard way that you need to have patience, compassion and tough fur to get through this. This is a new thing for her as well, so you need to understand this and not overreact no matter what happens." Striker:"What can I do?" Aydrian:"Just keep your head and always love her, understanding what she is going through and stand by her. It will be worth it in the end, and your marriage will be even stronger." Striker simply nods. Striker:"I will try, Vader." Aydrian smiles and pats Striker's shoulder. Aydrian:"You will get through this, trust me." Illanov comes over and holds Striker's other shoulder. Illanov:"Dah. You are strong, comrade. And you have a big heart for comrade Phoenix. These little outbursts will do nothing to it if you don't let them get to you." Striker:"Dankie, Alex. I feel a little better." Corsair:"And a little toasted too." Illanov glares at Corsair. Illanov:"Don't you have games to play, American?" Before Corsair can respond, Phoenix, followed by Elissia, come back into the living room. Striker turns expectantly to her. Phoenix walks up to him, then gives him a tight hug. Striker returns the hug, but still looks concerned. Phoenix:"I'm so sorry I overreacted, Strikie. I didn't mean to set your tail on fire..." Striker hugs her more tightly. Striker:"Its nothing, Firefly. I still love you, and I'll support you through this no matter what happens." Phoenix:"I love you too..." Just then Shephard comes running into the room. Shephard:"Sir, I..." Everyone immediately look at Shephard, some more cross than others. Striker is particularly annoyed. Striker:"What is it?" Shephard:"Sorry for interrupting, sir, but you will not believe who is currently contacting us on our communications channel." Striker:"Who?" Shephard:"It is General Black, the leader of the KH Military's Epsilon Squadron." Annoyance is immediately replaced with surprise. Striker and Phoenix break the hug as they, Illanov and Corsair rush over to the soldier. Striker:"You serious?" Shephard:"Follow me and see for yourself, sir." Shephard leads everyone through the house to the study, which has been converted into a makeshift communications and intelligence hub. Merit is here, doing maintenance on one of the computers. Shephard leads them to another one, where the screen is showing a video window with General Black on it. Striker and the rest of the team is really surprised. Striker:"Black?" Black:"Glad to see your memory hasn't faded with age, Striker." Striker sits down in the chair in front of the computer with a frown on his face. Striker:"Why are you calling, Black? How did you find this channel?" Black:"I'm not answering the second question, but I will answer the first as simple as possible. I'm calling you because I got no other options. You know that Stalker is being held by the Vanguard, your rivals?" Striker:"Ja." Black:"Right. We know where he is being held. The Vanguard have a facility up in Nepal where he was taken to not long ago. But we can't rescue him." Striker:"The Vanguard might kill him if you try?" Black:"Perhaps, but the main reason is because Sky is convincing Trigger and the others not to. I know he is using his powers to prevent them from taking action. I'm not swayed by him, but with the others under his thumb, the KH Military is paralyzed." Striker:"So you are turning to us nou?" Black:"Yes. I don't want it, but Sky is leaving me with no choice." Black holds up a piece of paper with GPS coordinates on it. Black:"This is where the base is." Phoenix quickly grabs a pen and notepad to write the coordinates down. Black:"I'm letting you decide what to do next. This goes against my very fibre, but I'll be d***ed if I'm letting either Sky or the Vanguard control the agenda." Striker:"We will see." Black:"So will I. Goodbye." Without ceremony, Black ends the video call. All the Unit Strike members look at each other, unsure of what has happened. Finally Striker takes the paper with the GPS coordinates and offers it to Corsair. Striker:"David, check these coordinates and see if Black was really telling the truth. Then we will decide what to do." Corsair:"Gotcha boss." Corsair takes the paper and goes to his laptop, which is set up nearby, to get to work. Dining Room Vorster Estate 13:22 PM: The dining room has been converted into a makeshift conference room. On the dining table the one end has several computer screens set up for video conferences with their cases pushed under the table. Seated around the desk is Unit STRIKE. On one screen is the Master and on the other Tanarus. Master:"So the location is authentic?" Striker:"Corsair managed to get a shot of the base from a foreign satellite. It is definitely a Vanguard base. General Black wasn't making up that story after all. The question now is: wat nou?" Master:"Black is expecting us to rescue General Stalker from the Vanguard." Striker:"But should we, Professor? That is the question." Tanarus:"I think we should, if only for the reason to keep him out of the Vanguard's grasp. His capture already was a huge media coup for them and the longer they hold him, the more sway they get over the public." Striker:"I still feel as if we are doing the KH Military's dirty work. I am suspicious of Black's motives." Master:"You think the KH Military is too scared to act against the Vanguard?" Striker:"Something to that effect." Tanarus:"Then we would be the last group they would turn to if they wanted Stalker back. The KH Military knows we won't just release him since he is one of the world's most wanted bad guys." Phoenix:"Tan does have a point there. That's like a gangster asking the police to rescue his mafia boss." Tanarus speaks to someone off screen for a moment. He turns back to the others. Tanarus:"Blake here wants to say something." Tanarus steps back to allow Blake to appear on the screen. Blake:"If I may be allowed to speak, I back Tanarus' suggestion to rescue my fa... Stalker from the Vanguard." Master:"Why do you say that, Blake?" Blake:"Tosca is still under your care, right?" Master:"We had to move her to another location, but she is still being taken care of by the Road Rovers. Why?" Blake:"It might be hard to understand, but Stalker did love Tosca very much. And he might still do. Perhaps enough to... convince him." Master:"Of what?" Blake:"The need to steer the KH Military from its current path of terrorism and confrontation. Maybe even abandon the cause entirely. Or simply retire." There is surprise around the table from most of the Unit STRIKE members, with Striker being extremely skeptical. Striker:"Retire? Him? That is belaglik!" Shephard:"Terrorists don't just simply retire, sir." Corsair:"Yeah, I find that hard to swallow." Illanov:"Dah, same here." Master:"Blake, how sure are you that this will happen?" Blake:"Not too sure, but there is a chance. That I'd wager my fur on." Master:"Then I accept it. We will rescue Stalker from the Vanguard and then bring him back to Tosca." The Strikers look at the Master, with Striker the most surprised. Striker:"Professor, I really advise against that. I have been fighting Stalker for a long time and I do not believe he will turn." Master:"I am doubtful as well, but I believe that at rescuing him is our top priority. And if his meeting with Tosca does not work out, we can take him into custody. He is still a wanted individual. I hope you are not offended by that, Blake." Blake shakes his head, folding his ears back. Blake:"No offense taken, sir. I am not a fool and I know you would want him to stand trial for his crimes. I won't stand in your way if you decide to do so." Master:"Then its settled. Unit STRIKE will go to Nepal and rescue Stalker from the Vanguard. Blake, you will go with them." Blake:"Gladly." Master:"Tanarus, can Elexis make it?" Tanarus appears on the screen. Tanarus:"I'm afraid not, Master. She is still worn out from the birth." Master:"Very well. Bring her and your pups back to HQ, then you and Blake go join Unit STRIKE in Kathmandu." Tanarus:"Yes, Master." Master:"Unit STRIKE, arrange to meet Tanarus and Blake in Kathmandu, then plan your raid on the Vanguard facility. And take great care: Stalker is a big prize for the Vanguard, so they will defend him heavily." Striker:"Ja, Professor." Master:"Then good luck to you all and hope you succeed in your mission." Striker:"Dankie, Professor." The Master's screen goes dead. Striker turns to Tanarus. Striker:"Tan, have Elexis lend us her medical unit before you join us. We will need it for this one." Tanarus:"Agreed. Give us two days and we will be there." Striker:"Good. We'll send you our coordinates. And tell Elexis we all congratulate both of you with your new pups." Tanarus smiles. Tanarus:"She'll appreciate it, Striker. Thanks." Tanarus' screen goes dead. Striker turns to his team. Striker:"Gear up, everyone. We are going to Nepal." Everyone gets up disperse to get their things together for the mission ahead. Prison Cells Road Rover Headquarters New Mexico United States of America 10 July 18:05 PM: Inside the pristine jail block of RRHQ, the guards were bringing in the prisoners' lunch. It consisted of a meat/vegetable porridge in a bowl and a glass of milk. They are carried on trays. The jails house mostly Parvo's cano-mutants. The guards go to a doberman cano-mutant's jail. Guard 1:"Good evening, big guy. Time to eat." Cano-Mutant:"Not that stupid porridge again." Guard 1:"Hey, be glad we are feeding you lot. Now come and get it." The cano-mutant grumbles and goes over to collect his tray. Satisfied, the guards then move over to Vanderberg's cell. Inside they can see that he is asleep on his bunk with the blanket drawn up. The guard taps the metal frame of the laser bars with the tray. Guard 1:"Get up, its lunch time." There is no response from Vanderberg. The guard taps the frame a little louder this time. Guard 1:"You can't sleep yet! You need to eat first!" Again there is no reply. The guard nods to his companion, who turns off the laser beams, and marches over to the bunk while taking out his stun stick. Guard 2:"Don't make me use this, prisoner! Now get off your tail!" Still no answer. The guard growls and rips the blanket off, but instead of Vanderberg he finds himself starting at a pillow with a strange, beeping device on top. Guard 2:"What the f..." The device suddenly explodes in a thick cloud of stinging dust. The guard gags and chokes while rubbing his burning eyes. Guard 2:"AAARG!" The first guard drops the tray and turns to go raise the alarm, only to find a stun sting swung right at his face. The impact sends him flying against the wall and collapsing to the floor. Vanderberg is standing there, clutching the the stick in his hands. Vanderberg:"You really should sweep your place a bit more throughly. Sleek hid a lot of nice goodies in the nooks and crannies of this place." He goes into the cell and knocks out the other guard. He then traps both guards inside the cell. By now the cano-mutants have rushed to their bars to check the commotion. The doberman calls to Vanderberg. Cano-Mutant:"Hey! Human, let me out too!" Vanderberg thinks it over, then goes over to the control panel where the cell bars are handled from. He presses a few buttons and all the lasers go dead. The mutants all exit their cells. The doberman grins at Vanderberg. Cano-Mutant:"Thanks." Vanderberg:"No charge, but you lot are going your own way. I'm finding my own way out." Cano-Mutant:"No problem. We got a score to settle first with these Rovers." Vanderberg:"Be my guest. The mutants all charge out of the cell block. Vanderberg waits until they are gone, then leaves as well. He looks up and down the corridor. Vanderberg:"Now where is the exit?" He then hears the sound of fighting somewhere in the building. Seconds later, the general alarm goes off. Sirens blare through- out RRHQ. Vanderberg:"That should keep the Rovers busy, but I need to get out before they lock the place down." He makes a run for it. While the riot continues, Vanderberg gets out of the building and into the gardens outside. He looks around. Vanderberg:"Let's see. It should be right about..." He pushes some bushes aside and finds it: a door in the cave wall with the words "VENTILATION MAINTENANCE: AUTHORIZED STAFF ONLY" on it. The lock has a keycard slot. Vanderberg:"Bingo." He runs to the door while taking out a keycard that is completely grey. He swipes it through the slot and waits. Moment later, the electronic lock shorts out. He tries the handle and the door opens up. Vanderberg:"Exit, stage up!" He goes into the shaft and closes the door behind him, leaving the Rovers to deal with the rioting mutants. Hotel Kathmandu Nepal 11 July 09:00 AM: Located in the business district of the Nepalese capital, the hotel is a four-story building with white walls and red pagoda roof tiles. Behind the hotel is a walled garden where the dining tables are set up. Unit STRIKE is here, seated around one of the larger tables. They are all busy checking the menus. Shephard:"Hmmm, sekuwa kebabs sound good. I think I'll take a couple." Phoenix:"How about we try one of these momo dishes, Strikie? And some Dal-bhat-tarkari too." Striker:"Are you hungry, Firefly?" Phoenix:"Of course. The little one in my belly needs sustenance too." Corsair:"Tongba sounds like my kind of beverage." Illanov:"Beer? Nyet, American. What you need is mahi." Corsair:"Mahi? Where is that?" He scans the menu and finds it. Corsair:"Buttermilk? You're kidding, right?" Illanov chuckles behind his menu. Just then Tanarus and Blake come walking in from the hotel. Striker spots them and waves. They come over and take their seats. Striker:"Welkom, Tan. And congratulations on being a father." Tanarus:"Thank you, Striker." Phoenix:"How is Elexis and the pups? Got names for them?" Tanarus:"They're all doing fine. We've named the pups Sinclair and Tanaro." Phoenix:"That's very nice." Striker then looks at Blake. Striker:"You're Blake, reg?" Blake:"That's right." Striker:"Welcome to the team, Blake. Has Tanarus made the introductions?" Blake:"Yes, he did, Striker." Striker:"Goed. Let me get something out of the way: you follow my orders, so I do not want any adventures on your part without clearing it up with me first. We run a tight ship here, understood?" Blake:"Understood." Striker:"Glad we agree. Welcome to the team, Blake." Striker and Blake shake paws. Tanarus:"Have you guys gotten some intel on the Vanguard in the country?" Corsair:"I did some research on them. The Nepalese government let the Vanguard build their Himalayan base after they had provided a lot of assistance and reconstruction after that nasty earthquake that hit the country a few years back." Tanarus:"So they got government support?" Corsair:"Most likely protection from scrutiny by government officials. I'm still checking to see if the Nepalese Army will rush to their aid if we attack them." Tanarus:"That's the last thing we need. Fighting the Vanguard is bad enough: we don't need to get into a scuffle with Nepalese government forces too." Striker:"Agreed. We will need to plan this operation with..." The spaniel is interrupted by the sound of a beeping noise from his watchcom. Striker:"Verskoon me." Striker answers his watchcom Striker:"Striker here... What! When did this happen?... Did you manage to contain them?... Oh, good. I... What?... Oh no! You searching for him?... You suspect he might have gotten out?... Ai yai yai... Reg, we will be on the alert ...I hope you get him too. Good luck." Striker shuts off his watchcom, swearing. Illanov:"Something wrong, comrade?" Striker:"That was Hunter. There was a breakout at the prison block and the cano-mutants we were holding there went on a riot. Hunter and the others managed to stop them, but they damaged much of the base." The others are surprised Merit:"Oh dear. Riots leave such an unacceptable mess every time." Phoenix:"Was anyone hurt?" Striker:"Fortunately not, but that was not the bad news. The bad news is that, when Hunter and the others did a count of all the prisoners after the riot, they discovered that Vanderberg was gone." Illanov:"Bolshoi! Are they searching for him?" Striker:"Ja, but the Master fears that Vanderberg might have used the riot to escape Mission Control." Blake:"That's bad news. The KH Military had Spectre, their shape- shifting spy, take on Vanderberg's shape and then we allowed the Vanguard to free him from Casa Lupo so that he could infiltrate the Vanguard." Tanarus:"That's probably how General Black managed to get the information on Stalker's wereabouts. Spectre is on the inside. And that means trouble for us here if the real Vanderberg gets in touch with his superiors." Striker:"They will not only discover a spy in their midst, but will also alert the Nepalese base about it. Which will make our mission even harder." Shephard:"So we got to strike before that happens, sir?" Striker:"Ja, we won't have a choice. We need to recon and strike the facility in one go as soon as possible." Blake:"I can call up some help if you need it?" Striker:"Who can you call?" Blake:"Monty, or rather Montecore. He's my second-in-command at Casa Lupo and a very good fighter." Striker:"Then do so. The Master can't send any more help right now. How long will it take for him to get here?" Blake:"He will be here in ten hours or so." Striker:"Cutting it close, but we will have to work with it." He looks at Corsair. Striker:"David, get us satellite images of the facility from the Rover Satellite so we can get planning." Corsair:"You sure, boss? The tech team hasn't finished sweeping our systems for Vanguard bugs." Striker:"We will have to risk it. We are pressed for time here." Corsair:"Okay, boss. I'm on it." Corsair pulls out his laptop. Striker:"Let's get our food and fill up. I don't think we will have this opportunity again until after the mission." Shephard:"Then I better double my order." While Corsair gets to work, the others place their food orders with the waiter. Blake gets up to go and make a call on his cellphone to Montecore. Business District Las Cruces New Mexico United States of America 05:03 AM: The hub of the city's economy is still dark, but already there are cars and people on their way to work. One of the people walking about is Vanderberg. He looks dirty and haggered and not very happy. Vanderberg:"I can't believe nobody will let me borrow their phones for even a second. You'd think I'm some kind of thug or something." He stops when he walks by a jewellery store window and sees his reflection in a piece of mirrored glass. Vanderberg:"Oh..." He keeps walking and grumbling. Vanderberg:"I need to get hold of the Vanguard and let them know about Spectre. And get me out of here before those idiots from Casa Lupo find me." He suddenly stops when he notices something across the street. It is a pay phone against the wall of a coffee shop. Vanderberg:"A pay phone? They still have those?" He then smiles. Vanderberg:"A phone is a phone. And I need one." He waits for the traffic to pass before running over the street. He goes up to the telephone and studies it. Vanderberg:"Okay, I hope this works. Just need to remember how to make a collect call." He checks the phone book under the telephone and finds out how to make the collect call. He picks up the receiver and dials the number. He waits for an answer. Vanderberg:"Oh, a voice machine. Figures, they probably don't need people these days." He follows the prompts to make the collect call using a number of the Vanguard. He waits until there is an answer. Vanderberg:"Hello, is this central com?... This is Reggie Vanderberg here. I need to... What?... Yes, I'm making a collect call to you... Where did I get the number?! I work for you guys! I'm Vanderberg!... Yes, I know, but that isn't me! Its a... No! Don't hang up on me!" The line is cut off. Vanderberg hangs up and then picks up the receiver again. Vanderberg:"I can't believe this s***!" He dials the numbers and follows the prompts again. Communications Hub Vanguard HQ Unknown Location At That Moment: The hub of much of the Vanguard's communications is a big dome with multiple levels of computer terminals around a big, central transmitter system. Everything looks sleek and high-tech. Most of the terminals have a technician with a headset on. One of them answers an incoming call. Technician:"Central... You again? I'm warning you that this is a a very secure, highly restricted line. If you.. What? You want me to trace the call? Are you trying to get us angry here?..." The technician snorts and starts typing on his keyboard. Technican:"Fine! I'm tracing this call and I'm going to send security to teach you a lesson! Good day!" The technician hangs up and waits for the trace to complete. When he sees the location, he makes a call. Technician:"San Diego station, this is Central... I got someone who made an unauthorized telephone call on our systems. I need you to go to the location of the call's origin and see if you can catch this joker... Right, I'm sending you the coordinates." The technician types on his keyboard and then clicks to send the information to the Vanguard team in San Diego. Facility Grounds Vanguard Stronghold Himalayan Mountains 16:02 PM: Rebound is seated on the ground next to Suchong and several scientists on a balcony of one of the laboratories. They are all looking down at the open grounds below, where some targets have been set up. These include a truck, a model building and an old helicopter. Suchong is holding a two-way radio. Suchong(into radio):"You can bring it out now." Voice(over radio):"Roger, sir. Deploying the prototype." Down below, a garage door inside a concrete wall in the mountain opens up. A minute later, a treaded chassis rolls out onto the grounds. The chassis is painted yellow and black, with the driver cabin fitted to the front. On top of the chassis is a rectangular dish mounted on a rotary device. On the side in white lettering is "VX-15". The vehicle moves towards a pair of flags placed some distance from the targets and stops. Suchong(into radio):"VX-15, this Suchong." VX-15(over radio):"VX-15 here, sir. Go ahead." Suchong(into radio):"Fire at the targets at low, medium and then full power, starting with the truck." VX-15(over radio):"Comfirmed, sir." Rebound perks up her ears and looks curiously along with Suchong and the scientists. The dish swivels to face the truck. There is a soft humming noise, followed by a faint white beam coming from the dish heading for the truck. At first, nothing seems to happen. Then the windows crack and then shatter. The tires burst and deflate, then the canvas on the back of the truck begins to catch fire. The tires then also begin to burn and soon the truck is engulfed in flames. The beam is switched off. Suchong:"Low power looks good. Now for medium." The dish is pointed at the building, a replicate of a typical two-story building with a shop at the bottom. The dish emits a hum and a beam at it. This time, the beam is much brighter. The beam hits the front of the building. The glass immediately breaks, then the brickwork cracks and crumbles before the whole front of the building implodes on it itself into a heap of rubble. The flammable objects within catch fire immediately, turning it into a burning heap. Suchong:"Good display for medium. Now for full power." The dish is turned off and swivels towards the helicopter. The helicopter, controlled by remote, takes off into the air and hovers a good distance above the ground. The dish angles to get it in its crosshairs and fires. This time the beam is a very bright, almost solid white. The beam hits the helicopter and it immediately explodes in a cloud of debris and smoke. The beam is switched off. Suchong smiles and the scientists applaud. Rebound is impressed. Suchong:"Full power successful. No errors and it worked as planned. Excellent results overall." The VX-15 turns around and heads back to its garage. Suchong and the scientists head back inside the laboratory to study the test results. Rebound, however, stays behind to watch the clean-up crews head for the wreckages. At the same time, someone else was watching the clean-up as well. Hovering in the air a good distance away from the stronghold is a small quadcopter drone. Its four propellers held aloft a body shaped like a dog's head. In the dog's "eyes" are a pair of camera lenses. Hotel Room Kathmandu At That Moment: The hotel room, while not luxurious, has all the necessities to make it a fine place to stay. A balcony overlooks the courtyard garden. Standing on the balcony is Merit, who is holding up a small transmitter dish while staying perfectly still. A cable leads from the dish to Corsair's laptop on a table in the living room. All the others are gathered around Corsair as he guides the drone. They can see the Vanguard stronghold through the drone's cameras. Illanov:"Nasty new toy that the Vanguard is developing, comrades." Tanarus:"If that ends up working, it will be a formidable piece of machinery on the battlefield. It will give the Vanguard an edge when fighting the KH Military, the GONV, the Elite Guard... or us." Striker:"Ja, but that is a secondary concern. David, can you check how the defenses are between the base and the mountain slopes?" Corsair:"Can do, boss." Corsair pilots the drone into position. As he does, Blake is shaking his head. Blake:"I still question the wisdom of sending out a drone to do the scouting." Corsair shrugs his shoulders. Corsair:"This is the future, Blake. They let the genie out of the bottle in Afghanistan, and they're no getting him back in. Better get used to that." Blake:"Its not that. Its just that I question why must your drone look like a dog's head, which is symbolic of the Road Rovers? Not exactly inconspicious." Shephard:"I sometimes wonder about that myself, sir. The Vanguard will quickly figure out its us if they spot it." Corsair:"Better ask the Master about that. I'm no designer here." Striker keeps his attention on the screen. Corsair brings the drone into position and zooms in on the stronghold. Striker studies what the drone sees carefully. Striker:"Hmmmm, interessant." Phoenix:"What is so interesting, Strikie?" Striker:"I see that the defenses aren't as strong between some of the base buildings and the mountain' sides." Tanarus:"No wonder. Those slopes are very steep and don't offer a lot of cover. Anybody climbing down them would be spotted very quickly and taken down by sniper fire." Striker:"If we climb, ja. But we might not have to climb down." Illanov:"You got a plan, comrade?" Striker:"Possibly. I just need to see more of the base to make sure. David, see how many of the defences you can spot for us." Corsair:"Yes, boss." As Corsair gets to work, Striker uses a pen and notepad to mark each of the stationary guns and patrols that the drone spots. As he writes, he looks at Illanov. Striker:"Alex, what do you think those weapons are that the Vanguard were testing out there?" Illanov:"I'm not certain, comrade. It seems to resemble some crowd-control prototypes I've seen in the United States, but it is meant to destroy." Striker:"Can you contact some of your friends in the arms industry?" Illanov:"Certainly. I'm sure one of my comrades will have info for me on this type of weapon, even if it is just theoretical." Striker:"The Vanguard are clearly more interested in the practical." Illanov nods while Striker continues writing the details that Corsair is providing. Business District Las Cruces United States of America 09:11 AM: Vanderberg is sitting on the ground against a wall by the telephone. He is watching the traffic in the street and the pedestrians walking by. Vanderberg:"Come on. Where are you guys?" After a few more minutes of waiting, a navy-blue sedan pulls up to the curb and stops. The doors open and out climb three men dressed in dark blue suits and wearing earpieces. As they walk to the telephone, Vanderberg gets and walks to them. Vanderberg:"About time you got here." The suits immediately turn to Vanderberg. Suit 1:"Are you the one who made the collect calls from this telephone, sir?" Vanderberg:"Yeah! I'm Reggie Vanderberg. Don't you recognise me?" Suit 2:"You look like him, but we need to make sure about that." Vanderberg:"What do you want from me? Fingerprints?" The third suit takes out a small device that looks like a remote with a screen and a cup on the tip. He also holds a needle in the other hand. Suit 3:"I need a blood sample, sir." Vanderberg frowns, but holds out his hand. The second suit holds his wrist while the third pricks a finger. Vanderberg winces as a small bit of blood is drawn on the needle. The needle is then placed in the recepticle with the blood. The third suit runs a few tests. Suit 3:"We should have a result in a minute, sir." Vanderberg:"You better. That hurt." Suit 2:"Don't complain. I've had way worse." Vanderberg shrugs. A minute later, the decide beeps. Suit 3:"The result is in and..." The suit is surprised when he looks at the small screen. Suit 3:"You are Reggie Vanderberg!" The three suits suddenly stand to attention and salute. Suit 1:"Sir! Apologies for the test, but we needed to be sure." Vanderberg:"Okay, okay. Just take me back to HQ." Suit 1:"Yes, sir! Please get in." They escort Vanderberg to the car while the first suit radios in a report. Suit 1(into radio):"San Diego station, this is Las Cruces. The we got the caller and we have positively identified him as the real Reggie Vanderberg... Yes, his DNA is a 100% match. You better alert Central." Vanderberg and the suits get into the car and close the doors. The sedan then turns around and drives away really fast. Laboratory Vanguard Headquarters Unknown Location: Hawkins is lying alone inside his chamber, sleeping. But his eyes immediately jump open when his communicator beeps. He takes the headset, puts it on and answers. Hawkins(into com):"Hawkins here... What about Vanderberg?... What?" His eyes narrow as he listens to the voice on the other side. Hawkins(into com):"Right... have him brought here as quickly as possible. Thank you." Hawkins quickly ends the call and makes another one. Hawkins(into com):"This is Hawkins. Find Hardboot and Slade and have them both see me... Yes, right away." He hangs up and takes the headset. He waits for a while until, finally, the door to the laboratory opens. Hardboot and Slade come in and walk up to the chamber. They both salute Hawkins, who salutes back. Hardboot:"You wanted to see us, sir?" Hawkins:"I got a special task for both of you, and only you two. I don't want anyone else to know until you have completed your mission." Slade:"Something big?" Hawkins:"Yes. I just got word that our station in San Diego had picked up Vanderberg in New Mexico and are bringing him back here." Hardboot:"Vanderberg in the States? But I just saw him an hour ago." Hawkins:"That is why you are here. This Vanderberg is not the real one. Its Spectre, the KH Military's shapeshifting spy." Both Slade and Hardboot are surprised. Slade:"What! But how...?" Hawkins:"It doesn't matter now. What I need from you two is to find Spectre and capture him before he is alerted to Vanderberg's recovery. I do not want him to escape." Hardboot:"I'll be sure to get him." Slade:"I'll definitely be sure." Hawkins:"Good. Make sure to put a collar on him or he will just shapeshift into a fly or mouse and escape. I want to know what he has learned from us. Understood?" Slade, Hardboot:"Yes, sir!" Hawkins:"Dismissed, and hurry. I need to call Suchong." Slade and Hardboot leave the laboratory while Hawkins takes the headset to make the call to Suchong. He waits until there is an answer. Hawkins(into com):"Yes, this is Hawkins. Get me Suchong right away... Excuse me?... He's not available? Then where is he?... I see. Right, get this message to him as soon as he's done. I want him to call me right away. It is of high priority. Understood?... Good. Thank you." Hawkins hangs up the communicator and grumbles to himself. Stealth Rover Rubble Yard Kathmandu Outskirts Nepal 12:03 AM: This is a collection of large heaps of rubble from buildings that were damaged or destroyed by an earthquake few year ago. The Stealth Rover is parked between several of the heaps, mainly out of sight. A figure approaches the Stealth Rover and climbs up the steps to the main hatch. He knocks and waits for a response. Blake(through hatch):"Password?" Figure(whispering):"The howl of the wolf carries on the wind." Blake(through hatch):"Its him, Sergeant." The hatch opens up and the figure steps in. Blake and Shephard, who is opening the hatch, is on the other side. Blake grins. Blake:"Glad you could make it, Monty." The big wolf grins back, removing his hood to reveal his grey and white fur and red eyes. Montecore:"Good to see you too. Enjoying your holiday out here in the Himalayans?" Blake:"I prefer the Rockies myself. And how was your trip?" Montecore:"Found only one flight that was willing to carry me and my luggage. Very bumpy. My tail still hurts from all the turbulance." He rubs his rear for emphasis. Shephard looks critically at the new wolf. Shephard:"Are you armed, sir?" Montecore:"You bet your tail, human. That's why I had to take the super economy flight." Shephard:"Just checking, sir. Blake has vouched for you. And you will need to be armed for the mission tonight." Montecore(surprised):"Tonight? We going already?" Blake:"Yeah. Sorry for the short notice, but we have reason to think the Vanguard are on to us. Striker wants to get to the base and get father out before they can really shore up their defences." Montecore:"Fair enough, but you better get me up to speed fast." Blake:"I'll fill in the details along the way. Come on." Blake and Shephard lead Montecore to the cockpit, where the rest of Unit STRIKE are waiting. They all turn to look at the new arrival. Striker:"Is that Montecore?" Blake:"It is, Striker. Say hi, Monty." Montecore greets them, and they all welcome him in return. Striker:"Reg, let's go. We need to get to our mission checkpoint onmiddelik. David, we set?" Corsair gives the thumbs up. Corsair:"All ready, boss." Striker:"Take your seats. We're taking off." Everyone sits down and buckles up. Striker starts up the Stealth Rover's engines. Within minutes, the craft lifts off from the ground in a great cloud of dust. It then switches from VTOL to flight mode and heads off into the sky in the direction of the Himalayans and the Vanguard base. Vehicle Bays Vanguard Stronghold Himalayans At That Moment: The vehicle bays are large garages with space for vehicles to undergo fitting, repairs and maintenance. There are dozens of shelves, tool cabinets and tire racks between the lifts and pits of each bay. While most of the maintenance crews have gone to sleep, a few workers are on the night shift. They are working on some of the new VX-15 prototypes that are parked here. With them is Suchong and a small team of scientists overseeing the maintenance of the weapons. Rebound is walking with Suchong and lies down whenever he stops. She does so when he is looking at a pair of workers adjusting the dish on one of the machines. Suchong:"Be careful! I don't want that alignment out by even a millimetre, you got it?" Worker:"Yes, yes, we're being careful." Suchong just grunts dismissively and walks on to check on the next prototype, Rebound getting up and trotting after him. As he does, a guard enters the bay and walks up to him. The guard salutes to get Suchong's attention. Suchong:"Yes? What is it?" Guard:"I got a message for you, sir. Its from Hawkins himself." Rebound's ears perk up. Suchong:"Really now?" The guard holds out a folded piece of paper. Suchong takes it, unfolds the papers and reads. He frowns, then his eyebrows raise in surprise. He finally looks back at the guard. Suchong:"Right. Give the message to Hawkins that I will notify our forces here and I will call him in the morning. And be sure to alert the garrison commander as soon as he wakes up." Guard:"Yes, sir." The guard salutes again and leaves the vehicle bay. Suchong rubs his chin. Suchong:"Hmmmm. That reminds me: I need to check up and see how progress is on that new security camera that can pick up shapeshifters. The spy would make a great guinea pig to test it." He takes out a tablet, taps in a note and then resumes his inspection of the prototype weapons. Rebound looks at Suchong and, when he isn't looking, gets up and runs after the guard that had brought the message. Mountain Peak Near Vanguard Stronghold Himalayans: The high, wind-swept peaks of the mountains dwarf the base far below. Snow covers all sides with the occassional black rock cropping out. The Stealth Rover's lights pierce the darkness as it comes to hover above a slope that winds down towards the bottom. The cargo hatch under its belly opens up to provide a light shining down on the snow. Inside the cargo bay, Unit STRIKE is getting ready for the mission. Striker, Phoenix, Illanov, Tanarus and Shephard are in their Special Ops suits, Merit is in his battle shell and Blake and Montecore are wearing Road Rover winter parkas. The team is not only armed with his or her weapon of choice, but also with skis fitted to their feet (or in Merit's chase, a sled to his shell's treads). Striker checks the others. Striker:"Everyone gereed?" They all give their agreements in the form of a yes or a thumbs up. Striker then looks at Blake and Montecore. Striker:"Are you two gereed?" Blake:"If you mean ready, then yes we are, aren't we Monty?" Montecore:"I'm definitely ready for this." Striker:"Goed." Striker then contacts Corsair on his watchcom. Striker(into com):"David, all set?" Corsair(over com):"I got our bird in position, boss. Just hop on out and watch the landing." Striker(into com):"Anything from the Vanguard stronghold?" Corsair(over com):"I'm picking up an increase in radio chatter, but no alarms have been raised yet. It looks like we will take them by surprise." Striker(into com):"We will see. Keep hovering as close to the base as you can and prepare to immediately move in for the extractions." Corsair(over com):"Just say the word and I'll have our bird right over, boss." Striker turns off his watchcom and waddles to the edge of the open hatch. Down below the wind is blowing snow over the slope. Striker:"Off we go!" Striker jumps off and falls a short distance before landing on the slope's side. He immediately begins to ski downhill. The others all follow in rapid succession until Merit is the last one off. The Stealth Rover flies away while the team begins to ski down the treacherous slopes at high speed. Striker:"Careful for the rocks!" Illanov:"Reminds me of the winter drills during my training days. Only with much more rock." Striker:"Don't get too comfortable, Alex. They can still knock you down." Illanov:"Dah!" They ski down rapidly in a single line. Striker is using his suit's night vision to dodge the rocks and keep on the snowy slope. Up ahead the Vanguard base looms greater as they get closer. They are heading towards the roof of one of labs that is closest to the slopes. Striker guides them all closer to the slope, keeping an eye open for any guards. But right now the guards' eyes are looking away from the mountain. Soon the team comes to a small rock that forms a ramp. Striker aims for it. Striker:"Mind the jump!" Striker hits the rock and becomes airborne. It is enough to clear him over to the roof of the lab. He lands on top of the concrete roof and quickly moves out of the way. One by one his team make it onto the roof, though Merit's landing is a parti- cularly loud one. The Strikers all quickly scan the base, but so far nobody has seen them. Striker:"Stay down and follow me." They all nod and crouch, following Striker along the roof to a hut where the maintenance door is. Striker points at it. Striker:"Merit, unlock the door." Merit:"Executing, though I do recommend we close this entry to avoid letting in the snow." Shephard rolls his eyes. Merit rolls up to the door and opens his toolkit. The drone uses one of its tools to begin picking the lock. Soon there is a beep as the electronic lock on the other side is unlocked. Merit:"Task completed." Striker:"Proceed with caution." Striker and Phoenix go in first, carefully walking down the concrete stairway with its green metal railings. The others follow suit until Merit is last him. The drone closes the door behind them but doesn't lock it. Research Laboratories Vanguard Stronghold: The maintenance door opens and Striker and Phoenix look carefully out of it. They find themselves in a blue-walled corridor with rubber floors and flourescent lights above. It looks very clean and very quiet. Striker and Phoenix carefully come out and check the corridors, then signal the others to follow. The team exits the maintenance stairs. Blake:"Which way?" Striker:"Alex, go invisible and scout for us." Illanov:"Dah comrade." Illanov turns invisible and begins scouting while the others wait for him. After a short while Illanov reappears next to Striker. Illanov:"Its mostly empty with a few scientists working late and some guards at the security station. But there are a lot of security cameras about." Striker:"Reg. Our first objective should be to secure that station and capture the scientists. We'll interrogate them to find out where Stalker is. Where is this station, Alex?" Illanov:"Follow me, comrades." The team follows Illanov's lead, making sure to keep the noise down and their eyes open for any surprises. They soon come to a corner. Illanov motions for Striker and the two of them peek around the corner. A further distance down on the opposite side of another corridor is a large pair of windows. Striker can see the security station beyond with the security camera monitors and weapons rack on the wall. He can also two Security Operatives inside. Security Operatives have the same colours as regular operatives, but they wear kevlar vests with security badges, helmets with built-in radios and dark grey shirts and pants with black boots. On their belts is a holster for their sidearms. The two operatives are chatting with mugs of warm beverages, casting occassional glances at the monitors. Striker nods. Striker:"Was it just those two, Alex?" Illanov:"Dah. I sighted no other patrols." Striker:"Goed. We need to take that station, Alex. I think I got a plan." Striker gathers the others and explains his plan to them. A few minutes later Illanov goes invisible again and heads for the security station. He waits by the door and taps on it twice. Immediately one of the security operatives goes and opens it. He looks outside. Security 1:"Hello?" Security 2:"Who was it?" Security 1:"I don't know. I don't see anything." Just then there is a couple of loud taps on the floor around the corner of the corridor. This gets the first operative's attention and he reaches for his holster. Security 2:"Something wrong?" Security 1:"I heard something. I'm checking it out. Watch my back." The operative takes out his firearm, a Vanguard ST-14, and turns off the safety. He moves towards the corridor with the pistol in both hands. Just as he comes to the corner, Montecore pops out and lands a fist right in the operative's face. The guard falls backwards onto the floor. Inside the station the other operative jumps to his feet, spilling his mug. But before he can get his pistol or hit the alarm he sees Illanov's fist appearing out of thin air. He is knocked out as well. Illanov:"Sleep tight, comrade." The other Rovers come out of the corridor. Striker and Blake grab the unconscious operative and drag him into the security station. The rest of the team go inside with Shephard standing guard by the door. They tie up and gag the two security operatives. Phoenix goes to check on the security feeds. She looks through all the screens that show various shots of the laboratory they are in. Striker:"See anyone, Firefly?" Phoenix:"If you mean guards, I see a pair of them patrolling the corridors, but they're going slowly and it looks like they're still far away." Striker:"Anyone else?" Phoenix:"I see two scientists, one here and another here." Striker checks the screens that she's pointing. He can see the two scientists at the work in different laboratories. He nods. Striker:"Let's see if we can apprehend one of them and find out where in the base Stalker is being held. Shephard and Alex, stay here and keep watch if the patrol comes here. The rest of you, follow me." While Shephard and Illanov stay behind in the security station, Striker leads his team through the labs. Guided by Illanov, who is watching the cameras, they make their way to one of the laboratories where the one scientist is working. The laboratory has several smaller rooms with glass walls and a lot of equipment inside each one. A scientist is working in one of the smaller rooms, tinkering with a device on a table. Striker:"Reg. Blake and Montecore with me, the rest of you keep watch." Striker, Blake and Montecore move forward to the small room and make sure to keep the scientist's back to them. When they come to it, Blake begins to sneak around it, making sure to keep out of sight. But the scientist is too distracted with his work to really keep an eye out. Blake moves into position right in front of the scientist, stands up and taps on the glass. The scientist looks up and sees Blake before looking back at the device. But he then immediately does a double take and his eyes widen in surprise at the sight of Blake. Scientist:"Who...?" Montecore takes this opportunity to rush into the room and grab the scientist from behind in a chokehold. The scientist gasps and tries to cry for help, but Montecore keeps him quiet. Montecore:"One false word and I snap your neck." Striker then comes in and approaches the scientist with a stern look. Striker:"Answer my questions and you may get off lightly." Scientist:"Security will..." There is suddenly a scuffle. Striker, Montecore, Blake and the scientist look to the source of the noise. Phoenix and Tanarus have grabbed the two patrolling security operatives and are busy tying and gagging them up. Striker looks back the scientist. Striker:"Security clearly cannot help you. So will you be cooperative or not?" The scientist simply nods. Striker:"Reg. Where is Stalker being kept?" Scientist:"That is top secret." Striker growls. Blake comes up and holds a crossbow bolt to the scientist neck. Blake:"Give the dog his answer." Scientist:"He... Stalker is being held in a warded off part of the medical research labs." Striker:"And where is this?" Scientist:"It is the third building to the south, but you won't get close. They have increased security there." Striker:"Reg. Montecore, tie him up and gag him." Montecore nods and ties up the scientist. Phoenix and Tanarus then bring the two operatives. They are all put into a closet and then locked in. Striker then calls Illanov. Striker(into com):"Everything reg, Alex?" Illanov(over com):"All fine, comrade. That other scientist is still busy with his work and didn't hear the commotion you caused." Striker(into com):"Goed. Can you see the laboratory entrance?" Illanov(over com):"Dah. I don't see any guards, at least not inside." Striker(into com):"Guide us to the entrance and then you and Shephard link up with us there." Illanov(over com):"Dah comrade." Striker signals to the others and they move out. They make their way through the laboratory until they get to the lobby. The lobby consists of a front desk and a pair of revolving glass doors leading out. The entire team gathers at the lobby. Shephard and Montecore flank the door while the others gather behind the desk. Striker:"See anyone outside?" Shephard:"Nothing yet, sir." Striker:"Merit, scan the next building and report." Merit:"Executing command." Merit scans the building located next door to the current laboratories. It is a double-story structure with ceiling windows on its slanted roof. Merit checks it and finishes the scan. Merit:"Task completed. The adjacent structure seems to be a storage warehouse for liquid nytrogen tanks, oxygen cylinders and hospital supplies." Striker:"Hospital supplies? Then the medical labs must be very close by. Any patrols, Merit?" Merit:"There are four possible hostiles gathered at the south- east corner of the building. They appear to be engaged in some form of gambling." Striker:"Distracted, goed. And any patrols outside?" Merit:"I detect roving patrols of Vanguard operatives and LICU units around the general area. A single HECU has a patrol route around the adjacent structure." Striker:"Where is the HECU nou?" Merit:"It is about to pass this front entrance." Everyone looks sharply at Merit before immediately ducking out of sight. Just seconds later the HECU walks into view and stops by the lobby door. It looks around. HECU:"Scanning area..." The big robot checks the lobby through the glass. Once its sensors are satisfied that there is nothing there, the HECU resumes its patrol and wanders off. Everyone comes out of cover, with a few nasty looks being directed at Merit. Phoenix:"You know, Merit. It might be a good idea to alert us ahead of time of such things." Merit:"But I did alert you 4.53 seconds beforehand." Phoenix just facepalms. Striker:"We'll talk to him about that. Let's quickly get into that building before the HECU comes back around. Is that revolving door locked?" Montecore tries to push on the door, but it remains in place. Montecore:"Can't budge it." Striker looks at the front desk and notices a pad under the table. He examines it and sees the labelled buttons. He presses one. There is an audible click from the revolving door. Monte- core presses the door. This time it turns smoothly. Montecore:"That did the trick." Striker:"Almal out, gou." They get of the labs through the revolving door, keeping their eyes open for any surprise patrols. They then run over to the next building and go for a side door. Merit again begins to pick the lock. It takes less than a minute before the door is opened. They all quickly go inside and shut the door just before the HECU comes around the corner again. Inside they find they are in a big warehouse filled with huge tanks, fenced stacks of gas cylinders and boxes marked with the red cross stacked on neat shelves that stand in rows. It is mostly dark, but is a faint bit of light and the sound of talking from the opposite side of the building. Striker:"How many operatives did you say, Merit?" Merit:"Exactly four as of recent count." Striker:"Goed. They're distracted, so let's sneak up and get them before they react." Staying to the shadows and the cover of the various tanks, boxes and cylinders, the Rovers move to the light. As they get closer, the voices become clearer. The security operatives are seated around a table playing poker and drink some of the local beer. Operative 1:"Straight flush!" Operative 2:"D****t! You're not hiding a card up your sleeve, are you?" Operative 1:"Not a chance. Not after what Suchong did to that one fool who cheated on him with this game." They all shudder. Operative 3:"He's not all right in the head, that Suchong. I sometimes think he's a relative of Doctor Franken- stein." Operative 4:"I think he is Frankentein. I once saw how one of his experiments to make these cano-sapien things went very wrong, and he just continued with it like it was nothing. I was glad that day I was not the janitor." Operative 2:"Ugh... be back in a flash. I think Suchong and my beer don't mix..." The second security operative quickly gets up and rushes out a nearby door. Operative 1:"While we wait for his stomach to settle, shall we deal the next round?" Operative 3:"Right, but I'm dealing this time." The three operatives continue the game, unaware of the Strikers now coming up towards them. They hide behind the nearest tanks. Phoenix:"I only see three of them." Merit:"The fourth contact is currently outside the structure. He is expelling the contents of his stomach in a rather violent manner and leaving an unpleasant mess. Shall I go clean it?" Striker:"Not now, Merit. Goed, this makes it easier. Here's the plan of action." They quickly discuss the plan. The operatives are still busy with the card game when the Rovers suddenly rush out of the shadows at them. The operatives are caught mostly off-guard. Two of them are immediately tackled to the floor and held down. The third manages to jump up and pull out a small yellow device that he aims at the charging Montecore. The operative fires a dart that hits the big wolf in the arm and emits a powerful surge of electricity. Montecore:"OUCH!! D*** that hurts!" Montecore collapses to the floor in spasm while the operative tries to pull out his sidearm. But this time Blake is able to fire a crossbow bolt at the operative, hitting him between the eyes. He drops to the floor. As this happens, Shephard quickly stands by the door and peeks through it. The fourth guard is still wiping his mouth next to a steaming puddle of vomit. Shephard takes position next to the door and waits. Shortly thereafter the door opens and Shephard raises his M-246 to hit the operative with the buttstock. Suddenly the operative, as he is about to come through the door, gets distracted by another guard's call nearby. The operative stops to reply just as Shephard swings his buttstock. He misses and hits the door. The operative immediately looks back and sees Shephard, his eyes widening. Shephard:"S***!" Shephard tries to get his firearm ready to shoot, but the operative has already escaped and is running to the adjacent building while shouting. Operative:"Intruders! Raise the alarm!" Striker rushes up to Shephard. Striker:"What happened?" Shephard:"Sorry sir. I tried to ambush him but he got distracted just as I was about to hit him." Striker:"Forget it, Shephard. This happens. Merit, is the next building the medical labs?" Merit does a scan before answering. Merit:"That is correct." Suddenly there is the sound of a blaring alarm that gets everyone's attention. Blake:"Guess subterfuge is out the window?" Striker:"Reg. Everyone, follow me with weapons ready! Kom!" Striker opens the door and he leads the rush out of the warehouse to the medical labs. It is a sleek, two story building with white walls and deep blue windows. The team makes a break for the main entrance, a pair of glass sliding doors with a big medicine logo above them. Behind it they can see the operative that escaped along with another security operative behind a reception desk, who is busy with a phone. Striker:"Merit! Blast the doors!" Merit:"As you wish, but that will damage the glass." Striker:"Merit!!" Merit:"Firing." Merit begins firing his battle shell's guns, aiming precisely for the hinges rather than the glass. The bullets that hit the glass are stopped by the thick, bullet-proof material, but the hinges are not as durable. They shatter and the sliding doors collapse to the ground. The two security operatives quickly duck behind the desk and begins to fire at the Rovers with their ST-14s. Phoenix begins to form a pair of fireballs to toss at them. Montecore uses his power to turn those fireballs into solid balls of flame when Phoenix is about to launch them. The fireballs fly into the desk, causing it to shatter into flaming debris. The one operative is set on fire and jumps to his feet to put out the flames and is immediately hit by a sonic blast from Striker's rifle. The other operative rolls out of the way to fire his pistol while lying prone. Tanarus jumps to the floor and kicks the guard with his feet, knocking him against the wall out cold. The team reassemble. Striker:"Merit and Shephard, defend this position! Keep back the Vanguard as long as possible!" Shephard:"Yes, sir!" Merit:"Affirmative!" Striker:"The rest follow me!" While Merit and Shephard take up defensible positions in the lobby, the others rush on to the next room. It is an open plaza with a big fountain in the middle and a domed glass roof above. Escalators and glass elevators lead up to the floors. Nearby are some electronic notice boards. Illanov goes to one of them and looks at it. Illanov:"There's a map here... this room here might be where Stalker is being held, comrades." Striker comes to look at the map. Striker:"Hmmm. Second floor, northwest corner. Goed, let's go and..." Blake:"First floor, heads up!" On the first floor a trio of security operatives take cover behind some benches set against the glass railings. They begin to fire down on the Strikers, who immediately take cover behind the fountain, notice boards and escalators. But as they try to return fire, Phoenix spots more trouble: above them a pair of Seeker Drones come in flying from the second floor with their autoguns ready. Phoenix:"Enemy birds right above us!" The Seekers fly lower to get a good aim at the intruders. Blake fires a bolt at one of the drones. It hits one of the rotors, causing the drone to lose balance and fire wildly off into one direction. The other Seeker manages to get a lock on Blake and return fire. Blake is forced to sprint out of cover and dive for a nearby bench, the tiles under him exploding in shards. He manages to get behind cover from the bullets, but the Seeker is already moving to a new firing position. At the same time, the other Seeker has compensated for the damaged rotor and is also getting into the right angle to attack. But Illanov pulls out his EMP Jammer and switches it on. Immediately the Seekers' rotors cut out and they drop to the floor, landing hard. But Montecore takes no chances and rushes over to quickly smash the drones to pieces with his boots. Montecore:"Not so fancy under my boot, are you?" Illanov and Striker take this opportunity to get their most powerful shots ready. When the security operatives take the opportunity to reload, Striker and Illanov come out of cover and fire at the floor under them. The combined sonic and plasma blasts rip the platform apart and it collapses down, taking the three guards down with it. With the threats neutralized, the team quickly make their way up the escalators to the second floor. Striker:"This way! Gou!" They follow the corridor through the medical labs, following the directions from the signs on the walls. When they turn a corner they find Suchong talking to some security operatives by a pair of high-security sliding doors. Standing with him is Rebound. Suchong:"I don't want them anywhere near Stalker! Make sure to..." Security:"Sir! Behind us!" Suchong whips around and looks directly at Striker. Striker and Phoenix immediately recognize him. Striker, Phoenix:"You!" Suchong:"The Road Rovers!" Phoenix:"We got a score to settle with you! We owe Firefly's mother that much!" Phoenix impulsively throws a fireball at Suchong. One of the security operatives pulls him out of the way and the fireball flies just past him. Suchong:"Shut the doors!" Another operative quickly hits a nearby button and the sliding doors shut with alarming speed. Suchong:"Its the Road Rovers! Get us reinforcements!" Suchong and his guards quickly run further into the facility while the Rovers rush to the door. They try to force their way in, but the doors are too strong. Striker gets his sonic rifle ready. Striker:"I'll try blasting them open with a full charge." On the other side, however, Blake notices that Rebound has not run after Suchong and his men. The wolf female goes to the door. Rebound:"Hey! You Road Rovers! I want to talk to you!" Blake:"Guys, this sapien wants a word with us." The others now notice her as well. Phoenix:"I didn't think Suchong would be someone to keep a pet." Rebound:"I'm not a pet... not a willing one anyway." Blake:"Then tell me who you are." Blake and Rebound talk back and forth at each other. While they do, Striker gets on his Watchcom and contacts Shephard. Striker(into com):"Andrew, how are you and Merit?" Shephard(over com):"We're holding them off, sir! But they are coming in harder each time! And they're trying to bring in the big guns now! I heard them shout for more of those robots of theirs!" Striker(into com):"Hold out as long as possible. We will try and be quick." Shephard(over com):"Better hurry sir! Not sure what bothers me more: all the firepower coming our way or Merit's constant complaints about the mess here!" Striker(into com):"Just hold on, julle twee!" Striker then turns his attention to Blake and Rebound. Blake has just finished talking to her. He doesn't look happy. Montecore:"What's wrong, Blake?" Blake:"They're not here, Monty." Illanov:"Who, comrade? Stalker?" Blake:"No! Tank and Allison are not here." Montecore:"They're not? D***!" Illanov:"Pardon my ignorance, comrade, but who are they? Friends of yours?" Tanarus:"Tank and Allison? You believed they were being held here?" Blake:"Yes, and its the main reason I'm actually here. I wanted to rescue them since the Vanguard kidnapped them and have been keeping them prisoner alongside my father. I thought they had moved them with him to this base." Striker:"And this wolf told you so?" Blake:"Her name is Rebound. She was a star in several eastern European movies before being abducted to serve as a pet for Slade, Hawkins' henchdog." Striker:"Does she know where Stalker is being held?" Blake:"She offered to lead us to him if he helped her get out of this place." Striker:"Tell her she has a deal." Blake nods and turns to Rebound. Blake:"We've got an alliance, Rebound. Freedom for your help." Rebound wags her tail in satisfaction. Rebound:"Okay. One moment." Rebound walks over to the door switch. She grabs the switch in her paws and pulls it down. The sliding security doors open and the team go in. Striker:"Mevrou Rebound, we thank you for your assistance." Rebound:"Save the thanks until we actually get out of here. Follow me, I'll take you to Stalker." Striker:"How many operatives are at his prison cell?" Rebound:"Seven or so. Plus I saw them setting up some devices on tripods." Illanov:"Sounds like turrets, comrade." Striker:"Agreed. Lead on, but be careful and get behind us if we run into trouble, Mevrou Rebound." Rebound:"Follow me." Rebound leads them into the medical wing and along the corridors of the facility. When they come closer to the cells, Rebound puts up a paw to stop them. Rebound:"I hear Suchong shouting." Striker:"Alex, scout ahead." Illanov:"Dah." Illanov goes invisible and turns the corner. He can see that the security operatives have set up turrets along the corridor that leads to the cells, shielded by overturned trolleys and tables. Behind that the operatives have set up their own defense works behind more overturned tables. Suchong is behind them, standing by Stalker's cell door. Illanov ducks back and reappears. Illanov:"Formidable defenses they've put up, comrades. Turrets down along the corridor and defense works where I assume are the cells comrade Rebound mentioned. Suchong is there with his guards." Striker:"Any other angle of approach besides ours?" Illanov:"Nyet." Striker:"Blikskottel. That corridor is a deathtrap while those turrets are there with covering fire." Tanarus:"Maybe a shield of some sort?" Striker:"That would help, but I doubt there is anything here that can stop bullets. We need another approach and quickly." Phoenix:"If we had Alex's invisibility, we could all sneak past those turrets." Montecore:"Hey, that's an idea I could help with." They all look at Montecore. Phoenix:"You can? How?" Montecore:"As I said I can enhance other's powers by being near them. This includes their area of effect. So, Illanov's invisibility can affect all of you as well as him." Striker:"Can you really do that, Montecore?" Blake:"I can vouch for him, Striker. He's not kidding." Striker:"Goed! If you can turn us all invisible, then we can get past the turrets and neutralize Suchong's guards. Are you ready?" Montecore:"Just say the word, Striker." Striker:"Alex?" Illanov:"Ready to go, comrade." Striker:"Let's do it." Illanov uses his invisibility power and, thanks to Montecore, it causes everyone in the group to go invisible as well. They move up into the corridor, but the turrets do not trigger. As they get to the cells the security operatives are still behind their shields while Suchong is busy working at a trolley by Stalker's cell door. The Rovers move between the operatives and Suchong. Striker:"Nou, Alex!" Illanov drops the invisibility power and immediately reveals the entire teams. The security operatives are completely caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the Rovers. The team quickly fall upon them, Blake and Striker shooting a pair of them while Phoenix and Montecore attack the others. It takes less than a minute for the operatives to be neutralized. Striker:"Nou it is your turn, Suchong." But when Striker turns to Suchong, he finds only the open door to Stalker's cell. Striker quickly rushes to the door and looks inside. Suchong is standing by Stalker. He has completely untied him and has just finished injecting something into Stalker's arm. Suchong:"There!" He looks at Striker while stepping behind Stalker. Suchong:"If you want Stalker, be my guest." Striker:"What did you do to him, Suchong?" Suchong:"You're about to get a demonstration." Striker begins to approach. Suddenly Stalker jumps to his feet with a snarl and fires arcs of electricity at the spaniel from his paws. Striker is immediately flung backward out of the cell and crashes to the floor just outside of it. The others are caught by surprise. Phoenix:"Strikie!" Phoenix rushes over to help her mate up. Striker:"W-watch out! Suchong injected something into Stalker..." As if on cue, Stalker appears at the doorway with paws raised for another blast. Striker and Phoenix jump out of the way as the lighting bolts blast the floor where they were. Stalker:"I'LL KILL YOU ALL!" Tanarus:"He's gone rabid!" Stalker immediately looks at Tanarus, fangs bared. Stalker:"TRAITOR!" Stalker fires another pair of bolts at Tanarus. Tanarus tries to jump out of the way, but the bolts are faster and hit him in the legs. He is knocked over with a yelp and lands hard on the floor. Stalker rushes over, grabs his neck with both paws and begins to squeeze hard. Tanarus begins to gag and chuckle, struggling to get Stalker off him. Stalker:"DIE TRAITOR!" Blake jumps onto Stalker and puts him in an arm-lock around his neck. Stalker releases Tanarus to focus on Blake. Blake:"Father! Father, stop this!" Stalker:"GET OFF ME!" While Stalker tries to throw off Blake, Illanov helps Tanarus to his feet. Tanarus is coughing and gasping, rubbing his neck. Illanov:"You all right, comrade?" Tanarus:"Been... better... cough!" Stalker keeps failing to try and throw Blake off, but his son keeps hanging on. Blake:"Stop it!" Stalker:"NOOO!" Striker is charging up his sonic rifle. Striker:"Keep him distracted!" Blake:"Working on thaaaaah!" Stalker manages to grab Blake's shoulders and throw him hard to the floor. Blake has the wind knocked out of him. Stalker kicks him in the guts, causing Blake to gasp out a yelp. Striker takes aim at Stalker and fires. The blast hits Stalker and pushes him back against the wall. But Stalker is only temporarily stunned and quickly recovers. Striker is still charging his sonic rifle when Stalker begins firing electrical arcs at him. Striker is knocked back again, making him drop his sonic rifle. Montecore rushes Stalker and tackles him by the legs, knocking him over. Montecore:"Get your rifle, Striker! Ow!" Stalker begins to claw at Montecore, who fights to swipe away his paws. Striker struggles to his feet. He grabs his sonic rifle and charges it up again. Striker:"Hold on, Montecore!" Montecore struggles to keep Stalker at bay. Stalker knees him in the guts, then punches him off. Montecore falls backwards while Stalker gets up. Stalker prepares to electrocute Montecore. Illanov quickly takes action and fires a plasma blast at Stalker. Stalker sees this and ducks, the blast just missing him and hitting the wall behind him. The wolf then pounces at Illanov, but the German Shepherd turns invisible, leaving Stalker flying through empty air and landing on the floor. Striker gets his sonic rifle charged and aimed at Stalker. Stalker jumps to his feet and is immediately struck by another sonic blast. He is thrown again the wall, groaning in pain. Stalker gets up, but he is clearly struggling this time. Striker is charging his rifle again while keeping his eye on Stalker. Stalker stands up uneasily on his feet. Stalker:"I... will not be..." Stalker raises his paws to fire an electrical arc. Phoenix fires a fireball at his one arm, setting his prison uniform sleeve on fire. This briefly distracts the big wolf, giving Striker time to fully charge his sonic rifle. When Stalker manages to put out the fire and turn back to Striker, the last thing he sees is a sonic blast coming towards him. The blast knocks him to the wall again, but this time he collapses to the floor. Blake approaches him cautiously and checks on his father. Blake:"He's unconscious." Striker:"Goed. Everyone all right?" Montecore:"I'm okay. Geez, Blake. Your dad is strong for someone who is old enough to be my grandfather." Tanarus:"It must have been that serum that Suchong gave him. Hey, where is he anyway?" Phoenix quickly goes to the cell and checks, but the cell is empty. There is no sign of the scientist. Phoenix:"He's gone!" Illanov:"He must have made his escape while we were distracted with Stalker." Suddenly Striker's Watchcom beeps. He quickly answers. Striker(into com):"Ja?" Shephard(over com):"Sir! Merit and I are falling back into the building! The Vanguard is overrunning our position here!" Striker(into com):"Make your way to the roof, gou!" Shephard(over com):"Roger that, sir!" Striker quickly turns to the others. Striker:"Time to leave! Pick up Stalker and let's go!" Blake:"Monty and I will carry him." Striker:"Goed! Let's clear the turrets while they get him." Striker, Phoenix, Tanarus and Illanov go into the corridor to kick over the turrets. Blake and Montecore lift Stalker onto their shoulders to carry him. Striker sees they are ready. Striker:"Reg! Let's go!" Phoenix then notices something. Phoenix:"Hey! Where is Rebound?" Everyone stops and looks around, but Rebound is nowhere in sight. Striker:"Rebound? Rebound!" There is no answer to his calls. Blake:"You think she fled when Stalker appeared?" Shephard:"I got a bad feeling now, sir." Striker:"Ek ook, Shephard. Let's hurry!" They head into the corridor. Striker gets on his Watchcom again and calls Corsair. Striker(into com):"David, we are requesting extraction! Pick us up on the roof of the medical laboratory!" Corsair(over com):"Gotcha, boss. I'm tracking your position, but you better hurry up when I get there. The Vanguard must be pissed because they've brought out those fancy tanks they were testing earlier." Striker(into com):"Just come in and be ready to leave immediately when we all board!" Corsair(over com):"Gotcha!" Striker switches off his Watchcom and leads his team through the building back to the central stairwell. As they approach the stairs there is a loud boom from the ground floor. The team ready themselves, but as they come to the railings they see Shephard and Merit coming out of a cloud of smoke behind them. Merit:"That is going to take considerable time to repair." Shephard:"I'd rather it give us considerable time to get away." Striker:"Shephard! Merit! Up here!" The duo see Striker and quickly go up the stairs to join the rest of the team. Shephard:"You got Stalker, sir?" Striker:"Just. You didn't happen to see Suchong?" Shephard:"That crazy scientist that abducted you in Santa Fe? We didn't see him." Merit:"That is negative. We witnessed no departures but many arrivals." Tanarus:"He probably hiding in a closet somewhere, but I don't think we have time to look for him." Striker:"Nee, we don't. We need to leave: we got Stalker." Shephard looks cautiously at Stalker. Shephard:"Is he secure, sir?" Striker:"He is unconscious, but I'd prefer to sedate him with some drugs on the Stealth. But we need to get him in there before the Vanguard get us. Let's go up!" They run for the stairs and start climbing up to the next floor. Below them there is the sound of an explosion, followed by a billowing cloud of dust and the shouts of operatives rushing in. The Rovers hurry up to the top floor as Vanguard forces pour into the lobby below, weapons ready. The operatives and LICU drones scan the area when one of the robots spots the Rovers above. LICU:"Targets sighted." All the LICUs lock on and open fire, their shots blasting holes into the stairwell. Shephard and Striker return fire to cover for the others to get to the top floor. They manage to gun down a few drones before they are forced to head back to cover. They join the others at the top floor. Striker:"We need to get to the roof, and gou! The Vanguard are flooding the bottom floor." Phoenix points to a door marked "FIRE EXIT". Phoenix:"There! I think that's the way out." Striker:"Let's go, hurry!" They go to the door. With a strong kick, Tanarus breaks the lock and swings the door open. Sure enough, beyond it lies a flight of stairs, leading up and down. The Rovers begin to go up the steps. Soon they go through another door and find them- selves on the roof. They look around. Illanov:"Where is that American with the Stealth Rover?" Striker quickly gets on his Watchcom. Striker(into com):"David, where are you?" Corsair(over com):"Just a few minutes away from your position, boss. I got your signal." Striker(into com):"Just hurry!" Corsair(over com):"Roger, boss!" Striker quickly turns to Merit. Striker:"Merit, close the fire door and wield the lock!" Merit:"Executing, but that would pose a violation of safety standards." Merit rolls over to the fire escape door, closes it and then takes out his toolkit. The drone takes out a wielder and wields the lock until it is sealed. Striker:"That better hold them." Suddenly a group of five Seekers appear from below and fly over the edge towards them. Shephard:"We've got hostiles!" Striker:"Each one to a drone!" The drones begin to attack. Striker, Shephard, Phoenix, Tanarus and Illanov each focus on a drone while Blake and Montecore stand by the door with Stalker, taking cover and watching for any Vanguard forces coming up the steps. Striker pulls out his revolver and takes aim at a Seeker. The Seeker aims back at him, but the spaniel draws the first shot. He fires at the camera lens that servers as the Seeker's eye and the bullet goes right through it. There are sparks and smoke as the drone begins to fall down to the ground. Striker:"Kolskoot." Shephard readies his M-249 but the Seeker attacking him opens fire first. Shephard goes into rapid reflexes, quickly moving to avoid the incoming fire and returning fire at the drone. The bullets fly past him, some narrowly grazing the edges of his suit. His own shots strike the drone's left rotors and it begins to spin. It tumbles to the roof and crashes in a pile of twister metal and broken propellers. Illanov turns invisible before his Seeker can attack him. The Seeker scans the area but doesn't sight the Russian. It then focuses its targeting on Phoenix, who is still distracted by her drone. It locks onto her and prepares to fire. Suddenly Illanov appears right under the drone and fires a plasma blast at close range. The drone is blown apart into a dozen pieces that fall to the roof. Illanov just manages to dodge the sharpnel coming down. Illanov:"Bolshoi! Too close!" Tanarus ducks behind an air conditioner as the Seeker fighting him opens fire. The bullets rip through the machine and come out the other end. Alarmed, Tanarus rolls away to avoid the bullets and shrapnel while the Seeker keeps shooting the AC unit. The wolf-sapien keeps rolling to avoid the fire while reading his chaingun. Just before he reaches the end of the air conditioner he jumps and points his chaingun into the direction of the drone. He opens fire, but most of his shots are wide. The Seeker tries to dodge the bullets, but a shot rips through a rotor, causing it to fly out of control and smash into the roof. Phoenix is tossing fireballs at the last Seeker, but the drone jinks left or right to dodge the fire while trying to lock onto the Pomeranian. Phoenix:"Grrrrr! Hold still!" She then gets an idea. She creates several smaller fireballs on the fingertips of her one paw and a big fireball in her other. The Pomeranian throws the smaller fireballs in a wide scattershot, but towards the Seeker's left. The drone dodges to the right just as Phoenix throws the big fireball. The Seeker flies right into the path of the fireball and is hit. The impact sends the drone tumbling backward and out of control over the edge of the lab to the ground below. Phoenix:"Got you this time!" In the skies, the Stealth Rover finally appears and comes in to hover above the roof. The lower cargo bay door is opened and Corsair drops down a pair of rope ladders. Corsair:"Sorry for the wait! Climb aboard!" The Rovers all rush for the ladders. Striker and Phoenix help Blake and Montecore carry the unconscious Stalker up the ladders while Shephard, Tanarus, Merit and Illanov keep their eyes open for hostiles. Merit is scanning the welded maintenance door. He sees operatives climbing up the steps to the door. Merit:"We have Vanguard hostiles approaching the roof entryway." Tanarus:"How's it going up there, guys? We got barbarians at the gate here!" Blake:"We're trying to get him up! It's tough on rope ladders!" Corsair:"Sorry about that guys, but there isn't room to land the Stealth between all these AC units. Let me help you guys up." Montecore:"I'll try and get our strength up. Hang on." Montecore concentrates on using his power to boost his and Blake's strength. At that same moment Corsair reaches down and grabs his arm. Corsair:"Gotcha! Come on!" He pulls, helping to lift Montecore and, by extension, Stalker into the Stealth Rover. With Blake, Striker, Montecore and Phoenix inside with Stalker, Striker leans out and calls the others. Striker:"Your turn! Gou!" A winch is lowered to pick up Merit. Tanarus and Illanov secure the winch to the drone and then climb the ladders while Merit is hoisted up. At the wielded door the Vanguard operatives bang on it a few times before they resort to guns. They blast many holes into the door until the lock breaks off. The door is forced open and security operatives rush onto the roof just as the Stealth Rover's cargo doors close. They immediately begin shooting at the aircraft, aiming for the cockpit and the engines. Inside the cockpit the Rovers rush for their seats. Blake and Montecore are carrying Stalker to an empty seat. Striker:"David, let's go!" Corsair:"Gotcha boss!" Corsair runs for the flight controls, reaching for them as he does. Suddenly the flight stick pulls back on its own and the Stealth Rover banks sharply into reverse. The aircraft's tail dips and scrapes the rooftop while it flies backwards. The operatives rush forward to keep up while in the cockpit the Rovers are thrown backwards. Shephard:"WHAT THE F***!" Striker:"David! What are you doing?!" Corsair:"Its not me! Its the plane!" Merit:"Mind if I make an obs..." Corsair tries to reach for the controls. This time the Stealth Rover jerks to the left. The wing tip tears into an AC unit, sending sparks flying. Illanov:"Mother Russia! The Stealth is out of control!" Merit:"Actually it is..." Corsair:"I got it! I got it!" Corsair jumps for the controls. This time the flight stick jumps forward. The Steath Rover goes level and pitches forward, the nose now scraping the roof. The operatives rushing after the aircraft immediately scatter as the Stealth comes right at them. Inside the cockpit everyone is thrown against the front window. Phoenix:"Why is it acting like this?!" Merit:"It because of..." Corsair:"Come on you piece of..." Corsair grabs the controls at last, but then the Stealth Rover smashes through the wall that marks the roof border and begins to fall. Corsair pulls back hard to try and keep the Stealth Rover from slamming into the ground. Vanguard forces scatter to try and avoid the aircraft flying so close to the ground that it sends dust flying all over the place. Two HECUs, however, stand their ground and open their missile packs HECU:"Acquiring target." Inside the cockpit everyone is scrambling into their seats and trying to buckle up. Striker barks orders. Striker:"Take off! Nou!" Corsair gives full power to the thrusters and turns the craft towards an opening in the sky. At the same time, the HECU robots are directly behind the Stealth Rover's engines. They fire their rockets, but the backdraft from the engines blows the rockets right back at them. The rocket strike the two HECUs and blow them apart. The Stealth Rover flies off into the sky very quickly with small arm fire from the ground just missing it. Inside the cockpit everyone holds tight as the Stealth Rover climbs higher and higher. Phoenix is next to Stalker, checking his vitals and keeping him sedated with Elexis' medical kit. Corsair:"We're at high altitude and out of range of their guns. We head back to HQ?" Striker:"Immediately before they scramble their air force." Corsair:"Gotcha boss." As Corsair turns the aircraft and pushes on the throttle, Striker turns to look sternly at Corsair. Striker:"And what happened back there, David? What did you do?" Corsair(defensive):"No idea boss! The Stealth controls just kept turning by themselves! I wasn't even touching them." Merit:"Pardon my interruption, but may I share by observation on this matter?" Striker glances at the drone. Striker:"What is it, Merit?" Merit:"My sensors detected that Corsair was remotely operating the aircraft controls." Everyone looks surprised at Merit, especially Corsair. Corsair:"What are you babbling about? I didn't have my laptop with me." Merit:"Which is why I find it very peculiar. You were remotely controlling using just your hands." Corsair:"What? How am I doing that?" Striker thinks and then turns to Corsair. Striker:"Corsair, take your hands off the flight controls and then make like you are turning the stick without touching it." Corsair stares at Striker, but does as he is told. He takes his hands off the flight stick and makes hand gestures as if he is controlling it. Sure enough, the stick turns to his gestures, much to his surprise. Corsair:"What the f***?!" Illanov:"Bolshoi! It is as if the American has a super power like us!" Corsair:"But how? How am I doing this?" Everyone quickly looks at Merit. Striker:"Merit, when did you detect this?" Merit:"I detect it when Corsair and Mister Montecore made physical contact while conveying Stalker into our vehicle." Blake:"Monty, what did you do at that moment?" Montecore:"Nothing! I just used my power to give us a strength boost." Blake:"To anyone in particular?" Montecore:"No, just in general." Tanarus:"I wonder if Montecore didn't accidentally give Corsair a power in the process? Is that even possible?" Striker:"We will look at this back home. But we first need to get back home. Tanarus, take over from Corsair so we can avoid further incidents. And David, be careful now what you do. We don't know the full extent of your new powers." Corsair simply nods and switches seats with Tanarus. Tanarus takes the flight controls and guides the Stealth Rover away from the Vanguard stronghold. While the Vanguard defenders are still focused on the fleeing Rover aircraft, nobody notices a Vanguard Rhino driving along the road away from the base. The driver is Rebound, who also a bunch of stolen food in the back of the Rhino. She is calling Spectre. Canteen Vanguard HQ Unknown Location At That Moment: This is a large, modern canteen with rows of tables with seats fixed to them and a kitchen serving all kinds of food and drink along one wall. Cooks are at the kitchen serving to Vanguard personnel. Other Vanguard operatives are seated around the canteen, chatting, reading papers or checking tablets. Spectre, still in the shape of Reggie Vanderberg, is sitting alone by a table. He is speaking on a tablet that's holding up, using code words to not alert those around him. Vanderberg:"So how is the weather?" Rebound(over phone):"I'm driving away from the base. The Vanguard were too distracted by the Road Rovers to pay attention to me." Vanderberg:"Really? Snowfall that bad?" Rebound(over phone):"Yes, I think they got him out of there. I caught a glimpse of them carrying Stalker before I fled the laboratory." Vanderberg:"Then you'd better wrap up and get some hot chocolate going." Rebound(over phone):"Right. Be sure to send me someone to come and pick me up." Vanderberg:"You got it. Kissy kissy." Rebound(over phone):"Ha ha. Very funny. Rebound out." Vanderberg ends the call, then begins using the tablet to send a coded message to KH Military intelligence. As he does this, he does not notice Slade and Hardboot entering the canteen. They look around and spot Vanderberg. They march towards him, making sure to stay just out of sight. But Vanderberg is completely unaware of what is going on behind until Slade and Hardboot are right behind him. They both each place a paw on Vanderberg's shoulders, startling him. Vanderberg:"Whoa! What's the big deal, guys?" Slade:"Hello Spectre." Vanderberg:"Spectre? Is that a code or something?" Hardboot:"Nice try Spectre, but the gig is up. The real Vanderberg is being brought back to base, and we know you are really Spectre, the KH Military spy." Vanderberg:"Er..." Suddenly Spectre shifts shape and disappears from sight. Slade and Hardboot are momentarily caught off guard before they act. They check under the table. Spectre is now a big rat, frantically tapping on the tablet. Slade:"There he is! That rat!" Hardboot:"I got him!" Hardboot flips the heavily table over to expose Spectre and dives for him. Spectre squeaks and jumps just out of range. Hardboot manages to get tablet, but all he sees on the screen is "ERROR: NO DATA DETECTED". He then throws the tablet at Spectre. Spectre is hit and nearly knocked out. Slade rushes to grab him, but the rat manages to struggle back up and runs for the kitchen. Slade is right behind him with Hardboot not far behind. Startled Vanguard operatives jump out of the way while the kitchen staff see the rat and try to trap it. One cook tries to hit Spectre with a cleaver, but the blade narrowly misses his tail. With a squeak he runs through the kitchen while Slade and Hardboot try to brush past the kitchen staff. Slade:"Out of my way!" Spectre manages to get out of the kitchen and run into a warehouse where much of the food supplies are kept in neat boxes on steel shelves. Workers in green overalls and yellow hardhats are busy loading fresh goods on the shelves. They don't notice Spectre coming in and hiding under one of the shelves. Slade and Hardboot rush in and look around. Hardboot:"Where the h*** is he?" Slade:"Split up! He's around here somewhere." They go looking around the warehouse. Out of sight, Spectre quickly shapeshifts from a rat into one of the warehouse workers. He checks to make sure nobody saw him and begins to calmly walk towards the exit. Slade and Hardboot run between the shelves, still looking for the rat that Spectre was. Spectre looks at the two with satisfaction. Spectre(to himself):"Au revoir, monsieurs." Just as he looks forward to the exit he finds himself walking right against a wolf-sapien in an A-Ops suit. His nametag gives the name "Valjean". He doesn't look happy as he approaches Spectre. Valjean:"Where are those Belgium chocolate dog treats? I was told they'd here to..." Valjean suddenly stops and his eyes go wide. Valjean:"You're a shapeshifter!" Spectre tries to keep up the illusion as being one of the workers. Spectre:"I have no idea what you mean, sir." But Valjean grabs Spectre by the front and holds him tightly while he shouts. Valjean:"I caught a shapeshifter here! Come quick!" Immediately Slade and Hardboot, upon hearing this, come running towards them. Spectre struggles and tries to shapeshift, but he finds to his shock that he can't. Spectre:"Mon deu! What's wrong with me?" Valjean grins at him. Valjean:"Can't shapeshift now, can you? My speciality is finding and taking down shapeshifters like you!" Shocked by this revelation, Spectre tries a different approach by kicking Valjean between the legs. The wolf yelps and his eyes go wide. He releases Spectre and staggers back. Spectre makes a break for the nearest exit. Vajlean quickly recovers and chases after Spectre, keeping just enough within distance to prevent Spectre from changing his shape. Spectre:"Merde! I can't get away from that wolf on me!" Hardboot and Slade are right behind Valjean. Spectre is running down a hallway, dodging Vanguard security operatives who try to tackle or grab him. But he isn't as fit as the others and he begins to run out of steam. The trio are catching up to him. He manages to duck under a burly security operative's grasp and head through the door the guard was blocking. He finds himself right inside a guard barracks with many operatives milling about. The operatives look surprised at Spectre before they all pull out firearms and point them at the wolf. Spectre turns around only to find Valjean standing behind him. Valjean:"Gotcha!" Valjean immediately follows up with a strong punch. Spectre is knocked to the floor. Slade and Hardboot rush past Valjean and grab Spectre. They pull him to his feet. Hardboot:"No escape for you, spy." Slade:"Good work, Valjean. I'm sure Hawkins will reward you for this capture." Valjean(proud):"Thank you, sir." Slade:"Come with us. We need you close in case our KH friend here decides that being a fly is preferable than enjoying our accommodations." Valjean:"With pleasure, sir." Slade and Hardboot hold Spectre by both arms as they take him away, with Valjean close behind to make sure he doesn't use his powers to escape. The operatives in the barracks put away their weapons and resume their normal duties. Laboratory Vanguard Complex: Spectre now stands before Hawkins' chamber, with Hardboot, Slade and Valjean around him. Hawkins looks at the group as he speaks. Hawkins:"Good work on capturing the spy. Valjean, you will be getting a bonus to your regular for your assistance." Valjean:"Thank you, sir." Hawkins:"Now, I would be more happy about this capture, but I just got word from our Nepal stronghold: Stalker has been spirited away from us by the Road Rovers." Slade, Hardboot and Valjean are surprised. Slade:"How, sir? They couldn't have known he was there..." Hawkins:"Unless our KH friend here tipped them off." Slade:"Him? He doesn't work for the Rovers." Hawkins:"True, but that doesn't mean that the KH Military, or someone within them, turned to the Rovers to get him back. And they got the information from Spectre." Hardboot:"I say we kill this spy, sir. Hang him high." Hawkins:"As much as I want to right now, I have to resist that temptation. Spectre is the best shapeshifting sapien in the world right now, and shapeshifters are rare as it is." Slade:"So what are we going to do with him?" Hawkins looks carefully at Spectre before waving a hand. Hawkins:"Take him to the labs to have a collar fitted on him so he won't escape. I'll have the lab scientists begin to work on him. And make sure he doesn't escape. I can't take more bad news today." Slade, Hardboot, Valjean:"Yes, sir!" Slade and Hardboot, with Valjean in tow, drag Spectre off to the laboratories. Hawkins turns to his own affairs, preparing to make another call. He puts on his headset and waits for the answer on the other end. MacMillan(over com):"Representative MacMillan here." Hawkins(into com):"MacMillan, Hawkins here. We have a problem." MacMillan(over com):"Bad?" Hawkins(into com):"Very much so. The Road Rovers have taken Stalker from our Nepal base. Apparently a KH spy, whom we just caught, passed the information on to them." MacMillan(over com):"What! How did they manage that?" Hawkins(into com):"I'm still getting details from Suchong, but it doesn't matter now. The Rovers have Stalker now, so we need to move quickly. How are things at the UN?" MacMillan(over com):"Norwood can no longer delay the vote. Next month is the election for the new Secretary-General." Hawkins(into com):"Is your hat in the ring?" MacMillan(over com):"Definitely. And I got good backing from many of the delegates as well." Hawkins(into com):"And Norwood?" MacMillan(over com):"Norwood and those delegates not in favour of the Vanguard are backing a woman from India named Archana Misra. But she lacks the votes at this stage." Hawkins(into com):"What if the Rovers announce they have Stalker or perhaps even hand him over to the KH Military?" MacMillan(over com):"I can leverage it by presenting it as further proof of the Rovers' reckless disregard for international rules and norms. If you find proof that the KH Military helped them, that would be an even bigger blow." Hawkins(into com):"Right, but make sure you keep your delegates on your side. I want you in the Secretary-General's chair at the end of next month." MacMillan(over com):"Don't you worry, Mister Hawkins. Norwood and his protege won't win this round." Hawkins(into com):"Excellent. Bye." Hawkins immediately hangs up and then dials yet another number and waits for the answer. A new group of scientists come in to do his daily medical examination as he does. Prison Cells Road Rover Headquarters New Mexico United States of America 12 July 10:22 AM: Stalker, now dressed in the prison fatigues used by the Road Rovers, is lying on a stretcher in a cell. He is tied down with leather straps and kept sedated by syringes inserted into his body. The syringes are hooked to monitoring machines that give injections as needed. Cano-sapien guards in heavy Rover armor stand around the prison cell to make sure their VIP prisoner doesn't escape. The Master, Unit STRIKE, Blake, Montecore, Hubert and Collin are here. Collin and Hubert are doing quick tests on Stalker and checking the readings on the machines. Master:"Excellent work on getting Stalker away from the Vanguard. And well done, Blake and Montecore. You two did as well as any Road Rover." Montecore:"Thank you, sir. Mind if I call you that? I feel a little odd calling you Master." Master:"Not at all, Montecore. And you, Blake?" Blake:"I'll follow Monty's example too. Will my father be okay here?" Shephard:"I sure hope so. It took one h*** of a fight to sedate him when he woke up mid-flight." Master:"Professor Hubert and Collin will soon tell us." Hubert and Collin finish their work and approach the group. Hubert:"We have him fully sedated. He isn't going to wake up unless we need him to." Master:"Good. How is he?" Collin:"His physical health is good. Mentally? No idea. We are still testing the blood samples we took from him to find out what he was injected with." Hubert:"Until we have the results AND have a possible antidote I would not recommend letting him wake up." Master:"Understood. Get to work on that." Hubert:"Collin can handle that himself. I'd rather have a look at Corsair and his new power. I'll also want Montecore to come with me. I've never heard of this situation before." Corsair, who has his hands tucked under his arms, simply nods. Corsair:"Please do, Professor. I feel very weirded out by all this. I wonder what Karen will say." Hubert:"Then please follow me, you two. Don't worry, I'm sure Karen will understand." Hubert, Collin, Corsair and Montecore leave the prison cells at the same time as Jaco comes in. Jaco:"Welcome back, Uncle Striker. I heard you managed to pick up the notorious General Stalker." Striker:"Dankie, Jaco. Yes, we did. Look there." Jaco looks to the cell and sees Stalker on the table. Jaco:"Jislaaik, that him?" Striker:"Ja, it is. He's currently sedated because the Vanguard injected something in him that makes him go beserk." Jaco:"Anything I can do to help?" Striker:"You can help guard him while we decide what to do with him." Phoenix:"Speaking of, what ARE we going to do with him?" Illanov:"We are not handing him over to the KH Military, I declare." Tanarus:"I feel the same way, though it might incur the wrath of the KH Military." Illanov:"Why? They are already angry at us." Master:"My view is that we keep Stalker here until he is well before we make any decisions about his fate. Meanwhile, if the KH Military does contact us, we only tell about Stalker if it is General Black." Striker:"You believe that story of his about Sky really running the KH Military in Stalker's absence?" Master:"I strongly suspect so. I don't want to help the KH, but I have this feeling Sky is doing something that we are all going to regret, not just the KH Military. Hence why we wait until Stalker is well before we take any further decisions." Blake:"Pardon me, Professor, but you have Tosca, correct?" Master:"Yes, we are taking care of her. Why do you ask?" Blake:"I wonder... if Stalker recovers, if we should show her to him? He loves her and seeing what the Vanguard did both to her and him might make him persuasive to your advice." The Master ponders this. Master:"Hmmmm, not a bad idea, Blake. We will try it once he is well." Striker:"Meanwhile, what else can we do?" Master:"For now we wait until Stalker is healed and see what the Vanguard do next after this loss. Striker, contact Norwood and inform him we have Stalker." Striker:"Reg. We will head back to the estate." Blake:"Monty and I will stay here to watch over my father for a bit." Master:"You still upset that you didn't find your friends at the Vanguard stronghold." Blake sighs. Blake:"Yes." Master puts a hand on Blake's shoulder. Master:"Don't worry, Blake. You helped us, we will help you. The Road Rovers will help rescue your friends from the Vanguard one day." Blake:"Thank you, Professor." Master:"Come, let's all get some refreshments." The Master leads the group out of the prison, leaving Jaco and the guards to keep an eye on Stalker. Meeting Room KHA Alexander Somewhere Over Myanmar At That Moment: Trigger, Black, Sky, Thrax and Wolfeye are seated around the table while standing before them is Rebound, who is now wearing a battle trooper uniform. Standing beside her is a Flame Trooper with a captain rank. Trigger is looking at her as he speaks. Trigger:"How do you feel about your new uniform, Rebound?" Rebound:"It fits me well, General. My compliments to your tailors and outfitters." Trigger:"Good. First, I want to thank you in assisting us in general, and Spectre in particular, against the Vanguard and providing information about what happened to my brother." Rebound:"Thank you, General. I'm just sorry that we may have lost Spectre." Trigger:"Don't blame yourself. That was beyond your power. The one thing I want to be sure of, is if you really wish to join the KH Military?" Rebound:"Yes I do, General." Trigger:"With certainty?" Rebound:"With certainty, General." Trigger:"Then allow me to welcome you to the KH Military. I am sure you will make a great contribution to our organi- zation and its goals. The captain will take you to one of our bases for further training. Dismissed, and thank you again, Rebound." Rebound salutes eagerly. Rebound:"Proud to serve the KH Military, sir." Trigger salutes back. The captain then leads out the room. Once they leave and the door closes, Trigger turns to Sky. Trigger:"You sure about Spectre?" Sky:"Absolutely, sir. Spectre's cover has been blown and the Vanguard have captured him." Trigger:"Can we rescue him?" Sky:"With Stalker no longer in their custody, that might be possible. However, sir, I would... Trigger:"Speaking of, what about my brother? The Road Rovers have him now." Sky:"Yes, that was an unexpected turn of events. I should..." Trigger:"Can we get him back now? What are our chances?" Sky is about to answer, but Black quickly steps in. Black:"Our chances are much better with the Rovers. They are not as powerful as the Vanguard, especially after the United Nations defunded them following the Bayview Incident. Plus they are not as underhanded as the Vanguard, even if they are our enemies. I'm sure something can be worked out to get him, via force or persuasion." Thrax:"And we can finally take action against the Vanguard after they had tied our paws together by holding Stalker." Trigger:"True, but can we get my brother back?" Black:"Yes, we can. And I volunteer to lead efforts to get Stalker back from the Road Rovers at any cost." Sky is about to protest, but Trigger's concerns over his brother overrules him and he nods to Black. Trigger:"Done. General Black, I full confidence in you." Black smiles, nodding at Trigger while looking victoriously at Sky, who is frowning back at him. Black:"It will be an honour, sir." Trigger turns to Sky. Trigger:"You will support General Black with as much intelligence as you can, General Sky." Sky simply nods. Sky:"Yes, sir." Trigger:"Good. Now, let's discuss what to do next now that the Vanguard no longer have my brother." The meeting turns to the next steps the KH Military is to take against the Vanguard. Black is smug and satisfied while Sky is fuming at being outmanouvered by Black. The Road Rovers have freed Stalker from the Vanguard and deprived them of a powerful advantage. But the Vanguard now have Spectre and are moving quickly at the United Nations. What are their plans for the elections at the UN? What will the Rovers do with Stalker? And what will the KH Military do now? THE END