Rover Strike: The Spider Cartel Episode 1: Fallout By Gerhard Naudé All Road Rovers names © Warner Brothers and rightful owners All Rover Strike names © Gerhard Naudé Chummy Ixarri © Mica Shamrock Strayers © Steven Today Vicki Maddog © Robert Baer Jr. Any question, comments, complaints, feedback or suggestions can be sent to Nuclear Reprocessing Plant Somewhere in Siberia Russian Federation 12 May, The Year After The Techno War 2:00 AM: This is a large, but rather old, reprocessing plant for nuclear weaponry and waste in a remote forest region of Siberia. The plant is surrounded by a chain-link fence with a single gate in it and two guard towers. A single road leads through the forest to it. It is deep into the night and the plant is silent except for a few soldiers. One at each guard tower, one at the gate and a few patrolling around the plant grounds. The only noise comes from the sounds of wolves howling, crickets and owls. The guard at the gate lights a cigarette. He is not very happy. Guard:"Join the army, they said. Serve Mother Russia, they said. I would be the served one than the serving. This post is so boring. Why won't something happen around here?" Suddenly, a sniper's bullet tears into his skull and he crumples to the ground. The two guard soldiers are also sniper, as are the patrolling soldiers. They are all soon dead before they can even realize what is going on. After a few moments, there is movement. Several individuals wearing blue uniforms, black military boots and blue caps and carrying either sniper rifles or F-45 automatic rifles come out from the forest. On their uniform's shoulders are the insignias of the Mayhem Mercenaries. They are a mixture of humans, cano-, felo- and lupo-sapiens. Not long after, two APCs with the Mayhem markings drive on the road through the gate and stop in the grounds. More mercenaries come out and join those who are already entering the grounds. Another human climbs out, but he is wearing a completely different uniform. He watches as the mercenaries storm the plant. Inside several fire fights break out between the mer- cenaries and the remaining plant guards. After a while, it is again silent, then later the mercenaries come out carrying a large plastic container. The individual turns to the mercenary leader and speaks with a clearly South American accent. South American:"Is this the device?" Merc Leader:"Yes, sir. One 10 megaton plutonium core from an SS missile." South American:"And you are certain the Russians won't know what has happened?" The leader shakes his head. Merc Leader:"They will, eventually. But this facility is so remote, it will be weeks, even months if we are lucky, before they find out what has happened here. By that time we shall we long gone." The South American nods. South American:"I'm impressed, senyor. You are really as good as you are advertised." Merc Leader:"Of course. And the price your people has to pay reflects this. I recommend we get back into the APCs and leave. We rigged this place's fuel stocks with explosives." The South American and mercenary leader climb into the one APC while the plutonium device is loaded into the other APC. One everyone has gotten in, the APCs turn and drive out and away from the plant. After a while the entire explodes and erupts into an inferno, lighting up the night sky. Commercial CNN International 14 May 3:30 PM: This is the typical run of commercials between the various programs of CNN. One commercial, in particular, is very interesting. It shows various scenes of people in hospital beds, carrying coffins to graves and other similar situations. The announcer speaks in a sombre tone of voice. Announcer:"AIDS. The single most deadly plague facing humanity today. Millions of people have died from this deadly disease, and many more are infected by it. There has been no cure for this dreaded plague..." The screen then shows the letters AIDS with a line through it and the announcer's tone becomes more livelier. Announcer:"...until now!" The screen shows a high-tech medical laboratory somewhere in a thick jungle. Announcer:"The leading medical minds of the Spider Cartel have finally found the cure for this deadly disease!" The screen shows the inside of the facility, where various scientists are busy working. The camera zooms to a scientist, who then turns smiling to the camera and holding out a vial. The screen turns black around the vial and brings it into full view. Announcer:"The cure is HIVAGEN!" The letters Hivagen appears beneath the vial. The screen then changes showing various living cells in a close-up. The infected white blood cells have ugly green growths on them representing the HIV virus. Announcer:"Hivagen attacks and destroys the very virus which causes the disease..." Several blue blobs representing Hivagen appear, attack the growths and destroys them, freeing the white blood cells. Announcer:"... and protects your body from further infections!" The blue Hivagen grows around the white blood cells in a shield-form and fights off more of the green viruses. Announcer:"As of now, Hivagen has already been given approval by the International Red Cross and the World Health Organization!" The insignias of the two organizations appear as they are called. After a few seconds they are replaced by a cartoon man showing his empty pockets. Announcer:"No money? No worries!" The screen shows a woman working at a computer while a queue of people stand by her table. She is serving them. Announcer:"The amount you pay for Hivagen is determined by your very own monthly income! And since Hivagen also comes at a very compe- titive price, you won't be facing any nasty out-of-pocket surprises!" The screen becomes black, then shows a red circle with a black spider inside of it. The Hivagen vial appears in front of the insignia. Announcer:"Do not let our reputation get in your way of living your life free from death! Get Hivagen, for you or a loved one! Hivagen! Brought to you by the Spider Cartel! We make drugs for the future!" The screen fades to black. Cabin Village Somewhere In Idaho United States of America 3 June 7:12 AM: This is Bear's and Nitro's cabin near his home town somewhere deep in the Idaho forests high in the mountains. To the left of the cabin is a hangar where the Sky Rover is parked under camo-netting. There is snow on the ground while the Migatuas Wolf Pack play not far off. The Rhino is also parked in front of the cabin, it's boot open. Outside is Bear, Nitro, Kyla, Striker, Phoenix, Merit, Corsair, Shephard and a female Border Collie wearing a knotted sleeveless shirt, denim shorts and brown boots. Striker and Phoenix are busy talking to Bear (who is carrying Kyla in his arms) and Nitro (who is again pregnant) while Corsair is seated by one of the Rhino's open doors typing on his laptop, the Border Collie is leaning against the Rhino and Shephard and Merit are busy carrying some suitcases from the cabin to the Rhino for loading. Nitro:"Thank you guys for taking Kyla along with you to Paris while Bear and I attend Hunter and Colleen's wedding." Bear:"Yeah. Besides, if we took her along to the wedding she would have screamed all the way." Kyla:"Weddings suck!" Bear looks sternly Kyla. Bear:"Be careful, young lady. One day you will have your own wedding too." Kyla:"No way!" She buries her face into Bear's chest. He just shakes his head and chuckles. Nitro, Striker and Phoenix chuckle along as well. Striker:"Geen probleem, Bear. It would be great for her to travel to Paris to see the sights." Phoenix:"Besides, we are only going to be at the peace conference between North and South Korea as backup security in case things go bad." Nitro:"Think things will be okay over there?" Striker:"Mark will handle the diplomatic side of the conference, and the French security and armed forces will take care of everything else. In the meantime, it will also be a good opportunity to meet with the French Secret Service and Interpol." Bear:"What about?" Striker pauses for a moment, then speaks. Striker:"A month ago there was a hit on a reprocessing plant in central Russia. The only item missing from the inventory list was a plutonium core from an SS missile." Both Bear and Nitro are surprised at this. Nitro:"Do they know who took it? Were there any clues?" Striker shakes his head. Striker:"Geen. True, there were boot prints, bullet casings and treads, but the boots were mass produced and had no labels on them. The treads are also not very unique, either. Nor are the bullets, for that matter." Bear:"Witnesses?" Striker:"Geen. The plant was in a very remote region of Siberia, and the only witnesses are dead." Phoenix:"The CIA, MI6, the FIS, Mossad and pretty much every other secret agency are upset about this broken arrow." Striker looks at Phoenix. Striker:"They are not upset, Love. Just concerned." Phoenix laughs. Phoenix:"Oh yeah. A cursing, screaming CIA director is just concerned." Striker sighs and throws his paws into the air. Striker:"Females!" Bear:"Yeah, I know. I have that feeling at times as well." Nitro elbows Bear and he groans. Phoenix does the same to Striker and he groans as well. Bear:"Err... maybe we should switch to a different topic." Striker:"Ja." Bear:"Such as that new face other there.?" Bear indicates to Chummy and Striker looks at her, then back at Bear and Nitro. Striker:"That is a recruit called Chummy Ixarri. She is taking Alex's place while he and his wife Vicki are attending the wedding." Corsair calls out over their shoulders. Corsair:"Good riddance, I would say!" Striker looks at Corsair. Striker:"I will Alex you said that, Corsair." Corsair:"Boss, you suck!" Striker chuckles as Corsair grudgingly turns back to his laptop and he turns back to the group. Bear:"Still at each other's throats?" Phoenix:"Like you wouldn't believe it. It's amazing that, even after all these years since the Cold War ended, those two can still have such a rivalry." Nitro:"Haven't you tried to make peace between them?" Striker:"Né? I have better chance of making peace between Israel and the Palystinians in two minutes. The only thing I can do to keep them from becoming violent." Bear and Nitro chuckle. Just then Shephard walks up to them and salutes. Shephard:"Sir, the luggage has been loaded onboard." Striker:"Goed, Shephard. I guess we can leave now." Nitro paws Kyla to Phoenix, who takes her into her arms. Nitro:"You take care now, Kyla. Don't get into any trouble." Kyla:"Yeah, Mom." Nitro:"And take a bath every day." Kyla:"Yeah, Mom." Nitro:"And remember to be polite to the French." Kyla is becoming visibly irritated. Kyla:"Yeah, Mom!" Nitro:"And to change your underwear every day." Kyla:"Mom! I know what to do!" Striker, Bear and Phoenix chuckle and Kyla sulks, burying herself into Phoenix's shoulder. Phoenix looks at Nitro. Phoenix:"Don't worry. She'll be in good paws." Nitro:"Thank you, Phoenix. I know I can count on you." Striker and Bear then shake each other's paw. Bear:"Good luck with the conference, Striker." Striker:"Dankie. And try to spare us some of the wedding cake, or else Shephard will lash out and obliterate all of Mission Control when we get back." They all look at Shephard with grins on their faces. He takes up a defiant stance. Shephard:"It's not often that we get wedding cake to eat in the army, sirs. And ma'ams." Everyone else just chuckle. Striker and Phoenix bid farewell to Bear and Nitro. Nitro:"Take care." Phoenix:"We will. Goodbye." Bear:"See you all later. And be nice, Kyla!" Kyla:"Yeah, Dad!" Striker, Phoenix and Shephard join Corsair, Chummy and Merit by the Rhino. They then all climb in and close the doors. The Rhino starts up, goes into flight mode and flies off for Paris. Bear and Nitro watch them fly away, then go back into their cabin. Room Luxury Hotel Paris France 6:33 PM: This is a very comfortable-looking room with elegant furniture, paintings, expensive carpeting, a wide-screen television and windows overlooking the city of Paris with the Eiffel Tower clearly in view. Unit STRIKE are in this hotel room. Striker and Phoenix are busy unpacking their suitcases on the queen-sized bed, Chummy and Corsair are busy unpacking on the single-size beds, Shephard is busy pulling out a spare mattress to sleep on the floor while Merit is busy sorting out the clothing and putting them in the appropriate closets. Kyla is by the window and looking at the sunset over Paris. Corsair, once he finishes with his unpacking, immediately lies down on his bed with a smile. Corsair:"This is so cool! Luxury accommodation in Paris and thousands of miles away from that rusted Russian. I'm in heaven!" Merit looks at Corsair. Merit:"Actually, you are currently located on a high-quality bed in room number 16, third floor of the luxury hotel Desaix located in the French capital of Paris." Corsair rolls his eyes. Chummy looks at Merit. Chummy:"Are you always so technical about things, Merit?" Merit:"Incorrect. I am not technical when I have no duties to perform. It would be a waste of processing power." Chummy chuckles and just smiles, then resumes to unpack. Just then there is a knock at the door. Striker looks at Shephard. Striker:"Gaan see who it is, Shephard.' Shephard stands up and salutes. Shephard:"Yes, sir!" He walks over to the door, then unlocks and opens it. When he sees who it is, he stands to one side and to attention. Shephard:"Secretary-General Markus Norwood, sir!" He salutes as Norwood walks into the room. Shephard closes the door behind him and remains standing to attention. Striker walks over to Norwood and they both shake hands/paws. Striker:"Mark, good to see you." Norwood:"Same here, Striker. I trust the accommodation is all right?" Corsair:"No complaints here from me, boss." Striker:"It is all fine and well, Mark. Dankie." He looks at Shephard. Striker:"You may go, Shephard." Shephard:"Yes, sir." Shephard goes back to his own unpacking. Striker:"How are things going at the conference building?" Norwood:"As scheduled. We got both Korean leaders at the table and everyone is positive that the talks will be very fruitful. Some even say that the two Koreans might also finally decide to re-unify North and South Korea." Striker:"Isn't that too much to hope for?" Norwood:"It might, though it is possible. If it does happen, then it will bring to an end another chapter in the Cold War." Striker:"Any opposition to such talks?" Norwood:"Mainly from the hardliners in the governments. Oddly enough, the majority of them are South Koreans." Striker:"Probably they are more worried about what will happen to the country's economy... and their rich lifestyles." Norwood:"That's what I'm thinking also. Other than the hardliners, there are other external factions like the KH Military and other bad guys who would rather see the talks careen off into an embankment." Striker:"And that's what we are here for." Norwood:"Correct. While the French security and military forces are certain they would be able to handle any threats, I need your team here in case things unexpectedly becomes ugly." Striker:"Understood, Mark." Norwood:"Well, that's enough of me. How are things between you and Phoenix?" Striker looks at Phoenix, who is busy sorting their clothing for Merit to take, and smiles. He then looks back at Norwood. Striker:"Wonderful, Mark. I could not have asked for anything more." Norwood smiles. Norwood:"So things are fine and well with you two." Striker:"Most of the time. We do fight now and then, but we are both able to come out of these minor brawls stronger and more in love." Norwood:"Excellent. You two keep it up, and one day you will be serving each other slices of your wedding cake." Striker smiles sheepish and Norwood chuckles. He notices Chummy and indicates to her. Norwood:"Who is she?" Striker turns to Chummy and calls her. Striker:"Chummy." Chummy stops what she is doing and walks over to them. Chummy:"Yeah, sir?" Striker:"Chummy, this is the UN secretary-general Markus Norwood, but you can call him Mark." Chummy looks at Norwood, smiles and holds out her paw. Chummy:"Pleased to meet you, Mark. I'm Chummy." Norwood smiles and takes her paw, then kisses it. She blushes. Norwood:"Charmed to meet you as well, Chummy. Are you a new recruit." Chummy:"Fresh out of academy and this is my first real mission." Norwood:"Great. I'm sure you will enjoy yourself in being with this team." Chummy:"Thanks." Norwood smiles at her, then looks at Striker. Striker nods at Chummy and she goes back to her unpacking. Norwood:"Nice girl. Is she standing in for Alex?" Striker:"Ja. Alex was to come along, but his wife Vicki 'persuaded' him the night before we were to leave. Fortunately, the Master recommended Chummy to take his place on such short notice." Norwood:"Was it a good choice?" Striker:"Her skills are useful, and the experience will be beneficial for her." Norwood:"Of course. And Corsair will not be constantly fighting with Alex." Striker:"Ja, but now he constantly boasts about that fact and will not shut up." Corsair:"Hey!" Striker looks sternly at Corsair, who just grumbles and turns onto his side away from Striker. Striker and Norwood chuckles. Norwood:"They never change." Striker:"Ja." Norwood then looks over at Kyla. Norwood:"Ah. I take it that is Bear and Nitro's first child... er pup?" Striker nods and calls to Kyla. Striker:"Kyla, come here for a moment." Kyla looks over to them, then walks over. Norwood picks her up into his arms. Norwood:"You little Kyla?" Kyla:"Yeah! And who are you?" Norwood:"I'm Mark. How are you?" Kyla:"I'm okay." Norwood:"And are you enjoying being in Paris?" She grins widely and claps her paws. Kyla:"Oh yeah! I like it! I didn't want to go some stuffy wedding, so Mom and Dad let me come here." Norwood laughs, then puts her down and pats her head. She then heads back to the window as the two watch them go. Striker sighs and Norwood notices this. Norwood:"Melancholy?" Striker:"A bit. If things didn't go bad with Franco all those many years ago, I would have by now seen my own child graduate." Norwood:"I understand, but you can brush those feelings aside now. Franco is long dead and you have some who loves you just as much as you love her. One day, maybe not too many years from now, you will be up to your ears with wife and children." Striker smiles. Striker:"And I hope that you will be around as well, Mark." Norwood smiles, then is buzzing noise from his watch. He looks at it. Norwood:"Forgive me, but I have to leave now." Striker:"It is all reg, Mark. I'll lead you out." He and Norwood walk over to the door. Striker opens the door for him. Striker:"Thank you for coming, Mark." Norwood:"My pleasure. It is always good to see friendly faces around. Perhaps I'll see you before or just after the conference." Striker:"Reg, Mark. Totsiens." Norwood:"Goodbye and enjoy your stay." He leaves the hotel room and Striker closes the door behind him. He then goes over to Phoenix to help her with the unpacking. Observation Deck Eiffel Tower 4 June 9:31 AM: This is the third and highest level of the famous iron tower in the center of the city. The view is spectacular and the skies are very clear. Standing at the deck and looking over the city is unit STRIKE, all (except Merit) dressed in normal civvies. Shephard is busy sampling a chocolate bar from the second level restaurant, giving a bite to Kyla he is holding in one arm, while Striker and Phoenix have their arms around each other. Corsair:"Wooohoohoo! Will you look at this view!" Kyla:"It rocks! This is so cool!" Corsair:"I like this kid already." Chummy, who is holding a camera, takes several photos. Chummy:"This is such a wonderful opportunity for photos! I cannot wait to tell my friends back at Mission Control." Merit:"The distance of visual range this tower provides can be very useful when conducting reconnaissance." Shephard:"And they have fine rations down at second level. I should stop there when we go down for a double ration." Phoenix:"Oh, how wonderful. The city looks so great from up here." Striker looks at her and grins. Striker:"Ja, though I have a better view of something more wonderful right here." Phoenix giggles and they hug. As they look over the city, a cigarette vendor is walking about selling packets of them. Upon closer inspection, the vendor is actually Ozari. He looks over at Striker, then slowly edges closer until he is right behind him. Ozari:"Cigarettes, monsieur?" Striker, without looking back, shakes his head. Striker:"Jammer, we don't smoke." Ozari:"Ah, that is good..." He takes out his knife from amongst the packets and prepares to stab Striker in the back. Ozari:"... cigarettes can be VERY bad for your health." Just as he lunges at Striker, Phoenix pulls him to one side to show him something. Phoenix:"Look there! There's Notre Dame." Ozari hurls himself over the railing between Striker and Corsair and screams as he falls down. Due to the incline of the tower, he succeeds in hitting against every iron bar as he falls downward. The Rovers and other visitors watch as he falls down. Corsair:"Ow! That's gonna hurt when he reaches ground floor!" Striker:"Ai yai yai!" Chummy:"Oh my God! We got to rescue him!" Merit:"At the current rate of his descent, he will reach the ground before the elevator has even started up." Shephard:"I would hate to scrub up that mess." Down below Ozari keeps on falling, yelling each time he hits a bar while visitors and others watch him fall by. Ozari:"Ouch! Ow! Yeow!" He finally reaches the one foot of the tower and hits the ground. However, he slowly gets up and stands defiantly, but he looks seriously messed up. Ozari:"I... may have fallen... but I... Ozari del Figulo... rise again!" Just then one of the packets of cigarettes, which had fallen down the same way he did, hits him softly on the head. He falls backward onto the ground, unconscious. Back above, the Rovers saw him fall onto the ground. Corsair:"You know, that French guy sounded a lot like Ozzy." Down below, Ozari lifts his head slowly. Ozari:"My name... is... Ozarrrreow..." He then groans and passes out again on the ground. Restuarant Hotel Desaix 5 June 2:01 PM: This is a restaurant built into the side of the hotel by the street. Several umbrella tables and chairs are in the dining area. Traffic run to and fro on the streets, as do pedestrians walking on the sidewalks. Several groups of people are eating at the restaurant, among them Unit STRIKE. Everyone but Merit is busy drinking their drink of choice (all milkshakes) while chatteting amongst themselves. Chummy:"Really nice tours we had of Notre Dame and the Arch de Triomp. My camera has used up all of its film." Corsair:"That makes it the five roll already. You'd better watch out or you'll be bankrupting Road Rovers by taking photos." Chummy:"Oh Corsair. Stop that." She lightly punches him on the shoulder, and he just chuckles away. Merit examines the glass of milkshake Shephard is drinking. Merit:"Fascinating. A diary based liquid mixed with frozen ice that has chocolate colorants in a glass container and can be consumed using a tubular plastic device." Shephard quickly pulls his glass away from Merit. Shephard:"Stop that! If you want some, then ask the waiter! Don't bother me and my glass with your crazy gibbering!" Merit:"Well, I say!" The others barely contain their chuckles. Phoenix, who has Kyla on her lap, looks at the young pup drinking her bubblegum milkshake. Phoenix:"Do you like it?" Kyla stops drinking and belches loudly, causing several stares to come from the other patrons. Phoenix is shocked, as is Striker. Phoenix:"Kyla! Stop that! It's bad manners." Striker:"You should put your paw in front of your closed muzzle when you need to do that." Kyla:"Nah. It sounds cooler this way." Striker:"Oh? And do you think a spanking is also cool?" Kyla looks in shock at Striker. Kyla:"Uncle Striker! You wouldn't do that, would you?" Striker:"I would, jong dame. So keep on with your bad manners and I will do it." Corsair laughs. Corsair:"Hey. Everyone needs to let go of a bit of gas now and then." Striker and Phoenix look sternly at Corsair, who stops laughing. Corsair:"But that's just me." Shephard looks up from his glass and at Corsair, then moves away from him. Shephard:"If you just dare go and pollute the air around this table I'm going to catapult you into the nearest trash bin!" Corsair:"Hey!" Merit:"Actually, I can detect that the oxygen molecules have been mixed with exhaust fumes already." Shephard immediately gets up and begins to grab for Corsair. Corsair quickly jumps up and runs away from the restaurant. He runs down the street with Shephard right behind him. The others watch in complete surprise as the two run away. Chummy looks at Merit. Chummy:"Did Corsair really go ahead and... um... release fumes?" Merit:"Not that I detected coming from him. The exhaust fumes generally come from passing automobiles." Striker covers his eyes, then rests on the table and groans. Striker:"I swear, I have a kleuterskool for a team." Phoenix pats his back playfully. While this happens, a van pulls into the hotel parking lot next to where they are busy drinking. More to turn their attention away from what happened, they watch the van. Several people climb out. They are all well-dressed Asian men with the except two. One is a large, paunchy male South American with grey hair and a moustache. The other is male Caucasian with brown hair. As the Asians unload the luggage (several suitcases and a large trunk) they begin to talk. South American:"Careful with that trunk!" Caucasian:"Calm down, Vega. They know what they are doing." Vega:"How certain are you, senyor Hawk?" Hawk:"These men understand the nature of our mission here, so just relax and let's check into our hotel room." Vega nods, then he, the man called Hawk and the Asians head into the hotel reception area. The Rovers watch them go. Chummy:"That guy must be new to travel. He worries too much about his luggage." Phoenix:"Yeah, but the other fellow knows what they are doing." Kyla:"What are they here for?" Striker:"Probably for the peace conference, Kyla. There are many Korean delegates around the city to attend." Kyla:"But those two didn't look like Korrie-ans." Phoenix:"Koreans, Kyla." Striker:"That does not mean much. They are numerous representatives from other countries attending the conference as well, so it is hardly surprising." They all turn their attention elsewhere. All except Kyla, who watches the group of Koreans, lead by Vega and Hawk, check into the hotel with child-like suspicion. Corridor Hotel 7:01 PM: This is one of the corridors where doors leading to various rooms are. A red, expensive carpet runs along the corridor while on the walls hang many portraits. Walking down the corridor is Kyla and Merit. They reach one of the doors and stop. Merit:"According to the accommodation registry, this is the room which the Korean group are occupying." Kyla:"Okay, Merit. Can you listen in what they are saying in there?" Merit:"Affirmative." Kyla:"Cool. Do it." Merit:"Executing." Merit's toolbox opens and a device that resembles a doctor's stethoscope comes out and is put against the door. From Merit's voice box comes the conversation from behind the door. Hawk's and Vega's voices can be heard. Vega:"Are you certain that this won't fail, senyor?" Hawk:"How many times do I have to tell you? Everything is worked out and there can be no hitches." Vega:"What about the French security and military forces? And those five Road Rovers?" Hawk:"Don't worry about any of them. Even if they realise there is something amiss, they will never be able to find the device before it is detonated. Believe me, by this time tomorrow, the centre of Paris will be a radioactive crater." Vega:"And the blame will fall on the right people?" Hawk:"Sure will. Our 'volunteers' all have the right uniforms and will be wearing them tomorrow. Our customers will come clean and the blame will go the other way. So, as you can see, everything is under control." Vega:"I hope so, senyor." Hawk:"How about you go outside for a smoke? It will help you relax. You are too nervous right now." There is a pause. Vega:"Si. Si, you're right. I'll go outside and smoke my Cuban." Alarmed, Kyla quickly gets up and pulls Merit's arm. Kyla:"Quick! Back to our room!" Kyla runs down the corridor with Merit close behind her. Just as they round a corner, the door of the room they were spying opens up. Hotel Room 7:23 PM: Every member of Unit STRIKE except Merit and Kyla are here. Striker and Phoenix have just finished their showering, Corsair and Shephard have already changed clothing and fallen asleep and Chummy is gathering her pajamas. The door opens and Kyla and Merit come in, Merit closing the door behind them. Kyla runs up to Phoenix and Striker excitedly. Kyla:"Auntie! I just found out something!" Phoenix:"Ah, there you are. It's bath time." She picks Kyla up, who has a surprised look on her face. Kyla:"A bath? But I made a great discovery!" Phoenix:"I'm sure you did. Now, time for a wash." Kyla:"But I don't want to take a bath! I want to help!" Phoenix:"You can help now by taking your bath. Now come on. Chummy, I'll need a little help." Chummy stops what she is doing and gets up. Chummy:"Sure! I'll be glad to help, especially with Kyla's bathing." Phoenix carries a pouting Kyla into the bathroom. Chummy follows them carrying shampoo and a sponge. Striker looks at Merit. Striker:"You'd better charge up now, Merit. It will be a long day tomor- row and we need to get to bed early." Merit:"Understood." Merit goes over to an empty wall plug, opens his toolkit and takes out a power cord. He attaches it to the wall plug and stands motionless next to it. As Striker gets into bed, running water can be heard coming from the bathroom. Conference Grounds City Center Paris 6 June 6:46 AM: The conference area is a very large tent in the middle of a park not far from the Eiffel Tower. Two massive tent poles lift the canvas up, while cables keep it to the ground. Around the conference tent are various French security and military vehicles. Although the sun has just begun to appear over the horizon, a significant number of dignitaries and news reporters are already here. Among the reporters are Melanie Malloy and her cameraman, Sam Knowles, reporting for the BBC. Melanie:"Already dignitaries from various countries, most notably from the two Koreans, China, the United States and Japan have begun arriving here as early as six this morning. The mood here is optimistic that the two Korean nations, separated from more than 50 years, will finally be re-united." As she speaks, another limousine pulls up and the doors are opened by the chaffuer. Out climbs Mark Norwood, the North Korean President Kim Yung Il and the South Korean President Cheng Sei Wang. They are immediately flocked by reporters and they begin to give their comments. Room Hotel Desaix 7:02 AM: The sun is coming through the windows, illuminating the room in the morning sunlight. Everyone is awake and are busy putting on the last of their clothing for the day. Kyla is being dressed up by Phoenix, having her shirt pulled over her head. Phoenix looks her over when she's done. Phoenix:"There. You're ready for today." Kyla looks eagerly up at Phoenix. Kyla:"Does that mean we'll go after the bad guys, Auntie Phoenix?" Phoenix chuckles, as does Striker. Everyone else smiles at Kyla's question (except Merit, who lacks a mouth). Striker pats her head. Striker:"Ja, we will. As soon as we find some after a bit of searching." Kyla:"We don't need to search, Uncle Striker. Merit and I have found some baddies." Phoenix looks sternly at Kyla. Phoenix:"Have you been eavesdropping on some of the guests' rooms?" Kyla nods. Kyla:"Yeah!" Phoenix:"That's really bad manners, Kyla. You mustn't go about spying and then make false accusations of people." Striker:"Listen to what your auntie says, Kyla. Your mom and dad would spank you if they found this out." Kyla is dishearted at their comments. Kyla:"But it is true! Merit and I heard about some guys who were going to blow the city up!" Phoenix:"Kyla, stop that! Nobody's blowing the city up." Merit then steps in. Merit:"Actually, that is not correct." Everyone but Kyla looks surprised at Merit. Kyla looks hopefully at Merit. Kyla:"Yeah, tell them Merit!" Striker:"What are you talking about, Merit?" Merit:"I had acquired a dialogue between two members of the Korean dele- gation that were in the room approximately 10 doors away in dis- tance and had recorded it." Striker:"Play it, Merit." The dialogue between Hawk and Vega in the hotel room starts playing through Merit's mouthpiece. As the conversation continues, everyone becomes very alarmed. When Merit finally ends the recording, Striker immediately looks at Chummy. Striker:"Chummy, stay here with Kyla and look after her. The rest of us will go and have a look at this so-called delegation." Phoenix paws Kyla to Chummy, who takes her up in her arms. Kyla is very disappointed. Kyla:"But I want to help." Phoenix:"You've helped enough, Kyla. Stay here with Auntie Chummy and don't run off." Kyla sulks as Striker, Phoenix and Corsair take their weapons from Shephard who takes them out from his backpack. Once they are armed, everyone except Kyla and Chummy leave the room. Corridor 7:11 AM: This is the corridor where Kyla and Merit had spied. Striker and Phoenix have taken positions next to the door leading to the room of Vega and Hawk, weapons at the ready. Shephard is standing in front of the door with his M-249 aimed at it while Corsair and Merit stand off to one side. Striker knocks on the door, but there is no answer. He looks at Shephard and nods. Shephard nods back and immediately kicks the door hard with boot. The door breaks open and Shephard immediately rushes in, followed closely by Striker and Phoenix. Room 7:12 AM: This room is similar to that of Unit STRIKE's, but it is in disarray with sheets, towels, extra mattresses and open suitcases lie on the floor while the beds are unmade. Shephard darts in, scanning for hostiles. Striker and Phoenix are close behind him and they check the other rooms. Once they are done Corsair and Merit enter the room. Corsair looks around. Corsair:"Looks like our delegates left in a hurry." Phoenix:"They even left some their luggage behind." Shephard:"Crud. I was looking for a fight." Striker:"Check the closets and cabinets. Look for any clues." They all nod and begin to search around. Shephard is the first to make the discovery: an open suitcase on the one bed. He calls the others. Shephard:"Sirs! Come look at this." Everyone walks to the bed and look at the suitcase Shephard is indicating to. It is empty, but it has foam with a tubular shape in it. Striker looks at Corsair. Striker:"Scan it." Corsair nods and takes out a scanner. He then scans the suitcase and looks at the readings. He whistles. Corsair:"Wow. This case has a high concentration of plutonium residue inside of it." Striker's eyes widen. Striker:"Plutonium?" Corsair:"Yep." Merit looks at the shape in the suitcase. Merit:"The shape within the foam encasement is consistent with the shape of the missing SS missile plutonium core we are searching for." Everyone looks wide-eyed at each other. Phoenix:"You mean... the missing core. Is here?" Striker:"Ai yai yai. We have a serious situation." Voice(from behind):"Hey! Who are you?" Everyone quickly turn around to see of the Koreans standing behind them, looking at them with surprise. Within an instant, Shephard and Striker jump him and wrestle him to the ground while the others keep their weapons aimed at him. Once the struggle is over, Shephard lifts the Korean by the collar of his coat and pins him against the wall. Striker looks at the Korean. Striker:"The core! Where is it?" Korean:"Oh! Is that your reason for being here? I am not talking!" Striker nods at Shephard. Shephard immediately begins to land a series of blows to the Korean's face, stomach and groin area. The Korean screams out in pain. Korean:"You win! I talk!" Shephard stops the punching and the Korean immediately takes out a folded piece of paper. Striker takes it and opens it. It is a map of the city's sewer system, with an "X" marked near the center. Korean:"The core is being taken there! I swear!" Striker refolds the map and tucks it away. He then punches the Korean in the face to knock him unconscious. Once that has happened, Striker calls everyone to a quick meeting. Striker:"Reg, this is the situation. Hawk, Vega and these Koreans have the plutonium core and clearly plan to detonate it in the city sewers. We must locate and deactivate the core before these people can use it. We should also alert the French security and military forces so that plans can be made to evacuate the dignitaries and all civilians within the possible 5-kilometre blast radius of this device. Shephard, contact the French and tell them to begin the evacuation." Shephard:"Yes, sir." Striker:"Phoenix, go to Chummy and tell her to go to the conference grounds and take Kyla to Norwood so that she can be taken to safety with him. Also have her take this Korean prisoner so that we can interrogate him later." Phoenix:"Right, Love." Striker:"Corsair. You and Merit begin to find out a method to disarm or defuse the device should the need arise." Corsair:"Sure, boss." Merit:"Confirmed." Striker:"I'll call Norwood and tell him to begin to help get the dignitaries ready for evacuation. We meet at the Rhino in five minutes. Gaan!" Everyone rushes out of the room. Conference Tent 7:18 AM: The tent is very spacious inside. A large stage with a podium and a line of chairs stands at the one end of the tent, the rest of the tent filled with tables and chairs. Dignitaries are all seated at these tables, but the most important delegates are seated on the stage. Among them is Norwood, President Ill Yung and President Sei Wang. The conference has begun and Norwood is at the podium addressing the gathering. Norwood:"For over half a century, Korea has been a divided nation. A torn in half by the rivalries of the Cold War, the one side communism and the other capitalism. But the Cold War is long since over, and there is no longer any more of the rivalries that came with it. And like Germany, it is time for North and South Korea to reunite as one nation and close another chapter of the Cold War." As he speaks, there is a soft beep from his pager on his belt. While still speaking, he takes it out and glances down it without letting any see him do it. He immediately stops speaking when he sees the message on his pager: "MARK. EVACUATE DIGNITARIES. DEFINITE NUCLEAR THREAT IN CITY. TAKE KYLA ALONG. STRIKER." He quickly puts the pager away and looks up at gathering. Several French security agents have already begun to move into the tent. Norwood:"Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, but we have just received notice that there may be a imminent terrorist attack." Several gasps come from the dignitaries, followed by various loud murmurs. Norwood:"I would ask that you would remain calm and calmly leave the tent. The security and military personnel will assist in the evacuation." As the alarmed dignitaries begin to calmly get up get and are being lead out by the security agents, Norwood steps down from the podium and joins the two Korean leaders. Ill Yung:"How do you know about an attack?" Norwood:"A Road Rover informed me about it and he can be trusted. Right now, we have every reason to leave." Sei Wang:"What kind of attack is it?" Norwood looks around, then whispers to the two leaders. Norwood:"A nuclear attack." The two leaders' faces pale when they hear the news. Ill Yung:"An attack! By who?" Norwood:"I don't know, but that is why we have to leave." Numbly, the two leaders nod and they all begin to evacuate the tent. Conference Grounds 7:27 AM: The area around the tent has been cordoned off by security and military personnel as the dignitaries are begin hustled into awaiting vehicles. All around, civilians are also being told to evacuate their homes and work places. Reporting from their news van is Melanie and Sam. Melanie:"Right now, dignitaries are being lead to safety while the French police and army begin to evacuate all people within a 5 kilo- metre radius of the city center. While we as yet don't know what the threat is, judging from this mass evacuation it has to be a major terrorist threat." Sewer System Near City Center 7:38 AM: This is a network of tunnels crisscrossing below the city. Dirty water flows through the canals in the tunnels while water drips drop from the damp ceiling. Large rats scurry to and fro along the water, going into smaller pipes and cracks. Unit STRIKE is walking along the sides of the water canals, lead by Striker. They all have their weapons ready and Merit provides light with a portable light from his toolkit. Corsair has the map with him. Corsair:"Just a dozen or so feet to go and we'll be at ground zero." As they round a corner, they can see another light from a side tunnel straight ahead. They also hear the sounds of Korean voices coming from it as well. Striker:"Daar. That's where they are." He looks at Shephard. Striker:"Go to the other side of that tunnel entrance and get a flash bang ready." Shephard:"Yes, sir." Shephard runs ahead of them, then stops as he reaches the tunnel. He looks around the corner, then quickly and silently runs across to the other side. Striker gestures to Corsair and Merit to stay back a bit. They both nod. Striker and Phoenix then go other to the tunnel and stop just opposite Shephard. Striker peers around the corner, but then quickly pulls back. One of the Koreans steps out of the tunnel, but he doesn't notice the Rovers. Instead, he is focused on lighting a cigarette. Striker looks at Shephard and nods. Then both he and Shephard jump the Korean. Before the surprised Korean can react, Striker grabs his arms while Shephard wraps one arm around his neck while using his other hand to cover his mouth. They then both drag the Korean out of sight, then Striker uses the butt of his rifle to silently knock the Korean out cold. They retake their positions by the tunnels. Corsair(whispering):"That was darn close. If that Korean wasn't busy lighting his fire, this would have been messy." Striker(whispering):"It will be even more so if we don't disable the device. This is our plan of action: Shephard will throw in a flash bang. While the Koreans are stunned, Phoenix, Shephard and I will round up the Koreans while Corsair and Merit disarm the device." Shephard, Phoenix(whispering):"Got it." Corsair(whispering):"Sure, boss." Merit(lower volume):"Confirmed." Striker(whispering):"Goed. Shephard, on the count of three..." Shephard readies the flash bang in his one hand while the rest ready to storm in. After a few seconds, Striker speaks. Striker(whispering):"Three!" Shephard pulls the pin out of the flash bang and throws it into the tunnel. Next comes the shouts from the startled Koreans, followed by a blinding flash from the tunnel. The moment the flash dissipates, Shephard, Striker and Phoenix rush in, followed seconds later by Corsair and Merit. The blinded Koreans are quickly knocked unconscious by the butts of the Rovers' weapons while Corsair and Merit make for a large container by the wall. Shephard pins down one conscious Korean against the wall and aims his M-249 at his face. Shephard:"One move and your brains will make a nice decor for the walls." The Korean looks wide-eyed at the gun. Striker and Phoenix keep guard over his unconscious comrades. Corsair opens the container, then looks inside. He then suddenly looks at the others. Striker:"Wel? What are you waiting for?" Corsair:"There's nothing in here but a scrap of paper. It's empty." Everyone is surprised, especially the Korean. Korean:"Empty?! Where is the device?!" Shephard:"Didn't you hear him, punk? There's nothing in there." Striker quickly goes over to the container and looks inside. There is only a scrap of paper at the bottom. He looks back at the Korean. Striker:"Where is the device?" Korean:"I don't know! It was supposed to be in there!!" He suddenly realises something. Korean:"We've been betrayed!" Striker:"Betrayed? By whom? That Hawk and Vega persons?" Korean:"Has to be! They took the device and left us to be caught!" Striker:"Which way did they go?" Korean:"I don't know! They said they had to go do something in another part of the city! They left before we entered the sewers!" Striker:"Who sent you, then? Someone in Pyongyang?" Korean:"We are South Koreans, and proud of it! We do not want to reunify with the wretched North!" Everyone else looks surprised at each other. Phoenix:"South Koreans? I would never have guessed." Corsair:"If the North Koreans hear about this, Pyongyang will have a huge fit." Merit sees the scrap of paper in the container and takes it out. It has writings on it. Merit:"Excuse me, but this sheet has legible text imprinted on it." Striker:"A note? What does it say?" Merit reads the note out loud. Merit(reading):"By now I assume you have discovered that the device is no longer with you. That is because we are certain you would be captured by the authorities, most probably the Road Rovers. Do not worry, though. Our employers require the detonation of the device within Paris, so you have nothing to fear. Unless, of course, you decide to remain within the city by 9:00. Sayonara suckers! Hawk." Phoenix:"That tears it." Striker looks at the Korean. Striker:"Who are these employers? Praat!" Shephard pushes the gun barrel against the Korean's chin. Korean:"I do not know, I swear! They are our only employers we know!" Striker looks at Shephard. Striker:"Bound him, then call the police to round the rest up down here." Shephard:"Yes, sir!" He releases the Korean, then begins to bound and gag him. Phoenix:"What now, Love?" Striker:"Hawk and Vega have now taken the device to another part of the city, and we have no information about its whereabouts except it is within the vicinity of the conference grounds. They are going to detonate it in..." He looks at his wristwatch. Striker:"One hour and ten minutes. All what we can do is alert the French have them evacuate the city as quickly as possible, as well as circle the city and scan for traces of plutonium residue." Corsair:"That's a long shot, boss. It will take days to check the entire city center." Striker:"We might get lucky. But if we are not, then we will have to take shelter somewhere and prepare for detonation. Let's move! Time is short." They all nod grimly and begin to help tie up the other Koreans. Paris 8:15 AM: The city is in chaos. Everywhere, people are fleeing, either on foot or any form of transport (mainly military and police vehicles and some helicopters) while air raid sirens sound throughout the city. Traffic is at a virtual standing in certain parts of the city, while police try to regulate the traffic. Not far from the conference grounds, the limos of the various dignitaries are stuck in amongst blocked traffic. The dignitaries are being lead out of the limos by security forces. Amongst them is Melanie Malloy and Sam, both on foot and still reporting live. Melanie:"We are currently being lead to underground bomb shelters that were used to protect people from a nuclear attack, so we are guessing that we may have a possible nuclear threat right now." Not far away, Norwood, the two Korean leaders and Chummy, carrying a scared Kyla, move with the throng towards a bomb shelter. Chummy:"Are these bombs shelters save?" Norwood:"Yes. They were built to withstand even a direct hit from an ICBM, so we can hide down there until the explosion or until it is all clear." Kyla:"I'm scared." Chummy hugs Kyla tightly against her chest and comforts her. Chummy:"Easy, Kyla. You're save with me. We'll be all right." Kyla buries herself deeper into Chummy's chest as they enter the bomb shelter (which looks like a subway entrance). Low Altitude Paris City Center 8:49 AM: The Rhino, in flight mode, is flying over the now-completely deserted city. Everyone inside is looking at the computer screen in the Rhino's dashboard. It shows the city below them in a mainly grey colour. Striker shakes his head. Striker:"Niks. No sign of the device." Corsair looks at his wristwatch. Corsair:"And we got only ten minutes left." Shephard:"Forgive me for asking this, sirs, but does the fact that we have found nothing possibly imply that the device might no longer be in the city?" Phoenix:"It might be, but the evidence points that Hawk and Vega will detonate the device. I don't think we should risk telling everyone it is safe to come out." Striker:"Reg, Love. While it is possible we might just be crying wolf, it is too dangerous to not take this threat seriously." Corsair:"Where are we going to hide this blast, by the way?" Striker turns the Rhino and points it towards a stadium not far away. He indicates to it. Striker:"That stadium over there. Its high, thick walls will shield us from an explosion of this magnitude. We will land inside on the field, then wait out the explosion." He continues to fly the Rhino to the stadium until he flies into the center of it and lands on the soccer field within. He shuts down the Rhino, then looks at the others. Striker:"Turn off all electronic equipment. The electro-magnetic pulse will destroy them when the explosion occurs. Merit, shut your- self down. We will reactivate you after the explosion." Merit:"Executing." Merit shuts down and goes limp. The others turn all their electronic gear, then wait for the imminent explosion. Paris 8:59 AM: The city of Paris is now completely deserted. Everywhere, there are open buildings and cars abandoned during the evacuation. The only things moving are loose papers blown by a light wind and the only sounds are that of birds. By a street corner stands an old pole with a clock mounted on it, the time being 8:59. Its arms then move on one minute to nine-o-clock. Suddenly, a massive dome of blinding fire appears, followed by a loud roar as the device explodes. As the blinding light fades, the flaming mushroom cloud appears over the city centre, while the wall of heat and flame rushes outward. The shockwaves from these walls smash buildings and flip over cars before the blast reaches them. The explosion is small in comparison with that over Hiroshima, but just seconds after it detonated, the centre of Paris is covered by the large mushroom cloud. CNN Center Atlanta United States Of America 9:04 AM: The CNN is busy covering the live broadcast from Paris and has just gotten the report about the explosion. He begins to read it. Anchor:"And we've just received this breaking news. A massive nuclear explosion has rocked central Paris just minutes ago. The state of the numerous foreign dignitaries attending the Korean reunifi- cation conference in the French capital, is unknown at this time." Stadium Remains of Paris 9:08 AM: The interior of the stadium is largely intact, though the top part has been burned and all the billboards and flood lights are gone. On the field inside the Rhino, unit STRIKE is busy coming from cover. Striker quickly looks over at the others. Striker:"Everyone reg?" Phoenix:"I'm fine, Love." Corsair:"Hunky dory, boss." Shephard:"Alive and well, sir." Corsair reactivates Merit and the drone springs back into life. Striker looks at him. Striker:"How are you, Merit?" Merit:"All systems fully operational." Striker:"Goed. Let me contact Chummy and see if she, Kyla, Norwood and the others are reg as well." He activates the Rhino's radio system and it comes online. The speakers crackle with static. Striker:"Chummy, this is Striker. Come in." There is more static as the Rovers anxiously listen for an answer. Just then the static stops. Chummy(over radio):"This Chummy." Everyone breaths a sigh of relief. Striker:"Are you all reg?" Chummy(over radio):"Me and Kyla are fine, and so is Mark and everyone in the bomb shelters. They are busy opening the doors to the surface." Striker:"Good. You and Mark keep the dignitaries there until we can find a way to safely evacuate them." Chummy(over radio):"Sure, Striker. Chummy out." The radios goes static and Striker turns it off. He then starts up the Rhino's engines and activates its flight mode. Striker:"Let's survey the damage and see if we can find a workable mode of transport." Corsair:"If there's anything left. You know how nukes are: they waste things real good." Striker pilots Rhino into the air and guides it up towards the open stadium skyline. When they get over the rim of the stadium skyline they are all in shock. The entire city centre is in ruins. Most of the buildings have been either serious damaged or destroyed. The Eiffel Tower is still standing, but the heat from the explosion has softened the structure's ironworks and it is bended at an angle away from the explosion. Near where the conference tent was is a large crater with a radioactive lake in the center of it. Most of the streets are buried under debris while fires burn everyone. The sounds of sirens begin to come from outside the blast zone while people begin to emerge from the various bomb shelters around the city. Striker:"Ai yai yai yai yai." Phoenix:"Oh my God." Shephard:"Man, this reminds me of Yugoslavia - with lots of radiation about." Corsair:"This is going to take a serious chunk out of the national budget." Striker opens the Rhino's computers and begins to scan the city. A map of the ruined city appears on a screen. He then points at it. Striker:"The city's train station. It should still be intact. Let's go and see if we can get the dignitaries out that way before that station becomes swamped with civilians." He pilots the Rhino towards the train station. Train Station Edge of Detonation Radius 9:16 AM: This is a modern train station with several tracks and platforms in between. It has suffered minor damage, but nothing serious. A passenger train is standing at the station platform. French security and military officials are already cordoning the area off for civilians, allowing the dignitaries to climb onboard first. At the edge of the platform the Rhino is parked. Unit STRIKE is holding a conference with Norwood and Chummy whom they have just met. Striker:"You three all reg?" Norwood:"We're fine, and so is everyone else. But I cannot say the same for the city or the reunification talks." Phoenix:"Are you okay, Kyla?" Kyla, who is still frightened and clinging to Chummy, nods slowly. Kyla:"Y-yeah..." Striker:"Goed. First thing we should do is get you all out of the city to safety." Norwood:"Who caused the explosion?" Striker:"The South Koreans thought they had the device, but their em- ployers had doubts about them succeeding in their mission." Norwood swears. Norwood:"This news of South Koreans being behind this will cause an uproar if word gets out. We must keep this quiet until we can figure this whole business out." They all nod, not noticing Melanie Malloy, who is hiding behind the crowd, picking up what they say. As she walks off, Striker turns to Corsair and Merit. Striker:"You two take the Rhino and scout out the tracks to see if it is still usable and unobstructed." Corsair:"Right, boss." Merit:"Orders received." The dual run for the Rhino. Striker turns to the others. Striker:"The rest of us should secure the train and get it moving as quickly as possible. Also, try and get as many civilians on the train as possible so that we can take them to safety. Let's roll." They all nod. As they break up, Chummy paws Kyla over to Norwood, who takes her into his arms. Chummy:"Could you take care of her, Mark?" Norwood:"I certainly will. Come along, Kyla. I think I have some treats left in my pocket." Kyla cheers up as Norwood and the others board the train. Corsair and Merit get into the Rhino and take off. Rhino Low Altitude Over Railway Line Paris City Limits 9:37 AM: The city limits have suffered not damage (since they are far away from ground zero) and is mostly suburbs or industrial areas. The dual railway tracks move through one such industrial area. The Rhino, piloted by Corsair, is flying low over the tracks. Both he and Merit are surveying the tracks for damage. Corsair:"Nope. No messed-up tracks so far, and I doubt we'll find anything wrong outside of the blast area. I think we should head back." Just then Merit spots a plume of steam appearing in the distance where the tracks disappear. He scans it. Merit:"Sir, there is a locomotive heading inbound of the city." Corsair looks up confused towards the steam plume. Corsair:"That's weird. Normally, during a nuke blast, people are supposed to be heading out. Can you tell what train that is?" Merit:"Negative. The distance is too great." Corsair:"Then let's have a closer look." The Rhino flies towards the inbound train. As they come closer, they can see that is a single train engine with one carriage. A flag flies over the engine. Merit picks this up. Merit:"How strange. That train has a cloth flying over it." Corsair:"Cloth?" Merit:"Or what is commonly referred to as a flag." Corsair:"A flag? Who's flag?" Suddenly, as they near the train, several shots are fired from it and the bullets hit the armoured sides of the Rhino. Corsair:"Oh boy! They're not friendly!" He pulls the Rhino out of range. In passing he spots the flag and realises which flag it is: South Korea. Corsair:"Seems its more of Hawk and Vega's buddies. Bummer!" Merit:"Their train is according to memory on the tracks that the dignitaries are being carried on." Corsair:"Oh great. More good news. We HAVE to share this with the boss." Merit:"Incorrect. This is not good news." Corsair groans, then he activates the radio on the dashboard. Engine Dignatry Escape Train Train Station At that moment: The train is now loaded with dignitaries, media reporters, security personnel and civilians alike and is pulling out of the station to make way for another train to evacuate more people. In the front engine is the train driver along with Striker, Phoenix (holding Kyla), Norwood, Chummy and Shephard. They are all looking ahead as the train pulls out. Chummy:"I'm glad to be out of here." Phoenix:"And so are all these people. This has been a bad day." Norwood:"For everyone. Now the re-unification talks are driven into the sand. And if word got it out that it was South Koreans behind this..." Suddenly Striker radio crackles and he answers it. Striker(into radio):"Striker here." Corsair(over radio):"Boss, I got bad news, worse news and worst news." Striker's eyes narrow. Striker(into radio):"What is the slegte nuus?" Corsair(over radio):"Oh, bad news? Troop train's a coming." Striker(into radio):"Ai yai yai. Worse news?" Corsair(over radio):"Worse news, it is a South Korean troop train." Striker(into radio):"Ai yai yai yai. And the worst news?" Corsair(over radio):"It's heading towards you on your tracks." Striker swears, startling the others. Corsair(over radio):"My. What happened to that extra 'yai'?" Striker(into radio):"Corsair! You and Merit try and get that troop train diverted off our tracks!" Corsair(over radio):"And if we can't do that?" Striker(into radio):"Then blast it off." Corsair(over radio):"I like the second option. We'll do. Out." The radio goes dead and Striker puts it away. The others look at him. Norwood:"Something wrong?" Striker:"We an enemy troop train coming on our tracks. Corsair and Merit are going to try and get the train out of our way. In the mean time, we might have to prepare for combat and brace for a possible collision. Mark, take Kyla, then try and get the dignatries to the rear carriages. Shephard, alert the security personnel and prepare for combat." Norwood takes Kyla and runs into the carriages, with Shephard. Striker turns to the others. Striker:"The rest of us will stay here and guard the engine." Chummy:"But won't that endanger our lives in case of a collision?" Phoenix:"That's why we are Road Rovers." They take out their weapons, then begin to take up positions. In the distance, the troop train can be seen coming towards them. Rhino Low Altitude Over Railway Line 9:41 AM: The Rhino flies along the railway line ahead of the troop train. Corsair and Merit are both looking for a way to divert the train. Corsair:"See anything?" Merit:"Negative. There is no non-destructive method of diverting the troop train from our friends' track." Corsair grins. Corsair:"Then its time to do some serious sonic shooting. Rhino style." He pilots the Rhino to land at a crossing alongside the tracks ahead of the troop train. Once he lands he rubs his hands and cracks his fingers. Corsair:"Okay, now watch the expert." He pushes a button on the dashboard and the two front lights of the Rhino open up to reveal machine guns. The train is coming closer. Corsair:"Uh oops. Wrong button." He tries another button, this time activating the mine/disc shooter at the rear of the Rhino. The train is now almost at their position. Corsair:"Crud! Wrong button again!" As Corsair fumbles about, Merit calmly pushes a button and the sonic cannon activates. Just as the troop train reaches them, Merit fires the sonic cannon. The power sonic strikes the front end of the train engine, causing it fly off the tracks, taking the carriage with it and sending Korean soldiers flying through the air. It smashes into the railway tracks next to the one it was on and tips over. The carriage also tips onto its side, crushing several hapless soldiers. When the dust settles, the train is still mainly intact, but it is on its side and off the the Rovers' tracks. Unconscious or dead Koreans are lying everywhere. Corsair looks at Merit. Corsair:"Now you've made me look stupid in front of everyone who is going to read this story." Merit scans Corsair. Merit:"Actually, you look weary and slightly dirty." Corsair groans and drops his head on the steering wheel, causing the horn to sound. Engine Dignatry Escape Train Not Far From Train Crash 9:45 AM: Striker, Phoenix and Chummy see the enemy train having been knocked off their tracks. Striker takes out his radio and calls Shephard. Striker(into radio):"Shephard, tell the men to hold their fire for now. But if you see any survivors taking aim at our train as we pass, fire at will." Shephard(over radio):"Copy that, sir. Out." Striker turns his radio off and puts it away. Chummy:"I hope we don't have to kill them now, after their crash." Striiker:"Nee, you're reg. Besides, they can provide with information about who was behind this attack. But keep your weapons ready. Some of the survivors might try and take a shot at us." They nod grimly. As their train passes the wreck, they see of the survivors trying to help their comrades. None of them raise their weapons even as the train's caboose passes them. As the train clears the distance, the Rhino joins alongside them. Striker takes out his radio and calls Shephard again. Striker(into radio):"Shephard, you can order the men to lower their weapons. I think we are past the danger for now." Shephard(over radio):"Shucks and I was looking for a fight. Okay, sir." As Shephard signs out, Striker contacts Corsair. Striker(into radio):"Goeie work, Corsair." Corsair(over radio):"Thanks, boss. Anything else?" Striker(into radio):"Just keep flying ahead of us and keep us informed if our friends have any more surprises waiting for us." Corsair(over radio):"Sure thing, boss. Over and out." Corsair signs out and Striker puts his radio away. As he does so, Norwood comes walking onto the train, still carrying Kyla, with an angry look on his face. The Rovers look surprised at him. Phoenix:"Some wrong, Mark?" Norwood holds Kyla out to Phoenix. Norwood:"Take her away from me before I explode." Phoenix takes Kyla from Norwood and walks some distance away. When she does this Norwood begins to swear violently. Striker goes over to him. Striker:"What is it, Mark? What did Kyla do?" Norwood calms down a bit. Norwood:"Kyla? Nothing. I just didn't want her to hear the language I was using just now." Striker:"Oh. Then what is the problem?" Norwood:"The problem? Kim Jung-Il just found out the fact that these terrorists are South Koreans." Striker is shocked. Striker:"How did he learn that?" Norwood::"Our friend miss Melanie Malloy ask him in an interview what his reaction was to this nuclear attack by South Korean ter- rorists. He went right off at a tangent at that point. Cheng Sei Wang and I tried to explain things, but he didn't want to hear another word." Striker:"Ai yai yai. Now what is going to happen?" Norwood:"Inevitably, Kim will get hold of the first phone and call his people in Pyongyang. Then it will be only a matter of time before you see the Korean People's Army blasting their way to Seoul." Striker:"Won't the United Nations security council oppose that action?" Norwood:"Some, like the United States, might, but many of them won't. The problem is that Kim now has a fully legitimate excuse to invade South Korea. And unless we can get these South Korean mavericks to spill the beans about who really got them here, the conflict could spiral out of control, with countries either siding with the North or the South." Striker:"In other words, there is the possibility of a world war?" Norwood:"The likely hood is high." Striker:"Ai yai yai. We must stop this war before it happens." Norwood:"I'm afraid war there is going to be, Striker. The French and I will force these mavericks to confess even if we have to torture them if it comes to that. However, by that time Kim will have his armies attacking over the DMZ. You must contact Professor Shepard and get as many Rover units to reinforce the DMZ sector north of Seoul. If Kim gets Seoul before we can end this war, it will be impossible to get the KPA to leave the city, thus sparking another crisis." Striker:"So we must keep the KPA away from the South Korean capital at all costs?" Norwood:"With your lives if necessary." Striker:"I'll contact the Master immediately. Fortunately, he and many of the Road Rovers are attending Hunter and Colleen's wedding, so we can quickly get everyone to the Korean border before war breaks out." He quickly takes out his radio and begins to call the Master. Wedding Reception Redwood Forest United States of America At That Moment: This is a large clearing deep in the forest. Inside the clearing are many tables and chairs with a dance area. Dozens of Rovers, Strayers and other units and guests are here. They are all seeing off Hunter (in a tux) and Colleen (in a wedding dress), who are both smiling and getting into their limo to leave for their honeymoon. As their limo takes off, the couple wave back at their guests, who all wave back at them. As the guests wave, Blitz is clearly disappointed. Blitz:"Bye bye, pretty she-doggie." Exile notices Blitz's disappointment. Exile:"Too badski, Weird Boy. Comrade Colleen has finally said noski to you." Blitz glares at Exile, then pulls himself together. Blitz:"Ach well. There are other pretty she-doggies about." Exile rolls his eyes. Just then the Master, who is also waving, hears his phone ringing. He takes it out and answers. Master:"This is the Master... Ah, Striker. Hunter and Colleen have just... what?... what problem?... Why not tell... yes... yes... I see... Yes, I agree this is urgent. I will tell them... Okay, goodbye." He turns his phone off and puts it away, a grim look on his face. Master:"Rovers, we have a crisis." Everyone else looks surprised at the Master. Bear:"What's wrong, Master?" Master:"Striker has just called. He wants all Rovers to the demilitarised zone sector north of Seoul, South Korea." Realization begins to fill everyone's faces. Before anyone can speak, the Master puts his hand in the air. Master:"I cannot explain right now. Just get ready and leave as quickly as possible for Korea. Striker says he will inform us all of what happened. Roll, Rovers!" All the Rovers quickly begin to gather their teams together and run off for their vehicles, while the Master watches them go. Paris has been destroyed, the reunification talks have been derailed and now North and South Korea are going to war. Will Unit STRIKE as well as other Rover teams be able to protect Seoul from the KPA? Will they be able to sort out the truth from the lies? Or is the world heading for the brink of World War III? TO BE CONTINUED...