Rover Strike: Longbow One Episode 4: EuroCorp Chaos By Gerhard Naudé All Road Rovers names © Warner Brothers and rightful owners All Rover Strike names © Gerhard Naudé Hotrod © David Fountain Any question, comments, complaints, feedback or suggestions can be sent to EuroCorp Headquarters Brussels Belgium 21 July 4:16 PM: The sun is just setting over the horizon, the beams of sunlight shining through the tall office towers of Brussels' commercial district and the EuroCorp Tower headquarters. In the streets traffic is picking up, with people heading for home. Cars drive out through one of the EuroCorp compound gates from a multistory carpark located next to the office buildings. Scientists, executives, engineers and blue-collar workers are leaving their workplaces amongst the compound's many buildings and underground facilities. Security guards from the night sight arrive and begin to take the place of those who had worked the day shift. At the top of the EuroCorp tower, a private helicopter bearing the EuroCorp company logo takes off and flies off in a northern direction. Stealth Rover Open Field 6 Kilometres East Of Brussels 4:18 PM: The Stealth Rover has landed amongst a crop of trees in a field well away from any busy roads or civilian structures. The field is mostly grass, with the occasional farm road and fence criscrossing it. In the distance the outskirts of Brussels can be seen. The sounds of a 98 Camaro Pro Rally engine becomes louder as Hotrod's vehicle comes up a farm road nearby and drives up to the Stealth Rover. It stops and Hotrod climbs out, then walks over to the stairway lowered for him. He climbs up to the open hatchway and goes inside. Conference Room Stealth Rover 4:23 PM: The conference room is a rectangular room with a similar shaped table in the middle. The walls and ceiling are made from smoothly polished wood, which actually hide the soundproof walls, while a red carpet hides the special soundproof floor. Against the wall at the one end of the table is a large monitor with three smaller ones on each side of it. Along the wall are clocks, showing the different times for important cities in certain time zones. The wooden chairs match the table, but both are held to floor with special magnets to prevent too much movement. Seated at the table is Unit STRIKE minus Illanov, and Hotrod, who is sitting in for Illanov. Striker is sitting at the head of the table opposite the monitors. Seated on his left is Tanarus, Elexis, Shephard and Merit. Seated to his right is Phoenix, Hotrod and Corsair. Striker looks at Hotrod. Striker:"Dankie for coming to help, Hotrod." Hotrod:"Hey, it's no problem. Sorry about what happened to ol' Alex. How is he doing?" Elexis:"The disease is now almost out of his system and will be on his feet in a day or so. No permanent side-effects from that vampirism, either." Hotrod:"That's just cool. So, what you guys planning here? I thought you were chasing after Longbow One. Striker:"Reg, I think you need some updating. While we were busy finding a cure for Alex, we lost track of Longbow One. The reason we are here in Brussels is that we know EuroCorp aids the Mayhem Mercenaries, financially and otherwise. Therefore, we are going to go the CEO, Jacques Rembrandt and ask him for infor- mation about Longbow One's wereabouts." Hotrod:"You mean we're going to into the EuroCorp headquarters up to his office and demand the info we need?" Striker:"Dis reg, Hotrod." Hotrod:"If that is so, then how are we going to sneak in past all the security? I heard that place is like a fortress." Striker:"We do not have the time to be clever. We must find out where Longbow One is before whoever paid for it makes use of it." Corsair:"He means that we are just going to barge, smash and bully our way in." Hotrod:"That a good idea? EuroCorp is a multi-national business, mainly from the European Union, and for us to barge in is going to make EU leaders have a fit. Not that there is anything wrong with just going in guns-blazing for me." Striker:"Ek weet. I will contact someone who can help us with the political troubles with EuroCorp." Tanarus:"You're going to ask Norwood to help out, right?" Striker:"Reg. I will contact him now." Striker takes out a device that resembles a remote control from under it's placeholder underneath. He pushes a few buttons on it, then sets it down on the table. There is a short wait before the main screen comes alive. It shows the office of the United Secretary-General, Markus Norwood. Norwood himself is busy writing something down quickly. He puts the pen down and turns to face the screen. Norwood:"Good to see you and your team, Striker." Striker:"It's goed to see you as well." Norwood:"And it's good to see the rest of your team as well." The rest of Unit STRIKE nod in reply. Norwood then notices something. Norwood:"Where is Illanov?" Elexis:"He is currently in medical, Mark, but he should be up and about in a day or so." Norwood:"Ah, good. Now, I am certain you are not making a curtesy call here, right? This has something to do with that stolen British weapon... what is it called?" Striker:"Longbow One." Norwood:"Right, Longbow One. How goes the investigation?" Striker:"We had a problem. We had lost of track of Longbow One in a region where there was too many possibilities of where it was taken or stored. So now we are going to ask for information about Longbow One from someone very important to the Mayhem Mercenaries." Corsair:"And that's the snag." Norwood:"Who is this someone?" Striker:"Jacques Rembrandt, the CEO of the European Corporation. We know that EuroCorp helps finance the mercenaries and Rembrandt knows their leadership. EuroCorp bought the Harvard & Wolff Shipyards where Longbow One was loaded onto the Spirit of Italy, a ship owned by a EuroCorp subsidiary. Rembrandt must have some information about who hired the mercenaries to steal Longbow One and what the plans are for it." Norwood listens carefully to Striker, then leans back for a moment. He then leans forward again. Norwood:"I have had my own suspicions about EuroCorp, as does several prominent world leaders, but now you are telling me you wish to confront Rembrandt directly about his connections to the Mayhem Mercenaries." Striker:"Not as such, Mark. All we need from him is information about Longbow One. We do not have enough evidence to completely convict him for the various offenses EuroCorp had done, but that can happen later. At this moment, the only focus is on Longbow One." Norwood nods. Norwood:"Understood. Now, EuroCorp will surely launch a protest against your 'police brutality' methods to the EU High Commission. But since you are only going to get Rembrandt to talk about Longbow One, I can pull some strings. I'll contact the Belgium Prime Minister and the EU High Commissioner and cover the political side of this. We at the UN have enough dirt on EuroCorp to keep Rembrandt from making any kind of significant noise." Striker nods and smiles. Striker:"Dankie." Norwood nods and smiles slightly in reply. Norwood:"No problem, Striker. Oh, and one more thing." Striker:"Ja?" There is a short pause before Norwood breaks a slight grin. Norwood:"Don't cause too much damage to EuroCorp property when you guys go in guns blazing. It'll be easier to handle politically when there is less collatoral damage. But don't hesitate to break a few doors if you need to. It will give Rembrandt a taste of when you will eventually come in to bust him." Everyone around the tables chuckles. Striker smiles widely. Striker:"We will try, Mark." Norwood:"Good luck, everyone." Norwood turns back to his work as Striker lifts up the remote and turns off the screen. He looks at the others. Striker:"We have a mission to do, everyone. Firstly, let's get to Brussels and find a place to offload our road vehicles. Hotrod, there is space in our cargo bay for your Camaro, so you can pull it up in it. Corsair, you go help him out. The rest of us will go and get some gear we might need." Everyone else nods, then they get up and begin to file out of the room to do their work. Primary School Eastern Suburbs Brussels 4:56 PM: This is a primary school located in a middle-class neighbourhood in the eastern part of the city. The school has several interconnected class- room buildings, a gymnasium, soccerfield and swimmingpool, a parking lot and a courtyard within the centre of the classroom buildings. A brick wall surrounds the school, with several chainlink gates. The classes are over, so the school is currently empty. The Stealth Rover flies silently over the homes to the school. It stops and hovers over the courtyard. It then lowers down and lands in the open space, hiding itself amongst the school's structures. Main Gate Primary School 5:05 PM: The main gate of the primary school is the only one that is wide enough for the school busses, personnel vehicles and vehicles of the children's parents. The gate is closed, with a sign up front warning against tress- passing. Behind the gate the Rhino, the Biker Rover and Hotrod's Camaro have stopped as Merit climbs out to unlock the gate. In the Rhino is Striker, Phoenix and Shephard; on the Biker Rover is Tanarus and Elexis; in the Camaro is Hotrod and Corsair. As Merit opens his toolkit and begins to work on the gate's lock, Striker uses his watch's communicator. Striker(into com):"Test. Test. Respond." Phoenix and Shephard use their watches as well. Phoenix(into com):"Check." Shephard(into com):"Check." From over the trio's watches comes the voices of the others. Tanarus(over com):"Check." Elexis(over com):"Check." Corsair(over com):"Check." Hotrod(over com):"Got you on my car's radio. That's check." Suddenly a familiar and unexpected voice comes over the communicators. Illanov(over com):"Check." Striker and Phoenix look at each other in surprise, then Striker calls Illanov. Striker(into com):"Alex? Are you all right over there?" Illanov(over com):"I'm better now, comrade. I'm trying to get of bed." Elexis(over com):"Not so fast, Alex. You need time for the antidote to cleanse your system completely." Illanov(over com):"I'm feeling fine, comrade. I want to help." Striker(into com):"Jammer, Alex, but Elexis is reg. You need to rest. I need you to be in full health when we finally go after Longbow One." Illanov tries to respond, but then groans out loudly. Striker becomes concerned. Striker(into com):"Alex? Come in." Illanov(over com):"Sorry about that, comrade. I'm having a hard time staying on my feet." Corsair(over com):"Sounds like you took some vodka to wash down the antidote." Illanov growls over the communicator, but before he can respond Striker speaks up. Striker(over com):"Watch it, Corsair, or you're staying behind to look after Alex." Corsair can be heard grumbling over the communicator. Illanov(over com):"You're right. I need my strength, comrade." Striker(into com):"Wonderlik, Alex. Now listen. We are all going into Brussels to go after EuroCorp. I have put the Stealth Rover's defenses on automatic, but you are welcome to take over controls if you can. The school here provides good cover, but go ahead and take off if things turn dangerous. Understood?" Illanov(over com):"Dah, comrade. How long will you be?" Merit unlocks the gate and swings it open. Striker(into com):"We are looking at a 30 minute mission, no longer than an hour. If two hours pass and we are still not back, get out of here and call for help." Illanov(over com):"Dah, comrade. Good luck with the mission." Striker(into com):"Dankie, Alex. Over and out." Striker puts his paws on the wheel and drives the Rhino out onto the street. The Biker Rover and Camaro follow him out. They stop and wait for Merit, who closes the gate and puts the lock back. He then comes over to the Rhino and climbs in. The three vehicles then drive off towards the commercial centre of the city. Service Alley Near EuroCorp Headquarters Business District 5:14 PM: This is an alley that runs behind the shops, wide enough for the delivery vans and waste disposal trucks. There are backdoors that lead into the shops as well as large metal dumpsters at each shop door. Halfway down the alley and opposite the shops is a courtyard for the apartments next to them. Through the one end of the alley one can see the fence around the EuroCorp Headquarters accross a street. The Rhino, Biker Rover and Camaro pull up into the alley, stopping halfway facing towards EuroCorp. Inside the Rhino, Striker looks at the fence around EuroCorp, then calls everyone over communications. Striker(into com):"Reg, everyone. EuroCorp is just ahead. This is what we will do. Firstly, I want Hotrod to go over to the gate and ask if Rembrandt is in his office. EuroCorp security might have Unit STRIKE on file, but is less likely that they would recognize Hotrod. Once he comes back, we'll charge in. Phoenix, Tanarus, Shephard and Hotrod will drive the vehicles around the compound, causing chaos and drawing the security guards' attention to them. Corsair, Elexis, Merit and I will go inside and get Rembrandt. If he is not there, then we will find someone who knows and ask where he is. No longer than 15 minutes once we break through the gates, otherwise we might have to contend with not only EuroCorp security but also the Brussels police force. Is everyone clear on this?" Everyone(over com):"Clear." Striker(into com):"Goed. Hotrod, go to the guards at the gate and ask them if Rembrandt is there." Hotrod(over com):"Sure thing, but what should I tell them if they ask who I am?" Striker(into com):"Tell them that you own a big American game company and you wish to do business with EuroCorp." Hotrod(over com):"Jingle purses, eh? No problem. I'm off." Corsair climbs out of the Camaro, then walks over to the Rhino. The Camaro drives past them all up the alley, then into the street. Compound Gate EuroCorp Headquarters 5:18 PM: This is a fortified, electrical, chain-link gate with electronic locks. A guard shed stands next to the gate, while floodlights, used to illuminate the entire area at night, line along the road to the gate and all along the fence. Two EuroCorp guards are at the gate, one inside the shed with the other standing by the gate. Hotrod's Camaro turns out from the traffic and drives up to the gate. The guard by the gate raises his hand to stop him. The Camaro comes to a halt and Hotrod rolls down the window. The guard comes to the open window and looks into the car at Hotrod. Guard:"State your business, sir." Hotrod:"I'm here to speak to your CEO on some business." Guard:"Really? And might I ask who you are, sir?" Hotrod:"David Fountain, president of Fountain Electronic Entertainment." Guard:"President? You do not look like one." Hotrod:"Well, I grew up around M-TV, the Internet and video games, so I got my own sense of corporate style. Makes a nice change from the officious stuffy suits, wouldn't you agree?" The guard chuckles a little. Guard:"Very true, sir. So on what business are you here for?" Hotrod:"I'm looking to expand out of America into Europe, and I'm thinking that a partnership with EuroCorp can prove to be very profitable to you and me." Guard:"In that case, we can allow you in to see one of our business secre- taries." Hotrod:"Sorry, but I only want to do business with Mister Rembrandt. Is he here?" Guard:"Why, sir? Why do you want to speak to him directly?" Hotrod acts if he is looking around suspiciously, then leans forward and whispers out loud. Hotrod:"Two words: Malcolm Industries." The guard's face darkens a bit. Guard:"Ah, I understand. I'm afraid that neither CEO Rembrandt and his vice-president are here right now. They left a short while ago for a private business meeting. Perhaps you can come back tomor- row, sir? They will be back in office at first light." Hotrod acts if he is thinking, then nods. Hotrod:"Sure. First thing tomorrow." The guard stands up straight and nods. Guard:"Good, sir. Until tomorrow." Hotrod:"Cheers, man." Hotrod turns on his Camaro, then backs it up onto the street. He drives off for a distance, then turns into a side street. Service Alley Near EuroCorp Headquarters 5:26 PM: The Rhino and Biker Rover are still parked here. Hotrod comes driving up the alley behind them and parks behind the Biker Rover. Corsair comes over from the Rhino, then climbs into the passanger seat of the Camaro. Striker gets Hotrod on the communicator. Striker(into com):"What did you find out, Hotrod?" Hotrod(over com):"The guard at the gate told me neither Rembrandt or his vice-president are at EuroCorp right now. Seems we missed them by an hour or so, if I get him right." Striker(into com):"Did he say where they went?" Hotrod(over com):"He said they went to some private business meeting. He didn't say where, but since Rembrandt will be back here first thing tomorrow, it cannot be far. Are going to sleep over and go after him when he gets back?" Striker(into com):"Nee, the longer we wait the further away Longbow One is taken from us. We must strike now and get inside EuroCorp, find out where Rembrandt is and go after him. This is what we will do..." He begins to explain the plan to them. Compound Grounds EuroCorp Headquarters 5:34 PM: The grounds of the EuroCorp compound is now mostly empty, save for the odd personnel and security patrols. The nightshift personnel have all taken over duties from the dayshift personnel. Security guards are on duty on top of the guard towers, the rooftops and on the cement walks around the buildings. At the gate the first two guards have been joined by two additional guards. One guard is busy lighting up the cigarette of his own plus that of two of his fellows. The fourth one, who does not smoke, watches the traffic. He then notices the Rhino, followed by the Biker Rover and the Camaro. As the vehicles charge down the street towards the gate, the Rhino's sonic cannon comes up. The cannon charges up, then fires when there is a clear shot at the gate. The large sonic blast flies down the street. The fourth guard alerts his other fellows and they run out the way. The blast blows the gate clear off, sending it flying through the air and crashing down on the entrance road. The three vehicles quickly drive through over the gate into the compound. They quickly drive to and pull up to the front entrance. As they do, the guards in the towers take out their MP5's and start shooting. The Biker Rover pulls up behind the Rhino for cover. Elexis climbs off from it, while Corsair gets out of the Camaro and Striker and Phoenix get out. Striker turns to look at the others and gives the thumbs up. Tanarus, Hotrod and Shephard (who is at the wheel of the Rhino), give the thumbs up as well. Striker nods at Phoenix. She nods back and goes up to the glass doors. She puts her paws on the door locks, then begins to use the heat coming from her paws to melt it. She melts it down, then kicks the door open. Alarms begin to go off inside the main building and around the compound. The fourth of them run into the lobby, while the Rhino, Tanarus and the Camaro drive off into different directions in the grounds. Central Security Room Main Office Block 5:41 PM: The central security room of EuroCorp is a domed complex located deep underneath the office tower. The walls and dome are covered with sound- proof aluminium sheets. One part of the wall has the elevators and the exit to the emergency stairs. The rest of the wall is covered with banks of screens, each set of screens dedicated to each structure on the compound and the grounds in and around it. EuroCorp security personnel are monitoring the screens and use computers to controls the cameras, security systems and communications. Right now the dome is light up in red emergency lights. On one bank the cameras show Striker and his group going into the office lobby, while another shows the vehicles driving around on the compound. The elevator door opens and Paul Duroc walks into the dome. He walks over to the dome station chief, who is busy overseeing events. The two of them being to talk in French. Duroc:"Report!" Chief:"Intruders just broke into the compound. Several of them have entered the main office complex lobby. Their vehicles are cur- rently driving about in the compound grounds." Duroc:"Indentification of these intruders?" The chief points to one of the security screens. On it one can see Striker's group rushing through the lobby towards one of the main stairwells. Chief:"If my memory serves me right, that is Unit STRIKE." Duroc:"Have the entire building locked down! Close all security doors and shut down the elevators! I do not want them to get further into the building or out! Have the commando teams alerted and helicoptered to the helipad on the top floor! And get the tanks to stop those vehicles!" Chief:"We, Monsieur. Shall I call the local police?" Duroc thinks for a moment, then nods. Duroc:"We. This is an illegal attack on EuroCorp property and these Strikers are in violation of international law. And have the local media alerted as well. This should appear on television as well." Chief:"We. It will be done." Duroc nods and turns back to the elevator while the station chief begins to carry out his orders. Elevator Lobby Main Office Block 5:42 PM: The elevator lobby is a central room where there are doors to elevators that lead up to various levels of the office building. In the corner by the ceiling is one of the security cameras. In the lobby there is also two flights of stairs: the main stairwell and the emergency stairwell. Striker's team come running into this lobby from the main one. Striker quickly takes aim at the camera and fires a sonic blast. The blast is enough to damage it beyond use. He then turns to Phoenix. Striker:"Set fire to the lobby carpets. It should keep the guards away from us long enough." Phoenix:"Right, Love." Phoenix turns to face towards the main lobby, making fireballs in her paws. As she does this, Striker pushes a button on an elevator door and turns to Elexis. Striker:"Is that Widowmaker of yours sharp enough to be used as a cutter?" Elexis:"I've never used it like that, but it should work." Striker:"Goed. Go into the elevator and cut open the roof with it. A hole big enough for us all to go through." Elexis takes out her Widowmaker boomerang and goes into the elevator. Phoenix, meanwhile, tosses her fireballs into the main lobby. The fireballs land on the floor and splash into a large circle of flames. She tosses several more fireballs as the fire alarm goes off. Soon a crescent of flames blocks the way to the elevator lobby. The basic security personnel arrive, but the flames hold them back. Corsair looks into the stairwells, then immediately turns to Striker. Corsair:"Boss! Guards are coming up and down the stairwells towards us! And they look pissed!" Striker quickly turns back to Phoenix. Striker:"Phoenix! Fire in the stairwells! Gou!" Phoenix runs over to the stairs and quickly tosses some fireballs into them. The fireballs create even more obstructions, and the curses of the guards can heard from the stairwells. Just then Elexis comes out of the elevator, holding her Widowmaker and a cut panel. Elexis:"Got it! Come on!" The rest of the team run into the elevator. Inside the posh elevator Elexis had cut a hole in the roof of it big enough for them to climb through. Striker looks at it, then at Corsair. Striker:"Reg. You go first, Corsair." Corsair nods. Striker cups his paws and holds it so that Corsair can put his foot down it. He heaves himself up to the hole. Meanwhile, some of the security personnel have used fire extinguishers to put the flames that the fire sprinkles had not surpressed. As soon as the fires had cleared, the high security guards come in. Some are holding FA MAS French assault rifles, while others have MP5's their one hands and a riot shield with the EuroCorp logo on it in the other. They form a picket line around the elevator lobby entrance. Elexis peers around the corner from the elevator door and tosses her Widowmaker at the picket line. The guards fire at her, but she ducks back behind cover. They easily miss the Widowmaker and the guards raise their shields. The Widowmaker begins to slice through the shields one after the other until it has cut through a good portion. The guards drop the badly damaged shields as the Widowmaker slices into the wall by the elevator door. Elexis quickly reaches out and grabs it before the guards can react. Everyone else in the elevator had climbed up through the hole. Striker and Phoenix are holding down their arms for Elexis. Elexis grabs each arm with her paws and they pull her up onto the elevator's roof. Elevator Shaft 1A Main Office Block 5:48 PM: The elevator shaft contains many beams and wires running along the walls all the way to the top far up high. Cables run from the elevator winch on the roof all up over a pulley back down to counterweights suspended on the opposite vertical side. A maintenance ladder runs alongside the shaft. Striker and his team are standing on the elevator roof. He points at the ladder. Striker:"We climb up those ladders to the CEO office floor." Corsair looks up the shaft. Corsair:"What? All that way?" Striker:"Ja. Start climbing." Corsair groans, gets on the ladder and begins to climb. Elexis follows next after Corsair. As Phoenix about to go up, Striker stops her and points at the elevator's cables. Striker:"Can you melt those, Phoenix? We have to prevent pursuit." Phoenix nods. Phoenix:"Sure." Striker nods in confirmation. Phoenix climbs on and up the ladder, followed lastly by Striker. As he steps off, Phoenix reaches out and grabs the elevator cable. Her paw begins to emit a high temperature and the cable starts to melt. She lets go before melting it through and continues to climb. The cable, weakened too much, snaps and the elevator plummets down the shaft. It doesn't fall too far smashed at the bottom at the underground floor level. The Strikers continue their climb up the ladder. Down below one can hear the guards shouting out in French from inside the lobby. Compound Grounds EuroCorp Headquarters 5:51 PM: The Camaro, Rhino and Biker Rover are driving all over the compound, drawing the attention of the EuroCorp guards outside. Searchlights from the guard towers and the compound buildings struggle to follow the 3 vehicles. As the guards on the rooftops and in the towers fire on the vehicles when they get into range, at the security transport depot the security vehicles of EuroCorp are getting in on the action. These come in three different types: sedans in blue and white colours with green emergency lights, large vans of similiar design and colour and finally large Big Bertha-style riot tanks, which are converted wheeled APC's with a battering ram in the place of the cannon. The security vehicles split up and begin to chase the Rovers: the faster sedans go after the Biker Rover, the vans and tanks after the Rhino and Camaro. Tanarus glances at the sedans behind him in the rearview mirror. He sees the guards inside leaning out the windows with MP5s. Tanarus:"Not today, gentlemen." He makes a sharp turn by one of the laboratories and disappears behind the building. The sedans follow after him and turn around, getting him in their sights again. Tanarus makes another turn behind the building before they can open fire again. He takes this opportunity to drive for the warehouses nearby. The sedans round the corner and go after him. He makes straight for a row of parked trailers alongside one of the ware- houses. The guards take aim and begin to fire. Tanarus speeds up, still going straight for the trailers. The sedans speed up as well, trying to keep up. Just metres away from the trailers Tanarus quickly turns the bike onto its side and sideways. The high speed causes him and the bike to slide underneath the trailers. The sedans quickly brake, their tires screaming and smoking, and try to turn away. The sedans are going too fast and smash horizontally into the first trailer. Three of the sedans who were in the back remove themselves from the mess and go around the trailers. Tanarus keeps sliding the Biker Rover until he out from under the trailers. Using his current momentum, he gets the Biker Rover back onto its wheels and speed off into another direction among the ware- houses. The sedans appear from behind the trailers and go after him again. Hotrod and his Camaro is having a bit more trouble. The sedans and tanks are regularly block off narrow spaces and escape routes between the buildings. Hotrod:"Man, these guys are boxing me in!" He tries to go down a space between two laboratries, his wheels spin- ning on the grass and leaving gouges on the lawn. Halfway down, at the other end a riot tank moves in and stops right in the middle. Two sedans move in alongside the tank, blocking the way. Hotrod hits the breaks and puts the gear into reverse. As he looks back, however, another tank and three sedans block the other end in the same manner. The armed guards inside get out of the sedans and tanks and take cover behind the vehicles, their rifles and submachine guns aimed at the Camaro. Hotrod looks between the two barracades. Hotrod:"You're going to be sorry for this." He reaches down to his dashboard and removes the cover from a red button. He pushes it, then leans back. The Camaro suddenly begins to transform. Parts begin to fold away, while previously unseen parts fold into view. Some parts slide open, while others lock together. The Camaro quickly turns from a sportscar into a large, bipedal free- standing Mecha. In the Camaro the dashboard changes from that of a sportscar to the highly computerised systems of the battle mech. The guards stare in a moment of surprise, while Hotrod grins. Hotrod:"Now it's time for me to be the bully of the playground." The guards recover from their momentary surprise and begin to open fire at the mech. The bullets from their MP5's stand no chance against the mech's armor. Hotrod contemplates what to do next. Hotrod:"How shall I deal with guys? A few missles? A couple of blasts from my laser cannons?" He then gets an idea. Hotrod:"I got it! A show of force... with my force swords!" Hotrod takes the controls of the mech. The mech reaches back with both hands, then pulls out a large laser sword in each hand. It waves the swords around as a show of demonstration before striking a combat- ready pose. Hotrod:"Time to do the Iron Chef!" The mech marches towards the barracade ahead of it. The guards still fire at it, but they quickly back away and abandon their vehicles at the sight of the big machine. The mech steps and takes a swipe at one of the sedans. The sword cuts right through the middle of the sedan. The mech then attacks a second sedan. As the sword cuts through, the sparks coming from the sword cutting through metals sets the fuel tank on fire. Moments later the sedan explodes, sending debris flying through the air. The mech slides the swords underneath the riot tank, then lifts the tank over the third sedan. Hotrod:"There. The way's clear now." Behind the mech the other riot tank is charging up to it. It collides with the mech. The mech stumbles, but keeps upright. Hotrod:"Whoa! What's with the bumpy ride?" The mech turns around just the riot tank backs off. The mech readies its missile launcher, then fires two missiles at the tank. The missiles explode under the tank, sending it flying head over tail onto its roof. Further down the other guards quickly climb into the sedans and quickly back off. Hotrod watches with satisfaction. Hotrod:"That should do it. Now to go and see if I can help the others." The mech marches off to cause more trouble. Meanwhile, the Rhino is being followed by a riot tank and two sedans. The shutters are down, keeping any bullets fired at them at bay. Shephard checks out the pursuers behind them. Shephard:"Let's see what damage these blacksjacks do." He pushes a button and the blackjack disc shooter appears from behind the Rhino. It fires a bunch of disks out at the vehicles. Several mines hit the front of the sedans and explode. The sedans summersault and then crash on their roofs. The mines hit the riot tank as well, but just looses control a bit before getting back on track. It continues its pursuit of the Rhino. Shephard sees it in the rearview. Shephard:"That tank is still after us. Better figure out how to get our big guns on it." Merit then notices something. Merit:"Our current situation might have become somewhat more difficult to maintain under control." Shephard:"What do you...?" Shephard then notices what Merit means: the police cars of the Brussels police force is streaming through the open compound gate with the full blessings of the guards around it. Shephard:"Oh boy. You're right. This is trouble. I had better call team leader." Shephard reaches for his watch and activates the communication system on it. Secretary's Office Main Office Block 6:02 PM: The secretary's office is a small room located between the elevator and the door that leads to the CEO's office. The one side has a large painting, while on the other side is the secretary's desk, file cabinets, computer and door to a private ladies' room. On the floor is a large carpet with the EuroCorp logo on it. Next to the elevator door is the emergency stairs door. The female secretary is behind her desk on the phone. Suddenly the elevator doors force open, much to her shock. Elexis climbs through the open door and sees the secretary. Secretary:"Who are you?" Elexis:"We're..." Secretary:"You are the intruders!" The secretary reaches for her phone. Elexis quickly gets up, runs over and karate kicks the woman. The woman falls against the file cabinets, unconcious. Elexis then turns back to the elevator and helps Corsair in, followed by Striker and Phoenix. Striker points at the secretary. Striker:"Did she raise the alarm?" Elexis(shaking her head):"Almost did, but luckily I managed to kick her out cold before she could." Striker:"Goed." He then turns to Phoenix. Striker:"Help me barracade the emergency exit." Phoenix:"You got it." The couple go to one of the file cabinets and begin to move it. They move it to the emergency stairs door and tip it over to prevent the door from opening. The couple go back and get another file cabinet. Again they bring it over and tip it onto the other. Striker:"Daar. That should keep the guards busy for a while. Come on." They go to the office door, open it and head inside. Rembrandt's Office Main Office Block 6:04 PM: The office area is in darkness, particularly since the curtains at the window have been drawn. Light does come in when the door leading out opens. Striker leads the way in, making sure it is all clear. He then motions the others in. He looks at Corsair. Striker:"Go and find out where Rembrandt went." Corsair:"Right, just gimme a few minutes." Corsair goes over to Rembrandt's desk, sits down in the chair and turns on the computer on the desk. The others stand guard around the door. Striker's watch beeps slightly and he activates the communication link between his watch and that of Shephard. Shephard(over com):"Sir, we have a down problem here." Striker(into com):"What kind of problem?" Shephard(over com):"We are holding EuroCorp security at bay well, sir, but now the local police force are on to us as well." Striker(into com):"Ai yai yai. Have any of you attacked the police?" Shephard(over com):"Not so far, sir. Shall we engage in hostiles?" Striker(into com):"Nee, Shephard. That would make the situation even more politically volatile. Tell Tanarus and Hotrod that I am ordering you all to get airborne and hold position around the main office building. We will call you when we need extraction." Shephard(over com):"Yes, sir! Over and out." The communication link goes dead. Phoenix and Elexis are looking at Striker. Elexis:"The police now?" Striker:"Ja." Elexis:"Then we had better not stick around long. We can hold back the EuroCorp security guards, but police officers and personnel are another matter." Striker:"As soon as Corsair has the information we need, we leave here immediately from this floor. We will climb over through the windows. Speaking off... Striker turns and begins to walk towards the desk. Corsair is busy typing away at the computer, linking it up with his own laptop. Striker draws the curtains open and examines the window. Through it he can see Hotrod, Tanarus and Shephard all get their vehicles airborne, leaving the EuroCorp and police pursuers behind on the ground. He looks at Corsair. Striker:"Wel, Corsair?" Corsair:"Almost there, boss. Just need to hack and get his password for his sceduler, and..." There is a beep from the two computers. Corsair:"There! Got access." Corsair types away again and takes hold of the mouse, eyes fixed on the screen. After a few moments he finds the information he needs and claps his hands together in triumph. Corsair:"Bingo! Rembrandt has gone to meet a businessman at the Brussels Sheriton Hotel not far from here. Meeting is to begin at six." Striker:"Dankie, Corsair. Time to leave." Corsair:"Righto, boss!" Corsair initiates the shutdown procedure on Rembrandt's computer and disconnects his laptop from it. Striker charges up his sonic rifle and takes aim at the window. He fires a powerful sonic blast. The blast strikes the window and blows it apart, glass fragments flying outwards throught the air. Striker walks up and waves towards the vehicles to signal them. The vehicles begin to fly towards the open window. Just then Phoenix and Elexis come running up and ducking behind the desk. Phoenix:"They've broken through!" Striker and Corsair duck with them behind the desk as the first of the EuroCorp commando troops burst into the room, firing at the desk with MP5's. Just then the battle mech appears, laser cannons at the ready. The mech fires a good number of shots and, though he does not hit any commandos, the wall and door is blown several large holes into them. The commandoes duck for cover, while Hotrod moves the mech closer so that the cockpit is by the window. Hotrod:"Corsair! Hope aboard, buddy!" Corsair:"I REALLY want his ride!" Corsair quickly jumps onto the mech and climbs in. The mech fires a few more supressing shots before moving away to make room for Tanarus to fly in. Striker looks at Elexis. Striker:"Gaan! We will cover you!" Elexis:"Right!" Striker and Phoenix quickly duck up from cover and fire a couple of shots to make the commandoes take cover. Elexis takes this chance and quickly jumps onto the Biker Rover, grabbing hold of Tanarus. Tanarus moves the Biker Rover away so that the Rhino can his place. Striker and Phoenix duck behind the desk as the commandoes take their turn to fire back at them. While Merit holds it steady, Shephard opens up the back door of the Rhino. Shephard:"Come on, Sir! Ma'am! I'll cover you!" Striker nods and then looks at Phoenix. Striker:"You first!" Phoenix nods and waits. Striker and Shephard, using the armoured Rhino for cover, fire at the commandoes. The commandoes take cover once again and Phoenix dives through the open door. She climbs in and then uses the door to fire back as well. Phoenix:"Come on, Strikie! Shephard and I will cover you!" The three of them take cover as the commandoes return fire at them. The bullets bounce of the armoured Rhino, while blasting wood chips from the desk and pieces of concrete and paint from the walls. Once there is a lull in their fire, Phoenix and Shephard take this chance to open fire at them. The commandoes take cover again, but this time three of them reach for grenades and pull the pins. As Striker begins to go for the open door of the Rhino, the commandoes toss the grenades towards them. Shephard sees the grenades coming and quickly turns to Merit. Shephard:"Get us out! ASAP!" Merit looks at Shephard. Merit(confused):"ASAP? My database of the English language..." Shephard quickly grabs the controls and pushes it to the left. The Rhino lunges away from the building, but Striker is able to jump in time into the back seat. The angle at which the Rhino moves away causes the door to close. Just then the three grenades go off, exploding with loud bangs and sending wood and concrete debris flying through the air. The armoured plating of the Rhino shields the occupants from the blast. Inside the Rhino, Phoenix helps Striker back up onto the back seat. Phoenix:"You okay, Love?" Striker:"Ja, I'm all right. Reg, firstly let's get out of here and go to the Brussels Sheriton and get Rembrandt before he discovers what we had done here." Shephard:"Yes, sir!" Shephard takes over the controls from Merit as Striker activates the communicator on his watch. Striker(into com):"Tanarus, Hotrod. We are heading for the Brussels Sheriton Hotel immediately before Rembrandt is alerted to our actions." Tanarus(over com):"Understood, Striker." Hotrod(over com):"I hear ya! Let's go and rock some more!" The three vehicles quickly fly away over the city, leaving behind the choas at the EuroCorp compound. Brussels Sheriton Hotel Northern Brussels 6:14 PM: The Brussels Sheriton Hotel is a posh, 20-story, five-star hotel that stands up amid the more affluent neighbourhoods of Brussels. The centre of the hotel is a round tower, with three wings running from it in a triangle. Between each wing are swimming pools, outdoor restuarants, tennis courts, open grasslands and miniature golf courses. Lush gardens and trees grow between the buildings. At the top of the tower is a neon sign that says "SHERITON". The Rhino, Biker Rover and battle mech come flying over the city towards the hotel. Everyone examines the building. Corsair(over com):"Nice digs, that." Hotrod(over com):"Yeah. Where would Rembrandt be holding the meeting, you guys think?" Tanarus(over com):"Such hotels usually have private meeting rooms for paying guests. Usually either at the bottom floor or at the top at the penthouse." Striker:"We will all fly over each wing of that hotel and scan for a meeting room or for Rembrandt's location." The vehicles split up, each going to a wing of the hotel. The Rhino passes over its wing, and the Strikers spot a Sikorsky helicopter with the colours and insignia of EuroCorp on one of the helipads. Phoenix:"Look there! There's Rembrandt's helicopter." Striker:"Wel, that means he is still here. Better be on the lookout for guards." Just then Tanarus' voice sounds from the communication channels. Tanarus(over com):"Guys, we just found out whom Rembrandt is meeting. Come over to the southern wing for the answer." Striker(into com):"On our way." Striker nods at Shephard. Shephard turns the Rhino and flies it to the southern wing, where the Biker Rover was holding orbit. Phoenix is the first to spot what Tanarus had seen. Phoenix:"Look! There." She points to the helipad on the wing. Sitting there is the unmistakable shape of the bulldog ship of General Parvo. Everyone looks at it. Shephard:"Isn't that Parvo's ride, sir?" Merit:"Comparison with my databases indicate that the transportation vehicle is in the ownership of subject Parvo." Phoenix:"When Parvo is meeting with someone, especially someone like Rembrandt, that cannot be good." Striker:"It never is. Shephard, land on the unoccupied western wing of the hotel. We will quickly charge in and get both Rembrandt and Parvo." Shephard:"Yes, sir!" As Shephard guides the Rhino in for landing, Striker goes on the watch com channel and calls the others. Striker(into com):"Reg. We seem to have both Parvo and Rembrandt in the hotel. We will enter through the penthouse and work down if they are not there. Tanarus, what resistance could we expect? We have not seen any hostiles on the roof." Tanarus(over com):"There could be some EuroCorp and cano-mutant guards with Rembrandt and Parvo. More likely, we would face opposition from hotel security, but they would not be as dangerous. They could call the police, though." Striker(into com):"Then it would really be only our target's private security that might bother us. Goed, land and prepare to move in on the hotel penthouse." Tanarus(over com):"Understood." Hotrod(over com):"Gotcha, Striker." The three vehicles descend towards the empty rooftop of the western hotel wing. Penthouse Brussels Sheriton Hotel 6:18 PM: The penthouse at the top floor of the tower consists of an inner circle and an outer circle. The inner circle contains the walled rooms and exits while the out circle is a giant living room with windows looking out in all directions. At one of the living room televisions and seated on couches around a glass table, is Jacques Rembrandt and Johnston along with Parvo and Groomer. There is a suitcase and some papers on the table. The four of them are clearly in a meeting. Rembrandt:"So, Monsieur Parvo. If you agree to give 50% of all share profits from your business, I will provide start-up grants and the needed security for your work." Parvo:"That is right, Mister Rembrandt. I need some legal coverage to keep the Road Rovers off me, so I'm willing to part with the money." Rembrandt:"And you would also need the political coverage as well. As a subsidiary of EuroCorp, Gen-Par Industries would be priviliged to protection under the business practice laws of the European Union." Johnston:"A-a-as l-l-l-ong as a-a-a-any i-i-iregularities d-d-d-do not o-o-occur i-i-in G-G-Gen-P-P-Par." Rembrandt:"What he means, Monsieur, is that as long as any illegal activities do not reach the news media." Parvo and Groomer grin and nod. Groomer:"No worries, Mister Rembrandt. We can be very discreet." Rembrandt smiles in satisfaction. Rembrandt:"Excellent, no? It always good to have some investor confidence in a business. Now, Monsieur Johnston will explain Gen-Par's floatation on the FTSE and NYSE after you..." Suddenly the door flings open and in rushes Unit STRIKE and Hotrod. They all have their weapons ready and aimed at Rembrandt, Johnston, Parvo and Groomer. Striker motions to Shephard and Tanarus. The two of them go in the inner circle and bolt down the elevator and stairway doors. Rembrandt gets up, outraged. Rembrandt:"Sacré bleu! Who are you and how dare you charge in here!" Striker points his sonic rifle at Rembrandt. Striker:"Sit down, Rembrandt. We want to have a word with you." Rembrandt sits down, though he is still furious. Next to him Johnston keeps his hands slightly raised. Parvo is also very angry. Parvo:"Road Rovers! What you flea-bitten mongrels doing here?" Corsair glances over to Parvo and gives him a mock look of astonishment. Corsair:"Hey, hey, hey! Look who's here! It's mister Puss-in-BOOTS!" Parvo:"Why you! I hate that name!" Corsair chuckles and looks at Hotrod, who is grinning. Corsair:"A riot, isn't it?" Hotrod:"What a shame, BOOTS!" Parvo is even more furious and is now gnashing his teeth. Groomer tries to reach for her gun, but Phoenix comes and puts her laser pistol against Groomer's face. Groomer stops immediately. Phoenix:"Not so fast, sister." Groomer frowns in frustration. Striker looks sternly at Parvo and Groomer. Striker:"You two will stay put and not attempt anything hostile." Parvo folds his arms and grunts. Parvo:"Sure, sure." Striker nods at Hotrod and Corsair. The two of them move behind the villainous couple and keep a good watch on them. Striker then turns his attention to Rembrandt. Striker:"Reg, Rembrandt. Let me tell what we are here for. We want information on Longbow One." Rembrandt snorts, folds his arms defiantly and leans back. Rembrandt:"Is that it? Well, Monsieur, I do not know about this Longbow One and I do not care. My lawyers will destroy you for this breach of EU law." Striker:"Miskien, but at this moment you WILL give us the information we need or it will become very unpleasent for you." Rembrandt just keeps staring defiantly at Striker. Striker:"Not cooperating? Very well." He looks to where Shephard was standing guard by the doorway between the inner and outer circle. Striker:"Shephard, interrogate Rembrandt." Shephard:"Yes, sir!" Shephard comes over to Rembrandt as Striker steps back. Shephard kneels down until he is eye-level with Rembrandt. Shephard:"Now, sir. Answer this question: what do you know of Longbow One?" Rembrandt snorts again, then spits in Shephard's face. A wad of spit hits Shephard's gasmask. Shephard slowly wipes the spit off with his back hand. The next instant he grabs Rembrandt's legs and stands up, hoisting the Frenchman up and upside down. Rembrandt:"Unhand me, you dirty American!" Johnston tries to protest, but Shephard just kicks him back into the couch. Shephard then marches over to one of the windows. He kicks the window. The window cracks, but does not break. He kicks again, and this time the window breaks and shatters. The wind suddenly blows into the room through the new opening. Rembrandt looks in apprehension at the opening. Rembrandt:"Mon deu! What are you doing?" To answer, Shephard steps up to the edge and thrusts out his arms. He holds Rembrandt over empty air, high from ground floor. Rembrandt is gripped by panic. He looks at the Strikers. Rembrandt:"You cannot do this! You are breaking the laws of Europe!" Hotrod leans over to Corsair and whispers to him. Hotrod(whispering):"I bet I can say 'Look who's talking', right?" Corsair(whispering):"Not bets on that one, bud. A thousand times over." Striker walks up to where Shephard is holding Rembrandt looks sternly at the struggling Frenchman. Striker:"Luister well, Rembrandt. Either you tell us where Longbow One is or you will fall." Rembrandt:"Qui qui, Monsieur! I will tell what I know!" Striker:"Reg. Firstly, where IS Longbow One?" Rembrandt:"Longbow One is being attached to a train that will travel on some disused military train tracks in central Russia!" Striker:"Where are the mercenaries taking it? Who bought their services?" Rembrandt:"No one, Monsieur! Monsieur McTerry had it stolen for himself! We wants Longbow One on those tracks to fire at his target!" Striker:"His own target? And who or what is the target?" Rembrandt:"One of your spaceships which has captain Persia on it!" The Strikers look at each other in surprise. As they do, none of them notice that Parvo and Groomer were paying attention to what they were saying. Tanarus:"So that's it! McTerry and his mercenaries stole Longbow One to get back at McTerry's former superior officer." Hotrod:"But why should Persia and her crew be worried? Her ship is in deep space." Corsair:"Not from what I heard. Her ship is actually in orbit carrying the world leaders of the countries who helped build the new International Space Station." Phoenix:"But that means that McTerry could use Longbow One to destroy the ship and everyone onboard!" Corsair:"Hold on! Last time her ship's shields were able to absorb dozens of railgun slugs fired from the GONV's starlighters last year. How will one slug from Longbow One be able to stop them?" Striker:"Corsair, you said that the ship will host the opening ceremony of the ISS?" Corsair:"Yeah, that's right. It's gonna be a big one. They're going to bring the station's crewmembers along, then they and the world leaders will go back to the station for a 'tour of duty'." Elexis:"But that will mean the shields will be down to allow the shut- tles to fly to and from the ship. And the spaceship will be stationary in an orbit with the ISS." Striker:"Corsair! When will the ceremony take place?" Corsair:"Ummm... let me think... oh! Tomorrow at 12 noon GMT." Striker quickly turns back to Rembrandt. Striker:"From where will the train leave?" Rembrandt:"From a military station I had bought several months ago in Moscow! It will travel to Vladivostok!" Striker:"That's enough!" Striker looks up and nods at Shephard. Striker:"Let him go." Shephard:"Yes, si..." Suddenly Rembrandt slips out of the shoes Shephard was holding him on to. He screams as he falls towards ground level. The Strikers and Johnston rush to the open window and watch in shock as Rembrandt falls. Fortunately, the Frenchman falls into the swimming pool with a big splash. After a few moments, Rembrandt surfaces, coughing and splutter -ing. Johnston:"H-h-h-hold o-o-o-on, s-s-s-sir!" Johnston quickly rushes out of the room to the elevator. Corsair looks at Shephard. Corsair:"You know, Shep, that wasn't what the boss meant." Shephard holds out the shoes defensively. The laces had come undo. Shephard:"I can't help it if people don't tie their shoes properly." Striker:"Never mind. We have the information we need. Let's roll!" Just then Hotrod notices something. Hotrod:"Hey! Where's Parvo and Groomer." Everyone turns to look about the room. The couch where the two villains sat is now empty. Suddenly there is the sound of engines coming to live. Elexis:"Parvo's escaping!" Shephard tosses away the shoes and grabs his M-249. Shephard:"I'll get them, sir!" Striker shakes his head. Striker:"Nee, Shephard. Let them go. Hunter's team can handle Parvo and Groomer. We have other priorities: Longbow One." As the sound of Parvo's bulldog ship fades as it flies away, Hotrod steps up to Striker. Hotrod:"Hey, Striker, since it seems our next battle will the big show- down, I can quickly go back to HQ and get some heavier firepower." Striker:"Goeie idea, Hotrod. And while you are there, see if you can find any free units to help us out. The mercenaries will no doubt defend Longbow One heavily and will need all the help to stop them from destroying Persia, her ship and crew and all those world leaders. Oh! And try and get hold of her. Try and get word to her what McTerry is planning for her." Hotrod:"Get help and warn Persia, gotcha! I'll move as quickly as possible." Striker:"Wonderlik. The rest us will head back to the Stealth Rover and leave here before the police arrive. Kom on!" They all quickly file out of the room. Control Room Parvo's Bulldog Ship Flying Over Brussels At That Moment: This is the control room of Parvo's ship (see "Reigning Cats And Dogs"). Groomer is at the flight controls while Parvo is seated behind her in his throne-like chair. Through the windows one can see the city of Brussels and in the horizon the night sky and moon coming up. Groomer looks back at Parvo. Groomer:"To Moscow, General?" Parvo:"Right, Groomer. We're going after..." Parvo starts to cough again. Parvo:"Lozenge!" Groomer pulls out the lozenge dispenser and aims it at Parvo. Parvo opens his mouth and Groomer fires a lozenge into his mouth. Parvo chews the lozenge and stops coughing. Parvo:"Thanks, Groomer. Anyway, as I was saying: we're going after this Longbow One the Rovers were so eager to talk about. If what they say is true, and knowing them it must, it is a powerful weapon that I can use for my plans for world domination. All we have to do is watch the Rovers and the mercenaries fight it out, and then we swoop in and steal Longbow One from right under their noses!" Parvo begins to laugh evily, and Groomer joins in, as they fly towards the city of Moscow. Primary School Eastern Suburbs Brussels 6:28 PM: The area is now shrouded in darkness except for lights shining from street lamps and through the windows of the homes. The Stealth Rover takes off from amongst the school buildings, then begins to fly off towards the east. Cockpit Stealth Rover En Route To Moscow 6:29 PM: Striker is at the controls with Phoenix beside him. Everyone else is back in their seats, including Illanov, who is looking even better now. Striker glances over at him. Striker:"How are you, Alex?" Illanov:"Much better, comrade. Just a few more hours and I will be good as new." Striker:"That's goed, Alex. We will really need your help soon. Here is what we found out..." He explains to Illanov all about what they had learned from Rembrandt. Illanov listens and becomes more concerned as he does. Illanov:"Bolshoi. This is a dangerous situation, comrade." Striker:"Ja, Alex. So we will need as much help as possible. Do you have some friends in the Kremlin who can help?" Illanov:"Not really, comrade, but some of my comrades in the military might be able to pull some strings. But I cannot give any guarantees." Striker:"Understood. Meanwhile, Corsair can try and find out which station is it from where the train is leaving and what tracks it will travel. And of course Alex WILL help him." Both Illanov and Corsair look in shock at Striker, but just looks forward again. The two of them look at each other, frowning. Illanov/Corsair:"The end of my period of peacefulness." The two growl at each other, then turn away to do their own things. Elexis leans over to whisper to Tanarus. Elexis(whispering):"If one of them was of the opposite gender, the hair and fur would have really been flying. Those two seem to be made for each other." Tanarus nods. Tanarus(whispering):"Like Laurel and Hardy or the Thompson twins." Elexis(whispering):"Definitely." The couple look forward as the Stealth Rover flies over the city limits of Brussels off towards Moscow. The location of Longbow One and the mercenaries' plans with it have finally been revealed, but now Persia, her crew and the world's top leaders are in grave danger and Parvo now waits in the wings as well. Will Unit STRIKE be able to recover Longbow One and stop the mercenaries? Will McTerry triump and exact payment from his former captain? Or will Parvo trump all and emerge as the big winner? THE END