Rover Strike: The Spider Cartel Episode 2: DMZ Defence By Gerhard Naudé All Road Rovers names © Warner Brothers and rightful owners All Rover Strike names © Gerhard Naudé Chummy Ixarri © Mica Shamrock Strayers © Steven Today Collie Squadron © Robert Baer Jr. Maddogs © Greg Williams Wild Kats © Greywolf Lupous Moffet © Kitson Paws Trouble © Katalin Bakonyi Captain Shadow, Rose © Richard Barrere Any question, comments, complaints, feedback or suggestions can be sent to Rover Armada Pacific Ocean En Route To Korean Peninsula 6 June 11:33 PM: A large armada of Rover aircraft of various units is flying over the ocean towards Korea. Inside the aircraft, the various units are having a conference over video screens. Striker's face is the one being shown the most. Outlaw:"So Kim didn't take it lightly?" Striker:"Definitely not, Outlaw. Right now he is very eager to have his forces roll all over South Korea because of this incident." Exile:"Who is rearski of all this?" Striker:"A group of renegade South Koreans were mainly the foot soldiers of this operation, but the leaders were a Caucasian and a South America." Ben:"Do you know what their names are?" Striker:"The Caucasian is named Hawk, and that is pretty much all we know of him besides how he looks like. The South American is called Vega." Illanov, who is riding with the Collie Squadron, immediately comes closer to the screen. His eyes are wide. Ilanov:"Comrade, was Vega an old, large and paunchy with grey hair and a moustache?" Striker looks surprised at Illanov. Striker:"Ja, you're reg." Illanov gets back into his seat, frowning and growling. His wife, Vicki Maddog, turns to him. Vicki:"What is it, dear? Do you know Vega?" He nods. Illanov:"Dah, Dear. He is Antonio Vega, a member of the Cuban armed forces and one of my former 'customers' when I was in the arms trade." Amani:"Well, that was a surprise." Striker:"True, but now we have a name to follow. I'll have Corsair look into him after the battle. Though right now we have a much more prominent enemy to take care off. I'll meet you all at camp Kitty Hawk near the DMZ north of Seoul. And please hurry: the KPA will not wait for you all before they begin playing." Exile:"You can betski on us, comrade." Striker:"Dankie, Exile. Out." The screen goes blank, then Exile's face appears on it. Exile:"Comrades, let us makeski splitting bananas and get quickly to Flying Cat base." Everyone looks confused at Exile. Rovers:"Huh?" Exile releases what is going on and becomes a bit embarrassed. Exile:"Er... I meanski, let's hurry." Everyone but Blitz nods reluctantly and they increase the speed of their aircraft as they keep heading for Korea. Camp Kitty Hawk Near Demilitarised Zone 49th Parallel North/South Korean Border 7 June 6:55 AM: This is a large US military base just a short distance away from the DMZ. The surrounding lands are hilly, green and lush, but the lands in the demilitarised zone is barren of life. Huge chain link fences run along the border, with guard towers lining the way on each side. On both sides of the border are various military camps and bases, with roads crisscrossing the landscape. Camp Kitty Hawk has several camp buildings, a radar facility, a tank depot, ammo dump and four guard towers. Troops are everywhere, weapons at the ready and on the alert. In a nearby parking lot, the Rover aircraft have landed and the various units are gathering in an open area of the base. Unit STRIKE is among those who have arrived. Striker and Exile have gathered in a small discussion. Striker:"Right now, if Alex rejoins us, my unit will have one member in excess. Could Chummy join your group, Exile? Seeing as how Hunter and Colleen are on their honeymoon?" Exile:"Dah, she may joinski. But she had watch in for Weird Boy. With comrade Colleen gone, he might make approach on comrade Chummy." Striker:"That is why Hunter choose you as unit leader. He knows you are the one who can control Wei... I mean, Blitz." As they talk, a familiar figure walks from one the buildings to them. It is Major Cadwell. Cadwell:"Ah, Rovers. Glad you got here." Everyone turns their attention to Cadwell and greet him. The unit leaders gather by him. Outlaw:"How are things looking across the border?" Cadwell points into one direction and Outlaw looks that way. He sees a contingent of KPA T-70 tanks standing at a base on the North Korean side of the DMZ, their turrets aimed at Kitty Hawk. Outlaw:"That bad, huh?" Cadwell:"Absolutely. Everyone here says that war is inevitable now and the KPA is very eager to begin the shooting match. I take it they are waiting for the signal from their president." Ben:"How about our side's forces?" Cadwell:"That's a problem there, Ben. One of the conditions of reuni- fication was that US forces were to pull out of Korea, in exchange for KPA withdrawals from the DMZ. We didn't count on a bunch of South Korean fruitcakes with a nuke to muck it all up. Thus the ROK is not fully prepared for a fight and there is very little US forces left in Korea." Amani:"But the ROK uses US military weaponry which are far better than anything the KPA have." Cadwell:"True. The North Koreans may have antiquated Soviet military hardware, but they got boatloads of it and outnumber us to factor of 7 to 1. Plus their troops are all well-trained and combat hardened." Exile:"Bolshoi. How will we beatski around the bush that army so big?" Cadwell:"We can't beat it, Exile. The KPA has us beat in numbers. But we can delay them." Striker:"Norwood is going to try and wring a confession from those renegades we caught, and he's going to have president Kim hear those confessions. Once that happens, Kim will call off his armies. That is, if they haven't captured Seoul by then." Cadwell:"Exactly. If Seoul falls, then there will be no way in h*** other than military means to get the KPA to leave." Outlaw:"So we must keep the KPA away from the city and delay them from getting to it, is that what we are here for?" Cadwell:"Exactly. You guys will go out there and use any means at your disposal to slow or stop the KPA. You can also call upon the military units we have available here." Striker:"What are those units?" Cadwell:"Two divisions of M1Abrams, two divisions of Bradley APCs, two divisions of supply trucks, one of infantry and one of MLRS artillery. Don't waste these guys. Give them orders and use their skills." The unit leaders all nod. Once they understand, Cadwell speaks again. Cadwell:"Good. Right now, I want you all airborne and get to know the lay of the land. Because once this meat grinder starts up, navigation will become the least of your worries. Also, be prepared to react to events on the battlefield, for the KPA has a lot of tricks up its sleeves." The Rovers nod again. Cadwell:"Good. Get cracking." The unit leaders turn to their units. Exile:"You heardski, comrades! Let us roll like stones!" Everyone else, while understanding what Exile means, still give odd stares his way. They then rush for their vehicles and take off into all directions. Supply Depot 500 Metres South Of DMZ 7:32 AM: This is a fenced area with a guard tower and several stacks of weapon crates, missile racks and ammunition heaps. Several Korean and US soldiers are watching from the tower over at the DMZ fence while the Cloud Rover (carrying the Road Rovers, including Chummy) hovers a crate of bazookas and hoisting it up. In the cargo bay, Shag is con- trolling the hoist while Blitz, who is watching the crate, guides him. Blitz:"More. More. To ze left, Mop Boy." Shag:"Rheah rheah..." In the cockpit, Exile is holding the Cloud Rover steady while Muzzle and Chummy keep an eye out through the cockpit windows. Chummy:"Why are we taking up a crate of bazookas, by the way?" Exile:"Someski of our Korean comrades have infantriski groups which need bazookas to blow s***ski out of baddest guys' tanks." Chummy:"Uhhh... oookay. Whatever that means." As they talk Muzzle spots something and begins to hop about in his cart excitedly. Exile and Chummy turn to him. Exile:"You seeski something, comrade?" Muzzle keeps hopping. Chummy goes over to his side and looks out the window. Her eyes widen. Chummy:"Uh oh. I think we got company." Exile leans over to look out where the two are looking out. Coming from a hole by a bush not far from the depot, is a group of KPA commandos armed with AK-74 rifles. Chummy:"Looks like the gophers are big in this part of the world." Exile:"It iski KPA baddest guys!" One of the commandos stops and aims an RPG launcher towards the Cloud Rover and fires a rocket towards it. Chummy quickly opens a window, takes out a puppy blaster and fires without aiming. Her shot lands true and the rocket is blown up. Exile pats her on the back. Exile:"Good shotski, comrade." Chummy:"Why, thank you." Exile then goes to the open window. Exile:"Timeski for ice extraviganzki!" He fires his free beam towards the commandos. Although his beam does not his anyone, the beam freezes up the slope on which the commandos are running. The commandos begin to slip, slide and fall, becoming easy targets for the soldiers firing from the guard towers. As this happens, Cadwell's voice comes over the radio. Cadwell(over radio):"Exile, what's going over there? Are we hearing gunfire over there?" Exile turns to the radio and answers. Exile(into radio):"Dah, comrade. Baddest North Koreans coming from tunnels like ratski from boat that sinks." Cadwell(over radio):"Okay, that's it, then." His voice comes over the general radio system frequency. Cadwell(over radio):"All units. All units. We have confirmation that Kitty Hawk tripwire has been crossed. Engage all hostile forces on sight." His voice goes off the radio. As this happens, Shag and Blitz come into the cockpit and sit down. Blitz:"That is it. All the goody crates are on board and ready to blast some Korean tooshies." Exile(rolls eyes):"Thanks, Weird Boy." As the rest strap themselves in, Exile begins to guide the Cloud Rover to the infantry barracks. US Airfield Western Side of South Korea DMZ 7:39 AM: This is a small airfield not far from the DMZ, surrounded by chain link fence and guard towers. The airfield lies by a river running through the countryside. At the airfield, two A-10 Warthogs have been taken out of their hangars and prepared for action. Not far from them is Striker, Phoenix, Tanarus and Elexis. The males are giving the females a quick crash course on some essentials of the A-10s. Striker:"Do you two understand what we said?" Phoenix:"Yes, Love. It doesn't sound too difficult." Elexis:"Though it is probably very important." Tanarus:"Correct, dear. While you keep the plane steady, we can drop the payloads on the KPA tanks." Elexis:"So, when do we take off?" Striker:"Right now. Let's go." The group couple off and each go for a warthog. They climb into the cockpits, strap themselves in and put on their gear. Once done they close the cockpits, start the engines and begin to take off using VTOL methods. Phoenix notices this. Phoenix:"I thought A-10s took off normally, Love." Striker:"The older versions, ja. These two are a new VTOL version that the Pentagon built in case they needed to..." Phoenix:"Striker! To our left! Look!" Striker quickly turns to look out the left side of the plane. He sees what Phoenix saw at the riverbank opposite the airfield: a small submarine with KPA markings on them. Striker quickly gets on the radio and calls Tanarus. Striker(into radio):"Tanarus! Do you see that submarine to our left there in the river?" Tanarus(over radio):"Yes, I see it too. I'd say that is a infiltrator sub, dropping off commandos. Shall we engage it?" Striker(into radio):"Negative. Let's conserve our ammunition for the tanks. I will contact others who are closer to those commandos. In the meantime, we head for the DMZ and keep an eye out for KPA armoured divisions." Tanarus(over radio):"Roger that. Out." As Tanarus goes off the radio, Striker sends out a message to Cadwell. Striker(into radio):"Major! We have a KPA submarine dropping off possible commando units by the river near the airfield." Cadwell(over radio):"Copy that. I'm alerting all available forces in the area. Thanks." Striker goes off the radio, then the two warthogs begin to fly off towards the border. Field Not Far From Bradley APC Depot 7:43 AM: This is a bush-covered field not from the APC depot. The depot itself is located by a road and is not far from the river, where the submarine was making good its escape. Running through the bushes towards the depot is a group of KPA commandos, all armed with RPGs and AK-74s. Two of ready their launchers and take aim at the guard towers. Just then there is a loud hiss, which make the commandos stop and look confused towards some nearby bushes. Suddenly, the Wild Kats jump out from behind the bushes and attack. Before the KPA commandos can even react, the felo-sapiens are upon them, taking their weapons and scratching them simultaneously. It takes only a few moments for them to subdue the commandoes. Dusty looks around, pleased. Dusty:"What do you know? We just caught our first commandoes." Trouble, lying on one commando's back, pricks him on the butt with a sharp nail, causing the Korean to flinch. Trouble:"And they nice scratching posts. Shall we pick them up and take them home after we're done blasting around here?" Dinamite:"Will we have to toilet-train them?" The others laugh and Sugar pats Dinamite on the back. Sugar:"Nah. These are better trained than dogs, trust me." Dusty:"Anyway, enough fun and games. Once we get some soldiers to pick this lot up, we're going to be driving Bradleys around and blowing up tanks." Moffet:"Oh, that will be sooooo much fun." The Wild Kats head for the depot, taking their prisoners along at claw point. Checkpoint 5 Kilometres South Of DMZ 7:47 AM: This is, or was, a checkpoint on a road leading to the DMZ area. The checkpoint, however, has been attacked. Several soldiers are busy help- ing their wounded comrades while another soldier makes a radio call to Kitty Hawk. Soldier(into radio):"Checkpoint Last Chance has been shot up! Suspected KPA infiltrators en route to the DMZ in a green bus!" Road Not Far From M1 Abrams Tank Depot 7:51 AM: This is a tarred road running through the hills towards the tank depot, where the tanks are preparing to leave. Down the road, a green bus is driving fast towards the depot. At the top of a hill, by the edge of the road, Vicki, Kyra and Roger are waiting for the bus out of sight. As the bus is about to reach the top of the hill, Roger grabs hold of Kyra's feet while Vicki takes Kyra's paws. She then flies over the road in front of the bus, stretching Kyra's elastic body. Just as this happens, the bus hits the 'rubber band' and is shot into the air like a stone fired from a slingshot. The bus crashes into a hill and explodes into flames. Kyra returns to her original form while Vicki and Roger join her. Vicki:"Okay, Kyra?" Kyra:"Yeah, but..." She indictates to her chest, where the grill of the bus has impressed itself on her, along with most of the bugs that were on it. Kyra is digusted while Roger and Vicki try to suppress their laughter. Vicki:"Looks you like being close to nature... and nature road kill." Kyra:"Great, there goes my new uniform." Roger:"He he he. Let's get back to the depot and join the others." The two females nod and the trio begin to head back to the depot, leaving the burning bus in the hill. SCUD Launch Site North of DMZ 7:59 AM: This is a SCUD launcher located in a small valley. Standing nearby are two soldiers and a ZSU Shilka. Watching over the edge of the valley down at the site is Illanov, Corsair and Merit. Both Illanov and Corsair are clearly not happy with working together. Corsair:"Fighting a war in Korea, behind enemy lines, with a Russian mutt." Illanov:"Fighting a war in Korea, behind enemy lines, with an American geek." The two of them frown at each other, then sigh. Illanov:"Well, American. The sooner we complete our mission, the sooner we can get away from each other." Corsair:"Yeah, and it will suck less too." Illanov turns his attention back to the site, stands up with his weapon at the ready and becomes invisble. After few moments Corsair grumbles. Corsair:"We win the cold war, yet HE gets the super power..." Merit:"To be correct, Illanov gained his abilities via his transformation from humanoid to canine form." Corsair:"... and I get stuck with a robot who's even more of a wise-a** than me." Merit:"Please define the word 'wise-a**'." Corsair rolls his eyes. Meanwhile, down at the site, the two KPA soldiers and the Shilka still keep watch. Suddenly, one of them groans loudly and collapses to the ground. The other soldier quickly turns to look at his comrade, weapon ready. After a few seconds, he too groans loudly and falls onto the ground. From the Shilka, the confused tank commander watches the two soldiers collapse. Commander(In Korean):"What the h*** is going on?" Just then Illanov fades into the view, to the shock of the tank commander. The commander reaches for his pistol, but Illanov, having his plasma rifle already in position, fires. The commander ducks into the tank for cover. The plasma ball hits the tank's turret, causing the top to explode and catch fire. Once the tank is neutralized, Illanov turns to wave at Corsair and Merit. The two of them appear from behind cover and run down the valley's edge to the SCUD launcher. Illanov points to a computer console on the side of the launcher. Illanov:"There is the access terminal." Corsair:"Okay. Merit, plug in." Merit:"Executing task." Merit walks up to the console and opens his toolkit. A probe comes from the kit and plugs into a remote access port. Corsair takes out his laptop and plugs it into Merit's port. He then begins to hack into the SCUD's systems. Corsair:"You may have blown up that tank, Russian, but I'm going to blow up a whole fuel depot." Illanov rolls his eyes. Illanov(to himself):"Americans. Always bragging." After a few minutes of hacking Corsair pushes the final button and an alarm sounds from the launcher. The SCUD missile begins to rise up into firing position. Corsair and Merit quickly unplug themselves, then the trio quickly run back up the valley to cover. Once the SCUD is position, the boosters fire up and the missile takes off with a loud roar. It rockets into the sky, but quickly archs as it heads for its target not far from it. KPA Fuel Depot 3 Kilometres East Of SCUD Site 8:09 AM: This is a large, fenced off area with several large fuel tanks inside, a workmen's barracks, several parked fuel trucks and dozens of fuel barrels. Two T-70 tanks stand by the depot entrance while two Crotail missile launchers patrol the area around it. A roar begins to fill the air, then suddenly the SCUD missile breaks through the clouds, heading right at the heart of the fuel depot. The SCUD smashes into the ground, unleashing a large explosion that initially obliterates anything nearby. A second later, all the fuel in the depot explodes, causing a monstrous mushroom cloud of fire that engulfs the entire area. Central Communication Center (C3) Camp Kitty Hawk 8:13 AM: The main room of the C3 has dozens of high-tech radio and communication systems. Various communication operators are at the devices. At the head of the center is Major Cadwell, who is busy directing the US/Rover/Korean forces. Cadwell(into radio):"Have the MLRS fire their ordinance at the KPA ammo dump as soon as they have definitely lock." Voice(over radio):"Roger, sir." As this happens, an anxious US soldier runs into the room and shakes Cadwell's shoulder. The major immediately turns to the soldier. Soldier:"Sir! The KPA forces are advancing on Liberty Bell and Kitty Hawk! We're being flanked! We need to take you all into the mobile command vehicle now!" Cadwell swears and immediately takes off his earphones. He looks at the other operators. Cadwell:"You heard the man! Grab what you can and follow me!" The other operators do as they are told, grabbing what important items they can carry before following Cadwell and the soldier out of the room. Camp Kitty Hawk 8:17 AM: The mobile command vehicle, which is a humvee with radio antennae, is being quickly escorted out of the camp by other hummers and a truck full soldiers. Behind them, US and Korean soldiers hold their ground as KPA BRDMs and T-70s launch attacks on the camp. The soldiers are quickly overrun and the KPA begin to destroy everything in sight. The major's convoy drive further south, away from the destruction. Ditch Near KPA Command Compound 1 Kilometre North of DMZ 8:19 AM: This is deep gully in some hills not far from the KPA's command compound. The compound itself is several large office-like buildings, high walls and guard towers. Soldiers patrol the walls and man the towers. In the gully, out of sight of the enemy, is a drainage pipe from the compound. Parked nearby are the Grizzly Strayer's vehicles: Sylvia, Cyc and Rose. Standing guard by the pipe and vehicles are Amani, Puffball, Dixie and Captain Shadow. All but Shadow is armed with Petri Pistols, while Shadow has a laser pistol with his sword not far from his reach as well. Amani and Puffball are by the pipe, looking into it, while Dixie and Shadow watch the surrounding area. Shadow:"What is taking that ROK agent so long? I'm growing impatient." Amani looks at Shadow with distaste. Amani:"Calm down, Shadow. That agent first has to get past the KPA's security network, and if he rushes it he might blow his cover. And the North Koreans don't take spies lightly." Shadow frowns as he looks towards Amani. Shadow:"But the longer we stand here, the greater the chance that you will get us caught." Amani glares at Shadow, then holds her hand up as she sees someone run- ning from out of the darkness of the pipe towards them. Amani and Puffball aim their rifles at the figure, who immediately stops with his hands in the air. Figure:"Don't shoot! It's me!" Amani:"What's the password?" Figure:"The red phoenix flies over Korea." Amani and Puffball lower their pistols and the figure comes closer to them, coming out of the pipe. It is a South Korean agent wearing a KPA army uniform. Amani:"You all right?" Agent:"Yes, I am. And I also have maps of all the tunnels the KPA have made into my country." Amani:"Then we had better get the plans to Cadwell pronto." Just then Rose and Cyc call to the others. Cyc:"Guys! KPA patrol running towards us from the north!" Rose:"And closing in fast!" Amani quickly turns to the others. Amani:"Let's get out of here, quick!" The five of them run for their vehicles, but just as they begin to climb into/onto their vehicles, a large group of KPA soldiers with AK-74 rifles appear over the ridge with their weapons aimed at the Strayers. The patrol leader shouts at them. Leader:"Hands in the air and drop weapons! Now!" The Grizzlies do as they are told and raise their hands/paws, but they do not drop their weapons yet. The leader repeats his orders. Leader:"I said drop weap..." Suddenly Puffball reverts back to a normal household cat, much to the surprise of the KPA soldiers. They lower their guard as they watch Puffball go from felo-mutant to feline. In that instant, Cyc refs up. Cyc:"Let's get them, Rose!" Rose:"I'm with you!" Both cyclborgs take off and drive straight at the patrol. Before they can get their guard up, they have to jump out of the way of Cyc and Rose. In that instant, Shadow runs towards the soldiers, his sword ready. Amani and Dixie take off after him. As some of the soldiers try to aim their rifles, Shadow uses his sword to cut off the hands holding the rifles, causing the Koreans to scream in pain. Amani and Dixie quickly stun those whom Shadow hasn't gotten yet, but leaves those he has attacked. After a few moments, the patrol has been immobilized with a few soldiers groaning in pain from their severed hands. Amani walks up to Shadow with an angry look on his face. Amani:"Why did you cut off their hands? You can just cut up the rifles!" Shadow looks coldly at Amani. Shadow:"This is a war. They're lucky that I didn't just cut their heads off." Amani:"They're conscripts who are just following orders!" Shadow:"I don't need you to tell me what's good and what's bad!" Dixie quickly steps in between the two. Dixie:"How about we go and tell our friends about the KPA tunnels, or would you two rather argue away while the enemy shoots up our friends?" Shadow and Amani calm down and nod, but they keep cold glares at each other. They begin to go back to their vehicles. Dixie climbs on Cyc, Shadow onto Rose and Amani, Puffball and the agent into Sylvia. After a few moments, they take off and fly towards the DMZ back to their side. Mobile Command Unit Hilltop 7 Kilometres South Of DMZ 8:27 AM: Cadwell's convoy has parked on a hill away from the action, though above them a furious air battle is going between KPA MIGs and ROK/US F-16s. In the vehicle, Cadwell has received the agent's report on the tunnels and is busy alerting the allied forces. Cadwell(into radio):"All unit, be alert for possible KPA units coming from tunnels in the following areas." He begins to tell where the tunnel exits are on their side. KPA Tunnel Exit 750 Metres South Of DMZ 8:32 AM: Not far from the ruined remains of Camp Kitty Hawk, a large vehicle with a drill on it has appeared from beneath the ground. It parks nearby, while the KPA tanks and vehicles that were behind it come out of the tunnel and head onto a road. As this happens, two figures are watching them. It is Outlaw and Saphire. Outlaw:"Intel is right again. There's that tunnel." Saphire:"Plus plenty of tanks its burping out." Outlaw smiles at Saphire. Outlaw:"Are you ready, angel?" She smiles back at him. Saphire:"Just say the word, Love." Outlaw:"Go for it." Saphire immediately levitates into the air and heads for the tunnel tank, while Outlaw quickly creeps towards it. Inside the tunnel tank, two technicians are busy checking over the equipment when there is a tap on the tank window. They are surprised to see Saphire flying in front of their vehicle. They immediately take out pistols. One of them opens the door, then as he climbs out Outlaw grabs him and throws him out the tank. He knocks the technician out. The other technician backs against the other door, his pistol aimed at the other door. Saphire taps on the window nearest to him. This makes him look towards her. In that instant, Outlaw comes into view and fires his pistol at the technician. The shot hits the technician's pistol out of his hands. As he tries to reach for it, Outlaw quickly jumps and grabs hold of the technician. Saphire flies in, takes the technician and flings him out of tank, then closes the door. Outlaw and Saphire take their seats and look at each other. Outlaw:"Ready to 'dig in'?" Saphire playfully punches his shoulder. Saphire:"Oh, Outlaw. You're hopeless." Outlaw chuckles, then the two of them start up the tank's engines and the drill. They then drive the tank towards the tunnel. The tank knocks a scout car out of the way, then plunges into the tunnel. KPA Tunnel Entrance 1,6 Kilometres North Of DMZ 8:38 AM: This is the entrance of the tunnel that leads to the exit on the other side of the DMZ. T-70s, BRDMs and scout cars are lined up to go into the tunnel. But instead, troops are running frantically out of the tunnel as the sounds of explosions come from inside the tunnel. Just as the last soldier runs out, the tunnel tank stops in the mouth of the tunnel. Immediately, one of the T-70s guarding the entrance of the tunnel takes aim on the tank and fires. The sabot strikes the tunnel tank and it explodes into a fireballing wreck. The explosion also causes the tunnel mouth to collapse. Flying out of the smoke cloud towards the DMZ is Saphire, who is holding Outlaw's paws by her own. Saphire:"I love doing that." Outlaw:"Nice work, Angel. That'll slow the KPA a little bit there. Shall we go back to friendly lines?" Saphire:"Sure thing." Outlaw:"Oh, and don't drop me, then catch me like you do with the bad guys, Angel." Saphire grins mischievously as Outlaw realises what is going to happen. Outlaw:"Oh no, Angel. Please..." She just keeps grinning, flying onward and carrying a worried Outlaw. Valley Pass Main Road 1 Kilometre North Of DMZ 8:42 AM: This is a winding road running through a small valley. Large oriental towers line the road. Moving on the road is a large number of KPA T-70s, BRDMs, scout cars, Crotails, ZSU-11s and other Soviet military vehicles. Mobile Command Unit 8:44 AM: Cadwell is busy sending out another transmission to the allied forces in the area. Cadwell(into radio):"Attention all units. The KPA has committed its armoured reserves. Engage and destroy all KPA vehicles on sight, and keep as many of them away from Seoul." Main Road 500 Metres South Of DMZ 8:49 AM: This one of the main roads running along the DMZ. The current traffic is a long convoy of KPA vehicles. As it moves along, shots are fired and missiles launched at an enemy unit: the Cloud Rover, piloted skilfully by Exile. Inside the cockpit, everyone is calm but Blitz and Shag, who are both whimpering in fear. Blitz:"Ach! This is mad missile business! We're going to die!" Shag whimpers his own concerns. Exile looks back them. Exile:"Calmski you must keep, Weird Boy. Shag, get out missile launcher and removeski missile." Shag does as he is told and takes out his missile launcher. He then removes the missile and tucks that back into his fur. Exile looks at Chummy. Exile:"Comrade Chummy, looseski Muzzle and putski in launcher." Chummy:"Sure thing! I'm getting the plan here." Chummy gets out of her seat and goes over to Muzzle, who is jumping up and down excitedly. Chummy undoes his straps and Muzzle, then proceeds to help Muzzle into the launcher. He sits in the launcher with his head sticking out, growling and barking wildly. Exile gives the thumbs up. Exile:"Dokey okey, Shag. Fireski the Muzzle!" Shag:"Rha!" Shag opens window, leans out to take aim on the KPA forces, then pulls the trigger. Muzzle, all foaming at the muzzle, is fired at the KPA. What follows is the usual scenes of destruction: soldiers getting bitten, cars getting mashed up and even a few tanks sent flying into the air. The others look away from the action. Exile:"Bolshoi! Moreski bad show!" Blitz:"Ach! My tummy feels funny." Chummy, however, is singing a tune of the Road Rover theme, using different words. Chummy(singing):"Chewing. Foaming. Soldier mauling. Who says tanks can't fly?" The Muzzle maul continues. Main Road 1 Kilometres North Of DMZ 9:01 AM: This is the North Korean counterpart of the main road where the Road Rovers are. Right now, the road is littered with the wreckages of blown up KPA vehicles. Flying overhead are the two A-10s flown by Striker/ Phoenix and Tanarus/Elexis. Tanarus surveys the damage below. Tanarus(over radio):"All the vehicles have been destroyed and their wrecks will block the road and hinder any further advancements." Striker(into radio):"That is what we need right now: slowing the KPA." Elexis(over radio):"Contact! Another armoured division that is going through the no man's land with minesweepers." Tanarus(over radio):"Let's engage that. The destruction of the mine- sweepers will slow them a lot." Striker(into radio):"Confirmed. Phoenix, take us in." Phoenix(into radio):"Right, Love." The two A-10s begin fly towards the division. As they head towards it, Tanarus suddenly notices something above them and looks up. He gasps as he sees what it is: the flaming wreck of a destroyed MIG Fishbed is falling towards the ground, directly in their path. Tanarus quickly radios Striker. Tanarus(over radio):"Striker! Twelve-o-clock above us!" Striker immediately looks up and gasps when he notices that they and the wreckage are on a collision course. Striker(over radio):"Phoenix! Pull left!!!" Phoenix has also seen the falling MIG and is about to pull on the stick, but it is too late. The wreck smashes their A-10s left wing, breaking it in half. Before their plane goes into a spiral, Striker punches a button. The cockpit window flies away and the two of them are instantly ejected from the A-10. As their seat's boosters fire them away, the A-10 tumbles in arc down to the ground, exploding in an impressive fireball upon impact. From inside their A-10, Tanarus and Elexis watch as Striker's and Phoenix's parachutes deploy. Elexis breathes a sigh of relief. Elexis(into radio):"Thank God, they're all right." Tanarus(into radio):"Yes, but they're in danger of getting caught. I'll try contact some of the other Rovers to come rescue them before the KPA can reach them." Meanwhile, Striker and Phoenix safely parachute onto the ground with a rough landing. Striker quickly gets out his seat, then runs over to where Phoenix has landed. He goes over to her and begins to help her out of her harness. Striker:"You reg, Love?" Phoenix:"Yes, I am. Thank you." Just as Phoenix manages to get of her seat, the two of them suddenly find themselves surrounded by KPA soldiers. The soldiers all have their assault rifles aimed at the couple. The captain leading the soldiers shouts at Striker and Phoenix. Captain:"Place your hands in the air or we shoot!" Striker and Phoenix exchange worried glances, then put their paws into the air. The captain motions to some of the soldiers and they rush over to take the two cano-sapiens prisoner. Side Road 1.8 Kilometres South Of DMZ 9:11 AM: This is a tarred road running through two small hills towards the south. The road is strewn with the burning hulks of destroyed KPA cars and tanks. On the hills along the road are several groups of US soldiers with M16 rifles and RPG launchers. Leading that group is Shephard. He is currently getting a report from one of the soldiers. Soldier 1:"We've managed to stop another brigade, but we're running low on ammo, sir. Plus some of our boys are seriously injured." Shephard:"Okay. Have those who have bingo ammo get the injured out of here. The rest stay here and shoot until they..." A mortar shell suddenly explodes amongst a group of soldiers on the hill opposite. Shephard and the other soldiers quickly duck down. They look for the source and spot a large brigade of KPA vehicles coming towards their position. They let loose a large barrage of shelling, blasting craters into the hills and hitting more soldiers. Some of the soldiers fire their RPGs and nearly all hit their targets. But from behind the destroyed vehicles even more KPA units appear and open fire. As the shelling continues, another soldier gives Shephard a report. Soldier 2:"Sir! We're all out of RPGs!" Shephard:"S***! Fall back! Let's get outta here!" The order is given and other soldiers pass the order on. Shephard helps up an injured soldier and leads him away as the rest of the soldiers run away from the heavy shelling on the hills. Behind them the KPA units begin to advance forward. Mobile Command Unit 9:16 AM: Cadwell and the other radio operators are listening on the stream of reports coming in, all of them not good. Tanarus(over radio):"This is Tanarus! Striker and Phoenix have been shot down and captured and we are out of ammunition!" Soldier 1(over radio):"KPA units have cleared the minefields are crossing en masse over our positions! We need help!" Outlaw(over radio):"We're trying our best, but the North Koreans are digging more tunnels than we can close up!" Soldier 2(over radio):"A SCUD just fragged our fuel depot! It's toast!" Dusty(over radio):"Our Bradleys are messed up! We're falling back! There's too many of these cans on wheels!" Soldier 3(over radio):"Several KPA units have broken through lines and are rushing for Seoul! We need some aid here!" Shephard(over radio):"This is Shephard! We've got casualties, little ammo and too many tanks! We're falling back!" Cadwell gets onto the radio and sends out a general order. Cadwell(into radio):"All units, fall back and regroup several kilometres behind our lines! Defend the roads leading to the city at all costs!" He then turns to the captain leading the convoy. Cadwell:"Get us out of here quickly, soldier!" The captain salutes. Captain:"Yes, sir!" The captain quickly gets out of the vehicle and Cadwell turns back to the radios, barking out more orders. Interrogation Side Room Police Station Versailles France At That Moment: This is a typical, yet well-equipped interrogation side room. Inside the room is a desk with a phone and computer and a single light in the ceiling. Three doors lead from the room, one out and two into the interrogation room. Standing around are several French soldiers and police officers. The one door leading into the interrogation room opens and Norwood walks and towards the desk. Norwood(French):"The phone, please." The officer hands him the phone and he takes phone. He holds it to his ear as he begins to dial a number. Highway 30 Kilometres North of Seoul South Korea 9:42 AM: This a dual triple-lane highway running from the South Korean capital of Seoul. Currently both ways have been blocked off with commandeered civilian vehicles, garbage bins, crates and other objects as obstacles. Behind it are a line of Bradleys and two M1Abrams tanks, along with US and Korean soldiers as well as the Collie Squadron and Shephard's group. They are all aiming their weapons down the highway. Shephard is having a chat with a soldier, while the Collies group around. Soldier:"We have a few rounds left in the tanks, but no RPGs, sir. And our supply of bullets is low." Ben:"This does not sound good." Shephard:"Yeah. I like fights, but going out without bullets is like playing tennis without tennis balls." Ben:"Indeed. We will need to try diff..." A voice shouts out and everyone looks out at the highway. Flying to the barracade is a pair of Russian Hokum attack helicopters. Shephard quickly shouts out to the soldiers. Shephard:"Scatter, quick!" The soldiers do as they are told. Vicki looks at the two Hokums. Vicki:"Can't we take them on?" Linda grabs her sister's arm. Linda:"Sis, those choppers will cut us up like a grinder! Let's go!" Vicki follows her sister and the others as everyone run away from the barricade. The Hokums stop and prepare to open fire. But they remain hanging in the air for a while. From the sides of the highway the Collies and Shephard watch the hovering choppers. Roger:"What are they waiting for? Shouldn't they have opened fire by now?" Molly:"Perhaps they're waiting for us to come out of cover?" Ben:"That is very unlike, though I'm curious as to why they are just hovering there." Shephard:"If I had some missiles, those choppers would be eating asphalt by now." They keep observing the Hokums, then suddenly the choppers turn and fly away from them. The others watch surprised. Abby:"Hey, that is very weird. They've turn tail and run." Shephard's radio suddenly crackles and Cadwell speaks over it. Cadwell:"Attention all units. Disengage from combat and do not fire on KPA forces unless fired upon. Return to your bases." Shephard breathes a sigh of both relief and disappointment. Ben:"What is it?" Shephard:"We have been told to return to base and not to fire upon on the KPA unless they shoot first. This means that Norwood has managed to persuade Pyongyang to stop the assault." Everyone else breathes a sigh of relief. Linda:"So I guess the war is over." Vicki:"I'm so glad. I just hope Alexie is okay." Molly pats Vicki's shoulder. Molly:"I'm sure he's okay." Ben:"Okay, girls. Let's go home now." They nod and get up while Shephard begins to send out the orders to the other soldiers. Hangar US Airfield 10 Kilometres South Of DMZ 2:01 PM: This is a large hangar at a US airfield. One side of the hangar has a large gaping hole in it from KPA bombing, but otherwise it is fully intact. Inside, all of the Rovers and their vehicles are gathered and are busy taking stock. Amongst them is the Rhino and Tanarus' and Elexis' Biker Rover. Phoenix is sitting on the hood of the Rhino while Elexis is busy giving her a medical check-up. Illanov is having a quiet moment with Vicki, the two of them hugging. Shephard is leaning against the Rover, sharing an energy bar, Corsair is lying in the back and resting his feet against the front seat and Merit is busy sorting out bullet nicks in the Rhino's sides. Striker and Tanarus walk up to them. Phoenix and Elexis look at the two. Elexis:"What did Norwood say?" Striker:"Those Koreans we caught finally told the truth. They were extremists who wanted to stop the conference from going ahead, but they did not have the means until they were recruited by a person named Hawk." Tanarus:"And Hawk is a member of the Mayhem Mercenaries." Corsair, who has been listening, speaks up. Corsair:"Mayhem, huh? Then there's no way we'll find him. Mayhem keeps their files well hidden." Striker:"Ja, but Hawk was just a middleman. He in turn was hired by Vega on behalf of someone else who had the plutonium core stolen." Illanov's ears perk up at hearing Vega's name. Striker notices this. Striker:"Alex, how about you and Corsair try and find us a personnel file on Vega from the Cuban military's databases? It might prove helpful in locating him." Illanov and Corsair look shocked at Striker and the two of them prepare to speak out. Striker holds up his paw, however. Striker:"That is an order." The two of them sigh with disappointment. Corsair slumps into the seat, groaning. Vicki puts her arms around Illanov. Vicki:"Now, now Dear. You heard what Striker said. This is important." Illanov:"Dah, Dear. But why must I..." Vicki grabs his muzzle and kisses him deeply. This make him kiss back, stopping any further complaints. Striker turns back to Phoenix and Elexis. Phoenix:"And who is that someone else?" Striker:"The Octo Cartel, a large criminal organisation operating from a group of islands near Indonesia. They paid the money to get the core and to detonate it in Paris. While it is not clear exactly why they did it, it might be that a war between the two Koreas would destabilize the entire region and provide many lucrative opportunities for the cartel. Whatever the case, Mark is not happy about what the cartel did and wants us to go in after it." Phoenix:"Won't the United Nations allow the creation of a coalition to battle the cartel themselves?" Striker:"Ja, they will. Right now, however, the information I just told you has not yet been released on the nuus. Thus the cartel is still not aware that its secret is out. Mark wants our group to infiltrate the cartel, gather intelligence and capture its leadership and all. This will throw the cartel into disarray and make it easier for the United Nations to take care of this organisation." Elexis:"Will the other Rovers join us?" Tanarus shakes his head. Tanarus:"They're too exhausted from fighting the KPA and are going back to Mission Control to rest, so we'll be on our own." Phoenix remembers something. Phoenix:"What about Kyla?" Striker:"I have asked Amani to go pick up Kyla in France and take her back to Bear and Nitro, Love." Phoenix:"Ah, good." Striker:"Terwyl we are here, we should rest and prepare to leave for the Jova Island Chain. That is where the cartel is based." The rest of them nod. The Rovers have barely managed to stop the KPA's assault on South Korea and have prevented them from reaching Seoul. They have also discovered those who were really responsible for the explosion in Paris. Will Unit STRIKE be able to capture the cartel's leaders? What secrets does Vega have in his file? And what awaits our heroes in Jova? THE END