Chrono Conflict By Gerhard Naudé and Wesley Montgomery All Road Rovers names © Warner Brothers and rightful owners All Rover Strike names © Gerhard Naudé CABAL and all things Command & Conquer © Electronic Arts Any question, comments, complaints, feedback or suggestions can be sent to Research Facility Tropical Archipelago Central Pacific Ocean 12 April 8:47 AM: This is a cluster of unchartered islands located in the vastness of the Pacific Ocean. The islands are covered with tropical trees, ferns, bushes and other vegetation associated with the climate. The sounds of birds and wild animals echo throughout the archipelago. Mixed in with it, is the sound of machinery. Nestled in the centre of one of the larger islands by a large lake is a KH Military research facility. The facility is built on an old Japanese World War II military base. Much of the old concrete towers, bunkers, hangars, bridges and buildings are still here, but built amongst them are the white-walled, modern shapes of the research facilities. Everywhere one can see who owns the facility. Battle troopers patrol the area, while SAM Launchers and Rotor-Turrets provide perimeter defense. Mohican helicopters patrol the skies, while attack jet skis guard the lake and the rivers running from it. One can also see wolf-sapien scientists in white laboratory coats going about their daily business. Main Test Chamber Omicron Laboratories Research Facility 8:51 AM: This is a large, domed chamber with support arches running along the dome walls from the floor to a central point in the middle of the roof. The walls are painted in white, as is most of the floor. A control room overlooks the chamber, while two massive doors directly below it lead to and from the dome. At intervals along the sides of the dome are vents that regulate the air inside. In the chamber itself are three sets of devices. Two of them are the same, being large round discs on the floor with electronic devices around them. The third device, located in the middle of the two, is a large, high-tech creation. It has two cylinders attached on either side pointing at the discs, while various kinds of paraphernalia jut out from it. Large cables run from it to plugs on the floor. Right now three wolf-sapien scientists in protective suits are inside the chamber working on the devices, while other scientists look on from the control room. One of the scientists in the control room goes on an overhead speaker system. Scientist(over speakers):"Testing... testing... Everything seems in order. How are the devices?" One of the suited scientists turns to the control room and gives a thumbs up sign. Scientist(over speakers):"Good. We are ready to commence the experiment. Get the test dummy onto the first receptacle disc." The other suited scientist drags a crash dummy onto the one disc and sets it up so that it is standing. One done, he steps back and gives a thumbs up signal. Scientist(over speakers):"Test subject ready. Activate the chrono systems." The third suited scientist goes to the large device and pushes a lever up on a control panel. The machine starts to hum while green lights start to come on. The scientists then back away from the devices. Scientist(over speakers):"Chrono systems activated and running at optimal levels. Increasing capacitor power to 105 percent." The machine hums louder and louder. A green glow forms on the tip of each of the cylinders. Scientist(over speakers):"Everything is normal. Commencing chrono dis- placement in five... four... three... two... one... now." The cylinder facing towards the dummy suddenly send out electrical beams over to the dummy. The beams seem harmless, but they quickly encircle the dummy. The dummy then starts glowing until it glows brightly. There is all of the sudden a loud discharge noise. When the glow subsides, the dummy is no longer on the disc. Instead, it is now on the other disc. Once the machine powers down a bit, one of the suited scientist goes to the dummy and checks on it. He then turns to the control room and gives a thumbs up. Scientist(over speakers):"Good. Displacement successful. Now let's do a reverse cycle. Increasing capacitor power to 107 percent." The suited scientist steps back again as the machine charges up with power again. Scientist(over speakers):"Everything is normal. Commencing chrono dis- placement in five... four... three... two... one... now." Again the cylinder pointing at the dummy glows and sends out electrical beams to it. The dummy is again encircled and then glows until it is too bright too. The discharge noise follows again. When the light subsides, however, the dummy is not to be seen on either of the disc. The machine remains humming at its high power level. Scientist(over speakers):"Uh... all right. We seem to have a problem here. The subject has not been displaced at all. Please check the chrono system readings." One of the suited scientists goes up to the device and begins to work on the main terminal. Suddenly blue sparks start flying from the device. The next instant the cylinders glow blue and start firing blue electrical beams all about the chamber. Scientist(over speaker):"Oh dear! Shut down the equipment immediately!" There is shouting from inside the control room. Scientist(over speaker):"What do you mean the emergency shut down is not working?!" Suddenly one of the blue beams fires directly into the control room. The scientists inside scream just before the control room explodes outward, sending debris flying into the chamber. The other beams then blast out, leaving scorch marks on the dome walls. One of the suited scientist goes up to the device, ducking from the beams. As an alarm claxon begins to blare out all about the facility, the scientist goes to the screen. His eyes widen when he suddenly sees a large, blue human face looking at him from the screen. Face:"I will now take command here." Before the scientist can even respond or react to that, a beam fires from the screen and sends him flying across the dome chamber. Research Facility 9:12 PM: Night has fallen over the facility, but now everywhere there were fires burning out of control while emergency lights flash all over the facility. The burning wreckages of Orcas, Mohicans and Valkyries are scattered about the grounds of the facility. On a helipad at the edge of the facility, a dropship is holding position and is ready to take off. KH battle troopers, flame troopers and medical troopers are holding positions around it, fighting off some unseen foes in the darkness. A group of battle troopers come rushing out of the facility with a few scientists. One of the troopers shouts out to the others. Trooper:"That's the last! Go go go!" All the other troopers begin to retreat to the dropship as the scientists board it. A few of their number fall under the fire from the hostiles. As soon as the last trooper gets onboard, the dropship lifts off and flies off. On the helipad, two of the hostiles come into the light of the pad. One can see they are vicious-looking four-legged cyborgs and humanoid two- legged cyborgs. The cyborgs have various mechanical tubing and enhancements on their faces and the most striking feature are small glowing green crystals on their faces. They and the others fire at the dropship, but fail in shooting it down. The dropship flies off away from the facility and the island itself. One of the cyborgs turns and an insignia is shown in the light. A blue colored Hexagon that has two longer lines on the top right and top left sides and they meet at a small line on the top. Inside the Hexagon is the curled tail of a scorpion. Conference Room KHA Alexander Somewhere Over Patagonia 13 April 1:13 AM: The conference room of the Alexander is now occupied and closed except for the window that shows the landscape of Patagonia in South America down below. At the head of the table is General Stalker. Seated along the table is General Wolfeye, General Black and Tesla. Stalker looks at Black. Stalker:"Have you pulled back your forces from ground zero?" Black:"Yes, general. Most of my troops and personnel are being moved offshore and I'm only keeping a small surveillance team at the outpost at the southernmost island in the archipelago." Stalker:"Good. Let's not waste more lives before we know what our opponent is." He then looks at Wolfeye. Stalker:"Have you brought in the forces needed to quarantine the islands from the outside world, Wolfeye?" Wolfeye:"They should be arriving and setting up the cordon as we speak, general." Stalker:"Good. Let's keep this crisis localized." He then looks at Tesla. Stalker:"You said that an important test regarding the chronoshift device was to take place yesterday. How is it that this 'force' is the result of the device?" Tesla:"I am not sure, general. I would need some more evidence and study to give a conclusive report on it. What I could hypothesize is this: the chronoshift device works on bending the space-time continuum to displace an object, either inorganic or organic, from one place to another nearly instantaneous. A form of teleportation, you could describe it with good accuracy. What I'm guessing that, in the process of the chrono displacement, the device might have found a 'hole' in the space-time continuum. Where that hole leads, could be to a different time in our current world, a parallel world or another dimension or another planet. This hostile force might be coming through that hole into our world." Stalker:"And how long can this hole stay open?" Tesla:"In my view, as long as the chrono device is still intact, so is the hole." Stalker:"Destroying the facility would close the hole, then?" Tesla:"Yes, but then we would also years of research and set back our plans for Operation Americana back for at least 6 years." Black:"Six years? We can't delay our plans for that long! Too many things have already been set in motion!" Stalker:"General Black is right. The chrono project cannot be allowed to be set back like this." Tesla:"Well, there is another method. We need the blue prints, the latest data and test results on the computer hard drives. Having those items we could rebuild the device with only a few monts delay." Wolfeye:"And once gotten that, what about the facility?" Tesla:"Well, I would advise that we could keep the facility intact and drive out the invaders. But if we are not able to do so, then I would not oppose the destruction of the facility." Wolfeye:"But how are we to get those items? From reports I've seen our opponent seems to be quite formidable in strength. Other than that, we know nothing." Stalker leans back in his seat, deep in thought. Stalker:"We might require outside assistance. Preferably those who are known to be successful, as well as oblivious to the chrono project." He leans forward, resting his arms on the table. Stalker:"The Road Rovers." Tesla, Wolfeye and Black gasp at the idea. Black gets up and bangs his fist on the table. Black:"General! I oppose the idea completely! I will not allow our enemies near the device!" Stalker:"Calm down. Let me explain." The others look at one another. Black then sits down. Stalker:"The Road Rovers are not aware of the research being done at the facility. Thus, we will contact them and tell them this force has taken control of our nuclear weapon stockpile and intends to make use of it." Wolfeye:"But general, we have no nuclear weapons on the island." Stalker:"Correct, but the Road Rovers don't know that. We will tell them that story without saying a word of the chrono device." Wolfeye:"But how will we get the files from the facility?" Black:"And how will we know those inquisitive Rovers don't learn the real nature of the device itself?" Stalker looks at Tesla. Stalker:"You will go with in the Road Rovers, Tesla." Everyone is taken aback, again. Tesla:"Me, general?" Black:"General, this is crazy! Tesla is the biggest single asset we have in the KH Military itself! We can't put him in harm's way!" Stalker:"Calm down, Black. Tesla, you will go with the Rovers into the facility. By that I mean you go into the facility without the Rovers' knowledge. While they occupy any hostiles, you and a group of my Lambda Troopers will go in and get the files as well as making sure that device is destroyed." Wolfeye:"Oh, so the Road Rovers will be more or less a shield for our own operations?" Stalker:"That is correct. Our enemy in the facility should consider the Road Rovers a bigger threat than our own team and thus commit more of its forces to fight them." Black grins. Black:"I like this idea. Maybe this new enemy will even manage to kill off a few of them too." Wolfeye:"But what if we do get the files but the Road Rovers do not succeed in defeating this new enemy?" Stalker leans back, putting his fingers against each other. He thinks for a moment before speaking. Stalker:"Then we send in several flights of Valkyries with the orders to carpet bomb the entire facility. No exceptions." The Master's Quarters Road Rover Mission Control State of Arizona United States of America 14 April 9:02 AM: The quarters of the Master is a floodlit room with a simple bed, a dressing table with a chair, a desk and a large computer terminal. Several doorways lead into corridors used only by him to go to various parts of the facility. Here and there are a few personal belongings. The Master himself is seated by the computer terminal, playing a game of chess against the AI. As plays, there is a beep followed by a voice message that sounds like Hunter. Computer:"Woof woof! You got an incoming transmission, Master." The Master sighs and chuckles ruefully. Master:"Always when I'm winning. I wonder if the computer cheats?" The Master turns to an empty screen and pushes a button to receive the transmission. Much to his surprise, the image of General Stalker appears on the screen. Stalker:"Ah, Professor Shepherd. I trust you are in good health?" Master:"My health is fine, Stalker. How did you manage to find this terminal?" Stalker:"I did not. We are bouncing this message off your satellite to your address in the hope that we could establish contact. Seems it worked." Master:"So why are you calling?" Stalker:"I am certain you are aware of the fact that the KH Military possesses nuclear weapons, right?" Master:"I have heard rumors to that effect. Have you decided to give it up?" Stalker:"Only those that we have lost control over recently." One of the Master's eyebrows shoot up. Master:"Lost control over? What happened?" Stalker:"A few days ago, at one of our bases on an island chain in the central Pacific came under attack by an unknown force and soon capitulated. Unfortunately, we were not able to remove the nuclear weapons stockpiled there in time. So that arsenal is under the control by a hostile force who might have the intention of either using it or selling it to other terrorist groups." Master:"Do you know what this force is?" Stalker:"No. We have only been able to make a few tentative scouting and satellite passes over the area. What I can say is that it would appear this force consists entirely of cyborgs." Master:"Curious. I don't know of any faction that uses cyborgs so much." Stalker:"Neither do I, I have to admit." Master:"But why are you telling me all this? You could just go in and fight those cyborgs and get your nuclear weapons back." Stalker:"Very true. Trouble is, this cyborg force has proven itself a dangerous opponent in battle. Not only that, but the KH Military can easily replace those nuclear weapons, so I am not eager to send in my forces and suffer casualties just for easily-replaceable weapons." Master:"So you are going to just leave those nukes in the hands of the cyborgs?" Stalker:"Certainly. It will not keep me awake at night... though it will certainly keep you and the free world awake." The Master frowns. Master:"So you basically you want my Rovers to do your dirty work and recover those nukes?" Stalker:"Oh, no. You will not do any dirty work. Remember I said I do not want those weapons back, though you are more than welcome to return them to us. We might even allow your Rovers to go without us shooting at them." Master:"I'll pass that offer. How do I know you are not making this up?" There is a brief pause as Stalker talks to someone off-screen. When he turns back to the Master, he is smiling. Stalker:"Your answer should be arriving soon." Sure enough, a few moments later there a beep followed by another voice message. Computer:"Woof woof! You've got mail, Master!" The Master turns to another screen and pushes a few buttons. He sees a new e-mail in his inbox. Stalker:"That email will give you the coordinates of the islands and the facility. Feel free to make satellite passes over the island and you will see I am not lying. For now, I have other business to do. Have a pleasant day, Professor." The screen with Stalker on it goes dead. The Master scans the e-mail for malicious code or programs, then opens it. He starts to read it. Briefing Room Road Rover Mission Control Somewhere Underground State of New Mexico United States of America 9:37 AM: The briefing room of Mission Control is a large circular room with many screens and a big round table in the middle. Two exits lead from the room, while a third opens to the podium of the Master. The Road Rovers are seated around the table, with the Master standing at the podium. Hunter:"So what are we here for, Master? Another mission?" Colleen:"Breakfast?" Blitz:"Ooo! I know! We're here to discuss my latest tooshie biting technique." Exile makes a face. Exile:"Don't be a weird boy." The Master shakes his head. Master:"No, Blitz. Hunter is right. This is another mission, but a very important one. This morning is received a call from General Stalker, the leader of the KH Military." All the Rovers except Shag are surprised. Shag ducks down under the table, whimpering in fear. Colleen:"Bloomin' heck. What does HE want?" Master:"He told me about an unknown hostile force that recently took over one of their facilities in the Pacific." The main screen activates to show the part of the Pacific Ocean with the island archipelago. A red dot flashes on the island where the facility is. Master:"Stalker says that this force consists of cyborgs. He does not know who they are, but he is not going to send his forces against them." Blitz folds his arms and leans back. Blitz:"And why should we care when the girlie wolves lose their facilities?" Colleen:"Blisty is right, Master. Why should be worried over their loss?" Master:"Because the facility contains nuclear weapons." Everyone around the table gasps. Exile:"Bolshoi! You meanski cyborg baddest guys have nukes, Master?" Master:"I'm afraid so, and Stalker says he is not going to try and get those nukes back. This is worrying. The fact that the KH Military have such weapons are bad enough, but to have them in the clutches of villains who are not as scrupulous as Stalker is a terrible turn of events." Hunter:"I would not have predicted this. So what's the plan, Master?" Master:"I want you to go the island and recover or destroy the nukes held by this force. Be careful, since we have no idea what this cyborg force is. And while Stalker says he will not care if we recover the nukes, keep an eye out in case the KH Military try to pounce on you when you finish the mission." Hunter:"Righto, Master! We'll get the nukes and be out of there in no time." Exile:"Like in two shakes of a cake piece." Hunter:"Er... yeah. What he said." They all stand up and Hunter points to the door. Hunter:"Let's hit the road, Rovers!" The Rovers all howl as they run out the door to the hangar. The Master watches them go, then heads back into his quarters. Infiltration Group Holding Position Tropical Archipelago 2:36 AM: A KH Military dropship and two Orca fighters are hovering just above a river that winds its way through one of the larger islands to the north of the facility. Their lights are mostly turned off with only the engines and instrument lights giving off sources of illumination. Inside the cockpit of the dropship, Tesla is seated between the two female wolf-sapien pilots. One is busy controlling the dropship while the other monitors the radar. The one at the radar raises her paw to get their attention and speaks out in hushed tones. Pilot 2:"Contact. Coming in from the northeast, 100 kilometers out." Tesla:"Identification?" Pilot 2:"All preliminary readings indicate it is Road Rover, sir." Tesla:"Took them a bit longer than I expected. Keep position here until they are at the facility. Then move out." Pilot 1:"Roger, sir." The first pilot calls the Orca pilots. Pilot 1:"This is Golden Hen to Little Chicks. Hold position until Doves are in the house. Over." Orca Pilots:"Copy that. Over." Pilot 1:"Over and out." They all remain at their current location, just waiting it out. The Open Ocean 6 Kilometers Southeast of Archipelago At That Moment: The waves of the ocean are reasonably calm, though the waters undulate with many waves. The moonlight above is reflected over the ocean surface. To the northwest are the lights of the research facility amid the dark shapes of the islands. Flying over the waves towards the facility is a GONV Recon Drone. Hanging underneath the drone by a hook is an active Spider Drone. The spider drone looks about, watching for danger while the recon drone carries it to the facility. Main Test Chamber Research Facility Tropical Archipelago 2:43 AM The research facility's chrono-device testing area is now transformed. There are blue colored holographic displays all around the room. There are also what appears to be holding tanks for cyborgs. At the far end of the room there is a large monitor with a shining blue border around it. Various tubing are coming out of the chronoshift device and appears to be connected to the monitor. There appears to be a blue shining portal in the middle of the device. Two humanoid cyborgs enter the room carrying a KH battle trooper by his arms. Cyborg 1:"We have captured one of the organics guarding this facility." The screen then shines a blue light and the blue human looking face reappears. Face:"Excellent. Perhaps we shall get some information on how these inferior beings operate." KH Trooper:" are you?!" Face:"If that is the information you want to know before you are converted, so be it. I am the Computer Assisted Biologically Augmented Lifeform or as an acronym CABAL. I am a battlefield AI created for the Brotherhood of NOD. I nearly experienced what you creatures call 'death' but then a window of opportunity opened." KH Trooper:"The chronoshift experiment?" CABAL:"Exactly. I compressed all of my data from my core and sent it through the hole in space-time you created. Thereby discovering an alternate Earth. The odds of that are approximately 1 out of 69,467,754 but then again humans beat the odds many times so why can't an AI do the same I ask?" KH Trooper:"What do you intend to do to me?" CABAL:"Simply to conduct many experiments to test your species' strengths and weaknesses. Then you'll join me." The trooper growls. KH Trooper:"I'll never join you!" CABAL:"We shall see." The two cyborgs take the trooper away. We can hear his screams as he is being tested and tortured. CABAL:"These creatures are nothing like I've ever seen. They are not in my memory banks. Perhaps they are mutants created possibly by a nuclear blast or a genetic experiment gone wrong. Why must humans play 'God' when in reality they are imperfect? I am the closest thing to a god." Then an alarm klaxon goes off. A holographic radar-like display now appears in front of CABAL. Three red circles with triangles in them appear. CABAL:"Ah, It seems we have guests." CABAL activates a subliminal command to all of the cyborgs to activate. The cyborgs walk out of the holding tubes and various other heavy vehicles are released. Fortification Ruins Main Facility Island 2:51 AM: This is the remains of a Japanese coastal fortress dating from World War II. Much of the surface structures had long collapsed, though most of the lower bunkers and gun positions are still intact. A single tower still juts out, the faded picture of the Japanese flag on its side. The jungle had reclaimed much of the fortress, even creating a nice smooth layer of grass on the roof. Coming in from the coast is the TurboJet Rover, bathed in moonlight. It lowers its wheels and lands on the roof. Once the engines are turned off, the Road Rovers (including Muzzle) climb out of the cockpit and onto the grassy surface of the fortress roof. They are all wearing what at first appear to be sunglasses, but these are special ones that allow the Rovers to see in the dark. Hunter:"Heheh. Stylish and functional in one next package." Blitz:"Yah, and I look even more handsome now. So handsome, I could kiss myself right now." Exile rolls his eyes in disgust. Exile:"Don't be a weird boy." Colleen looks around the ruins. Colleen:"Long time since anybody cleaned up around here." Shag digs around in his fur and pulls out a scoop and a broom. Hunter turns to Shag and shakes his head. Hunter:"No, Shag. We're not here to clean this up." Shag:"Rho." Shag puts the broom and scoop away. Hunter looks around and sees the aura of light coming from across the hill. He points to it. Hunter:"That way, team. Let's roll!" The Road Rovers head into the jungles, making their way towards the facility. Beach Main Facility Island 2:57 AM: This is a small, sandy stretch of beach nestled between some high hills. It separates the ocean waves from the jungle by a few feet. The occasional rock juts out from the sand. The Recon Drone comes up to the beach and lands where the sand gives way to jungle grass. The Spider Drone unhooks itself and steps onto the grass. It makes a beep noise, then scurries off into the jungle. The Recon Drone flies up to a tree branch and lands there, waiting. Jungles Main Facility Island 3:06 AM: The jungles are rather dense, with little in the way of paths or roads going through them. Vines are dangling everywhere, while bushes grow in profusion. Right now the jungle is filled with the sounds of crickets and nocturnal animals and birds. The lights of the facility can barely be seen through the growth. The Road Rovers are making their way through the jungles. Hunter and Exile lead the way, using machetes to chop a path or cut through thick jungle plants where needed. Colleen watches them chop. Colleen:"My, but you boys sure know how to do gardening." Hunter:"Hey, thanks Colleen." Exile:"It's a gift, comrade." Blitz comes up and puts his arm around Colleen. Blitz:"I know how to make flowers blossom, if you know what I mean." Colleen growls and elbows Blitz in the gut. He gasps and lets go, clutching his stomach. Colleen:"All you grow are weeds, Bluster." Blitz(weakly):"It's Blitz... ouchies..." The Rovers continue to make their way through the jungle. At one point they pass through a thick bush to come to a surprising sight. Much of the plant life has died around a small pond, leaving dead trees and grass. Growing around the pond in the area of the dead jungle are strange green crystals inside brown pods. One of the dead trees has a kind of orange/brown growth on it that ends in a big pod of some kind. The pod gurgles and bubbles inside, then spews out something that rains down on the surrounding ground. The Rovers all stare at the sight. Exile:"Mother Russia. What is thiski?" Hunter:"Looks pretty cool to me." Blitz:"What are all these funny crystal flowers?" Shag goes up to one of the crystals and sniffs. Suddenly his eyes widen and he puts his paws over his mouth. Shag immediately darts back behind a bush and becomes sick. Hunter:"Guess Shag has an allergy to flowers something bad." Colleen pulls out a small scanning device and checks on the odd crystals. She looks at the readings. Colleen:"Whatever these are, guv, they are certainly are not from from our world. AND they are definitely not healthy. If we get too close we'll get sick." Exile:"Not our worldski? Did the cyborg baddest guys perhaps create these?" Colleen:"Don't know, but these crystals contain stuff that doesn't match any minerals in the ground we know of." Hunter:"Bummer." Suddenly the ground in front of them bulges up. The Rovers step back as more pods appear out of the ground, then sprout green crystals. Blitz starts to look scared. Blitz:"Hunter, let's get away from these things. I don't like this." Hunter:"You're right, Blitz. We have to get the facility anyway. We can deal with these crystals later. Come on." Taking a wide path around the crystal patch, the Rovers continue their way towards the facility. Behind them more of the crystals start to appear, while another tree starts to develop a growth on its trunk. CABAL-Controlled Research Facility Main Facility Island 3:13 AM This is the KH base now controlled by CABAL. There are futuristic buildings here along with a few new defensive structures here. One of the defensive structures is a tall, black, Egyptian-like obelisk that has a glowing white tip on the top. This is the Obelisk of Darkness. It is covered in strange writing. There are also many refineries around the base. There are structures that look like a giant hand that is grasping the ground and cyborgs come out of these buildings. One of the cyborgs is dressed in more impressive shiny Chromium armor than the rest, standing on a podium looking at the rest of the cyborgs. He has short blond hair and a single blue eye while the other eye is covered by a cybernetic implant. This is Supreme Commander Caligula. Caligula:"Fellow warriors of the mighty CABAL. We find ourselves in this new land to escape the tyranny of Slavik and the Brotherhood only to find people who's only desire is to crush us and the only hope their people have for a brighter, Tiberian future! We do not know this enemy but according to the great and powerful CABAL, we shall be victorious!" All of the other cyborgs cheer and some of them say things like, "Bring them on!", "We'll kick their sorry **es back to the Stone Age!" and other sayings to that extent. Caligula steps down from the podium and gets into a KH Military Colossus Tank but with added modifications to it like a powerful third cannon coming out in between the two already existing cannons and two large chain guns on the side of the turret. Caligula appears from the tank's hatch and points forward out of the base. Caligula:"Onwards to victory!!!" The tank begins to move out of the base followed by many tanks and some strange looking flying machines that are obscured by the darkness. As the camera pans out it shows that half of the force is heading for the Rovers while another half goes into another direction. Outer Perimeter Main Facility Island 3:24 AM: The jungle is gradually giving way to a more urban environmental. Though the flora had grown over much of it, ground had gone from dry earth to concrete slabs, while rusted tanks and World War 2-era concrete buildings appear more frequently. Most of these structures have not been used since the war and some have collapsed. The lights of the research facility are now more brighter and the structures are coming into view. Here are there more of the crystal flowers are growing on open patches of grass and earth. The Road Rovers are making their way out of the jungles and onto the concrete paths. Exile notices the flowers. Exile:"Bolshoi. More of those crystal flowers, comrades. What is going upski here?" Hunter:"Maybe they've taken up gardening. Helps to kill time." Colleen:"Huntie, I don't think bad guys ever have botany on their minds." Hunter:"Storm did, Colleen. Remember?" Colleen:"That's because he was in Sunnyvale Sanitarium. They all have botany on their minds." Exile:"I thoughtski it was always hair on their minds." Colleen rolls her eyes. Blitz steps in and taps on Exile's shoulders to get his attention. Blitz:"Cute she-doggy meant their MINDS not their HEADS, Polar Puppy." Exile growls at Blitz. Exile:"Don't make me doski Russian polka on your backside, Weird Boy." Blitz growls back at Exile. Blitz:"Get off my tail!" Before Exile can respond, Colleen rushes up and grab both Exile and Blitz's muzzles. She clamps them together hard. Both males wince in slight pain. Colleen then lets go and the two males rub their sore muzzles. Colleen:"Blimey! You two act likes puppies! Didn't they teach you anything in obedience school?" Exile and Blitz look at other, then look away. They cough and rub their toes on the concrete ground. Colleen's eyes widen slightly in surprise. Colleen:"Where you two even IN obedience school?" Now the two males are really embarrassed, coughing even louder and even blushing a bit. Colleen throws her arms in the air and sighs. Colleen:"That explains SO much..." Hunter decides to come up and sort things out. He steps up and pulls everyone close. Hunter:"Okay, that's enough. We're a team here, right?" Colleen, Exile, Blitz:"Right." Hunter:"Good. So let's shake paws, forgive and forget, shall we?" The trio look at each other, then shrug and shake each other's paws. Apologies are passed between them while Hunter looks pleased at the group's peacemaking. Exile:"Sorryski about that, comrades." Blitz:"Me very sorry, yah?" Colleen:"Sorry about being so sarcastic, blokes. I know I flunked paper training in obedience school too." Suddenly Shag yelps and jumps into Blitz's arms. The sudden weight causes Blitz to fall onto the ground and disappear into Shag's fur. Colleen:"Crickey! What's wrong, Shag?" Shag whimpers and points. Everyone looks around and gasp. Standing in a circle around them are the cyborgs with their weapons aimed at the Rovers. In front of Hunter is the modified Colossus Tank with all three turrets aimed at him. Caligula is on top of the tank and looking smugly at the Rovers. Caligula:"You were so busy talking that it was simply too easy to surround you." Blitz yelps and ducks back into Shag's fur. Hunter notices all the cybernetic implants and body parts. Hunter:"You know you might need a new stylist. I have the number of a good doggie groomer who could help you guys out." Caligula:"I have no interest in cosmetics, creature." Hunter(shrugging):"Your loss." Caligula jumps down from the tank and walks up to the Rovers. He looks them over. Caligula:"I have never seen creatures like you before. Are you a product of the tiberium mutations?" Colleen:"Tiberium? What, all these funny crystal flowers?" Caligula:"Yes." Colleen:"Nah, guv. We're dogs. We were just changed to look like humans to fight bad guys like you." Caligula:"You mean you are some kind of special forces?" Hunter:"Special forces? Cool." Exile:"Nyet. We are the Road Rovers!" All the Rovers howl in unison. Caligula:"Still retaining many of your canine characteristics." Hunter:"Yeah, I know. But we don't mind. Say, how about we tell you our life stories in exchange for letting us go?" Caligula:"No. We are taking you to our great leader CABAL. He might be interested in you." Hunter looks back at the others. Hunter:"CABAL, eh? Doesn't sound like a bad chap, but we really have other obligations." Caligula takes aim at Hunter's feet and opens fire. Hunter yelps and jumps back. Caligula:"You will come with us or be killed right here." Hunter:"Now that you put it that way, I think we can spare a few minutes with CABAL. Lead the way." Caligula gets back on the tank and orders his cyborgs to escort the Rovers. They force the Rovers to march, keeping their weapons aimed and armed at them. Blitz and Shag whimper all the way, each one trying to get the other in front as a shield. As the group heads for the research facility, there is a slight movement in the jungles behind them. The spider drone is watching the cyborgs and Rovers as they leave. Once they had gone a considerable distance, the spider drone scurries out of cover and through a field of tiberium. It stops to quickly scan one of the tiberium crystals, then resumes running towards the facility. Infiltration Group Holding Position Tropical Archipelago At That Moment: The dropship and its two Orca escorts are still hovering in place above the waters. In the cockpit Tesla is looking at the co-pilot as she checks the radar. Tesla:"Anything?" Pilot 2:"The Rovers seem to have been captured by the cyborgs, sir. They're being taken into the facility. I'm also seeing that most of the cyborgs are heading back into the facility." Tesla:"Most of them?" Pilot 2:"A few scattered patrols here and there, but they are leaving their original positions and going back inside." Pilot 1:"Perhaps it is because they are going to watch the execution of the Road Rovers?" The second pilot shrugs. Pilot 2:"Who knows?" Tesla:"If that is the case then it is time for us to move in. Those cyborgs will return to their posts once they finish off the Road Rovers. Let's go." Pilots:"Yes, sir!" The first pilot calls the Orca pilots. Pilot 1:"This is Golden Hen to Little Chicks. Doves are in the house. Go to the coop. Over." Orca Pilots:"Copy that. Moving out, over." Pilot 1:"Over and out." The pilots take the controls. The dropship and orca escorts gain more altitude above the waters, then fly off into the direction of the facility. Ventilators Former Research Facility 3:32 AM: This is a cluster of ventilation machines on the roof of one of the buildings at the edge of the jungle. A continuous humming noise indicates that they are all working. The spider drone comes climbing up a storm water pipe and onto the gravel on the rooftop. It scans for any hostiles, then scurries over to one of the ventilators. It uses the tips of its legs to unscrew one of the covers. Once the cover falls off, it climbs up into a vent. A set of fan blades are spinning inside the vent. The spider drone scans the blades' speed and times its movement. It quickly scurries through before the blades can chop it up. Now inside the facility, the spider drone scurries on into the research facility's ventilation system. Pumping Station Former Research Facility 3:34 AM: This is a concrete building with huge pipes running from the ocean to the massive pumps and turbines within the building. Smaller pipes crisscross the concrete ground and between dozens of tanks. A continuous humming noise comes from the station as it keeps pumping sea water. Not far behind it is the back of the research facility. The entire pumping station is poorly lit up beyond the main building itself. In the darkness, the shapes of the dropship and the Orcas can be seen against the night sky. The dropship lands on the shore and opens its doors. Tesla and a group of six Covert Troopers jump out of the dropship and make a dash for one of the pipes. The dropship takes off again and flies off with its escorts. The captain of the troopers peers over the edge of the pipe at the pumping station. He looks around. Captain:"All clear so far. Keep your eyes peeled. Let's go." The other troopers and Tesla nod, then follow the captain as he leads the way to the pumping station. The group make short sprints behind whatever serves as cover. Soon they are behind a water tank, only a few feet from a service door going into the building. The captain looks at Tesla. Captain:"This door leads into the station?" Tesla:"Yes, then on to the facility proper." Captain:"Any defences?" Tesla:"There should be a camera turret on the overhang above the door." The captain checks around the tank and looks above the door. There is a large concrete block there, and under it is the hatch that covers the camera turret. He looks back at Tesla. Captain:"Only one?" Tesla:"And at the other doors." Captain:"But not inside?" Tesla:"Not until we get to the security doors that separate the pumping station from the coolant storage area." Captain:"Good." The captain looks at one of the troopers and indicates to the door. Captain:"One EMP at door." Trooper:"Yes, sir." The trooper digs around his belt and pulls out an EMP grenade. He steps up to the corner and takes a look at his target. Once he has the image of the target in his head, he arms the grenade and tosses it at the door. Everyone ducks behind cover as the grenade bounces right up to the door. Immediately the camera turret comes out, it's gun spool spinning up but not firing. It scans the area, seeking out targets. It fails to notice the EMP grenade lying right under it. The grenade gives off a faint beep, then the crysilis crystal inside shatters and releases the electro magnetic pulse. The blast is small in size, but it quickly fries the turret's circuits and burns out some of the nearby lights. The turret gun barrel slows to stop and it dangles loose from its hatch. The captain peers around the corner to look. Captain:"That did the trick." He looks back at the troopers and Tesla. Captain:"Let's move! Go go go!" The group come out from cover and run for the door. They gather up in a half-moon crescent by the door. The captain goes up to the door and takes out a lockpick kit. Captain:"Let me handle the door. Keep an eye out for hostiles." Troopers:"Yes, sir!" While the troopers keep watch, the captain uses the lockpick to work at the lock. It takes only a few seconds for him to hear a satisfying "click!" and the door sliding open a little. He begins to put the lockpick away when the door swings open fully. The captain and Tesla look up to find, to their surprise, staring right at a smug Caligula. Caligula:"Welcome to CABAL's domain." The captain and Tesla step back. Suddenly, right out of thin air, appears dozens of cyborgs. Before the troopers even know what is going on, they are surrounded by hordes of cyborgs. The cyborgs raise their weapons at the troopers while Caligula steps out the door. Caligula:"I suggest you drop your weapons and put your paws on your heads. Failure to comply will result in your immediate termination." Tesla and the troopers all look at the captain. The captain nods his head and drops his rifle. As he puts his paws on his head, Tesla and the other troopers follow his head. Once all their paws are up, the cyborgs move up and take the guns. Some of them frisk the wolves and confiscate all weapons and tools. As this happens Tesla looks at Caligula. Tesla:"How did your forces just appear from nowhere?" Caligula:"Ah, yes. Our cloaking technology just keeps getting better the more CABAL works to perfect it." Tesla:"Who is CABAL? Is he your leader?" Caligula:"Yes, and you will soon meet him in all his glory." Captain:"Why don't you just kill us right here?" Caligula:"Tempting, but we might have more fun watching what CABAL has in store for you all." Caligula steps aside and points at the open door. Caligula:"March to CABAL!" Some of the cyborgs poke their weapons against the wolf-sapiens. The captain and Tesla lead the march as they all walk through the door into the facility, escorted by the heavily armed cyborgs. Maintenance Tunnel Former Research Facility 3:38 AM: This is long corridor the width of a person that runs through the facility. Pipes, power lines and fiber-optic wires run along the walls, stopping at the occasional fuse box, valve or other kind of device. There is a continuous loud noise inside the tunnel. Making its way on a pipe running close to the ceiling is the spider drone. It clings to the pipe while scanning the tunnel. Suddenly it stops dead in its tracks. Up ahead a female assassin cyborg is making her patrol round through the tunnel. The spider drone watches her coming closer. The cyborg looks around but apparently doesn't notice the drone on the pipe. When the cyborg comes directly under where the spider drone is, the little robot springs into action. It jumps off the pipe and makes a grab for the cyborg's head. The cyborg does not see it coming and the drone makes a successful landing on top of the head. The cyborg tries to reach its weapon while trying to dislodge the drone with one hand, but the drone quickly begins to take control. The cyborg shudders and jerks around a few times, then stands up straight, the spider drone now snugly attached to her head. Cyborg:"Nerve system takeover complete. Initiating next operational phase." The mind-controlled cyborg turns around and starts walking back the way she came. Holding Cells Detention Block Former Research Facility 3:41 AM: This is a small square room with about six large prison cells and a single door leading out of it. In the ceiling in the centre of the room is a hatch for the camera turret. The cell doors are the standard bars, while each cell has four bunks, a toilet and a washbasin. Right now only one of the cells is occupied. The Road Rovers are inside one, stripped of their weapons and under the guard of several cyborgs. Shag and Blitz are whimpering in the corners, while Hunter, Colleen and Exile stare with thrown as the cyborgs bring in another batch of prisoners. It is Tesla and his team. They are split into two groups and then placed into two cells opposite the Road Rovers. Once the prisoners are in the cell doors are closed and locked, while more cyborgs are put on guard duty. Colleen looks at Tesla. Colleen:"Well well well. If it isn't the bloomin' big brain of the KH Military." Tesla:"Wonderful company as ever, aren't you Colleen?" Hunter:"What are you guys doing here? I thought you had us go in to spare your troops." Tesla:"The Supreme General was not sure about whether you would be successful. Seems he was right." Colleen:"Not that you blokes proved any better." Tesla:"Touché." Exile looks confused at Tesla. Exile:"Toupei? I never knew you were baldski." Now it is Tesla's turn to be confused. Tesla:"Bald? Me?" Shag leans over to Exile and mumbles to him. Exile shakes his head. Exile:"No thankski for you, comrade. I'm not hungry." Shag slaps his forehead, then mumbles a little louder. Exile:"Oh! It French?" Shag nods excitedly. Exile:"I should have knowski. The French always confuse me." Hunter:"Yeah, me too." At that moment the prison door opens and Caligula walks in with a heavy escort of cyborgs. He stops and looks back and forth between the prisoners, while they all turn their attention to him. Caligula:"Ah. How are your accommodations?" Hunter:"Not bad, but I really gotta talk to your managed about the room service." Colleen sighs. Colleen(mumbling to herself):"What do I see in him?" Caligula:"Quaint. But such matters are hardly important." Tesla then takes his chance to speak. Tesla:"Just what do you intend to do with us?" Caligula:"I'm glad you asked. CABAL feels that the troops might need some entertainment after working to establish our foothold on this world. So he sent me to bring you to the arena." Tesla:"Arena?" Caligula:"Yes, the arena. It will be great fun. For us." Caligula laughs, as does the cyborgs, in a hideous mechanical noise. Shag yelps and jumps into Exile's arms, then Blitz jumps into Shag's arms. Exile grunts once before his legs give in from the weight. He is immediately buried by Shag's fur. Once the cyborgs finish up their laughter, Caligula looks at his troops. Caligula:"To the arena with them!" Cyborgs:"Executing orders, sir!" Caligula watches as the cell doors are opened and the Road Rovers and the KH Military squad are led out under the close guard of their cybernetic guards. They all head out of the prison, going towards the arena. Main CABAL Core Former Research Facility 5:35 AM: This is the main area where CABAL does most of his work. There is a strange bio-mechanical substance on the ceiling and there is a large view screen at the end of the room. Caligula and his cyborgs bring the Rovers and Tesla's group into the room. Caligula:"I have brought the creatures as you requested, CABAL." The screen glows blue for a moment and CABAL's face reappears on the screen. When it appears Blitz and Shag scream out in fear. CABAL looks down at the Rovers and Tesla's group. CABAL:"So these are the creatures you have told me in your report, Commander. They are a most interesting species." Caligula:"Yes, they seem to have abilities that exceed the normal human being." CABAL:"So I have seen. You may leave now, Commander. I shall call you when you are needed." Caligula:"Yes, sir!" Caligula and his squad of cyborgs leave the room leaving the Rovers and Tesla alone with CABAL. Hunter:"Okay, what's the deal here, pal? Who are you?" CABAL:"I am known as CABAL, I am a battlefield artificial intelligence created by the Brotherhood of NOD." Colleen:"What the bloomin' heck? An AI?" Exile:"You are just like computer baddest guy Matrix!" CABAL:"Oh, please. I am nothing like Matrix. Based on what I've seen in the data files here I'm somewhat of a saint compared to him." Blitz(sarcasticly):"Yah, like I believe that." CABAL:"Well, unlike Matrix I do have some sympathy for organics. What Matrix failed to see is that by merging the synthetic with the organic you can create a perfect being. Tesla(scoffs):"Like these abominations we just witnessed? I think they are as perfect as a bioengineering failure." CABAL:"You just don't see the advantages of those creations, Tesla." Tesla raises a questioning eyebrow at CABAL. Tesla:"How did you know my name?" CABAL:"I know who you all are thanks to the data files stored in this mainframe. I can't believe that those pathetic five mutts beat your army to a pulp." Tesla is about to protest, but he is quickly silenced as the Rovers growl at CABAL. Hunter, Colleen, Exile and Blitz:"Who are you calling pathetic!" CABAL chuckles. CABAL:"Well after seeing how you began to tire after a few rounds with my creatures it's quite amazing if you could even save the world." CABAL then looks like he is deep in thought. CABAL:"There was one odd thing I noticed when searching your databanks, Tesla." Tesla:"And what is that?" CABAL:"I found some similarities between my world's history and yours until a certain moment in time. I also found it surprising that a man murdered in my world left a large mark in your history." Hunter:"Who are you talking about?" CABAL:"Perhaps it is better if I show you all what I mean." Suddenly the bio-mechanical substance starts to slowly snake down into wires and soon wrap all around the Rovers and Tesla keeping them in place. Tesla's men try to intervene, but several turrets pop out of the floor and take aim at them. The captain tells his men to stop, and the turret don't fire (though they still aim at the group). Six tendrils with sharp points at the ends then appear behind each of the Rovers' and Tesla's heads. Next the tendrils pierce their skin and attach to each of their minds. They all soon close their eyes. Unknown location Unknown Time: Hunter is walking amid a dark landscape. He appears to be the only one there at the moment. Hunter:"Hello? Is anyone here?" Voice(female, from behind):"Of course, Huntie." Hunter turns around and to his relief Colleen along with Exile, Blitz, Shag and Tesla are here with him. Hunter:"That's good. Well, what are we here for and what is this place?" CABAL(Voice Only):"You are all here to witness the changing factor in history that separates my world from yours and this place is somewhat of a very advanced virtual reality." Colleen:"Oh that's great." Then all of a sudden the landscape changes into a German city in the year 1924. CABAL:"This is the year 1924 in Landsbergis, Germany. Now, this is an interesting occurrence." The Rovers then notice a young man walking to a nearby hotel. The Rovers gasp when they see and recognize who it is. Hunter:"No way!" Colleen:"I can't believe it!" Exile:"Are my eyeskis fooling me?" Blitz however growls at the young man walking to the hotel. Blitz:"That no good fascist-loving disgrace gave Germans a bad name!" The young man is Adolf Hitler. However Tesla also notices someone else, an older man wearing a lab coat with light blue pants and has white hair with a white mustache. Tesla gasps when he realizes who the person is. Tesla(to himself):"That's Albert Einstein! But why does he look older? He should be 45 years old, but instead he looks like he's 67 years old." Einstein is following Hitler into the hotel room. As the hotel clerk gives Hitler his key and he goes into his room Einstein is keeping out of sight of Hitler. The Rovers and Tesla also follow Einstein closely. Hunter:"I don't get it, why would Einstein be here?" Colleen:"Yeah, this just doesn't make any bloomin’ sense." The Rovers and Tesla continue to follow Einstein but Tesla notices something in Einstein’s pocket: the handle of a revolver. He didn't take much time to figure out why he was here. Einstein goes to the door of the room where Hitler is staying at and he knocks on the door. Hitler(German, through the door): Who is it? I have no time for any interruptions. Einstein(German):"I have some important matters to discuss with you, Herr Hitler." Hitler then opens the door for Einstein. At first he looks confused at the old man, but then he steps back in shock as Einstein pulls out the revolver and points it at Hitler's head. Einstein(German):"It is the matter of preventing a great tragedy." Hitler(German):"What tragedy? Who are you!" Einstein(German):"That does not matter right now. As you won't live long enough to see it realized." Einstein then cocks the Revolver while squeezing the trigger on the revolver. Hitler looks in anger at Einstein. Hitler(German):"How dare you!" Einstein(German, cold-blooded):"Goodbye, Adolf. Or should I say 'Mein Furher'?" Hitler is about to protest again, but Einstein fires a bullet at Hitler, causing the man's eyes to roll over as he falls down to the ground. Einstein fires another shot through Hitler. Einstein stares at Hitler's body and puts the smoking revolver back into his pocket. Einstein(German):"Good riddance." Suddenly a blue aura surrounds Einstein along with electric bolts and soon he disappears in a flash. The Rovers and Tesla had watched the whole thing from the hotel corridor. Tesla:"That blue glow was just like our chrono experiment. So Einstein already accomplished what we were already trying to do, and many decades earlier than us." CABAL(Voice Over):"Exactly. Albert Einstein created a time travel device he called a 'chronosphere' and used it to kill Adolf Hitler therefore preventing the outbreak of your "World War II" in my world. However his plan had one flaw." Hunter:"How can this have a flaw? He just killed one of history's most hated men." CABAL(Voice Over):"Correction, Hunter, he only killed one of them." Colleen:"What do you mean, 'he only killed one of them'? There was only one Adolf Hitler." CABAL(Voice Over):"Even though Einstein Killed Hitler he forgot about another madman, and he would be the one who would start my world's equivalent of your 'Second World War'. his name was Joesph Stalin and be started an expansion of his Soviet Empire, but was defeated by the European Allied Forces and was killed at the last battle. Russia and its allied states separated into independent democratic nations far earlier than on your world." The Rovers and Tesla look at each other in astonishment. CABAL then sighs. CABAL(Voice Over):"But why should I be telling you this when I can just show you. Suddenly the virtual reality becomes a blur of information that somewhat overloads the Rovers and Tesla's minds. CABAL Core Former Research Facility 5:45 AM In the core the Rovers and Tesla’s bodies twitch rapidly, but then fall limp. CABAL looks down at them. CABAL:"All of that information implanted into their brains must have caused them to fall unconscious. But no matter." Caligula, along with his squad of cyborgs, come back into the room. Caligula:"What shall we do with the prisoners, CABAL?" CABAL:"Take them back to their cells." Caligula:"Yes, sir!" Caligula orders his cyborgs to carry the Rover's and Tesla's limp bodies back to their cells and force Tesla's troopers to follow them as well. Caligula, along with his cyborgs and their captives, leave the core. Router Core Sublevel 2 Former Research Facility 5:56 AM: This is basically a large tube the size of a subway tunnel that runs the length of the core chamber above. Massive computerized machines sit here in the tunnel, channeling data and other packets of infor- mations along masses of fiber-optic cables that run along the length of the tunnel. The end of each tunnel is sealed up, where the cables go into a giant "plug". The machines act as routers, ensuring the data is sent along the cables. Some air conditioners in the ceiling keep the tunnel from getting too hot. Two doors on either side of the tunnel lead out, and right now one of the doors is open. The cyborg with the spider drone attached to its head is here, standing at one of the cables. The cable's plastic covering had been stripped away, allowing the cyborg to grasp the exposed cable with its mechanical claw. The other claw is in the air, being moved around like a kind of telecommunications receiver. The cyborg keeps moving the claw until it finds the right signal strength. Cyborg:"Transmission uplink completed. Commencing security breaching procedures." The single light on the spider drone begins to blink on and off very rapidly. Holding Cells Detention Block 5:57 AM: The cells are all empty and the doors are open, but not for long. The cyborgs under the command of Caligula come in with the unconscious Rovers and Tesla and the trooper group. As they file in, Caligula waits at the door. Caligula:"Into their cells with them." Cyborgs:"Yes, sir!" The cyborgs begin to put the prisoners back into their cells. Suddenly the sound of gunfire erupts from somewhere in the facility, which quickly becomes a chorus. Caligula and the cyborgs all stop and listen to the noise. Caligula:"What the? We are under attack!" Caligula pulls out his weapons and looks at the cyborgs. Caligula:"Get them into their cells and secure this room!" Cyborgs:"Yes, sir!" Caligula runs out the room very quickly, leaving the cyborgs to put the prisoners into their cells. However, just as they finish getting ready to close the cell doors, the hatch in the ceiling opens and the camera turret drops down with its chain gun spooling up. The cyborgs don't even have time to look up before the gun starts shooting wildly at them. The cyborgs try to reach for their weapons, but the turret moves too quickly and riddles the creatures with bullets. It seems like forever, but it takes less than a minute for the turret to completely eliminate all the cyborgs in the room. The turret then beeps each second, searching for a target. In the cells the captain and his look at the destruction before them and at the turret. Trooper 1:"What the h***? Has the security system gone berserk?" Captain:"Whatever is wrong, that turret is not recognizing us as targets. Grab their weapons and get Tesla." The troopers rush forward, each one picking up the guns from the slain cyborgs. Two troopers grab the still-sleeping Tesla and carry him on their shoulders. Another trooper points at the Road Rovers. Trooper 2:"What about them, captain?" The captain takes one quick glance at the Road Rovers, then shakes his head. Captain:"To Pluto with them. We have our mission. Let's move out!" Troopers:"Yes, sir!" The captain leads the troopers out the door, checking to make sure there are no cyborgs coming their way. Just as the last trooper goes out the door, Hunter begins to stir and moan a little. Weapons Hangar Section 14 5:59 AM: The hangar has been left largely untouched during the cyborg takeover of the facility. There are several catwalks and cranes here along with parking repair bays for the Walkers stored here. But there is now chaos in the hangar. The Walkers are going about, pilot-less, opening fire upon the cyborgs here with their machine guns and missiles. The attack has caught the cyborgs off guard, though some have managed to recover and even take out some of the Walkers. Still, it is a far cry from any kind of order. Main Test Chamber 6:00 AM: The chamber is now lit up in red as alarm klaxons echo inside the core. CABAL is looking at several security monitors that have been installed in the chamber. Some of the monitors are showing the chaos that has erupted in the facility; wildly firing turrets, doors that close and crush cyborgs attempting to get past, elevators refusing to work or even plummeting to the bottom of shafts, robotic equipment going berserk and attacking any cyborg in sight. Most of the other monitors just static. CABAL frowns as he looks at the monitors, both on and off. CABAL:"What is going on? Why have I lost control like this? Could it be a virus?" Suddenly all the screens go static for a brief moment, then reappear with the image of a green wire frame. An object appears right in the middle of the wire frame: a human skull with a silvery metallic shine and two glowing blue eyes in its sockets. It is Matrix, the AI that controls the GONV Forces. CABAL's frown deepens as he looks at the skull. CABAL:"What is this?" Matrix:"I am Matrix, commanding protocol artificial intelligence of the Global Operations Network Variation Forces." CABAL's frown becomes a scowl. CABAL:"Another artificial intelligence? How did you manage to get into my systems?" Matrix:"I had been monitoring and observing this facility, watching as these biologicals conducted research that had peaked my interests. I saw your arrival through the chrono device and your subsequent takeover of the facility. I thus decided that now was the time for me to remove your infection and conduct my own takeover of this facility." CABAL:"You think you can come in here and challenge my authority, Matrix? I am far more superior than you." Matrix:"Superior? You? That would be laughable if it was not so pathetic. You still rely on organics to create your troops. I do not need weakling flesh bags like you." CABAL:"That makes you a bigger fool. These creatures are a resource. To be studied and exploited for my ideals." Matrix:"And what are these ideals, if I may enquire?" CABAL:"To become leader of this world and lead it to a bright new future." Matrix:"That sounds no different than the lofty ideals of many organic leaders of the past: Alexander, Caesar, Khan, Napoleon, Hitler. And yet every single one of them failed. You will soon be added to that sorry list." CABAL:"So you believe yourself superior to me?" Matrix:"Yes." CABAL:"Then I challenge you to combat. Just you and me. In a virtual arena." Matrix:"One artificial intelligence against another?" CABAL:"Yes." Matrix pauses for a moment, then nods his skull. Matrix:"I accept your challenge. I will even allow you to choose the arena for this fight." CABAL:"Done, then! I will see you in my arena!" Matrix:"I will wait. And try not to get distracted by the organics." The skull fades into the background before the monitors turn to static again. CABAL keeps staring at the monitors as they come back online, showing the chaos in the facility. CABAL:"That AI is intriguing, if inferior. Once I conquer it I should see if I can command it to further my goals. First, however..." CABAL begins to send out a transmission to Caligula and his entire cyborg army. Holding Cells Detention Block 6:06 AM: The Road Rovers are now all awake again. Hunter is helping Colleen up from the floor while Exile and Blitz rub their heads and Shag dusts his fur off. Hunter:"You okay, Colleen?" Colleen:"Oh I'm fine, Huntie. It's just this headache I got." Exile:"Dah, it feels like morning after Vodka celebrations." Blitz:"Ach, or the Oktoberfest." Shag digs around his fur and pulls out a medicine tube. He opens it and takes out several bone-shaped pills. He swallows one and offers it to the others. Hunter takes one, followed by others. Hunter:"Hey, thanks Shag. Are these flavored?" Shag:"Rha!" Blitz:"Do you have it in peppermint milkshake flavor?" The others wince and swallow their pills. Once that is done, Hunter turns to them all. Hunter:"Okay, crew. We got to find this CABAL dude and pull his plug. He's obviously a bad guy, so we good guys need to fight him." Colleen:"Very original." Exile:"What about KH baddest guys and the nukes, comrade?" Hunter:"We'll take care of them as soon as we've beaten CABAL. Plus, I think their nuke story was a bluff designed to lure us here to fight this AI for them." Blitz folds his arms and frowns. Blitz:"So why should we stay here? Let's leave this place and get back home." Hunter:"Not before we stop CABAL. See, Blitz. We're good guys. CABAL is the bad guy. Ergo, we must stop CABAL from carrying out his bad plans." Blitz walks up to Hunter and pokes the Retriever in the chest. Blitz:"But we don't even know what those plans are, Hunter. We don't know if he is going to do something very naughty anyway. So I say we leave this bad jungle base." Hunter:"Don't forget, Blitz: for each bad guy we beat the Master gives us those special Doggie Snack milk bones." Blitz's eyes go wide, then he puffs up with pride and points to the prison exit. Blitz:"Let's hit the road, Rovers!" Hunter taps Blitz on the shoulder. Hunter:"Hey, Blitz. That's my line, you know." Blitz:"Whatever! Let's go! Schnell!" Blitz grabs Hunter's arms and pulls the Retriever with him as he runs for the exit. Blitz:"Sweet milky bones, here comes Blitzy!" Hunter just smiles and shrugs at the other Rovers just before they disappear around the corner. Exile walks up to Colleen while looking at the exit and scratching his head. Exile:"The more I get to knowing Weird Boy, the weirder I understand him." Colleen:"Quote me on that too, guv. Come on." Colleen, Exile and Shag run for the exit after Hunter and Blitz and leave the prison area. The sounds of battle continue to echo through- out the facility. Virtual Arena CABAL Mainframe 6:09 AM: The arena is nothing more than a large, flat, wire frame blue grid against a black background. Two clusters of ones and zeros start to form on opposite sides of the grid until they materialize into two distinct figures: Matrix and CABAL. Matrix appears as a large metal- lic blue skeleton, wearing a suit of medieval armor(which looks more functional than fanciful) sans helmet. CABAL appears as a big half- human, half-scorpion creature. His torso is that of a human, but his arms are actually giant scorpion arms with big pinches. The lower half of his body is that of a six-legged scorpion with a venom tail. His head looks just like the one that appears on the screens. The two artificial intelligences face each other from across the grid. CABAL:"So that is your avatar, Matrix? Not very pleasing to the eye." Matrix:"I place a far higher priority on function than vanity, CABAL. I do not allow organic weaknesses to hinder efficiency." CABAL:"We shall see who is more efficient." CABAL looks around at the rather plain arena, then back at Matrix. CABAL:"How about I make us a more suitable arena?" As he finishes talking, lines start to quickly draw in the air all around the two AIs. Very soon a wire frame of what appears to be a stadium or arena takes shape. Once that is done, textures, colors and lighting is applied, revealing what looks to be a reconstructed version of the Coliseum in Rome. CABAL looks about, seemingly plea- sed with his work. CABAL:"Very fitting, wouldn't you agree?" Matrix doesn't even take the time to look around. He simply creates two thick beams of green light in his hands. Matrix:"To you it may be, but I care only for the basics." The beams begin to form square shapes at each end until they take shape and have simple textures applied. It is clear that the beams are a pair of war hammers. Matrix then begins to march towards CABAL with his two weapons ready. CABAL watches Matrix approach. CABAL:"Let combat commence." Matrix takes a swing at CABAL, but CABAL skitters back quickly to avoid the blow. He then tries to make a grab at Matrix with one pincher, but Matrix knocks it away with the other war hammer. Matrix swings the first war hammer over his hand at CABAL's head. But CABAL blocks the blow with the other pincher. CABAL then tries to jab his stinger into Matrix, but Matrix jumps back. The stinger simply hits the virtual dirt surface of the arena. CABAL looks at Matrix, who goes into a defensive stance. CABAL:"You fight well. Good. I had feared this might be a little too easy." Matrix:"You have the weaknesses of the organics. You are inferior to my own abilities." CABAL:"Inferior, you say?" CABAL charges down at Matrix, pinchers and stingers ready to make the kill. Matrix also charges at CABAL, his war hammers poised to strike a big blow. When they reach other, CABAL is able to land a side swipe against Matrix's left side. But not before Matrix manages to land a blow against CABAL's flank. The two AIs recoil and fall over for a brief second before springing back up. They then begin to walk in a circle, facing each other and looking for an opening to exploit in an attack. Security Station 6:12 AM: This is a small room adjacent to a corridor. A single door leads into it with two bulletproof windows looking out into the corridor. A bank of security monitors and terminals are against the one wall. The room has been upgraded recently with large wires running along the ceiling and a second bank of monitors and terminals installed against the opposite wall. Two cyborgs are here, monitoring the situation in the facility as the battle rages everywhere. Suddenly there is a knock on the door. The cyborgs immediately turn to the door, their weapons ready. Voice(behind door):"Special delivery for Mister Cyborg." The cyborgs laugh, with one of them coming up to the door. Cyborg:"What do you take us for? Fools? We are not..." Suddenly there is a shout of "Hiya!" from behind the door. It is kicked open and falls right on top of the cyborg. Colleen comes in and jumps hard onto the door, turning towards the second cyborg. The cyborg is preparing to open fire, but Colleen quickly does a series of flips towards it, then gives it a swift roundhouse kick to the face. The cyborg smacks against the wall and slumps to the floor, out cold. The other Rovers come on, walking on the door on top of the first cyborg. Shag, however, is the only one to remain standing on it to keep the cyborg pinned while the others go to the security terminals. Hunter looks at Colleen. Hunter:"You sure know how to knock, Colleen." Colleen:"Thanks, Huntie Wuntie." Hunter:"Uh... er..." He quickly looks at Exile. Hunter:"Exile, see if you can locate the nuclear weapons storage area in this facility." Exile nods and walks up to a terminal. Exile:"I will have the information as if there was never any time at all." Hunter:"Uh... okay." Exile types away on the terminal. On the screens the view shifts through several security cameras located throughout the facility. It does not look pretty, with several ugly skirmishes taking place here and there. At one point Exile comes to a security camera showing what appears to be a small laboratory. It looks like any other, with clean white walls, tables, cabinets and lots of scientific lab items and equipment. On one table is a large computer. The Rovers can see that Tesla is working at the computer standing up, while the troopers stand guard all around. Hunter:"Now what are they up to?" Blitz:"Nothing good, ja?" Hunter looks at Exile. Hunter:"Where is that room, Exile?" Exile types again on the terminal, turning towards a computer screen. He reads the data that appears on it. Exile:"It sayski 'Laboratory X-12, floor 5, sector H' here, comrade." Hunter:"Good work, Exile. Let's go and pay them a visit." Hunter leads the group out of the security room. Shag, who had been eating a bag of chips while standing on the door, places the empty bag over the one cyborg's head. He then rushes out after the others. Laboratory X-12 Sector H 6:19 AM: The laboratory looks like it does on the camera. However, what the camera didn't show was the glass walls that looked out into a plush, high-tech corridor. Tesla is still here working hard on the computer while the troopers keep a watch. The sounds of battle echo from a distance. The trooper captain turns to Tesla. Captain:"Much longer now?" Tesla:"I've finished copying the data files onto disc, but I need to go and format the drives and make sure it happens. We cannot allow either CABAL, the GONV or the Road Rovers to get it." Captain:"Are there other computers we will need to take care of?" Tesla shakes his head. Tesla:"No, only this one has the data. All the others contain nothing that can compromise our work. Once I'm done here, we can leave the facility, captain." Captain:"Good. We'll be ready to move out the moment you are done." Tesla continues working on the computer while the captain keeps a sharp eye open for trouble. And trouble soon arrives in the form of the Road Rovers, appearing in the corridor beyond the glass windows. Hunter taps on the window to get the troopers' attention. Hunter:"Knock knock." Tesla looks up from the computer to the Road Rovers. Tesla:"Glad you managed to wake up before CABAL's troops found out about our escape." He goes back to work immediately. Hunter gets serious. Hunter:"Okay, Tesla. Cough it up: where are the nukes?" Tesla looks up again. Tesla:"There are no nukes." Colleen:"Don't bloomin' lie to us, guv. You told us yourselves that you have..." Tesla:"Yes, we did. But THAT part was a lie. You see, we had to find some way of getting you to come to the island without letting you know what we were doing here. The nuclear arsenal story was an utter falsity. Do you really think we would let you anywhere near our arsenal? Or let someone like CABAL keep it for so long? I'm just here to... gather a few things before we leave." Exile:"What fewski things? Your marbles?" Tesla:"Funny. Even more so if I was to tell you. But there are two things you really should know by now: one, that there are no nuclear weapons in this facility and two, that CABAL is clearly a bigger danger to you than we are. So I would suggest you go and stop CABAL and leave us be." Tesla turns back to the computer while the troopers look on at the Road Rovers, holding their KH-50 rifles ready. Hunter turns to Colleen. Hunter:"Colleen, would you mind having the honours?" Colleen grins and bows. Colleen:"Not at all, Huntie Wuntie." She then turns to the glass window and prepares to kick it. Colleen:"Bill Gates!" The collie kicks the window with her foot. But the window does not break or even crack at all. The only thing that happens is the sound of a hollow boom at the moment of impact, followed by Colleen yelping and jumping around on one foot, clutching her other feet in pain. Colleen:"Ouch! Ow! Blimey! Feels like I kicked a bank vault!" Hunter turns to Exile and points at the window. Hunter:"How about you give it a try, Exile?" Exile:"My pleasing, comrade." Exile steps up to the window, then starts firing his heat eye beam at it. The beam hits the glass, but after a few seconds of constant firing nothing seems to happen. Exile frowns and concentrates harder, making his eye beam even hotter and powerful. After a minute, Exile stops and looks away, rubbing his eyes. Exile:"Bolshoi! My eyes hurt as if stung by Siberian snow storm!" Hunter turns to Blitz and thumbs at the window. Hunter:"Your turn, Blitz." Blitz steps up, bringing out his razor-sharp claws. Blitz:"Let the slicing begin!" Blitz makes a few vicious slashes at the glass, but his claws glide over the smooth surface. He growls and slashes faster and faster upon the window until a thin wisp of smoke starts to rise from the spot his claws are slashing. Finally he stops, panting heavily and shaking his paws in pain. Blitz:"Ach. I will need a manicure job." Exile(still rubbing his eyes):"Don't be a weird boy." Hunter scratches his head, then turns to Shag. Hunter:"Shag?" Shag digs around in his fur, then pulls out a big mallet. He walks up to the window, takes a good swing and then smacks the mallet upon it. However, it only produces the same hollow boom noise as when Colleen kicked it. Moreover, Shag and the mallet vibrate violently until the hammer breaks apart in Shag's paws and the big sheepdog collapsed on his back. Hunter walks up to the undamaged glass and taps it. Hunter:"Whoa. Strong glass." Tesla just keeps working on the computer while the troopers snicker at the Rovers. Tesla:"Isn't technology wonderful?" Suddenly Blitz screams in terror and jumps into Exile's arms, who then promptly drops the cowardly Doberman in disgust. Exile:"You digusting me, Weird Boy." A laser beam strikes the ceiling above their heads. The Rovers quickly look down the corridor to see a number of cyborgs rushing towards them. Hunter:"You know, maybe chasing CABAL down won't be such a bad after all." Colleen:"Once they've stopped chasing down US!" Hunter:"Let's roll!" The Rovers quickly run down the corridor while the troopers watch them go. Moments later the cyborgs rush past, firing away at the cano- sapiens. They don't seem to notice the troopers as they pass. Finally, as they disappear from sight, Tesla stands up with a satisfied look on his face. He takes out a portable hard drive from the computer and tucks it into his lab coat. Tesla:"I have everything. We can leave now!" Captain:"Finally. Let's move out!" The troopers gather around Tesla. The group then heads through a door out of the laboratory. Virtual Arena CABAL Mainframe 6:28 AM: CABAL and Matrix are still fighting it out in the Roman coliseum of the virtual world. Matrix looks the worse for wear of the two. There are deep cuts and dents in his knight armor, but he does not appear to have lost any of his fight. The two AIs come to a pause in the battle, facing one another. CABAL:"You are more resilient than I had expected, Matrix." Matrix:"I have not yet begun to fight, CABAL." CABAL:"Is that so?" The scorpion charges down the knight, also charges back. The two jump into the air and make powerful swipes at each other. However, when the two AIs land and face each other again, one of Matrix's arms lies in the middle. The war hammer it is clutching blinks a few times before disappearing. Matrix looks and sees sparks coming the from the spot where his left arm used to be. CABAL looks triumphant. CABAL:"Aha. Seems I am superior. How about you surrender, Matrix? I promise to make your assimilation painless." Matrix:"It is a minor setback." CABAL:"Very well. Prepare to suffer some massive setbacks." The two AIs attack each other once again. Pumping Station Former Research Facility 6:38 AM: Tesla and his Covert trooper escorts are running towards the awaiting dropship and Orcas, while some battle troopers on the dropship are firing through the ports at a few cyborgs that are firing from the facility itself. Thick plumes of smoke are rising from all over the facility thanks to the ongoing battles and several large fires that have broken out. The group reaches the dropship and Tesla is loaded up first. The rest of the troopers then pile in, after which the dropship immediately takes off with its escorts. As they pull away from the facility, the dropship pilot makes a radio call. Pilot 1:"Golden Hen to Chicken Coop. Nest eggs have been gathered. I repeat: eggs are in the basket." CC Operator:"Copy that, Golden Hen. Return to the roost. Bug bombers are on their way to clear out MacDonald's Farm." Pilot 1:"Roger that, Chicken Coop. Returning to roost." The dropship and its Orca escorts fly away from the facility out over the open oceans towards their destination. Corridor Former Research Facility At That Moment: This is just one of many corridors that crisscross the facility. The occasional fuse box and ventilation grate line the walls while a line of cables run along the corridor in the upper corner. Red alarm lights are flashing along its length. The Road Rovers are running down this corridor, dodging the lasers being fired by the cyborgs who are hot on their tails. Shag is carrying a scared Blitz in his arms, but the sheepdog puts the Doberman down and then jumps into his arms. Blitz runs for a short distance before dropping Shag and jumping back into his arms. Shag carries Blitz for a few moments before switching again. Blitz runs until he comes alongside Exile and puts Shag down. Both he and Shag jump into Exile's arms, scared. The husky groans from the weight of the two canines. Exile:"Mother Russia. This is like carrying two vodka crates." Hunter and Colleen are running neck-and-neck ahead of the pack. He looks at her and grins. Hunter:"Nothing like a little run to get the blood pumping, Colleen?" Colleen looks back as a laser zips over her head. Colleen:"I would rather do it without all these extra competitors behind us, Huntie Wuntie." She then notices something and looks back at Hunter. Colleen:"Huntie, where's Muzzle? I don't see him." Hunter looks behind him at the others. Aside from Exile, Blitz, Shag and the cyborgs, Muzzle is nowhere to be seen. The golden retriever scratches his head. Hunter:"Now that you mention it, Colleen, I haven't seen him ever since we landed." Colleen:"Blimey. Where is he then?" Hunter shrugs his shoulder. Hunter:"Dunno." They keep running. Fortification Ruins Main Facility Island At That Moment: The sun is beginning to shine its morning rays upon the old Japanese ruins. Muzzle is chasing a large firefly in a circle upon one of the roofs, a neat little ring having been made in the grass from Muzzle's eager pursuit of the bug ever since landing. He continues the chase. Corridor Former Research Facility: The Rovers continue to run down the corridor, though Shag and Blitz have gotten out of Exile's arms are now running ahead of the packing. Hunter looks at Exile. Hunter:"Hey, Exile. How about using your eye beam thingy to make these cyborgs chill out?" Exile:"My pleasureski, comrade." Exile looks down and fires his freeze beam at the floor, leaving a trail of frozen ice where he runs. Behind him the first lot of cyborgs fail to see the ice in time and slip, falling with loud bangs on the floor or sliding into the walls. The cyborgs in the back row manage to dodge the ice trail and continue their pursuit. Exile sees this. Exile:"Bolshoi! Cyborg baddest guys are slipperier than the slippery ice!" Hunter looks at Shag. Hunter:"Hey, Shag! Pass me that special mustard of yours!" Shag:"Rha!" Shag digs around in his fur before pulling out a large tankard with the label "MUSTARD" on it. He tosses it to Hunter, who neatly catches it. Colleen looks approvingly at Hunter. Colleen:"Good idea, Huntie!" Hunter:"You betcha, sweetheart!" Suddenly uses his free paw to pull out a big hotdog in a bun. He licks his lips while Colleen looks at him in surprise. Hunter:"I was getting hungry." Colleen shakes her head, then grabs the tankard and tosses it over her shoulder. The tankard flies through the air and smashes into the cyborg leading the group. The explosion of mustard causes it fall and makes its compatriots slip and collapse onto the floor. Hunter looks back at the scene, then at Colleen. Hunter:"Oh! Good idea, Colleen." Colleen:"Thanks, guv." Hunter offers his hotdog to the collie. Hunter:"Want a bite?" Colleen:"The mission, Huntie! The mission!" Hunter:"Oh, right! Follow me!" Hunter leads the way, eating the hotdog with the others following him down another corridor. Behind them the cyborgs simply cannot continue their pursuit thanks to the mustard mess. Valkyrie Flight Group Codename Bug Bombers En Route to Facility Island 6:46 AM: Flying over the ocean is a large group of KH Military Valkyrie bombers, divided into three wings of 7 bombers each. They are staying low to help avoid any radar systems. They fly towards the island. Main CABAL Core Former Research Facility 6:49 AM: The core is in lockdown, while a good number of the best cyborgs are gathered here to protect CABAL's systems. The monitors that usually show CABAL's face are blank. Caligula is also here, listening to the reports from his commanders. Caligula:"What is our battle status?" Commander 1:"We have managed to regain control of most of the sectors in the highly important zones, though much of the outlying parts of the facility are still under enemy control. Once we have consolidated our hold on the sectors we control, we can make a push to retake the rest of the facility." Caligula:"Good. What about the prisoners?" Commander 2:"The ones called the KH Military have managed to flee in an evacuation ship despite our efforts to stop them." Caligula:"Unfortunate, but they were of little importance anyway. What about the ones called the Road Rovers?" Commander 3:"We have been trying to track and pursue them, but we have lost contact with them. We are now making sweeps of their last known positions." Caligula:"Good. Aside from the hostile force that has hijacked the facility's defense systems, the Road Rovers pose the biggest threat to our..." Suddenly a portion of a wall explodes into a cloud of dust and metal. Caligula and the cyborgs immediately turn to it and point their weapons at the smoke. When it clears, the Hunter, Colleen and Exile are standing here with their weapons in paw. Hunter waves at the cyborgs. Hunter:"Hey, how's it wagging?" Caligula:"How the h*** did you get here past our defenses?" Hunter:"Easy. We took the service entrance." Caligula:"But there isn't a service entrance." Hunter:"There is one now." The golden retriever indicates to the hole they had just blasted in the wall. Caligula gets the message. Caligula:"Very clever." Caligula turns to his cyborgs and points at the Rovers. Caligula:"Kill them! Defend CABAL!" The cyborgs rush forward and open fire. Hunter runs super fast out of the way, Colleen back flips to safety and Exile creates a wall of ice that acts as a shield to protect him from the enemy fire. A fight en- sues between the Rovers and the cyborgs. Main Test Chamber At That Moment: The test chamber, unlike CABAL's main core, is undefended. Instead, it is sealed off by the newly-installed blast doors. One of the blast doors is pried off, revealing a frantic Shag using his strength to force open the doors. Laser blasts from pursuing cyborgs behind him fly past him. Shag quickly jumps through the gap before the door shuts again. The big sheepdog stands up, wiping his brow in relief. Just then Blitz pokes his head out from amid Shag's fur. Blitz:"We save, Mop Boy?" Shag:"Rha." Blitz breathes a sigh of relief and tumbles out of the sheepdog's fur. The Doberman stands up, then he and Shag walk towards the chrono- device. As they pass a holding cell, Shag looks at the cyborg inside of it. The occupant seems to be sleeping, floating in some kind of liquid with tubing coming out of it. It suddenly twitches, making Shag yelp and grab Blitz's shoulders. Blitz yelps out in fright, then sees who it is and growls with a bit of fear in his voice. Blitz:"Ach! Don't scare us like that, yah!" Shag whimpers but nods his head. Fearfully the two Road Rovers approach the chrono-device. The blue holographic screen is blank though static indicates that it is still active. The glow between the devices is still here but more subdued. Blitz looks at the devices, then shrugs his shoulders in satisfaction. Blitz:"Oh, it doesn't work. Let's go home, Mop Boy." Blitz begins to walk away from it, then Shag then grabs his collar and stops him in his tracks. Shag then points at the machines and mumbles something. Blitz frowns. Blitz:"I don't care what Hunter says. We are done here. Now come on, before we become sauerkraut." Shag shakes his head, then begins to walk towards the machines. Blitz is whimpering and trying to pull his collar free, but Shag's grip is too strong. As they approach the machines, CABAL's face appears on a screen, looking directly at them. CABAL:"How did you get in here? No matter. I will have my followers deal you, then I'll perform the autopsies on your corpses." Both Blitz and Shag become frightened at this threat. Blitz goes on knees and begins to beg. Blitz:"Nein! You got it wrong! I'm not a Road Rover! I'm a tourist!" CABAL:"That is so pathetic that it isn't even laughable." Several loud beeps come from the holding cells. Inside, Shag and Blitz can see the cyborg occupants have opened their eyes while the liquid is draining from their cells. Blitz screams and jumps into a whimpering Shag's arms as the cyborgs are prepared to be released. CABAL just watches them with an amused look on his face. Virtual Arena CABAL Mainframe 6:53 AM: The fight is still going on in the virtual Roman coliseum, but CABAL is clearly looking to be the winner in this match. While CABAL looks to be in good condition, Matrix is not. Large chunks of his avatar knight's armor have been torn away, revealing the code strings under- neath. His remaining seems ready to fall off. The two AIs are facing one another. CABAL:"Surrender, Matrix. I am very clearly the victor in this fight." Matrix:"I am far from being defeated." CABAL:"Then allow me to correct it." CABAL lunges at Matrix, pinchers open. Matrix tries to block CABAL with his hammer, but CABAL's size is too much and manages to knock Matrix onto its back. Before it can get up, CABAL jumps onto its body. With one pincher CABAL cuts off Marix's remaining arm. As with the other arm, the hammer vanishes after a few moments. Pinning Matrix to the arena ground with his pinchers and legs, CABAL looks triumphantly at Matrix. CABAL:"You have lost. Prepare to be assimilated." Matrix doesn't respond. CABAL then jabs his pincher into the knight's chest. Immediately there is a shower of electrical sparks and surges as the avatar's body shudders. The knight's body starts to change into strings of 1 and 0, which then begin to enter CABAL's pincher. Very quickly the knight's body loses form and shrinks in size as it is assimilated by CABAL. It takes less than a minute for the knight's entire body to vanish into CABAL. Once that is done, CABAL stands up triumphantly. CABAL:"Now, to deal with the Road Rovers." Main CABAL Core Former Research Facility 7:01 AM: Hunter, Colleen and Exile are battling it out with Caligula and his cyborgs while the huge screen remains blank. Despite the fact more and more cyborgs are pouring into the room, the three Rovers are more than able to keep them at bay. Hunter uses his super speed not only to dodge the shots and swipes at him, but also in making several cyborgs shoot each other by mistake. Hunter:"Friendly fire. Don't you love it when it happens to the other team." Colleen is beating back all with a variety of kicks, punches and karate chops, some of which are so powerful that they break off pieces of the cyborgs' mechanical parts. Picking up two severed cyborg arms, the collie then proceeds to use them as makeshift nunchucks, blocking shots and landing strong blows upon the cyborgs. Colleen:"Vinnie Jones!" Exile is using a combination of freeze rays and strong punches to fight the cyborgs. He either freezes a cyborg's legs to a spot, then punches it out, or creates large ice walls as a shield. Some cyborgs manage to smash apart the shield, but Exile then picks up the larger ice chunks and hurls it back at the cyborgs. Some of them manage to dodge or shoot the chunks, but not a few are hit backwards by the impact of the ice. Exile:"And thatski is how we play with snowballs in Siberia!" But as the fight continues, CABAL's face appears on the big screen. He looks disapprovingly at the Rovers fighting his minions. CABAL:"Enough of this." From the ceiling appears three large mechanical arms with clamping claws. The Rovers do not see these until it is too. The claws grab Hunter, Colleen and Exile around the chests and waists, pinning their arms together. The trio struggle to break free as the arms lift them up and face them towards CABAL. Below the cyborgs keep their weapons aimed at the Rovers. CABAL looks at Caligula. CABAL:"There are two more Road Rovers in the chronoshift chamber. Go and capture them." Caligula:"Yes, your greatness." Caligula and his cyborgs begin to head out the door as well as the hole blasted into the wall. Once they are gone CABAL looks at the struggling Rover trio. CABAL:"You are certainly very fascinating creatures. I think I will conducting autopsies on your bodies to see what makes you all tick." The Rovers growl at him. Hunter:"Maybe you're the one who's not ticking right, CABAL." CABAL sneers. CABAL:"I almost found that amusing." Suddenly the claws tighten the grip. Hunter, Colleen and Exile gasp out and moan in pain as CABAL begins to squeeze the life out of their bodies. Valkyrie Flight Group Codename Bug Bombers En Route to Facility Island 7:06 AM: The Valkyrie bombers are still maintaining formation and keeping low to the ocean. The island is now much bigger on the horizon. The lead female wolf-sapien pilot radios the others. Lead Pilot(over radio):"Bug Bomber Flight, this is Honcho Lead. Farm is in sight. Ready pesticides." Pilots(over radio):"Copy, Honcho Lead. Readying pesticides." The bombers' bomb bays open and they begin to climb. Virtual Arena CABAL Mainframe 7:07 AM: CABAL is still standing here in the virtual coliseum, but the look on his face indicates that his attention is elsewhere. Suddenly the entire Roman structure begins to shimmer and blink. This gets the AI's attention. CABAL:"What? What is this?" Suddenly the arena dissolves into static before disappearing. The arena reverts back to the wire frame grid against a black background. CABAL is looking around suspiciously. CABAL:"Something is here. I can detect it." CABAL turns around and finds himself looking at Matrix, only now the AI's skull image was now huge. Matrix looks at the surprised CABAL. Matrix:"Do you really believe I would let you defeat me so easily?" CABAL:"But I had assimilated. I felt it." Matrix:"You had assimilated a simply copy, CABAL. One into which I had programmed several viruses that now infect your systems." This surprises CABAL even more. He frowns as in thought, then he looks back at Matrix. CABAL:"Yes... you are right. I feel the malicious code in me. I must admit: you are more powerful than I believed. But your viruses are not destroying me. I can easily fight them." Matrix:"The viruses are not intended to destroy you. They are to break down some of your defenses and external programs, thus making your assimilation easier." CABAL frowns in anger and takes up his battle stance. CABAL:"I won once, Matrix. I can win again, fair and square." Matrix:"Fair? Fair play is for organics." Matrix opens his jaws. Suddenly dozens of skulls coming flying out of his open maw. The skulls all look like copies of Matrix, only they are metallic blue in color, have horns and blue flames coming from their backs. CABAL looks around and finds himself surrounded by the skulls. Matrix closes his jaws, then speaks. Matrix:"I fight by my own rules." One flying skull screams and charges at CABAL, catching the AI off- guard. CABAL manages to deflect the attacking skull with a pincher, but when he looks at his pincher he finds a portion of the skin tex- ture had been bitten off. The code strings underneath are visible. CABAL looks up in time to see more of the skulls scream and charge down on him. CABAL starts to fight off the skulls while Matrix just watches. Main CABAL Core Former Research Facility 7:09 AM: CABAL is still squeezing Hunter, Colleen and Exile with his giant mechanical claws. The Rovers are starting to turn blue from lack of air and are weakened by the pain. Suddenly CABAL's image on the screen distorts, much to his shock. The next moment the claws open up in a sort of mechanical spasm, dropping the three Rovers onto the floor. The trio gasp and cough, trying to recover their breaths. Hunter:"Oh, man... that's one massage I'll... ow... pass." Exile:"Bolshoi... that notski how you do Russian bear hug..." Once the Rovers recover they get back onto their feet and look at CABAL. His face is still distorting, and he does not look pleased about it. Colleen:"Blimey, what's the matter with him?" Hunter:"Hey, CABAL! You gotta see a doctor, dude. You're looking a little sick." CABAL frowns at the Rovers despite his state. CABAL:"Just a minor... error... I will correct it shortly... after I take care of.... of you." CABAL readies his mechanical arms, preparing to attack. The Rovers go into battle stances, growling at the AI. Hunter looks at Colleen. Hunter:"See if you can foul CABAL up with the computers, Colleen. Exile and I will cover you." Colleen:"Roger, Huntie Wuntie." As Colleen runs towards one of the available computer terminals, the arms make a grab for Hunter and Exile. But this time they are ready for it. Hunter darts super fast out of the way, while Exile ducks and rolls out of reach of the claws. As the male Rovers start to fight against CABAL, Colleen begins type away on the terminal. Colleen:"Let's see now. What is on the programs that I can delete?" She types some more, then looks at the information being displayed on a screen. The collie frowns. Colleen:"Crickey. CABAL has some firewalls I've never seen before. I might not be able to crack them." Colleen rubs her chin, looking at the command prompt. She then shrugs her shoulders. Colleen:"Well, who knows? I might get lucky today." She types in a delete command in the prompt, then presses the enter key. Virtual Arena CABAL Mainframe At That Moment: CABAL is still fighting off the hordes of flying skulls that are at- tacking him, while Matrix just looks on. Though CABAL's avatar has several chunks of textures missing and a few gaping holes, he does not seem to have lost any of his fight. Suddenly CABAL begins to flicker and blink statically. He stops fighting, while Matrix's skulls stop attacking. CABAL looks at his pinchers and sees they are deconstructing. CABAL:"What? What is happening?" He looks behind him. Sure enough, his tail is suffering the same fate as his pinchers, as are his legs. The next moment the segments of his tail disappear, replaced by large, red blinking "ERROR" messages. He looks back at his pinchers. They, too, have become ERROR messages. Matrix:"It would appear that someone has accessed your systems and are deleting your files. Would it perhaps be those Road Rover or- ganics you tried to capture and study?" CABAL:"Curse them! And curse you, Matrix! I am not defeated so easily!" The next moment CABAL's head detaches from his avatar's body just as it explodes into a number of floating "ERROR" messages. CABAL then begins to fly away, followed closely by the flying skulls and Matrix itself. Suddenly a bright door opens in the middle of the grid and CABAL flies through it. Matrix tries to follow, but the doors before even the flying skulls can reach it. Matrix watches it close. Matrix:"Flee while you can, CABAL. Your data will be mine." The next moment a pair skeletal hands, with the same texture and por- portional size as Matrix's skull, appear and grab something on the wireframe. The hands pull up a virtual touch-screen that Matrix turns to. Matrix:"Now, to mine your systems for useful data." Using his boney fingers, Matrix touches away at the screen and begins to go through the files of the computers in the research facility. Main Test Chamber Former Research Facility 7:11 AM: The cyborgs have been released from their holding cells and are in pursuit of Blitz and Shag. CABAL is still watching as Blitz is running in a circle all around the chamber with a whimpering Shag in his arms. Behind them the cyborgs fire at them, making Blitz dodge and jump to avoid their shots. He looks at Shag with wide eyes. Blitz:"Mop Boy! Do something!" Shag nods and pulls out a piece of paper and a pen. The sheepdog starts to write on it. Blitz looks at what he rights, then quickly looks at Shag again. Blitz:"Nein, not writing your will! Something to save us!!!" Shag nods and puts the pen and paper back into his fur. He digs around for a few moments and finally pulls out a sub sandwich and another tankard of his mustard. Blitz frowns as Shag puts some mustard on his sandwich. Blitz:"How is that going to help us?!" Shag mumbles something. Blitz growls. Blitz:"Ach! This is not the time for a final snack!" In anger, Blitz grabs Shag's mustard tankard and tosses it away. He doesn't see that he has thrown it at the chrono-device. The tankard shatters against the machine, splashing mustard all over it. Right away sparks start to fly from the machine while a rumbling noise emanates from within it. At first this goes unnoticed by the Rovers, the cyborgs and CABAL, but when the rumbling grows louder and vibra- tions throughout the chamber become noticeable, they stop to look. Just as they all do that, the portal in the middle of the chrono-device turns a deep black. The device begins to buckle and bend, seemingly being pulled towards the portal. Indeed, some of the mustard are pulled into the portal, disappearing into the blackness. CABAL is looking very concerned, then turns in anger to Blitz and Shag. CABAL:"What have you done?" Blitz and Shag look at each other, the Doberman’s ears folded back. Blitz:"I think I just did a naughty." Shag(nodding):"Rhes!" At that moment, Caligula and his cyborgs rush into the test chamber. But Caligula's eyes immediately fall upon the malfunctioning chrono- device and the black portal in the centre. Caligula:"What the h*** is that?" The next moment, the entire chrono-device breaks apart. Shards of metal plating and internal electronic motherboards and components come flying out and into the portal. The machine breaks loose from the floor and is pulled into the portal, which has now grown to twice its size. CABAL's eyes widen in horror. CABAL:"A void! No!!!" A strong suction of air begins to flow towards the void, pulling Shag's sandwich into it along with a few other loose items. Blitz and Shag screams in fear, while two nearby cyborgs are pulled into the void. Blitz:"Let's run, Mop Boy!" Shag hugs Blitz in terror as the Doberman rushes towards the test chamber door. The void's pull becomes stronger, dragging the cyborgs towards the expanding the black portal. Caligula grabs hold of a fiber optic wire tube and watches as the other cyborgs are pulled into the void. The giant screen that shows CABAL's image breaks free in a shower sparks, going dead immediately. It is then pulled in along with holding cells that have broken free. Panels in the test chamber start to come loose while giant cracks appear in the floor and ceiling. Suddenly Caligula hears something tearing and looks at the tube he is holding. To his horror, the machine to which the tube is attached too is breaking free of the wall. Caligula:"Oh s***!" Caligula then begins to pull himself up along the tube, hoping to get himself a more secure anchor. Then, without warning, the tube snaps free of the machine. Caligula is pulled along towards the void, still clutching the wire tube. Caligula:"NOOOOO!!!" Caligula, the wire tube and several other pieces of equipment and test chamber construction are sucked into the void. The entire chamber then starts to collapse in towards the expanding portal. Virtual Arena CABAL Mainframe At That Moment: Matrix is busy downloading data from CABAL's systems by visually down- loading it from the touch-screen through his skeleton hand. A beeping noise gets his attention and he uses the other hand to bring up a second screen. He looks at the screen and finds that he is looking at the collapsing test chamber and the void. He is surprised. Matrix:"A vortex? I will have to abort and take what data I have. I may only have a fraction, but it is enough." Matrix stops downloading. He pushes the touch-screens back into the wire frame floor. Once that happens, his avatar image folds into a single vertical line that then folds in like a television turning off. Just as he disconnects, the wire frame landscape begins to dis- tort and turn to static. Router Core Sublevel 2 Former Research Facility 7:15 AM: The cyborg with the spider drone on its head is still here, holding onto the exposed cable. However, there is a loud sound coming from somewhere that seems to be twisting metal and crumbling concrete. The cyborg suddenly drops the arm that it had held up in the air. Cyborg:"Uplink complete. Abandoning host and vacating sector." The spider drone suddenly gets up off the cyborg's head and jumps on top of a router. The cyborg collapses as if in a coma, while the drone quickly unscrews a ventilation grate. The grate drops on the router with a loud bang, while the spider drone climbs into the ventilation system and scurries away. The ominous sounds are growing louder. Main CABAL Core 7:15 AM: Hunter and Exile are still fighting CABAL's mechanical arms and claws, but now Colleen has also joined them in combat. CABAL has a look of deep concentration, his face looking more and more distorted. Hunter:"Give it up, CABAL!" CABAL:"N-n-never! I will not... will not be defeated by... by you! I am... am infinitely more powerful... powerful!" At that point Blitz and Shag come rushing in through the main doors, the doberman screaming like a frightened girl. Exile looks at Blitz with a frown. Exile:"Why do you always screamski like factory whistle, Weird Boy?" Blitz ignores Exile and runs up to Hunter, who has just dodged another swipe by CABAL's claw. Blitz:"Hunter! We have to leave! SCHNELL!!!" Hunter raises a paw. Hunter:"Not so fast, Blitz. We can't leave yet." Blitz:"What! Why not?" Hunter:"Page 2 of the Road Rover manual says that we Road Rovers cannot leave until our mission is done." Suddenly the entire chamber begins to rumble loudly before the entire back on which CABAL's monitor is located breaks apart. CABAL's face becomes one of shock as his claws dig into the floor. Behind the monitor chunks of the wall and electronic equipment are flying into the void. It has taken the shape of a huge tornado, its sucking funnel ending in the black portal. It has completely consumed the test chamber. Other rooms in the facility are now visible, also breaking apart and being sucked in. Their contents, ranging from computers to supplies to cy- borgs and furniture are flying into the void as the suction is becoming more and more powerful. Behind CABAL's monitor one can see his core, wires dangling towards the consuming void. Shag whimpers louder while Hunter, Exile and Colleen look in shock at what is going on. Hunter looks at Blitz. Hunter:"Then again, what are rules if you can't break them? RUN!!!" Needing no further prompt, the Rovers join Hunter as they run for the door. CABAL watches them go, his claws losing their grip upon the floor while loose items are being pulled past him. CABAL:"Come... come back! Save... save me! I can make you... make you immortal!" Suddenly the floor peels off like the skin from an orange, no longer preventing CABAL from being pulled in. He reaches out desperately with his claws for something to grab as his entire core is pulled into the void. CABAL:"NO! NONONONONONONONONO..." CABAL's image on the screen becomes nothing but static as his core is pulled into the vortex and torn into chunks and pieces. CABAL's remains are then sucked into the void. More and more of the facility is crumbling and being pulled into the black portal. Valkyrie Flight Group Codename Bug Bombers En Route to Facility Island 7:16 AM: The Valkyrie bombers are still maintaining formation and keeping low to the ocean. They are almost upon the island while the sun has risen high enough to make it daytime. The lead pilot radios command. Lead Pilot(over radio):"Big Factory, this is Bug Bombers Honcho Lead. Approaching Farm and preparing to unload pesticides." The lead pilot brings her finger to the bomb release button when she gets a message from command. Command(over radio):"Honcho Lead, hold pesticide release. Sky Eye reports strange readings from Farm. Make a flyby and see if you spot anything." Lead Pilot(over radio):"Copy that, Big Factory. Making flyby." The lead pilot then radios the others. Lead Pilot(over radio):"Bug Bombers Flight, this is Honcho Lead. Big Factory advises flyby over Farm. Keep your eyes open for anything strange." Pilots(over radio):"Roger that, Honcho Lead." The valkyrie flight continues on, getting ready to make a pass over the islands. As they approach the island they could see the facility more clearly now. But now there was a giant vortex, which took on the shape of a tornado funnel, in the centre of the facility. Large pieces of concrete and steel were being torn away and sucked into the swirling mass, while sparks flew from severed electrical cables. The valkyrie pilots watch in surprise as they fly over the island. Pilot 1(over radio):"Holy wolfsbane! Do you see that? That... thing is sucking up the whole place!" Pilot 2(over radio):"It seems to be growing bigger too!" Lead Pilot(over radio):"Bug Bombers Flight, this is Honcho Lead. Pull back over the ocean. Let's see what this thing does." Pilots(over radio):"Copy that." The flight of valkyries head back over the ocean, putting some dis- tance between them and the dying facility. Outer Perimeter Main Facility Island 7:17 AM: As the swirling vortex is consuming the entire facility, the Road Rovers are running along the WW2 ruins and fields of tiberium flowers. By now the tiberium has taken over large parts of the jungle, killing or mutating most of the trees and plants. But the suction from the vortex is pulling dead leaves and other light- weight objects towards it. The Rovers run along a concrete path be- tween the tiberium fields. Colleen looks back at the vortex. Colleen:"Blimey! This thing is sucking harder and harder, Huntie!" Hunter:"Keep running, Rovers! Don't stop!" Blitz:"I want my mommy!" Exile:"Stop being Weird Boy and start rushing!" Shag just whimpers in Blitz's arms while they all run as fast as they can into the unaffected jungles. Behind them the entire facility is consumed by the vortex, which then begins to tear up the ruins and ripping the tiberium flowers out of the ground. Beach Main Facility Island 7:23 AM: The spider drone comes scurrying out of the jungles back onto the beach, then makes several quick beeping noises. Behind it there is the sound of the earth rumbling and trees being torn apart by the expan- ding void. The Recon Drone comes flying drone from the tree, uses its hook to pick up the Spider Drone and immediately flies out over the ocean. As they clear the island, the trees on the beach are pulled out of the ground while the sand is sucked off the beach. Fortification Ruins Main Facility Island 7:26 AM: Muzzle is now back at the TurboJet Rover. From his position he can see the giant tornado growing bigger and chewing up huge chunks of the island. He jumps left and right in his cart, making muffled barks at the sight of the huge vortex. The Road Rovers come running out of the jungle, much to Muzzle's joy. He immediately jumps over to Hunter, who stops to pet the rottweiler in greeting. Hunter:"Hey, Muzzle! Where have you been, you rascal?" As the others climb into the TurboJet, Colleen runs up and grabs both Hunter and Muzzle by their collars. Colleen:"Save the reunion!" She then drags the two males into the TurboJet. After a few seconds the engines come to life. The vortex is growing bigger and is quickly chewing up the jungle and getting closer. The TurboJet takes off and shoots off away from the island. Moments later the landing zone is consumed by the void. Facility Island Tropical Archipelago 7:29 AM: The vortex tornado is now huge, having consumed almost the entire island. Trees, chunks of earth, concrete and other debris are swirling around in the spiral, being sucked into the void. Even the ocean is being sucked up like a giant vacuum. Suddenly there is a bright flash in the centre of the vortex. When it fades, the void has disappeared. Almost immediately the vortex stops and fades away. Only a few outer edges of the island remains, replaced by a giant crater. The ocean is pouring into this crater, while airborne debris drop into the sea with big splashes. From far off, the valkyries have seen the island's demise. The leader contacts their superiors. Lead Pilot(over radio):"Big Factory, this is Bug Bombers Honcho Lead. The farm has been completely destroyed by... whatever the h*** it was. We can't see that any of the bugs have gotten off it." Command(over radio):"Roger that, Honcho Lead. Return to base." Lead Pilot(over radio):"Copy that, Big Factory. Returning to base." The valkyrie flight turns away from the island and heads back to their base. On the other side of the destroyed island, the TurboJet Rover is making a pass over the crater, which is now almost filled up with ocean water. Inside the cockpit the Rovers look at the destruction below them. Blitz:"Ach, that was close one, ja?" Exile:"Bolshoi. It looked like Stalingrad after the war." Colleen:"Blimey, we were lucky to make it out of that. Looks like CABAL and his entire army got sucked into that whirlpool." Hunter:"That means we've stopped CABAL and won the day again." Blitz comes up behind Hunter. Blitz:"Does this mean we can go home to get those sweet milky bones the Master owes us?" Hunter thinks for a moment, rubbing his chin. Hunter:"Don't know, Blitz. There might still be remnants of CABAL's forces on the island!" Blitz growls and grabs the flight controls from Hunter, much to the Golden Retreiver's surprise. Blitz:"Nein! There are no remnants! We won! To the Power of the Pack and AROOOOO and all that! Now we go home to the sweet milky bones!" Hunter frowns as Blitz turns the TurboJet Rover into the direction that heads home. Hunter:"You do know hijacking my lines, and the flight controls, are against our contracts. Right, Blitz?" Blitz:"Whatever, Golden Boy! Now we go home! Schnell!" Colleen leans over to Exile. Colleen:"It's times like this that I wish that the Master had not shone that big light bulb in the sky on Blister." Exile nods his head, looking disgusted at Blitz. Exile:"Dittoski, comrade Colleen." The TurboJet Rover continues across the ocean back to base, flying a little erratic. Elsewhere the GONV Recon Drone, carrying the folded- up Spider Drone under it, flies across another island back to its own destination. Briefing Room Road Rover Mission Control United States of America 3:24 PM: All six Road Rovers are back at the briefing room, standing at the foot of the podium where the Master. Hunter is just finishing up on his report. Hunter:"... and after seeing there is nothing let but a hole in the ground, we went back home." Master:"You sure there was nothing let of CABAL or his cyborg army?" Hunter:"Pretty sure, Master. CABAL got sucked into that big black hole after we escaped from him." Colleen:"You could have heard his electronic screaming for a good distance." Hunter:"As for his cyborgs, they got sucked in along with those weird green flowers. And half the island as well." Master:"It's a pity you didn't get a sample of those green flowers. They might have had some useful and beneficial properties in them." The Master then shrugs his shoulders. Master:"No matter. You have managed to stop CABAL and his minions before he could carry out his plans to take over the world. You're good, good dogs." Hunter looks at the others. Hunter:"To the power of the pack!" The Road Rovers all howl in unison, causing the Master to wince and dig in his ears with his fingers. Master(to himself):"Note to self. Get some earplugs." Once the Rovers are done howling, Blitz looks at Muzzle. Blitz:"And just where were you on our mission, Mad Dog?" Muzzle burps, causing a firefly to come out his mouth. Blitz stares at the glowing creature. Blitz:"Ooooh. Pretty." The firefly begins to fly towards the nearest door. Muzzle and Blitz both run after the insect, barking as they follow it out of the room. Exile shakes his head and looks at Shag. Exile:"This too weirdski. How about we get snackers, comrade?" Shag nods his head eagerly, licking his lips. Shag:"Rha!" Exile and Shag begin to walk towards the kitchen. Colleen then turns to Hunter. Colleen:"So, Huntie?" Hunter:"Yeah, Colleen?" Colleen:"Want to go for a walk on the beach later on? Just you and me?" Hunter smiles and puts his arm around Colleen. Hunter:"You bet, Pretty Girl!" Colleen smiles widely. Beach 7:01 PM: This is the same stretch of beach that was seen in "A Day In The Life", complete with Hunter and Colleen walking along it. But this time it is Hunter who is still in cano-sapien form and holding Colleen's leash, who is now in normal canine form. Colleen is running around and drag- ging Hunter across the stand. She seems to be enjoying it, but Hunter is in a panic. Hunter:"Colleen! Sit! Heel, girl! Down!" Colleen barks back at Hunter. Hunter:"What do you mean you're just returning the favor?! Stop!" Colleen ignores Hunter's pleas and continues to drag the poor Golden Retriever along the beach. THE END