Road Rovers: The Iron Fist Episode 11: Orbital Onslaught By Gerhard Naudé All Road Rover names (c) Warner Brothers and rightful owners. Striker, Illanov and all others related to the KH Military (c) Gerhard Naudé Prowler, Nitro (c) Amanda Stephenson Mars, Venus, Jupiter (c) Nick Myers Alethia (c) Kylen Miles Strayers (c) Steven Today Alley Afghan (c) Becky Pittman Any question, comments, complaints, feedback or suggestions can be sent to Hubert's Lab, Road Rover Mission Control, 27 July, 1:09 PM: Hubert was busy on a laptop computer transferring files. On another screen was Mars. He's currently on the Space Rover. Hubert:"How's the transfer going over there, Mars?" Mars:"Almost done here. We should have this new system ready in a moment or two." Hubert looks at the laptop screen. It says "upload 95% completed". Soon it reaches "100%". Hubert returns to Mars. Hubert:"Done here. How's it looking up there?" Bridge, Space Rover, High Orbit over Earth, at that moment: Inside was Persia, Jupiter, Venus and Mars. Mars was checking the screen. He then turns to Hubert. Mars:"Upload done here, Professor. Now all I need to do is run the exe file and we'll have this thing up and..." He is interrupted by the announcer who's voice can be heard all over the ship. Announcer:"Hello. The automatic diagnostic and announcement system welcomes you to the Space Rover. Remember: have a secure day." Everyone is surpised. Jupiter:"How did it do that?" Persia:"Let's see if this new system works." She activates her communicator. Persia:"I want a report on the status of..." The announcer interrupts her. Announcer:"Attention. Central engineering report status on warp core to Captain Persia immediately." Persia:"How did it do that?" Announcer:"Central engineering reports core status is hundred percent operational." Hubert smiles on the screen. Hubert:"Told you. This system is quite effective." Mars:"Thanks, Professor. We owe you one." Announcer:"Warning. Radiation leak detected in sector h, deck f." Persia:"It can't be. Mister Jupiter, run a scan on that area." Jupiter makes a quick scan, then turns to Persia. Jupiter:"Captain, the system is correct. There is indeed a radiation leak in that area. Judging by the scan it appears that the leak has been there for quite some time now." Persia:"Send a...." Once again the announcer interrupts. Announcer:"Any damage control team and uranium containment crew to sector h, deck f immediately." Hubert:"Well, I guess I'd leave you now. Goodbye." Mars:"Goodbye." Hubert's face disappears from the screen. Announcer:"Incoming transmission to Captain Persia from Lieutenant McTerry." Persia:"Put him through." Venus:"Aye, ma'am." Venus pushes a button and McTerry's face appears on the main view screen. McTerry:"Captain, I'm bringing in the supplies from Earth. We'll be with the ship in about ten minutes." Persia:"Excellent. Head for hangar four. From there take the supplies to the storage depot." McTerry:"Aye, ma'am. McTerry out." McTerry's face disappears from the screen. Transdogmafier Room, Road Rover Mission Control, 1:14 PM: Alethia (in normal dog from) comes in and goes into one of the Transdogmafier chambers. The chamber fills with smoke while Alethia is being transformed. When it is over she steps out as a Cano-sapien wearing the Road Rover uniform. She heads towards the briefing room. Briefing Room, 1:15 PM: Alethia walks in. Striker and Illanov are here too. She looks surprised at them. Alethia:"What are you two doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with the others?" Striker:"Alex and I had to attend an EDF meeting at the UN." Alethia:"Did you have the Master's permission?" Illanov:"Dah, comrade Alethia. You can go ask him yourself." Alethia then suddenly goes into a meditative fit. Striker and Illanov rush over to her. Illanov:"Are you all right, comrade?" Striker:"I think she's having a heart attack!" Voice:"Calm down. She's just having a vision again." They look to the balcony. The Master is standing there. Alethia calms down again, Striker and Illanov are relieved. Master:"Alethia, what did you see?" Alethia takes a deep breath, then relaxes. Alethia:"I saw the Space space...I heard the sound of gunfire and phasers...I then saw the bridge...everyone was dead...Persia was dead too...then, HE came in." Master:"Who? Who is it that came in?" Alethia:"Prowler...he was standing over Persia's body...his eyes...his eyes are blood red and glowing." Illanov:"Who's Prowler?" Striker:"He's an ex-Strayer now working for the KH Military." Master:"This doesn't sound good, Rovers. I'd better alert Persia about this." The Master goes to a control panel. Bridge, Space Rover, at that moment: Lieutenant McTerry had just come in and given his report on the storage of the supplies he brought in. Announcer:"Incoming transmission from Mission Control to Captain Persia." Persia:"Put it through, mister Mars." Mars:"Aye, Captain." The Master's face appears on the main viewscreen. Master:"Persia, is everything all right up there?" Persia:"Yes, Master. Everything is normal here." Not quite. Storage Depot, at that moment: Several large crates are standing here, it is dark and there is no one here. Suddenly a light appears on some of the crates' sides. The light then begins to move, something is cutting through the metal side. Bridge: Persia:"Why do you ask, Master?" Master:"Because you get an imminent attack from Prowler and the KH Military." Persia:"Don't worry. They can't possibly get onboard without us seeing them on the..." Announcer:"Unauthorized activity detected in storage depot." Persia turns to Jupiter. Persia:"Mister Jupiter, make a scan on that area immediately." Jupiter makes a scan, then turns to Persia. Jupiter:"Captain, there is extreme heat coming from several containers. I've not yet able to determine what they are." Storage Depot: The lights stop at the point where they started. It had cut a neat square in the side of the crate. Radio chatter comes from the crates. Voice:"Kick them open!" There is several loud bangs, followed by the sound of the cut-out parts falling on the floors. Voice:"Move out!" A large number of shadows appear out of crates. Bridge: Announcer:"Warning. Hostile military force detected in storage depot." Persia:"What are they?" Mars:"Captain! It's Prowler and some KH soldiers! We're being attacked!" Persia:"Go to red alert!" Announcer:"Attention. All security teams to storage depot immediately. Hostiles detected." Soon the entire ship is in an uproar as crewmembers arm themselves while a blaring alarm can be heard. In the storage depot the lights are turned on. Prowler is here along with a large group of KH battle, flame, medical and covert troopers. Prowler points at the main door. Prowler:"Open it!" The troopers go over to the door and attach some detonators to the door. They set it and then take cover. On the other side some crewmembers armed with phaser rifles come to the door. Just as they begin to open the detonators go off, killing them all in the blast. Prowler:"ATTACK!!!" Prowler and the troopers run out of the storage depot and then split into several groups, shooting their way through the clusters of security crews. Soon they have taken of half the decks. In the bridge Persia and the others look horrified at the security cameras that were showing the KH troopers literally overrunning every defence position they come across in their attempt to reach the bridge. Central Engineering: A group of ten troopers burst in, guns a blazing. Soon all the crew in the room is dead. A trooper goes to a console and types in something. After a few seconds a message appears that says:"Saucer Rover disengagement system deactivated". Bridge: The announcer was continually giving warnings and alerts. Announcer:"Checkpoints Alpha, Bravo, Tango and Charlie destroyed. Hostile forces in Central Engineering, Holodeck, Recreation Area and Deflector Control. Current casualty losses are sixty-five percent. Unauthorised computer access in Central Engineering detected." Venus:"Captain. Someone has shut off the Saucer Rover disengagement system." Persia:"Activate the containment doors in the areas that are not yet taken!" Announcer:"Emergency containment doors activated." Throughout the areas that have not fallen several large titanium doors close. In one area it traps a group of crewmembers, who then subsequently get burned down by a flame trooper who saw an advantage in this. Persia:"Report!" Jupiter:"The KH troopers have taken over more than two thirds of the ship and are busy killing all survivors in those decks." Mars:"Captain, they are trying to access the bridge computer systems via Central Engineering!" Persia:"Lock them out, mister Mars." Mars:"Aye, Captain." Mars types quickly. After a few moments a message appears that says:"Lock out completed. Encryption activated." Mars:"Done, Captain." Suddenly Prowler's face appears on the main viewscreen. He's standing inside Central Engineering. Prowler:"Nice work, Babe. You've managed to lock us out. I congratulate you for such quick thinking." Persia:"You will call me Captain, you traitor." Prowler:"Seems like you still hate me, just the old days. Now, I love to point out to you that locking yourselves in was a big mistake. There is no food in the decks you have, so we will just starve you out. We'll be waiting outside for you should starvation tempt you into opening the containment doors. Then, it's party time. Until that happens, I suggest that you start praying. HAHAHAHA!" Prowler's face disappears, replaced by the Master's. Master:"What's happened up there, Persia. What's going on?" Persia:"That traitor Prowler and his KH friends have taken most of the ship and has killed off more than half my crew. We are trapped on the few decks still in our control with no food or water. What's worse, Prowler has also deactivated the Saucer Rover's disengagement system. We can't get off the ship." Master:"Hold on, Space Rovers. I will send the Road Rovers to help out." The Master's face disappears from the screen. Florida Keys, United States of America, 1:45 PM: The Road Rovers are busy taking Parvo and the Groomer to an awaiting police van, behind them is the burning remains of Parvo's base. Once the villains are taken away they climb into the Sonic Rover. Exile:"Yet another mission doneski." Blitz:"Yah. And more tooshies bitten." Exile rolls his eyes. Exile:"Don't be a Weird Boy." Hunter:"To the power of the pack!" They are about to howl, but are interrupted by the Master, whose face appears on the screen. Master:"Not yet, Rovers. We have a crisis on our hands." Colleen:"Not anymore, Master. Parvo and the Groomer are back in jail, where they belong." Master:"No, not that. It's something else." Hunter:"Oh, is it about those new dog biscuits we've ordered? Have they been delayed again?" Master:"NO! It's Prowler. We've found him, and it isn't good." Hunter:"Prowler? What has he done now?" Master:"He and a large force of KH soldiers have somehow gotten onto the Space Rover and taken over more than half the ship. They have also killed more than half the crew." Hunter:"The son of a..." Colleen:"What about Persia? Is she okay?" Master:"She, along with Venus, Jupiter, Mars and the other survivors are trapped on the ship. Return to Mission Control and I'll brief you further." Hunter:"We're on our way!" The Sonic Rover takes off and flies towards Mission Control. Briefing Room, Road Rover Mission Control, 1:59 PM: Hunter, Colleen, Exile, Blitz, Shag, Alethia, Striker and Illanov are seated at the table, the Master stands on the balcony and Persia is on the main viewscreen. Master:"Persia, quickly tell us what is your current status." Persia:"Currently Prowler's men are controlling most of the ship's vital decks and have cut off access to all the other decks. What's worse, they have deactivated the Saucer Rover's disengagement system, so we cannot get off the ship." The Master turns to the Rovers. Master:"Rovers. You must go up to the Space Rover and rescue the surviving crewmembers from Prowler's forces." Shag mumbles something, Exile translates. Exile:"Shag asks how we get onboard ship." Alethia:"Shag has a point. If the Saucer Rover cannot be used, then how will get back on the ship?" Hunter:"Simple. We use the ship's shuttles. We always keep one here just in case of an emergency." Striker:"Just one more point. Is the ship's shuttle docking bays under Persia's command or Prowler's?" Persia turns to Venus. Persia:"Miss Venus, see if any of the docking bays are under KH control." Venus makes a scan, then turns to Persia. Venus:"Captain, most of the docking bays are under KH control, and those that are not KH controlled cannot be reached without opening the containment doors or deactivating the lock-out system." Striker:"Can't the docks be activated from the outside?" Persia:"For security reasons the docks can only be activated from the docking control centre or the bridge." Illanov:"So now we cannot get onboard because the bridge has no access to the docks and I don't think that your ex-comrade will let us in, either." Blitz:"So basically, we're stuck." Everyone sighs. Suddenly the announcer (in Mission Control) speaks. Announcer:"Incoming transmission. Stand by..." The mysterious voice once again speaks up. Voice:"Seems to me that you are in a bit of trouble." Master:"Can you help us with this situation, stranger?" Voice:"Straight to the point. I like that. First off, you all can call me by my alias, Tan." Master:"All right, Tan, can you help us?" Tan:"That's affirmative. Right then, you may discovered that you cannot get into the shuttle docking area because you have no way of opening the doors, am I correct?" Persia:"Yes. Why?" Tan:"Why? Even though Prowler and his men are controlling most of the ship's functions form Central Engineering, I've been able to gain access to the docking bay computer system. All you need to do is to go up to dock number four and I will open the doors for you." Blitz:"You want us to trust you. We don't even know who you are!" Tan:"Hmmmm. A sceptic. Well, I'm not surprised that you don't entirely trust me, but I might point that I didn't lie about the laser cannon in Ovitznia nor about Ortega's attack on the Love Boat. Did I?" Blitz:"" Tan:"Case closed. How about it, Professor Shepherd?" The Master and the others (except Striker) are stunned. Master:"How did you know my real name?!" Tan chuckles. Tan:"Let's just say I recognise your voice." Striker:"Listen. We are wasting valuable time just sitting here. Let's go!" Hunter:"You're right, Striker. Let's hit the skies, Rovers!" The Rovers howl and run to the hangar. High Orbit over Earth, 2:11 PM: The Road Rovers are in one of the shuttles. It's looks like a Star Trek shuttle except it is in the shape of a dog. They make their way to the Space Rover and soon come to the docking bay door that has the number four written on it. Tan radio's them. Tan:"Stand by. I'm opening the doors." After a few moments the door opens. The shuttle flies in and lands. The door closes and the lights are turned on. Tan:"Right. That is all I can do. The rest is up to you." Hunter:"Thanks, buddy. We owe you one." Tan:"Think nothing of it. Good luck." The radio goes dead. The Rovers climb out, armed and on the alert. They are all wearing headsets (from "Hunter's Heroes"). Hunter calls Persia. Hunter:"Right, Persia. What next?" Persia (over earphones):"You must make your way to Central Engineering and activate the disengagement system from any one of the computer terminals. Don't worry about getting lost. There are signs everywhere that will show in which direction you should go. Be careful." Hunter:"Cool. Thanks." Hunter then turns to Striker. Hunter:"Striker, any words of advice?" Striker:"We are vastly outnumbered by Prowler's forces, but we have the element of surprise. We must use stealth to sneak past the troopers to get to Central Engineering, we cannot start a massive firefight until then. If we must engage troopers we should take them silently and hide their bodies so that Prowler doesn't get alerted by our presence. Is that clear?" Everyone:"Clear!" Hunter:"Important safety tips. Thanks, Striker. Now, let's roll." Colleen:"Pity that Nitro isn't here. She's the best in stealth." They go over to one of the doors. Just as Exile is about to open it Alethia stops him. Alethia:"Wait a moment!" Exile:"Is something wrongski?" Alethia:"Yes, there is." Hunter:"What is it?" Alethia:"The announcement system. We are intruders on this ship. If it detects us it will alert the entire ship of our presence." Hunter:"You're right, Al. Persia, can you hear me?" Persia (over earphones):"Yes, we hear you." Hunter:"Can you guys deactivate the announcement system before we are detected?" Bridge: Persia turns to Mars. Persia:"Mister Mars, are you able to deactivate the announcement system?" Mars:"Aye, Captain." Mars pushes a few buttons, then turns back to Persia. Mars:"I've been able to deactivate it, but Prowler may be able to reactivate it from Central Engineering. Though they won't know that for a while." Persia calls Hunter. Docking Bay: Persia (over earphones):"Hunter, the announcement is off-line, but Prowler might soon this out and have put back online." Hunter:"Thanks, Persia." Hunter turns to the others. Hunter:"You heard what she said. We have to move quickly. Let's roll!" Exile melts down the door and they enter the corridors. Before they come to the first intersection Hunter stops and sniffs the air. Hunter:"It's clear." They take the corridor of which one of the signs show that it leads to Central Engineering. Unknown to them attached to the ceiling is a small KH fixed camera. It is a round cylinder that looks like a smoke detector. Central Engineering: Prowler and his lieutenants was watching the Rovers on the screen of a laptop computer he brought with him. He grins. Prowler:"You think I don't see you guys. Ha ha ha. Big mistake." He turns to a soldier. Prowler"Put me on the ship's intercom system." The soldier gives him a microphone and pushes a button on a control panel. Corridor: The Rovers continue their way when Prowler's voice starts coming from the intercom speakers. Prowler:"Think you can sneak onboard without us seeing you, eh? You really think I'm as dumb as you still think I am? HA! You made a big mistake, Hunter. You just lead your team into our hands. And soon Bear will follow suit." There is a moment of silence. Prowler:"Boys, how about we play a game called 'Whack a Rover'?" The sound of several "Yeahs!" can be heard in the background. Prowler:"Let the games begin!" The speakers go dead. The Rovers look at each other. Exile:"Looks like we're in big doggy doughnuts." Illanov:"Come again, comrade?" Hunter:"I would not have predicted this." Colleen:"Blimey. Prowler's better than we thought he was." Striker:"The product of the KH Military's training system. I am not the least bit surprised." Alethia:"Look. While we're standing here Prowler and his troops are coming closer. We better move." Blitz:"Yah. I don't want to become Swiss cheese." Hunter:"Okay then, this way!" Hunter leads the Rovers into a corridor, right in front of Prowler and several troopers. They stop in their tracks while Prowler grins. Prowler:"Gotcha." Hunter:", Prowler. We were just leaving..." Prowler:"Nice try, Hunter. Wax them, boys!" The troopers prepare to fire, but Illanov takes out his plasma rifle fires at Prowler. They duck into the corridors, the plasma hitting the end of the corridor, while the Rovers run away. Prowler:"After them!" Prowler and the troops go into pursuit. The Rovers head into a large room. On one of the walls are a large number of steel drums being held in place by a steel grate. There is no other exit. Hunter:"Ooookay. Back again." Prowler (from behind):"Sorry. Access denied." The Rovers turn around. Prowler and his troops are now also in the room pointing their guns at them. Prowler:"It's all over now." Hunter:"Really? I was starting to like things here." The other Rovers look at Hunter. Striker:"Did anyone tell you that you are mad?" Hunter:"Mad? I'm not angry with anyone. Maybe except Prowler." Striker slaps his head. Striker:"Never mind." Hunter then turns to Prowler. Prowler:"To think that I was once on your side, now I stand before you, ready to poke us full of holes." Hunter:"A disgrace to the uniform." Prowler:"Bah! Even that golden uniform I wore at Bear's funeral is s*** compared to the suits at my disposal. What's more, I'm in line for a promotion once this mission is completed." Colleen:"Oh, you mean to kill us?" Prowler:"Actually, you're the secondary objective. Our primary objective is to blow up the Space Rover." Alethia:"Blow it up?" Prowler:"Yep. The Supreme General's orders. I don't know why he doesn't want to keep it. But then, I don't care as long as I kill you." The troopers prepare to attack, but Alethia quickly takes out her shurikens and throws them at the steel grate's hinges. They are broken off and the grate falls off. The drums fall onto Prowler and his men. Soon they are buried under it. The Rovers run out of the room towards the bridge. Hunter (into headset):"Persia, can you open the containment doors for us?" Persia (over earphones):"Will do, Hunter." The Rovers continue to make their way to the bridge. They are challenged by two flame trooper who open fire with their flamethrowers. Exile uses his ice beam to stop the flame in mid-action as well as freezing the troopers Exile:"Iced fire, anyone?" A medic comes up from behind and tries to drug Alethia, but Colleen stops her. Colleen:"Didn't your mother teach you not to play with sharp objects?" Medic:"Yes, and she also taught me how to kick a Collie's butt!" The medic tries to punch Colleen, but instead she is flung over to a wall by Colleen. Colleen:"YMCA!" The medic hits the wall with a loud thud. Three troopers appears down the other end of the corridor. Striker fires a sonic blast at them, knocking them over. From a corner a battle trooper throws a grenade to the Rovers. Battle:"Take this!" Hunter:"Ooooh.....RUN!" They run off just the grenade explodes. Blitz bites the trooper's rear end and he screams in pain. Once he's done Blitz takes a toothpick and cleans his teeth. Blitz:"They keep getting squishier and softer." Exile nearly throws up. Meanwhile at one of the containment doors there are several KH battle troopers guarding the door. It suddenly opens, phaser bolts hit the unsuspecting troopers. McTerry and several crewmembers appear. When the Rovers appear McTerry guides them. McTerry:"This way!" Prowler then appears. He opens fire on the group. McTerry:"Go! I'll hold him off!" The Rovers and Space Rovers go through the doors while McTerry battles Prowler. The doors close, followed by a scream of pain from McTerry. McTerry (behind door):"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARG!!!" Blitz:"Prowler got him." Alethia:"May God have mercy on his soul." Striker looks around, noticing something. Striker:"Where's Illanov?" Exile:"He's not hereski!" Hunter speaks into the headset. Hunter:"Hunter to Illanov. Hunter to Illanov. Do you copy?" There is silence for a moment, then Illanov answers.. Illanov (over earphones):"Shhh, comrade. I'm almost in Central Engineering. I'll try to activate the disengagement system." Colleen:"That's crazy! You'll be seen and killed!" Illanov (over earphones):"What they cannot see, they cannot kill." Everyone:"Oooh. I get it." Hunter turns to Blitz and Colleen. Hunter:"You two stay here to let Illanov in. Everyone else to the bridge." Colleen:"Why must I be stuck with Blister?" Blitz:"It's BLITZ!" Colleen:"No. No. No. That's not right." Blitz sighs. Blitz:"Perhaps I should become a Strayer instead." Central Engineering: The area is jammed with all the KH troopers, among them Prowler. Illanov is hiding around a corner listening in on Prowler, who is talking to the covert troopers. Prowler:"Right. Set the charges against the warp core. Tesla said it should be able to blow the crap out of the ship." He then turns to the others. Prowler:"The rest of you get to the shuttle craft!" The covert troopers begin to set a bomb similar to the one Oqulus placed in Parvo's base while the rest leaves Central Engineering. As soon as he gets close enough without being seen Illanov turns invisible and heads to the computer terminal. He types in something, listening carefully to Venus. Soon the message "disengagement system activated" appears on the screen. He then hears the covert troopers say something. Covert:"Set it for ten minutes." Another trooper pushes a few buttons, soon followed by the appearance of the timer that begins to count down. The troopers leave. Venus:"Illanov, is the disengagement system activated?" Bridge: Everyone is listening to Illanov. Illanov:"Dah. It is back online." Everyone cheers. Illanov:"But we do have a serious problem." Everyone stops cheering. Persia:"What kind of problem?" Illanov:"Prowler and his men are leaving the ship." Persia:"What's so bad about that?" Illanov:"He had his troops place some kind of bomb next to the warp core and it is set to go off in ten minutes." Hunter:"Is that a good thing?" Jupiter:"It is if you want to be blasted into atoms along with the ship." Hunter:"Cool." Striker:"Illanov, what does the bomb look like?" There is a moment of silence, then Illanov answers. Illanov:"It is a large device with several smaller packs attach to the core." Exile:"Like in Parvo's base near Las Vegas." Striker:"Illanov, get your butt out of there! Come to the bridge!" Hunter turns to Persia. Hunter:"Persia, sound the alarm! We have to leave!" Persia:"But what about securing the ship?" Hunter:"To Pluto with the ship! We've seen the bomb! It cannot be disarmed and it alone can cause tremendous amount of damage!" Persia thinks for a moment, goes over to Mars and says something. He then begins to type in something. The second he is done the announcer can again be heard. Announcer:"Attention. All surviving personnel to Saucer Rover. Detonation imminent." The alarm goes off, Hunter calls Colleen. Colleen:"What's going on, Huntie?" Hunter:"As soon as Illanov appears get to the Saucer Rover immediately! The ship is gonna blow!" At the door Illanov appears, but the door doesn't open. Colleen tries to open it, but in vain. Colleen:"Blimey! It won't open!" Blitz:"Leave this to me." Blitz reveals his claws and goes over to the door. He then proceeds to slash open a space wide enough for Illanov. He goes through and the three of them head to the Saucer Rover. Space Rover: The shuttles can be seen leaving the ship and heading towards Earth while the alarm continues to blare on the ship. Saucer Rover: Colleen, Blitz and Illanov are the last to climb onboard the ship along with the Rovers and surviving Space Rovers, were including those that are injured. Persia:"Miss Venus. Disengage Saucer Rover!" Venus:"Aye, Captain!" The Saucer Rover is disengaged from the mothership and flies away. They turn to take a look at the Space Rover from a safe distance. Suddenly a brilliant white flash signals the end of the Space Rover. When it subdues all that can be seen is pieces of debris. Everyone looks at the screen in disbelief. Jupiter:"So much for our ship." Venus:"She was the best." Mars:"Amen." A crewmember comes up to Persia. Crew:"Captain. We need to get back to the surface. Some of the survivors are in a critical condition." Persia:"Miss Venus, take us to Mission Control." Venus:"Aye, Captain." The Saucer Rover heads back to Earth. Mission Control, 4:01 PM: The Road Rovers and Space Rover survivors are gathering here along with the Master, who is speaking to Persia. Master:"I'm truly sorry that it had to end this way." Persia:"I know. Prowler has succeeded in destroying my ship and killing more than half my crew." Hubert, Alley Afghan and Colleen walk into the briefing room and everyone turn to them. Hunter:"How does it look?" Hubert:"Most of the injured are well on their way to recovery..." They then lose their smiles. Alley:"...but we're sad to say that five of them didn't make it despite our best efforts." Colleen:"They we're so seriously injured by the shots that they actually bled to death." Hubert:"There was nothing we could do. We're sorry." Everyone but Striker and Illanov hangs their heads. Striker:"Seems like the KH Military had triumphed over us." Hunter:"I hate to admit it, but Prowler has truly scored victory over us all." There are tears in Persia's eyes. Master:"We will hold a funeral for those who died at the hands of the KH Military." Persia:"Thank you, Master." Burial Vault, 29 July, 9:30 AM: All the Rovers, Strayers and agents are gathered here. The coffins of the deceased are put into the vaults by the Space Rover survivors. As soon as the coffins are in they are sealed. Once done, the Master comes up to the podium. Nearly everyone but Striker and Illanov are in grief, but the Space Rovers in particular are crying over the loss of their friends and comrades. The Master speaks up. Master:"Now that our dearly departed have been laid to rest Persia would like to come up and say a few last words." Persia comes up to the podium and speaks up. She is still crying. Persia:"This tragic hard on us all, but especially...on me and my crew. We have....have come to give our last respects to these....five friends, and yet there are those whose....whose bodies will never be laid to rest. Those like Lieutenant M-McTerry, who died protecting our lives from Prowler....and the mad hordes of....the KH Military, will n-never be for..for...forgotten." Persia bursts into tears and is lead off the podium by Mars and Jupiter. The Master comes up again. Master:"Thank you, Persia. Let us now have a moment of silence in honour of all those that died today." Everyone except Striker and Illanov bow their heads. There are a few moments of silence, then the Master raises his head. Master:"Thank you." Suddenly a mysterious voice (not Tan's) can be heard over the speakers. Voice:"Seems like we've taught you a very good lesson, you busybodies." Everyone is shocked. Master:"Who are you?" Voice:"Someone you should start listening. I'm issuing a final ultimatum to all of you." Master:"An ultimatum???" Voice:"You heard correctly. Our demands are that the Road Rovers and its allies stop interfering in the affairs of the KH Military, or else we will make you our archenemies. What do you say?" Hunter:"Never! We'll keep fighting against you and we will bring you to justice, whoever you are!" Striker:"I second that!" Illanov:"Me too, comrade!" Everyone else:"Yeah!" Voice:"Very well then. The KH Military declares war on the Road Rovers and its allies. The die is cast. You will regret this decision." The speakers go dead. Alethia:"I sense that this may lead to great troubles." Bear:"Yeah, but if we don't stop the KH Military, who will?" They all just nod. Unknown location, 9:51 AM: This is a large hall with KH soldiers standing in two groups. A path is in the middle that leads up to a podium. Prowler is there as well as General Black, Wolfeye, another general and a mysterious figure in the shadows. It then moves towards Prowler and attaches a medal to his chest. Figure:"Prowler, for the successful completion of your mission against the Road Rovers, I promote to captain of the Alpha Squadron." Prowler:"Thank you, sir." Everyone claps his or her hands in applause to Captain Prowler. The KH Military has succeeded in becoming the first to defeat the Road Rovers. The Space Rover has been destroyed, the Rovers' morale has suffered a serious and now war has been declared on them. But who is this mysterious figure? What will Prowler do next? How did the KH Military get onto the Space Rover? And what is going to happen next? THE END.