Road Rovers: Chaos Computer Episode 3: Mortal Fate By Gerhard Naudé All Road Rover names © Warner Brothers and rightful owners. Unit STRIKE, Shephard, GONV, Series 9, Patriot, Melanie, Cadwell, Norwood and all others related to the KH Military © Gerhard Naudé Alethia, Renegade, Pandora, Noelle, Cage and all others related to the Perris Park Institute © Kylen Miles The Collie Squadron, Buford Lovejoy © Robert Baer Jr. Jordyn © Jordyn Trout Misty Maddog © Bart Walls Any question, comments, complaints, feedback or suggestions can be sent to Alethia's Room Road Rover Mission Control 2 September 3:45 AM: Alethia is sleeping in her bed, but it isn't a peaceful sleep. She keeps tossing and turning. Suddenly her body begins to waver with small quakings and tremors and she grabs her pillow in a powerful grip. She is clearly having a vision in her sleep. Alethia's Dream: This is the image of a large open plain. Alethia is standing here. She then feels something cold beneath her bare feet and sees the ground is actually metal with electronic lights, wires and chips in it. Voice:"Alethia..." Alethia looks up. In front of her stands her deceased Perris Park lover, Renegade. He is wearing an overcoat. Her eyes widen. Alethia:"Renegade?" Renegade:"Yes, my love. I'm back." Alethia runs up to Renegade and hugs him, he hugs back. When they stop hugging Renegade steps back. Renegade:"I have something to show you..." Alethia:"What's that, my love?" Renegade takes off the coat. Alethia gasps in horror. Below Renegade's neck is a robotic body that shows he is a cyborg. On his chest are the letters GONV. Alethia looks back up at Renegade. Alethia:"Wha... What are you?" Renegade:"Don't worry, Al. You will soon join us." Voice (from behind):"He's right, Al. We're your friends." Alethia turns around. Two more cyborgs with the heads of Pandora and Noelle, her dead best friends, are walking towards her. From out of nowhere appears more cyborgs with the heads of Alethia's dead Perrisian friends. Noelle:"Hey, Alethia! Long time no see." Pandora:"How about coming along with us?" Alethia screams and tries to run, but she is complete surrounded by Perrisian cyborgs. Suddenly Matrix's skull appears overhead and calls her attention. Matrix:"You are going to be one of my new Perris Borgs, Alethia. Do not try to resist." Pandora and Noelle grab Alethia while Renegade just watches. From amids the cyborgs appears Series 9. He is carrying a large scythe. He walks up to Alethia. Matrix:"Remove her head." Series 9:"No problem." He prepares to cut Alethia's head off. Series 9:"Saiyonara, Spitz!" Alethia screams as Series 9 swings the scythe at her neck. Alethia's Room: Alethia wakes up scream and holding her neck. She is sweating and panting from the lack of breath. She looks frantically around. The cyborgs, Series 9 and Matrix are no where to be seen. Suddenly Illanov opens the door and rushes in. Illanov:"Alethia! Are you all right?" He runs up to her. He quickly hugs her and she hugs back. Alethia:"Oh, Alex! I just had the most frightening dream! I saw all made dead friends were robots loyal to Matrix! Series 9 wanted to cut my head off!!" Illanov:"It's all right! I'm here, Alethia! Take it easy and take a deep breath." She does as she is told and takes a few deep breaths. She begins to calm down. Kitchen 7:03 AM: Shag is here busy preparing lunch. Several dishes are already on the counter. No one else is here. Just then Shephard comes into the kitchen and walks to the counter. Shephard:"Morning, Shag! What is today's special?" Shag hands him a plate of food that is larger than the other dishes. On it is a large steak, mash, gravy, salad and three big sausages. Shephard looks at the mash and gravy. Shephard:"How's the toilet water?" Shag:"Rit's rhage rha." Shephard:"Grade A? I love that kind! Thanks, Shagster!" Shag:"Rhou're rhelrhome." Shephard goes to a table, sits down and begins to eat. Striker, Illanov and Alethia come into the kitchen, take their dishes and walk to the table where Shephard is eating. They sit down and begin to eat. Illanov looks at Alethia, who is just picking at her food. Illanov:"How are you feeling now?" Alethia:"A bit better, but I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night." Striker:"Did she have another vision?" Illanov:"Afraid so, comrade." Shephard:"Visions! Sirs, I don't believe in fotune-tellers." Striker:"First off, Sergeant, don't deny Alethia's visions. Believe me. I tried to and it did not work. Second, Alethia is a heart-child, not a gypsy." Shephard:"Uh... Yes, sir." They continue eating. Phoenix, Corsair, the Road Rovers and the Collie Squadron all come into the kitchen for breakfast. Hunter and Colleen and sitting next to each, looking at each other with loving eyes while they eat. Ben, Abby, Linda, Roger, Misty, Kyra, Praire Mason and Praire Rose are eating and chatting with each other, but Vicki keeps staring at Striker without even touching her food. Corsair and Phoenix are sitting at the same table as Striker, Illanov, Alethia and Shephard. Corsair notices Vicki staring at Striker. Corsair:"Hey, Striker. Do you know that Vicki is busy staring at you rather hard?" Striker:"Ja. She's been doing that ever since we went on that blind date a few months ago." Corsair:"Ah. So she has the hots for you?" Striker looks confused at Corsair. Striker:"Hots? What are talking about?" Corsair:"It means someone has a strong..." Illanov slaps Corsair behind the head. Corsair:"Ouch! Hey!" Illanov:"Not here, Corsair! Not here. Later." Corsair fumes. Phoenix looks at Striker, then at Vicki. She sighs. Ben:"How's the GONV investigation going?" Hunter:"It's a dead end, Ben. We have had no GONV activities in the last three months and Series 9 is unable to tell what is going on, despite his slight stupidity." Mason:"What about that Eastern European thing?" Hunter:"A dead end, too. We've checked the GONV production facilities, but they're as empty as Parvo's heart. Still the KH Military has not returned their forces to any of their abandoned bases." Just then Jordyn walks into the kitchen and up to Shag. Jordyn:"Morning, Shag. Do you have it ready?" Shag:"Rha!" Shag gives Jordyn a can of metal lubrication oil. She takes the can and leaves the kitchen. Roger:"How long are we going to keep that Series 9?" Voice (from door):"Not for long, Roger." The Master walks into the kitchen. Master:"Once Series 9 has finished with his 'breakfast' we will send him to a federal prison." Linda:"Send a robot to prison? Can't we just have that green machine's program changed to help us instead?" Master:"We tried that, Linda, but Series 9 has some kind of GONV program that we cannot change or delete. Nitro nearly got killed trying to do that." Shephard:"Kind of stupid to let Dixie be the Grizzly leader after Bear and Nitro went into semi-retirement, which is also another bogus idea, sir." Colleen:"Nitro's pregnant and Bear has to look after her and their kid when he or she is born. And the Master had no choice left." Shephard:"Yes, Ma'am. But I still have my doubts." Striker:"So do I, Shephard." They continue talking and eating. Detention Center 7:13 AM: Series 9 is now in the cell where Bear was during the trial. Several armed Cano-sapien guards are here. Jordyn comes into the detention and walks up to Series 9's cell. Jordyn:"Here's your breakfast, Series 9." Series 9 takes the can and begins to oil his gears, joints and other spots where there's metal to metal contact. Once he is done he puts the can down and looks at the guards. Series 9:"What are you going to do with me, anyway?" Jordyn:"You will be taken to a federal prison." Series 9 gets up and walks up to his cell's force field beams. Series 9:"You think you can get away with this? I will get out of here and then the GONV will teach you all a thing or two." Guard:"How are you going to that? You got a force field that stun even an elephant who touches them." This gets Series 9 thinking. It then snaps in his electronic brain and he looks at the bars. Series 9:"Wait a moment! I'm a robot! These bars cannot hurt me!" He grabs the bars and electrical shocks begin to go through him and the cell bars. Series 9 is unaffected, but the field are beginning to glow red. Announcer:"Warning. Force field malfunction imminent." Jordyn:"LET GO OF THE BARS, SERIES 9!!!" Series 9 ignores Jordyn and continues to hold on. Jordyn and the guards begin to rush towards the cell. Just then there is an explosion that throws the guards back. In the kitchen everyone hears the explosion and looks at each. Exile:"What was thatski?" Rose:"Sounds like one of Hubert's experiments has just blown up." Announcer:"Warning. High energy detonation detected in detention center." Rose:"Or that too." Illanov:"I don't like that message, comrades!" Master:"Rovers, go see what happened. I fear the worst. Everyone get up and begin to run towards the detention center. In the center self Jordyn and the guards have gotten up and are looking at Series 9's cell. There is only smoke. Jordyn:"Close in and see if he's still alive. Be careful." Guards:"Yes, Ma'am." They proceed caustiously towards the cell, their Petri rifles at the ready. One guard, who is less patient than the rest, walks right up to the cell. Suddenly Series 9 comes out of the smoke and grabs the guard around the neck. He quickly breaks the guard's neck and removes the rifle. Series 9:"Now we will see how good you organics can fight!" He sets the rifle to kill and raises it at the guards. The guards all jump out of the way just as Series 9 opens fire. He then rushes towards the door, but Jordyn jumps in the way and opens fire. Series 9 dodges the shot and then knocks Jordyn out with the butt of his rifle. He quickly rushes out of the detention center into a corridor. He looks down one way and sees the Rovers, unit STRIKE and the Collie Squadron running down the corridor towards him. He points his rifle at them and fires a few shots at them, they duck into other rooms along the corridor. Series 9 then begins to run down the other way just as Shephard appears from cover and fires at him. Announcer:"Attention. Series 9 has escaped. All personnel to code red." Hunter:"Come on, Rovers! We have to catch that green robot! Split up and look around! He doesn't know the lay of the land!" The others nod and split up in different groups that go through different corridors. At the door that leads into Hubert's laboratory the door opens and Hubert and Buford Lovejoy (the Collie Squadron's creator) step out. Hubert:"What's all the commotion?" Lovejoy:"According to the announcer there was some of enegry deto..." Series 9 appears from another corridor and runs up to the two scientists, his rifle aimed at them. Series 9:"Which way to your hangar? Now!" Hubert points to a corridor on his right side. Hubert:"That way!" Series 9:"Thank you." Series 9 runs down the corridor. Hubert and Buford watch him go. Hubert:"That robot will run straight into the briefing room by going the way I just showed him." Buford:"Good idea! Just one problem..." Hubert:"What's that, Lovejoy?" Buford:"We came out the OTHER exit from your lab, so that means you really did show him the way to the hangar." Hubert suddenly realises his mistake, covers his face and groans. In the meantime Series 9 has reached the hangar. He goes in, quickly closes the door and then jams it with his rifle. He runs towards the Sonic Rover and climbs in. Announcer:"Fugitive detected in hangar." The Rovers, unit STRIKE, Collie Squadron and more guards rush up to the hangar door. Ben tries to force it open, but is unsuccessful. Ben:"He's jammed the door!" Suddenly they hears the sounds of the Sonic Rover's engines and the hangar door opening. Hunter:"Blitz, cut the door! Quickly! Series 9 is about to get away!" Blitz looks at Hunter with a smug smile. Blitz:"Oooh. Does Hunter, the great big Rover leader, need my help?" Colleen:"Just open the door, Fluffy! Blitz:"I will if pretty girl doggie calls me by my real name." Everyone but Blitz groans. Hunter looks at Roger. Hunter:"Roger, force the door open before I do something nasty here." Roger:"Okay." Roger walks up to the door and with super strength forces the door open while Blitz watches in shock. Everyone then rushes in just in time to see the Sonic Rover leave the hangar. They all gasp. Linda:"We're too late!" Vicki:"Series 9 got away!" Everyone then looks coldly at Blitz. Blitz:"I did a bad thing." Mason:"A VERY bad thing!" Colleen:"I should kick you to pieces, Fluffy!" Shephard:"I will break you down like an M-16!" Hunter:"We're reporting back to the Master. He will tell us what to do next, then he will take care of you Blitz." Everyone leaves the hangar. Sonic Rover Not far from Mission Control At that moment: The Sonic Rover is flying slow over the ground. Series 9 is busy at the controls, working more by trial and error. Series 9:"Now that I'm free let's see where the map screen button is so that I can see where these Road Rovers are hiding out. The GONV will take care of them later." He looks the console over. Series 9:"Perhaps this button?" He pushes a button on the control panel. The Sonic Rover then goes into super sonic flight. Series 9:"Oops! Wrong button! NEGATIVE!!!" The Sonic Rover disappears east into the distance. Briefing Room 7:21 AM: The Rovers, unit STRIKE, Collie Squadron and Jordyn are listening to the Master. He is standing on the balcony along with Buford. He is talking to Blitz, who has a meek look. Master:"You are a very, very, very bad dog, Blitz. Your arrogance has allowed Series 9 to escape. The only good thing is that has gone into super sonic flight which means that he cannot establish our location." Blitz:"I'm sorry, Master." Master:"Normally I would pass your punishment, but we have more pressing problems." Ben:"The capture of Series 9?" Master:"It has now become one of the objectives." Vicki:"There were other objectives?" Buford:"Yes, Vicki. As you all know there has been no activity of any significant importance." Master:"Nothing has happened so far in Eastern Europe, but the fact that the KH Military still hasn't returned to any of its abandoned bases is still a bit of a problem. We have had some of operatives monitor suspected GONV production sites, and this is where our problems began." Buford:"Some of our Agents were busy monitoring a GONV site in the country of Montenegro, but we lost contact with them a day ago. We sent a team of Pouncers in to investigate, but we lost contact with them too." Master:"You are to go to Yugoslavia, find out what happened to them and if they are still alive, rescue them. After that you will need to go find the Sonic Rover and bring it back here." Hubert enters the room holding some kind of paper. He walks up to the Master. Hubert:"I've tracked the Sonic Rover's signal this location: it's the same area as where we lost those operatives." Colleen:"Well, that's convenient." Master:"Almost too convenient. Rovers. You must go to Montenegro and find out what happened to those contacts as well as capturing Series and getting back the Sonic Rover." Buford:"Be careful, everyone. I have a nasty feeling that things are not going to be as easy as they look." Ben:"We will, Uncle Buford." Hunter salutes. Hunter:"Yes, Master! We will bring the prisoners and the Sonic Rover back in one piece." Corsair:"Or in several small rubbish bags." Everyone, in particular Illanov, gives Corsair a cold look. Corsair:"Come on, guys! You saw what those mechanical bastards did to my parents." Phoenix:"He's right, guys. I actually doubt if any of those MIA's are alive, since we are fighting against a computer which hates all organic life on Earth." Ben:"Still, we cannot just leave them there. We must get them out." Hunter:"Let's hit the road, Rovers!" The Road Rovers all howl and leave for the hangar, followed by unit STRIKE and the Collie Squadron. GONV Computer Bunker 8:00 AM: On the screen of the GONV appears "TIME UNTIL OPERATION - 04:00:00". The timer begins to count down. Durmitor Peak Montenegro 10:12 AM: This is a mountainous part of Montenegro. Durmitor, the highest peak in the country, stands out from the rest. On an open area near the peak is the Jet and TurboJet Rover. The Road Rovers (along with Alethia), Unit STRIKE and the Collie Squadron are standing by a cliff wall. Corsair is busy with his laptop, which he is using to do scanning work. Corsair:"According to the Sonic Rover's signal it should be somewhere inside this mountain." Illanov:"Really, comrade? Are you sure?" Corsair gives Illanov a cold stare. Colleen:"Why do you two blokes keep arguing like this?" Illanov and Corsair look at Colleen. Illanov, Corsair:"Cold War rivalry." Colleen:"Figures." Mason:"Look. Can't we just carry on our jobs instead of arguing? The enemy will find us easily like this." Roger, who had been standing a bit out of the group, sees something from the corner of his eye. He calls the others. Roger:"I think they already had." Everyone looks to where Roger is pointing. A section of the cliff wall is slowly opening like a door. Hunter:"Everybody, hide!" Blitz:"Yah. Good idea." Shephard:"What for, sir? We have the firepower to take out the enemy opposition." Striker:"We first want to see WHO or WHAT the opposition is, Shephard. If we just rush in, we might get a very ugly surprise in the shape of an enemy that might not even be GONV." Shephard:"Yes, sir." They all run behind various large boulders and keep watching the door. It fully opens, revealing another door. This time it is made of metal and it slides open and the figure behind it walks into the light. Most of the Rovers are confused at what they see except Alethia. She is in shock. The figure was not a GONV robot, but Cage, one of the dead ex-Perrisian cano-sapien and member of the Dogstar. He is wearing a camo-military uniform with the letters GONV written on the shoulders. Vicki:"Well, this is something new." Alethia:"It's Cage!" Hunter:"Yet another unexpected twist. Bummer." Striker:"You two know that cano-sapien over there?" Hunter:"That's Cage. He is, rather, was an ex-Perrisian who became a member of the Dogstar." Ben:"The Dogstar. It is that military group that devastated Perris Park and then went on a rampage across America, right?" Alethia:"I am afraid so. He was also the one who killed the head of the Project, Dr. Brummel, had killed the last Perrisian prisoners and was the one who..." She stops talking abruptly as the horrors of her encounter with Cage fills her mind. Illanov notices this. Illanov:"Alethia? Are you all right?" Hunter:"She's just having trouble recalling what Cage did to her." Shephard:"Either way, what that Cage there had done is good enough reason for me to wax him." Shephard arms his M-249 and prepares to attack, the others notice this. Striker:"Shephard! Wait!" Too late. Shephard appears from cover with his M-249 aimed at Cage. He whistles to Cage, who turns to Shephard. Cage:"Who are you?" Shephard:"I am your death. Kiss your life goodbye, again." Shephard prepares to fire, but just then Alethia appears from cover and grabs Shephard's M-249 by the muzzle. The bullets fall off target as Alethia forces the machine gun's muzzle into a different direction. Shephard looks at Alethia. Shephard:"What are you doing?" Alethia:"Don't kill him!" Cage sees Alethia and smiles. Cage:"Ah. Alethia. Nice to see you again." Alethia lets go of the muzzle and turns to Cage. Alethia:"What are you doing here, Cage?" Cage:"Come along with me and I'll show. There are a large number of your friends who will be very pleased to see you again." Alethia:"After what you did to me and those Perrisian prisoners you killed I don't trust you. The letters GONV on your shoulders does not help, either." Cage shrugs and then frowns. Cage:"Too bad, Al. Now, you DIE!!!" Cage pulls out a pistol and aims it at Alethia, her eyes widen in horror. Before Cage can pull the trigger Striker quickly takes out his Colt and shoots the pistol out of Cage's hands. Cage is stunned for a second before Shephard aims his M-249 at Cage and pulls the trigger. A dozen bullets slam into Cage's body. He falls backwards, then twitches for a few moments before his movements stop. The others appear from cover. Illanov runs up to Alethia. Illanov:"You all right, Alethia?" Alethia:"Yes, I am well. What about Cage?" Misty:"Dead, I hope." Exile runs up to the dead Cage and looks at the body. Exile:"Bolshoi!" Ben:"What's wrong, Exile?" Exile:"You had better check this inski, comrades." Everyone runs up to Exile and surround Cage's body. They look at the body. Through the bullet holes one can see that there is a thin organic that covers the actual body: one made of wires and metal, not flesh and blood. Molly:"What we got here is a smashed up kind of robot." Corsair:"This reminds me of one of those Terminator movies, only this time we got dogs instead of humans." Blitz:"Yah, me too. I love Arnold Swartzinegger. The way he kicks the bad guys butts." Exile:"Control yourself, Weird Boy." Alethia:"Oh my. It's the same." Illanov:"Is it the same, Alethia?" Alethia:"I'm afraid so." Striker:"Mind informing us what is that you two know about this?" Illanov looks at the others. Illanov:"Comrade, Alethia has been getting these odd dreams in which she came under attack by some cyborgs who had the heads of her dead Perrisian comrades, including Renegade." Hunter:"So that means this whole business is some kind of GONV military project. And I think these... um... Perris cyborgs are the ones responsible for the disappearance of those MIA's. And if those visions are true, and they been proven so far, there are more of these cyborgs." Striker:"Numbers?" Hunter:"If I can remember correctly, there were about 200 Perrisians, both of the Perris Park and the Dogstar." Shephard:"More targets to wax." Ben:"I think we should investigate this. I don't like the GONV's idea of resurrecting the Perris Park project." Hunter:"Good idea, Ben. Let's go, Rovers. And be careful. I bet all the cyborgs are hostile." Striker:"So do I." Alethia:"Perhaps there is one or two who isn't dangerous." Striker looks at Alethia. Striker:"Alethia, you face reality here. The GONV's involvement will ensure that every cyborg, including the one of Renegade, is going to be hostile." Alethia hangs her head in defeated. Illanov comforts her and they go through the entrance in the cliff wall. Hidden GONV Facility 10:23 AM: The Rovers are making their way through the dark corridors. Light from Abby's body illuminates the way. They continue walking until they reach an observation deck that overlooks a large hall. Both areas are high- tech, but only the observation deck is empty. The Rovers walk in and look into the hall. Below are dozens of Perrisian Cyborgs standing or sitting and talking. Above at the same level is a podium that overlooks the hall. Alethia is both amazed and shocked at the sight of all the cyborgs that look like the dead Perrisians. Alethia:"This reminds of my first days in Perris Park." Rose:"There sure are a large number of them." Colleen:"And you can bet your booties that they are all hostile." Illanov:"See anyone you know, uh, knew well, Alethia?" Alethia looks around, then turns to Illanov. Alethia:"Most of the faces I remember, Alex, but I don't see Noelle, Pandora or Renegade anywhere." Blitz:"What about them?" Everyone looks to where Blitz is pointing. He is pointing at the podium. Standing there is Renegade and Patriot. Patriot is a 7 foot robot wearing a US camo-uniform, military boots and a helmet. His robot face design gives the impression of great authority, which are further enhanced by the glowing red eyes. Written on his shirt pocket is the letters GONV. When Alethia sees Renegade and the others she walks up to the observation window and stares at Renegade. Neither Renegade nor Patriot have seen the Rovers. Alethia:"Renegade." Illanov:"So that is Renegade." Shephard then sees Patriot. Shephard:"Patriot? What's that robot doing here?" Everyone looks at Shephard. Ben:"You know that robot over there?" Shephard:"Yes, sir. That robot is Patriot. He was part of the Pentagon's future warfare program. Patriot was to be the ultimate combat soldier. But in the 1990's the program suffered from the Pentagon's funding cuts and it was scrapped. Patriot was taken, or so I think, deep into the lower levels of the Pentagon. How he ended up here, sir, I do not know." Abby:"One thing's for sure: he's not on our side." Molly:"How are we going to beat these 'Perris Borgs'?" Voice (from behind):"Correction. YOU are the ones who are going to take a beating." Everyone turns around. Standing behind them is Pandora, Noelle and a number of Perrisians holding rifles. Alethia's eyes widen. Alethia:"Pandora! Noelle!" Noelle:"She remembers us, Pandora." Pandora:"That is so nice of you to remember us, Al. We missed a lot." Alethia:"I missed you too, up until now. I do not like the idea of you working for the GONV computer." Noelle:"Perhaps if we take you and your Rover friends here to Renegade and Patriot you will change your mind, Al." Pandora:"Yeah. Renegade will be very happy to see his love again. But first, throw all your weapons in a pile before you. And don't try to hide one. We have scanners." Hunter:"Bummer." Colleen:"You can say that again, Huntie." Hunter:"Bummer." Colleen rolls her eyes. Shag whimpers and jumps into Linda's arms. She collapses under his weight and disappears into his fur. Shag digs around in his fur and digs out Linda, who proceeds to cough out hairballs. The others proceed to throw down their weapons in a pile before them. Once they are done Noelle signals a few Perrisians, half of which pick up the weapons and the other half scanning the Rovers. When they are done they nod at Pandora and Noelle. Pandora:"Okay, Rovers. Move!" The Rovers are escorted out of the observation deck through the facilty to a detention center. More Perrisians are here acting as guards. Pandora and Noelle then order the other Perrisians to put the Rovers into the cells. Once they are done Pandora and Noelle walk up to them. Noelle:"You just sit tight while we get Renegade and Patriot. They will like meeting you all." Pandora and Noelle leave the detention center. The Rovers watch them go. Corsair:"Well, we are now officially screwed." Linda:"You can sa..." Colleen clamps Linda's muzzle shut. Colleen:"Oh no. I'm not having that joke repeated again." Linda nods and Colleen lets go of her muzzle. Ben, Hunter and Striker hold a small meeting in the corner. Ben:"We must escape from this cell." Hunter:"Good idea, but first let's meet Renegade and Patriot. They, as villains normally do, will tell us what they are up to. Then can we get out of this cell and begin to kick butt." Striker:"Hunter is right, Ben. We must find out why the GONV resurrected all these Perrisians and what it plans to use them for. Judging by what the GONV has done so far, I can tell you now it will not be good news." Ben:"Talking of the devil..." Ben points at the door and everyone looks towards it. Pandora and Noelle have returned with Renegade and Patriot. They walk up to the cells. Alethia stiffens as Renegade sees her and smiles. Renegade:"Alethia! You're alive! I missed you." Alethia does not respond and huddles up against Illanov, who puts his arms around her and looks at Renegade. Illanov:"Sorry, comrade. Alethia is not willing to talk a weak-kneed cyborg immitation like you." Renegade gives a hurt look. Patriot looks at Illanov. Patriot:"Shut up, dirtbag! You Rovers will not speak until spoken to!" Illanov just gives Patriot a cold look. He ignores Illanov and looks at the rest of the Rovers. Patriot:"Now this a fine kettle of fish! You Rover dirtbags have come here to get back your puny little Sonic Rover, right?" Corsair:"That 'puny' Sonic Rover will kick the tar out of your fighters!" Patriot:"Are you talking to me, dirtbag?! You'd better square yourself away, maggot!" He resumes his speech. Patriot:"Well, I can assure you, ladies, that you will not succeed! What are seeing around here, are the products of Project Perris!" Alethia:"Project Perris?" Patriot:"You heard me, maggot! This project's goal was to recreate the dead Perrisians that had been killed! As you can see, we have succeeded! These cyborgs' minds boasts a special EMP-hardened CPU that acts as a brain! The program written into the CPU resembles the mind of the dead Perrisian that it is inplanted to, with one difference: the useless sections such as love, happiness and kindess and all that s*** is being removed! So far some have been completed..." He points at Pandora and Noelle, who grin. Patriot:"... but there a few that are being more resistant, such as Captain Renegade here! But even he will become fully loyal to the GONV and in the ultimate goal: destruction of all organic life on this stinkin' excuse for a piece of space garbage!" Striker:"And what are is the GONV planning to use the Perrisian cyborgs for?" Patriot laughs, then gives Striker an angry look. Patriot:"Can I be in charge around here? Well, thank you very much! If you think I'm going to gloat about the GONV's plans then you are greatly mistaken, maggot! I have been programmed to avoid falling for that old joke! Besides, what good is it going to do for you if you are to be gassed with sarin soon?" Blitz's eyes widen. Blitz:"Gassed? You mean, we are to be executed?" Patriot:"On the mark, maggot! I have no use for you Rovers dirtbags!" Blitz runs up to the bars, falls to his knees and begins to beg. Blitz:"Please don't kill me! Please! I don't want to die!" Illanov and Exile roll their eyes while Patriot laughs. Patriot:"Give me a reason why I shouldn't, dirtbag! And it better be a damn good one!" Blitz:"Because... because... um... I am still a virgin!" The Rovers all give Blitz an odd look. Patriot rubs his metal chin. Patriot:"Hmmm! That's a good one! The last lot before you couldn't think up a reason that was anywhere near to the one you just gave me!" Blitz stops begging and looks hopefully at Patriot. Blitz:"Does that mean you will let me live?" Patriot:"No, it just means you will be the last one to be executed!" Blitz begins to cry on Exile's chest. He is very disgusted. Exile:"Control yourself, Weird Boy!" He shoves Blitz off him. Patriot resumes talking. Patriot:"I've said enough now! I don't want to waste my power talking to useless trash! You will be executed soon! I've got other things to attend to!" Renegade taps Patriot on the shoulder and gains his attention. Renegade:"Requesting permission to stay behind, sir. I still have a word or two to say to the Rovers." Patriot:"Very well, Captain! But don't take too long! We have a scedule to keep!" Renegade:"Yes, sir." Patriot leaves the detention center, followed by Pandora, Noelle and some of the Perrisians. Renegade walks back up to the cell bars and looks at Alethia, who is still hugging Illanov. Renegade:"Alethia? Please talk to me." Illanov opens his mouth to say something, but Alethia shakes her head. He looks confused at her, but closes his mouth. She then gets up and walks up to the bars. She looks at Renegade. Alethia:"What do you want?" Renegade:"Alethia, I know you think that I'm now a loyal cyborg to the GONV computer but I want to let you know that I still love you with all my heart." Alethia looks at Renegade, unsure whether to believe him or not. Illanov walks up between Renegade and Alethia. Illanov:"Why should she believe you? You are a robot." Renegade:"Yes, but..." Corsair:"The Russian is right for once. A cyborg, expecially one built by the GONV, does not have any emotions or feelings. That's the basic rule in real-life." Hunter:"Yeah, so forget those movie clichés in which a robot develops feelings." Renegade:"You must trust me." Everyone but Renegade laugh, then give him a cold look. Striker:"Sure. I believe that. I have heard that from every other criminal on the street." Mason:"You are lying to us. The only thing you want to do with Alethia is to kill her." Rose:"As well as the rest of us. Then you and your Perrisian cyborgs will help the GONV fight all organic live on Earth." Alethia:"I'm sorry, Renegade, but they are right. I cannot trust you or love you." Renegade is hurt more, but then he becomes confident. Renegade:"Trust me: by the end of the day you will be thank me." Renegade turns and leaves the prison, leaving two Perrisians to guard the prisoners. The Rovers begin to talk among themselves how to escape. Ben:"Now to escape." Striker:"That will be risky from my point of view. Though we have our super powers, those two cyborgs there will prove a problem." Shephard:"So let's shoot them, sirs." Hunter:"If we do that we'll alert every Perrisian within this compound and we won't be able to fight them all." Shephard:"Crud." They continue talking to each other. Alethia hugs Illanov, looking at the door Renegade went through. Power Substation 10:44 AM: This is a small room with a small power relay box attached to the wall below a sign that says GONV. Renegade walks into the room holding a small round device. He looks at the relay box. Renegade:"This High-Energe grenade should should turn the power off throughout the facility. Then I can rescue the Rovers and perhaps gain Alethia's trust again." Voice (from behind):"Well! Well! Well!" Renegade quickly turns and sees another Perrisian standing in the doorway of the room. He is a male bulldog who has brown fur and is very muscular. This is Gundam. Gundam:"I always knew you were a scumbag." Renegade:"And I always knew that you, the leader of the Dogstar, hated me and that you ordered my previous execution." Gundam:"And now I will execute you again! You're not turning against us or the GONV computer!" Gundam lounges at Renegade with a knife, but Renegade jumps out of his way. Gundam takes a swipe at Renegade. He succeeds in cutting Renegade's left arm open, revealing beneath the skin his robot parts. Renegade grabs Gundam's arm which has the knife in it. There is a vicious struggle and Gundam pins Renegade to the floor. He gets ready for the kill. Gundam:"So long, Renegade!" Renegade then sees another knife in Gundam's pockets and grabs it. Before Gundam can react Renegade sticks the knife between Gundam's eyes. Electrical fly off him before he falls to the floor, dead. Renegade gets up. Renegade:"Same to you, Gundam." He picks up the HE grenade, arms it and puts it in the power relay box. He then runs out of the room. Detention Center: It is still the same. The Rovers continue their meeting while the Perrisians keep watch. Suddenly there is a loud roar, followed by a rumble that shakes the room. Everyone is confused. Corsair:"What was that? An earthquake?" Linda:"Perhaps it was a volcano?" Molly:"No way. The geography of Montenegro isn't right for such events." Phoenix:"What was it then?" Just then Renegade runs into the room and up to the Perrisians. He has an urgent look on his face. Renegade:"Intruders have just blown up of the relay boxes! We need help over there, now!" The Perrisians run out of the room. Renegade watches them go, then walks up to the cell bars. He opens them via a console. The Rovers look surprised at them. Renegade:"Come on! We have to leave!" Hunter:"You mean you are...?" Renegade:"Defecting to your side, yes." Alethia smiles, gets up and runs up to Renegade. She hugs him and she hugs him. Alethia:"Thank you, Renegade! You still care for me!" Renegade:"And so do you, Alethia." Striker:"We must not stay around here. Those Perrisians cyborgs will be back and shooting at us." Hunter:"You're right. We must get out of here, but first we must get the Sonic Rover and get rid of these Perris Borgs." Renegade stops hugging Alethia and looks at Hunter. Renegade:"I know how you can do that. I can show you the way to the main fusion reactor of this facility. If we can get it to overload the resulting explosion will destroy this facility. I also know where the hangar is of the Sonic Rover." Hunter:"Thanks. Striker. You and your unit will follow Renegade to the reactor. Ben. You take your squad back to the Jet and TurboJet and prepare for evac. Also make sure that you cover us from GONV fighters. The rest of us will go for the Sonic Rover. Let's roll!" The Rovers leave the detention center. The Road Rovers, Unit STRIKE (along with Renegade and Alethia) and the Collie Squadron then split up and go into different directions. Command Room At that moment: This is a very high-tech command room with many computer screens and consoles. Patriot, Pandora, Noelle and a dozen Perrisians are here. Patriot:"So that explosion was not caused by intruders?" Pandora:"Yes, sir. Our scanners haven't found any trace of any kind of intruder." Patriot:"So we have a traitor in our midst!" Noelle then notices unit STRIKE on a security screen. She points at it. Noelle:"It's Renegade! He let the Road Rovers go!" Everyone else looks at the screen. Pandora:"Son of a bit..." Patriot:"I'LL KILL YOU, RENEGADE!!!" Pandora:"Shall we go after him, sir?" Patriot:"No! You have that other, more important mission to do! You must take off now and deliver that packages ASAP! Hurry! The GONV needs at least one of the packages to reach it's destination!" Pandora, Noelle and the other Perrisians salute Patriot and leave the room. Patriot watches them go, then leaves as well. Cliff clearing 10:51 AM: It is much the same except that there is now a large group of Perris Borgs standing around the Jet and TurboJet Rover. The Collie Squadron then rush out of the corridor, unaware of the Perrisians. They stop when they see them. The Perrisians, all carrying laser rifles, turn to the Collies and aim their weapons at them. Lead Perrisian:"Halt! Surrender, Rovers!" Ben:"No chance. Collies, let's show these GONV Perrisians how organic creatures can fight." The others nod. Mason makes ten duplicates of himself, Rose grows into a 50 foot tall giant and Ben charges himself up with electricity. He fires a powerful bolt at the lead Perrisian. The cyborg explodes upon impact and the others return fire. All the Collies duck behind cover except Molly and Vicki. Vicki takes off and flies above the cyborgs. They shoot at her, unable to hit her. Molly then begins to run super fast towards the cyborgs. She takes all the laser rifles. Following this, Roger picks up a boulder and throws it at the cyborgs, demolishing a number of them. Mason, his duplicates and Rose then wade into the cyborgs, followed by Abby, Linda and Roger. A cyborg chased Linda. She runs towards a wall, the cyborg follows. She passes right through the wall, but the cyborg runs at full speed into it and explodes. Linda comes out of the wall and looks at the smashed cyborg. Linda:"Got one! Let's see if I can sucker another." Misty sneaks behind a cyborg and taps its shoulder. It turns and looks at her face. She looks into its eyes, trying to mind control it. She struggles greatly, since it is more difficult for her to control a CPU than a brain. Just before the cyborg attacks she succeeds. It falls under her control. Misty points at the maul. Misty:"Go smash your friends." P. Borg:"Affirmative, master." The cyborg charges into the group, attacking it's surprised friends. With Abby she sneaks up on a cyborg, grabs its uniform and sets it on fire. The cyborg begins to burn like a torch, which causes its sensitive wires to melt. The cyborg falls to the ground, its organic skin and wires now burnt. Abby:"Toasted." After a few moments the fight dies down. The Perrisians are lying every- where, either smashed, broken or destroyed. Ben gathers the others. Ben:"Right. Let's get airborne and prepare to cover the others." They all agree and run towards the Jet and TurboJet Rover. Foot of Durmitor At that moment: This is a heavily forested area at the foot of the mountain with a lake. Suddenly the "lake" begins to slide open like some kind of door. When it is opened one can see a hangar below the ground. Just then four G-19 Bombers hover from the hangar upwards into the open air. G-19's are sleek, high-tech craft with an arrow-shaped head, a large body, two inward-curved wings attached to the sides along with several side thrusters and a large thruster on the rear. On the wings are the letters GONV. They then begin to fly off into different directions. Fusion Reactor Room 10:56 AM: This is a large cicular room with a high ceiling. Around the walls are catwalks which lead to the control rooms (who's windows are in the walls). It the center of the room in a large tub of water is the fusion reactor with cooling rods in it. In one of the control rooms appear unit STRIKE. Their weapons are at the ready, with Alethia and Renegade having both Petri pistols they got from Corsair's backpack. Striker and Renegade walk up to the control panel. Striker:"Right, Renegade. If you want to earn my trust, then tell us how we can cause this fusion reactor to explode." Renegade:"You have to type in the command to withdraw the cooling rods, which will cause the reactor to overheat. Unfortunately, you need a special code to use this panel." Corsair walks up, opens part of the panel, takes out his laptop and plugs it into the control panel. He smiles smugly at the others. Corsair:"So I'll make a special code." Renegade:"Can you really do that?" Corsair:"I'm a hacker, buddy. Let me do my job and I'll get you guys in in no time." Voice (from behind):"Not so fast, dirtbags!" Everyone looks behind them to see Patriot and several cyborgs standing in the doorway. Patriot:"I'm going to smoke you like a Cuban cigar!" Phoenix:"Well, you are going to find out we are of a different brand!" Striker:"Everyone, cover Corsair! Don't let them get him!" Patriot and the cyborgs attack. Patriot flings himself at Striker while one grabs Shephard's M-247 by the muzzle. They begin to struggle. Alethia sees two of the cyborgs coming towards her and fires her Petri rifle at them. One of them is frozen, but the other flings himself upon Alethia, wraps his arms around her and begins to squeeze the life out of her. She calls for Renegade and Illanov, who have just shot up two more cyborgs. Alethia (gasping):"Renegade... Illanov... help... me!" Illanov and Renegade hear Alethia's call for help and rush up to her. They force the cyborg off her, then shoot it apart. The two males then help Alethia up. Illanov, Renegade:"Are you all right, Alethia?" Alethia:"I'm fine now, my l..." She stops and looks back and forth between Renegade and Illanov. Alethia:"... guys." With Shephard and the other cyborg holding his rifle Shephard continues talking to it. Shephard:"Let go!" Cyborg:"No!" Shephard:"NOW!!!" Cyborg:"NO!!!" Shephard:"You asked for it!" Shephard uses one free hand to pull out his sidearm, a Desert Eagle. He points it at the cyborg and fires several bullets into it. The cyborg falls to ground, letting go of Shephard's rifle. Shephard:"Some people, or robots, will never listen." Meanwhile Patriot and Striker were having a vicious punching match. Striker is already bleeding from his nose and mouth, but Patriot is doing well. Patriot:"You are one lousy meatsack, maggot!" Striker:"You remind me of one of my old EDF training instructors: full of hot air." Striker takes another swipe at Patriot. Just as Striker's fist hits Patriot's face, Patriot quickly clamps his large robot hands around Striker's neck and begins to squeese. Striker tries to pry Patriot's hands off his neck, but the robot is too strong. Striker gasps, then begins to slip in unconciousness. Patriot:"Now, DIE!!!" Phoenix, who had just set fire to one of the cyborgs, turns to see Striker's body become limp. She gasps. Phoenix:"No! STRIKER!!!" She furiously throws a fireball at Patriot. He looks up just in time to see the fireball right upon him. The fireball strikes Patriot so hard that he is thrown out through the window and falls to the reactor floor. Phoenix runs up to Striker, who is taking deep breaths. Phoenix:"Are you okay, my Love?" Striker looks up at Phoenix, still a bit dazed. Striker:"Thanks, my Love." Phoenix smiles widely when she hears this and helps Striker up. Corsair finishes typing, then unplugs his laptop and puts it away. He turns to the others and points at the reactor. Corsair:"Watch." Everyone watches as the cooling rods are withdrawn from the reactor. EFV:"Warning. Reactor cooling rods withdrawn. Core meltdown in five minutes." Corsair:"Voila!" Illanov:"Five minutes, Corsair?" Corsair:"Can you do better, Illanov?" Striker:"Stop arguing and let's get to the hangar immediately! We must be out of this installation before the reactor explodes!" Everyone runs out of the reactor room. Hangar 10:59 AM: This is a large, high-tech hangar with the door above in the ceiling. Several GONV fighters are here, but the Sonic Rover stands out from the lot. Hunter, Colleen, Exile and Blitz watch as Muzzle once again does his thing with the cyborgs. Exile:"My crumbling cookies are starting to come up." Blitz:"I'm feeling a tad queezy myself." Once Muzzle is done all that is left of the cyborgs is a pile of scrap metal. Just then unit STRIKE runs into the hangar and towards the Sonic Rover. Hunter:"Striker! Did you get the reactor?" Striker:"One minute before it explodes! Get into the Sonic Rover! Fast!" Colleen:"I would say that is a yes, Huntie." Hunter:"Cool." The Rovers quickly climb into the Sonic Rover. Shag, who is flying, activates a rocket launcher on the roof of the Sonic Rover and blows open the hangar door. Immediately after that the Sonic Rover flies out into the open air. EFV:"Warning. Reactor overheated." Durmitor 11:00 AM: The Sonic, Jet and TurboJet are orbiting a distance from Durmitor. Suddenly several blasts come from the various exits of the installation and the ground rumbles from the explosion. The GONV's Perrisian cyborgs have been destroyed. Molly:"All right! We got them all!" Corsair:"Score! Rovers 1. Killer cyborgs and one pissed off robot 0." Everyone cheers and smiles, except Renegade. Alethia notices this. Alethia:"What's wrong, Renegade?" Renegade:"I'm afraid that our problems, and Earth's, are only just beginning." Everyone stops cheering. Hunter:"Why's that, Renegade?" Renegade:"Did you pick up four GONV aircraft take off from the base a few minutes ago?" Ben:"Yes. We saw them fly off into different directions, but we thought they just cowardly Perrisians." Renegade groans. Renegade:"You should have stopped them!" Striker:"Why?" Renegade:"Those were GONV bombers, flown by Pandora, Noelle and several other Perrisians, are flying towards four key European cities to deliver their packages." Hunter:"What are those packages?" There is a slight pause. Renegade:"Nuclear bombs." Everyone gasps. Hunter:"Bummer! What are the cities that are going to be hit?" Renegade:"Berlin, Athens, Rome and Warsaw. After that... all h*** is going to break loose." Mason:"We'd better stop those bombers! And fast!" Hunter:"Let's go, Rovers!" Ben:"Hold on! There are four bombers and three of our craft. How are we going to get them all?" Hunter:"Ben, you take out the one going for Rome. Mason, shoot the one down that is heading for Warsaw. We'll go and take down the one going for Berlin, then we'll go into sonic mode and catch the last one before it hits Athens! Let's roll!" They all begin to fly into different directions in an attempt to catch the bombers. Over Mediterranian Sea Near the Italian Coast 10:12 AM: The coast of Italy can be seen some distance over the ocean. One of the G-19 Bombers is flying low over the water towards the coast. Suddenly the Jet Rover appears and fires a couple of missiles at it. The G-19 tries to dodge them, but both missiles hit home and the G-19 falls a burning wreck into the ocean. Ben and the Collie Squadron smiles. He calls hunter. Ben:"Ben Maddog to Hunter. Roman bogie is down." Hunter replies over the radio. Hunter:"Copy that, Ben. Good work. Head back home." Ben:"Roger." The Jet Rovers begins to fly towards Mission Control. Polish Coutryside 10 Kilometres from Warsaw 10:17 The countryside is littered with small towns, farmland and roads. Another G-19 is flying low towards Warsaw. The city itself is far in the distant horizon. The TurboJet then appears behind it and begins to fire at it. The G-19 dodges the shots, but in the process the Perrisian pilot lets the G-19 fly too low. The G-19 then flies into a power pylon's wires, gets tangled in it and explodes from the electrical discharge. Mason radios Hunter. Mason:"Scratch the Warsaw package. It just got a shocking rejection." Hunter:"Good work, Mason. Head back home." Mason:"Copy that." The TurboJet heads for home. Greek Countryside 23 Kilometres from Athens 10:33 AM: It is much the same as the Polish countryside, except Athens is in the distance. Another G-19 is flying low to the ground. In the cockpit is Pandora and Noelle. Pandora is flying while Noelle is her co-pilot. Pandora:"Where should we go to now that our original base is destroyed?" Noelle:"I think we should go to the nearest GONV base." Pandora:"Which way?" Noelle points through the cockpit, then gasps as a rover missile slams into their cockpit. In the Sonic Rover the Rovers watch as the G-19 explodes into a massive fireball. The fragmented pieces begin to fall towards the ground. Renegade:"That one was being flown by Pandora and Noelle." Alethia:"May the Lord have mercy on them." Hunter:"Amen." Corsair:"At least we got them!" Everyone smiles and congratulates, except Striker. Exile:"And the one over Germanski mountains went down just as easily." Illanov:"Perhaps they didn't count on having us attack their base and Renegade's defection, comrades." Blitz:"Yah! We kicked puny GONV tooshie." Shephard:"We tagged them and bagged them." Striker:"Guys. There is something wrong here." Everyone looks at Striker. Phoenix:"What is that?" Striker:"Well, we all saw our missile strike that bomber right at the cockpit, right?" Hunter:"Yeah." Striker:"And their cockpit was facing ours, right?" Renegade:"Yes." Striker:"Then why are WE facing towards Athens?" Realization and horror then fill everyone's eyes. They all look towards Athens. Suddenly a white flash causes them to cover their eyes for a few moments. After the light subdues a bit they look back into the direction of Athens and gasp. Hanging over where Athens was... is the nuclear mushroom blast. Phoenix:"Oh my God!" Striker:"Ai ya yai!" Exile, Illanov:"Mother Russia!" Blitz:"Actung Lieber!" Corsair, Shephard:"Holy s***!" Hunter:"I would not have predicted this!" Colleen:"Blimey! We were too late!" Corsair:"The Master is going to have a triple mega fit when he finds this out." Hunter:"We'd better head back to Mission Control and contact the UN. The Greeks are going to need every bit of aid with this mess." The Sonic Rover begins to fly towards Mission Control at super sonic speed. Installation exit Durmitor At that moment: The exit has been blasted widen and burning debris are everywhere. Just then Patriot walks out from the installation into the open. He is in remarkable good shape. Patriot:"Thank my lucky electrons for my personal shield belt!" He looks at the devastation. Patriot:"I'll get you, Rover dirtbags! This war is only beginning!" He begins to walk into the forest. GONV Computer Bunker 12:00 AM: On the screen of the GONV appears "TIME UNTIL OPERATION - 00:00:00". It is then replaced by "EXECUTING OPERATION GLOBOTERM". Streets Of Budapest Hungary 12:10 AM: This is a normal street through an old part of the city. A group of young student protestors are busy throwing bottles at some police APC's and officers. Suddenly a MK-I walks between the two groups. The two groups look at the mech. It turns to the police and opens fire. The officers are gunned down and the APC's are blown up. The protestors cheer the mech, but then it turns to the protestors opens fire on them. Panic ensues as students are mown down. More mechs and drones appear in the streets. In the skies over the city are dozens of GONV aircraft flying over the city while smoke clouds rise from various parts of the city as fighting breaks out everywhere. Military Base Near Poznan Poland At that moment: This very large base is under heavy attack from GONV ground forces. In the air a massive dogfight is in progress between Polish and GONV jet fighters. Varna Bulgaria At that moment: The city is on fire as GONV Dreadnaughts bombard the harbour with massive missiles. Dreadnaughts are large high-tech ships with a flat deck like that of a carrier and the bridge on the rear. On the sides of the ship are large laser cannons and on the decks massive missile launchers. On the sides are the letters GONV. They continue bombarding the city while GONV aircraft fly overhead. Warroom Road Rover Mission Control 2:21 PM: The Road Rovers, Unit STRIKE, the Collie Squadron, the Master, Buford, Jordyn and Hubert are here along with the images of Norwood and Cadwell on two of the screens watching CNN on a third screen. Melanie Malloy is in the ruins of Athens wearing a radiation suit. Melanie:"As GONV military forces begin to launch attacks all over Eastern Europe the questions arises: will the UN respond to humanity's greatest nightmare: a war fought between humans and the robotic forces of the GONV computer? This is Melanie Malloy reporting for CNN in the ruins of Athens." The screen goes black. Cadwell:"This is a disaster. We got reports of GONV forces blowing the h*** out of all our bases throughout Europe and as far away as Israel and Bermuda." Master:"What about you, Norwood." Norwood:"The UN security counsil meeting ended a few minutes and we all agreed that a taskforce of 10 million UN armed forces should be sent in to stop this before things really get out of hand." Master:"Need any help from our side?" Norwood:"Gather up as many of your units as possible. We need all the dog-, cat-, man- and wolf-power you got to help us beat these robotic hordes." Master:"Consider it done." Cadwell:"I will talk to the President and help him rally our forces to combat the GONV." Cadwell's screen goes black. Striker looks at Norwood. Striker:"Mark, who is going to lead the UN taskforce?" Norwood:"I am." Everyone but Striker is shocked. Buford:"What! You cannot do that, sir! We don't want to send you in harm's way." Master:"He's right, Norwood. We don't want to risk losing you." Striker:"Don't worry, Master. I know Mark well. He is much better in field than behind a desk." Norwood:"Right again, Striker. Now, excuse me. I have a lot of work for the moment. See you all in Europe." Norwood's screen goes black. The Master turns to the Rovers. Master:"We also have a lot of work too. Rovers, this is probably the worst situation we ever had. Call every operative and unit you can find. Grizzlies, Wild Kats, Maddogs, Pouncers, everyone." Rovers:"Yes, sir!" Everyone begins to call the other Rover units and operatives. The Perris cyborgs have been destroyed and Renegade is back with Alethia and the Rovers. Unfortunately The GONV's true plans have been unveiled and now the Rovers face a war that threatens all life on Earth. Can the Rovers stop the mad plans of the GONV Computer? Or will Earth fall before the evil Artificial Intelligense, Matrix? THE END