Road Rovers: The Iron Fist Episode 13: Siege Of London By Gerhard Naudé All Road Rover names © Warner Brothers and rightful owners. Striker, Illanov, Tanarus, McTerry, Sky, Norwood and all others related to the KH Military © Gerhard Naudé Maddogs © Greg Williams DJ © Jake Williams Ricky © Ricky Galahad Prowler © Amanda Stephenson Spirit © Connie Smernos Any question, comments, complaints, feedback or suggestions can be sent to Home of UN secretary-general, New York City Suburbs, United States Of America, 10 August, 11:09 PM: This is a reasonable large house in the suburbs. A car pulls into the driveway. After it stops the UN secretary-general climbs. Just as he locks his car a figure walks towards him. Figure:"Excuse me, sir." The SG turns around and sees who it is. It is Prowler, but he is wearing his normal clothes with the Strayer symbol on them. SG:"Yes?" Prowler:"My unit leader, Bear, has sent me to give you these..." Prowler takes out some papers. The SG takes it and begins to read while Prowler gets behind him. The SG sees the papers are blank. SG:"What's the meaning of this? There's nothing written h..." He suddenly gasps. He then falls to the ground. In his hand Prowler is holding a knife covered with blood. He grins. Prowler:"Scratch one secretary-general." Prowler chuckles and disappears into the shadows. CNN News Centre, Atlanta, United States, 14 August, 8:07 AM: A news anchor was giving the days headlines. Anchor:"In a unanimous vote Markus Norwood has been elected as the new United Nations secretary-general following the death of the previous secretary-general, who was assassinated in front of his home in New York. After his inauguration Mark Norwood left New York for London, where a scheduled peace conference is to be held. The conference is to be held to discuss the recent KH Military terrorist actions in the former Yugoslavia. Meanwhile the FBI is investigating the death of the former Secretary General. It is suspected that the KH Military may have been responsible for the attack." The anchor continues to read on. Highway, Montana, United States, at that moment: A red 68' Mustang is making its way through a forest. Ricky is behind the wheel, driving. He is listening to the news. Ricky:"Whoa. These KH soldiers are almost as tough as Cain." He turns the news off. Ricky:"But my quest is to stop Cain, not the KH Military. They are the Road Rovers' problem." Suddenly two KH dropship land in front and behind of the Mustang. They are large hovering troop transports with a cockpit in front, doors on the sides and gun turrets on the corners. Ricky stops the car. Ricky:"Then again, maybe it is my problem. The dropship doors open and a large number KH battle troopers rush out towards the Mustang. Ricky locks the door, but the troopers force all the doors open. Ricky quickly pushes a button before some troopers drag him out of the Mustang and into a dropship. One of them rips the collar off his arm and throws it to the ground. The troopers climb back in and soon the dropships take off, leaving Ricky's car standing empty in the forest. Kitchen, Road Rover Mission Control, 8:12 AM: Hunter, Colleen, Exile, Blitz and Shag are here eating breakfast. The Master then walks in. Master:"Morning, Rovers." Hunter:"Morning, Master. Any news?" Master:"Yes. Markus Norwood is the new secretary-general and is going to London to attend the peace conference there." Colleen:"Should we go to London to stop those KH blokes?" Master:"No need to. I've already sent the Maddogs, DJ, Spirit and Persia. They should be able to handle any attempt by the KH Military on the peace conference." Hubert rushes in. Hubert:"Guys! I've just received a distress transmission from Ricky's car in Montana!" Hunter:"What happened?" Hubert:"I don't know. I just now received it." Master:"Rovers. Go to Montana and find out what happened to Ricky." Hunter:"Right, Master. Let's roll, Rovers!" The Rovers head for the hangar. Montana, 8:49 AM: The Sonic Rover appears from the clouds and lands near Ricky's Mustang. The Rhino is also here. Striker and Illanov are standing nearby. When the Rovers climb out they walk towards them. Hunter looks at Striker. Hunter:"What are you two doing here?" Exile:"We thought you went to some EDF meeting in Washington." Striker:"Actually, no. We went to the EDF training grounds not far away from here." Illanov:"We detected the dropships on the Rhino's radar. When we came here we found comrade Ricky's vehicle abandoned." Hunter:"When?" Striker:"A few minutes ago before you arrived." Colleen:"We can just track him by his collar." Illanov:"Good idea, comrade. There is just one problem..." Illanov produces Ricky's collar in his hand. Hunter:"I would not have predicted this." Blitz:"They must have taken him back to Alcatraz." Striker:"Maybe. Maybe not." Hunter:"We'd better get back to Mission Control, and fast. Exile. Take Ricky's car." Exile:"You betski." Everyone climbs into the vehicles and head back to Mission Control. Buckingham Palace, London, British Islands, at that moment: This is a large royal room in the Palace. Various world leaders and diplomats are here seated at a long table. Mark Norwood is at the one end of the table. To his left are Bill Clinton and Boris Yeltsin. To his right is Tony Blair and Jacques Zerack. Standing nearby is some of the diplomatic bodyguards, as well as Outlaw, Saphire, Beowulf, Silver, Wesley, DJ, Spirit and Persia. Norwood:"As of yet our intelligence has been unable to determine from where these KH terrorists are launching their attacks." Clinton:"And their advanced weaponry are unlike anything we have ever seen." Yeltsin:"Their war actions in Colombia is proof of their superiority over most military forces around the world." Zerack:"And if we don't stop their terror actions in Yugoslavia we may have another Bosnian War." Blair:"We need to step up our efforts in the area. Perhaps we..." While the meeting continues a Secret Service agent walks to the Rovers. This is agent John Lars. Lars:"I just had a call from Scotland Yard. It seems there are possible terrorists at an office building not far from here." Outlaw:"We're on our way." The Rovers and Maddogs soon leave the Palace and climb into the Jet Rover. Taking the directions from Lars they soon come to an abandoned office building along the river. They pull up in an alleyway and climb out, weapons at the ready. They enter, coming into a large room. Silver:"Hello? Anybody home?" Beowulf:"Doesn't sound like it." Spirit:"Looks easy." DJ:"Yup. It is." Voice:"Wrong." Suddenly a cage drops from the ceiling and traps the Rovers and Maddogs. From the other rooms a number of mercenaries with machine guns walk in. Voice:"Gotcha!" The Rovers and Maddogs look into the direction from where the voice was coming from. Standing in a doorway is Captain Zachary Storm (from "Storm over the Pacific" and "Take me to your leader"). Rovers, Maddogs:"Zachary Storm!" Storm:"Yes. I'm back." Outlaw:"What are you..." Storm:"Just a moment, and I'll be with you." Storm takes out a phone and dials a number. Soon it is answered. Storm:"Hello? General Tanarus?...Yes, I got them. You can commence the attack at your leisure...Thanks. Bye!" Storm puts the phone away and then walks to the Rovers and Maddogs. Storm:"You are about to see some spectacular fireworks." Saphire:"What fireworks?" Storm grins. Storm:"The fall of London." The mercenaries lift the cage to the top floor. There the Rovers and Maddogs are put near a window overlooking the city. British Airfield, Twenty kilometres from London: The base commander was inside the control tower, which in a flurry of activity. He walks to the radar officer. Commander:"What's going on?" Officer:"Our radar is showing a large number of unidentified objects coming towards us." Commander:"Don't tell me we have UFO's." Officer:"Err....Sir. I don't think they're UFO's." A soldier looks out the window. His eyes widen. Soldier:"OH S***!!!" Everyone looks outside and gasp. Coming towards them is KH Orcas and Valkyries. Outside the pilots, soldiers, technicians and officers begin to run. Suddenly the Valkyries release a massive bombardment of missiles while the Orcas fire their lasers upon the base. The attack starts looking like a scene from "Independence Day". British Naval Base, Near mouth of Thames River: Several KH Battlecruisers are bombarding the base. The shells cause incredible damage to the ships and naval buildings while a small number of Royal Air Force jets get shot down by Orcas. London: The Storm is standing at the window. He then points to the one end of the river. Storm:"There they are." The Rovers and Maddogs gasp. In the distance is a large number of KH Landing Craft, Hover Tanks, Missile Destroyers, Orcas, Valkyries, Mohigans and Airships. Airships are just like their WWI cousins, except they have hangars for KH aircraft beneath their bellies. On the wings is the KH insignia. The Hover Tanks climb out of the river and into the streets while the Landing Craft beach on the riverbeds. They open their doors and coming out of them is KH APC's, Mammoth Tanks, Colossus Tanks and Walkers. The APC is a large vehicle with turrets on the corners, doors on the front and back and the cockpit at the topfront. Mammoth Tanks are larger than Abram tanks and have a rotor-cannon. Colossus Tanks are huge tanks with a double barrel plasma cannon and missile packs on the turret's sides. They all have the KH insignia. People flee in panic as the weapons head towards their strategic points, most of them heading towards Buckingham Palace. The London Police forces simply brushed aside by the KH Military as they roll onward. In the air a small Royal Air Force has managed to reach the city and are firing at the Airships. Their shots bounce off the ships' sides and are, in return, destroyed by laser turrets. Soon the city is in a state of pandemonium. In the distance large smoke trails can be seen from bases destroyed by KH forces. Storm laughs. Storm:"Ha. Ha. Ha. Seems like that Tanarus fellow wasn't bluffing. He sure knows how to kick a**." Buckingham Palace: People are fleeing in panic as the KH APC's and Tanks plough through the gates and fences. Inside the dignitaries see the KH forces through the windows. Clinton:"I would not have predicted this!" Yeltsin:"Bolshoi! Where the h*** did they come from?!" Blair:"This is impossible! They couldn't possibly have come by our military forces!" Zerack:"What do we do?!" Norwood:"We'd better leave! And fast!" Suddenly gunshots can be heard in the halls as KH troopers battle their way to the conference room. Before the bodyguards could remove the Dignitaries KH troopers burst in the room and aim their weapons at them. Trooper:"EVERYBODY DROP YOUR WEAPONS AND PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!!!" Everyone but Norwood do as the troopers command. Norwood runs to the window and jumps through it, landing on a bush in the Palace gardens. He quickly gets up and runs to a manhole cover. The troopers open fire from the windows. Norwood removes the cover and jumps in, bullets just missing him. He quickly puts back the cover of the manhole and the troopers stop shooting at him. Trooper:"Great! The general isn't going to pleased!" Voice (from behind):"Calm down. He can't escape us." The troopers turn around. In the room is General Tanarus. He is a male Coyote Wolf-sapien wearing a silver battle suit just like Trigger, Black and Wolfeye. The troopers stand to attention and salute him. Tanarus:"Just take a small search party in the sewers, find and capture Norwood and bring him back here." Trooper:"Yes, sir!" Tanarus' phone rings, he takes it out and answers. Tanarus:"Yes?...Excellent. Bring in the Rotor-Turrets as soon as you have gotten secure locations throughout the city...Good. Tanarus out." Tanarus dails another number. Office Building: Storm's phone rings and he answers. Storm:"Storm here." Tanarus:"Captain. Have you captured the Road Rovers and Maddogs?" Storm:"Sure, Tanarus..." Tanarus:"GENERAL Tanarus." Storm:"Sorry, General. Yes, I have them in my hands." Tanarus:"Good. Take them to the assigned warehouse. Leave a few of your men there and then help in the search of Mark Norwood in the sewers. Do you read me?" Storm:"Yes, sir!" Tanarus:"Excellent. Tanarus out." Storm puts away his phone and turns to the mercenaries. Storm:"Take them away!" Head Mercenary:"Yes, sir!" Outlaw:"You'll never get away with this!" Storm:"But we already have, so stop worrying Rovers." The mercenaries lower the cage onto a truck in the garage. They climb into several hum-vees, Storm into one with his name on the license plate. They drive into the streets. Outside several Transports are flying in the air, carrying Rotor-Turrets. Transports are large craft with turbines on the wingtips and a on the front cockpit. In the middle is a large claw-like machine that carries cargo. Rotor-Turrets are large rotor cannons mounted on stilts that fire armour-piercing bullets. The Transports take their cargoes to their assigned points while KH forces battle British forces in the outskirts of the city. The Rovers and Maddogs look at each other. Outlaw:"This sucks." Saphire:"This really sucks." Spirit:"This really, really sucks." DJ:"This really, really, really sucks." Persia:"I have to admit it: this sucks." Wesley:"Big time." The trucks continue through the city. Briefing Room, Road Rover Mission Control, 9:32 AM: The Rovers are all gathered here along with Hubert and the Master, who is standing on the balcony. Master:"I am sorry to hear about Ricky being caught again." Colleen:"Why him? Of everybody, why him?" Hubert:"Perhaps they want to learn more about the effects the Transdogmafier has on animals." Exile:"Perhaps they want to kill him." Blitz:"Perhaps they want to use him for some dark project." Hunter:"Perhaps they want him to make pizza's for them." Everyone looks at Hunter coldly. Hunter:"Just kidding." Tan's voice crackles over the speakers. Tan:"Why don't you stop kidding and turn to CNN. There's something you'd better see." Hubert activates the monitor. The CNN anchor appears. She is giving the news while a map of England is shown with the KH insignia on it. Anchor:"...have fled the city. Though information from London is still being obtained everything is clear to prove that the KH Military is indeed in control of the capital and much of the areas around London." The map changes to a camera shot of the British Parliament Building with Big Ben. While the Anchor talks a British jet is shot down and crashes into the clock tower, causing a massive explosion that destroys the clock. Anchor:"In the city fighting amongst British and KH forces continue, but the British death toll is rising rapidly. So far there has been no information about the condition of the dignitaries being held at Buckingham Palace." The screen goes blank. Hunter:"Yet another unexpected twist. Bummer." Striker:"Impressive display of military might. Tan, what squadron do these forces belong to?" Tan:"The Gamma Squadron." Striker:"Gamma? Is it a new squadron?" Tan:"Yes, it was created ten years ago. They're stronger than the Omega Squadron, but weaker than the Delta Squadron." Master:"Who's the squadron general?" Tan hesitates, then continues. Tan:"General Tanarus. A male Coyote." Striker:"Tanarus? Never heard of him." Illanov:"What about our comrades in London?" Tan:"Captain Storm captured them and took them to a warehouse in East- London by order of Tanarus." Blitz:"Storm? He's there too?" Tan:"Yes, he is under, Tanarus' command." Master:"Can we assist in this situation?" Tan:"Yes, you can but not directly. There is too many Gamma forces in the city for you to tackle. You should just rescue the dignitaries and your friends and capture Storm." The Master turns to the Rovers. Master:"Rovers. Go to London and carry out Tan's suggestions. We must prevent a major international disaster." Hunter:"Right, Rovers! Let's..." Tan:"Hang on a moment! I must give several important bits of info before heading for London. First off you must go to the western outskirts of the city and enter the sewer system through the pumping station there. I believe that you know where it is, Colleen?" Colleen:"True, guv." Blitz:"But why go into the dark and icky sewers?" Tan:"Two reasons. One, the air and ground defences in the city will cut you to ribbons before you come anywhere near the city centre. Two, the UN secretary-general, Mark Norwood, is hiding in the sewers." Blitz:"Okay. Good enough." Striker:"Mark? Am I sure I heard you say Mark Norwood?" Exile:"You knowski him?" Striker:"Yes. He was the EDF commander of my section. He was one of my best friends, though I don't know if he still is." Tan:"You must find him before Storm, his mercenaries or Tanarus' troopers. Lastly, in the Palace there are three traitors." Illabov:"Traitors? Who?" Tan:"You will know them when you see them. Tan out." The speakers go dead. Hunter:"Let's hit the road, Rovers!" They all howl and head for the hangar. Warehouse, London, 9:56 AM: The cage containing the Rovers and Maddogs are placed in here along with several mercenaries to guard them. Storm and the others prepare to climb into the trucks, but Storm stops for a moment and turns to the Rovers and Maddogs. Storm:"By the way, Persia, someone wants to see you. I think you know him very well." Persia:"There is not one of your goons which I know." Voice:"Oh really, Captain?" Persia:" can't be!" Persia sees the figure appear from behind a crate. The Rovers and Maddogs, especially Persia, is shocked. It is Scotty McTerry. Persia:"MCTERRY!!!" McTerry:"Aye, Captain. I'm back." Spirit:"But Persia said that you died on the Space Rover." McTerry:"The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated, laddie." Persia:"But how?" McTerry:"I faked my death so that I could escape along with Prowler off the ship before she blew." Beowulf:"They captured you?" McTerry:"Again, that is incorrect. You see, the sole reason I join the Space Rovers was because the KH Supreme General wanted a contact inside the ship should they ever need one." DJ:"You let Prowler on to the Space Rover?" McTerry:"Aye, laddie. And because of my excellent work I am to be paid well by Malcolm. And it is not a wee amount of money." Persia:"You son of a bit..." Voice:"Now. Now. Let's keep calm here." Every looks in the direction of the open warehouse door. Outside is a Walker with an open cockpit. Standing in the doorway is Sky. He is a red wolf wolf-sapien with reddish fur wearing a battle suit. Sky:"We must not waste time here with the prisoners. McTerry. Storm. General Tanarus wants you two to go into the sewers to help hunt down Mark Norwood. Pronto." McTerry, Storm:"Roger!" Sky gets back into his Walker while McTerry and Storm climb into the truck. McTerry looks at Persia. McTerry:"Perhaps we will talk again later, Persia." The trucks leave and the doors are closed, leaving two mercenaries outside the warehouse to guard the prisoners. Persia sits down on the floor. Persia:"McTerry? A traitor? To think I thought he was my most loyal crewmember while he was really a KH agent. Tell me I'm not seeing this." Spirit:"You're not blind. You are seeing this." DJ, Maddogs:"Spirit!" Spirit:"Sorry." Outlaw:"I hate to admit it, but we failed in our mission. Tanarus, Storm, McTerry and the other Gamma Squadron troopers were simply too much to handle." Saphire:"And now they have all of London in their dirty hands." DJ:"As Exile would say: we're in big doggie doughnuts." Everyone sighs. Pumping Station, London industrial region, 11:01 AM: This is a large building with lots of water tanks, pipes and pumping equipment. The Sonic Rover is parked nearby. In the building the Rovers are busy climbing into a pipe. Colleen has a map while Shag has a flashlight to illuminate it. Colleen:"According to the map we should continue down this tunnel to the city centre." Shag points the flashlight down the tunnel. It illuminates the tunnel for a couple of meters. Rats are scurrying around. Blitz:"Icky." Illanov:"We'd better move quickly." Hunter:"Yes. We must find Norwood before either Storm or Tanarus does. Let's roll." The Rovers continue down the tunnel, weapons at the ready. Sewers, Somewhere under Western London, at that moment: Norwood is running through the tunnels. Behind him the chatter of trooper radios can be heard. He sees above him a sewage pipe running along the ceiling of the tunnel. He stops and takes out some kind of electronic magnum pistol, takes aim and fires a laser at the pipe. The pipe ruptures and spills sewage down on the tunnel floor. Norwood runs away just as the troopers appear. They try to follow him, but they slip and slide on the slippery surface created by the sewage. Warehouse, 11:05: The Rovers and Maddogs are free from the cage, its bars shot apart by Outlaw, Saphire and DJ. Spirit is standing on a stack of crates looking out of a warehouse window. Persia shouts at her. Persia:"See any bad guys?" Spirit:"Yep. They're everywhere in the streets. There is not way we can walk out into the streets without being seen or shot at. The river is clear, but we can't swim fast enough to outrun the KH Hover Tanks." Spirit climbs down while DJ and Wesley rummages in a large crate. DJ:"I think we have a mode of transport here." Wesley:"And quite impressive ones, too." Everyone goes to where DJ and Wesley are. Inside the crate are two broken KH Attack Jetski's. It is a large version with a large turbine on the back, several turrets on the front and control panels for each seat. It is smaller than a Hover Tank. Persia:"Good work, you two. We can use it to go up the river." Spirit:"Too bad it's broken." DJ, Wesley:"Watch some mechanical magic." DJ takes out his hand tools and he and Wesley begin to fix the Jetski's. Outlaw turns to Saphire. Outlaw:"Saphire, go up to the window and check if anyone is coming." Saphire:"Roger." Saphire levitates to the window and keeps a lookout. River next to warehouse, 11:12 AM: Several KH Walkers are walking past the warehouse when they heard the sound of an engine. Walker 1:"Where's that noise coming from?" Walker 2:"Sounds like one of our Attack Jetski's." Suddenly an explosion blows a hole in the warehouse wall, followed by the Jetski's jumping out onto the river. Persia, DJ, Spirit and Silver is in one; Outlaw, Saphire, Wesley and Beowulf in the other. Walker 1:"Hey! The prisoners!" The Walkers turn to the Rovers and Maddogs, but before they can open fire they are already out of range. The second Walker pilot calls Sky. Walker 2:"Sir! The Rovers and Maddogs have escaped on two of our Jetski's and are heading upstream!" Upstream Sky sees the Rovers and Maddogs approaching and radios the Gamma forces. Sky:"All squads! The Rovers are heading upstream! Shoot on sight! All Hover Tanks! Go after them!" It only takes a short while before every KH units along the river begins to fire on the Rovers and Maddogs. Behind them several Hover Tanks come off the streets and onto the river while three Mohigans also come into pursuit. They open fire with their weapons, their shots just falling short of the Rovers and Maddogs. Persia looks at one HT, closes her eyes and begins to mind control the HT pilot. The pilot causes the HT to bump into the other HT's. HT Pilot 1:"Hey! Are you mad?!" HT Leader:"Pilot! What is the meaning of this? Respond!" The pilot just forces one of the HT off the river and into a tree. It then forces another one into a third HT. They both collide. When they come under the London bridge the HT crashes into a bridge pillar and explodes. Persia falls to the floor, exhausted. Saphire gets up and helps her while there are still three HT's after them. Beowulf claps his hands at one Mohigan, the sonic blast coming from him blows the helicopter's tail rotor. It crashes into the river. Spirit:"Ha! Nothing can stop the bums!" DJ, who is driving, turns to Spirit. DJ:"Except that." Spirit turns around again. In front of them several Missile Destroyers have blockaded the river. Spirit:"Bummer. How do we get past this lot?" Outlaw then sees something. Outlaw:"DJ! That way!" Outlaw points towards a large sewer outlet. DJ and Wesley turn the Jetski's into the tunnel, closely followed by the HT's. Spirit gets up and fires the Puppy Blaster at them. The shot goes into a HT's cannon barrel and explodes, causing the pilot to lose control. Suddenly Norwood appears in front of the Jetski's. Before they collide with him he jumps up and falls into a seat. Saphire:"Mister Secretary! What are you doing down here??" Norwood:"Just stretching my legs." The out-of-control HT crashes at the intersection where Norwood came from, explodes and bursts into flames, blocking the way. Storm, the troopers and the mercenaries stop in their tracks while the two HT's stop as well. Storm:"Dammit! We almost had him!" HT Leader:"Those Rovers are going to pay for this!" Meanwhile the Road Rovers are making their way through the sewers when they hear the engine of the Jetski's. Colleen:"Looks like we got company." Hunter:"Get ready, Rovers!" The Jetski's appears in front of them. DJ waves his hands. DJ:"Hunter! Good to see ya!" Hunter:"DJ! Are you all okay?" Outlaw:"Yes, were fine. And we got Norwood!" The Jetski stops while the Rovers walk to it. Outlaw, Spirit, Norwood and DJ climb out, Saphire is helping Persia out. Norwood notices Striker. Norwood:"Striker?" Striker:"Hey! Mark!" Norwood and Striker walk to each other and shake hands. Norwood:"This is a surprise! I thought you've been killed long ago." Striker:"And it is a surprise to see you as the UN secretary-general. It has been awhile." Norwood:"Indeed it is." Outlaw goes to Hunter. Outlaw:"Hunter. We have a problem." Hunter:"We know. All of London is under KH control and just a few hours ago Ricky was dognapped." Spirit:"Ricky? Where is he?" Exile:"Don't knowski." Outlaw:"There is something else. We have a traitor working for the KH Military." Colleen:"Tan told us about three of these scumbags. Do you know who the one traitor is?" Outlaw pauses. Outlaw:"It is Scotty McTerry." Blitz:"McTerry??" Silver:"He was working along side them ever since he signed on as a Space Rover. He was also the one who let Prowler and his men on the ship." Colleen:"Why the scum sucking son of a bit..." Striker:"That is one. Do you know who the other two traitors are?" Saphire:"No. And we get up to the surface because the streets are crawling with KH soldiers everywhere. There is no possible way we can get to Buckingham Palace without being seen." Norwood:"There is a way. The manhole in the Palace gardens, but I think General Tanarus' forces probably have that covered." Tan's voice crackles over the radios. Tan:"Indeed he does." Hunter:"Tan, can you give us an update?" Tan:"Yes, but not here. Which of you have a map?" Colleen:"I do, guv." Tan:"Check the map. Is there a pipe that leads to the London Central train station?" Colleen looks at the map. Colleen:"Yes." Tan:"Good. Head towards the station and wait there for further info." Blitz:"But isn't the station in KH hands?" Tan:"The new station, yes. The old one, no." Colleen:"What old one?" Tan:"The new station was built on top of the old one. If you go there you will find a good refuge from the KH soldiers. I will call you in fourteen minutes. Tan out." The radios go dead. Hunter turns to the others. Hunter:"Let's roll!" Everyone climbs onto the Jetski's and head to the old station. Old Station, 11:35 AM: The station is underground. The place is falling apart and dust covers everything. Two old carriages stand on tracks that lead nowhere. The Jetski's stop at the tunnel exit. A underground river also flows here. The Rovers and Maddogs climb out look around. Colleen:"Tan wasn't lying. Look at this place." Outlaw:"The perfect place for hide and seek." Striker:"Very funny." Tan's voice can be heard again. Tan:"Rovers, are you at the station?" Hunter:"Yeah. We're here. Can you now tell us more?" Tan:"Good. Listen, I just recently found the real reason why the KH Military had taken the dignitaries hostage." Spirit:"We know. We know. To stop the peace conference." Tan:"Wrong. A dropship with medics is on its way to the city carrying a special drug for the dignitaries." Striker:"What kind of drug?" Tan:"The drug will be injected into the dignitaries, after which First Sergeant Sky will manipulate them. You know about this 'Heart- child' thing Alethia talks about?" Hunter:"Yes. It is a person with a gift of great insight and to go into other people's minds. What about it?" Tan:"Sky is also a Heart-child and the only one in the KH Military. He will make the dignitaries send a broadcast to the world population, urging them to discontinue any further support for the United Nations, the European Union, NATO, OAU, excreta." Illanov:"So after the transmission is sent it's basically every nation for itself." Norwood:"This can cause wars in hotspots all around the globe and no co-operation between nations against the KH Military." Wesley:"A world peace meltdown." Hunter:"When will the medics arrive?" Tan:"Midnight tonight. Early next morning the KH Military will pull out before any serious military force can be brought to bear on the Gamma Squadron. If you can just get the dignitaries out you can let the KH Military pull out." Beowulf:"So why stay here? Let's go!" Tan:"Not so fast. If you go now it is suicide. Wait until nightfall, then you stand a better chance of succeeding in you rescue effort. Do you copy?" Hunter thinks for a moment, then turns to the others. Hunter:"Break out rations, guys and girls. This is home for now." Tan:"Good luck." The radios go dead once again. Shag takes out food and water from his fur and hands it to the others. Conference Room, Buckingham Palace, 11:56 AM: The dignitaries are tied to the chairs and are surrounded by KH Battle Troopers. Tanarus comes in with Sky and Storm. Storm and Sky are arguing with each other. Storm:"Oh! So you think it's MY fault?" Sky:"Yes, I do! You should have blown a hole or taken a different tunnel!' Storm:"With what? You want me to get lost down there, you little piece..." Tanarus:"Calm down, you two, or I will have you both on report!" Storm and Sky stop arguing and turn to Tanarus. He is rather annoyed. Tanarus:"You two have been arguing ever since you met. If you keep this up I'll call you-know-who. You get me?" Storm, Sky:"We get you, sir!" Tanarus:"Good. Now don't worry about Norwood. We can do just fine with this lot." Storm walks over to Clinton. Storm:"Soon I'll have my revenge on the USA for giving me a unjustly court- martial." Clinton:"You rightly deserved it for opening fire without a direct order and then turning into a traitor." Sky is about to tease Storm, but Tanarus quickly grabs his muzzle and looks at him sternly. Tanarus:"Don't, Sergeant." Sky (muffled):"Yes, sir!" Tanarus let's go of Sky's muzzle. Tanarus:"Storm! Sky! Stand to attention!" Storm and Sky stand to attention in front of Tanarus. Tanarus:"Right. Listen. The Rovers and Maddogs are somewhere in the sewers. Am I right?" Storm, Sky:"Yes, sir." Tanarus:"Good. Your orders are to keep the enemy away from the Palace long enough for the medics to inject the serum. After the broadcast is made we pull out. Is that clear?" Storm, Sky:"Yes, sir." Tanarus:"Good. Carry on." Storm and Sky leave the room while Tanarus stands at a window, looking over London. The KH forces are patrolling up and down the streets while the faint sounds of battle can still be heard at the outskirts of the city. Another trooper enters the room. Trooper:"Excuse me, sir. McTerry is here." Tanarus turns to the trooper. Tanarus:"Show him in." Trooper:"Yes, sir." The trooper disappears for a moment, then returns with McTerry. Tanarus:"What do you want?" McTerry:"I came to talk about my money." Tanarus:"Very well, then." Tanarus snaps his fingers and a trooper brings a suitcase to McTerry. He holds it in front of him and opens the case. Inside the case is full of thousand dollar notes. McTerry's eyes widen. Tanarus:"Five million dollars. Enough?" McTerry:"Most definitely." McTerry closes the suitcase and takes from the trooper. He heads for the door, but Tanarus stops him. Tanarus:"Where are you going?" McTerry:"Well, I figured since you don't need I might take the next flight out of the city." Tanarus:"I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but you can't leave." McTerry:"Why not?" Tanarus:"Because we have no incoming or outgoing craft out of this city. And also the British forces have surrounded the city. So you see, you will have to stay here with us until our job is done." McTerry:"What! But I have to be out of here before the Rovers get into the Palace." Tanarus:"Sorry, but those are our orders from High Command. We stay until after midnight." McTerry:"But..." Tanarus:"Be patient. Or else you will find your money confiscated. Do you get me?" McTerry sighs. McTerry:"Aye, laddie." McTerry sits down while Tanarus goes back to looking out the window. His phone rings and he answers. Tanarus:"Tanarus here...Ah! Commander. Good to hear you. How are you doing over there?...They're still loitering outside the city? ...Excellent. Report here to get your money....Good. Tanarus out." Tanarus puts his phone away. Old Station, 4:01 PM: A bonfire has been lit in the middle of the station. Everyone is sitting around eating and drinking their rations. Striker isn't here. Colleen turns to Norwood. Colleen:"Mister Secretary..." Norwood:"Please, call me Mark." Colleen:"Okay Mark, now that Striker is off to get more supplies from the Sonic Rover can I ask you a few things?" Norwood:"Let me guess: he didn't tell you." Colleen:"He did tell us a bit about his past, but he's been keeping mostly to himself. And since you know each other..." Norwood:"Sure, I can tell quite a bit about him." He takes a deep breath as everybody listens. Norwood:"When he first arrived at the EDF we were quite surprised at his appearance. And this caused him to become very lonely within the organisation. While most of the EDF pushed him aside I took him under my wing and helped him become our best agent we ever had." Hunter:"We found that out, too. Pity that he's so anti-social." Saphire:"He's also not interest in females. Shame." Norwood:"What do you expect from someone who's been dumped?" Beowulf:"So what? Everyone gets dumped at least once." Spirit:"Yeah. It isn't something to make a scene about." Norwood:"Not if you've been dumped seven times in a row like Striker was in the EDF." Outlaw:"Ouch. Guess he's not a hit with the girls." Blitz:"It's that attitude of his. It drives the pretty females away." Norwood:"Actually, he became like that because of the women. He tried to ask them out on a number of occasion, but they would just tease him or insult him or play practical jokes and...but the list goes on. When he eventually asked them why wouldn't they give him a chance they said, and I quote: We can't love you. You're monster. Nothing more. End quote." Everyone is shocked. Exile:"Poor comrade. That answerski everything." Colleen:"How dare they? I'll give them a good what for!" Norwood:"You can't. They're all dead." Illanov:"Dead?" Norwood:"Yes. On the day when the KH Military activated their Ion Cannon, their forces secretly attacked the EDF HQ and massacred everyone there, including those girls." Shag mumbles something. Hunter:"He asks how come you and Striker survived the attack." Norwood:"Striker and I were at the EDF training grounds when this happened. He went ahead of me when we heard of the attack. When I got there he was nowhere in sight. He had simply vanished. For twenty years I have never heard from him until I heard he was a Road Rover. I kept his personal belongings and had it sent to him when he again reported at the EDF. When I heard he was a Road Rover I thought now that he was amongst cano-sapiens he would become happy again." Norwood sighs. Norwood:"It pains me to see that I was wrong. He still is the same unhappy person he was back in the EDF." DJ:"What about his pre-EDF status?" Norwood:"That I don't know. Apparently he joined up because something happened to him in his home country of South Africa. What that something is, I don't know." Hunter:"One of his enemies, General Black, called him a human. Can you possibly tell us more about it?" Norwood:"The rumours were abound, but this has never been confirmed. I never could access his personnel files." He pauses, then turns to the Rovers. Norwood:"He sometimes told me that he thinks that God has forgotten him and left him to have his life continually destroyed by the KH Military. With what I've seen what had happened to him in twenty years I'm not surprised." Exile:"Perhaps I should talk to him." Norwood:"Don't. It only makes matters worse, believe me." Exile:"But..." Norwood looks sternly at Exile. Norwood:"Please. He's had a hard enough life as it is." Exile sighs. Exile:"Doky oky." Illanov:"Who caused this to comrade Striker specifically, sir?" Norwood:"That would have to be General Franco, the Supreme General when Striker was an EDF agent. Franco was a bloodthirsty lunatic and a genocidal madman who would make Adolf Hitler look a humanitarian aid worker and was despised by everyone who knew him, even his own troops. Because of this he gave the KH Military a really bad name. I'm actually glad that he's dead and that the new Supreme General isn't what he was." Outlaw:"Who is the new Supreme General?" Norwood:"I don't know exactly, but if I would venture a guess it should be Franco's former second-in-command, Stalker. Stalker was actually the one who hated Franco the most because he didn't like his brutal methods. He lead the KH rebellion against Franco's Elite Guard and won. What happened after they had won I don't know." Hunter:"Is this Stalker guy powerful?" Norwood:"Then, yes he is. Today, God knows. All I know is that he is one of the most brilliant military leaders that ever lived. If you ever meet him, look out." Hunter:"Important safety tip. Thank you, sir." Norwood:"Will you just call me Mark, please." Hunter:"Oh. Sorry, Mark." They continue eating and drinking. Buckingham Palace, at that moment: Everything is still as it was except the troopers are loitering about. A trooper walks to Tanarus. Trooper:"Sir, the 'agent' has arrived." Tanarus:"Good. Show him in, Private." Trooper:"Yes, sir!" The trooper leaves the room and soon returns with the agent. Tony Blair gasps. The agent is a British military commander who wears a British General's uniform. This is General Alfred MacDonald. Tanarus walks up to him. Tanarus:"Good work, General. Your efforts have helped us greatly in our operation here." MacDonald:"Thank you, sir. Now about my money..." Tanarus:"Ready and waiting for you to deposit it into your Swiss bank account." Blair:"What is the meaning of this?" Tanarus turns to Blair. Tanarus:"Prime Minister Blair. General MacDonald allowed us to keep the city in our control and have the entire British Military tied down with useless information." Blair:"General! How dare you betray your country!" MacDonald:"Hey! Money makes the world go round and I'm not going to wait for my military retirement pay when I'm sixty-five." Tanarus:"Wise choice, General." MacDonald:"I didn't get to be General by making bad decisions, now did I?" Tanarus:"Certainly not. By the way, just go over to the trooper over there with the laptop and help him transfer your money to your account." MacDonald:"Jolly good." MacDonald goes over to the trooper and gives him the necessary info to make the transfer. When they are done he claps his hands in delight at his tax-free income. MacDonald:"Excellent. Now I can just leave and retire on some tropical island." Tanarus:"Sorry, General, but just like McTerry here you are also unable to leave the city." MacDonald:"Why not?" McTerry:"You can leave if you risk getting shot down by British ack-ack or missile fire, laddie." Tanarus:"Well put, McTerry." MacDonald:"But..." Tanarus:"No. And that's my final word." MacDonald sighs while Tanarus leaves the room. Old Station: Striker has returned and sitting in a spot away from the group. He is busy reading some files while the others watch him unawares. Exile gets up and begins to walk towards him, but Norwood jumps up in front of him. Norwood:"What are you doing?" Exile:"I want to have wordski with comrade Striker." Norwood:"About?" Exile:"It's personalski, comrade. Only between him and I." Norwood:"I don't think you should do that." Exile:"I think I shouldski." Norwood thinks for a moment. Norwood:"All right, but don't blame me if he shoots you in the leg." Exile goes over to Striker and sits opposite him. Striker stops what he is doing and looks at Exile. Striker:"Yes, Exile?" Exile:"We need to talkski, comrade." Striker:"What about?" Exile pauses for a moment, then speaks. Exile:"God hasn't forgotten you, comrade." Striker:"What?" Exile:"We know that your life hasn't been the best in pastski." Striker:"My past? I didn't tell you about my..." Striker pauses, then turns to Norwood. Striker:"Mark." Norwood:"Well, I did tell a bit about your life at the EDF." Striker looks sternly at Norwood, then sighs. Striker:"Normally I would shoot you for telling them, but I just have too many worries to bother with that." Tan's voice crackles over the radios. Tan:"That's right. You do have bigger worries, now." Beowulf:"What now?" Tan:"I discovered the second traitor. It is General Alfred MacDonald, one of the British commanders. He's the one who allowed the Gamma Squadron to take the British forces by surprise and take over all of London." Colleen:"This is just bloomin' terrific. First a Space Rover, now a British general. Who's next?" Tan:"Don't know. Also, I just received word that those special medics will come earlier than planned." Norwood:"When will they come?" Tan:"Round about eight tonight." Hunter:"When can we leave, at the earliest?" Tan:"At around half past seven. Then there should be less troopers about the palace." Hunter:"Thanks, buddy." Tan:"You're welcome." The radios go dead once again. Hunter turns to Outlaw. Hunter:"What's the time, buddy?" Outlaw looks at his watch. Outlaw:"It is half-past four." Hunter:"Right. So we only have three hours to get into the palace and get the dignitaries out before those medics arrive. At six we pack up and head for the palace." Everyone continues what they were doing. Exile turns back to Striker. Exile:"Now, where were we?" Striker:"I believe you were talking about my past." Exile:"Good. As I saidski, we know that your life has been best in pastksi but you must remember: God never forgets anyone." Striker:"Exile. Drop it." Exile:"When was the last time you spoke to God?" Striker:"Twenty-four years ago. Just before the...." He stops. Exile:"Before the...?" Striker:"Sorry, but I cannot say." Exile:"Why not? We're comrades." Striker:"It is just too painful. Let us not talk any further." Exile:"But..." Striker:"No, Exile. That is my final word." Striker continues reading the files, Exile sighs. He gets up and walks back to the others. Norwood looks at Exile. Norwood:"Lucky you. You're the first one to get away without being shot at." Exile:"I don't like comrade Striker being so unhappy." Hunter:"We all aren't Exile, but Striker doesn't want us to help him." DJ:"What did he say?" Exile:"Seems something terribleski has happened to comrade twenty-four years ago. Seems painfulski." DJ:"Twenty-four years ago? But the Transdogmafier wasn't even thought of, let alone existed." Wesley turns to Norwood. Wesley:"Who created the KH Military? And how, sir?" Norwood:"Don't know. We only got the first reports on them in nineteen seventy-three. God only knows where they came from." Spirit:"One thing is for sure: they don't play around. They kick butt, and kick well might I add." Persia:"In fact, I might even agree with Striker that it might be only a matter of time before they find Mission Control." Silver:"And if they do, all h*** is going to break loose." Hunter:"We'll be ready for them." Hunter pauses. Hunter:"I hope." They continue doing what they were doing. Sewers under Buckingham Palace, 7:39 PM: The Rovers and Maddogs are walking through the sewers, fully armed. They come to the manhole that Norwood had escaped with. Hunter turns to Blitz. Hunter:"Blitz. Go up and see if anyone's there." Blitz:"Wait a minute! Why must I go?" Hunter:"Because there might be'tooshies' to bite." Blitz jumps with joy. Blitz:"Yah! Let the biting begin!" Exile and DJ roll their eyes. Blitz climbs up the ladder and lifts the cover just enough to see through. He looks around, there is no one here. Blitz:"Shame. No tooshies to bite." Suddenly some troopers appear from behind the bushes and aim their rifles at Blitz. Sky is among them, he walks towards him. Sky:"Good thing I predicted that you would come through here. Now you are our prisoner." Blitz:"But! I'm the city inspector! Yah! I'm inspecting the sewer pipes." Sky:"Right. And I'm a cowardly Road Rover named Blitz." Blitz:"I'm not a coward!" Sky:"Gotcha." Blitz:"Ooops." Sky turns to the troopers. Sky:"Take him into the Palace. The rest of you stay here and shoot any of his friends that might show his face." Troopers:"Yes, sir!" Some of the troopers grab Blitz and drag him towards the Palace while the others remain at the open manhole. Down below the Rovers and Maddogs hear what happened above them. Spirit:"So much for the element of surprise." Wesley:"Now there is no way to get into the palace." Outlaw:"But what about your changeling/cloaker belts?" Wesley:"We can use them, but those troopers guarding the opening are too close together. We can't sneak past without touching one of them or making too much noise." Hunter turns to Colleen. Hunter:"What are the odds now of getting into the Palace?" Colleen takes out her calculator and does some quick maths. Colleen:"Let's see. According to my cal..." Striker strikes the calculator out of Colleen's hands. It falls into the sewer water. Striker:"Stop that! We need a plan, not some calculation." DJ:"What plan?" Striker:"You tell me." Shag, who has been eating an anchovy pizza, leans against a section of the tunnel. Suddenly the section opens like a door and Shag falls backwards into the new area. Everyone looks at it. Silver:"What the h*** is that?" Norwood:"Looks like some kind of secret entrance." Exile walks to the opening and uses his night vision to look around the room. It has several beds and tables that are covered heavily with dust and cobwebs. Exile:"Looks like secret living space." Hunter:"Come on. Let's check it out." The Rovers and Maddogs walk in. Shag takes out several flashlights and hands them to DJ, Saphire, Persia, Illanov, Colleen and Silver. Beowulf:"What is this place?" Silver:"Whatever it is, it seriously needs a team of merrymaids." Illanov illuminates what appears to be a power node. Illanov:"Look, comrades. That must be the power source." Colleen opens it, but finds its inner parts not working. DJ comes up and with some of his hand tools fixes it. He flips the power switch and the lights come on. Persia then sees an old newspaper lying on one of the tables. She picks it up and reads it. Persia:"The headlines read:'Blitz continues over London'." Colleen:"Who?" Norwood:"Colleen. She's revering to the World War Two type, not the Road Rover." Saphire:"What's the date on that paper?" Persia reads a bit. Persia:"May eighth, nineteen forty-one." Striker:"If that is the date, then this must be a bomb shelter where the Royal family had hidden during the bombing of London." Silver:"If so, then there must be a way into the Palace." Exile comes to Shag and pats him on the back. Exile:"Way to goski, Shagster." Shag:"Rhank rhu." Hunter:"So let's roll and find a way into the Palace." The Rovers and Maddogs walk through a hallway, then up a flight of stairs. Library, Buckingham Palace, 7:43 PM: This is a large and luxurious room with bookshelves on every wall. One of the shelves swings open. The Rovers and Maddogs walk in. Hunter:"Rovers, we're in." Outlaw:"We better put our changeling/cloaker belts." Everyone puts on the belt and then proceed to the door. Exile uses his x-ray vision and looks through the walls. Hunter:"What do you see, Exile." Exile:"Wall. Trooper. Painting. Trooper. Doorway. Trooper. Expensive table. Trooper. Wall. Trooper. Doorway. Trooper." Spirit:"This might be a hunch, but I would say that there might be troopers in the hallway." Hunter:"Okay, Guys. Activate your belts." They turn their belts on and soon disappear from sight. Illanov slowly opens the door and steps out, closely followed by the other. In the hallway there a large number of Battle Troopers idling about. They begin to walk down the hallway. As they walk their feet create some depression in the carpet. One trooper ahead of the Rovers and Maddogs notices this. Outlaw is now in front. Just as he gets to the trooper he gets up and takes a pot swipe at the invisible figure with his rifle. The butt of the rifle smashes Outlaw's belt. He becomes visible again to the shock of the other Rovers and Maddogs and the surprise of the other Troopers. They aim their rifles at him while the Rovers and Maddogs, realising how Outlaw had been seen, duck into a room next to them that doesn't have carpets. The troopers grab Outlaw and take him to the conference room. In room the Rovers and Maddogs are in is a simple study with two doors. They quickly and quietly close the door behind them and decloak. Colleen:"Terrific. Now Outlaw is their prisoner too." Norwood:"And we've lost our element of surprise." Hunter:"I would not have predicted this." Conference Room: Tanarus and Sky is here along with Blitz, who is tied to a chair. The troopers drag Outlaw into the room and throw him to Tanarus' feet. Tanarus:"Where did you find him?" Trooper:"He tried to sneak into the Palace with some kind of cloaking device, but he wasn't sneaky enough. So here he is." Tanarus:"I don't want any more of these Road Rovers in the Palace. Take the troopers in the hallways and have them posted at all the possible entrances." Trooper:"Yes, sir!" The troopers leave while Sky picks up Outlaw and takes his gun. He ties him to a chair next to McTerry. McTerry:"Nice to see you again, laddie." Outlaw:"The pleasure is all yours, I'm sure." Sky:"Quit yapping and start telling us where Road Rover Mission Control is or I'll shoot you in the leg." Outlaw:"Go ahead." Sky takes his rifle and aims it at Outlaw's leg, but Tanarus stops him. Tanarus:"Hold it, Sky. He's immortal, so don't waste your time. Period." Sky:"Oh yeah. I forgot that." Sky lowers his rifle. Tanarus comes up to Outlaw. Tanarus:"Now then, Outlaw. You may be immortal, but that doesn't mean we can fill you with so much lead that even this power won't be able to save you. So you would do well to tell us where are the rest of your friends. I'm giving your five minutes to decide." Study: Exile is using his x-ray vision on the door they didn't come through. Spirit:"Anyone there?" Exile:"Dah. I see dignitary bodyguards in a cage, some mercenaries and the baddest guys Storm and McTerry. I also see some British general." Norwood:"That is most probably General MacDonald." Colleen:"Is Outlaw and Blister there?" Exile:"Neyt. Only bodyguards." Hunter:"There aren't any troopers?" Exile:"Neyt too, comrade." Hunter:"Good." Hunter takes out his tennisball-bazooka (from "Hunter's Heroes") and goes to the door. In the next room Storm, MacDonald and McTerry were busy playing poker, using their reward money as bets. The mercenaries are standing around the table. In the back of the room the bodyguards are locked in a cage, among them Agent Lars. At the table MacDonald places a pile of notes in the centre of the table. MacDonald:"I'll raise you five hundred dollars, Captain." Storm:"Then I'll double it." Just then a tennisball falls in the centre of the table. McTerry looks at Storm. McTerry:"You don't double it with this thing, laddie." The tennisball releases a gas that quickly knocks out Storm, MacDonald, McTerry and the mercenaries. When the gas disappears the Rovers and Maddogs walk in. Colleen goes to the cage and kicks it open. Colleen:"Eiffel 65!" The agents get out of the cage. They then pick the mercenaries' guns up that are lying on the floor. Lars walks to the Rovers. Lars:"Thanks for letting us out." Hunter:"Where are the dignitaries?" Lars:"They are still in the conference room next to us." Spirit walks to another door. Spirit:"This one?" Lars:"Yes." Exile walks to the door and again uses his x-ray vision. Exile:"Bolshoi! The room is jammed hip to hip with troopers." Persia walks up to Hunter and whispers something in his ear. After a moment he turns to her. Hunter:"Sure. This will be a good opportunity for you. Muzzle!" Muzzle, knowing what he must do, comes jumping up to the door. Persia puts her paw on the doorknob. She turns to Muzzle. Persia:"Just be very careful. Don't harm the dignitaries." She opens the door. Everyone in the conference room turns to it. The troopers aim their guns at Persia and Muzzle. Blitz, Outlaw:"Persia!" Tanarus sees Muzzle and then turns to Sky. Tanarus:"Sergeant, we better the room now." Sky:"What for? There are only two of them." Tanarus:"That's an order!" Sky:"Yes, sir!" They leave the room just as Persia takes Muzzle's muzzle off. Persia:"Muzzle them!" Muzzle jumps out of his straightjacket and towards the troopers. Trooper:"Help." The scene is just the usual, horrible one that is the speciality of Muzzle. Zerack:"This is horrible!" Clinton:"Eeeww! Gross!" Blair:"Disgusting!" Yeltsin:"This is worse than Nazi death camp!" Norwood:"To think after the EDF I thought I saw it all." In the hallway Tanarus and Sky is standing next to the conference room doorway. Tanarus:"Was did I tell you?" Sky:"Good tactical manoeuvre, sir." Tanarus:"Go find the other troopers as well as some medics, quickly!" Sky:"Yes, sir!" Sky runs down the hallway. Meanwhile in the conference room Muzzle has just finished off the last trooper. The Rovers, Maddogs and bodyguards rush in and begin to untie the dignitaries. Saphire is untying Outlaw. Outlaw:"Thanks, Angel. Another moment later and Tanarus would have had my brains shot out." Saphire:"Hey. I don't death to do us apart, yet." Norwood turns to Hunter. Norwood:"We better get them out before the enemy returns." Voice:"Not so fast." Everyone turns to the doorway. Tanarus is standing here, his suit's vulcan miniguns armed. Tanarus:"Surrender! You have no way out." Illanov:"Why does he sound kind of like comrade Tan?" Striker:"I don't know, but he definitely wants up dead." Tanarus:"Good observa....YEOW!!!" Blitz had come up behind Tanarus and was biting his tail. Tanarus frantically tries to get rid of Blitz, but he just hangs on. The Rovers and Maddogs aim their weapons at him. Tanarus is forced against a window before Blitz let's go of his tail. Tanarus:"Finally. I..." The Rovers and Maddogs fire their weapons at him. The force of the impact of the shots throws him through the window into a parked car in front of the Palace, smashing it. The Rovers and Maddogs then begin to guide the dignitaries to the secret door, through the bunker and out into the sewers. Shag leads the way while the bodyguards keep a lookout. Pumping Station, 8:09 PM: The last dignitary has just gotten onboard the Sonic Rover when a bodyguard comes running up to the Rovers and Maddogs. Bodyguard:"Tanarus and his men are coming!" Hunter:"ALL ABOARD!!!" Exile uses his deep-freeze beam to create a barricade at the sewer tunnel opening. Behind it shots can be heard as the KH troopers open fire to break the ice. The Rovers, Maddogs and bodyguards all climb in and the Sonic Rover takes off just as Tanarus, Sky and a large group of KH troopers breaks the ice block. They quickly open fire, but the Sonic Rover goes into super sonic speed and disappears from sight. Tanarus:"Dammit!" Sky:"What do we do now, sir?" Tanarus:"Send the following order to the Gamma forces: we are pulling out immediately." Sky:"Yes, sir." Sky takes out a radio and begins to send the order of evacuation. Tanarus looks at the point where the Sonic Rover vanished. Tanarus:"You better watch out, Rovers. The third traitor is among you now." Tanarus, Sky and the troopers head back into the sewers. Somewhere over Atlantic, at that moment: The Sonic Rover slows down and begins to fly towards a safe destination. In the cockpit Hunter, who is at the controls, turns to the others. Hunter:"We are now well out of range of any KH aircraft and soon we will enter US airspace." Norwood:"On behalf of everyone here and the United Nations, we thank you Road Rovers." Outlaw:"No problem. We do it all the time." Spirit walks in. Spirit:"That's it. Storm, McTerry and MacDonald are in the cooler. It was sure nice of the Secret Service agents who said they guard them." Colleen:"Storm will be taken back to Sunnyvale Sanitarium while McTerry will stand trial at Mission Control for treason, but what about MacDonald?" Blair:"As soon as London is back under British control he will also stand trial for his treason." Hunter:"Let's take it home, Rovers." In the prison section Storm, MacDonald and McTerry are imprisoned behind the cell energy beam. Three Secret Service are seated and guarding the prisoners. Just then Lars walks in with some papers in his hands. Lars:"He are some documents that the President has ordered us to read through." He hands each agent a copy and they begin to read. Lars reaches into coat when one of the agents realise something is wrong. Agent:"What is the mean of this? This is just a page out of a newspaper." Suddenly Lars takes out a gun with a silencer and before the agents could react they are shot and killed. He puts his gun away and then activates the switch that turns the cell bars off. Storm, MacDonald and McTerry get out and pick up the agents' guns. Storm:"Why thank you." McTerry:"Aye, laddie. Now let's get our money and leave!" Storm:"First we kill the Road Rovers, then we get out of here." MacDonald:"Not me. I'm leaving with my money now." Storm and McTerry head into the passenger section, MacDonald grabs his confiscated case of money and heads towards the back, and Lars hides behind a crate. In the passenger section Storm and McTerry sneak past the bodyguards and dignitaries unseen. When they get to the cockpit they raise their weapons and aim it at the Rovers, who are unaware of Storm and McTerry's presence. Exile:"I'll be gladski when we get back. I have a magazine to readski." Illanov:"What magazine, comrade?" Exile:"Forestry Illustrated, comrade. I love the tree types they show." Shag:"Re rhoo." Storm:"You won't be reading any books, Rovers." The Rovers turn around and gasp. Striker:"Ai yai yai!" Saphire:"How did YOU get out?!" McTerry:"Need-to-know basis, laddie." Storm:"Now we will take care of you once and for all." He pulls back the hammer on the gun. Storm:"Let the FUN begi..." He screams in terror. Behind him Blitz had gotten on his behind. McTerry quickly turns to look, then the Rovers quickly get up and punch Storm out cold while kicking McTerry's gun out of his hand. He turns tail and runs through the passenger section, the Rovers right behind him. He comes to the rear end of the Sonic Rover. It has a rear parachute ramp that is currently open and parachutes on the walls. MacDonald is here securing his chute. MacDonald:"What happened?" McTerry:"We have to leave! The Rovers are coming!" Voice (from behind):"Oh really, guv?" MacDonald and McTerry turn around. The Rovers are standing in the doorway. Hunter:"Beware of dogs!" Muzzle appears in front. MacDonald and McTerry back off towards the open ramp. Hunter has his hand on the muzzle. Just then McTerry's foot steps into thin air and he slips. He grabs MacDonald's chute and he loses his foothold too. The chute slips off MacDonald just as he falls backwards in the air. McTerry and MacDonald fall towards the ground as the Rovers watch in horror. McTerry slips the chute on and pulls the chord. The chute opens and he disappears into a cloud. MacDonald, however, screams in terror as he falls towards his dead. The suitcase opens and spills all the money into the air. Beowulf:"That is going to leave a mark!" Wesley:"You said it." A shot rings out and the Rovers turn around. Lars is standing there with his gun in his hand, the chute strapped to his back and McTerry's case of money to his front. Silver:"What's the meaning of this?" Lars:"Let me pass or I'll shoot one of you." Persia:"You're the third traitor, aren't you?" Lars:"Yes. I let the KH commando's onto Air Force One." Spirit:"But why?" Lars:"Money talks. Now let me through!" Suddenly an arm grasps around Lars' neck. Behind him is Clinton. Clinton:"To think I trusted you with my life!" Lars:"Get off me!" Hunter runs up to Lars just as he shakes Clinton off him. The two begin to struggle on the floor, rolling towards the open ramp. Just as they become airborne Colleen grabs Hunter's hand while Shag tries to grab Lars' chute, but in process pulls it off him. Hunter grabs him with free hand. Colleen:"Help me here! I can't hold him!" Outlaw and Striker grab Hunter's hand. As they begin to pull Lars puts his hand in his coat again. Hunter notices this and let's go of Lars. He screams and a gun can be briefly seen in his hand. He soon disappears in the clouds. The others pull Hunter back onto the ramp. Beowulf:"Make that too ugly marks." Illanov:"That was too close." Striker:"Good riddance, I would say." Colleen looks over Hunter. Colleen:"Are you okay, Huntie Wuntie?" Hunter:"Thanks for asking, Collie Wollie." Colleen smiles while Illanov and Striker chuckle. Norwood:"Pardon me for interrupting, but can we just get back to our places instead of standing here?" Hunter:"You're right. Exile. Close the ramp." Exile closes the ramp and everyone heads back to his or her places. Blitz puts Storm back into his cell. The Sonic Rover continues to fly onward. Briefing Room, Road Rover Mission Control, 10:04 PM: The Rovers and Maddogs are standing in front of the Master's balcony. On one of the screens a CNN anchor is reading the latest on the siege of London. Anchor:"British forces have retaking London following the sudden withdrawal of the KH Gamma Squadron. The dignitaries are safely back at the UN thanks to the Road Rovers and the Maddogs. Reports also tell that three traitors were also involved in not only capturing London, but the hijacking of Air Force One two months ago." The Master turns to the Rovers and Maddogs. Master:"You did very well, Rovers and Maddogs. You're good, good dogs." Wesley:"Ahem!" Master:"Sorry. And good, good humans." Wesley:"Thank you." DJ:"But there is still the problem of Ricky and the warheads." Tan's voice crackles once again over the speakers. Tan:"Don't worry, DJ. Ricky and the warheads are heading the same way. A KH research facility somewhere in the Australian Outback. Though I don't know the exact location." Spirit:"We can just call Ribs, Master. He can track them both down." Master:"You're right, Spirit. Professor Hubert, contact Ribs as well as the Aussies and tell them to keep a lookout for Ricky and the warheads." Hubert:"Yes, Master." Hunter:"To the power of the pack!" The Rovers and Maddogs howl. They had successfully raised the siege of London, rescued the dignitaries and have gotten rid of two traitors. But yet there are still more questions. What will McTerry do now that he is free? Is there a possible connection between Tan and Tanarus? Where are Ricky and the warheads going? And what is the dark past in Striker's life? THE END.