Road Rovers: The Iron Fist Episode 7: Rumble In The Jungle By Gerhard Naudé All Road Rover names (c) Warner Brothers and rightful owners. Striker, Black and all others related to the KH Army (c) Gerhard Naudé Strayers (c) Steven Today Nitro, Dixie (c) Amanda Stephenson Alethia (c) Kylen Miles Ricky (c) Ricky Galahad Huntress, Silver (c) Greywolf Lupous Cleo, Ramses, Sheba (c) Katalin Bakonyi Star (c) Kathrine Gore Sierra (c) Elista Atkins Any question, comments, complaints, feedback or suggestions can be sent to UN Peacekeeping Headquarters, Bogota, Colombia, 10 July, 2:30 PM: This HQ is a Military Base donated by the Colombian Government. It is a large base with troops, tanks, jeeps, etc. and the Rover and Grizzly vechiles. The successful raids by the Road Rovers and Strayers have begun to bear fruit: the KH Strike Force was beginning to withdraw some of its forces while Ortega's army has been reduced in size. More than half of all Colombia is now under UN protection. The other areas are still divided between the KH Army and Ortega. In the recreation building the Rovers, Strayers and other UN soldiers were relaxing. Some were playing pool, some watched TV, some played in the arcades and others just sit around and talk to each other. Hunter, Exile, Blitz and Shag were playing pool. Hunter:"Okay, Blitz. Your turn." Blitz:"Right." Blitz was aiming carefully at the white cue ball. In the corner the green cue ball was just on the edge of the pocket. Blitz makes his shot but misses. Exile:"What's wrong, Weird Boy? Aim shaking?" Blitz:"Very funny, Exile." Blitz makes a second shot and misses again. Exile laughs. Blitz:"Just wait, Exile! I can sink that green ball!" Exile:"Sure." Blitz takes aim again, makes his shot and hits the white cue ball. A little too hard. The ball flies off the table. At a soda vending machine Huntress was banging it. Huntress:"Darn machine! Swallowed my money again!" The ball flies past Huntress and into the machine. It goes into a fit and spills out all its contents. The sodas roll all over the floor. The machine shot-circuits and falls over on its face. Huntress picks up a can and smiles at Blitz. Huntress:"Thanks, Blitzie." Blitz:"My pleasure." Star:"Hey, everybody! Sodas on the house!" Everyone picks up a can. Two cans roll to the exit, but a pair of feet stop them in their tracks. In the doorway is Bear and Nitro, Bear having his foot on a can and Nitro her foot on another. They pick them up and open them. Ricky, who had been talking to Alethia, turns to them. Ricky:"Hey, Bear! How's that leg feeling?" Bear:"The med officer took the bandages off an hour ago. You don't know how it feels to stand on my own two feet again." Alethia:"I am thankful you didn't loose your leg. That splinter cut into you rather bad." Ramses was busy looking over the smashed vending machine. He then sees something and digs into it. In his hand he produces the green cue ball and throws it to Hunter, who catches it. Ramses:"This is a lesson to all vending machines: never swallow money or this could happen to you." Silver:"Ouch." Striker then walks in. He looks around. Striker:"Some good news, everyone. Cadwell says that we can have four days of rest before the operation resumes." Colleen:"Finally, some rest. We've been working almost non-stop ever since this war began." Striker picks up a soda. Striker:"And one last thing. Why is there soda cans lying about all over the floor?" Cleo:"Oh. The vending machine swallowed Huntress' money and Blitz got her, and us, some sodas on the house." Sierra:"I think I should propose a toast." Everyone raises their cans. Sierra:"To us. May we win once again. Cheers." Everyone:"Cheers." Everyone drinks and Striker sits down. Silver:"Striker. Is it true what Bear told us, that the KH Army spied on their wedding?" Striker:"That's correct. They saw everything: the preperations, Bear's funeral and reincarnation, Nitro's baptism, the wedding, the reception, the first few hours of the honeymoon and Dixie's little dance at the batchelor party." Striker looks at Bear and Nitro. Striker:"I heard that something happened with that party." Bear:"Yes. Prolwer tried to keep me and Nitro seperated by making Dixie dance for me." Nitro:"Fortunately his plan failed and he was punished." Star:"I can still see him running naked with us right behind him with video cameras. Boy, was he angry." Everyone except Striker laugh. Dixie notices this. Dixie (laughing):"What's wrong? Don't you find it funny?" Striker:"No, I do not. I find it pathetic." Everyone stops laughing. Hunter:"What?" Striker:"You are supposed to be defenders of all that is right, but you don't see the seriousness of the situation. And this thing about chasing Prowler with video cameras is going to backfire on you. In the end, if you don't stop acting like a bunch of clowns, he will be with the camera, videotaping your dead bodies. In the EDF we take the enemy seriously, and with the KH Military, very seriously." Colleen:"Come on. The KH Army is tough, I admit, but they are still no match for us." Striker:"That is because it is only Epsilon Squadron troops we've been fighting thus far. When you start meeting the Omega, Delta and ALPHA Squadrons you will see the situation in a whole new light." Nitro:"Relax, Striker. You take your job too seriously." Striker:"Too seriously? Listen, Nitro. Had I been at your wedding the KH Army would have made it the worst day of your life. If you survived the initial attack, that is." A UN soldier runs towards the recreation room. UN Soldier:"Rovers! Strayers! You got..." The soldier slips on a can and falls on his back. Dixie:"Oooh. That's got to hurt." Bear and Striker run over to the soldier and help him up. He then rubs his back. Bear:"Are you okay?" Soldier:"Yes, I'm...ow...fine. There's a dog that, if we understand, it wants to speak to you." The soldier whistles and Oso (from "Gold and Retrievers) runs in. Hunter:"Oso!" Exile:"It's comrade Oso!" Hunter, Exile, Colleen, Shag, and Blitz run over to Oso. Colleen rubs his head. Hunter:"Everyone, meet Oso." Colleen:"What are you doing here, guv?" Oso barks something. Amani:"What did he say?" Hunter:"He says that he's got something important to tell us." Nitro:"Why don't we turn him into a cano-sapien via the Transdogmafier on the Pack Rover?" Hunter:"Good idea. Come on, Oso." They all head towards the Pack Rover. Inside they take Oso to one of the Transdogmafiers. He walks into one of them. The chamber goes on-line. After a few moments Oso steps out. He is now a cano-sapien wearing the Road Rover uniform. Oso:"Incredible. Look at me." Dixie:"He looks kind of cute." Exile:"Let me give you big bear hug, comrade Oso." Exile hugs Oso very hard. Star comes up to him. Star:"Exile, let him go. He won't be useful of he ends up in a medical ward because of you." Striker:"Let's take him to the briefing room so that we can hear his story." As they walk to the briefing room everyone introduce themselves to Oso. Bear shakes his hand. Bear:"Hunter has told me about how you made that wish to make your master see again. Good choice." Oso:"Thank you," Bear:"The name's Bear. And this is my wife, Nitro." Nitro:"Hello, Oso." Oso:"Pleased to meet you." Puffball offers Oso a can of soda. Puffball:"You want drink?" Oso:"Thank you." Oso takes the can and takes a quick drink. He then spits it out and coughs. Oso:"This does not taste good." Puffball:"I forgot. First time you drink soda." They then enter the briefing room. Much the same as it has been: radios, maps, plans, tables, etc. Major Cadwell walks up and notices Oso. Cadwell:"Who are you?" Hunter:"Don't worry, Mayor. He's a friend. Oso, meet Major Cadwell." Oso and Cadwell shake hands. Striker comes up to Cadwell. Striker:"Oso says that he has some important information to tell us. Am I correct, Oso?" Oso:"Yes, I do." Cadwell:"Well then, sit down and tell us." Everyone sits down. Oso takes a deep breath and exhales. This breath, however, grows to hurricane strength and blows everyone and everything into the wall Oso was facing. When he stops there is a clear path to the wall where the Rovers, Strayers, soldiers and equipment were piled up. Only Hunter, Colleen, Bear, Nitro, Cadwell and Striker were outside the force of the wind. They all look at Oso. Hunter:"Whoa. Cool." Oso:"I'm...I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to..." Colleen:"It's all right, guv. It's your new super power. You'll soon get used to it." Cadwell calls some soldiers. Cadwell:"All right. Help those poor fellows up and clean up that mess." UN Soldiers:"Yes, sir!" Nitro:"In the mean time let's hear your story, Oso." Bear:"And be careful about taking deep breaths." Oso:"Well, after you left the installation that was built near the pyramid was abandoned. A few months ago some large and strange looking ships headed up the river to it. As time passed more and more ships began to head to and from the building. On these ships were the strangest creatures we've ever seen. A few days ago my master and I went to look around at the installation. Everywhere there were these strange creatures. On the building's side was a large silver star with strange sticks over it." Striker:"Only one faction uses that insignia. The KH Military." Hunter:"I would not have predicted this." Colleen:"Guys. That reminds me. We never blew up that old installation of Parvo's." Bear:"What happened then, Oso?" Oso:"When we tried to sneak away some creatures..." Striker:"They are KH soldiers, Oso." Oso:"Oh. Anyway, the KH soldiers attacked us and captured my master. I tried to help him but they knocked me out. When I woke up again my master had been taken prisoner. The village chief had seen him get captured. When we heard you were not far away the chief sent me to get you." Striker turns to Cadwell. Striker:"Sounds like those KH soldier have something going on down there." Cadwell:"Oso, when you were near the base did you see a lot of large, grey ships with sticks?" Oso:"No. There was only about five of them. But I did see large numbers of carts with large white arrows with red tips and wings." Cadwell and Striker look at each other. Cadwell:"Do you know what they are?" Striker:"Only one type of weapon of the KH Army fits that description: KHSAS-16 cruise missile launchers. Those missiles carry several small plasma cluster bombs. They can decimate large areas with a single shot." The others, who had just been helped out of the mess, walk over to the table. Ricky (Rubbing his arm):"What's up?" Hunter:"We may have a problem on our hands." The others gather around. Hunter:"Oso says that Lucas has been taken prisoner by the KH Army at Parvo's old base in the Amazon. We've got to go rescue him." Bear:"That's not the only reason. There are some cruise missile launchers at the base. Striker. How much damage can those missiles do?" Striker:"If Oso is right about the numbers, there is enough firepower to destroy the entire UN strike force, including us, with missiles to spare to fire upon Ortega's forces with devastating effect." Hunter:"Bummer." Cadwell:"That's that, then. Hunter, you will take your unit to the Amazon and destroy these weapons and rescue Oso's master." Hunter:"Roger that. Let's hit the road, Rovers!" The rovers howl and head towards the Pack Rover. They take off and head to Brazil. Amazon Rain Forest, Brazil, 3:04 PM: The Pack Rover is flying over the rain forest. Inside is Hunter, Colleen, Oso, Exile, Blitz, Shag, Muzzle and Striker. Hunter:"We're approaching the base. We will soon land." Colleen:"Huntie?" Hunter:"Yes, Colleen?" Colleen:"Please don't make one of your classic landings again." Hunter:"That issue again? Picky picky." Blitz:"Oh no! Not again." KH Radar Dome, not far off: This is a radar inside a dome on a hill. Inside technicians were operating the equipment. Tech 1:"Sir! I've picked up a hostile signature approaching our base!" Officer:"Identification?" Tech 2:"It's the Road Rovers!" The officer picks up the phone and alerts a nearby airfield. Officer:"Red Alert! We got hostiles!" Base Airfield: Orca and Valkyrie pilots are scrambling to their assigned craft. They take off immediately to intercept the Pack Rover. Inside Exile has picked up the incoming craft. Exile:"We have six boars approaching us!" Hunter:"Let's see if that new decoy system that professor Hubert installed works." The Orcas and Valkyries were targeting the Pack Rover. The Valkyries are large craft that look like F-16's but have missile packs installed on their sides. Valkyrie 1:"Target acquired. Good lock. Fox two!" Valkyrie 2:"Fox two!" Orca 1:"Fox two! They fire their missiles. In the Pack Rover the missile warning goes off. Colleen:"Let's hope this works." Colleen pushes a button while Blitz and Shag pray. Outside a holographic copy of the Pack Rover appears and flies off in a different direction. The missiles follow the hologram and then explode as they touch the hologram. The Pack Rover is rocked by shock waves from the explosions. Orca 2:"Dammit! They got some new kind of countermeasures!" Orca 1:"Switch to lasers and open fire!" Valkyrie 1:"Val 2! Switch to Vulcan guns and open fire!" Valkyrie 2:"Copy that!" The Valkyries and Orcas begin to fire with their lasers and guns. Two lasers blow apart the two left engines while the bullets set the two right engines on fire. Hunter:"I would not have predicted this." Striker:"As physics go, you, as Americans would say, suck." The Pack Rover falls lower and lower until it crashed into the trees. It slides on through and comes to a stop well hidden under a thick grouping of trees. The Orcas and Valkyries hover overhead, but they can't see a thing. Orca:"We can't see them, command. You'd better send out a recon team out here. We are returning to base." The Orcas and Valkyries fly off. In the Pack Rover everyone was lying with their legs in the air. Oso:"Is this how you usually land?" Colleen:"No, it's just one of Huntie Wuntie's classic landings." Exile:"Comrade Hunter, are you and Launchpad McQuack friendski?" Hunter:"What makes you say that?" Exile:"Wild guesski." Everyone climbs out of the Pack Rover. Exile has finished surveying the damage. Hunter:"Can it still fly, Exile?" Exile:"It is still able to flyski, but just barely." Colleen:"Oso, were is your village?" Oso:"Follow me. We're not far off from my village." Oso's Village, 3:21 PM: This village is still primitive. Huts surround a large pit with fire. When the Rovers walk in the villagers run up to them. They all recognize Oso. Villager 1:"Oso! You're a talking dogman!" Villager 2:"Thank the gods you're back!" Oso:"I've brought the Road Rover with me. They can help us." The village chief walks up to them. Chief:"The talking dogmen have returned to aid our village. Can you help us?" Hunter:"No problemo. We can always help you all out." Lucas' mother comes up to them. She is crying. Mother:"Please find Lucas. He's been captured by wolfmen up the river." Colleen:"Don't you worry, guv. We'll...." Voice (from behind):"Surrender now, Road Rovers!" Everyone turns to see who is talking. In the village centre stands three KH Walkers. They are robotic machines with two legs that bend backwards. The cockpit is a curved shell large evough for the pilot. On its sides are two auto cannons and just above them twin hellfire missile packs. On the cockpit is the KH insignia. Walker 1:"Hands up and throw down your weapons!" The Rovers do as they are ordered. Hunter then notices a heap of rope lying next to a hut. He then turns to the Walkers. Hunter:"How quick can you move?" Walker 2:"What?" Hunter then runs super fast to the pile of rope. Two of the Walkers fire at him, missing him just barely. Exile quickly fires his ice beam at the third Walker. It becomes frozen in ice. Walker 3:"S***! Guys! I'm out!" Hunter runs over to the first Walker and ties the rope around its legs. He then takes the one end of the rope and hands it to Shag. Shag gives a quick pull and the Walker falls over on its back. Blitz picks up his tooshie biting bouqet and fires at the second walker. A metal ball with jaws comes from the barrel and hits the one leg. It chews it off and the second Walker falls over. The villagers take their weapons and run over to the two down Walkers. Just as the pilots emerge the villages aim their weapons at them. They surrender. Exile thaws out the third Walker and Blitz opens the cockpit and, with his sharp claws, makes the pilot surrender. They are all then tied up. Chief:"Thank you. The wolfmen have been terrorizing us for weeks." The thawed out Walker's radio begins to crackle. Voice:"Come in, Cooper. Do you copy? What is your status? Over." Hunter turns to the third pilot. Hunter:"Tell them that you've captured us, or else you will have a brief encounter with Blitz's claws." Blitz:"Yah. I'm ready to bite your tooshie." Pilot:"Okay! Okay! I'll do it." The pilot is taken to the Walker and he answers the radio, Blitz right behind him. Pilot:"This is Cooper. We got the Road Rovers. We lost one Walker and..." Hunter holds up two fingers. Pilot:"...two of the Road Rovers are dead. Over." Voice:"Well done. Return to base with your prisoners. Over." Pilot:"Yes, sir. Over and out." The pilot turns the radio off. Striker comes up to Hunter. Striker:"What's the plan?" Hunter:"Two of us will take charge of the Walkers while the rest of us follow as prisoners. That will allow us to get into the base. The villagers will keep the pilots here until we get back." Striker:"And who will command the Walkers?" Hunter:"Exile and Blitz." Exile and Blitz:"What? Me go with him?" Hunter:"Yes. You two will pilot the Walkers, and no complaints." Exile looks at Blitz. Exile:"Great. I'm stuckski with Weird Boy." Blitz:"Watch it, Exile, or else the biting will begin." Colleen:"Just climb into the Walkers, you two." Exile and Blitz:"Sure, Colleen." Hunter turns the chief. Hunter:"Will you keep these three happy until we get back and can you also tie us all up?" Chief:"Agreed." Some villagers take the pilots and put them into a cage while the others help tie up the Rovers and another group bring up the decked Walker. Exile and Blitz climb into the Walkers. They are all ready. Hunter:"Let's roll!" They begin to walk to the base. Hunter, Colleen, Shag, Muzzle, Oso and Striker are in front while Exile and Blitz walk behind. Parvo's Former Base, 5:01 PM: This is the base that Parvo used to ship gold (see "Gold and Retrievers). It's now a converted military base. The fence around it has been electrivied and guard towers have been placed all around. The place is swarming with troops, tanks, Walkers and five warships are currently docked. The Rovers walk over a bridge that lead to the main gate. As the approach the gate several soldiers and three searchlights appear. Soldier:"Halt! Who goes there?" Exile:"This is Walker three. We brought the Rover prisoners." Soldier:"Take them to the Walker repair bay and await further instructions." Exile:"Affirmative." The soldiers open the gate and the Rovers walk through. Guided by the signs the head on to the repair bay. The guard at the repair door opens it and they walk in the repair bay were they are met by several soldiers. Soldier:"Right. The General told us to take the prisoners to the detention centre. You go on." Blitz:"Yes, sir." The soldiers take the Rovers while Blitz and Exile go on to an empty space. The bay is empty, so they could climb out without being seen. They head to an air vent, Exile melts the grating and they climb in. Meanwhile the others are taken to the detention centre. The guard there opens the door and they walk in. The centre is full of cells and cages. In one of them is Lucas. He looks up and sees Oso. Lucas:"Oso?" Oso:"Master Lucas!" Oso runs over to the cage. Lucas:"Look at you. You're now a talking dogman." Oso:"Thanks to the Road Rovers. They've come to help me rescue you." A soldier grabs Oso's ears and pulls him away. Soldier:"Okay. That's enough. In the cell you go." They are taken to seperate cells and thrown in. The guards lock the cells and exit, closing the door. Colleen takes out a communicator and calls Exile. Colleen:"Exile, come in. Do you read?" Exile:"Clearisil and loudski." Exile and Blitz is currently in the vent shaft above the mess kitchen. A crate looks down at the chefs preparing the soldier's meals. Exile is just past the crate while Blitz still has to cross it. Colleen (from earphone):"Where are you and Whatsisname?" Exile:"Me and Weird Boy are above the kitchen. We're tracking your collars. We will be there in two shakes of a lamb's jiffy." Exile turns to Blitz. Exile:"Hurry up, Weird Boy." Blitz:"Hold on. I'm coming." Blitz crawls over the grate, but accidentally puts his foot on it. The grate comes lose and falls into the soup the chef, who's back was turned towards it, was preparing, making a "splosh" sound. The chef and the other cooks turn to see what had happened. The chef comes to the pot and takes out the grate, now covered with soup. Chef:"Erk. The soup's going to taste metallic today." He then looks up at the opening in the vent shaft. Blitz had just gotten out of sight. Chef:"Notify security. Tell them there is something in the ventalation shafts." Cook:"Okay." Exile looks at Blitz. Exile:"Way to goski, Weird Boy." Blitz:"Sorry." Colleen:"Come on, you two. What's the bloomin' holdup?" Exile:"We're coming." Exile and Blitz make their to the detention centre. Exile melts the grate there and both of them climb out. Shag takes out a red shorts with black dog paws on it and throws it over the security camera. Exile and Blitz then proceed to open the cages. Oso runs over to Lucas and hugs him. Oso:"You're free, master." Shag takes their weapons out of his fur and hands them to the others. Striker:"First objective complete. Now for those missile launchers." Hunter:"Right. Exile. You and Blitz take Lucas back to the village while the rest of us go to destroy those weapons." Exile:"You betski. Come on, Lucas." Exile, Blitz and Lucas climb back into the vent. Lucas looks back at Oso. Lucas:"Good luck, Oso. Come back alive." Oso:"Yes, I will." They dissapear into the darkness while Shag pulls the grate off another vent. They all then climb in. In the security room the watchguard has just returned from the bathroom. He sits down and looks at the bank of monitors. He then notices the shorts over the camera. S. Guard:"What the? What's wrong with that camera?" He picks up a microphone. S. Guard:"Hello? I need a maintenance team in the detention centre to fix the camera." The Rovers, lead by Hunter, continue to crawl through the vents. Suddenly the announchement system is activated. Announcher:"Maintenance team to detention centre immediately. Private Cooper please report to warroom." Colleen:"Uh oh. When they see that we aren't there they will sound the alarm." Hunter:"So we'd better act fast. Come on." Oso's nose begins to twich. Striker:"Oh no. He's going to sneeze! Shag!" Just as Oso is about to sneeze Shag puts his finger to Oso's nose. He stops. Everyone takes a breath of relief. Then it happens. Oso:"AAAAAHHHHJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Oso sneezes and sends out a powerful wind. This causes all the grates to blow off the vents. In the recreation room the wind blows past some soldiers playing cards. Soldier 1:"Do you suddenly feel a draft in here?" Soldier 2:"Nnnno." Soldier 1:"Oh. Okay. I place five chips on the bet." Oso has stopped sneezing. Everyone looks at him. Oso:"Sorry." Striker:"Forget it. Let's just move on before they find out what is going on." Announcher:"Warning. Ventalation system malfunction detected in section ten." In the detention centre the maintenance team has just been let in by the guard. They then see the open and empty cages. The guard rushes over to the alarm button and pushes it. All the lights turn red and and the siren goes off. Announcher:"Warning. Prisoner escape in detention centre. All squads on the red alert." In the recreation room everyone except the card playing soldiers get up. Soldier 1:"Should go follow them?" They think for a moment. Soldier 1,2,3:"Nah." They continue playing. In the warroom a soldier has just run to alert General Black, leader of the KH Epsilon Squadron. The room is filled with battle plans, maps, markers, papers, communication equipment,etc. Black:"What is going on?" Soldier:"Sir. Road Rovers have gotten into the base. They've freed the prisoner Lucas." Black:"And they're probably going to try and destroy the missile launchers. Private. Step up security around the missile launcher depot. Do not let them get anywhere near those weapons. I'll go and join the hunt for these accursed Rovers." Soldier:"Yes, sir!" Black walks out of the warroom and readies his weapons: a twin flame cannon mounted on the arms of his silver suit. Black:"Now it's time to end your miserable life once and for all, Striker." He continues to walk down the hallway. Meanwhile the Rovers were making their way through the vents when come to one where the end leads out to the open air. Hunter:"There. We can get out that way." As they get halfway voices can be heard below them. Voice 1:"Sir. I hear something." Voice 2:"Move it!" The sounds of guns firing can be heard. Suddenly in front of the Rovers beams of light appear as the bullets puncture the vent. The vent gives in under the stress and the Rovers fall through onto a catwalk next to a large rusted pipe with one part of it open. On the other side is a large propane tank. In front of them stands seven battle troopers, their guns aimed at them. Head Trooper:"Surrender! We got you now." Hunter:"Guess it's that time again." Muzzle jumps up and down excited. Striker taps Hunter on the shoulder. Striker:"I say, Hunter. Mind if I have the honor?" Hunter:"Be my guest." Striker removes Muzzle's muzzle. Striker:"Muzzle them!" Muzzle jumps out of his straightjacket and heads for the group of troopers. Head Trooper:"Quick! Open f..." Too late. Muzzle is quickly upon them. A vicious scene occurs. All but Striker turn away. Striker:"Everytime I see this I find something new to enjoy." Trooper 1:"Ouch! Ow! Yeow!" Trooper 2:"Get off! Get off! Get off!" Trooper 3:"Yah! That hurt!" Trooper 4:"Arg! Medic!" Head Trooper:"RETREAT! Ow!" The troopers run, or limp, away in disorder. Muzzle burps loudly. Hunter puts back the muzzle on him. Suddenly the doors on both sides of the catwalk close, leaving the Rovers stranded. A window opens just above the propane tanks and a covert trooper appears. Covert:"I got something for you..." He throws down a demolition charge on the propane tanks. Hunter:"Into the pipe! QUICK!" The window closes and the Rovers jump into the water running through the pipe. Just as Colleen, the last one, disappears in the water the charge detonates and, along the propane tanks, creates a massive fireball that destroys everything in the room. The Rovers swim break the surface a short distance away. Hunter:"That was close." Colleen:"Too close..." The strong water current in the pipe drags them a long way. After one turn they can see the pipe ending into the open air. The landscape can be clearly seen. Striker:"Ai yai yai! We're too high!" Hunter:"Yet another unexpected twist. Bummer." Just as they are about to become airborne a grate lowers down on the exit, stopping the Rovers inches away from the edge. Oso:"Look. There." Oso points to another pipe connected to the one they're in. Its bottom is a few feet above the waterlevel, with a ladder running up towards it. They all climb up and out of the water. Hunter:"Whoa. Dark and spooky." Shag whimpers and hugs Striker. Striker:"Shag! Calm down. I have a flashlight." Shag:"Ohr. Rhokay." Striker takes out his Sonic Rifle and turns on the flashlight mounted on it. The light illuminates the pipe for a short distance. Hunter:"Right. Let's roll." They start to walk down the pipe. Meanwhile General Black has assembled his troops in the pumping station, where all the pipes are connected. Black:"Right. You all split into several teams and head on into the pipes. Those Road Rovers have to be there. If you find them, you are authorized to use any means nessecary to end this threat once and for all. Now, let's move it, people." The troops split into teams and climb into the pipes. General Black remains for a few moments, then walks back to the warroom. In the pipe the Rovers are still walking through it. Just as Hunter puts his foot down there is a sound of stress from the pipe. Oso:"That does not sound good." Colleen:"I agree with you. We should proceed carefully." They continue to walk on until they come to a grate blocking their way. Colleen:"Oh terrific. Where do we go now?" The pipe suddenly gives in at the one end and bends downward, smashing a hole through the ceiling of the warroom. The Rovers fall on a table and it falls in on itself from the weight. As they get up General Black stands in front of them. Black:"Well now. Agent Striker. Nice to see you again." Striker:"General Black." Black:"You haven't changed much since we last met." Striker:"Neither have you." Black:"Right. Enough chit-chat. Prepare to die." Black aims his weapon at the Rovers and fires a fireball at them. They jump out of the way and the fireball destroys a communicator. Striker aims his Sonic Rifle at Black and fires. Black doesn't dodge the shot. Instead he remains standing, even after the blast hits him. Black:"Ha ha ha. Your weapons are useless against my warsuit. You'd better start running if you want to survive, Rovers." Shag:"Rha!" Hunter:"No, Shag. We are not running away." Black fires more fireballs at them, misses and sets two potted trees on fire. Hunter:"Now is the time for running." The Rovers run out through one of the exits, Black runs up to it. He readies his weapon. He fires a wall of flame that begins to travel down the corridor. Oso turns around and blows real hard. The flames stop and head right back to Black. The flame wall engulfs him, but when the flames clear he is unscarred. The wind goes into a vent and continues to the recreation room where the soldiers were still playing cards. The wind blows them into the nearby wall. Soldier 1:"I told you there was a draft in here!" Meanwhile Black begins to run to them at an astounding speed. Suddenly a door closes right in front of him, followed by a loud bang as Black runs into the unexpected obstruction. The Rovers run on. Black:"Who locked this? I'll have him detained!" He calls the troops on his suit's radio system. Black:"All squads! The Rovers are heading towards the launcher depot! Stop them at all costs!" Trooper:"Yes, sir!" The Rovers make it to the depot. This building, formerly Parvo's residence here, now houses the missile launchers. The launcher is a long, tracked vechile with the cockpit up front. On its back is three large missiles. Striker quickly counts them. Striker:"Forget us. Here is enough missiles to destroy all of Japan. No exception." Hunter:"Cool. Shag. You know what to do..." Shag:"Rha!" Shag digs around in his fur and comes up with an armful of bone-bombs (from "Hunter's Heroes"). They begin to plant them to the missile launchers. Announcher:"Warning. Hostiles detected in launcher depot." The sounds of troops approaching the depot becomes louded. Suddenly all the doors close, stopping the troops. Voice 1:"What the h***?! Who's messing with the doors?!" Voice 2:"Open up! Hey!" Voice 3:"I have some charges. Let's blow these doors open!" Voice 4:"Good idea!" The Rovers finish placing the charges and set the timers. Colleen:"Right. What now?" Hunter:"We leave." Oso:"How? All the doors are locked." Hunter:"Oh. I forgot that part. Bummer." Striker:"Great. We are either going to be slaughtered by the KH soldiers or blown to pieces by the bone-bombs. Can't we deactivate them?" Hunter:"" Outside the troops were placing the charges. Colleen walks up to Hunter. Colleen:"Huntie, is this our last hour?" Hunter:"Afraid so, Colleen." Colleen and Hunter wrap their arms around each other and bring their bodies together. Colleen:"Can you do me one last favour?" Hunter:"Yes?" Colleen:"Kiss me." Hunter and Colleen prepare to kiss while Striker looks away in disgust. Suddenly one of the main depot doors open, revealing a muddy road that leads to the river. Everyone looks out. Oso:"An opening to freedom!" Striker:"Let's go!" The Rovers run out towards the river. Blitz, Exile and Lucas appear at the dock in the Hover Rover. Exile:"Hurry, comrades!" One trooper notices the Rovers run to the docks. Trooper:"Hey! They're heading to the docks! After them!" The troops begin to run after the Rovers while the others head to the depot entrance. Exile uses his ice beam to freeze the mud in the road. The troops slip on the ice and begin to slide downhill. The other Rovers jump in the Hover Rover and speed away just as the sliding troops fall into the river. In the depot the other troops run out. Trooper:"Run! It's going to explode!" The bombs detonate. The entire depot explodes in a massive fireball. All the launchers are destroyed in the blast. Black runs up to the river bank. Blitz looks back. Blitz:"Ha. Ha. You lose, you girlie wolf!" Black's suit suddenly sprouts a pair of wings and a jet pack propels him into the air and towards the Hover Rover. He lands on the back. Black:"Correction, Blitz. YOU lose." Blitz aims his flame cannon at Blitz as he shrieks in terror. Shag produces a camera from his fur. Shag:"Rhile!" Black:"What?" Shag takes a picture, the flash temporally blinds Black. Oso and Muzzle jump up and push Black. He falls backwards into the river with a large splash. When he surfaces he waves his fist in anger at the Rovers. Black:"Damn you, you accursed mongrels! You will regret this day!" Hunter:"Tell us something we don't know." Black:"We will get you, Striker! You damned human!" Colleen:"Human? What's he talking about?" Striker:"Ignore him. He is just going into a fit of rage." Hunter:"To the power of the pack!" The Rovers all howl, a cloud of smoke rising above the remains of the depot. Pack Rover, 5:23 PM: The Pack Rover has been repaired with the help of the grateful villagers. Oso is back to his normal from. Everyone was busy saying goodbye. Chief:"Thank you for bringing back Lucas alive. We are all grateful." Hunter:"Oh, it was nothing." Blitz, with his sharp claws, is busy guiding the captured Walker pilots to the cells. Striker's phone rings and he answers it. Striker:"Hello?...Ah, Major....What?....Right." Striker lowers his phone and pushes a button. Striker:"Cadwell says we have to listen to an intercepted transmission from that base." General Black's voice crackles on the phone. Black:"Forget about Ortega! We are cutting our losses and pulling out! I repeat: all division commanders are ordered to pull their forces out of Colombia immediately!" Hunter:"All right! We've won!" Colleen:"We did it! We stood up against the KH Army." Exile:"Group hug!" The Rovers hug each other. Striker is the unfortunate one with Exile. He raises his phone. Striker:"That is great news...good...what about Ortega?....Hmmm. I see...well, I guess then we take him on...good. Goodbye." Striker puts away his phone and they all stop hugging. Striker:"Ortega's forces are still fighting against the UN, but if we continue our raids he will soon fall as well." Hunter:"Well then, let's head back to base." They climb into the Pack Rover and take off to headquarters, the villagers waving them farewell. Exile looks back. Exile:"I'm sorry to leaveski the jungle." Colleen:"Huntie, when this war is over we should remember to blow that base up." Striker:"What for? The base will soon be no longer occupied." Hunter:"We know, but it's a Road Rover tradition to blow up Parvo's bases." Blitz:"Yah. We can't break the tradition. Bad publicity." Striker:"Figures." Colleen:"As for those prisoners, they will be taken for interrogation, won't they?" Hunter:"Yup." Blitz:"I'll be the interrogator. If they do not talk I'll bite their tooshies very hard." Exile makes a face. Exile:"You disgust me." The Pack Rover flies on. The success of the mission has paid off big dividence. The KH Army, unable to continue taking anymore losses, is beginning to retreat. Now it is only Francisco Ortega who remains a threat to the United Nations Peacekeeping forces. The Rovers will have to tackle him and his soldiers in the coming month. But one question remains in the minds of the Rovers: what did General Black mean by Striker being a human? THE END