Road Rovers: The Iron Fist Episode 1: First Strike By Gerhard Naudé Malcolm and others related to KH Army (c) Gerhard Naudé All Road Rover names (c) Warner Brothers and rightful owners Alethia, Chavaleh and others related to Perris Park (c) Kylen Miles Ricky (c) Ricky Galahad Huntress(c) Greywolf Lupous Strayers (c) Steven Today Nitro, Dixie (c) Amanda Stephenson Any question, comments, complaints, feedback or suggestions can be sent to Wostok polar research station, Antarctica, 8 June, 11:34 PM: A blizzard blows over the Russian station during the night. The headlights of a snowcrawler can be through the snow. The snowcrawler stops in front of the station and a scientist climbs out of it. He then runs towards the station. As he opens the door the wind blows the snow indoors. He then closes the door behind him. The inside of the station is filled with supplies and equipment. The scientist goes into a room filled with communication equipment. Three other scientists are gathered around the wireless. Scientist:"Any luck, comrade Boris?" Boris:"No, Vladimir. We have been unable to establish contact with the outside world or the other polar stations. What about you?" Vladimir:"Nyet. The weather is too bad. I couldn't go on. Josef, have you found out what that strange signal was be we lost contact?" Josef:"No. Its is completely unknown to me. However I did found out where it was coming from. It was coming from the area around Mount Erebus. Boris:"But there are no polar stations in that area." Josef:"No, but I don't think it was a polar station. It was much larger, like a town or a military base." Boris:"You sure?" Josef:"I'm sure. Look." Josef hands Boris a clipboard. He looks at it a few moments and then hands it back to Josef. Boris:"You're right. Say, Janis. Have you identified that crystal we found yet?" Janis:"Yes, I have. It is amazing. I have never seen such a crystal. It is absolutely amazing!" Boris:"What?" Janis:"It does not exists on Earth. It comes from somewhere esle." Boris, Vladimir and Josef look at each other and then at Janis. They don't believe what are hearing. Suddenly the ground begins to shake. The rattling of glass and other objects can be heard. Vladimir:"What the..." Janis:"Quake!" Josef:"In Antarctica?" Boris (looking out the window):"What the h*** is that?!" The others run towards the window. Outside the shadow of an object can be seen through the snow. Janis grabs the desklamp and bends its neck so that the object is illuminated. The scientists' eyes widen at the sight of the object. Vladimir (Terrified):"Oh my God!" Suddenly all the lights go out. The terrified scientists run out the station and climb into the snowcrawler. Boris tries to start the engine but it just sputters and then dies. The lights of the snowcrawler go out. Then a blue light illuminates the vechile and the scientists let a terrifying scream. Two blue balls of plasma then hit the snowcrawler and it explodes. A flashlight falls into the snow, turned on. Then a tread drives over the flashlight, crushing it and killing the light from it. St. Martin Island, Caribbean, 16 June, 10:11 am: The sun is shining on a cloudless day. The island is full of activity and the harbour is busy with dozens of small boats, yachts and a cruise liner. On the beaches the people are enjoying the fun and the sun. The streets of the nearby harbourtown is busy with tourists, traders and entertainers. In one of the shops five familiar faces can be seen. Hunter, Colleen, Exile, Ricky and Alethia are gathered in the shop paying for the items they just bought. Exile is the last in line to pay for a postcard. They then leave the shop walk down the street. Exile is busy looking at the postcard. Exile:"This will make great memoir of our visit to the island." Hunter:"Yeah. It was a great idea of the Master to allow us to take a vacation." Colleen:"Especially since we have been very busy for the last few months." The Rovers then come to a cafeteria and sit down at an open table. A waiter comes up to take their orders. Waiter:"Well, well. Some new customers! What are your orders?" Hunter:"I'll have some orange juice, please." Colleen:"Same for me, guv." Exile:"Nothing for me, thanks." Ricky looks at Alethia, who is sitting next to him. Ricky:"What would you like?" Alethia:"Mango would be nice." Ricky looks back at the waiter. Ricky:"Mango, in a large glass with two straws." Waiter:"Very good." The waiter walks back into the cafe. Next a local trader comes towards them. He is carrying lots of shades, pictures and hats. Trader:"Hey, check it out! Something new for a change! Can I interest you in some goods?" Hunter:"Those shades looks cool." Trader:"Best on the island! Want one?" Hunter:"Two, thank you." The trader hands Hunter two dark sunglasses. Hunter then hands one to Colleen. They both put it on. Colleen:"How do I look, Huntie?" Hunter:"Cool. Very cool." Exile (pointing towards an island opposite the harbour):"I'm curious. Whose villa is that on the island over there?" Trader:"Romour has it that the whole island belongs to Francisco Ortega." Alethia:"The notorious drug lord?" Trader:"The very guy." Ricky:"I've heard about him. He controls more than two-thirds of all illegal smuggling. He is also rich" Trader:"VERY rich. He built his empire in less than three years and he also has a large private army who protects him." Exile:"What?" Trader:"It's true! But how he managed to get that five billion he used to build his empire is shrouded in secret. Romours say that he stole the money from a terrorist force." Colleen:"Must have been powerful terrorists." Trader:"Yeah. Oh by the way, that will be five dollars each for those shades." Hunter hands the trader ten dollars. The trader then walks on down the street. The waiter brings their drinks and hands it over to them. Ricky and Alethia start drinking on their mango juice, Ricky on the one straw and Alethia on the other. Hunter and Colleen take a sip on their drinks. Exile looks around at the sights and sounds of the harbour. Suddenly a wolf-sapien dressed in an executive suit walks up and sits down a table next to the Rovers. Hunter, Colleen, Exile, Ricky and Alethia look surprised at the wolf-sapien who had just appeared. Next the wolf-sapien takes out a cellular phone and dials a number. The phone rings for a few moments before it is answered by someone on the other end. With his keen sense of hearing Ricky listens carefully to what he is saying. Wolf-sapien:"Malcolm here. Let me speak to the captain.........Hi, captain. Where are you....what.......what problem?'re're not.., it can't wait! I wants this done tonight.You better do your job or else you're in trouble....I don't care what it does to your bottom line! You get your battlecruiser here and bombard Ortega's villa! Understood?...good! Goodbye!" Malcolm turns off his phone and puts it away. He then notices the Rovers watching him and he turns towards them. Malcolm:"Well now. Look what we have here! Cano-sapiens! Hello." Hunter (somewhat surprised):"Uh..hi. I'm Hunter and this Colleen, Exile, Ricky and Alethia." Malcolm:"Pleased to meet you all. I'm Malcolm, CEO of Malcolm Industries." Exile:"Malcolm Industries? Never of it." Malcolm:"Aaah. Maybe not now, but you will soon hear more of me." Malcolm stands up and then sits on one of the empty chairs at the Rover's table. Alethia:"I'm curious. Who is your creator?" Malcolm:"Beg your pardon?" Ricky:"She asks who made you a wolf-sapien." Malcolm:"Sorry. That is classified informa..." Suddenly a bright flash temporarily blinds everyone. Hunter rubs his eyes and then sees the culprit. His sister, Huntress has just taken a picture of them. With her is Shag, Blitz and Chavaleh. Huntress:"Sorry about that. I just wanted to take a picture of you guys." Huntress then sees Malcolm sitting opposite Hunter. Huntress:"Whao! Who are you?" Hunter:"Guys, meet Malcolm." Malcolm:"Pleased to meet you all." Colleen:"Let me introduce them to you. This Huntress, Shag, Chavaleh and Mr. Fluffy Pants." Malcolm:"Mr. Fluffy Pants? What kind of a name is that?" Blitz:"Colleen, my name is BLITZ, not Mr. whatsisname!" Chavaleh:"You're Malcolm? THE CEO of Malcolm Industries?" Malcolm:"The same." Chavaleh:"I can't believe it!" Ricky:"What?" Chavaleh:"I just saw it on the news. Malcolm Industries has bought Alcatraz Island." Alethia:"You're joking, aren't you, Chava?" Malcolm opens his suitcase and hands Alethia a document. Alethia reads it for a moment, then she looks at Malcolm. Alethia:"It can't be! This is the title deed to Alcatraz! You really are the CEO!" Colleen:"Let me see that!" Colleen snatches the document from Alethia and begins to read it. Colleen:"Blimey! It is really so!" Malcolm:"Told you so. I now own Alcatraz Island and various other properties around the world." Malcolm takes the document from Colleen and puts it back into his suitcase and closes it. Then his phone rings. Malcolm proceeds to answers it. Malcolm:"Malcolm....yes....yes....what?..a higher bid? Then make my bid higher! We must get that institute! Who is competing?.....come again?......Gen-Par Inc, eh? Then keep the bid up! We must claim Perris Park for the military!. ..right...what..I'm needed?...I see...I'll be right there...good. Bye!" Malcolm puts away his phone in his pocket, picks up his suitcase and stands up. Malcolm:"Well, nice to meet you all. I have to go. See you around!" Hunter:"Er...yeah. Bye!" Malcolm walks away and then disappears around a corner. The Rovers look at each other, unable to believe what they have just heard. Ricky looks at Alethia who is completely shocked. Alethia:"He is going to buy Perris Park?! Him?!" Exile:"And from Parvo? I don't believe it!" Blitz:"Me too!" Chavaleh:"Me three!" Hunter:"Believe you guys. We heard what he said. If he gets the higher bid Perris Park is his." Ricky:"That's not all. When he first came here I heard him say over the phone something about a battlecruiser coming to blow that villa to h***." Colleen:"You sure, guv?" Ricky:"Unless I'm becoming deaf, that is what I heard." Huntress:"Why does he want to do that?" Ricky:"Don't know. He didn't say." Hunter:"Rovers, we better tell the others and inform the Master about this." The others all agree with him. They all begin to walk back to their holiday resort. After a few minutes walk they arrive at the resort on the end of the harbour. There is much going on here. Guests are soaking up the sun, taking a swim in the pool or doing other activities. Hunter:"Right guys. Split up and go find the others. We will meet at the conference room." Colleen:"Roger!" Exile:"I still don't know who this Roger is!" No sooner said than done. The Rovers go in all directions to go and find their comrades. Hunter and Shag walk to the conference room. Upon arrival Shag takes a laptop computer out of his fur and hands it to Hunter. Soon the all the Rovers and Strayers arrive and gather around the conference table. Hunter proceeds to tell the others what they have heard at the cafeteria. Bear:"Are you sure you heard right?" Ricky:"Yes, all of us who were present heard what Malcolm said." Hunter"I'll call the Master." Hunter presses a button on the laptop. Next the Master's face appears on the screen. Master:"Greetings Rovers. How's your vacation so far?" Hunter:"Not good, Master." Hunter informs the Master about their meeting with Malcolm, the battlecruiser and his bid on Perris Park with Parvo. Master:"This doesn't sound good. Do you know when the ship will attack the island?" Ricky:"Perhaps tonight, but I think it made be having a few problems of getting here on time." Master:"Rovers, you must stop this attack before innocents get killed." Blitz:"But how Master? We don't have our weapons and vechiles here." Master:"Don't worry, Blitz. I will call Persia and have her bring the equipment." Dixie:"Why should we help a notorious drug lord?" Master:"Francisco Ortega may know something about these terrorists. I think that that money he got to build his empire was stolen from these wolf-sapiens and they may want to get even with him." Alethia:"But where do we find? Nobody knows where he hides out." Master:"Maybe we don't, but I think the people at the villa must know something. Once you've prevented the attack you must go there and try to find any clues about Ortega's whereabouts. Good luck, Rovers." Hunter:"Uh, Master?" Master:"Yes?" Hunter:"Does this mean our vacation is over?" Master:"Just do it!" Hunter:"It's done!" Hunter turns the laptop off. Huntress:"Great. Every time we relax someone has to go and disturb us. It's just not fair." Clearing near harbour, St. Martin, 09:31 PM, that night: On an open field the Rover vechiles are parked and ready: the Sky Rover, the Turbojet Rover, the Cyclborg, and Sylvia. Hunter, Colleen, Blitz, Exile, Shag and Muzzle is in the Turbojet Rover, Bear and Nitro on the Cyclborg, Ricky, Alethia, Huntress and Chavaleh in the Cloud Rover and Dixie and Amani in the Sylvia. Exile is using his night-sight vision to scan the open sea. Huntress yawns loudly. Huntress:"How much longer? We've been here for three hours and nothing has happened." Hunter:"Be patient. Exile, what do you see?" Exile (scanning from left to right):"I see the harbour, the open sea, the other island, the villa, the open sea, a warship, the open sea and our vechiles. That's all." Hunter:"Oh." Hunter leans back on his chair, then it snaps in his head. Hunter:"What warship?" Exile:"That one over there." Hunter, Ricky and Bear grab their binoculars and then focus on the warship. Ricky:"That's it. That's the battlecruiser." Bear:"What type of ship is that? I've never seen such a ship before." Bear hands the binoculars to Nitro. Nitro:"My goodness! That is one BIG bad boat." Ricky:"Check those guns out! They really mean business." Hunter:"I would not have predicted this. All right, guys. Let's roll!" The vechiles' engines roar to life. They take off and then fly towards the battlecruiser. Soon the features of the ship come into view. Four massive guns, two on the bow and two on the stern, look menacing out to sea. Many smaller guns are mounted about the ship. On its' sides the hull bends outwards to create what looks like a large pipe. In it there was a line of openings that allowed more guns to look out from the inside. The decks are busy with soldiers and sailors. Up close, however, the soldiers and sailors are wearing what appeared to be mechanised suits. On a flagpole atop the bridge a red flag with a silver star on it with two crossed rifles across it wavers in the wind. All the crewmembers are wolf-sapiens. On the bridge the captain is scanning the island with a peculiar kind of binoculars. Captain:"There she is. Anything on radar?" First-mate:"No ,nothing. There is no hostiles in the area yet." Captain:"Good. Line the ship up on the villa for immediate bombardment." First-mate:"Aye, captain." The first mate picks up a microphone and turns the ship's intercom system on. First-mate:"All crew members. Prepare for bombardment. I repeat: immediate bombardment." The crews respond and soon the four artillery cannons are prepped to fire their deadly shells. On the Turbojet Rover Exile is scanning the ship. Exile:"Bolshoi! They are preparing to fire!" Hunter:"Listen up crew! We will have blow those cannons up at the same time before they react to our surprise party. Bear. You will hit the first one on the front. We will take the one behind it. Amani. You take the first one on the end. Ricky. Take the last one out." Ricky:"I hope I don't kill someone." Chavaleh:"You're a bit too soft, you know that?" Ricky:"Sorry. You know me." Huntress:"Then let me to the controls!" Alethia:"What? You?!" Chavaleh:"No, I'll fly! You're not ready yet." Chavaleh takes over the controls from Ricky. Huntress:"No fair! Why does everybody keep treating me like a child?" Hunter (Overhead):"Because you are one." Huntress:"Hmp!" The Rovers and Strayers arm their vechile's missiles and take aim on the cannons. Hunter gives the countdown. Hunter:"Ready.....steady.......FIRE!" Their vechiles launch their missiles. They watch as the missiles close in on their targets. On the bridge the captain is issuing the final orders to the artillery crews over the intercom. Captain:"Right crews. Ready?" Voice:"Ready, sir!" Captain:"Take aim!" The cannons turn their massive barrels towards the villa. Captain:"And F.." One of the crews shouts out. Crew member:"INCOMING!!!" The captain turns around just in time to see the missiles coming towards them. Captain:"Brace yourselves!!!" The crews begin to scurry away in all directions. The next moment the missiles slam into the cannons. Four large explosions rock every corner of the ship and debris is flying in all directions. The captain falls to the floor but quickly gets up just in time to see the Rovers and Strayers fly overhead. Captain:"What the h***?! Where did they come from?!" First-mate:"They didn't appear on radar! Who are they?!" Captain:"Who ever they are, they're dead meat!" The captain picks up the microphone. Captain:"Red alert! Red alert! We got hotiles! Destroy on sight!" Next the alarm goes off and the crews man the guns. They immediate begin to fire on the attackers with lasers and missiles. A laser flies past Sylvia. Dixie:"What the..? What type of weapons is that?" Amani:"Whatever they are, they're shooting at us!" Hunter:"Evasive action!" The others respond and break formation. The barrage still comes as more and more AAA and SAMS become operational. The Cloud Rover barely dodges a missile. Chavaleh:"Ha! You missed!" Alethia:"That was close!" Ricky:"Too close!" Huntress:"Uh..Chava." Chavaleh:"What?" Huntress points at the missile that was turning around towards them. Alethia:"That's impossible! No missile can do that!" Ricky:"It just did! Hang on!" Chavaleh tries to evade the missile but in vain. The missile hits the tail end of the Cloud Rover.They then begin to descend rapidly and out of control towards the ship. Chavaleh:"Mayday! Mayday! We're going down!" On the bridge the captain witnesses the kill. Captain:"Got him!" Then he sees the Cloud Rover descend towards them. He grabs the microphone. Captain:"All guns! Destroy incoming projectile! Now!" The guns respond and aim directly at the Cloud Rover. They then open fire with everything they got to destroy the enemy craft falling towards them. The Sky takes on more damage and begins to break up. Alethia:"As if they didn't do enough damage already!" Ricky:"We will have to jump for it!" Chavaleh, Huntress and Alethia jump out into the sea. Ricky is about to jump when a laser strikes the Cloud Rover with such force that Ricky falls to the back of the vechile. He hits his head against a metal pipe and falls to the floor, unconcious. Alethia watches in horror as the Cloud Rover head straight towards the ship. Alethia:"RICKY!!!" On the bridge the Captain watches as the Cloud Rover closes in on them. Captain:"Oh my God! Everybody down!" First-mate:"It's going to crash into us!" On the decks the crew jump overboard to get away from the falling vechile. Suddenly the Cloud Rover slams into the decks in front of the bridge. It is then followed by a massive explosion that sends wreckage and sailors flying in all directions. The ship lurches violently at the force of the explosion. Chaos is everywhere as crewmembers escape the falling debris and heat from the explosion. From the other vechiles the Rovers and Strayers watch in horror at what is happening before their eyes. Dixie:"My goodness!" Exile:"That is even worseski than Muzzle taking on bad guys!" Colleen:"I can't watch!" Bear:"What about our friends? Where are they?" Nitro:"Over there!" Nitro points to where Huntress, Chavaleh and Alethia are swimming in the ocean. Hunter turns the Turbojet Rover and flies towards them to pick them up. On the ship fires were raging everywhere. On the bridge the captain gets up to his feet. Captain:"Is the intercom still working?" First-mate:"Yes, sir." Captain:"Good. I want those fires extinguished immediately and a full damage report. And alert the ship's medical teams to help the injured. I'm going to call Malcolm." First-mate:"Yes, sir!" The captain takes out a cellular phone similar to Malcolm's. He quickly dials a number. In his hotel room on St. Martin Malcolm had watched the whole event unfurl. His phone rings in his pocket. He answers it. Malcolm:"What?" Captain:"It's me, sir. The captain." Malcolm:"Who the h*** were those fools that attack you?" Captain:"Don't know, sir. They beat us up really bad." Malcolm:"How bad is the damage?" Captain:"So far we know they took the artillery cannons and the crash has caused severe damage to the upper decks. I can't complete the mission with a wreck like this." Malcolm:"You're right. Abort the mission and head back to base for immediate repairs." Captain:"Affirmative, sir." Malcolm turns his phone and puts in back into his suit's pocket. He then picks up a pair of binoculars and then takes a look at who the attackers is. When he sees who they are he lowers it again. Malcolm:"S***! It's those cano-sapiens from the cafeteria. They will pay dearly for this, the meddlesome mutts!" The Turbojet Rover hovers above the unfortunate swimmers. Shag throws down a rope ladder to them. Chavaleh, Huntress and Alethia climb up into the Turbojet. Exile helps them onboard. Exile:"Thank goodness you managed to jump in the nick of timeski! You would have been killed." Alethia start to cry. Chavaleh puts her arm round her and Exile looks suprised at Huntress. Exile:"What's wrong?" Huntress looks sadly down at the floor. Huntress:"Ricky...he..he didn't make it." Huntress also starts crying. Shag hands her a tissue. She whipes the tears from her eyes. Exile:"Poor comrade Ricky." Exile enters the cockpit with Huntress and Shag. Chavaleh escorts Alethia who is still crying. The others look at them with surprise. Hunter:"What's wrong?" Shag also begins to cry and takes out a tissue to blow his nose. Exile:" Comrade Ricky" Colleen:"He's what?" Exile:"Dead." Blitz:"What???" Chavaleh:"He was still on the Cloud Rover before it crashed into the ship." Bear's voice appears on the overhead. Bear:"Guys, is everbody okay?" Hunter picks up his headset. A tear rolls down his face. Hunter:"Bear, we have bad news. Ricky isn't here with us anymore." Bear:"He's dead?" Hunter:"Yes." Bear can hardly believe his ears. Nitro looks over his shoulder. Nitro:"What's wrong?" Bear:"Ricky's gone. Forever." Nitro:"He's dead?" Bear:"Yes. It's true." Nitro start to shead tears. On Sylvia Dixie and Amani also hear about Ricky's death. Dixie is crying on Amani's shoulder. Amani comforts her and then looks out to sea. Amani:"Poor Ricky. He was such a great guy." Hunter:"I think we'd better go back to Mission Control." The others respond and then set course back to Mission Control. Soon they dissapear over the horizon. On the crippled battlecruiser the firecrews were still fighting the few fires that burned out of control. On the decks Medics were patching up the wounded. The Medics were dressed in white mechanized suits that had a red cross on the back. On the bridge the captain was just getting a damage report from an engineer. Captain:"Report." Engineer:"The Mako generators are still online and the hull has taken no damage below the waterline. However, we lost a number of AAA's and SAM's. Casualties are currently twenty-five dead. The foward upper decks are a mess and that crashed vechile is blocking the way to the navigation room. My crew are at the moment trying to clear the wreckage out of the way." Captain:"Thank you." The engineer walks out and a marine comes in. Marine:"Captain, we have someone to see you." Captain:"Who?" Marine:"All right, boys! Bring him in!" Two other marines appear carrying Ricky into the bridge. He is naked except for his collar and the cross around his neck. His clothes have been blown off by the force of the blast and he was covered with blood. The two marines throw Ricky to the floor and he comes to land at the captain's feet. The captain looks at the three marines. Captain:"Where did he come from?" Marine:"He was in that chopper that crashed into the ship. We found lying on one of the decks." Captain:"Mmmm. Call a medic." One of the marines walks out onto the deck. Marine:"Medic!" No sooner had the marine called when a medic comes onto bridge. Captain:"Give the prisoner some treatment." Medic:"Yes, sir!" The medic neels at Ricky's body. Next a crystal appears on the one arm and begins to glow. Suddenly Ricky's wounds begin to heal at an incredible speed. Within a few seconds all the wounds, burns and bruises were healed. Ricky begins to regain conciousness. The marines help him to his feet. Ricky:"Wha...what happened? Alethia?" Marine:"Alethia? Who's she?" Ricky suddenly realizes were he is. He tries to fight free but the marines holding him on both arms were too strong for him. The captain walks up to him. Captain:"Who are you?" Ricky:"I'm Ricky." Captain:"All right then, Ricky, for whom do you work for? Francisco Ortega?" Ricky:"No, I'm a Road Rover. Sort of." Marine:"Road Rover? I've read about them in the newspapers. They are a..." Captain:"Thank you, private. I've read it too." Ricky:"Where's Alethia?" Captain:"Your friends left the area after we shot you down. They think you're dead, which will soon be the case." Ricky:"What do you mean?" Captain:"You're going for a ride..." The captain looks wickedly at Ricky. Captain:" Alcatraz!" Ricky looks at him surprised. Ricky:"You're kidding!" Captain:"I'm not." He then looks at the marines. Captain:"Prep the shuttle and take him to Alcatraz." Marine:"Yes, sir!" The marines drag Ricky outside while the captain takes out his phone. Captain:"Hello, Sergeant? I have a prisoner for you......from KHS-1223....yes. He's a really tough guy. I'm sending him by shuttle.....yes...yes....good. He will be yours to take care of....right. Goodbye." Within a short space of time the shuttle has been prepared for lift-off. Ricky, now wearing a prisoner's clothing, is forced into the shuttle. The marines lock him in a cell and a medic injects a serum that puts him to sleep. Afterwards the shuttle lifts off and begins to fly to its destination: Alcatraz. Road Rover Mission Control, 17 June, 01:01 PM: In the briefing all the Rovers and Strayers were gathered around Alethia, who was still crying. Shag hands her another tissue and she proceeds to wipe the tears out of her eyes. The other are standing around, mourning over the loss of Ricky. On the balcony the Master stood looking over them. Colleen leans over to Hunter. Colleen (Whispering):"Bad enough for her that Renegade had to be killed, but now Ricky's death has truly broken her heart." Hunter:"Yes. Bad luck seems to follow her wherever she goes. This is just doesn't seem fair to her." Blitz:"Ach. He was my best friend and he had a heart of gold." Exile:"Yes. He never believedski in taking another life." Nitro:"And now we'll never see his sweet face again." On a nearby table Professor Hubert was busy deleting Ricky's file from Mission Control's database. Just as he was about to make the final conformation to delete the files the overhead begins to crackle. Suddenly Ricky's voice can be heard. Ricky:"Ricky to Mission Control. Come in, Mission Control." Alethia springs up and runs over to the communications room. She frantically picks up the headset. The others follow close behind her. Alethia:"My God, Ricky! Is that you???" Ricky:"Yes, my love. It's me, your..." Voice (in the background):"Oh you little s***!" Suddenly the sound of struggle can be heard, followed by a loud thumping noise. Voice:"Turn that thing off, quick!" Next there was just silence. Alethia:"Ricky! Ricky!" Hunter:"Something has happend to him. Hubert, where did that signal come from?" Hubert:"It came from somewhere near New Orleans, Missisippy." Colleen:"Hold on. Let's see if we can track him via his collar." Alethia:"But I have his collar, and he has mine." Blitz:"Why do you do that?" Chavaleh:"Hey! It's personal, okay?" Blitz:"Oops. Sorry." Colleen begin to tipe furiously on the keyboard. The overheard map of the map appears on the main screen. It then zooms in on the USA. Next a blip can be seen over the Gulf of Mexico. Hunter:"There he is! Which way is it heading?" Colleen:"It's heading to.....San Francisco." Hunter:"Why go there?" Nitro:"Alcatraz!" Bear:"What?" Nitro:"They're taking him to Alcatraz. Remember: Malcolm Industries bought Alcatraz. That's the most likeliest place they will take Ricky." Chavaleh:"How can we be sure of that?" Huntress:"She's right. They might taking him to another rendezvous in San Francisco." Master:"We will need to rescue Ricky from these terrorists once he gets to the drop- off point. Until then, we must wait." The others leave the room, leaving only Hunter and Alethia looking at the blip on the screen. Hunter looks at Alethia. Hunter:"Don't worry, Alethia. We will get him back, alive." Alethia:"Thanks, Hunter. You're someone I can trust with anything." Hunter leaves the room as well. Alethia takes one final look at the screen. Alethia:"Don't give up hope, Love. We won't forget you." Alethia turns the monitor off and leaves the room. TO BE CONTINUED.....