Absorbtion Pt. 2 By Eric Schulte Characters: Cody McDowd Hunter Parvo Axl Rune Jake Nala Exile Riley Diamond McDowd Jr. Axiamond (Axl and Diamond mereged together.) Summary: In the 1st part of this story Parvo and his scientists have developed a new power or ability as most people would put it. The ability to stretch to any size. He also had the ability to absorb other fighters. Parvo first tested this technique on Dylan by Jake trick him into a trap. With each victum Parvo absorbs come a physical characteristic like Dylan’s shirt. Parvo began to cause kaos and terror with his new found powers. When Eddie, Rune, and Exile found that Dylan was missing they took action and tract Parvo down who was destroying a city. Eddie and the others fought back but they were no match. Seeing that Parvo need two more warriors to complete his ultimate transformation, a warrior of combat wisdom and a warrior of strength, He saw Eddie who was his second hand picked victum. As he did with Dylan he absorbed Eddie. Parvo’s power grew greatly and is ready to begin the end of Earth. Setting: Exile and Rune are in the Air Rover heading back to HQ. Exile: What happened to Eddie? Rune: Parvo absorbed him. The same way he did Dylan. Exile: How did he do it? Rune: Aparrently he has a blob come out of him and absorbs his victums in the blob. Then he absorbs the blob back into his body. Exile: And that’s why he’s getting stronger? Rune: He only needs one more to complete his transformation. Exile: Who? Rune: I don’t know. They return to HQ and exit the Air Rover. The gang is surprised to see that Eddie is not with them. Cody: Where is Eddie? Rune: Parvo got him. Exile: He was absorbed into Parvo’s body. That is what he did to Dylan as well. Axl: Are you serious? Rune: Yes. He gets stronger by absorbing other fighters or helpless victums. Diamond: What are we going to do? Axl: Something, something to weaken him. They all pause for a minute. Diamond the remebers something very helpful. Diamond: Cody, don’t you have the ability into turn into a super sapien. Cody: Yeah, but…. Diamond: But what? Cody: I reached a new level, a third level. It’s hard to hold that level as well as fight in it. Axl: We need you to at least stall until we come up with a plan. Can you do it? Cody: I can stall but that’s it. Rune: Good, he’s at Metro City about 200 miles from here. Exile: We’ll take there. Cody: No thanks. I can fly there by myself. Exile: Oh yeah that’s right. The Super Sapien thing. Cody: See ya in a bit. Cody takes off. Diamond and the others head into HQ to formulate a plan. 15 minutes later Cody arrives at Metro City where Parvo is standing with an evil grin. Parvo: I’ve been expecting you McDowd. Come to loose a fight that father has also lost. Cody: This is going to be different. I won’t fail like my dad. Parvo: Shall we begin. Cody: (smiles) In a minute. I think it’s time you finally see a Super Sapien. Cody powers up and transforms into a Super sapien level one. Parvo: (Shocked) Oh my, his power has increased greatly. Perfect, maybey I’ll have a good challenge after all. Cody: Just to let you this is level one. Cody transforms again. Cody: And this is level two. Now I’ll attemp the lengry Super Sapien three. Cody begins to dig deep for all of his power. His muscle tone increases and his viens begin to grow. His golden colored super sapien hair begins to grow slowly. Parvo: That’s it, keep going. Cody’s hair continues to grow, finally a giant flash lightens the sky and Cody let’s out this loud yell. Cody: Rrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Parvo sees Cody and is amazed at the results. Parvo: No way, he’s, he’s incredibly stronger than before. This is unbelieveble. Cody: Are you ready? Parvo: Yes. Parvo stretches his arm to throw a punch like his did to Exile. Cody grabs his fist and squeazes it hard. Parvo: Oooooooowwwwww! Let go you mangy mut. Cody: Gee, I just thought you hated me. He rips off Parvo’s arm. Parvo: Yeeeeeoooooowww! My arm! Cody: Here you can use it as a back scratcher. He tosses it to Parvo. Parvo: I see that don’t the incredibility of my new power. He regrows his arm. Cody: What the? Parvo: It will take a lot more than that to stop me. Cody: Save the trash talk and let’s begin. Parvo: Ok. They begin fight and an all out battle begins. Meanwhile at HQ Rune show Diamond a weapon she invented with Riley. Rune: I know one way to stop him. Take these earings and perform the merger with Cody. Once you complete the mereger put them on cause once you put them on they will keep you merged forever. Or until the ear rings come off. Diamond: Ok. I just hope he doesn’t get the idea of absorbing Cody. Hunter walks in. Hunter: Is it true that Parvo has the ability to absorb people? Rune: Why yes, he’s already absorbed Dylan and Eddie. Hunter: This technique is not new. Diamond: What do you mean not new. Hunter: He’s had this technique before. Rune: (In shock) What? How did he loose the ability? Hunter: It was a long time ago. He was and ultimate enemy. He destroyed all who opposed him. Diamond: Di he absorb anyone? Hunter: Yes. We needed help so called upon a well known enemy of his. Rune: Who? Hunter looks at Diamond. Hunter: Your father. Diamond: (Eyes enlarge) My dad? Hunter: Yes, he was one of the stronger, sterdier Rovers. Your father fought him hard and Parvo new he couldn’t wit. So he used a techniques we already know of now. The absorbtion technique. Your father was his first victum. Diamond: And that’s how he died right? Hunter: Your father isn’t dead, he’s alive. The two dogs killed at the park two days after Cody, Neleha, and Gabe were adopted by their owners were Diamond’s younger brother Kilough and and Cody’s mother. Diamond was searching for the registration files so he and his wife could return to the force. Diamond: Where is my dad? Hunter: He is still trapped inside Parvo. The only way in is to be absorbed by him. Diamond: Well, I guess I’d better help Cody. Hunter: Hurry. He may not have much time. Diamond exits and flies to the battle site where Cody is still fighting Parvo. Parvo: Take this you S.O.B. Parvo delivers a hard right that knocks out down to the ground from the sky. Coy then looses some power and turns back to normal. Diamond: Crud, Parvo is beatring the snot out him. Hey! Parvo! Parvo: What?! Diamond: Do you like good challenges when you fight? Parvo: Yeah. Diamond: Well, give me 2 minutes and I’ll garuntee that you’ll an awsome competetor. Parvo: You have 30 seconds. Diamond: Ok. Diamond looks down at Cody who’s standing on the ground looking up at Diamond and Parvo in the air. Diamond: Cody! Catch! He tosses one of the earings to Cody. Cody tries to catch it but he misses it. Cody: Oh shoot! Diamond: Quick put the earing on your right so we can merge bodies! Parvo: A merger, what an amature idea. I’m sorry but time is up. Diamond: Whoa, hey man time out, can’t we talk about this? Parvo: Flattering only get’s you killed. Now let’s start! Parvo flies toward Diamond. Diamond becomes a Super sapien and avoids Parvo. Dimaond: Quick get the ear ring! Cody continues to dig for the ear ring, finalyy he finds it. Cody: Ah, there you are. Diamond and Parvo exchange puches until Parvo’s right leg is cut off. Parvo: Your dead. All of a sudden Parvo begins to feel weak. Parvo: Oh know, I must have used to much energy. All of a sudden Eddie’s shirt that became apart of Parvo’s appearance dispappeared and Dylan’s shirt once again became apart of Parvo’s attire. Parvo: Crap! Diamond: Ha, sucks to be you doesn’t it. Cody: You said right ear right? Diamond: There is know need for it anymore. Cody: Uh, ok. Parvo: You better have some insurance punk cause your going to need, but knowing you problably don’t know what insurance is. Parvo’s decapitated leg sneaks up quietly behind Cody and turns into and blob. Parvo points to his thigh where his leg used to be. Parvo: It’s not finished yet, or didn’t you notice that a piece of me was missing. Parvo turns and looks at Cody triggering the blob to strike. Them blob rises behind Cody. Diamond: Cody! Look out! Cody turns around to see a giant blob. Cody: Dah! Cody drops the power ear ring as the blob absorbs him. Diamond: Cody! Hang on! Diamond races to the spot Cody was standing but he was too late, Parvo triggered the blob to return to Parvo and Parvo absorbs the blob into his body. Diamnod picks up the earing and looks up at Parvo in the air while Parvo finally completes his transformation. Parvo: Yes! My transformation is complete! Ra ha ha haaaaa! Diamond: Oh Know. Diamond pulls out a two way radio and calls for help. Diamond: Hq do you read! Hunter: (on radio back at hq) Yes, we copy, what’s the problem. Diamond: Parvo has absorbed Cody. He need some one to merge with me and fast, Parvo is ready to fight. Axl: (Takes radio from Hunter) Habg in there. I’m on my way. Axl leaves HQ on a motorcycle. Mean while Parvo looks down at Diamond with an evil grin. Parvo: Hey Diamond. Seeing that your chance to merge with your younger brother failed I’ll give you one more chance to find a suitable partner. You have 1 hr. Diamond: Dang. I hope Axl get get here soon. Diamond and Parvo sit tight while waiting for help. 45 minutes have passed and Axl still hasn’t arrived. Diamond: Come on Axl, where are you? Parvo: I’m getting bored over here. Your hel havs 5 minutes to get here. Diamond: But we have 15 minutes left. Parvo: I changed my mind. Just then they here a motor cycle pull in and Axl steps off it. Diamond: Boy am I glad to see you. Axl: Sorry I’m late. Parvo: Time’s up! Parvo rises and begins to attack. Diamond: Quick put this on your ear. Axl snaps on the ear ring. Axl: Now what? Diamond: Merger. Axl: All right. Diamond and Diamond begin the merger dance. Axl: Mer. Diamond: Ger. Axl/Diamond: Haaaaaa! Bothe Axl and Diamond begin to glow and their bodies begin to merge. Parvo stops dead in his tracks. Parvo: What the? The glow stops and thw smoke clears. Axiamond is back. Axiamond: All right! Parvo: Oh my, he’s very strong. Axiamond: I don’t know about you but I’m ready fight. Let’s begin. Parvo: Let’s. Axiamond and Parvo prepare to fight in an ultimate show down. Who will emerge the victor. To be continued.