Absorbtion pt 1 By Eric Schulte Characters: Eddie © Eric S. Cody McDowd © Eric S. Dylan © Dylan Parvo © WB Axl © Eric S. Rune © Dylan Jake © Dylan Nala © Eric S. Exile © WB Riley © Dylan Diamond McDowd Jr. © Eric S. Summary: Parvo and his accomplice Jake have created a new substance to make Parvo’s body more flexable. It also has the ability to absorb other people to increase his power. However he can only absorb 3 hand picked souls. One of strength, one of a pure heart, and one of combat wisdom. With those 3 his transformation will be complete. Parvo has hand picked his 3 phoes and plans to complete the transformation to have world domination. Setting: Parvo and Jake carefully brainstorm their plans and choose the 3 victums Parvo will absorb. Jake: Have you decided on who your 3 victums are? Parvo: Yes, as a matter of fact I have. Jake: Who are they? Parvo: Well, since they each have to have a certain trait I have figured out exactly who I want. My warrior of strenght will be Cody McDowd cause if I’m not mistaken I do believe that he is just like his father and if he is then he should have a greater will to defend the innocent like his father once did. My warrior of heart will be your little brother Dylan. He may not be a fighter be he has heart, a great amount of heart in which everyone sees when he displays his sensitivity. And finally, my warrior of combat wisdom will Eddie. He was a great fighter back I the day and very smart with fighting skills. Jake: What shall I do to help catch your first victom? Parvo: I want you to corner Dylan in an abandon wear house. I will meet you there. Jake: Yes sir. Parvo: Finally, my time of power and excellence has come. Meanwhile Riley Rune and Nala are in the lab with Axl, Diamond, Eddie, Dylan, and Cody preparing to experiment another theory of past species. A tactick called "Merger". An accient technique that allowed to warriors to become one warrior put together. They must perform a dance to make it work. Nala: Axl, Diamond, do you guys remember the steps? Axl: Yeah, we’ve got it. Riley: Ok, remember, when you do the dance you must say merger. Diamond: Read ya loud and clear. Rune: Ok, let’s get to it. Axl and Diamond stand in position. Axl: Mer. Diamond: Mer. Diamond/Axl: Ger, haaaa! The tips of their finger tips meet. All of a sudden Axl and Diamond began to glow and a fog appeared as their bodies began to combined with each other. Rune: They’re doing it. They’re merging. Nala: Whoa, way cool. The glow finally stops and the fog clears. Soon they see one warrior where Diamond and Axl once stood. Riley: Uh, hi, do you have a name. The warrior smiled at Riley. Axiamond: Yep, the name is Axiamond. Dylan, Cody, and Eddie look in amazement. Cody: Hey Axiamond, how do you feel? Dylan: Yeah, how does it feel to be a merged warrior? Axiamond: Pretty good. As a matter of fact I feel 10x’s stronger than before. Eddie: How long until you separate. Axiamond: 1hr. Nala: Hold up, I want to right this down, this is valuable imformation. Riley: We’re going to run some tests to see how much your physical being has improved, if it’s ok with you? Axiamond: Ok, as long as you don’t stick a needle in me, I’m still afraid of those things. Rune: No needles, just physical tests. Axiamond: Ok. All of a sudden Exile shows up with a message from Jake. Exile: Dylan, this is for you. Dylan opens and reads the message. Dylan: (reading message) Dear Dylan, I know what happened to our parents and Parvo’s plans. Please meet me at the East side wearhouse and 2:00. Come alone, extremely topsecret! Jake. Cody: Are you going to go? Dylan: I guess so, it’s about my parents. I really want to know what happened and I’m going to see what’s up. I’ll be back in an hour. Bye. Eddie: Becareful. Dylan: I will. Cody: Here, you can take my car to get there. Dylan: Thanks. Dylan hops in Cody’s car and heads to the wear house. When he arrives he sees Jake standing outside the door awaiting his arrival. Dylan hops out of the car and approaches Jake with extreme caution. Jake: Stop creeping up like that you little wus. I won’t hurt you. Dylan: How do I know your not lying through your teeth? Jake: Look, I promise I won’t hurt you. I need to tell you about what happened to mom and dad. Dylan: Ok, tell me. Jake: Not here, inside the Warehouse. Dylan: Why? Jake: Cause this is private and I think I was followed by someone. It would be better to tell you in the house. Dylan: Ok, but I have my eye on you. Jake: Don’t worry you’ll be fine. Dylan enters the Warehouse and Jake follows but stops to signal to Parvo. Dylan turns around and notices that he stop at the door way. Dylan: Jake, why did you stop. Jake: I thought I heard something. Must have been a cat or something. Dylan: All right, well, what happened to our parents. Parvo: Good question, too bad you be around to find the answer. Dylan: What’s going on! Dylan turns around and finds Parvo standing 100ft behind him. Dylan: Jake you bastard! You set me up. Jake: Gee, and I thought you hated me. Parvo: Dylan, at last I have you alone, face to face. Dylan: What do you want?! Parvo: You. As Parvo and Dylan continue exchanging words Parvo releases a blob from his back witch sneaks around a bunch of boxes and creeps up behind Dylan undetected. Parvo: I’m sorry to say this Dylan but your time has just run out. Dylan: That’s what you think. Parvo: I don’t think I know. Parvo then triggers the blob to surround and cover Dylan. Dylan: Why are your eyes glowing. The blob lunges at Dylan from behind. Dylan turns around. Dylan: What the? The blob falls on Dylan and begins to cover his whole body. Dylan: Hey, get this nasty thing off of me! Parvo: Ha ha ha ha ha haaa! Your mine. Dylan: Stop it. Soon the blob absorbs Dylan. Then Parvo triggers the blob to rreturn to Parvo and and is absorbed into his body. Parvo sucessfully absorbs Dylan. Parvo: Oh yes! I can fear myself getting stronger! Ah ha ha ha ha haaaaa! Jake: How come you have Dylan’s shirt on Parvo? Parvo: I guess it means that I take on some of his traits and style. Meanwhile Rune and the others become concerned about Dylan’s trip to the warehouse. Rune: Guys something doesn’t seem right. Dylan has been gone for way to long. Eddie: Rune’s right, Dylan is never gone this long. Nala: I think we better find him. Rune: I’ll go, and I’ll take Eddie and Exile with me. Riley: You guys becareful. Cody: Diamond and myself will be ready incase you need back up. Exile: Well, let’s head out. Rune, Eddie, and Exile board the Air Rover and head to the warehouse where Dylan was said to receiving a message from Jake. When they arrive they notice that the car Dylan drove in was outside completely empty and the door to the warehouse open. Rune: They must be inside. They approach the door unitl Eddie sees foot prints. Two differents sets. Eddie: Look, foot prints. Exile: Any of them Dylan’s? Eddie: One sec. Eddie sniffs each set and gets a puzzled look on his face. Eddie: Well, yes and no. Rune: Huh? Exile: What do you mean yes and no? Eddie: The foot print has Dylan’s scent but it also had another smell. Somewhat like Parvo and a chemical I never smelled before. Rune: Are you serious? Eddie: Yep, take a look to your left. They look to their left. Eddie: We also have tire tracks. It looks like Dylan is where ever Parvo went to. Exile: Let’s follow them. Rune: One of us has to be on the ground so we can cover more land. Eddie: I’ll do it. Exile: Take one of these radios with you so you’ll be able to contact us or HQ. Eddie: No problem. I’ll take Cody’s car. Rune: There isn’t any key to it. Eddie: I’m going to hot wire it. I’ll fix when we get back to HQ. Exile: Let’s go. Eddie: Hot wires the car and heads out while Rune and Exile board the Air rover and take off. Parvo is across town causing pain and death to the citizens. Parvo: That’s right you little ingrates. Run run like the wind. You can run but you can’t hide. Ye haaaaaw! Eddie: Yo Parvo! If you want to fight some one then how about fighting us. Parvo: Fine, I’ll take you all on. The air rover lands 100ft from Eddie. Rune and Exile exit the shuttle. Rune: Where’s Dylan? Parvo: Who? Exile: Dylan you crazy bastard. Eddie: And why are you wearing Dylan’s shirt. Parvo: Let’s just say that he is now apart of me. Allow me to demonstrate. Parvo stretches his arm to the air rover landing site and hits Exile in the face. Rune: Oh my word! He’s stretchy like goo. Parvo: Thanks to science and technology I have been able to obtain the ability to stretch or shape my body into anyform I please. I also have the ability to absorb fighters such as your selves. Eddie: You absorbed Dylan?! Parvo: Yes, Dylan belongs to me. I only need two more warriors to complete my transformation. Eddie: Well it’s not to happen. Parvo: Is that a challenge? Eddie pulls a gun and fires straight ta Parvo, but the bullets shoot right through him and take off his right arm. Parvo regrows his missing arm. Eddie: What the hell?! Parvo: You can’t hurt me. Now it’s my turn. Parvo raises his hand and points his pointer finger to Rune. He launches an energy attack. Eddie: Rune! Look out! Eddie intervenes and deflects the energy attack. Eddie: Gosh that burns! Parvo: Fire number two! Parvo launches another attack. Eddie: Run! Rune and Eddie scramble. They split up while Parvo keeps firing rounds of energy causing a firework show. Parvo: I just love fireworks. Especailly when they blow up. Well, that’s enough fun for right now. It’s time to absorb my warrior of combat wisdom. Parvo looks down at Eddie and grins an evil grin. Parvo: And I’m in luck, my second victum is a couple of feet away. Parvo looks down at his decapitated arm and tiggers it to sneak around and stand behind Eddie. Rune notices the arm. Rune: How does he do that? The arm turns into a blob and prepares to attack. Rune: Eddie! Look out! Parvo’s eyes glow and the blob lunges from behind Eddie. Eddie: Oh no! The blob completely covers Eddie. Eddie tries to fight it but the blob is to strong to fight off. Rune: Parvo! Let him go. The blob with Eddie in side is called to Parvo and returns to his body. Parvo sucessfully absorbs Eddie. Rune: Oh no. He’s transforming. Rune quickly dashes to Exile and the Air Rover. Rune: Exile wake up. Exile: What? Rune : We have to go now! Exile: Ok ok let’s go. They board the Air Rover and take off. Parvo completes his transformation. Parvo: Whoa, I’m even stronger than before. He looks at his shirt. Parvo: I just wish that these kids wore better clothes. Oh well. It doesn’t matter cause it’s time for my rain of terror to begin! Ah ha ha ha haaaa! To be continued