Written by: Wesley Montgomery- 2005 DISCLAIMER Road Rovers characters, names, situations and the Road Rovers universe are the property of Warner Bros. I, nor this script/story are connected with Warner Bros, FOX networks or SCI-FI channel in any way, shape or form. This document may not be publicized or reproduced in any way, shape or form. It must remain fully intact and may not be altered in anyway. It is strictly used for not-for-profit entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to infringe on any Copyrights. The characters Otto, Samantha Maddog, Starlight, Daisy and Flash Bloodhound, Otto Jr., Ameilia, Emily are all Robert Baer Jr's creations, copyright 1997-2005 Sliders characters, places, aliens, and the Sliders “multiverse” Copyright FOX networks, SCI-FI USA, Universal Studios and created by Tracy Tormé and Robert K. Weiss copyright 1995-2005 Sliders: A new Beginning Road Rover HQ January, 17, 1998 2:30 AM While the rest of the Rovers are sleeping something strange happens. A wormhole opens up in the meeting hall and 4 humans come out of the wormhole. The wormhole closes and they get up. QUINN: Whoa! We're lucky to escape those crazy police officers. (They just came from an Earth where Mega-police districts have complete power and control of the Earth and the punishment for every crime is death) WADE: Yeah. Where are we? ARTURO: More importantly when do we next Slide? QUINN: To answer both your questions No, I don't know where we are and we Slide in 7 days 18 hours and 30 minutes. REMBRANDT: I don't like the looks of this. QUINN: We'd better split up and find out where we are. ARTURO: Agreed. We shall meet back here in an Hour. The Sliders go in separate directions in the RR HQ not knowing what they will find. As the four "Sliders" fan out in different directions, a loud BOOM!!! shakes the ground where Otto, Samantha and Starlight (in their pure animal forms) appear (Otto, sternly): This is the area where a temporal disturbance has been detected (Samantha, concerned); Oh no! What does this mean? (Starlight, sternly); There are many possibilities. Alien invaders, time travelers, evil scientific experimentation... (Otto, sternly); Four humans detected in the immediate area, three males and one female (Starlight, nods): And they are returning to this area (Samantha, nods): Maybe they heard our sonic boom when we teleported (Otto, sternly); I suggest we hide until we know their true intentions Otto, Samantha and Starlight each use their invisibility devices to hide as the four Sliders return The Sliders return to the Meeting hall and discuss what they found. QUINN: So what did everyone find? WADE: All I found were alot of vehicles that had some kind of dog logo on it. REMBRANDT: I found a kitchen but the food didn't taste so good. ARTURO: I found a room that had some kind of machine in it. QUINN: Well I found separate rooms for a number of people. What do you suppose this can mean? ARTURO: Mr. Mallory I also found out that this structure is underground. QUINN: Underground..Well I guess we must be in some classified military base. WADE: Or possibly this is a headquarters for a group of mercenaries. ARTURO: Well there is one thing that you have to learn from Sliding Ms. Wells "Always expect the unexpected." REMBRANDT: I was just wondering did anyone hear a loud sound from this room earlier? WADE: I didn't hear anything. ARTURO: Neither did I Mr. Brown. QUINN (feels Otto's fur brush aginst his leg): You guys I have the feeling that we're not alone here. (Otto, whispers): It appears we have been discovered (Samantha): Oh no! (Starlight, whispers): These four are human and I can sense no hostile intent (Otto, nods): Then it is our duty to assist them (Samantha, nods): Ok Otto, Samantha and Starlight now appear (Otto): Please do not be alarmed, we are not hostile animals (Starlight): It appears you have a dimensional traveling device (Samantha): May I introduce my husband Otto, our friend Starlight and I'm Samantha Maddog QUINN (Thinking): Woah, Talking animals? This is by far the weirdest dimension I've ever been to. QUINN (Speaking outloud): Hello I'm Quinn Mallory and these are my friends. ARTURO (Shakes Otto's paw): I'm Professor Maximillian Arturo. It's a pleasure to meet you Otto. WADE (Shakes Sam's paw): I'm Wade. Nice to meet you Sam. REMBRANDT: I'm Rembrandt Brown but back home I was called the "Crying Man" and I did get kind of famous. ARTURO: Now with the proper introductions given I have something to ask. How did you get the ability to comprehend and speak to humans? QUINN: And how did you just appear out of nowhere? WADE: And do you know what this place is? Otto looks up at the four humans (Otto, sternly): I will answer your first two questions immediately. I and Starlight are bionically enhanced animals with built in computer circuitry. This allowed us to perform many tasks such as remain invisible, teleport and understand human speech. My lovely collie bride was born with the ability to speak and listen to humans. (Starlight, nods): Otto is correct. Now for your third question. This is the year 2005 and you four are in Road Rover Headquarters. (smiles): I can see from the blank looks on your faces you've never heard of Road Rovers before. (Samantha, calmly): Please do not be afraid. You're among friends who want to help you (Otto, nods): Affirmative. I have scanned the device you are holding in your hand, Quinn, and have determined that it is a malfunctioning device which is used to travel freely between parallel worlds. (Starlight, nods): We have had some experience in dimensional travel, but only in very limited ways QUINN (shocked): 2005?! Last time I checked it was still 1998. ARTURO: I could have a plausible explanation Mr. Mallory. The wormhole that sent us here not only traveled us between dimensions but also through time. However once we leave this dimension there is a chance we could return to our own time. QUINN (to Otto): Even if someone were able to fix the timer we are still talking about infinity to one odds of returning to our own dimension and the reason we've never heard of the Road Rovers is because they don't exist in our dimension. ARTURO: Nor in any of the other dimensions we've been in before. (Otto, sternly): Quinn Mallory, there are two others who could possibly repair your timer and send you back to your proper reality (Samantha, concerned): But Otto my love, they are serving on the Canius Minor and are currently light years from Earth (Starlight, shakes head): Negative, Samantha Maddog. The Canius Minor is returning to Earth orbit in five minutes. Onboard are the two most accomplished experts in quantum mechanics and theoretical physics. (Otto, nods): Affirmative. We will contact Daisy and Flash Bloodhound and have them meet us here. (Otto, sternly): Now that we have all been formally introduced, it is illogical for the three of us to remain in our regular animal forms (Starlight, nods); Affirmative Otto, allow me to take immediate action Starlight lifts one front hoof in the air, closes her eyes and immediately Otto, Samantha and herself are changed into their 'sapien' forms wearing the bright silver Road Rover uniforms (Samantha, smiles): Now all we need is to get Daisy and Flash down here (Otto, nods): Affirmative. I have already contacted the Canius Minor and.... Suddenly in a bright flash of light, two female bloodhound-sapiens in white lab coats are beamed down (Daisy, excited, waves): Hi y'all! (Flash, happy): Who's got that thar dimensional travelin' device? (Daisy, smiles): My sister and I have been a-workin' on theorical quantum dynamics for years! (Flash, nods): I did my doctorate from M.I.T. on that very subject! Oh, time for some intros! I'm Flash Bloodhound and this is my sister Daisy! We're scientists, in case y'all haven't guessed that by now! QUINN (To Flash): That would be me. Quinn hands over the timer to Flash ARTURO (To Flash and Daisy): You two have to realize that we are only in this dimension for one week and If we miss the wormhole we will have to stay in this dimension for 30 years until the next wormhole is open. WADE: Is there anywhere we can stay while we are here? REMBRANDT: Yeah, we don't want to attract too much attention to ourselves. (Flash, looks at timer): I'll need to take this to my lab to git a good look at it. I know y'all's time here is short, so we'll work fast. Quinn, since you're the one that created this thing in the first place, you better come with me. (Daisy, smiles): And we'll need the Professor's help as well. Hope y'all don't mind coming with us to our space ship. (Samantha, worried): But what if they don't want to be beamed up there, Miss Daisy, ma'am? (Flash, still looks at the timer): We could go to dad's lab here at Headquarters. I'm sure he's got all the tools we need (Starlight, nods): Affirmative. (Otto, sternly): If you four humans are in need of lodging facilities, we could find appropriate living quarters within the confines of Road Rover Headquarters. (Samantha, brightens): That's right! It's almost like a small city down here! ARTURO (to Flash): As long as your Father doesn't mind us being in his lab I think it should be fine. QUINN: Let's get started, then. REMBRANDT: Hey, Q-Ball once you and the Professor are done for the night come back to the room that Otto and Sam are saving for us. QUINN: All right. Quinn and Arturo follow Daisy and Flash to Professor Herbert's lab. WADE (To Otto): Since you know your way around here can you lead us to our rooms? OTTO: Certainly, Wade. Follow me. Wade and Rembrandt follow Otto and Sam to the room where they along with Professor Arturo and Quinn will be staying for the week. Meanwhile, Quinn, Arturo, Flash and Daisy arrive at Professor Bloodhound’s lab. There are papers scattered on his desk but Professor Herbert isn't in the lab at the moment. ARTURO: Flash, Is your father always this disorganized? FLASH: Well, he ain't always. QUINN: It looks like we have a long night ahead of us so let's get going. During the night Quinn, Arturo, Flash and Daisy work on the timer. After a few hours Quinn and Arturo retire to their room. They meet Wade and Rembrandt there. REMBRANDT: So, Q-Ball, are we going home? QUINN: Suprisingly, yes. ARTURO: I must say I am impressed at the work that those two ladies did. WADE: Well, Let's get some sleep. Silding can really take it out of you sometimes. ARTURO: I agree Miss Wells, let's get some well deserved rest. The Sliders go to bed for the night. Quinn wakes up during the middle of the night. QUINN (Thinking to himself): I know that those Road Rovers are trying to help but they don't understand the risk of us going home. After all, I know one of us is holding a Kromagg tracking device inside one of our bodies. If we go home we are risking our home earth with an invasion by the Kromaggs and there are others that might use sliding for evil purposes. The scene switches to an underground base in the mountains of Northern California. General Parvo and The Groomer are planning their next destruction of the Road Rovers scheme. PARVO:I have it Groomer! My next plan to destroy the Road Rovers. GROOMER:What is it my General? PARVO: My plan is to... Before Parvo can finish his sentence an orange wormhole opens in the middle of the ceiling and a human woman falls out of the wormhole. She has a gun in her right hand. She also has a makeshift bandage on her head covering some kind of wound. She looks like she is knocked out but Parvo and the Groomer think she is dead. PARVO: Well,Well,Well. Who do we have here? An intruder, perhaps? GROOMER: I think she could use a trim. Groomer walks towards the woman with different cutting implements. All of a sudden the woman grabs Groomer by the throat and puts the barrel of her gun into Groomers mouth. WOMAN (Angry): CUT ONE HAIR OFF MY BODY AND YOU'RE DEAD! PARVO (Coughing): Ah I see she is still alive. Lozenge! The Groomer gives Parvo a Lozenge stopping his coughing. The woman is at the main computer. PARVO: HEY! DON'T TOUCH THAT! A map of the earth appears on the screen. Two blinking circles appear. One in the Nevada Desert and One in Northern California. WOMAN: DAMN! They are already here! PARVO: I don't understand, who's 'They'? GROOMER: And what those circles represent? WOMAN: The circles represent wormholes that have been opened in the last 24 hours and "They" are Quinn Mallory and His Sliders. PARVO: Wormholes? Sliders? What in the devil are you talking about? WOMAN: I see I will have to educate you then. That orange vortex you saw on your ceiling was a wormhole connecting to another alternate universe. The Sliders are a group of four humans that travel through alternate universes trying to find their way home. I've gone throughout the multiverse finding them and now that I have found them I will have my revenge! PARVO: It sounds like you have a grudge against them. WOMAN: Who wouldn't if one of them shot you in the forehead. GROOMER (Whispering to Parvo): My General, this Sliding technique might be an advantage. Think about it, we could invade a universe where the Road Rovers don't exist. PARVO (Whispering back to Groomer): Yes, Groomer. This might be the big chance we have been waiting for. Parvo walks behind the woman. PARVO: This traveling through alternate universes interests me. Perhaps we should work together. WOMAN: What will be in it for me? PARVO: We'll get those "Sliders" off your back and you can send the Road Rovers to an inhospitable Universe. In a sense it's like killing two birds with one stone! WOMAN: So if I scratch your back you'll scratch mine. PARVO: Yes, that's it. I'm curious, what is your name? St. CLARE: Clare, Logan St. Clare. Later in the night, Quinn is asleep while all of a sudden with a BOOM! someone came into the room. The figure grabbs Quinn and teleports out of the room. Later in a dark room Quinn is being held in some kind of jail cell. Quinn finally wakes up and sees two Cano-Mutants guarding the door. The door opens and General Parvo walks into the jail cell. PARVO: So Quinn Mallory, we finally meet. QUINN (Groggy): Where am I and how did you know my name? PARVO: Let's just say I've met one of your acquaintances that you've met in your travels. QUINN: Acquaintance? The door opens up and very familar face comes in. QUINN (Shocked): No...It can't be. LOGAN ST. CLARE! YOU'RE THE ONE BEHIND THIS! St. CLARE: Yes, Quinn. I was trapped traveling across universes like you and now I shall get what I want. QUINN: I won't tell you anything. St. CLARE: I don't expect you to, Mallory. QUINN: What? PARVO: You're simply the bait. QUINN: Bait? For what? St. CLARE: Oh, You'll see soon enough. Soon those Road Rovers will have to get used to their new alternate home. Parvo and St. Clare leave the room. QUINN (Thinking): They are both going to obviously invade alternate universes and get rid of the Road Rovers! I have to escape and tell Wade and the others. The Next Morning the rest of the Sliders awake. WADE: Has anyone seen Quinn? ARTURO: This is indeed strange. Where could he be? REMBRANDT (Finds Quinn's Bed): I think I know what happened. The Sheets on Quinn's bed along with various broken items on the floor near his bed show evidence of a fight. ARTURO: Is the Timer still here? Wade finds the timer under Quinn's bed. It's red LED numbers say 06 days 12 hours 35 minutes 15 seconds. WADE: Yes it is, Professor. Looks live we have time to find Quinn. REMBRANDT: I think we'll need help. Later the three remaning Sliders walk where Otto, Sam, and Starlight along with Some of the Road Rovers are sitting at a table talking. SAMANTHA: I see you three are up. REMBRANDT (Pointing to Colleen): Sam, Is that your twin sister or something? SAMANTHA (Chuckles): No, Rembrandt that's actually Colleen one of the original Road Rovers. (Pointing to Blitz and Exile): And they are Blitz and Exile. COLLEEN: So you're those "Sliders" that Otto and Sam were talking about. I thought there were four of you. STARLIGHT: This is indeed strange. Where is Quinn Mallory? ARTURO: We believe that he's been Kidnapped. SAMANTHA: Oh no! OTTO: Strange, I'm also detecting one of Uncle Burford's "Black Boxes" Has been stolen as well. STARLIGHT: It could be possible that these two crimes might be connected. OTTO: Affirmitive, Uncle Burford said that the theif was female but the assailant teleported away before he could get a good look at her. BLITZ: Why should I even waste my time rescuing someone who... Arturo grabs Blitz by his collar. ARTURO (Angry, yelling): Quinn is like a son to me and we never leave anyone behind. So you have to stop thinking about yourself so much that you don't even care if someone's life is at stake you blistering egotistical idiot! Now you are going to not make any more insults to Quinn or I will have to pummel you repeatly, Is that understood!? BLITZ (Afraid): All Right, All Right Just don't hurt me! COLLEEN: Couldn't have said it better myself, Professor. OTTO: I've detected Quinn's signature in an area of Northern California. STARLIGHT: I'll teleport us there now. With a loud BOOM! Otto, Sam, Starlight along with the Sliders, Colleen, Blitz and Exile are teleported to an forested area in northern California. Meanwhile, in the secret GEN-PAR base. Quinn is pacing around his cell thinking of a way to escape. The two Cano-Mutants are watching him closely. CANO-MUTANT 1: Look at that human walking around like a caged animal. CANO-MUTANT 2: Yeah, makes you think about how they used treat us. QUINN: Hey, I never did anything to you two! CANO-MUTANT 1: Yeah, YOU didn't but your kind did! CANO-MUTANT 2: Should we really put one person accountable for a crime that he didn't do? CANO-MUTANT 1: OF COURSE WE CAN! CANO-MUTANT 2: NO WE CAN'T! As the two Cano-Mutants argue Quinn overloads the circuts that control the door and the door opens. Quinn runs towards the exit. CANO-MUTANT 1: HEY! He's escaping! The Two Cano-Mutants chase after Quinn. Quinn finds a fire extinguisher and he sprays it at the Cano-Mutants. CANO-MUTANT 2: I can't see! When the smoke clears Quinn isn't there. CANO-MUTANT 1: Where did he go? CANO-MUTANT 2: Oh, Great! Parvo is going to have our butts when he finds out! Meanwhile, Quinn is in the ventlation shaft crawling to find a way out. Otto, Sam, Starlight and the others are in a hallway near where Quinn is. BLITZ: Did you see how I bit those tooshies of the Cano-Mutant Weaklings. I'm the best Road Rover there is and... ARTURO (Angry, Yelling): WILL YOU SHUT UP, YOU BLISTERING IDIOT! I CAN'T STAND YOUR INCONHERENT BLATHERING!! EXILE: Bolshoi! Comrade Arturo is madder than angry wolf on cold Siberian night. REMBRANDT: Ummmm Yeah, what he said. STARLIGHT: I'm detecting Quinn, He is nearby. WADE: Where is he? Quinn looks out a wireopening in the shaft and sees Arturo, Wade, Remmy and a few of the Road Rovers Sam, Otto, Starlight and three he didn't recognize. He feels the wire opening weaken because of his weight. Quinn falls to the ground right in front of Wade, Arturo and the others. WADE: Quinn! You're all right! ARTURO: Good to see your safe, Mr. Mallory. REMBRANDT: Nice to see you again, Q-Ball. QUINN (Coughing): Yeah, good to see you guys too. Do you guys still have the timer? Wade takes out the timer and gives it to Quinn. It's red LED numbers say 6 days 11 hours 30 minutes and 12 seconds OTTO: This is indeed one mystery. SAMANTHA: Yeah, what would Parvo want with you Quinn? QUINN: I don't think Parvo is the one who would want some thing from me. REMBRANDT: Oh Man, don't tell me Q-Ball that wacky maniac female double of you is here isn't she? QUINN: Yep. BLITZ: Excuse me , can some please explain to me what is going on here? ARTURO (to Blitz): I don't think you have the intelligence to understand. BLITZ: Of course I would understand, I'm the smartest Road Rover there is. QUINN: Ok, If you're so smart then tell me the exact way an Einstein-Rosen bridge conncects two alternate dimensions, how the bridge is able to stay in place and how much energy is required to open one of these "Bridges"? BLITZ: Ummm...ok..it's...uhhhhh.....I almost have it........ ARTURO (Whispering to Quinn): How long do you think he'll take to figure that out Mr. Mallory? QUINN (Whispering to Arturo): I'm guessing that a century isn't long enough for his brain to figure that out. OTTO: Quinn, please explain to us who this "Double" of you is? QUINN: Her name is Logan St. Clare and she came from an Earth where there are mega cities but there are less natural resources there than our home Earth due to overpopulation and the quick drain by the already Large cities. She tried to create Sliding technology in order to steal additional resources from alternate Earths but we stopped her and she's been sliding from dimension to dimension like us. ARTURO: And during her experiments killed my double in the process. WADE: We never thought she would rear her ugly head near us again. SAMANTHA: But then why would she be working with Parvo? QUINN (Pointing to the Rovers): Because she is planning to send you guys to an alternate universe. COLLEEN (Shocked): Blimey! EXILE (Shocked): Bolshoi! BLITZ (Shocked, Scared): No, I don't want to go to another universe! Who knows who or what could live in one of them? OTTO: Based on the widely accepted theories anything could exist in any number of universes. BLITZ: That's not helping Computer Boy! STARLIGHT: In any case we have to stop them! REMBRANDT: But how? QUINN: I have a plan. Later, The Rovers and Sliders reach the main room where Parvo, The Groomer, and St. Clare are commanding their plans. PARVO: Ah, Rovers I was expecting you and you brought your new friends from an alternate universe. Now what did you call yourselves? Gliders? ARTURO: It's Sliders you blistering Idiot! PARVO: In any case you won't survive this. NOW! Somekind of Emmiter appears and fires a laser. A red wormhole opens with lightning sparking around it and it has a strong gravational pull. The Rovers and Sliders are being sucked in. GROOMER (To herself): Well what do you know. It looks like that dumb redhead has done the impossible. St. CLARE: What did you call me?! GROOMER: Nothing. The Sliders are continuing to be sucked in to the wormhole. QUINN: NOW OTTO! Otto fires his eye lasers at the Emmiter and it explodes. The wormhole dissapears. QUINN: Looks like we have you beaten. PARVO: NO! How can this be?!? St. CLARE: Don't worry I've got a backup plan. St. Clare presses a button and a extremly powerful magnet under the floor activates. She also activates the Lockdown and Self-Destruct mechenisims. Otto and Starlight go straight to the floor with a WUMP! VOICE: Self destruct sequence has been activated. The base will self destruct in 2 minutes. PARVO: HOW IS THIS A BACKUP PLAN!?!? WE'LL BE DESTROYED! HOW DO WE ESCAPE!?! St. Clare punches Parvo knocking him out. ST. CLARE: You know the old saying "He who runs away Lives to fight another day.". St. Clare opens a orange wormhole using her timer and throws Parvo into it. She grabbs the Groomer. GROOMER: HEY! LET GO OF ME! St. CLARE: Too Bad! St Clare pushes The Groomer into the wormhole. St. Clare turns to the Rovers. St. CLARE: Looks like I get the honor of shooting one of you. St. Clare points her gun at Otto. St. CLARE: It seems that I get to shoot that mechanical dog of yours. St. Clare fires but Samantha moves in front of the bullet to protect Otto. The bullet gets lodged in her collar and small electric bolts come out of it. St. CLARE: DAMN! St. Clare enters the wormhole and the wormhole closes. EXILE: Comrade Otto can you get us out of here?! OTTO: The powerful Magnetic feild is interfering with my teleportation targeting systems. STARLIGHT: It's affecting Mine as well. SAMANTHA: My collar's teleportaion mechanisims are still working but I can only teleport three of us. COLLEEN: But then who.....? With a BOOM! Colleen, Exile, and Blitz are a few dozen miles outside of the base. COLLEEN: Blimey! Sam saved us! EXILE: Comrade Sam made a sacafice to save us. Soon the base explodes in sort of a minature nuclear explosion covering only 4 miles. COLLEEN: Oh my God. Soon the Jet Rover lands nearby. Hunter, Shag and Muzzle come out of the Jet Rover. Blitz rushes to Hunter. BLITZ (Talking very fast): HunterthankGodyou'rehere.FirstthesefourpeoplecamethroughawormholeandthenoneofthemgotcapturedthenwewentintoParvosbaseandthenwewerefasedwithacrazywomanthatcamefromananternateuniversethenaweirdwormholecameoutanewewerebeingdraggedintoitthenottofiredhislasereyebeamsatthedeviceandthenparvoandgroomerandthatweirdwomanescapedthroughawhurlingworholethenwewereteleportedawayfromthebaseandthenthebaseexplodedwithOttoSamandStarlightandthosefourotherguysstillinside. HUNTER: Whoa, Blitz! Calm down. Now expain what happened here. Slowly this time. SHAG: Rah Ralm Rown, Rlitz. Blitz, Colleen, and Exile explained what happened there. With a loud BOOM! Ameila, Otto Jr, and Emily appear. AMEILA: Where are our parents and Starlight? OTTO JR.: They were not at Road Rover Mission Control when we arrived. COLLEEN (Sighs,Sadly): They were in one of Parvo's bases when it exploded. EMILY (Sadly): NOOOOO! MOTHER! FATHER! STARLIGHT! EXILE: They were the best comrades ever. They sacrificed their lives to saveski ours. Emily is sobbing. Then she suddenly gets up. EMILY: Wait a minute. Emily teleported with a BOOM! to RRMC. She runs into Daisy and Flash. DAISY: Where are you running off to Emily? EMILY: I need your data on the modifications you made to the Sliders' device. FLASH: Well sure you can git a look at it but why? EMILY (Happy): Thank you! Emily is at Professor Hubert's lab. On the screen are two distinct energy waves. A Loud BOOM! is heard as Otto Jr., Ameila are teleported there. AMEILA: Sister, What are you doing? EMILY: I'm comparing the two distinct energy patterns I detected before the base Self-Desturcted. OTTO JR.: What do you hope to find? One of the waves starts to overlap the expected simulated wave Daisy and Flash took. The two match perfectly. Daisy and Flash enter the room. DAISY: Emily, what are you doin..... FLASH: Wait a minute here. Our modifications worked! EMILY: I knew it! AMEILA: Knew what, Emily? EMILY (Happy, Glad): Mother, Father and Starlight aren't dead! OTTO JR.: This does not compute. How can they be not dead? EMILY: Don't you see! Those four people saved our parent's and Starlight's lives. FLASH: Then that can only mean...... EMILY: That they are out there.......... somewhere. Meanwhile on an alternate Earth in an Alternate Universe. The Sliders and Otto, Sam and Starlight are in an alleyway in a city. Otto is unconsious he slowly awakens. OTTO: What has transpired since my blackout? ARTURO: Well, It seemes that we saved your lives, Otto. WADE: Yeah, you can thank Quinn for that. REMBRANDT: How are you doing, Otto? OTTO: Slight pains in the upper skull but I am undamaged in any other areas. REMBRANDT: What? ARTURO: He has a headache Mr. Brown. SAMANTHA (Happy): Otto! You're all right! Samantha hugs Otto. Quinn and Starlight come into view. ARTURO: How long until we next Slide? QUINN: About 2 days 12 hours. SAMANTHA: Are we on your home Earth, Quinn? QUINN: Well, no. STARLIGHT: The planet is inhabited by what can be only described as centaurs. ARTURO: Impossible! Centaurs are only myth. REMBRANDT: Well we are going to stick out like sore thumbs. Unless any of you have a plan. STARLIGHT: And indeed I do, Rembrandt. Starlight waves her hands in the air and the group are now centaurs. Quinn, Wade, Arturo, and Rembrandt are the normal mythcal Centaurs with human torsos an equine lower bodys. Otto and Sam are Cano-Taurs (Centaurs with the upper body of a Cano-Sapien and the lower body of a normal dog but much larger than normal and they have paws instead of hooves at the ends of their legs) and Starlight is an Equine-Taur (A centuar with the upper body of a Equine-Sapien and the lower body of a normal horse). QUINN (Looks down at his modified body): Well, this is new. ARTURO (Falls over trying to get up.): This will take some getting used to. REMBRANDT: At least it's only for two days. Will you at least change us back before we have to go, Starlight? STARLIGHT: Of course, Rembrandt. OTTO: I suggest we find lodging facilities. QUINN: Already ahead of you Otto. We'll all go to the Chancellor Hotel or it's equalivent double in this universe. SAMANTHA: Isn't there a way to get to your home Earth, Quinn? QUINN: Well, not any more. ARTURO: You see when we forwarded the timer to activate the Wormhole to save your lives as well as our own the coordinates to our Home got erased from the timer and your coordiantes got erased as well. SAMANTHA: I guess that means we're stuck Sliding with you. OTTO: You are correct, Samantha. Seeing as there is no other alternative we have to stay with them. QUINN: All right, let's go. Quinn, Wade, Arturo, Rembrandt, Otto, Sam and Starlight walkout of the alley. THE END................... OR IS IT A NEW BEGINNING?