Road Rovers: The Iron Fist Episode 12: Business Unusual By Gerhard Naudé All Road Rover names © Warner Brothers and rightful owners. Striker, Illanov, Trigger, Malcolm, Oqulus and all others related to the KH Military © Gerhard Naudé Strayers © Steven Today Nitro, Dixie © Amanda Stephenson Huntress, Silver © Greywolf Lupous Outlaw, Saphire © Greg Williams DJ © Jake Williams Any question, comments, complaints, feedback or suggestions can be sent to Kitchen, Road Rover Mission Control, 9 Augusts, 8:07 AM: Some of the Rovers have already come to eat. Shag is, as usual, making the breakfast. At a table Striker and Illanov were busy eating. Striker was dipping a dog biscuits in a cup of coffee. He eats it. Striker:"These biscuits aren't so bad when dipped in coffee." Illanov:"Good thing comrade Shag serves human food here too." Striker:"Yes. I can still remember that first time you tried to eat dogfood." Illanov:"Dah. It was awful!" Striker:"I can still see you running to the bathroom, so sick you were. in fact, you were so sick that you had to go to the infirmary." Illanov:"You were born a dog, not a human like me." Striker whispers to himself. Striker:"That's what he thinks." Illanov looks confused at Striker. Illanov:"Come again, comrade?" Striker:"You think this is bad? I ate worse food than this." Illanov:"Like what?" Striker:"Well, let's just say I had very serious stomach problems for a week." Illanov:"Oh. It was THAT bad." Striker:"Correct." Just then two couples walk in. Hunter and Colleen; Bear and Nitro. They are followed by Blitz, Exile, Amani, Puffball and Silver. They take their dishes and sit down. Silver looks at Striker and Illanov, who have just finished eating. Silver:"My. Aren't we early, again." Striker:"Hey! In the EDF you had to get up at any given time." Illanov:"Dah! And being in the Russian Army getting up early for breakfast is normal for me, comrade." They all sit down at the tables. Hunter and Colleen look lovingly at each other. Hunter:"In all my life I've never seen someone as beautiful as you, Colleen." Colleen:"I feel the same way to you, Huntie Wuntie." They kiss each other passionately. Bear and Nitro watch them and then notice Striker and Illanov looking at Hunter and Colleen as well. Bear:"Hey. Striker. Illanov." Striker and Illanov turn to Bear. Striker, Illanov:"Yes?" Bear:"I'm curious. Do the two of you have any chicks on your minds?" Striker and Illanov look confused at each other, then at Bear. Illanov:"Poultry? What are you talking about?" Striker:"We're not farmers." Bear:"No. No. No. I meant babes." Striker and Illanov look even confused at each other again, then back at Bear. Striker, Illanov:"Come again?" Nitro:"He asked if you two were in love with one of the females." Striker, Illanov:"No." Bear:"Okay. Are you in love with some else?" Striker, Illanov:"No." Bear:"Are you in love with anyone?" Striker, Illanov:"No." Bear:"Have you ever been in love?" Striker:"No." Illanov:"Yes." Blitz:"So much for synchrony." Bear turns to Striker. Bear:"You mean you have never experienced the joys of love?" Striker:"No." Bear:"Can you give any other answer besides no?" Striker:"Yes." Dixie and Huntress walk into the room. Huntress has a wrapped magazine. Dixie:"Morning, everyone." Everyone but Nitro greets her. Huntress goes over to Shag. Huntress:"Here, Shag. This month's copy of 'Species Magazine'." Shag:"Rhank rhu." Huntress:"My pleasure." Shag puts the magazine to one side and begins to wash the dishes. Bear and Nitro look at each other and kiss. Dixie sees this, a single tear rolls down her cheek. Illanov sees this and turns to Exile, who was sitting next to him. Illanov:"What is wrong with comrade Dixie?" Exile:"She is sadski. She loved Bear, but he married Nitro instead of her. That broke her hearstki." Illanov:"Oh. Bear didn't love Dixie, but loved Nitro. Pity." Bear hears what Illanov says, stops kissing and turns to him. Bear:"That isn't entirely true. I still love Dixie, but just I love Nitro more. She's my world. My reason for living. Dixie is just my best friend. I still care for her." Striker:"Ja, and I'm Nelson Mandela." Amani:"Come on, Striker. The fact that she lost out on love is very hard on her." Striker:"I don't give a tinker's cuss about her love life." Silver:"Well you never feel in love and got dumped." Striker:"And I am glad about it. I have bigger problems on my mind and I don't have time to run after females." While they were talking Shag had opened the magazine wrapping and was busy looking over the front cover. He gasps, then turns to the others and mumbles something. Hunter:"What's that, you say? You got something to show us?" Shag:"Rha." Shag shows the magazine to the others. On the cover is Malcolm along with the words "Business wolf makes billions. Species Magazine exclusive interview with CEO billionaire Malcolm. Special double section inside". Huntress takes the magazine, opens it and reads. Huntress:"The wolf-sapien CEO of Malcolm Industries, Malcolm, has become the richest creature on the planet. His company now controls a huge portion of world trade and other business holdings. It's total value is believed to be around one trillion dollars!" Everyone "Ooooo's" except Striker. He isn't surprised. Hunter:"Man, he's quite the wolf." Colleen:"A trillion dollars? Blimey! He can keep the KH Military funded for decades!" Striker:"Knowing him, the only thing that surprises me is that he has actually gone public with his company. Other than that, the fact that he's so rich is what one expects from Malcolm." Bear:"What else does it say, Huntress?" Huntress:"Malcolm recently had the company headquarters built in Hong Kong. This building, which is the highest in the world, is now the powerhouse of world trade and also the office of Malcolm." Everyone looks at each other. Nitro:"This guy is really going for the big-time." Huntress:"Fellas! Look at this picture!" Huntress shows a double-paged picture showing Malcolm seated in his office. To his left is Oqulus and to his right, to the Rovers' surprise, is Ross Dole (from "Fur of Dog, Skin of Human, Heart of Hero") and his side-kicks: Beast, Research, Bridgett Valvs and Doug Williamson. Oqulus is wearing a blue mechanised suit with the company logo on it so that it resembles a police uniform. This is a Police Trooper suit. Puffball:"What Ross doing with Malcolm?" Huntress reads again. Huntress:"To the left is Malcolm's trusty right hand, Lieutenant-Commander Oqulus. To the right is his newly hired finance agent, Ross Dole, who is also a well known enemy to the Road Rovers." Amani:"So that's what happened to Ross. Old Malcolm signed him up as an employee in his company." Bear:"At least we know now where he is. He needs to go back to jail." Voice:"You're right, Bear." The Master appears in the doorway. Master:"Ross needs to recaptured and taken to prison. If Malcolm wanted to, Bear, he would tell Ross about your real identity and about your family." Colleen:"It would also mean that he can run for president. He has the financial support for it. He would just buy votes to win the election." Striker:"And if he becomes president, it will allow the KH Military to make a claim on the military power of the US. As a result, they will be able to launch massive military operations against other nations." Silver:"A nasty mix that has a really foul smell to it." Master:"Rovers. Strayers. You must go to Hong Kong and capture Ross and, if possible, Malcolm as well. We cannot let them work together like this." Bear:"Seems like we're about to go on a business trip. Let's go!" Hunter:"Let's roll, Rovers!" They all go to the hangar. Surface, 8:23 AM: The crater door opens and the Pack Rover flies into the open and off to Hong Kong. Outskirts of Hong Kong, China, 8:57 AM: The Pack Rover has landed in a remote part of Hong Kong. The Street Rover, the Rhino, the Cyclborg and Sylvia are driving on road through the hills. No far off is the city skyline. One building that stands out is Malcolm Industries' office building. It is a large round tower with the letters MI placed at the top. Hunter, Colleen, Blitz, Shag and Exile is in the Street Rover; Nitro and Bear on the Cycleborg; Puffball, Amani and Dixie in Sylvia; Striker, Illanov, Huntress, Silver and Muzzle in the Rhino. Hunter:"Here we come, Hong Kong!" Amani:"Look at that building. Malcolm sure does have good taste." Blitz:"Yah. I can't to go in and bite his puny business toosh. He's no match for my marvellous muscles." Illanov:"Comrade Blitz. Control yourself!" Exile:"Dah! I agreeski with comrade Illanov. We're on business trip, not an all-you-can-bite tour." Bear:"Also, if Striker's right, that tower is probably packed with KH Police Troopers just waiting to throw us out or shoot us if we come in uninvited." Blitz:"Okay. I just remember that I left my tooshie-biting bouquet in the Pack Rover. Maybe I should go back and get it." Silver:"I don't think we can. Look behind us." Everyone looks behind them. Three black Ospreys (a large helicopter with two propeller engines on the tips of the wing) comes flying towards them. Striker:"Ai yai yai! It's the Hong Kong Mafia!" Everyone else:"The Mafia?!" Striker:"Yes, only they fly black helicopters like that!" Hunter:"Yet another unexpected twist. Bummer." The Ospreys close in and the side doors open. There are manned machine gun turrets that take aim and begin to open fire. They pass over, poking nasty holes into the Street Rover and Sylvia. Amani:"My poor truck! She's already been taking more bullets ever since we started fighting the KH Military!" Striker takes out his Sonic Rifle and fires at one Osprey. The blast isn't powerful enough to bring it down, but the impact shatters all the glass windshields. Amani takes her Petri Pistol and fires at the pilot. He is instantly stunned. The helicopter flies out of control down the side of the hill. It crashes into a tanker parked in a parking lot and explodes. The driver of the truck comes out of a nearby building and screams. Driver:"AARGG!!! MY TRUCK!!!" Amani shouts at him. Amani:"Sorry! My fault!" The two other Ospreys make another pass over the Rovers. Exile fires his ice beam at one's machine gun. It is frozen, then shatters into a thousand ice crystals. The Osprey backs off a short distance. The other one closes in on the Cycleborg. Nitro takes her helmet off, takes a deep breath and unleashes her Banshee Howl. Inside the Osprey everything begins to vibrate. Seconds later the helicopter begins to come apart. It rapidly loses altitude and crashes into a sign showing an advertisement for catfood. The Osprey and the sign explodes into flames. Colleen:"Nice one, Nitro." Hunter:"Go girl!" Nitro:"Just doing my part." Puffball:"But Puffball like catfood." The third Osprey comes closer and stops above the Street Rover. Two men dressed in black suits and carrying machine guns climb down to the Rovers with ropes. The Osprey then goes to the Sylvia, drops off two more and then stops again over the Rhino. Silver fires an electrical shock through her fingers at one engine. It explodes into fire and the Osprey flies away, leaving a trail of thick black smoke. Silver impersonates the Mask. Silver:"Sssssssssmokin'!" On Sylvia's back the two men prepare to fire, but Dixie freezes them with her Petri Pistol. Amani:"Puffball, get rid of those two hitch-hikers." Puffball:"My pleasure, mistress." Puffball climbs out, takes both men in each and prepares to throw them off. Suddenly she transforms back to her normal feline self and drops the two back onto the truck. Dixie:"I hate it when she does that." Dixie climbs out while Puffball jumps back in. Dixie manages to throw one off, but when she tries to throw the second one off he recovers and begins to struggle with Dixie for the gun. Meanwhile on the Street Rover the two men are confronted by Colleen. She makes a few karate moves before kicking one of the men into the air. Colleen:"Microsoft!" On Sylvia the other gangster has gotten his gun and was aiming it at Dixie, who was lying on her back. Gangster:"Eat lead, Strayer!" Just then the gangster Colleen sent flying crashes into him and they both fall off the truck. On the Street Rover the other gangster manages to dodge most of Colleen's moves. Shag takes out a bottle of mustard and pours some on the roof. Colleen forces the gangster to move back onto the mustard. He slips and does some fancy arobatic moves before falling off. Amani just dodges him, but the Rhino doesn't. Inside Striker, Silver, Illanov, Huntress and Muzzle feel a large bump. They look back, then at each other. Illanov:"Ouch." Huntress:"I'd say double ouch." Silver:"Ether way, he's roadkill now." Dixie and Colleen climb back into their vehicles. Nitro:"That was refreshing." Exile:"What's getting my billy goat gruff is how come Mafia attacked us." Everyone thinks for a moment. Everyone but Striker:"Striker!" Striker:"Aikona! I may have a dark past and a number of enemies, but the Mafia has absolutely nothing whatever to do with me! I swear!" Hunter:"It's probably Malcolm's idea. I think he bribed the Mafia into attacking us." Bear:"Yeah. They'd do anything for money, but we must capture Ross no matter what." They continue towards the city. Malcolm's Office, Malcolm Industries Tower, Hong Kong, at that moment: Malcolm is watching the Rovers and Strayers through a mounted telescope. He is seated in a chair behind his desk. Behind him is Oqulus. Malcolm sighs. Malcolm:"Never send Mafia gangsters to do a simple military operation." Oqulus:"They failed, sir?" Malcolm:"I'm afraid so." Malcolm stops looking through the telescope and turns to Oqulus. Malcolm:"Oqulus. Alert all the Police Troopers in this building." Oqulus:"Yes, sir." Oqulus walks out of the office. A female secretary walks into his office. He turns to her. Secretary:"Excuse me, sir." Malcolm:"Yes?" Secretary:"Some is calling you from your yacht." Malcolm:"My yacht, you say?" Secretary:"Yes, sir. Line one." Malcolm takes out his cellular phone, presses a button and answers it. Malcolm:"Hello?...Oh, General Trigger. What are you doing here?" He looks out to the harbour. There his yacht, The Corporation, and two KH missile destroyers is anchored near the shore. Missile destroyers are just like US destroyers with a number of modifications. Office, The Corporation: This is an high tech office on the yacht. General Trigger is standing here also holding a cellular phone. Trigger:"The Supreme General has sent me to assist you in getting rid of these Road Rovers." Malcolm:"That's good because I just had the displeasure of watching them get rid of the Mafia Ospreys and now they're heading towards me." Trigger:"Don't worry. We have way of getting rid of these busybodies once and for all." Malcolm:"Speaking of busybodies do you what that rat Ross Dole did?" Trigger:"I'm all ears." Trigger and Malcolm continue to talk. Malcolm Office, MI Tower, a few minutes later: Malcolm:"Great idea. I'll get there as soon as possible...See you later." Oqulus comes back into the office just as Malcolm puts away his phone. He turns to Oqulus Malcolm:"Oqulus. We need to do an important job to catch the Rovers and the Strayers. Let me explain." Oqulus listens to what Trigger's plan is. City Streets, Hong Kong, 9:21 AM: The streets are busy with cars, trucks and pedestrians of all kind. The Rovers and Strayers stop at an intersection, the red lights against them. The Cyclborg is in front of the others. Suddenly Malcolm's limo drives before them. Cyc:"Bear. The occupants of that limo is Oqulus, Malcolm and Ross, though there is something strange with Ross." Bear:"Never mind that." Bear radios the others. Bear:"Guys! Malcolm and Ross is that limo that just passed!" Hunter:"Well then, let's roll!" They prepare to go, but Cyc refuses. Cyc:"Sorry, Bear. The lights are against us. I cannot go." Bear:"I insist, Cyc! Ignore the lights and let's go after Malcolm!" Cyc:"No, Bear. I will not break the law." Bear sighs. Nitro:"Why did Hubert make the Cyclborg to do this?" Bear:"I just don't know." Striker:"Bear! What's going on?!" Bear:"Cyc doesn't want to go until the lights go green." Striker:"What?! He must be crazy!" The others roll their eyes. Colleen:"Now I know how frustrated New York cabbies feel." The lights go green. The Cyclborg, the Street Rover, Sylvia and the Rhino take off full speed after Malcolm limo. Soon they catch up with it. Exile puts his head out the window and fires a heat beam at the tires, but they don't burst. Exile:"What takes?" Colleen presses a button and on a small screen appear the words "Tire material: asbestos". Hunter:"Asbestos tires. Cool." From one of the streets three black BMW's appear behind the Rovers. The occupants produce pistols and machines guns. They open fire. Hunter:"Mafia BMW's. Cool." One BMW pulls up next to the Street Rover and their occupants aim their guns at the Rovers. Blitz opens the window next to him and looks at them. Blitz:"Those tires aren't approved by the AA. You shouldn't be using them." Blitz claws at one tire and pops it. The car swerves off the road and into a fountain statue, demolishing it. Nearby an angry French painter, who was busy painting the fountain, throws his brush on the ground. Painter:"Mamma mia! The scenery! She's a ruined!" He takes the painting to the BMW driver, who has just climbed out, and smashes it over his head, knocking him out. Painter:"Some people have no respect for painters, no?" Meanwhile another BMW closes in on the Rhino. Striker pushes a button and several Blackjack mines are fires at the car. The BMW swerves to avoid the mines, but smashes into the front of a parked garbage truck. During this Malcolm's limo makes a sharp turn at the docks, closely followed by the Rovers and Strayers. Shag takes out a pizza and puts into a large sling. He takes aim and slings the pizza at the BMW, it splatters on the windshield. Unable to see, the BMW leaves the road, smashes the barrier and crashes into the sea. Exile:"Bull's eyeballs, Shagster!" Shag:"Rhar!" They follow Malcolm's limo to the dock warehouses. Most of them had the company logo on it. The limo turns into one of the warehouses. The Rovers and Strayers park out of sight, get out and ready their weapons. They head for the warehouse and enter it. Malcolm and Oqulus have just climb out. Large crates are everywhere. Hunter:"Freeze, Malcolm." Malcolm:"Ah, Hunter. Nice to see you again. We haven't met since our first meeting in St. Martin." Hunter:"Well, this be your last meeting, Malcolm." Blitz:"Yah. You're going to jail along with Ross Dole." Malcolm:"Oh? Him?" Malcolm turns to Oqulus. Malcolm:"Get him out, Oqulus." Oqulus:"Yes, sir." Oqulus goes to the limo and opens the boots. The Rovers and Strayers can hardly believe their eyes. Ross was lying in the boot, bound and gagged. Hunter:"I would not have predicted this." Voice:"That's what happens when you try to play the fool with us." From behind one of the crater appears General Trigger. His helmet is off, revealing his face. Striker:"General Trigger." Trigger:"Correct. Seems like your memory is still with you, Striker." Hunter:"You're one of the generals I saw in my dream in Colombia." Trigger:"Yes, Hunter. I'm General Trigger, commander of the KH Delta Squadron and second-in-command of the KH Military. You really should have heeded our warning we gave you in Colombia." Bear:"Why have tied Ross up like that?" Trigger grins. Trigger:"You'll see..." Suddenly the warehouse doors along with the window shutters close and the lights are turned off. It is pitch dark. Voice:"Get 'em!" The sound of running boots can be heard coming towards the Rovers and Strayers. Hunter:"Watch out!" The sounds of battle can be heard. Colleen:"Backstreet Boys! Aerosmith! REM!" Next follows the sounds of bodies hitting the floor. There is a moment of silence. Voice 1:"He he he. I see it." Voice 2:"Ah, all right. We got them." The sounds fade away. Warehouse, 9:48 AM: A hand is slapping Bear, who is lying unconscious on the floor. Voice:"Come on, Bear. Wake up!" Bear starts to wake up. When he opens his eyes he sees Ross standing over him. Ross:"Finally. I thought you'd never wake up." Bear gets up and quickly looks around. They where all in a cage. Doug, Bridgett, Beast and Research were also trying to wake the others. Bear looks at Ross. Bear:"Tell me I'm dreaming this." Ross:"Sorry, Bear. This isn't a dream, but a nightmare." Soon the others begin to wake up, much to their surprise. Doug:"That's it. Wake up, all." The Rovers and Strayers are quickly awake and alert of what is going on. Silver:"Great. First Parvo, now Ross. Who's next? Saddam Hussein?" Bridgett:"Quit bellyaching, Rover! We're in the same boat here." Blitz:"Ach. This isn't doing any good for my image." Research:"Speak for yourself! What about the rest of us?" Colleen:"Yes, Fluffy. What about the rest of us?" Colleen and Research look at each other. Colleen:"This is not me cup of tea." Research:"Tell me about it." Hunter:"Cool it, gang. We need to find a way out of this place before Trigger decides to do us in." Ross:"For once I agree, Rover." Nitro:"What are doing in here, anyway. I'm mean we saw in species magazine that you were Malcolm's finance agent." Ross:"Yes, I was...until that little incident." Bear:"What incident. Ross hesitates, then continues. Ross:"Well, I was ordered by Malcolm to go into China and steal some warheads for them. They said they pay me one million dollars for each warhead I brought back. Anyway, when we brought the warheads to MI Tower he paid us, but I wanted more." Amani:"So you tried to blackmail him, I suppose?" Ross:"Yes, but Malcolm wasn't stupid. His spies found about my plans and he had Oqulus capture me. When you arrived they used me as bait to lure you into this warehouse." Striker:"Warheads? What does he want nuclear warheads for?" Ross:"They aren't nuclear warheads, but chemical warheads." Illanov:"Chemical, you say? What kind of chemical are they going to use?" Ross:"Actually, they want to trade the warheads." Bear:"With whom?" Ross:"With Matthew Slyness." Bear:"Matt? Where's he?" Ross:"He's somewhere in Australia. He wants to use the warheads to launch his chemical Mutator onto the Migatua Wolf Pack." Nitro gasps. She tries to say something, but Striker quickly interrupts. Striker:"What does the KH Military want for the warheads?" Ross:"They sent Matt to Russia to get them some kind of computer system for the warheads." Amani:"What kind of computer system?" Ross turns to Research. Ross:"What was it called again?" Research:"The GONV computer. That's all we know." Illanov:"What? The GONV?" Everyone looks at Illanov. Ross:"Yeah. You know it?" Illanov:"GONV stands for Global Operations Network Variation. Which of you saw the movie 'WarGames'?" Doug:"I did. I just loved it that movie." Illanov:"Do you remember the name of the computer?" Doug:"Yeah. It's was called WOPR." Bridgett:"Look. What does the WOPR have to do with the GONV?" Illanov:"GONV is the real Russian equivalent of WOPR. Just like WOPR it simulates a global nuclear war, but it also does checking on military forces, co-ordination of military operations and a huge number of other functions." Huntress:"Is it also a giant, sentient, cybernetic hamburger?" Illanov:"Neyt, I've never seen it. But what I don't understand is why Slyness wants to trade the GONV for some warheads." Nitro:"He wants to turn my...the Migatua Wolf Pack into wolf-mutants with which to take over the USA." Illanov:"He must be insane. Those warheads are worth nothing compared to the GONV." Ross:"Is it THAT powerful?" Illanov:"Dah, comrade Ross. So you can just image what the KH Military will do with the GONV." Hunter:"Ross, where are those warheads?" Ross:"If I can remember it correctly, they should be in the MI Tower's basement." Hunter:"So this what we will have to do: get the warheads before they leave Hong Kong, then capture The Admiral before he finds out the true value of the GONV." Bear:"Right. So, Exile. Come and melt these ba...where's Exile?" Everyone looks around. Exile is nowhere to be seen. Ross:"Trigger knew that Exile would melt the bars, so they took him along with them." Huntress:"Bummer. They're really, really good." Beast:"Allow me." Beast walks to the bars, grasps them tightly and then begins to bend them. Soon she creates an opening large enough for everyone to climb out. As soon as they climb out, General Trigger's voice crackles over the warehouse speakers. Trigger:"So you finally decided to get out. Bad for you, good for someone's pets." Suddenly two the crates fall open. Inside one crate there is a very big spider and in another is a giant cockroach. Striker:"Ai yai yai. I have had enough of large spiders already." Amani:"Me too!" Trigger:"Meet Spider and Cockroach, some of Professor Eugene Atwater's friends. They've been 'dying' to say hello to those who hurt their father. Ain't that right, you two?" Spider and Cockroach roar. Trigger:"Thought so. Now, Rovers and Strayers. It's time to put you down permanently. As for you, Mister Dole, it's time to learn the cost of underestimating our power. Spider! Cockroach! Destroy them!" The speakers go dead. Cockroach:"Time to die, Rovers!" Blitz comes up to Hunter. Blitz:"Hunter, is it the right time to scream in terror?" Hunter:"Taking in account certain factors, I would say yes." Blitz:"Thanks." Blitz screams in terror. Spider and Cockroach attack, the Rovers and Strayers scatter in all directions. Spider goes after Colleen while Cockroach follows Ross. Ross sees Doug, Beast, Research and Bridgett hiding behind a crate. Ross:"Don't just stand there, you morons! Help me!!" Doug, Beast, Bridgett:"Yes, sir!" Doug, Beast and Bridgett get up, but stop in their tracks. Doug, Beast, Bridgett:"How?" Ross:"How should I know?!" Meanwhile Colleen is kicking Spider in the face. Colleen:"Kung Fu Fighting!" Just as Colleen lands after another kick, Spider spits a sticky web at Colleen. She is soon stuck. Spider comes up and wraps her into a neat (and strong) pouch, leaving only Colleen's head sticking out. He prepares to sink his teeth, or rather fangs, into Colleen. Spider:"Dog meat. Taste real good." Colleen:"I wouldn't know." Just as spider brings down his fangs Hunter runs super quick to Colleen, picks her up and runs away. Spider's fangs smash into the concrete. Hunter takes Colleen behind a crate next to Shag who then hands him some wire-cutters. He then frees Colleen from the web casing. Colleen:"Thanks, Luv. I thought I was spider food back there." Hunter:"Hey, I'm super caring." Meanwhile Cockroach was still following Ross. Silver, Striker and Illanov are hiding behind some crates nearby. Ross:"Someone help me!" Silver:"Serves you right, Ross! You deserve it!" Striker:"Silver, are charged up with enough energy to shock Cockroach?" Silver:"What?! You're not thinking of saving that scumbag Ross, are you?" Illanov:"Comrade Striker is right. If Ross dies now, we may not know how to get to the warheads." Silver:"Must I?" Striker and Illanov frown at Silver, she sighs. She aims at Cockroach, who has just trapped Ross in a corner. An electrical shock comes from her fingers and strikes Cockroach. He falls to the floor, stunned for a few moments while, Ross runs and hides behind a crate with his side-kicks. He looks coldly at them. Ross:"Well, I certainly can't count you lot to save my skin!" Doug, Beast, Bridgett:"Sorry, sir." Cockroach gets up and then goes to the crate Hunter, Colleen and Shag were hiding behind. He smashes it into the ground. Hunter, Colleen and Shag see Cockroach prepare to strike, they scatter. Cockroach goes after Shag, who is yelping all the way. Spider has also gone into pursuit of Blitz. Blitz is shrieking in terror. Shag comes to a dead end between two crates and a wall. Cockroach comes and prepares to attack. Suddenly Shag gets an idea and takes out a portable CD player. He then places a CD into in and plays it. Mozart can be heard throughout the building. Cockroach and Spider stop what they are doing and become sleepy. Soon they fall asleep. Everyone comes out of hiding, cheering Shag (except Ross and his helpers). Hunter:"Way to go, Shag!" Colleen:"Nice work, guv!" Blitz runs up and hugs Shag. Blitz:"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Shag rolls his eyes (if one could see them). Everyone gathers around at the main warehouse door. Beast and Blitz force the door open. They head to their vehicles that have been hidden from view. Everyone climbs on, only now Dixie is in the Street Rover while Ross and his side-kicks get onto the back of Sylvia. Amani:"First shot at, now having to carry these guys! This sucks!" Hunter:"Okay, boys and girls. We have an important meeting with Malcolm. So, let's roll!" The Rovers and Strayers leave the docks and head for the MI Tower. MI Tower, 10:14 AM: At the entrance of the parking bay a Police Trooper was busy watching TV in his office. Suddenly the Street Rover, Cyclborg, the Rhino and Sylvia smash through the barrier and down into the parking lot. The PT takes his phone and makes a call. Police:"This is parking lot checkpoint four. Unauthorised personnel have entered the building." In his office Malcolm, Trigger and Oqulus was busy interrogating Exile, who was tied to a chair. A pair of dark glasses covered his eyes. Trigger walks over to him. Trigger:"Right then, Exile. Be a good dog and tell us where Road Rover Mission Control is." Exile:"Neverski! I will not betray comrades!" Trigger:"Your comrades are dead, Exile. If you want to live you'd better talk..." Trigger arms his vulcan minigun and aims it at Exile's head. Trigger:"...or else your brains will be all over the walls." Exile:"Neyt! I won't talk!" Trigger:"Stubborn Russkie. You will die." Oqulus' phone rings and he answers it while Trigger prepares to kill Exile. Malcolm grins. Malcolm:"Less competition, eh?" Trigger:"And less oppos..." Oqulus:"WHAT?!! You must be mad!...I...Okay, I'm coming." Oqulus puts his phone away. Malcolm:"What's wrong?" Oqulus:"The Rovers, Strayers and Ross are in the bloody basement!" Malcolm, Trigger:"What?" Oqulus:"They've recovered their weapons and are coming for us!" Malcolm:"Alert all Police Troopers! Tell them to shoot the intruders on sight!" Oqulus:"Yes, sir!" Oqulus runs out of the office. Malcolm opens his desk drawer and pulls out an unusual looking shotgun. It is a silver colour with a few high tech gizmos here and there. He loads several shell-like canisters into the weapon, then arms it. Malcolm:"I always wanted to try this baby out, now I have the chance." Trigger:"Make sure that you cover our escape. Make them think that the warheads are being loaded on the roof." Malcolm:"Yes, sir." Trigger leaves the office. A few minutes later, so does Malcolm. Down in the basement everyone was now armed with a weapon. The Rovers and Strayers go a flight of stairs that lead up to the first floor. They begin to walk up, unbeknown that a Police Trooper was taking aim with his pistol on Hunter. Just as he is about to pull the trigger Bridgett and Doug come up from behind and grab him. The Rovers and the Strayers turn to see what is going on. Doug grabs a pipe and hits the trooper on the head, knocking him out. Ross, Beast and Research appear with a KH pistol each. Ross:"We're coming along with you. We want our money." Bear:"Okay, you can come, but don't try pulling any fast one on us or else we'll let Muzzle go." Ross:"Err...good." They continue up the stairs up until the first floor. Above and unseen to them a Police Trooper has dropped a grenade down the stairs. Hunter comes halfway to the second floor when he sees the grenade fall in front of him. Hunter:"GET BACK!!!" They rush down the stairs just as the grenade goes off. The blast destroys part of the stairway to the second floor. They look at the door that leads to the first floor. Colleen:"Seems like we'll just have to go in the front door." They open the door and walk in. They find themselves in the tower's lobby. There are elevators, potted plants, a very large desk and, in the centre, a large globe above a fountain. There is no one here. Striker:"I don't like this." Hunter smells the air. Hunter:"I smell something peculiar here." Shag takes out a air freshener can and sprays the air around him. Hunter:"No, not you Shag." Shag:"Rho." Bear listens for a few moments, then becomes alarmed. Bear:"Turn back! Quick!" Too late. From behind every article of cover appears Police Troopers. The Rovers and Strayers turn to run, but their escape route is also jammed with Police Troopers. The troopers aim their pistols at them. Oqulus (now wearing a Covert suit) appears on the main stairway with his Lightning Rifle. Oqulus:"Look who we have here. You realise that you don't have an appointment with Malcolm, so I'm authorised to terminate you." Blitz:"But we can't arrange one? Anyway, I'm not with them. I'm the... the...janitor! Yah, that's it! I'm the janitor!" Oqulus:"Oh sure, and the Yeti plays the bagpipes. Squads!" The troopers get ready to fire. Bear looks at Hunter. Bear:"Do you think it's that time again?" Hunter:"I'm afraid so." Muzzle comes jumping up to Hunter. Hunter removes his muzzle. Hunter:"Muzzle 'em!" Muzzle jumps out of his cart and towards the Police Troopers. Police 1:"Yikes." Muzzle is upon them, followed by the screams of the troopers. The Rovers and Strayers look away, with Striker watching as usual. Ross:"Oh yuck!" Doug:"I don't feel good." Police 1:"Hey! Lay off! Those teeth are sharp!" Police 2:"I didn't see this s*** on the contact! YEOW!" Striker:"Pity I don't have a camera with me." Oqulus, seeing the destruction brought on by Muzzle, runs back up the stairs. He takes out his phone and calls for more reinforcements. Meanwhile downstairs Muzzle has just finished off the last trooper. They are all limping, if they can, out of the lobby. After securing Muzzle again the Rovers and Strayers head up the stairs. When they reach the top a knot of troopers awaits in a corridor. They open fire and the Rovers and Strayers duck out sight behind some pillars in the corridor. Shag looks down and sees a carpet that stretches down the corridor. Shag get down to the one end of the carpet, grabs it and starts making huge waves that head to the Troopers. Some of them dodge the wave, but those who aren't fast enough are thrown to their feet. Blitz runs up and claws their weapons into pieces. The troopers begin to walk backwards. Police 3:"I think we should employ the 'hare' manoeuvre." Police 4:"Good idea." The troopers run off, Blitz closely following them. Blitz:"Run, little wolfie girls." Hunter:"Blitz! Come back here!" But Blitz doesn't hear Hunter and soon disappears from sight. Hunter sighs and they continue to the top floor. When they reach another floor a high pitched noise can be heard. Suddenly from the ceiling appears a camera mounted chaingun turret. It then locks onto Huntress, but she quickly runs towards it. She then runs circles around it. The turret tries to lock, but is unable to do so. Huntress readies the Puppy Blast and fires a shot at the turret. The turret blows up, leaving only a piece of twisted metal hanging from the ceiling. After fighting hordes of Police Troopers and turrets they finally get to Malcolm's office. They enter, but find no one inside. Bear's ears perk up. Bear:"I hear the sound of an engine on the roof!" Striker:"He's preparing to leave the building!" Hunter:"Let's go!" Suddenly some of the walls swing open to reveal dozens of Police Troopers. Oqulus and Malcolm appear behind them with a line of Police Troopers in front of them. Malcolm:"You really are annoying, Rovers." Colleen:"Oh we do that all the time, guv." Malcolm:"Well, this will be your last." He snaps his fingers and runs off along with Oqulus. The troopers prepare to fire, but Illanov gets out his EMP jammer and activates it. Soon all the electronic weapons are disabled. Police 5:"Well now it seems to me that it's down to old fashioned hand-to- hand combat. Get them!" The troopers rush up to the Rovers and Strayers. Soon a massive brawl ensues. Striker turns to Bear, who has the least troopers around him and nearest to the door. Striker:"Bear! Get Malcolm before he leaves the building!" Bear lands a couple of punches on his adversaries and then runs out the office and up the stairs to the roof. On the roof a shuttle was preparing to take off. Oqulus and Malcolm are nowhere to be seen. Bear appears from the stairs and looks around. Hidden from view Malcolm aims his shotgun at Bear and pulls the trigger. A green energy ball flies towards Bear. He turns around, but before he can react the green ball hits him. He then begins to glow a blinding green light. When it subdues Malcolm and Oqulus appear from hiding and walk to Bear. They look at him. Oqulus:"Well, I'll be damned." Malcolm:"Intel was correct about him." Bear was lying on his back, but it wasn't Bear. He had been changed into his human form. He is now an Malamuit Eskimo. This is Steven Today. He then begins to wake up. Malcolm and Oqulus step back. Once Steven is up he quickly turns to them, unknowing that he's now a human. Steven:"Surrender, Malcolm! It'll be easier for you." Malcolm:"Ha ha ha. I don't think so...Steven Today." Oqulus:"Have you seen yourself in a mirror lately, Steve?" Steven:"What are you talking about? I'm..." He suddenly begins to realize that something is wrong. He looks at his hands, feels his face and then screams. He falls to his knees. Steven:"How did this happen?! How did I turn back to human?!" Malcolm shows his shotgun. Malcolm:"This, Steve, is my Demutation Shotgun. It turns any Cano-, Felo- or Wolf-Sapien to its original form. In your case it has turned you back to your human form. Now without your super powers you are just an average weakling." Malcolm turns to Oqulus. Malcolm:"Oqulus. Please remove Mister Today here, permanently." Oqulus:"It would be a pleasure, sir." Malcolm gets onto the shuttle. It takes off and flies towards the yacht. Oqulus walks up to Steven. He grabs him and throws him through a grate that leads to the maintenance room housing the ventilation, elevator, turret and other systems. Steven lands on his back. Oqulus jumps in and lands on his feet. He then walks towards Steven. Steven starts crawling away from him. Oqulus:"Well. Well. Well. Seems like the tide has turned, Steve. You have a h*** of a lot to answer for. Like the destruction of the Laser Cannon in Ovitznia and the supply train in the United States." Steven:"Wait a moment. Can't we discuss this over a beer?" Oqulus' crystal eye starts glowing bloodred. Oqulus:"Ah, now don't you sweet talk me. I got a lovely little score to settle with you." Oqulus goes over to Steven and starts kicking and punching him like mad. Down in Malcolm's office the battle was still raging, but Dixie and Striker manage to break loose and get to the stairs. Dixie:"I must go and help Bear." Striker:"I will come with you." In the office Hunter has been pinned down by a particularly strong trooper with a knife. He raises it above his head. Police 6:"So long, Hunter!" Just as he is about to bring down his knife a heat beam turns it red hot. The trooper screams in pain and throws it away. Hunter punches him out and then looks towards the door. Exile and Blitz was standing here. Hunter:"Thanks, Exile." Exile:"No problemski." Blitz:"Let's stop talking and let's start biting." Exile:"Don't be a Weird Boy." Exile, Hunter and Blitz wade into the mob. Meanwhile Dixie and Striker have reached the roof, but they don't see either Steven or Oqulus. Dixie:"Where is everyone? Bear? Where are you?" Steven's screams of pain can be heard from the maintenance room. Striker points towards the hole Oqulus had made with Steven's body. Striker:"Over there!" Dixie:"Hang on, Bear!" Striker and Dixie run towards the hole. In the room Oqulus throws Steven agains a corner next to a generator. Steven has been beaten severely and was bleeding. Oqulus:"Right! Enough games! It's time for you to meet your maker!" Oqulus takes out his Lightning rifle and aims it at Steven. Just as he is about to pull the trigger Dixie and Striker rush in and aim their weapons at him. Steven is out of their line of sight. Dixie:"Drop your weapon, dirtbag!" Oqulus turns to fire his rifle, but Striker fires a sonic blast at him. The blast throws him through another grate and into the open air off the tower. He falls all the way down into a dumpster overflowing with trash. He gets up, taking a banana peel off his helmet. Oqulus:"Great. I just had this suit washed this morning." Back in the maintenance room Striker and Dixie rush over to Steven. When they see him they gasp. Striker:"What the h*** happened to him?!" Dixie:"He's been changed back to his human form! But how?" Striker:"Never mind that. You take of his wounds while I radio the others." Dixie kneels next to Steven, who was in a state of unconsciousness. Striker radios the others. In the office the Rovers and Strayers are standing triumphant over the defeated Police Troopers. Huntress:"Vitorious once again." Colleen looks around. Colleen:"Hey. Where's Ross and his henchmen?" Amani:"They must have bolted during the battle." Hunter turns to Blitz, Exile, Silver and Illanov. Hunter:"You four go downstairs and try to capture Ross. We will go up to the roof to help Bear, Dixie and Striker." Exile:"Dokey okey." Exile, Blitz, Silver and Illanov leave the office and start heading down the stairs. Striker's voice can be heard over the radios. Striker:"Hello? Is anybody there?" Hunter takes out his radio. Hunter:"Striker. Have you, Bear and Dixie gotten Malcolm?" Striker:"No, and we have a problem up here in the maintenance room. You better get here quickly." Colleen:"What kind of problem?" Striker:"It's Bear." Nitro:"Is he hurt? Is he okay?" Striker:"No. He is seriously injured and he has been..." Dixie (background):"HE'S NOT BREATHING!!!" Striker:"Ai yai yai! CPR, NOW!!!" The radio goes dead. Nitro dashes madly out the office and up the stairs, followed by the others. Tears are streaming down her face. Nitro:"Please God. Let him be alive." In the maintenance room Striker was performing CPR on Steven's chest while Dixie was blowing air into his lungs. Striker:"Anything?" Dixie feels for a pulse. Dixie:"Nothing!" Striker:"We better hurry! He will soon have brain damage!" Striker and Dixie continue CPR. After a few moments Dixie feels for a pulse. Dixie:"I got a pulse!" Steven coughs, then groans. Striker:"Easy there. Help is its way." Steven becomes conscious. He is in great pain. Steven:"Wha...what happened?" Dixie:"Thank goodness you're alive! We thought we lost back there, Steve." Steven:"Thanks for your...concern, Dixie. Ow." Striker:"But Bear...or is it Steve? Oh, never mind. Just how did you change into a human?" Steven:"Malcolm had a..." There is the sounds of people running in the room. Nitro:"BEAR!!! BEAR!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!!" Steven:"I over here...ugh...Nitro." Nitro comes to where Steven, Striker and Dixie are. When she sees Steven she runs frantically to him and kneels next to him. Nitro:"Oh my God! Bear, are you all right?!" Steven:"I'm...ow...fine, Nitro." Striker:"No, you are not fine. You need medical attention." Nitro takes Steven's hand. Nitro:"It was so horrible! I had visions of you being buried again at your funeral." Steven:"I'm...glad you're still...concerned about me." Hunter and the others appear and see Steven. They all gasp. Colleen:"Blimey! Bear! You're human again!" Hunter:"I would not have predicted this!" They all rush up next to the others. Colleen kneels next to Steve and takes out a medical kit. She begins to treat the wounds. Amani:"How did you change into Steve again?" Steven:"Malcolm has some kind of shotgun he calls a Demutation Shotgun. It can changes us back to our original forms. He managed to fire a shot on me." Huntress:"A portable Transdogmafier. Bummer." Steven:"Where's Ross?" Hunter:"He managed to sneak away. Exile and the others are on his tail. Parking Lot, MI Tower, at that moment: Ross, Doug, Bridgett, Research, and Beast run towards an idle van in the parking lot. They climb in with Beast driving. The van roars into life. Exile, Blitz, Illanov and Silver enter the parking lot just as the van disappears from sight. Illanov:"We are too late!" Silver:"Darn it!" Outside the van heads into the streets. Ross opens a suitcase he had taken from Malcolm's office. It is full of bank notes. Ross and the other smiles. Ross:"This will keep our heads above water." Doug:"Nothing can wrong now, boss." Suddenly the Sonic Rover appears in front of the van. Beast slams on the brakes and the van stops a feet from the Sonic Rover. Next there is the sounds of police sirens as squad cars surround the van. Everyone looks at Doug. Ross sighs. Ross:"When are people going to learn not to use that cliché?" The Sonic Rover lands and the police officers climb out just as Exile, Blitz, Illanov and Silver come running to the group. When they come to the Sonic Rover they find Outlaw, Saphire and DJ standing outside. Exile:"I'm thanking goodness that you came in the nick of timeski, comrades." Outlaw:"Hey, no problem." Silver:"But what are you doing here, anyway?" DJ:"About an hour after you guys left Tan called and told us about a trade deal between the KH Military and Matthew Slyness. He also told us about some warheads being held here and about Atwater's giant pets being used to kill you. So here we are." Saphire:"I suppose you've already gotten the warheads and beaten the bugs, eh?" Illanov:"The giant insects, yes. The warheads we still need to recover from the KH Military." Outlaw:"Where are the others?" Silver:"Upstairs in Malcolm's office." Hunter's voice crackles over the radio. Hunter:"Hunter to ground floor team. Do you read?" Blitz answers. Blitz:"Yah. We read." Hunter:"Did you get Ross?" Blitz:"Actually Outlaw, Saphire and DJ did. They arrived about a few minutes ago. What about you up there?" Hunter:"Malcolm got away and Bear has suffered a nasty accident. We'll regroup back at the Pack Rover landing zone." Blitz:"Yah." The radio goes dead while Ross and his side-kicks are put into a paddy wagon and taken to prison. Hill overlooking Hong Kong, 11:31 AM: The Pack and Sonic Rover is here. Inside the Pack Rover Colleen had finished treating Steven. Nitro is holding his hand while he lies on his back on the medical bed. Colleen:"There you go, guv. Just a few week’s rest and you'll be much better." Nitro:"How are you feeling, Honey?" Steven:"A bit better now then I was back in the tower, Dear." DJ:"Oqulus sure beat you up real good." Amani:"Ironic, isn't it? A month ago you were also lying on this very bed in almost the same state." Dixie:"Oh yes. Our escapade in Ovitznia." Huntress:"I can't believe so much has happened since our first meeting with Malcolm on St. Martin. In two months we have come face to face with our most toughest adversaries yet." Striker:"Ja. And this is only going to get worse." Outlaw comes down from the cockpit. Outlaw:"I just had a look at Malcolm's yacht. They're loading the warheads on board." Hunter:"Then they'd better move quickly before those warheads leave the city. Let's roll!" After a few minutes the Pack and Sonic Rover takes off towards the Corporation. The Corporation, Hong Kong Harbour, at that moment: Trigger and Malcolm are standing on the bridge, looking at the Rovers with their binoculars. Malcolm:"They bought it." Trigger:"Right into our little trap." Malcolm and Trigger lower their binoculars. Trigger turns to Malcolm. Trigger:"By the way, aren't you worried of losing your yacht?" Malcolm:"Come on. I have several that look just like this one in the dry docks. All I have to do is have it renamed and Bob's your uncle." Trigger:"Oh, that's good. And I don't want an uncle named Bob." Malcolm chuckles. Trigger:"We better get moving. Is everything in order and ready?" Malcolm:"Yes. I had the ship abandon, all the needed cargoes and files transferred to my warehouses and our little going-away present for our enemies is set." Trigger:"Good. Let's go." Trigger and Malcolm leave the bridge. Meanwhile the Rovers and Strayers were approaching the yacht. From a distance the two Missile Destroyers were watching them. Their missile launchers take aim on the vehicles. Inside the Sonic Rover DJ picks up their radar lock on them. DJ:"Four missile batteries have locked onto us!" Hunter:"Prepare for evasive manoeuvres!" The Missile Destroyers launch their missiles. From the cockpits of the Rover vehicles our heroes spot the tell-tale smoke trails of the missiles coming towards them. Hunter:"Here they come!" They split up, four missiles follow the Pack Rover while another two go after the Sonic Rover. The Pack Rover's rear hangar door opens. Striker is standing there with his revolver. As soon as the missiles come into his view he detonates all but one of the missiles. Illanov comes up next to him. Illanov:"Comrade, may I have the honour of..." Striker:"Be my guest." Illanov takes out his plasma rifle, takes aim on the missile and fires. The resulting shockwaves form the explosion between the two projectiles throws the Pack Rover off balance. Everyone inside fall to their feet. Striker:"I forgot to tell you: don't use that rifle against such targets at close range." Illanov:"Dah." With the Sonic Rover DJ has managed to destroy one of the missiles with his hand laser. The other missile, however, keeps out of sight of him and his hand laser. DJ:"Dang! That missile is tricky one to catch." Saphire:"Leave it to me." Saphire climbs out of the Sonic Rover and levitates to the missile. She gets onto it, opens its panel and pulls a wire. Saphire:"There. No more automatic guidance." Saphire then guides the missile towards one of the Missile Destroyers and jumps off. The missile flies towards the Destroyer, but the ship launches another missile that intercepts the first missile before it reaches the ship. Saphire gets back into the Sonic Rover. Outlaw:"You're one great cowgirl." Saphire:"Actually I was a missilegirl back there." On the Corporation Trigger was calling the warships with his suit's communicator. Trigger:"Hold your fire. Let them come to us." Voice:"Yes, sir!" The Missile Destroyers stop their attacks and then sail behind an island. The Pack and Sonic fly towards the Corporation and then land on the yacht's helipads. Everyone except Steven climbs out and onto the yacht fully armed. DJ:"Man. What a yacht." Outlaw:"I wouldn't mind having one of these babies." Colleen:"Me too." Hunter:"Well, we'd better watch out. This yacht must be crawling with trigger happy troopers. We must proceed with caution." They begin to make their way into the yacht. Steven tries to follow but Hunter stops him. Hunter:"Hang on, Steve. You have to stay in the Pack Rover." Steven:"What for? I'm the Grizzly leader." Striker:"You're a human. Trigger, Malcolm and the other KH soldiers will slaughter you." Steven:"But..." Nitro:"They're right, Honey. You need to recover from your wounds. I can't afford to lose you." Steven sighs. Steven:"Okay. I'll stay behind." Hunter turns to DJ. Hunter:"DJ. You stay with Steve and make sure that he doesn't anything silly." DJ:"Yes, sir." Steven and DJ walk back into the Pack Rover while the others head down into the yacht. Soon they come to the ship's hold. At one spot is a large number of cigar-shaped containers. Amani:"They must be the ones holding the warheads." Voice:"Not quite..." Suddenly laser bars appears around the Rovers and Strayers, trapping them all. Trigger, Malcolm and Oqulus come into the hold. Oqulus is still smelling of garbage. Trigger:"You just walked into our little trap. As for the warheads..." Oqulus walks to one of the containers, opens it and tips on its side. Sawdust falls all over the floor. Trigger:"Nothing but a decoy to lure you into..." Trigger stops talking and looks at their captives. Trigger:"Where is Steven Today and DJ?" Hunter:"Hawaii." Colleen:"Greece." Blitz:"Denmark." Trigger:"That's qui..." Exile:"Sweden." Nitro:"Mexico." Amani:"Egypt." Dixie:"Pakistan." Trigger was becoming seriously annoyed. Trigger:"Ahem!" Silver:"Peru." Huntress:"Japan." Illanov:"Kenia." Saphire:"Yemen." Outlaw:"Antar..." Trigger:"ENOUGH!!! Since we cannot count on you telling us the wherebouts of DJ and Steven then we will have to search for them ourselves." He turns to Oqulus. Trigger:"Stay here and make sure none of them try to escape. If they do, you know what." Oqulus:"Yes, sir." Trigger:"Good. Malcolm, come with me." Trigger and Malcolm leave the hold while Oqulus stands at the door, aiming his rifle at the prisoners. On the Pack Rover DJ was watching Steven, who was walking up and down the cargo bay. He then stops. Steven:"No. I can't stand here. I must go and help the others." Steven tries to leave, but DJ gets in his way. DJ:"Hang on! You heard what Hunter said: you must stay behind and recover from your injures." Steven:"I'm fine, I tell you." Voice:"But soon you won't be when I'm done with you." Steven and DJ look out the Pack Rover. Trigger and Malcolm was standing there, Malcolm with his Demutation Shotgun and Trigger with his helmet on and two vulcan miniguns on his suit's hands. They aim their weapons at DJ and Steven. Trigger:"Say goodnight, you two." As the miniguns' barrels being to spool up DJ and Steven quickly climb up into the cockpit. The miniguns fire raining a hurricane of bullets and blowing holes into everything in sight. The Rhino, with its thick is able to withstand it, but Amani's truck gets severely damaged by the bullets. Trigger just continues to fire madly into the cargo hold while DJ and Steven climb out through a cockpit window. Malcolm sees them climb out, then turns to Trigger. Malcolm:"Over there, General!" But Trigger ignores him and continues to shoot madly. Malcolm shakes him. Malcolm:"General! Control yourself!" Trigger still ignores him. Malcolm gets up to his ear. Malcolm:"STOP SHOOTING!!! THEY'RE OVER THERE!!!" Trigger stops shooting, leaving a ugly scene in the cargo bay. Almost everything has been either destroyed or damaged. Malcolm:"Nice shooting, Tex." Trigger:"Thanks, and my name is not Tex. Where are they?" Malcolm points at the spot where DJ and Steven are hiding. Trigger aims his miniguns at them. They run out of sight and into Malcolm. He fires another green ball at them. DJ jumps out of the way, but Steven is hit by the ball. The force of the impact knocks him overboard and into the water. DJ runs up to the side and looks around, but sees nothing. DJ:"Steve! Where are you?" Trigger:"Dead, hopefully." DJ turns around and sees Trigger aiming at him. Trigger opens fire just as DJ runs out of sight. Trigger stops shooting and starts running after him. Malcolm prepares to go after them, but then his cellular phone rings. He stops and answers it. Malcolm:"Hello?...Can't it wait an hour or so?...It can't. All right then." While Malcolm is talking a figure appears behind him from the side of the ship. The figure then walks towards Malcolm. His shadow falls over him. Malcolm:"...then just sell stock number 10...Good....Right. Bye!" Malcolm puts his phone away and notices the shadow over him. Malcolm:"Hello. The weather beauro didn't forecast any clouds for today..." He turns around and faces the figure. His eyes widen ands his jaw drops in shock. Malcolm:"I would not have predicted this." Down in the hold Oqulus was still watching the Rovers and Strayers when he heards Malcolm scream, followed by a loud splash. He goes over to a porthole and looks out. He then sees Malcolm swimming in the water quite a distance away. Oqulus:"What the h***?!" Oqulus runs out of the hold and soon comes to a room where the windows overlook the harbour. He opens one and looks at Malcolm. Oqulus:"What happened, sir?" Malcolm then sees the figure appear behind Oqulus. Malcolm:"BEHIND YOU!!!" Oqulus:"What? Behind me?" He turns around and sees the figure. Oqulus:"Oh s***." Next the figure grabs Oqulus and throws him into the water with Malcolm. He then disappears. Meanwhile DJ was still being closely followed by Trigger. He then runs into a room with no other exit. Trigger appears in the doorway. Trigger:"Well now. Now you have nowhere to run or to hide. This will be a good chance for me to do some target practice." DJ takes his hand laser and opens fire on Trigger, but the shots just bounce his suit's armor. Trigger aims his miniguns at DJ and prepares to fire. Just then a strong and furry arm grabs around Trigger's neck. The figure then throws him to the floor. Trigger and DJ look at the figure. It was Steven, but now he's his wolf-mutant form, Rabid. DJ:"Rabid! But how?" Rabid:"That shot Malcolm got on me turned me into Rabid." Trigger:"So this is how look like when you were a wolf-mutant. I'm rather surprised that Nitro still loved you like this." Rabid:"Hey. Love is blind." Trigger:"Not yet..." Trigger gets up and prepares to shoot him, but Rabid jumps him. Soon the two of them begin to fight. DJ runs out, Rabid lays Trigger low and then quickly runs out. They close the door just as Trigger gets up. He then tries to open the door, but on the other side DJ had fixed the lock, so to speak. Trigger:"Well then, if you want to play it that way..." Trigger takes out a remote control and pushes a few buttons. On the remote's screen appears a timer that begins to count down from five minutes. He then turns towards a wall, shoots out a circle in it and then kicks it open. The city can be clearly seen. Trigger's suit sprouts wings and he takes off with a jetpack. In the hold DJ and Rabid run in. Everyone gasps at Rabid. Amani:"Rabid!" Striker:"Malcolm got you again, didn't he?" Rabid:"Yup. And now..." Rabid takes out the Demutation Shotgun. Rabid:"...this thing in our hands. You don't how it feels to be back to wolf from human." Nitro:"Honey, I'm happy with you." Puffball, who has now returned to Felo-mutant shape, points a finger at the other end of the hold. Puffball:"What that?" Everyone looks in that direction. Another KH detonation system was standing there, the timer counting down. Colleen:"Not again." Hunter:"Quick! Get us out." DJ goes to the cage control panel, opens it and does some mechanical magic. The electric bars disappear. Striker:"Let's move! We only have three minutes!" They then run out of the hold and back to the Pack and Sonic Rover. They climb in and take off. Down in the hold the timer reads "00:05". Hong Kong Harbour: The Pack and Sonic Rover are hovering a distance away from the yacht. Suddenly a series of explosion destroy every corner of The Corporation. The fireball grows in height and soon it can be seen from all over the harbour. Dixie:"Yet another display of fireworks." Hunter:"Excellent. Let's take it home. Rovers!" The Rovers all howl and the Pack and Sonic Rover fly away towards Mission Control. Amani:"AAAAARRRRRGGGGGG!!! MY TRUCK!!!" Illanov:"Does comrade Amani always do that?" Puffball:"Yes. Mistress loves Sylvia." They continue onward. Briefing Room, Mission Control, 2:57 PM: The Rovers and Strayers are all gather here. The Master is on the balcony. Master:"Welcome home, everyone. You did a great job." He then turns to Rabid. Master:"Though I'm rather shocked at how you were transformed from Bear to Steve to Rabid." Hubert:"What caused this?" Rabid takes out Malcolm's Demutation Shotgun and hands it to Hubert. Rabid:"This is Malcolm's Demutation Shotgun. It changed me into Rabid." Huntress:"A portable Transdogmafier." Hubert:"I must analyse this!" Amani:"I'll help, Hubbie." Illanov and Striker chuckle. Master:"Did you manage to get the warheads?" Hunter:"Unfortunately, no Master. The warheads are gone, but we did manage to recapture Ross as well. Silver:"We also managed to get Atwater's pets back to their normal forms again." Illanov:"But there still is the problem of the exchange of the warheads to Matthew Slyness for the GONV." Tan's voice cracks over the speakers. Tan:"You're right, Alex." Master:"Do you know where the warheads are?" Tan:"No, but I do know the location of the drop-off point. As soon as I get more info I'll let you know. The speakers go dead. The Road Rovers and Grizzlies have managed to put Ross and his henchmen behind bars and have learned valuable information about The Admiral. Yet there are still several questions in the Rovers' minds: where is Matthew Slyness? What does the KH Military want with the GONV CPU? What secrets will be learned from the Demutation Shotgun? And about the warheads... Somewhere off the coast of Taiwan, 5:01 PM: A small junk is making its way through the ocean. The Chinese captain goes down into hold, lifts a sail and then puts it back. He leaves. Under the sail is the warhead containers. THE END.