Road Rovers: Reich Of Franco Episode 7: Nuclear Storm (Bird Of War) By Gerhard Naudé Striker, Norwood, Franco, Diehard, Stalker, Champion, Trigger, Tesla, Spectre, Malcolm, Black, Oqulus and all others related to the KH Military © Gerhard Naudé All Road Rovers names © Warner Brothers and rightful owners Shankar, Fortus, Hildagarde © Robert Baer Jr. Any question, comments, complaints, feedback or suggestions can be sent to Author's Note: A map of Frazakastan is available at: Unknown Location: The area consists of a clear blue sky, but the ground is obscured by a dense but soft, white mist. Clouds hang about in the air and the light is very clear. Floating just above the mist is Striker. He is unconscious, but alive. Voice:"Wake up, Striker. Wake up." Striker starts opening his eyes slowly. Then he realises where he is and becomes wide awake. He looks around him. Striker:"Where.... where am I?" Voice:"You're dead, buddy. You were killed when the helicopter you were in crashed and blew up on the shores of Frazakastan." He looks towards the source of the voice and sees Hunter, Colleen, Blitz, Exile and Shag standing on a nearby cloud. Striker:"Who are you? Angels?" Colleen:"Not really, guv, but you're quite close." Striker:"Am I really dead?" Hunter:"Unfortunately, yes. That's why we're here." Striker is in shock. Striker:"Are you here to tell me whether I go to heaven or h***?" Exile:"Nyet, comrade. We hereski to tell you you've been given a second chance." Striker:"Second chance?" Blitz:"Yah. Your job isn't finished yet. I still have to appear on the scene for all the pretty girl doggies that will come along when..." Colleen grabs Blitz's muzzle and clamps it shut. Colleen:"Don't tell him about THAT, Fluffy." Exile:"Dah. He might just get sickski of your Weird Boy act and decide to run to hot spot down below." Blitz mumbles a sorry and Colleen let's go of his muzzle. They all look back at Striker. Hunter:"Your time hasn't come yet, buddy. For now you have to do your part of the plan." Striker:"Which is?" Hunter:"To stop General Franco. He threatens our future and the future of our world." Colleen:"If you don't stop him, then our master will never bring us to be as we are now before you." Exile:"And Earth will faceski baddest future." Blitz:"And there will be no handsome me." Everyone but Striker roll their eyes. When they are done Shag mumbles at Striker for a while. When he is done Striker looks at Hunter. Striker:"What did he say?" Hunter:"He says there will be no more toilets with nice drinking water for him." Shag slaps his forehead and repeats what he had mumbled. Hunter:"Oops! He really said that your life contract hasn't expired yet." Colleen:"So you see, guv. You have to finish your part of the plan." Hunter:"You had better get on your way, buddy. Your friend Mark and the world need you right now in Frazakastan." The Rovers all snap their fingers and the last thing Striker sees is a blinding flash. Coast Refinery Island Frazakastan 2:46 PM: This is an open field between the beach and a forest. Lying on his back and unconscious is Striker, his sonic rifle and revolver lying next to him. Not far off is the still-burning wreck of the Apache. Striker wakes up with a start and quite looks around. Striker:"What the? What happened?" He spots the wrecked Apache. Striker:"But how did I survive? I clearly remember that I didn't eject before the Apache crashed." He then looks over his body, which is in great shape. Striker:"No burns, scars, lacerations, cuts or bruises. This isn't possible." Voice:"Striker!" He looks up to the source of the voice. Norwood is running up towards him from the beach. Striker gets up and gathers his weapons before going to Norwood. They both meet up. Norwood:"Good to see you're still alive, Striker." Striker:"And I to see you, Mark." Norwood:"I was worried when I didn't see you eject. The last thing I saw was the explosion from the Apache, but I see you've managed to escape before the Apache crashed." Striker:"But Mark, I didn't escape." Norwood looks confused at Striker. Norwood:"What do you mean?" Striker:"My seat failed to eject, so I tried to undone my belts. The last thing I can remember before waking up was seeing the ground coming right at me. I must have blacked out when the Apache hit the ground. When I woke up I was lying here without a single injury to me and my weapons by my side." He looks back at the Apache. Striker:"I guess someone pulled me out before the Apache exploded." Norwood:"Impossible! I heard the Apache hit the ground, then exploding a second later. You couldn't have survived. You must have jumped out before the Apache hit the ground." Striker looks back at Norwood. Striker:"I don't remember doing anything like that." Norwood:"You must have suffered some kind of amnesia when you hit the ground." Striker thinks for a moment, then nods. Striker:"I guess so." They both look back the Apache. Striker:"But our mission is a failure. We have been detected, so that means Franco will have had the missiles launched by now." Norwood:"No, we didn't fail. We weren't even detected." Striker looks surprised at Norwood. Striker:"But you saw those helicopters and the destroyer. We got shot at and surely identified." Norwood looks at Striker. Norwood:"On my way here I overheard some soldiers out on patrol. It seems that the destroyer was out on a training operation where the gunners practiced to shoot. Those helicopters we saw were dummy targets, and they mistook us for one." Striker:"So what you are telling me, Mark, that we flew right into the middle of a shooting range?" Norwood:"That's right, so that means the KH Military is still not yet aware of us." Striker looks at the burning Apache. Striker:"But we have lost the Apache, Mark." Norwood:"That is why we are going to get ourselves a new ride. Come with me and I will tell you." They both start running away into the woods, leaving behind the burning wreckage of their helicopter. Helicopter Pad Outside Command Bunker At that moment: This is a square tarmac with a yellow H painted on it along with some landing lights. By the pad is the entrance to the large cement bunker. Not far off is a large cannon with two missile packs attached to it's body. Surrounding the pad and lining up a pathway from the pad to the bunker entrance are wolf-sapien soldiers. Standing on the edge of the pad is Shankar and his wolf-sapien commanders. Approaching the pad is a Puma transport helicopter. When it reaches the pad it lowers its gears before hovering to a landing. The doors of the Puma open and a large group of Elite Guard commandos climb out carrying M4A1 rifles, followed by General Diehard. Shankar walks up to Diehard and salutes him. Shankar:"Welcome to Frazakastan, General Diehard." Diehard doesn't salute back. Diehard:"Spare me ze courteous rubbish und give me a status report, yah?" Shankar sighs and they both begin to walk towards the entrance of the bunker, followed by the commanders and commandos (who are all looking coldly at the rest of the soldiers). Shankar:"The process is going well, General. We should be ready to launch within six hours at most." Diehard:"Und there are nein problems?" Shankar:"Only one, General." Diehard looks at Shankar. Diehard:"Wat is das?" Shankar:"We have lost all contact with the wolves at the radar and com- munications center. That means we have lost all our main radar and communications functions. Not only that, we have been locked out of our own computers at the same time." Diehard:"Und you are only tell me zis now?" Shankar:"But General, the equipment at the center and the computers are so outdated that this was bound to happen. The Supreme General should have given us some proper equipment." Diehard:"The Supreme General had other, more important matters to take care of, yah?" They both stop and Shankar looks shocked at Diehard. Shankar:"But this is ridiculous! We have been stealing nuclear warheads from even the USA and USSR for years, and Franco couldn't even have some new computers stolen for use here on Frazakastan? Even Mozambique has been better equipment than what we have to make do here! Such problems like this one should not happen, especially on the eve of Nuclear Storm!" Diehard:"Like what do I look like to you? Have your men fix ze problem, yah?" Shankar:"It is not that simple, General. This computer malfunction has locked us completely out and all communications have to be done by insecure and short-ranged radios. And with no radar coverage we are vulnerable to an attack from the EDF." Diehard:"Zat is your problem, yah? If you don't succeed in getting zis operation successfully running ze Supreme General will do worse zings to you zan the Earth Defence Force will." Diehard resumes walking again. Shankar sighs, then follows him into the bunker. The commanders and commandos follow them. Treeline Not Far From Refinery 2:52 PM: This is where the forest ends near the refinery. Between the forest and the refinery is a rusted chain link fence. Behind it is the refinery complex, with its chimneys, pumps and pipes leading to the many large oil storage tanks. On the refinery parking lot are three Hokum attack helicopters, surrounded by some bored KH soldiers. Watching them from the forest is Striker and Norwood. Striker:"So we are going to steal a Hokum, Mark?" Norwood:"Yes. It has sufficient systems and weaponry for us to finish our remaining missions. Plus, since this weapon is commonly used by the KH Military, we won't fear any kind of attack from them since they will think we are a friendly." Striker:"Until we start hammering them, that is." Norwood:"True, but right now it will help solve our problem of transport. But we still need to get to them." Striker:"Do we run in and shoot down the soldiers, then steal it?" Norwood:"Too risky. We'll be running through open field and those bored soldiers will be able to take cover behind the Hokums which we cannot risk damaging." Striker:"So what will we do?" Norwood:"We create a diversion." Striker:"How?" Norwood points to one of the large storage tanks. Norwood:"By blowing up some of those. That's how." Striker:"Now I see it." Norwood:"Come on. Let's go. We can easily slip into the refinery further down this chain link fence." They disappear into the woods. Oil Storage Tanks 1 Kilometre From Main Refinery 2:59 PM: This area has several large tanks connected by fuel pipes. The ground is entirely made of concrete slabs. Not far off is the fence, with a hole cut into it. Striker and Norwood run up to one of the tanks, keeping an eye out for any hostiles. Norwood:"Good. These tanks should do it." Striker:"This is a bit dangerous. If this tank explodes, then it will cause a chain reaction that will end up blowing this entire refinery up like a small nuclear blast." Norwood:"That's why we have to close the fuel pipes leading to the other tanks to prevent a wildfire. You will go around and close the fuel lines while I set the explosive charge. When we are done we will go and hide somewhere near the Hokums." Striker nods and runs off to the first pipe while Norwood climbs up a ladder leading up the side of the tank. Striker goes over to the valve of the pipe, grabs it and, with all his strength, starts turning it. He looks down on a meter which shows the oil pressure in the pipe. It goes from high to empty as Striker turns the valve. When he is done he goes over to the next pipe to repeat the process. Atop the tank Norwood has just gotten onto it and is moving over to a hatch in the centre. He kneels next to it, opens the hatch and takes out a remote controlled LE (low-explosive) charge. He activates it, then tosses the charge into the tank, where it falls into the oil with a small splash. Norwood then closes the hatch and starts heading back to the ladder. He climbs down it just as Striker closes the last fuel line. Striker runs up to the ladder as Norwood reaches the bottom. Striker:"The pipes are all sealed off from this tank, Mark." Norwood:"Good. I've put in the remote charge. Now let's find a safe spot to shield us from the blast as close to those Hokums as possible." They start running away from the tank towards the parking lot. After a few minutes they hide behind an old dumpster by the main refinery, not far from where the Hokums are with the guarding soldiers. Norwood:"This should do it." He takes out a remote detonator and looks at Striker. Norwood:"Down." Striker ducks down behind the dumpster and Norwood pushes the button on the detonator. He also ducks down just the charge detonates. The fire from the small blast ignites the oil inside the tank. A second after the charge detonated, the tank bursts open into a huge fireball. The soldiers on the lot quickly shield their eyes from the blast, then looks towards the area where the blast came from. They all start running away towards the tank, leaving the Hokums unguarded. Striker and Norwood watch them go. Striker:"It's working, Mark." Norwood:"Quick now. To the Hokum." They both take off running towards one of the Hokums, keeping an eye on the soldiers who are still distracted by the blast. They reach and climb into the Hokum: Norwood in the pilot's seat; Striker in the gunner's. They both put on their helmets and start up the helicopter. Soon the Hokum lifts off from the parking lot and flies over and away from the refinery. The soldiers don't see this. Hokum Flying Southeast 3:09 PM: The Hokum is flying low over the forest away from the refinery, with the smoke coming from the burning tank. Striker:"We did it, Mark." Norwood:"Yes. Now we have some proper firepower again. I'd better contact the Apollo." Norwood radios the Apollo over a secure radio wave. Norwood(into radio):"This is Markus Norwood calling the USS Apollo. Do you read?" There is a moment of silence before someone answers. It is Toshi's voice. Toshi(over radio):"Norwood! Good to hear you. What happened? We lost you on our radar screens a while ago." Norwood(into radio):"We had some problems, sir. Our Apache was acciden- tally destroyed when we flew into a crossfire, so we are now flying a stolen Hokum for the rest of the mission." Toshi(over radio):"Has the KH Military been alerted?" Norwood(into radio):"Fortunately no, sir. They are still passive for now. We are proceeding to the silo complex on the main island." Toshi(over radio):"Very well, Norwood. And what about Striker?" Striker(into radio):"Right here, sir." Toshi(over radio):"Good to hear you as well, Agent Striker. Commander Norwood. Proceed with your mission. Out." The radio goes dead. Striker:"What is our next objective, Mark?" Norwood:"Our next objective to destroy the ICBM silo complex south of our location and west of the nearby nuclear plant. Franco, the stupid fool, has cluttered nearly all the ICBMs on this island at this silo complex. Destroying it would nearly eliminate the threat of Nuclear Storm." Striker:"Do we need to do something at the nuclear plant?" Norwood:"Not yet. We might need the power when we need to complete our other objectives. We'll leave it until we need it offline." Striker:"Reg, then." The Hokum continues flying on its present course. Silo Complex 3:14 PM: The complex consists of many ICBM silos arranged into several long rows. By the side is the launch control building, with antennae and dishes on the roof as well as a helicopter pad. Surrounding the complex is a steel fence and at regular intervals are guard towers. Soldiers patrol in and around the silos along with some more Chaparrals. Hokum 3 Kilometres North from Silo Complex 3:33 PM: The Hokum is hugging close to the ground on its route towards the silo complex. Striker looks at his screen. Striker:"We are close to the silo complex, Mark. If I am not mistaken, according to the Hokum's friendly radar, we may have some of those Chaparrals over there." Norwood:"They won't bother us until we bother them. They'll think we're on their side." Striker:"Until the silos are destroyed, I suppose." Norwood:"Not even then. We'll land as close as possible to that complex's launch building, then launch those ICBMs with the silo doors still closed." Striker:"Just like we did with the missile bunkers, né?" Norwood:"Yes. Scan the complex and see what the closest, and the least suspicious place we can land to the launch building." Striker checks the console for a while, then reports in. Striker:"Right on the roof is a helicopter pad." Norwood:"Perfect. Now, set your weapon into silence mode. Any loud gunfire will alert the entire complex's defenders, which is the last thing we want." Striker:"Good idea." They ready their weapons as the Hokum flies closer to the complex. Helicopter Pad Launch Building Silo Complex 3:35 PM: The Hokum flies and hovers over the pad on the roof of the building before landing. The soldiers around the complex pay no special attention to it. Once it lands Norwood and Striker climb out, weapons at the ready. They run to the door which leads into the building from the roof. They take up positions on both sides of the door. Just as they do the door is opened and a wolf-sapien sergeant walks out. Sergeant:"About time they showed up. The damn silo door is..." He then looks at the abandoned Hokum. Sergeant:"Huh? What gives?" Striker comes from behind and knocks him on the head with the butt of his sonic rifle. He falls to the floor unconscious. Norwood looks inside for any more soldiers. He finds none and looks at Striker. Norwood:"All clear. You go in first and I'll cover you." Striker nods and walks in first, his weapon aimed towards the most likely spot where a soldier might appear. Norwood follows after him. Launch Control Room 3:41 PM: The room contains various computers, terminals, monitors, consoles and status screens. A wide window looks over the entire silo complex. At the equipment are some wolf-sapien launchers personnel. One of them looks over to another. Launcher 1:"Have you managed to get that one door fixed?" Launcher 2:"Not a chance. That door keeps sticking every time we try to close it." Launcher 1:"I hope the Hokum that landed on the roof brought along a maintenance team." Launcher 2:"Yes, and while they're here they can try to get us back into our computer systems. I need to..." Outside there suddenly come the sounds of painful groans, followed by some loud thumps. The launchers look confused at each other. Launcher 3:"What happened? Did one the guards outside eat to much?" Launcher 4:"Again? I though they learned their lesson when..." The door flies open and Striker and Norwood rush in, firing their guns silently at the launchers and gunning them all down with minimal noise. They then run up to the launch control and check for damages. Striker:"No damage." Norwood:"And the virus is still running. Good. All we need to do now is to fire up those missiles and watch the fireworks." They begin working at the controls. Unknown to them one of the dying launchers gathers enough strength to bring his paw up to the controls. When Norwood and Striker gather enough control to make the launch, the launcher pushes a red button on a console. An alarm goes off, startling them. Striker:"What is that? The security alarm?" Norwood checks one of the computers and swears under his breath. Norwood:"S***! Someone just set off an emergency launch! Those ICBMs are going to take off now!" Striker sees the dying launcher's paw on the console and fires a final, fatal shot at the launcher. Outside through the window the soldiers and Chapparals start evacuating the area as the silo doors open. Striker:"That wolf set off the launch, Mark!" Norwood:"If we hurry, we can still close the silo doors before those ICBMs can launch!" They both begin to frantically work at the controls. After a few moments they succeed and outside the silos door all close up... except for one at the end of one row. A red light appears on the silo door indicator screen. They both spot it. Norwood:"What the? What's wrong?" Striker monitors the screen more closely and curses. Striker:"Ai yai yai! One of the silo's doors have jammed and cannot close!" Norwood:"Oh perfect!" Striker looks at one of the terminals before looking back up at Norwood. Striker:"Those missiles are about to launch!" Norwood:"To the Hokum and fast! We'll have to shoot this ICBM up on our own!" They both start running out of the control room. Outside the first silos at the other end of the rows start exploding outward as the ICBMs launch into the closed doors. Hokum: Striker and Norwood have just climbed into the Hokum and are busy getting ready to take off. All the while the explosions continue downward toward the last silos, including the one with the jammed door. Norwood:"Ready the missiles, Striker! That will be the best choice of weapon against a launching ICBM!" Striker:"I'm on it!" They continue to quickly work. The Hokum takes and quickly turns to face the jammed silo. Striker readies the missile. Striker:"Missiles ready, M.." Suddenly the last few closed silos explode, but the ICBM in the jammed silo launches out and upward into the sky. They watch in horror. Norwood:"It's taken off! Can you hit it now, Striker?" Striker:"A low chance, but here goes nothing!" He pushes the fire button and the Hokum shakes as the missile takes off and goes after the ICBM. It quickly closes distance, but the ICBM starts to gather speed and soon the missile is trailing the ICBM, closing in but the ICBM going faster and faster. Norwood and Striker hold their breaths as they watch. The missile flies right behind the ICBM, but the heat from ICBM's rocket boosters cause it to glow hotter and hotter. It then explodes too far from the ICBM, the only damage coming from the shrapnel that reach the ICBM. One shard cuts into the ICBM and some kind of liquid starts leaking out from the cut. Norwood and Striker watch in horror. Norwood:"Oh God! It missed!" Striker:"And the ICBM is still going! It's all over!" About that time the leaking liquid from the ICBM reach the boosters. The fire from the rockets ignite the liquid and the fire spreads up quickly to the where the leak is. When it gets there it ignites the rest of the liquid inside the ICBM. The ICBM's engine explodes and the blast rip apart the ICBM from below to the very top. There is a final blast that complete destroys what is left of the ICBM. Striker and Norwood look up in amazement at the explosion. Striker:"It... it exploded! Norwood:"I can't believe it! The missile shrapnel must have ruptured a fuel tank or something!" They both breathe a heavy sigh of relief. Striker:"I hate these close calls. And now I've had three of them in one day." Norwood:"Lady Luck is clearly on our side and I feel like kissing her." Striker:"Me too, though I think we may need to leave first, before one of the complex's defenders put two and two together about this 'friendly'." Norwood:"I agree. Besides, we have a new objective to complete. Let me just get the Hokum on course before I explain." He pilots over and away from the complex, dodging any defenders that may be returning to the complex. Once the Hokum is clear he begins to speak. Norwood:"Next up: we have to go to the headquarters of the KH Military near the northern coast of this island. Our goal is to disable the KH Military's top command for the invasion, as well as finding out about the status of the mobile Patriot nuclear missile launching system. We need to know if they are at the storage depot, the launch area or at both. We cannot waste time running to an area where the only thing that we can do is to get shot at. Finally, we need to know where the command bunker of the occupying Omega Squadron forces' leader is and what kind of defences we might expect there." Striker:"Do you think Shankar will be there, Mark?" Norwood:"We are almost 100% certain about. And if he is there, we might be able to 'interrogate' him about where Franco is." Striker gets a cold look on his face. Striker:"Now we can perhaps finally find out where the Butcher is." Norwood:"Don't let your emotions run away with your mind here, Striker. We still have a mission to complete." Striker nods silently as the Hokum flies onward across the countryside of the island. Shankar's Office Command Bunker At that moment: Shankar, Diehard and several commanders are here. Diehard is busy with the commanders, giving them orders and commands and scolding at those who give excuses. Just then a soldier walks in, saluting. Both Shankar and Diehard look at the soldier, but Diehard has an annoyed look on his face compared to Shankar's stern, but non-threatening, look. Shankar:"Yes, soldier?" Diehard:"We are busy here!" Soldier:"Sorry, sirs, but we just saw something in the sky towards the area of the silo complex or nuclear plant." Shankar becomes concerned, but Diehard remains the same. Shankar:"What did you see?" Diehard:"If it has nozing to do with Nuclear Storm, zen I will skin you alive, yah?" Soldier:"We saw what appeared to be one of our ICBMs flying off towards space, then it exploded, sirs." Diehard looked at Shankar. Diehard:"You ordered a launch wizout telling me?" Shankar:"I didn't order a launch, General! Unless..." Shankar looks back at the soldier. Shankar:"Did you see any more of the ICBMs?" Soldier:"No, sir. Only one. We're sure of it." Shankar thinks for a moment. Shankar:"I wonder..." Diehard:"Do not wonder! Order ze launch immediately!" Shankar and the others look shocked at Diehard. Shankar:"What! But, General, we are not ready." Diehard:"I do not care! Zis, along with ze radar und communications black-out is clear proof zat we are under attack, yah? Initiate ze launch of ALL ze missiles, Shankar!" Shankar:"But..." Diehard takes out a pistol and points it at Shankar. Diehard:"Do it! NOW!!!" Shankar sighs and looks at the commanders and the soldier. Shankar:"Initiate Nuclear Storm, code 1356 Kilo India Lima." Commander 1:"But sir, our nuclear forces aren't at full readiness status yet." Commander 2:"And we still have a communications and computer problems." Shankar:"Try to get as many of those forces that are ready notified and send the launch order via other radio channels or by messengers." Diehard:"Und do it quickly, yah?" Soldier, Commanders:"Yes, sirs." They all leave to the room, leaving Shankar and Diehard behind. Diehard puts his pistol away and looks coldly at Shankar. Diehard:"I suggest zat you hope zat Franco does not kill you too slowly, General Shankar. This debacle will displease him, especially if it fails." He quickly walks out of the office. Shankar sits back into his chair and wipes his forehead. Storage Depot Northern Island 4:01 PM: This is a large, enclosed area with many guard towers, Chaparrals, pill- boxes and soldiers. Inside the enclosure is a large group of Patriot launchers, all carrying mobile ICBMs on their backs. The Patriots start moving one by one out from the enclosure onto a road running from the depot. They are joined by an escort group of machine-gun jeeps, T-72 tanks and three Hokums. They all begin travelling down the road in an eastern direction. Hokum 10 Kilometres South of Headquarters 4:12 PM: The Hokum is flying at normal high above the plains of the island. Not far off is a road. Striker is busy monitoring the console of his seat. Striker:"Hmmm. Many KH forces out there, Mark, but none of them have turned on us, yet." Norwood:"Good. What else?" Striker:"I also have a large group of KH forces moving along this road just west of us." Norwood:"Can you tell me what that group consists of?" Striker:"Sorry to say this, Mark, but I cannot say for sure. The units are bunched together very closely and the Hokum doesn't have the equipment to sort out the clutter." Norwood:"Pity. Still, we'll worry about them later, if ever. Our real target for now is the headquarters. What kind of defences is around it?" Striker checks the console again for a while, then reports in. Striker:"I have the usual here: pillboxes, guard towers and some tanks. However, I have four unusual signatures here." Norwood:"What are they?" Striker:"According to the console, at each corner of the headquarters is a large cannon with two attached missile packs. What do you think it is, Mark? Because I've never seen such a weapon before in training." Norwood thinks for a few moments, then he remembers. Norwood:"Ah yes! Those cannons are the Grand Cannons." Striker:"Grand Cannons? What are Grand Cannons?" Norwood:"The Grand Cannon was a special new defence weapon designed by the French government. It was to be the latest and best in defence, with a powerful, long range heavy cannon and two new SAM missile launchers. Unfortunately, the French decided to drop the idea due to a lack of money and various other reasons so the weapon was never built. Not even a prototype." Striker:"Well, what the KH Military have there a four fully functional Grand Cannons, not just prototypes. It seems they gotten their paws on the plans of this weapons." Norwood sighs. Norwood:"Somehow, I'm no longer surprised." Striker:"Me neither, after seeing those F-15's, Chaparrals and Typhoon submarines. But how are we going to fight those Grand Cannons if they find out we are not friendly?" Norwood:"One of the other reasons the French stopped the development of the weapon is that it had a very slow rate-of-turn, even slower than that of a cannon on a battleship. Striker, which way are those cannons facing?" Striker looks at the console again for a few seconds, then speaks. Striker:"They are all facing in four different directions away from the Headquarters." Norwood:"Good. We just fly over the headquarters, then start whacking these Grand Cannons on their backs. We should be able to either destroy or seriously damage those cannons before they can even get a good look at us." Striker:"Speaking of: since the headquarters doesn't have a way down from the roof, shall we make our own, Mark?" Norwood:"Why not? I don't remember them saying anything in the briefing against collateral damage, do you?" Striker grins. Striker:"Nee, Mark. I definitely did not either." Norwood:"Excellent. Here's our plan of attack: we go in, disable those Grand Cannons, blow a hole into the roof of the headquarters, land, go in, find out what we need to know and then get out." Striker:"Reg, Mark." Norwood:"Though we must be wary. The launch and destruction of the ICBM must have been seen across the entire Frazakastan, so we must assume that the KH Military knows something is amiss here." Striker:"So we'd better hurry, I suppose?" Norwood:"Yes. The launch may have been called to stand-by mode by now, assuming if they used normal field radios. Thus we need to step things up. Fortunately, there is only the Patriots to worry about now. They are now the only remaining nuclear weapons in Frazakastan, and we must find them from the headquarters." Striker looks at his console. Striker:"The headquarters is only one kilometre away now, Mark." Norwood:"Get ready, Striker. We are going in." They ready themselves as the Hokum flies closer to the headquarters not too far away. Headquarters 4:16 PM: The headquarters is a large, well-constructed building within a fenced area. At each corner of the building is a Grand Cannon, while at the gates and corners of the area are pillboxes. Guard towers appear at regular intervals along the fence. Soldiers stand guard or patrol all around the headquarters. Several groups of tents surround the building as well. Patrolling around the area as well are groups of T-72 tanks. The Hokum flies over the perimeter and the defenders still pay no real attention. Striker:"So far so good, Mark. They still don't know about us." Norwood:"But they soon will. I'll bring us into position and..." Suddenly their earphones start crackling and a voice speaks to them. Voice(over radio):"This is headquarters to Hokum number 134KH. Where are you from?" Norwood quickly thinks before speaking. Norwood(into radio):"We have just come from the silo complex, HQ." Voice(over radio):"That's good, 134. What the h*** is going over there? We saw one of our ICBMs take off before exploding." Norwood(into radio):"There was a malfunction and the ICBM launched by accident. Fortunately we've managed to shoot it down, though." Norwood keeps bringing the Hokum closes to the roof of the headquarters while Striker readies the Hokum's weaponry. The voice speaks again. Voice(over radio):"Perfect. As if things haven't malfunctioned enough yet. First we get a radar and communications blackout, then we get locked out of our own computer systems. And now a false launch." Norwood(into radio):"I guess its one of those days, HQ." Voice(over radio):"And on THIS day as well. Ai." Norwood brings the Hokum over the headquarters and points it towards one of the Grand Cannons. Norwood:"Ready, Striker?" Striker:"Ready, Mark. Say the word." Voice(over radio):"Huh? What did you say, 134?" Norwood(into):"I fire!" Striker pushes the button on his control stick and the Hokum lets loose a folly of rockets into the first Grand Cannon, blowing apart large chunks of the weapon. As it happens, a siren goes off. The Grand Cannons start turning slowly to face the Hokum while the soldiers in the towers (who are the only ones who can see the Hokum above the building) open fire with machine guns. Norwood turns the Hokum to next Grand Cannon and Striker repeats the process, blowing apart the second one while the machine gun bullets ricochet off the Hokum's armour. They continue with the process until all the Grand Cannons are nothing but mangled remains. Striker then fires the Hokum's chaingun at the roof of the building, the anti-tank bullets tearing into the thin top. After a few moments the roof gives in, leaving a large hole. Norwood lands the Hokum on the roof and now out of sight of the tower soldiers. They both climb out, weapons ready and approach the hole. They quickly gun down some soldiers who have come to inspect the damage. Norwood looks around. Norwood:"All clear." They both jump down through the hole into the headquarters. Control Room 4:21 PM: KH soldiers are now taking cover behind the computers and control panels while the technicians scramble out through one of the doors. Striker and Norwood rush in, gunning down as may soldiers as they can before taking cover behind an overturned table. Striker takes out his revolver and peers over the table's edge with the revolver. He looks around and when a soldier ducks up for a shot, Striker quickly guns him down. He goes on with such sniping while Norwood sneaks about from cover to cover, surprising and then gunning down any soldier he comes across. Once it is clear they stand up. Norwood looks at Striker. Norwood:"Keep any soldiers out of this room while I get the info we need!" Striker:"Reg!" Striker goes to a defence position with a clear view of the doors leading from the control room. Norwood runs to a computer, accesses it and begins to read the information as it appears on the screen. While he does that Striker keeps shooting down any onrushing soldiers and holding his own. When Norwood reads the last bit of information he types in a command on the computer. Computer:"Reading... Command received. Executing self-destruction task. You have five minutes to evacuate the center. Have a nice day." Norwood gathers his weapon and runs to Striker, helping him fight the soldiers while calling out to him. Norwood:"Five minutes before detonation! I got the info! Let's go!" Striker nods and the both of the them run out the way they came, firing at any approaching soldiers. Striker drops a flash grenade behind them as some soldiers run after them. The grenade explodes, blinding and stopping the soldiers while Norwood and Striker run onward. After two minutes of fighting and running they reach the hole. They both take out two pistols with a grapple and winch. They fire towards the roof and the grapples grab hold of the Hokum's wing. They winch themselves up to the roof, then climb up and into the Hokum. Headquarters: The Hokum's rotor start turning and quickly takes off, flying away from the building. The defenders on the ground start shooting at the Hokum, but those inside the headquarters run out, warning anyone too close to the building. Just as the Hokum clears the fence the headquarters blows apart, the blast knocking soldiers to their feet and causing several guard towers to fall over. The Hokum speeds clear and away to the east. Striker:"That's it. With the headquarters destroyed their chain of command with the Omega Squadron forces is now severely severed. What information did you get about the Patriots and the bunker, Mark?" Norwood:"I will explain about the bunker later. Right now we little time to waste. Diehard is here with Shankar, and that ICBM we destroyed clearly scared them into ordering an immediate launch of all remaining nuclear weapons." Striker:"Which I hope are the Patriots?" Norwood:"Yes. That clutter you saw on your console earlier was a convoy of them being escorted to those who are already at the pads. The convoy is currently approaching the village of Linsk through which the road they are on runs through. It will provide us limited cover, but it is the best place to ambush them before they can reach the safety of the defences at the pads." Striker:"How much time do we have before all the Patriots are ready to launch, Mark?" Norwood:"In 20 minutes they must launch, whether or not all the Patriots are at the pads. Thus we are pressing for time now." Striker:"Ai yai yai. That isn't much time for us, is it?" Norwood:"It surely isn't. And ambushing this convoy might end up taking more time than what he have." Striker shakes his head as Norwood pilots the Hokum towards the village. Village of Linsk 4:34 PM: The village consists of a dozen lower-class homes, a small general store and a church. The only road is the one running through the town from west to east. Currently the village is abandoned and there is no seen activity. In the distance to the west on the road one can make out the Patriot convoy and their escorts approaching the village. Suddenly a few sinister silhouettes move through the shadows of some of the homes to others. Church: The little church is the only elegant building in the village, with a bell tower and stained glass on the main hall walls. On the wooden roof one plank is lifted, and the head of a rocket launcher is stuck out into the open. At the smaller windows rifle muzzles start appearing, all pointed at the road. Inside the church, it is a flurry of activity. Dozens of men, some dressed in police or militia uniforms, are gathering around the openings out of the church. They are all carrying some kind of weapon, ranging from rifles and sub-machine guns to grenades and rocket launchers. They all aim their weapons towards the road. Hokum: The Hokum is flying low over the countryside towards the village. Striker:"Mark, that convoy will reach the village before we do." Norwood:"How long will it take them to leave it again?" Striker:"From their current speed I'd say about five to ten minutes." Norwood:"Then we might just get there while they are still going through the village. Are there any civilians?" Striker:"Moeilik to say, Mark. The Hokum's scanner isn't as good at finding and tracking something like a civilian as the Apache is." Norwood:"Then we must hope that the folks there have made the sensible decision to leave their village." Striker:"And if they are still there?" Norwood sighs. Norwood:"Then we are going to have some serious casualties here." Striker:"Ai yai yai." The Hokum speeds onward towards the village. Village of Linsk 4:40 PM: The convoy has entered the village and is moving on the road through it. In and around the village, and unseen to the escort forces, the muzzles and noses of weaponry are being pointed towards the convoy. They all follow the convoy as it travels onward. Ahead of them an ambush is being readied. Two men with explosive plungers are hiding behind a cart of hay, watching the road ahead of them. Two wires run from their plungers to two little gravel bumps in the road. When two jeeps moving ahead of the convoy reach the bumps the two men push their plungers. The dynamite under the gravel detonate under the jeeps, sending them flying up into the air before falling to the road as burning wrecks. The other vehicles behind them stop and the soldiers on the remaining jeeps jump off and take cover behind the armoured tanks. Suddenly shots start coming from various buildings as the men inside them open fire on the convoy. The defenders start shooting back, the Hokums causing major damage as they blow apart homes with their rockets. Several of the tanks are blown up by rockets and grenades, but the rest plough into the village, crushing homes and men under their treads or shooting at them with their cannons and mounted machine guns. Hokum At that moment: Striker notices the convoy stopping and several signatures disappearing from his console screen. Striker:"Uh oh." Norwood:"I don't like that 'uh oh', Striker." Striker:"Mark, the convoy has stopped and some of the escorts appeared to have been destroyed." Norwood is surprised. Norwood:"Are you sure?" Striker:"Ja. It looks like the convoy is being ambushed by some kind of resistance force, but the briefing said there weren't any." Norwood:"I know, but they must have been hiding and have only appeared when they noticed that the Omega Squadron's forces were in a state of disarray. How are they faring?" Striker:"They are loosing, Mark. They didn't destroy all the tanks and none of the Hokums. Now those two forces are busy killing all they can see." Norwood:"We must help them and quickly while those Hokums are distracted. They are the only threat to us. The tanks and other escorts are no real problem, but we must first deal with the Hokums." Striker:"Just take us close enough and I will make sure they are augured in permanently." Norwood:"I'm always happy for a definite guarantee. Let's move in." The Hokum closes quickly on the village, which now has several plumes of smoke rising from it. Village of Linsk: The battle is still raging, but the resistance is clearly on the losing side. Many houses are either burning or have been completely blown apart. Dead or injured resistance members are lying everywhere. The tanks and Hokums continue with their rampage. One Hokum sets it's sights on the church and prepares to fire. Suddenly a missile appears and slams into the cockpit, blowing up the Hokum and causing it to fall to the ground in a heap of burning metal. The confused resistance members look to the source of the missile and spot the Hokum of Norwood and Striker just as it lets fly two more missiles at the other two Hokums, blasting them to pieces before they can react. The Hokum then closes in over the village and start shoot apart the tanks with rockets while the resistance start firing on the KH soldiers. Soon only the Patriots are left, and these start moving again, trying to run away, but Striker sees this. Striker:"The Patriots are trying to run for the pads." Norwood:"They have no chance of that. They're sitting ducks here. Get ready with some rockets. One for each Patriot." Striker:"Reg." Striker does as he is told while Norwood brings the Hokum into position. Striker takes aim on the Patriots, then fires a rocket at them, blowing them apart at the front cockpits. He continues until all the Patriots are standing disabled on the road. The remaining KH forces run away and the resistance appear from hiding, cheering and waving at the Hokum. Norwood and Striker wave at them before the Hokum flies off to the east. Striker:"That wasn't difficult. Thank goodness for the resistance. They made our objective easier to achieve." Norwood:"I agree, but now we still to destroy the Patriots that are at the launcher pads. All except for one." Striker is confused. Striker:"Why, Mark?" Norwood:"I saw the command bunker's defences, and it is four more of those Grand Cannons. I'd like to use one of the disarmed Patriot ICBMs to take them out to save ammunition." Striker:"Makes sense. We are running low on ammunition." Norwood:"What do we have left?" Striker:"Two missiles and five rockets. We have of plenty of bullets, but those lack the punch we really need." Norwood:"That isnt much, I guess we will have to use that ICBM to clear our way into the bunker." Striker:"Is the bunker reinforced too much for this ICBM to destroy?" Norwood:"Yes, but it should take out or seriously damage any defences around the bunker to allow us to go in and finish our mission." Striker:"And hopefully find out where Franco is." Norwood:"Yes, but for now we must first stop those last few nuclear weapons from being used, and once they are gone Franco's mad plan of Nuclear Storm will be finished." 5:06 PM: Striker is busy scanning the launchers pad on his console. Once he is done he reports to Norwood. Striker:"Lots of tanks and Chaparrals out defending the pads, Mark. A few too many for the ammunition we still have left." Norwood thinks for a moment. Norwood:"Indeed. Getting rid of those Patriots with all those bad boys around will be tricky." Striker:"We could try contacting those resistance forces and have them draw attention for us." Norwood then gets idea. Norwood:"Yes. Or we could make the defenders THINK the resistance is attacking them." Striker:"Oh? How do we do that, Mark?" Norwood:"We go somewhere far, but not too far, from the pads and fire some of our weapons at the ground. The defenders will see it and think we are attacking something. We will then contact them and say we are taking heavy fire from an attacking Soviet force and ask them to help us. While they rush towards the 'enemy' we go in, disable the Patriots with bullet fire, then ready one to launch at the bunker. What do you think of it, Striker?" Striker:"It's very risky, Mark." Norwood:"So were your plan for taking out those F-15's." Striker shrugs. Striker:"What the h***. I have no better plan. Let's go for it." Norwood:"Okay. Get ready." They continue flying until they come in sight of the launcher pads. It is just a large tarmac with the Patriots lined up on it. A large building is by the pads, while chaparrals and T-72's patrol the area. They stop and hover over the ground, their nose pointed at an angle towards the ground. Norwood:"Fire away." Striker:"Done." Striker fires a missile, some rockets and bullets randomly around into the ground, causing several explosions and fires. A voice crackles over their radios. Voice(over radio):"Hello? This is Patriot launch control. What's going on there? Why are you shooting?" Norwood(into radio):"We got Soviet forces coming for the Patriots! We are trying to fight them back, but we are running low on ammo! We need help out here badly!" Voice(over radio):"What! Soviets? You're kidding!" Norwood(into radio):"Why else would we have a blackout like this?" Voice(over radio):"You're right! Fall back! We're sending our forces out to fight them!" Norwood(into radio):"Copy that! We're pulling out!" The radio goes dead again. Norwood turns the Hokum and flies towards the launcher pads. At the pads the tanks and chaparrals all take off towards the "battlefield", leaving only a few soldiers about. Striker sees this on his console. Striker:"They all took the bait, Mark! Only a few soldiers about the Patriots now." Norwood:"Good, but first we use our last missile and rockets to take out that launcher control building to prevent them to telling the defenders that they are being played and to prevent any quick launches by the Patriots." The Hokum continues over to the launcher pads, flying over the defenders rushing away from the pads, and to the launcher building. When they get there a voice crackles over their radios. Voice(over radio):"What a minute, 134! Aren't you supposed to be at the refinery?" Striker pushes the fire button his stick and their last missile and few rockets fly into the launcher building, blowing apart large chucks off it. The startled soldiers then open fire on the Hokum, but in vain. The Hokum fires back and guns them down. Then they begin to systematically destroy each Patriot by blowing apart their ICBMs' booster fuel tank until only one is left. Norwood lands the Hokum next to it and they both climb out. They run to the Patriot launch control console on the side of the launcher. Norwood looks at Striker. Norwood:"Keep watch for our allies and warn me when they decide to come back. I'll ready the ICBM for launch." Striker:"Reg." Striker looks into the direction which the defenders took off while Norwood types on the console. After a few moments the launcher turns towards the direction of the bunker (southwards) and readies the ICBM for launching. Norwood:"Good. Now to deactivate the nuclear core." Striker:"Better hurry, Mark. Our 'allies' have just discovered our little bluf." Norwood:"Just a few seconds and.... there! Let's go!" They both run for the Hokum as the ICBM's boosters fire up for launching. Just as the Hokum takes off and flies towards the southeast the ICBM launches and begins flying at a high altitude towards the bunker. Shankar's Office At that moment Shankar and Diehard are busy talking to the same soldier that told them about the exploding ICBM. Shankar:"What? You sure?" Soldier:"Yes, sir. The pilot told them that the Soviets were attacking, but they didn't find anything." Diehard then puts two and two together. Diehard:"Actung lieber! Zat Hokum is being flown by zem EDF agents!" Shankar:"Impossible! They cannot..." Just then a radar technician bursts into the room. Technician:"Sirs! One of the Patriots just launched their missiles at us and the ICBM is about to hit us!" Diehard:"WHAT!!!" Shankar:"TAKE COVER!!! They duck down to the floor. Command Bunker: 5:14 PM: Soldiers are rushing into the bunker as the ICBM (which can now be very clearly seen) closes in on the bunker. Just as the last soldier rushes in and all the door close the missile slams into the bunker grounds and explodes. The massive explosion following that engulfs the bunker, Grand Cannons and the area around it. When the blast clears the cannons are just slag. The bunker is largely intact, but there are some large holes and cracks on the structure. Hokum En route to command bunker: Striker has just monitored the explosion on his console. He makes one more scan before reporting. Striker:"It worked, Mark. The Grand Cannons have been destroyed and the bunker's defences have been compromised." Norwood:"Excellent. Our final objective: go in and capture Shankar." Striker:"Finally." The Hokum continues onward to the bunker. Shankar's Office 5:16 PM: The office is now in complete disarray. Dust is hanging heavily in the air. Shankar, Diehard, the soldier and radar technician get up. Diehard:"Who did zat?!! I'll have him shot, yah?!!" Shankar looks at the radar technician and soldier. Shankar:"Get me a damage report! And find out who launched that ICBM at us." Technician, Soldier:"Yes, sir!" They both salute and run out of the room. Diehard looks at Shankar. Diehard:"Und you said zere would be nein serious problems!" Shankar:"But General, you must understand that our..." Diehard:"Nein more excuses! Nuclear Storm is finished! I am leaving!" Shankar is shocked. Shankar:"But we don't know if our other nuclear resources have been taken out or not! We cannot just..." Diehard:"I said I am leaving! You can stay here und fight ze Earth Defence Force, but I am going to report to ze Supreme General zat you have failed!" Diehard storms out of the office, leaving Shankar behind. He just sighs as one of his commanders rush in. Commander:"Sir! The fuel drums in the cellar have been damaged and are on fire. We must leave immediately before the entire bunker is engulfed in flames." Shankar pauses for a moment before speaking. Shankar:"Alert all the personnel that we are evacuating this facility and ready the destroyers for launch. Also, contact as many of our forces here as you can and tell them we are aborting Nuclear Storm and evacuating Frazakastan." Commander:"Yes, sir!" The commander salutes and leaves. Shankar looks around in his office. Shankar:"So much for Nuclear Storm. Thank Allah." He turns and leaves his office. Hokum 1 Kilometre from Command Bunker 5:23 PM: The Hokum has just gotten clear of the coast of the island where the bunker is located and is flying towards it. Striker has just finished making another scan. Striker:"The ICBM did its job well, Mark. The bunker's defences have been destroyed and its hard shell has gotten some large cracks." Norwood:"What are the occupants doing right now?" Striker:"They seem to be leaving in trucks, but so far no one of any real importance has left with them." Norwood:"Good. We land and enter the bunker. We search for Shankar and try to capture him for information." Striker:"Reg." The Hokum approaches the bunker and lands on the ruined helicopter pad. Striker and Norwood climb out, their weapons ready, and begin running towards the open entrance of the bunker. Two soldiers run out to fight them, but they are quickly gunned down. Striker and Norwood then enter the bunker. Garage Command Bunker 5:28 PM: This is a large room with many military trucks, APCs and jeeps. Wolf- sapien soldiers, commanders and technicians are busy climbing into them and are drive out of the garage onto a ramp that leads back up to the surface. Diehard is getting to leave, along with his commandos. Shankar is also here and busy passing out orders and instructions. Just then a soldier runs up to him and begins talking to him. Soldier:"Sir, we have just had a Hokum land outside. It was piloted by two EDF agents, one of them appearing to be that Striker fellow, who entered the bunker complex." Shankar:"Hmmmm." He looks towards the evacuating forces, then back to the door that leads out of the garage into the bunker. Soldier:"What do we do, sir?" Shankar looks at the soldier. Shankar:"Bring me about ten of our best soldiers to me. I'm going after Striker." Soldier:"Yes, sir." The soldier runs off to gather some soldiers while Shankar takes out a berretta pistol and loads it. After a while he is joined by several large soldiers. He looks at them. Shankar:"Follow me, wolves." Soldiers:"Yes, sir." Shankar walks out through the door, his soldiers following right behind him. Diehard watches him go, then calls some of his commandos and start going after Shankar. Fuel Storage Area 5:32 PM: This large, spacious room is in chaos. The floor is a sea of fire from oil spilled from the ruptured fuel tanks and barrels. Above are some wide catwalks with several empty barrels stacked on lifts that run from the floor to the catwalk. Also here is a conveyor belt in the roof with protruding claws that are each holding a cage that each hold a barrel. Ladders run from the catwalks to disappear below the flames. Striker and Norwood enter from one end of a catwalk. They both immediately feel the heat from the flames. Striker:"Ai yai yai. This place feels like a Turkish steam bath." Norwood:"This is dangerous. If the other fuel tanks in this bunker catch fire it could end up blowing apart this entire complex." Voice:"But first I will deal with you." They both look down the catwalk and see Shankar and his soldiers at the other end. They all have their weapons aimed at them. Shankar:"I congratulate you for stopping Nuclear Storm. You did me and my wolves a favour of saving our furs. Franco's plan would have resulted in killing all life on Earth, including ours." Striker:"Actually, I was really planning on killing you after you have told me where Franco is." Shankar:"I prefer that we talk this out in a diplomatic way, Striker. I learned during my service in the Indian Armed Forces while we were fighting Pakistan in the Khmer region that diplomacy can help avoid a lot of violence." Striker:"After what you did to my family, the diplomacy I know is that coming from the barrel of a gun." Shankar looks into Striker's eyes, then sighs. Shankar:"Shame. Open fire." He and the soldiers start shooting at Striker and Norwood. Norwood jumps behind one of the barrel stacks while Striker grabs onto one of the hanging barrels. Shankar sees this and looks at his soldiers. Shankar:"Go after the human. I will take care of Striker." Soldiers:"Yes, sir." They run towards Norwood's position while Shankar grabs hold of a hanging barrel by the catwalk near him. Norwood runs down the catwalk out of the storage area, shooting back at the soldiers who are running after him. Striker starts swinging the barrel, as does Shankar. They begin to jump from each barrel towards each other. Once they both reach the last barrel they start climbing up onto it. When Shankar sees Striker he swings his metal hook at him. Striker moves his body away, letting one of his paws go of the barrel. This allows Shankar to climb up onto the barrel. He swings his hook at Striker's other paw, but Striker sees this and lets go of the claw he was holding on to. He drops down and his paws grab the edge of the cage's top, leaving him dangling above the flames. Shankar looks down at him. Shankar:"It is amazing how many I have killed who resorted to violence instead of diplomacy, Striker. Now you are about to become one of them." Striker reaches for his pistol, but Shankar quickly takes his berretta and aims it at Striker. Shankar:"Na ah ah. Bad choice. That means you will die a quick death by the bullet than a slow death by fire." Striker:"For a diplomat you sure have evil thoughts of watching me burn to death." Shankar:"It's a necessity, Striker. If I kill you in a horrible way, I might just save my fur from Franco when I tell him how you died a flaming death." Suddenly one of the burning fuel tanks explode, causing the room to shake which in turn causes the barrel to swing violently. Shankar looses his balance, drops his pistol into the flames below and tumbles backwards. At the same time Striker ceases the opportunity to hoist himself up in time to see Shankar fall off the barrel. Shankar quickly grabs the edge with his hook, but the hook cannot get a good grip and starts slipping. Just as his hook looses the grip Striker jumps over and grabs Shankar's hook. Shankar looks up at Striker and his hook grips Striker's paw. Shankar:"Why, thank you." Striker looks down coldly at Shankar. Striker:"You are NOT welcome, Shankar. I'd rather like to drop you into flames, but you have information that the EDF, and I, need." Shankar:"You want to know where Franco is, right?" Striker:"Ja." Shankar:"I will make a final diplomatic deal with you, Striker. I will tell where Franco is, then you hoist me up and take me as your prisoner. I will reveal everything I know to the EDF." Striker:"No, you tell me then I drop you." Shankar:"If I die, you will loose your best chance to find out where Franco is." Striker looks away to think for a moment while Shankar looks back and forth between him and the flames below. Shankar:"Well?" Striker looks back down at Shankar. He takes out his pistol with one paw and aims it at Shankar. Striker:"Tell me, and I will hoist you up. If you try anything, I will shoot you." Shankar:"Very well. I have no complaints." Unknown to them Diehard and his commandos have appeared and he has heard their conversation. Diehard(to himself):"Nein, you little shreinhumf." He aims his pistol at Shankar and fires. The bullet hits him just below his hook. He screams in pain and let's go of Striker's paw. Striker watches in horror as Shankar falls down and disappears into the flames. The last thing Striker and Diehard hear of Shankar is his screams of pain for a few seconds, then it becomes silent. Striker looks up at Diehard, who is grinning evilly at Striker. Diehard:"Sorry, heir Striker, but ze general failed in his duties, yah?" Striker is very angry. He aims his pistol at Diehard and fires. Before Diehard can react the bullets his him right between the eyes. He stumbles back through the entrance which he came through while his commandos help him out of Striker line of sight. Behind the wall next to the door that they came through, Diehard has just put his paw on the hole and is looking at the blood on his paw. He growls. Diehard:"I wish zey would stop shooting me in ze head! The bunker then suddenly shakes even more as more explosions take place. Striker jumps his way back to the catwalk while Diehard signals his commandos. Diehard:"We are leaving!" Commando:"And of Striker?" Diehard:"Let him die inside zis bunker along with his friend!" They start running away. Just as Striker reaches the catwalk Norwood appears from the doorway he ran through and goes up Striker. Norwood:"All right?" Striker:"Ja." Norwood:"Where's Shankar?" Striker points towards the flames. Striker:"Dead. General Diehard killed him before he could tell where to find Franco." Norwood:"Ouch." Another explosion shakes the bunker. Norwood:"We have to leave, now! The bunker is going to explode like an overheated pressure cooker!" Striker:"But what about Diehard?" Norwood:"Leave him, Striker! There will be another chance to find out where Franco is! Right now we must save ourselves!" Norwood runs back to where they first entered. Striker looks one last time at the flames, then follows. Hokum: Striker and Norwood have just climbed in and have taking off, flying away from the bunker, which now has fires coming from the holes and cracks. A large group of KH jeeps, trucks and APCs also drive away from the bunker. As they all clear the area the bunker and the grounds around it explodes and destroys every corner of the bunker. The ground caves in, leaving a large crater-like hole with fires running wild in it. Inside the Hokum Striker is talking to Norwood. Striker:"Can't we follow those evacuating vehicles? Diehard might be in one of them." Norwood:"Sorry, Striker, but don't have the ammunition or the fuel for it. Those vehicles are already within range of the Chaparrals that have come to their aid." Striker is defeated. Striker:"I was so close, Mark. So close." Norwood:"You did everything humanly, and cano-sapienly, possible. Don't worry. You will get another chance, I promise that." Striker calms down. Striker:"You think so?" Norwood grins. Norwood:"May I get all my teeth removed if I'm lying." Striker breaks a small smile. Striker:"You're reg, Mark." Norwood:"Good. Now, let's head back to the Apollo before we get a bit low on fuel. Our mission here in Frazakastan is over." The Hokum flies away to the west towards the setting sun in the distance. Conference Room KH Military Headquarters 6:14 PM: This is a circular room with two doors opposite each other. In the room is a large round table with wooden chairs and a throne at one end. In the throne is Franco, standing next to him is Champion, and seated in the chairs are (from Franco's left) Stalker, Trigger, Tesla, Hildagarde, Black, Malcolm, Spectre, Oqulus and Fortus. Franco is VERY, EXTREMELY enraged and is screaming and banging his fists loudly. Everyone around the table has a clear look of fright on his/her face, even Fortus and Champion (who is standing farther away from Franco than usual). Franco:"DAMN!!! DAMN!!! DAMN!!! DAMN!!! DAMN YOU, STRIKER!!! I WILL KILL YOU A MILLIONS TIMES OVER!!! DAMN YOU!!!" As Franco bangs his fist a bit louder than usual, Hildagarde jumps in fright and grabs hold of Tesla, who (unsuccessfully) tries to comfort her. Black:"S-sir. This isn't good for your blood pressure." Spectre:"W-w-we. Just calm down, Supreme General." Franco screams at then. Franco:"SHUT UP OR I'LL KILL YOU ALL!!!" They all fall silent as Franco continues with his fit of rage. Franco:"THAT STRIKER WILL PAY DEARLY FOR THIS OUTRAGE!!! I WILL KILL HIM SLOWLY BY DISECTING EVERY ONE OF HIS ORGANS AND EATING THEM RAW!!! AAAARRRGGGG!!!! I FEEL LIKE KILLING YOU ALL!!!" Everyone else's blood drain from their faces. Franco points at Trigger. Franco:"YOU WILL DIE FIRST!!!" Trigger's fur becomes as pale as bleached chalk. Malcolm then quickly steps in. Malcolm:"S-s-supreme General, sir. I h-h-have something to s-say." Franco quickly looks at Malcolm with murderous eyes. Franco:"I TAKE THAT BACK!!! YOU WILL DIE FIRST INSTEAD!!!" Malcolm's fur also becomes pale, but he manages to quickly say something. Malcolm:"It's good news! Very good news!" Franco calms down, looking at Malcolm. The others hold their breaths. Franco:"What is it?" Malcolm gathers his courage before speaking. Malcolm:"I have discovered something that will turn our wolf-sapien soldiers into ultra powerful and bloodthirsty super-troopers." The others can see that Franco is now interested in what Malcolm is saying and calm down, breathing sighs of relief. Franco:"Go on." Malcolm:"One of my executives in Silicon Valley told me about some guy who is trying to build a device called the Transdogmafier. This device can turn dogs into powerful cano-sapiens with incredible super powers like super speed, super karate fighting, super heat sight, super claws and much more. In other words: an upgraded version of the Wolfmatron that is tens of hundreds of times more powerful." This gains the attention of everyone else around the table, especially Tesla, but they remain silent. Franco is very interested now. Franco:"Does it work?" Malcolm:"The guy who designed it, a William Shepherd, has already built a workable prototype in his lab at Harvard University before getting kicked out. He is now trying to build a workable one at his home in Socorro, New Mexico, but is in desperate need of someone to fund him." Franco thinks for a moment, then looks at Tesla. Franco:"Is Malcolm lying, Tesla?" Tesla:"No, Supreme General. In fact, I've tried to get the Wolfmatron to add those kinds of super powers, but without success. If this Shepherd fellow really has gotten it right, then we must quickly start funding him to allow him to finish building one of those Transdogmafiers." Franco looks at Malcolm. Franco:"Fund him, Malcolm." Malcolm smiles nervously, as does everyone else (except Franco) around the table. Malcolm:"Yes, Sup...." Franco suddenly goes crazy again. Franco:"GET OUT!!! ALL OF YOU!!! GET OUT!!! OUT!!! OUT!!! OUT!!!" They waste no and in seconds the room is emptied as they all rush out through the doors, leaving Franco alone in the room. Franco then starts scratching his claws on the table and laughing madly at the same. Briefing Room USS Apollo 6:30 PM: Striker, Norwood, Toshi, Molovich, Delphi and many of the EDF commanders, agents and Apollo crew are here. Everyone are clapping hands for Striker and Norwood and congratulating them. Delphi:"Well done, mates! You saved the world!" Molovich:"You have stopped Nuclear Storm and have helped drive the Omega Squadron from Frazakastan, comrades! You are heroes!" Toshi:"We were having doubts now and then during the operation, but you two have proven a deadly combination. You have stopped Franco's plans and helped free Frazakastan, as Molovich pointed out." Toshi walks up to Norwood and they shake hands. Toshi:"The council is very pleased with your command skills, commander Norwood. You have proven that you have the potential to eventually become a member of the council, or perhaps even head of the Earth Defence Force. For now, you will be given a good promotion." Norwood smiles. Norwood:"Thank you, sir." Toshi goes over to Striker and shakes his paw. Toshi:"Striker, you have silenced whatever scepticism or criticism there was about you in the Earth Defence Force. For if it wasn't for you, we would have never have been able to find out about Nuclear Storm, much less stop it. You have made it much farther against the KH Military than the EDF itself ever did. I'm sorry that you couldn't find out where Franco was, but you did more than your best. We are all extremely proud of you, Striker. The EDF, and the world, owes you a debt of gratitude we can never repay, not even with the promotion that awaits you when we return." Striker:"Dankie, Meneer." Toshi looks at everyone in the room. Toshi:"Let's go to the mess hall and celebrate our heroes' triumphant return." Everyone cheers. They all start leaving the room. Delphi and another three agents hoist Striker and Norwood into the air while everyone else claps hands and cheers them. Striker and Norwood look at each other and smile. They have stopped Nuclear Storm, liberated Frazakastan from the KH Omega Squadron and have saved the world. But there are unanswered questions in Striker's mind: where is Franco? What is his next move? And what was it that happened at the refinery? THE END